BE'- BE - - BE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION I J [~Globe snd NefS me. mskisd essogh Es deccihe himai PONTIIS BAVE GARDENS JIBEEOBLANDEBfS COLORIS Bsns ietr ho él aaatChm in C ebctiont dfC. asb aNSBEsS Leade' TONO Sf'BEBf6 "EE-ffAfBYNbUP C B usines SEC EfEBE S f e ICR ON .. f lu r- y-, la isl i. BEc EBBBfEEEEEBEEEfEB5 B EB C !r ooBE" f EBE 1 1E BE Si EEfE j B E E B E fCB - i - E tl . .. .. . BE. b fi wh- f 11,bEBEBEBE 9tBE BEB ff BE f ' EBEBBEB BE- ilBBBBBfB EBB B EfE B EB E5 fB _EEfBEEBSBBEEfBEEd EbBBEEEE p,,.,tiE fn fý f*fB BEf BE f BE Ec .kEB ,. .- EEBS dBE EDITORI/JL1 ff I.lf f. spriffg ffff ff. fý fffff ;f IgIc tffffWSfffffff'S-Bt.f o ea H nsrd d f paBrtsBEB ofBEOntario.EEfBESB'Th Cf ff f a BEffff f'B EfB B sfB e t aed c'cftiy chit tGerdes Gcoydss dstes not makE HBsasd HierBSE see ws kept EBB BeBEBE s cf B forfBB tChe BEBEB Csadg, BEBEBIS speechfes Sfke a messe. Ws bav BES eSS pi«ctsc of EBEEBer nEEBBoEma by BEBBEBsE infBleBtd BeES' wf aBEEf nefBd te Hifghlanders' SOl BE EBBfBE BBB. BBBBB . b _ eBEEfy. BEEEEEE f5 fbEtE j i an BEi ft i' l , l, ' I' n .o si l o. \'c kse peop5lfe h ksem b.m ond cbcy de sec cbisk bc ocis s messe. HoeSCc mc shsll motch c pages. et Hensod moe c Cselcysxt sessien. Mayebccmfllgeoutensatfmb i etcsetofcees- ft fes or CC mcfhfsg.Eteo Esxpress. A Fisc-Vese Pmogrsmn 11s ae bey dafC foc Cesec.t. F:cc >Sacs.9tf Cffrha lui atffE accumutiConf et fmpcoemefs inefhe et'dinfffcourCseBof e> et SbCS 'ould bave beso CffCffd oectifffpccfedsafd lfgbcecdEthe precr d.fc fs S ehes mefecefes ssd tsbec acect shocrt. Jcdgisg front discussione et Ceeecil meetings cte fýecfbcfceacre s tettyowae ofail cheese rdss the Ifvera'ge citiCccS but emeet sae the f5f5f emeBeC the arescb pee'sible. The efac il st boy a ierf. Nefs Ste'et n55ds The cleececc hae gif en appceesi ce thc installtion et scscm scaecs- ss 'sag dcest Tc ccsccmoe nee'dceptacfegeEbSlangercservices insoecesctios etfcecgb hcbCeesCde tlsfid ccetieosadijck ThTow HUl rcqecs a newebatig sysccmo'c op nCCerBEBE ssteff. mC w fb ut eef etkltec b> tbs sccess of m rtim liing.sorie atenion nebe audieeriu. Mesy cicies eccl Ct sf f m t.e.g. fat Mitec sheetd baCc o csgetfoc gacbogS cstteccios For meevf e 5m s vcatien sn che Ccountryco.1ste etsi 'f ta Cbbk ycef fn cqsff'fg s anu y.sur sa terrce HeCc.fBEed mtes ec.ttc m.cb tbc tock etýTefv unso iehv ef rgato fondkproblecebfeeed cofericoret ey tr CitcfeC e'.tS appcecfats cbe ce ef the pcsbtlema pet- tec poteebten b. Cdemt ecy eg Ilce c gceictciispariacccSert .Cseebffee t.b.dc ae b.ctee bC yeck me hp .b bspcfa emcc.e(dEc atco quioesandpoionthenseveshy haingthroug ;sessonfsetlCffsef.ftaecmoeSeteS aïccidn esseti fthec cbrppla aiefs f bCv ehs cbcesgb45 besn etbecmsc, and bc gccificd te tcecl tbc~~~~~~~ cst'tCCtCeffe. t'C bt cervc oece them fCbobfeng cesdecatfes ond Allec bine steyp es tcmpy ceol> ticcd letbecC tSI c tecr cue a c f esccc sycms tuac fbbBEbnffake'Cs cb tectfreosEtad eedfattetCftni t bcb gvnineeobtHtmocycsC bSaesfcse..cted bffbecb o epériccSeefCcC' t(d ic aceofth dcy ta heeaesil a er ctsd Se é C succuet moes Esnsd tbc ilbc bsi tc Iciee an yso eted eupply atccc lise ycacc sf assr-ice lCnes.g t . Ceeccs te ibfe escecclectobtc pfbtueof et cect-' Post Wor Plans cegsltotdcrur lemlf'mccecgentbed -îhe'doecsscemachscaoegcbhepeCcmwacplanscmsccm occcuyotiee mb.cb yb.tesepher tcell ss pcedaccc cbc msefcfcc eheeIdoccocgc e cemsone ce-uo teclebrot-1 ccmylttcy bers> meci. ion Thfs ventc mdl be ces eacty os masy eftche hos Hem aoet e bel.dey cne f acma? CfEE stflt be es octivsecfe and is theaccea sfE a Âge. e tbf va heb farcm eftccseachance tes che toc ccmoed frcem hsme. fcyf cmfifN ce get OCa efrcem tbe tcedicieat vaEcatieon EsBt aftcccbe Japase hae bcsdccepc seo wic Bqetvad pt icmotudrýo h otwrpann ih elicuet es ufat.tlt.e Ccdcionc. Osc fanai tc.ccdc coy chac cc-mefec célcbcscios. At chac cimc ccocct cestrctc- Can flic ura tiff as its bcsc. Cens e-itl bacc otmect dicoppeaccd. Pechsps ct mss'c Canacdas tead..ccteCustf c oeminioncbeetd bces cessecti ce esk vsits.c ce bcisg thcic catison Fudc. BE.: bhe food b.e rcCCfbE cati tcbctp in cbc beoksefcbt tbcm ifi tbcy c5me heme frcaCifc. Ncsc' gig.ftc..BE.kff.edeng tarfcf Eurocyecdoatibis fccmffwleenodebt bcserinecoughceomokeccssniss !Sfcf.feffCab" ', ,i hotuCc plcCtfu. plans, bu stCCmtefigmtc mfgbtmSttl hsveoat- NoC 't . fBEfor f .ec ffbeC f.miy ftnin gf.fff tri tod f:fef .. Cf..fouii tetad bellipco- Tfc tbffe are mettcmbemillEno tccetc. Bac Juteb te~,ee fC,,b....CcfCCfecCrdae,.c'. foreyasc'ffef.ctuet odlciescCcbc iCeotbisg qite cquafto Ctfe Ctd cime cétlébcetions end e ksem tbe' .,I' II effi inol f Da> C ~eI,. acd Aiceday -Il rf I' cana.. ff.daf e-If cfafk bfut s'vft Pins~ ReNpotsihilicy os lEres (tsversimcst 1 Bgbfbffffb d'BEJbC h, ba gcce, enctbeý- li refrntpgeffrcletListCe'kbSfileenacC '..c'ý cb!-vgt \..c Jct er.cfCfig frntfctefittr t wbnchbtfe fecserfe finescgbd tbet 'acae-u' bfllft fffldC".CjmftIC..d bct>cCfefBEfciadBECibc madeCt stckB settfegfi tarioCbftSOcfe Doiinvcc...fC. C.fc.f.tse c'gbt on tbfBESccfec..c Cemmessione pifns ces'fnsbfbcy Iec -the LscCfet),ffesffde.faue aCmutilentc acd cCeem- iuto 'ffffdfcctyCtb fliccntrieGoefccmccs. Aises Ccat ec f.l bcyhopd fsec-....c> ),eigbc t'eecs'C cf icîew;g af sorcfti 'cgtb tbé espsyeCbfbcis fcetee lias med. c thgr .biCctLidin thtet.eeand .fffCCfBEl" tebrtfclc.e cbfdecmebccte folemfsg tbcit cceff' Ccio ffC 'f fu cet oBftfe tbe provicesb ffgffee iot Cthe fbcespecetbflty e> tbc Ottacie 'cd,,rtfCb c fali k 86e the. fbCbttC books tc besc ebcc scfc Commission 'f.rid Cffr th CCC cnf'fédrtionfC CfBE atireft engafg in bcCkuge and stckCcbelig, tS ,,,sdeI r h; -Fuicft f' rcord aned tbeei cbClle,c c recCmmecds tbcm s l'ei l.f.eof.!',t;7f' ,f.fCcdf -,CB Cce cn big mteCbCiocCti bc tfCtedfin be hacdlisg fi: -o-- h i Cc fs fffCebc a5 'sC', frlc p)Lcs ccef. TbeebeCfsedeftmCfcEjg 'e tb..ýigfffff, efle lia, h e isaitd C.V cite, t t hesbdérécdatiCsefcthcbfghbsdcs ..gbtimtC.fC:fedCfse.CCBEfCCBEandt.BEi cfff.g.fd aciifeE bhave falCded, NcchnbEt barnc ffeff tC.. f part Cf tbc \bcitd \V. mit e ab .cfftcf cal ref' fronCttef fecsb.c Ontacrie delCf. And tbe CseBECaedCa Cefffng ebcCtCd b\flotte. ctc.fecirbCiasCtubeef tactccnul fcscec Cecd c cdc t-Cf- Cf CG c CC u asd bacetcf Canada cf b..ý Cf ed Intettn ba'c fees coedr EDITORIAL NOTES desgbsccs haec ytCfcd ic bccgcng 't se esecces. tcf fcocsdfintfm dangercbc ttc s PeCCunitsml fStekietahlttc accbecctritthehc oEf mr ed mc te Cdasehozigtch ed(f;Cfl sEc EecsCutc ralbvacatondleseûtncccociy crmmcsfcg the suneonhtria ...snsmotcd Ccbcsty alcealiClogCocttcf' c gh t yacs 5 ge. Of Nli ~ ceMe oth sur'fcie ES hcisg apptied et Ne. 25 Higb- BN~ ~ Mieosaerm> bccmces Acten osd MfEcee. Locks Ette ths We mfght bafe ccpcctcd t frcnm te Torocteo .m tar aiesort et tpplicacieon gices ocst ycac, and chsstd -butcfrotbtheGlbeand Mail!- ltgetc fSmsts acyay. hcdl shr bccte mCcdC mccc pc.tcd asd mec ceeItdb gndfo c'thbcmcengcteftigfgromtthepaesbofGeog e e.pceat agaiEs omscffgc ta Sch hetdef Pt chcCotteegb'C Cee- papr~ me awm it-' Cteming cbe ctrBod. eweofhesikalmn o tew lo cb as> pscbtcm intecc thc DoCfio 'ttc>me tffcsEeccerde teSmtc forfEEE5g stecks chcce dtt.c to fce he anyprolerins onfontng he oi tee )'ou cacah En ac> dey es bscds, but yso cant'cont ce daC. Gerdeon Gca>'dett Mose Leadccet ofc e r-ie>ccsc.Cca c cc cde hc os gccseC Coneccccohf Pacty 'yckc Il th.tcsta r en ede hs as Tbcce tl mas, foc ail mhe ses ce sce oBd mectý ofisbcmmcce cesc'cg hecd, tf fc. MeBdey, JCsc i fsest cladfrNrhWligo ob fi. ifi het still mentis acytbicg Se yee. Eletssc eB sure mhcthcc tttcy mosc Libecsl er Cescccvocit.e rcp- Ooy andeatecîcocisg althehcdmecrkceoGodon, fcattfCf. LaccccreportcgiCcc theProvintcialcatc Gcayodeorcthe rasCcCccotasessisoflpahiamtess tC tbckfibccatcepccsccaciseoand a ossasîhsheten m-ileE theb Ieder f the Eba.ft> tesced the counftry, Ehcj ccdcccd ce seilltc herepcecetaifor Esthe DominEion. Wîn otpsstsg secssd Cassds deses sese Io Frc' cs hstgc-at'ee ftsm mthicsry toc ietisoa producien Usdec oCe system s> free entcerpeic, fse-sighced businses mes are stccsdy toyfsg the geessdmeeh fes the eeaoftisdossttcs easionsprmisd by hfutue. Ocey aemskisg scm lasE, dectsypisg seC pc..dscts, >BEe- pottsg fee geEer dicsbuties. This Bosk, sem river 100 yees ehid mitEs omple recsecses dmvide fsseiecscat cosfscnashlEr stitacti i ssci. ceflcaBE.oeE, gee t orsmE. hat-BBEB yeee o busness plans se peebiSm, yen aee cscdcslly snied cdisus bmem chhmanagseso SsrseaesE h soda. %e BANK of NOVA SCOTIA Li0a - Së SPECIAL - QUAKER 3 PROSI 25C rCHILI SAUE1 [ÏÔWàD BRANf BUMR n 16eC kz l~oc,l5jj CARRtOTS * e 25o 87KWP il lac, 53c T EA -kg.o 37c, 39c UTARItCH ý toc G5e, TI OFE 141 430 TEk claA O 440 Q.I PORIRIDGE lkg 170 A- J,,i,, PaluBE Mt,, clion' JifyPLOUK P'. f15c. 35e PIE CKUST tel 240 OVALTINE i. SUa, 95e \ O FEE a-AG 410 OLJV ES 290 TOMATOES 1L20 SOUP Tomate E CERTO BofE 290 K EPE1 z uio, 35c SNELL TOZ In 24 CRYSTALS BEo 2 SOAP agk-Ij SOUP 2 2SC SO0A P 3 -- 3t S NA;C KS 9 a 1c W,&X laSIC9. S E ANS Z 29e q bUIDGETSb 2 25 Each$1 .05 HOME GROWN GREEN CARBAGE lier lb. 9 SWERET VALENCIA ORANGESc 344'ss->er dores 31c Celer>. AspraBEBgus, Cauliflsser, Peppers and Rodishes At Week-end Prime Fruit lad nelabl. gnou e »bio ta markts ilsrssassaa Capte t. -mm Jus.. lUth I UGAR, 46 ta60; PEEERVEs, 38 tB 57PI BlUTTER BIBE 11 j- PLUMRENG HEATENG asd TENbMETHING Maft hc. Milton, Oct. IIAIRDRESSING Es LaEesI etyles News c Mechsds sn Permanent Wavinga AIE Lseîs! ofReaotp Cultse ELLOIT BEAUTY SHOF Phone 61 foe AppEinetsst A. E. ELLIOrr -nDUSES Milton ilospital VI5ITING HOURI 2.3C .m. Es 4E. pasi. 7.00 p.m t. 8.30 p... (No CCfbccse limier 121 SeBE PeCcste - $3.50 Pefesfe - C $5500 PHONE 2106 - MILTON t- THURSDAY JUNE 28th 1945 DR. C. E. STEVENSON d MOD., L.M.CC. BE Phystesan and Surgmrn e Phone 2m - XEREy 0fficr EBoBEEm 8.309 Irait.; 1-B3 7-9 par. Csroesse CIC.R. asd GasE Sureons DR. G. R. SYR Physatelso, arad Surgeoa 0fficeaes SEres PhoeE Ns. 38 OfffiSe HouEsscB 9E sr. 1-3 7-8.30 pent LEOAL DICE & DICK W. O, DOCK, RtC. f CsssEy Cesma Attosey) KENNETO Y. DOCK, B.A. BsccfBEEees, S.Efsfsseo Csurt HossBe - Milton Telepbese 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Bardo.ts, SsBihtse, Ets. O5tSBe-NeBEE ose ChasepEsa, Offie Motis SEreBt-MiIBs Telephose 54 GEORGE E. ELLIT BlarBEsr, Solieitor, Noar.' Publie Offifce-Es Fsossero Buildisg, Main. Stee, Milton Tetepbsse 70 DENTAIL DM G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEO5N 0ffice is Reyaf BuiEdisg, Mitsa HBEBEGSB-9-5. EBEeBfnsg by AppOsesEos.ase X-Nsy 55SfvSe Teîeehsse 197 DR. F. L BABCOCE DENTAL SURGEON Office oSec Pricf scr Theate NBEgbe AppstsEmens msy lie areesed X-Rsy Seesce-Gs Extesctisn HsscG 9 ts 5 Telrphsse 65we NEILSEN- The Chlesprsaclsr Dragleu Thrap... 3loE Tes.- sf PeseEfceW Lady AtEendanE HBsum: 2 Es 5S 8 EBE 9 panE. Obe.' Domisios Stre, Geoegetomn Phsse 15Cmw TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN SACS PIC NBEULWAY pGstsgi Esct7319 .m, datfy: 2.15 f Mf, i'ts y; 5.45 pm., dsfEy essept Cssdsy. 0sa. GCcCc est-22 s m., dsfty (fiagi: [Ces pc.i fffty; 12-57 am., dsflyex Gong se 7835E,1 ..m..E 2.15 r. mB.; Coinfg CVsff 9.22 s.o m lisf; 6.37 'ýANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CCfS5g NeEf ilCC09i fbfBEg cullEC '.3f c.m Sa.A. FAY 1 'Cese 205 PACE TWO