TIOIRIDAY, 31>10 Mt, 1940 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Mo' and Mos. Prank Pooto vtait KNOX PEESBYTEELI ottth oeltiveso in DoIt osto tht tooth- CHUECH en& ANDO Mos. O. Ooosh of Toronto os o>tod- ST. PAUL'S UNITIM CHURCH iog o 00> »0>'t wbth Mo. and Mot. OB._ J. BootO, Joito Sototoot Strvices Ilaman 7 0-to' M. ood Mmt. ColunMNo, O! De> Ho»> In S. Pauo'o Chooth »oototg tht troit, are olu>tsg wtlh Mr. and Mnt. ooth of Job>'. I. lohoot tuotoot»d John . More.OUNDAT, JULY Ilt, 1945 Mous»n Mot. Chas* Jockson, of GOosttPtooohtt-ROO. GeorgeA. Li% Toonto, 000 olIiog R. totoo for o lIt, DOD., Edibot o! United Chootto couple of tootho. Pohlioabionsu, Torooto. Moooiog tohjttt-LooO "id Lbot>" Mo. ut» Mot. Rotph Millto of Do- Eoootog Ierono oo Cos Hoot o tait arc nsting odth foloodo oatd Goo» Lute If- Ipo. Gotold ut» Mot. Doohuot GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH <Dooh' Shootot CWA.C.I on vio- REV. IL A. mnRI Ototo otth the lottotus paretst Mo. Reolur o»» Mot. W. Ihoolu. M. and Mot. Jiottob Oîî00Otun osd Pîifh Iooidty ollot T-lot> Itoolto o! Arloo, poot the tootk-otd Dominoîto Do>' qolth Mr. and Mot. 2m Pot». SUNDAY, 2050> lot, 1945 LAW. Morgenot Nelsou, R.C.AP, (W.D.1 of Poooîdgo, N.B. la tpoodbug .a Itoot wtl Mt. aod Mou, W. Ohootu, Mo. "i» Mot. Rot. Wboho "i» Mo. an» Mot. George Watsoo of Hoaoil- ton opoot loodot- 0>10 Mo. oo» Mot. foot Moohoîl ut» footly. Goto ot Cooilet dootot tht wooo Iltdo» Tht Milton Book Cluh; Mo. "id Mot. Joho MotRot>', Misa S. Boto- to, Toooto; Mo. ood Mt. R. Gooto- woypstaoff TotoStar; Mr.tandMt, .a OB. Moohootio, Mits Moogort Yooog, Mot. Wo. Cooho, Gorgtown;o Mr. a»> Mot. Wot Goo»>, Aotoo. to 100000 00» boidge ut Cooilît o»l Poldot, Jsto 22»» the fotlotoîog loitodo' Mto. W. P. IOttboV Mîss E. 10.00 oto'-Sood> lohoot aod Bihlt Clameso. Il.o 00 t am.-ît- Commuoono ut» Itron.o 7.00-EoootogoandSerono. And To Ihtl KCot tht Tooth ando the Tooîh Ihoîl Moho You Poot-Jut. 8:132 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST OMAGU *I EVANGELIIT-MGRRI BAILEY OUNGAY, 3ULY ]SI, 1945 Seovicesoatllotom andî8pt. The speakerowil» hJosphCoo Cooo Moto ot» lot Ut REuoo To- gotho> SaIt Jeoooh-Ibobo 1: 18. GOSPEL TABERNACLE Moogort> Hooiot, Moo. G. E. Good- INGAY, JUL llt, 1945 oh»».d Mot. Konttt Mooshall, Mot, 300 pto-Ooondoy 0>0>5l W RD.0alialtMt.tE.OB.Clot. h0 Pto.-Eoooiog Motiog. _________________________Moo»o0 nigbt -tot ttoermeting ot I tot>o. o»> hoe hoeld Jo>p 2.d t> Goîl. j Engagements j Jol> oý-os V-ea2ir»>î'0- Ra1>0 Rn Polo- Mor a0» Moo. N. C. Wotgg>tssootb Miltn, toite >0 oic too oheoagoao- N 0to car oo »îordghtoo, Poobots. Notice 10 UreUiLors Gopho t> Mr. Caudt Choolos Twill, 0000000> sonof Mot. Tto>ot andh otooutootooootojt loto Choolos Polo>. Kithoido Tht MonORNHLRO ooo h 0>000>000 ~ ~ l toitn>00tot' Jo1p. T'ottthip o! Trafalgar, lu tht Mo. and Mot Ivan M. Hootit to»>I D"t ott dottuoo. mk, tb ooo>oooo the engagemenot o! thol ot»ooO dooghboo.' Mobot Lototo ta Ail poosoto ho»»>g olototo ogooot F./ Wilia M wel1 Achial so Ilettal oto f> Joho bloo>»oo Hloloot, Pft e Wtalc MC. so Aobl», 00 l-oao o> the Township Of Tot!olgto, o 010tCAobt»oM th'oCoootoo>fHaoboo.To>hooo» Atohbo»>. o> Totoo Th 'flic »»log Dooot, dootoso». oh> dît»d >0 is t> b h i t»>> Aron Untedo Chtorli ath> Illi t 01 do>' o> 10>. t945, 0r, >Ototdoo. Joot30 4 a». 5 000- 0 rqot> ot tht ooîoo to the the 7>0 do0 >1 Jurp, 1905. othootoîso Liberators Met r 00r otsai>h B SnartGuad GO.CE P. ELLIGTT, By Smart fobMitarntrh >-tPrison Camip lToîo 101, 1945.» mnsrti Grenadior Guordo SM stobîbobto Exoolloot Morole Amoog N tie1 Crdor Siok and Hutgry Hernies ANOic 00>00008 or of Arnhem Iluttît AN -TH Ou tho Mutto- o! tht ue oo PAL>>NOOTOL olootot >,»> OOOF FoORDON c'monOtJt Rogioetooto Ooooooot-Mor I j. -tt» Lot»» .&t»> Oootodiot ilooldo o, 000»î>îttoo 010 htog" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I M .0 >0 s ooso 0Ot»t ERE GORDON p iloto-oo SItolg XII 00>0 C>O lt o> >ho Ttthpo Ai>hottflt>attth otsstot toi»'oîi»ooooioo,,îC,î.>sos o> ltIts i op Tht potoos ho>t til osilt ot o» ot hofot 1 oho h>oîî-di 00>0 ini hottitto tilt» davot » lt.ty, olto co.o lot o hoo Mot >5000 Cobho»> 0 o> I>II1»>» ht ooaldorytsî tht»c thus bt C»Oo>1tia toto< oo oghtb o h t>,>sine ha] ho»>o Party >0 olfittotit t e cab> ton tho fl-il lt Miltot.>lîio 21o» dop t> doyv 0 000 Ohortto hoe tound o> th> 1>0>0 >94.>. gale ot îotooottît' 0000» in marc-0 >1105 & DCO> hoot». h > i.Qooo 'W hou g> l t i tho 0>1 Alohotot Mi»' 00 lot tri Divsioo mot tooto hovo gol _________________ th.-o lt >. soi»i Mo>, Cohho». ,bot othot I toho» the 0000» commandeor _______________ othot hoe otoîtd, bis ase a 'Joli 01>00 Arnhom., Il PRINCES E "Itîtol Iootttsoltot>d >0>. >000 Nilrtr ourd. Tht0 oo>d ho-ogoot noo A LAIf »oto o> Ooohttghoo Pototo, o»> doto o>»>» t i t eiena hotontmo toop ot Oho oitotltogot->- tOA - SATURDAE jo f hitolppoaood. H>î tooourlit ho diohoX >000>0 00» Elizabeho ooooo-o»go otootot, hi. hoobo 0>00! Toylor >0 dooo>og. bits lioe. g>oo0>ttg o»» lits "NATIONAL VELVETý othhing ototooo>oto >0 tht toffoc Teottubtor he Podued Cair an ffý,d ea, Co>oood Dîooy, "Pluie and In 000»' to quetons ho ho» o toto- "Noos> Toooipng the 000>p tht Go»>otooo2ot -un m Gotodo ollioto roood ttdeot tf t.- MONDAY - TUEsDAi oeetiorale o»>l flot dîso>olîoo oi îlt iopt'lts Wright Place o! tht confusioon o> sis mottî »,b>okMo»>> 000»»ng Dot>pua o>îoto 00»s oo» "CASANOVA HROWVNt too>r goppoo obto tt>t- ot. "Gonto Bag. -haveoo h estootoothepron- >'olotod Cat>oon, pitclling No> >00r>0 t> tht camîp ho»l toto soSk T> ool dot»v otol to» A]o Joo y s ul o» &;o 7ooo ottooîtol ooXoi o ti-lot 100». COMES MIARCHIM; HOMEt' ItOrol NAM.EOAKE T>00011 3Sli>i Sp>,c>i. ">000>0 >0 Wotr0Sott..,D. O ., goýt- o>."'isoîg on ot1t-n 00» toottooho ti the s_______________ Otttttohlp>o-toiveitpo»ht PO>Oo.1dooot0 - r 0>0>l hte- Otl>b t», court t> thet radI PIthot e Nî lt 705 0 Uoit»d ';tolo, fe0> lito hoineino ox 0»>- iht 74 hoogilhhît, Oootioo. 111gh Food Value fSkeeters Talk I. -1, .- 9 L? - 1 ' ,- t 'o 1_ j HOME FOR A 000>0> tW.ili> o»>0 J. Rogor-ot dF rntr The Otoolet RunnrO hoot has hoto Rooch Rovoulo Ptoky Mooquit- lio, hoot >0>00e do ts> pls t- UseaF rniur oog>ootod hy goodootot in Canad. ohoto i t> 'a- >Jo thlt hoe ol the o>o- A tq e This o proohtly dot, fot the most os Cluok, Bllow and Shrlek ner of "A Hotme Iho aO» hiera o auibalise meot ibi ty of oo-ldo for tht ottOt >00W YORK «21>1 Dlsovooy of o the Elghth titiory Latoo em>palg la hltouRfuhogIou asllhlstyOofhountloptillesot-ys o>oqoito loogoogo inoodihle 0 t oto lei. Hi te lotto amioton m- Goort-oot Hlgbot Qoobty Wook R* M.1 Adaoto omnionpo Expertt- ab hh ooqitos oolltotooch deot. ai Reoooulo Poltot R.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ohr M. Adooooooo, Dollo Eocie-t nceîoo, the off 1- ____________ metal Stotioo, Iuoobtl>too B C. c ot nl of ootoîho» ____________________ Theothioftul>totyousoofoSo- o>ljhooofoooluooooloo le une 1 s np ol.I a à Cotoot i ooditol otitttito mude tho 8_____________ 0 MooDoooll St. Guelph lot qooto' gow ta 00 oi. lire oool dittoo-y ohilo ooohlog taoodo ohict 1 ho ~ ~ ~ ~ n qonll gooo toe tto» fOot, oodu st R. AX HAMILTON _ _________ lot tho saono ooooo oooot hoe hort-l ce ost t ooootloot oet whito tilt 00000 uod toodot. At dooth ttups, prtîtoulr otolotlol Ltoeuoed Autionoor ibssaete a ielegtee o8oqo>toot. . For the Coooty o! llultoo fot ptotttootioo lot wteto use hy eTht totqo>to tolh lddo oootlog Mot tnPn It6-ow toltlog. oirso oogot oltot outolog of 00- Mie Mte ttoPooSO > Alayertofstltoo»opth ofl¼lonh tootand othooomesagesuttootposloo- shool» ho oo the hottoot of a lurge tilit». sotoo ou» adlt a 1% Iuth layor Tho tooqoitoot dodok, holloto aod of btoot. Thoto oto ftnt olîto» loto thi>o>o, on tooodt ooplilltd mlliloots log thoologo. Aboot the mine am.- of tioot ond ployed oo phooogtoph J. A. ELLTOTT j culot of oatts tOut oott ton the hot- retords. Ctooh>og hrtblloto>g hp the toom of tho ototh ta pooto» otot. the oooolot >0 a maolins toit. Ooth uto loto Lloootuod Anotioneer td»o d. Ttoootleoothou te naiothoalthetfeolOtle oot Pen ot tht >'ootlotof Haio hotd. T oho ropot olen Oto toot», t the mle.ot Toooe holes ans 000 IGRAN toit ooy hoe totootto» tototohut whto toto wtlh t totîl soood tohioh, ou the uod Pool - the httoo hmt fototo». Atot prooto- photogtuph, oetotohît a dito bomober oiog ail tht Otosot ORbond, o loogo AIl tht soood 000 In tht toogo of Photo 155o21 platoloput on top "o» oto>ghttd houan oite middletoiles Thtyoare RutralRootoPNo. 3 MILTON WB dotoo toth u houty mteo W hto th e maodo fo u 0 top. Oe, hy tght, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A B C D- oettlot of htot ta tRed, the 000 tohich ol o soomid huono hoto. lo &____________ _ RtImOF.AIN toto t topetttt. 'hby hotog tologo toho othottolto un- Aaum hoooo fot u totol t teooet fOt b>t»»bet olot. -a ] F00ME0 toOE$5.50 FO100 CA>0PSULES tht coot, tootho» toth toI» wtooto to "Tht mot ttttooihlog ond Imptot- Polloek & Inghm ,uotpoo toth holllog wtooto. Thoy the tepott ototto, 10s thot tht noise of 10 aethto holtool lot thtto 6 ot 7 toto- igefeaewilcus h mlso oie pododos, thete 000 olg poorethe sainelototoolot>ohoot tooanoao. M¶uttue totot off oooh tîimt ood lottO hoiog wtout h 0>0oolot ooolbt R HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS C SLE$ 3 .93 5 udo» 0>' lhîo totho» i st,ttot 10 tiog corust. CPUE os teood o»» the htooo rei "Mootooto whot tht toitl o a - MEMORIAL ENGRAVINO M..» toodot. A moret 000>0>0 mtotit os otole > t>'ooototttc tb two or lto,> 151 MAIN ST. G T Pik t'D ug or t0 sooh >0 wtoOtO oooooîght, 0>00>0, m0>00 to»oo the titoototootho» tpo>t GALTHN Piket'fru Str and> boit lot 15-0 minteso, bot saine of o toto»l tst>t, il hoo hoto oh- 1 EEHN onNULTON ONTARIO toog>-ttttotyotrlat.sre np ott»o theomicooet tothe Coltoot of the toooto hooo ol toto- 00>0000 o> tht male., o»>l tort to.- flot»' toto. t> ohool» ho otthod too o-to» the soot»> h>ghttt yiol», qoo»ltp of hoto, ond S>00>0 toosqoitoto oooot>y ottotto M HMIMHMHMHMMHMMHMHMHIbMHMsuUHMIOuiB H caeot pitiog' Thti oetds doooetoi>et Too ai o> e >00oho togotho> gernteolootloIn>told sol]oad the>oot a onverton. Whoto m000 yooto plaoto 0r0 tonder, so >htt 000- 50>1000 o> tht saine00> toto ar sien tl- togotot timo ot p>oot>og otller pole ol>oooîtttoses>o>'tt convrson.ot>oV boto oot>ltt. Thoy oto> hoe tooto oIn ______ single or doul oht tor In h>llt Rt- 0> Notistthhtfiieto ho planning lor tht h osy totoiog cooog to persooa]>p>t>tttott Pot DUAL REPONOMIBXY stosot jostohod Bcosurethot the rto> and vtgth>s W oo>ob.o>oootoogoltho antocetooot yuoootarettolly stoltd t>gbtly. ~ liai, a abndane o plnt fod S ACanaien ofhigh il ftay rak Te ajooto>t o> Ibis maochite lot diffotoot sizeof 12 to 14 loohot detp, wootiog loa t 100 o> the »>t>ooooo twe ootthe o>gohooo» 3 to4 iRth>loyero't>elottt»br-o.verage Canadienan todho oveoage yard 0>00000 or got» oode o mpo00s000 Geron >0 its ooflooh>0 ttd thoto 0 PRICE 0F CAN SEALER s14,50 heooo to>dot>og loeta1llait1 Wbooo >oho etto poltlool lirt. oo'oi>ohlt, irrigation >0>11 00V »ts$- 00001' hoe looo» tht Gototoot o»- Att Yoo Potpottd lot the Canning Stosoo? »tod>>inptooootiootoap»oth»du- >oootoady to osltoondbooo»oootb-I If Not sec Usfor Supplies 100 dty otothot. toto those i0 po»»oo>a powero, hoe thot, pttp>o othoid.Eual, o>tbroun M ilton HardwareW Rice Projeets todrlerai >10 eleCtio 0 00>0t>0 u;rIng PHONE 43 M ILTON, ONTARIO aooo thoera, 0000 Otoqoetdo 0>0>00> M Ini Australia o»» toopîtool of the mtothodo ood» HMHMHMHMIHMHMH3IHMHMHMHMRMHMM MHMHMIIMHM m>ootsof thoo»t0>0000h00000000ee- Arnaze Experts in h hotoot th tout> ho O 0>00 ohd moedioo. Of tht Solootifio Soolono of Rototioool >00 o i>s t»> 0>0>000 Coooadiaoo >0 Croppiug and Contttollod Wotoo eet >0>0 îît >0000ss>r Bto on 0>0in- Hto Modo Itdutttty o lo 'o»» >1>0, hoool>of ooosscpts o> Sojcoots .000> t»>lgtoo te!.> oto.koes tH A H iottototthe Corailoo CANBERRA, Australie, >CP>-Ag- rt> patern otoottoto> os ptots>-îoitt» tht otigo- 'J'lie lotnie >0 ould toto>, st >0000>0soothoto Noot South 0000 >0>0 oospootib»îitioo. 1 Httoloh Sh>0>p 6, o ld 0>4 ta >0 ' >0 Igths OVoît> >t»d --> tmlec a01 i odo>ot T'hot ioe>artie ho» loît >11V $62.00m> hos boto oobîoooo> i >00>0 gooolo. t>o>t>t>osopenotht people thoto hon- »o,0 >0>ogs Tht>e ooo- Rtire groO>0 i0 O 0000- Coott o> p000000. thel t Ca>otioo t> B. C. FrSh>plop 0>4-ieu o2'ln.h $6 0m de-oet; î>oo>i reordti t>-. o>olds o. er 0000 rt the titotîit o> i per u-'h1o î-ombinot odopto> t> 'tto»>îo>t>Ottthefc >oort,»o'olth Gypro> GîpsootBoard>!2, hc 52' wide 'ln 3.O tîîooo oostook tîto; o 5iOOObtott >00 ioon300 riretfaim thOtob ,tttIotobOttO 'l'h»> th, 0001»I Cooada ha-o a tooottyhot optootoot h>o> ees l oo>tt lico»d lOooî>hool>oottî A Lîttd Quanth>îof loso-Biî,sJotg Ille >0>>»> 1 >140he hv t oitoa >0>-to t>tO>t Co Tht'lie 0> exe t o XVe W Sou>th oootthtt>ttoo t>hdr es o totoO in a>o-ot>RedWhie0$2.5 . Datoto o> the te Sates a>> d o» o. »ht titis Cooodîoo o> t>l>to o Lieoo> A.M Wotohot oftheoNoth- o»> poliicîo background, rttotooto -onds. Tht> a>e ail membe000 ofýo bisountry albor anoohoooobtot THE M ITOlNJITMBR &.CnAICO- 01000100 toriho»» sobcommi»tt, n oot.'t>h -0i>t i t e pers>petive.o agriculture ~> nono oh> ho> toto, siu> tht HNFMITN4 hAttot traveling Itoogh tht wotttido> ottitode o> co Birttso >10-F00rC_15>0t 0>ough> 0>00., tht 03.000-4>00 Gooooo- ,>0>4>0. 1h,, »ot» !rap>t» >1 >ie 0>h imagination. optootit 0> C-aoadeo-ti ho 00>0 pot ooteoooo>h." sot» Mo. 0000>, ond doogîtoos. No», morto e>>000j R s ri to s e o e botto ute ot l C400 hot.o» e >>0 ohog ,Nsttmtof0ri,>0ti041 ropig n 0>000 »4 io» so>» sitîotghold otlliîtov î-oot-olo» a'tcr. -a O vioth thi,0>>lg got> 100>0 tttooDioldo» >oo»d» On Bus Iravel bthooooooor ohîî- b_ _ _ _ Yootta o bothroogh tickets tuoao>poont >0 htlto>>»> 0>to>e t 1t-o h otd ?olo tht 100» >0 >00>0000r ptt>o.dt 1»»s BOY JERSEY IOULLS 00» pttttty 000 O sidotito. 1FR051 MILTON FARM dt 11 0>0»»>., 10 shillingso$0 1>0 o ton, gC il0>Il0a prooitableop 0> M'toIýiot Beatty Liodol, 10>010 >Oîooooltîooî 10> hootoot. dotoot»>. O fils t;>ntl 5>îlîîo hs->îo >0 1»0 goot»dsof o'ot.oo ad toomalhe otlýre Btoo tooot hisri> otot> etsit>tsuppy go roun.Oooooooooaoe ooolko>t>o l b ..l.. h rit. >01>i0 lh> lt oo Litidolo 7e avele. >t at» fr..000>000?LO¾IO> lioott oo>olooto sati» Bitggo >A>lOooha Il otthitg a Rlgooyal.04 oh nattveo in litr Pacifie>îp to -- î,tîî-îî' -> îlî'î S- urîîoit - i> . oo t»,.]fll t f100'oite .ilijie. Ott>0>t.l fPothoot t a îoopoald doobttitstd2 toitonoantacreare . t-i. FI- ii a d tîtP,îl lt- ',>Ma'>' >'O itrti s" Ooiggs 05> 0>000>0 >0>- BaoO>ot»'tIle 1.o>0000iot >Oîool [>00>00» ho LotI»G tpîto Cg-- 'Por tht bort lotît 1 ss- a ao- INo ONE1 00150500T o-o fioler to 51 otkx o the hoe ti»d "*Il flh tat>e1, ooo >CHASE 135-i C IFl 'Pot o>t l.eo> ht> cooportîto tototî» doto'oiýoti> population oitht> and»pli gtîo»ore dooolog ilXVancoverIsn >-it»1>ottM1L.o liais, offruitoandooogtththoogh- tie hot»0»i,00>ili0y»a, 000leoot theoooot>gtttg pooot»dirttoh»ttt>.h>ourt>o>oando» liXt»lOfot- ho teofaiotstbitatheto oî»oo an X»c'dtootttt> i o eti lc in O> the ttoop».> boule0 rull Daily Service to Hamilton Moodoy to Fridît Loooot 73040>m SoodavtoOrly .Ls>,q 1>0A5>»ii 04>0044>0L.iv L aoo7.30>om.lp1ot. ad4ti101toi Gontions att-4 Hamtono lot St. Gothooito,ý XX,»» à 'Niaga Falls, Bol»»>o St. Thîotmas a>d it» o>tditcii PFor lido,>ý a0d Inforatio '10> htiflt W" T. IBORNARD-IPhon o 1 aà 1- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE FIVE