THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THOJRSDAY JUNE 28t0. 1945 --- ------ -- ------ ----I ZIMMERMAN ýof the DISTRICTï Where ManaofOur Readers arenereted 1cotoco nith Mr. ond Mer. ThI Ucotrt COorch belfd the ariom leusCearrnng eOiiti inCoaamajfi Neeby coo roet Sne Scclicoler n CAMIPBELL VILLE NASSAGAWEYA deoc.l Lcdi ont.sPr Burcingt 'lh, ~ ~ coî oOtrcdrdn, i i l'A tecoccal- hld ' by th 11 nse OrccMoMý E Mr. and Me.M. Gedsteina 0.0 I cl ociet' lar *loncl cid ofttc,.!c o f e NasagclOocc ecrc coron. -a Id thr crrddcoc on SndayofO ronontlr,.nelMr-A.T.Mon-, hoocshe %vasilin the Gulph Gn- ncr, Mis EllGreenacTon About0 $37 0100 w coolcoccl t'cHceccditile re Mayo Mr.oad Mo.Chare. lnnpo mccs 10,cr t00ire Ontaroccîcce~oc I! dha gr. Mc. andMro. LoorO imonof Foc,, iccco" Occc Oc Cckccs Mc. aed Mcc. Winc M. Neor acd citor vlocod Ooodcc colts Mo ,,"I ie tek-tidaibai . alon o f et iOtchecner !nicId relativro Mcc. c. Galbraith. dol>Oc Io' coc, c al c 000,0 Oc "le Fobic erOonls os nco ro Foc. OAK VILLE N1 gir Faci li. ýda> fer thr summeor holcdays and arr iOc, hopforac. gndccdccrdotc'O aiholidng therroann 'qlhol piotirson MncW. BSipo,barea ti IýtDicocdScdccOcSel icole'Fridocoatrtect andrt'rrccc. Board ciEdcati,, wltedc or,,. 0,olldcc ,cc Bcarber', Beach. h 1tcccreprrco -obccclctoonegod TownCo'eccl on MoedayoelgOt Mr. Rcobrt Eli.cfnd EvIofto "'ccOPOf cfa rcea t iisdistrict sid qcest tlat therConeiloetgi 'coin re hOccda>cng 0ct0 the , ho I-o fcr a 0n,0r gond crp of 000 t10p lcOco opoft otod le Rît el SOc ced Mcc. Thomas McPOa0. hi cc t00 Oc rotoct sbccl rOilde on 0Mr ;c..cce Alcerl Miltn isccted 'l'Or Mucacl trstival cf 00re coos croc tc and Orne. srOoot. ci thcbornoecOO FedioGartt fr ofthreTownsipofNtoocaoryoooc Ccaniclleorord LiccOln 0010 cek tOcmI thrtî 00 eRob ocr e Coucccî t 000th o ccdcc .ct cciovil af TOoc'cdor nithca ood at- Coocerttoeewsreadyeoe allec FIcccd ofMI. and Mer. Williamc tendc e. tirsfor thetrc'e ewac E ftccîccc ..cco O tcccOccr ticO the c. and Mcc. Thnoas Bîchro cf Wocloo "Itamntoldby the en ro,occ,d atelicOn, s0coticirncon Dccfol ioicfdeoeotcrdcccrctO Mr. Mr. Darlicg,thtcrrn thlap pOi 0 i , 0 'ccn. od Mo. Gore Nighftile concccftrd, Oakeilfo cr01 0,acr tO ~cad oe plants in 000 BURLINGION KILg-RIDE 0cr MC'i Frheld Shtolderr lccO O 00cr pomer crood 000, Occecc i eccicccocc Maocccc'lliccte a's oA c ato belihei purcebtrd a ooosoposible. L00 idcccli( ti,,, acccccciiccrat ic'ocirroeeetnTccodayoaltr- ColonelO Oi . Bull croon 0cï,i, Ic Ii'c>ci nI'cIclii h,O c h-I Oc i non acccc the h0cocm et o cf Mr.ict Lil. opinion fooat ftce Wcc Aoorfn 'c, iccc 11c T hbic Ochoot 00010 beli tOric tirait c'uid Or prchood e e 'c.O di OcIcd iicci.ccdî Bull,' werocîc we,,coc1rc0OOoOdt0c10 orolete ci,, c c, ccci Ficcco1ii-'c icrcccciic lctcc .ccccicroing r l ic 111, i tcci'c e oteteni c, rr'0 y Cfc 'ccccccoc1 Msf, F. ('eceeco. 1 ti,.cccc,,'i0,,,,,cc'c'hc'idccfi ln --c c lcocc'o ctteof Mr. oldj Arcogcncctslo,,iliencor 'c a,,rvie inKhirde cNationali Srîrrtîce Serviceri o h;_. hc'icc ,,,.,,iirtoncciccc ,di' ,cic' eicdino'ting. i ii iellfoc dle al] enopl ar. , hi Il a, .ý -iable lir o I cil,, cpIcitoi ccvceo hecno andctr0001000000ntn oence fini o cal, i,,'Io licc'i c "i icc c itc,lccdcoci fil'cAct..oanddisterict ccc.~c rkccc . oociocecro OOiicocOe Ycong Pople are Mrso Harold Mretcr rcc ccc, cc r c tri, c',, 0. ,,, Peirtrd 01,00m lo]y Icti, O .1010 10e c eooH cl ccc, cIl" c,îc.c Ocrt..c e îicccthn Mlc coi Mc W.0 Ford Moreoroet So I.Oo,Ondéhccr., Acto 1,0igh ticcclFcno Oeit and cioccceiicccccccridtîcritcNiagc. ocedo.ifonoilow adrotf cci cc h'c cc. iWilkioil an ccia t Ic ra01 c Sunry 'cc on May 011,0 for tcr crrd C'O, li.icc"c fio. c. cced O-ccd cocos ýIcc i-, a n cd Mcc rOeo L.ouisr Pîocerfo, donc >.iccccocr.c. c'rccitF O0 r fccciccc ,l e 0f, ('oral Ham-, Mc. f. W. H certycand thel1, ca,, ""iciIî'od Icc ci' Ide- icccýi.Fcc(iociý.N.YedMcccendMctccîccgety, Of Coorosolto, Albo ecIk, I,,ciccccccc coociI loicr, I l.icccci aiccdnd II.and Mrs. ce. LAC Thcomas Lawrece L, cccedcc. l ccci icon 0crl ccc crccicl'c Aosn r. sonAF of Mr.and Mr: lac, 11icc'ccd at tire curci, 0.1 V. , oran ffT(C 13atS e nd:, h or O'LRM on Meecc mlethecroi 'csil1ý-a cikn icc con cl IMtc. 2'LLLaA CZU c Oio 1000 100 0 I cIl, I,ci,c c iioi Y' 01c . c. honte o f Mc, A ScIOcr e on AtnBys ad a I ccc', (,îccii-c.cortlc' t onooc 1,r21. wth 1forn ndedl00d a rerft cc, rcO bc, Oilit C.îict i u cic TcensCo uri antc cd NASSAGAWIXA "" "'" j Son(Ocrc Tcerrec caago in. Dave Clementio bt coc dcc NOc 11ico. Adn nc AOiîrci , 'e A uc rlascitrc -I, icOt C n inr and E. 1 l a l,c'l cflinorocn cool The 00cc'cc rfer r0 reortrd cc F rP c O c' l,21ccc,5c' 01ccoýReot wr, l, hccîIllei % il d sen g crOoocttrc l'il 1-crîccrhr,,kd cbe hcomit GEORGETOWyr '00, c 0c (ccit-f an igrctfrc are te ho sent toto ci ;-IFai, M c cc "t'aicci M-t D. and Mr. T 'ini;rcrecccci rcc 'cc Ic i B,-cc - a'c,.d c Coai ci po dt tirScc, O ccoin-l o m c lbcc' Morcloero t i we \ ccc ccc ccc I , I.,.Bro n , e noce on dot pelions o , A lro cos f 1c 'O r KI1.1,d eccr ccciiý CIc cOlAoocrIcMc liec 0,. Oleorilora ,M Ic' ,i,,O rtn cf 'lc Re Cerosso icnc 00000i, lodlcor ocn 0r0c. I OlciOctc- ni cc.c l' i is llre is 11 ' Meeor tngcfo nolccorIrc Mcoc n eo'on, ccc' cc ccocoor file Jal F Ocoreson idr IoM "]"IclJ ns etn ticraitccrcîrc irccciccoccdoboorîicecoQ 'c, - c ' oiii.c , cIlil,o, co c "" octd homein, i.i c c i fn o urdSooto apithc-I,,I ofii il .c'01.Occc 11111 1 ,,, c tif flic daug olrcr ipt rc Ot r o adn i co ol c cOncccbcoc( c cocîcRo, KcOOcniCamp Bron, Thoiec 1. 0. 1 Orno OIl 'cin lcc111 onM Oic , E. cTnr. o c PjoIieccoiei MCarprot NIrý Fia t, loiMi-. rhp%%,lo t c'vrl c,00 r o netted c' l ccc , c i, c i t ic ,)" I L hi,0c r fon dco. 0 co h- l ccntd Re.a d I S octem fo r icoc epo cci ~"a coco', ic,.nlc cd, i i, ,c ic i 0l ,0 Oer i IlIwli rffac M.lale 'f c. Il',c, ,c, . Mcor nojII "con 'c, principal Mr. ctod etey c coce 0 . o c' .,i 00 , c 1., 1ci r" , fîî hi Oloc tc e prier. ehccr;hi wccice telL... 4 ..... 44. 44$ 000 00c 'cIccocc cr00,,'toi 00cr c. Lambertdo '0cr onnl rctiv c lI Oc 'oicILL octrresc OccOl, ao andc lia' ciDLVLIeR '00 c' c I,. c ccc , cii h i 'O )-,Ilr l'Or 1d.r cth u oc ccc c,' D i n cocil l r . i t Aoi Oc, cIicc1 d ,r M r'c i ecLi, dlon CIý- a tre de ar i~~~~~~~~~~~~ i,. coco c,,,,o.î l ic,101 0,, c.c.Ocr00 dUR CT I U Oc, 'ccc,', cc'c ,', cl o o ' l mi Mar00000ron r o aetd it ;a] CcpAALMIK 'ccýI fiance Muscc icn9 Nilicic. i 0'a -iOic n 00 e,'t (co alci $72are60o c.',. , 00c 0c00l' 00.0;,,ý aloiro et OTOR iz horse, 250 TI.lz d 1,-da Mciii ' I'cc 1,aI iic c 'g' 0 1O, ccc coc cc i Oc icc c c't 000. oo 0 cOc,, o.' c on e c O O $ 1 0 0ose 2 1,1+,c, c, cl. Iibi 'cd- Ccccc, '0 $72.6c 0 1 00 1 , .,c, Nic, ccc on- c, M,0,1 1coc horse, c25 cc o o c J, b "Id ci-, ch' rOciono cf"O i. ac i$100ncc oee tccccocci, cýt, M .do t colo,,c --cc11 O noc I ood Mc Il e MIL ON ON AR c, -il c . . c. ~ c .... and i cII and or cl - e" and lnc h c cor Ph eO JUST. ARRIVED A fresh stock of Rawleigh's FIp Kitter for house use and Ftp Repettant for Stock. Alto tor a reteehcg thirst qoonciter try nu Lemon and Orange Nectar. EL BER1RY PHONE 223 MART'I ST., MILTON 00010 O liRS! TIRES! TIRES!l ofte Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us te tm- Wr taon nrstatted New and Modern Votcanizing Equlp- cher Merot f or repairing Att Sires ai Passenger and Truck Tires. Sthete FACTOIRY TRAMD PERSONNEL tecrago ALL WORK GUARÂNTEED gineer, erre of Jolansons' Garage cann0 HON 174W [t' cithS E~ A S 0) N A B L.. E NEEDS oplrtrd i There is tome yet te plant Sred Corn. Oct noces white ttcce ci cor sti hoave o sopply on haod., Acton Kcrp yooo' catle froc frot irrceotiof prots ocith SHELL antnne LIVESTOCK SPRAY. ma000000 To obtaco broC results ford "STARLIGHT' BROILER IMASH te yoor broclers. ?lord a [Il, dur- jPLYMOUTH BINDER TWtNE nw. Milton Flour Mills Lirnuen Stoke th NSTALCOD-SEERUS SEED CORN Lime, Cernent Cyproc Products IN STOCK COAL -COKE FOR FURNACE STO iBLOWER, STOKER -R. S. ADAMS Phone 48-- -- - Nights eche Custom Curing & let Smoking e ptcdi Whcr is Oc e,' thon o'our oco ocokrd sode bacon, promeotrd site, as orcsmokrd bcck bco.or yor on sokdtendrccd hes. Alcl this and moo io yoors whenr pou bring yoloc pork te Elsley's Frigid Lockr. S Yrs, fricods e h anc tho GroiRfth Twins to do joot tbis Sfor poc. 0cr Griffith pothtinder pomp artrp puneps the 1 homts and or GriffRth ctcrtrically opercord smokr.kocee as- * suces fou rscits ochich arr olwayopocoooistcntly uniform. You 'odo nt ha oo rent lockrenjoy ths prodcts MP Tis sevice s cpen to ail et a v'ccoominal charge. THE VERY NEXT TIME YOU BUTCHER A HOG cycleBE SURE Tf) BRING IT TO cycle +. +1 Ese'Frgdokr e. KyI 0 t0 6g ~ o~e~ SmnaIi Ad ertisements j AddiOono..O crdo o re oadT he odddr.t Iry tr rd_ FOIS SALE 30 lttle PIge. Appty FOR SALE Frn Waon in good cndition. A. HUCK, Pone 159r3l FOR $AIE Hooed Pop. 7 meeks nId. Apply C. S. MIRGGLESWORTH Phone 88r02 FOI& SALE Dane Hay Loader Ia gaod rondit- ion. Appty R. BROWNROOJE, Phone 79r5 FOR SALE Hciese oale. Chartes SteetO. AUt cerrelenen. Appty CHAMPION OFFICE FOR SALE Hny in field. Appty 4-2 MRS. A. D. MeDUFFEZ R.R . 2, Miton Phono 52r12 FOR SALE 2 Beinck Hoomea on Charles StrreRt on0e cr100 imncedlaessM on M.E IOPhono 83 FOR SALE 9 Yorshtre Piga, 7 monta. aid ApyCHARLES MILTON - Loe 7, 000 tene, Esqoesiag FAON KOLLER FOR CORN8C Ltoyd'n Cot caol Caltoco Sale gicea prompt,a 5certif 0ea Plobett's t'teg noce.reif e 10 FOR SALE f0o aces ot standing baey, elthOre d ICoer or TimotO,'. AR LUMAU Pcoe 92112 A.R 1, Hcebp NOTFICE Drliceel t Milteon, Beick and I Ofstr, Sndo, cernent, grnnet. I 1-4 TOM HAIMES Phone 103r22, Georeowna FOR SALE tMcpereoirb tOerioc f00 concul fivotor, atmootilpre. ais. Peter Hoam- iltcon tcrnop dcci on gondl eror. Appty B GORDON HUME 156t114. Milton CAMERA TAKEN Ther pore,' n'hnor 00,se tohicg thn caera and frennisOntll.tere. the Troois (lob avacod Frid0 orentng botcrors nl ocd'R O ' oor pteaere- -tcrn tg C. Foc, ocoor. c/o erel Mîtto WANTED Orool Hororo anod Cottr fr Oree pick up.1 Phoe Milorn 210. Wo op Phone IOnegen. GORDON Y000,LO 2-2 Phone AU. 3626, Toronto, TENDERS gTroders cr100 foe rececord for olte- cis and jayicg 1fl Oe-colleter deain at ofen 5cheot (eLt 00, Fcouth Lonc, Esqcrtcg, Tetiers rcerel nct neçessaiIporroPtedl W. L MCDONALD, Sec. Tree. B Lot f2. FourO Lîce Etqceio TENDERS TenderscIli Il brcrvdOopof ing tcr Iosde of Wooertc SOrot an 13. Fooccc, cire EcquciSlo Wor On ho rnnoplo.rd' bef.rc lost ne Sep- trlro. Tonderst ho bc breocre Judp 6OI Lcnccfoc eder neccces 'coc yIcccîtrd B Lcf 021 ocootooE ode CLEAOOO AUCTION NoSALE OF1 TRACTOR EQ'PnOc M. L OI 2.0 Coc, dO '4o, gry on fico cbOol;cnolf Ehoro btr 'c crie oot er et Artnc, on FRBOAY donc 2t At 1 O'etoek BOY HNLFO. Artcnoer Notice to Creditors 1t0 henraer Oh.atOs eto ATE taa Of elt rN on Mlton.t mid Gneýnln ceS.d iltreter o on fin il ctest fOM 000000s0 oth0e aOv nor ceroKAPS SOERS an" DANOEL SOMERS docroord on- .occo senti0 th4 Oo00rfnothe oooese0d Cekonr Orftor1 30bo odfo n oe. 0145. Tonrot T Lf Mitti.. Milton, 'loo 6t,14 Milton, Orotartio. Notice to Creditors AND.F . C i FL OT f-.or nelr O the Villa"e r Ma1.ýr On h.0 thPrroc or ,;raheoffl h tO mna- air Matnle theý Cao.r.n O atQ Gterný, d-eaaed. flc ctoie 0f Aloc'coodc (,Solot M y ni 0 tir0e villoge et Mcidfe' flichroo, cc akfc slOfo neh Tnon cf Milon in theo Coont, et oln'.GOicn crco rc di. o 2'0 Getentb 0000 fed c c.,l cc4r Iooc lother cctth dy nf fci~105ecoi i cfte "Id0 (:0 OrE trTI OOUELPO p TU T MAO- Wtohlotir,, Ofo - ileoo. op5; d-file t le estte PAGE FOUR 1~ viril en( 1 ina tro Jet 1 Ta col 1 trici roi (D fil, an 1 RO wil .a 1 an tel De lot ta] w J. Yo Mi ta Fr fri La Mi ch W MI Or Y. lai MI to of A, Is Sa G R, Lc "k Pr Ai ai th P. da go be Di th wý Wi Il gt ci' ci, Je ra dî Î. Ir or of G Pl Il ce tr ci t 1 la