Ut ftuabiau f àà lpîou0 MILTON, ONTARIO, THSJSSDAY, lUNE JSsb. 1945 Etsht Hsms Es-sst Esst.s Eis Ct.t.tt.. Open Letter To TUE McNAB-GASTLE Presentation Madle -Leg Broken Ex-Service Personnel THIS WE EK WEDDING SATURDAT ToRvf.B ooe Nw lntigrht 'Soldier Couic, From Milton Group F-111 B INDa TLWILECUC """ pýsaftf wnnt s lOH; t5blyg 91,11 tt.5t.Mt At Farewell Service Baek [Jotue Xg-aiu T. Ex.-Services esonnels 1 ls'sty wdttt.. in St. Georgs Attgtt- Esltt.st.g the. ~sic f vttt.;lhip itn (.,tdi. P '.s ts tff Wsitss Sss .dtsbttM t.tttds of Milton and District TORONTO, Jtst. 27 (CEt Cbssgttstt c b.. sbrc, Lt.t.'s,i ,t.tt Mariont !St. Ettt Utetd Cbts fs-ss!t BSt.dty _ _______________ sts,.t.4 h.st thu, vecsk fo vc Dsear Frttdt by Edst.tdB. Jotiffe, Otrio .CE. Jean tstt.tt,BRegN, yountgst dautgh et.'sttts,tttt.els ervicest wst.sb d son, stt5ts-sintgtIlle wos t.ttts rt- Wsssst.sdeetsttappy t.j.s tht tleadr fbnattbesgov t.ssstttof.tess. ter of4 M.an Mt.tM- t. E. Cat.tt, ttfs.bssv A B. Moost d .M oo.t A c<t' 11thtt sttttin ttts.A tt. ststttttqptssuskt.n. b at..t 'tins.s.its.s.ttt rondt.s PtIts. ptiit happy ...ts tL B-s. t..psi M..Nt, ty. st ks s tWtt.- tsslatitsss .25.tsCatt rt-sts ts t y ttttst. ys-tst..tdsttbtttH.tE t.tbsby B.y C.t- iEM webtgin istttliertM GereAt.piistsn ,Mitn naro eoe h rd o h ,sbssMsin M.silnin asssss ro bs e mtotess-.sttttst sissd- t lic tti5ttt .-st.ittJttt hom.tt- pthe.b sa.ie t. yte. wottd "ttset ptsal sMscetttrsA.MLrtF..tdMt..rcet CampsblMîttW.tb5t, sto H 5Ut.A5Asdecb nte. AIshd sof O itt-3toitlejts athtt I ltp sttttt. hatst blenI dbatt Msket-b e tit t Mtutt Besttbttattt.of invbtes .tig to.A r Btt a.- Rttt yalt. CotinDt Tbs he.,....tt..tdss byoom ts thesntf.. oa hor, tsss t, Mt,, Stl.t.ss. Ath A t. tbstsn, tt sum -t i'stt untt a,,]. h.1f in b-b ,tb iAt Ct..Btpsi blet.tserviceta.ttts.Bb Et.trd isson t.sst .t Justi t.ttM.tLe-an B rs. . Gro K k.tMAt bsbb Eiton r t po stratle-of t y, tnibed C tttgl All-si hs-o. Th, ht-t ttts. Att.n s' 'less tttt titt.ttt ond h tbt ..ts tt.gtbs Police tb -ttt g av ,Rle 1tr roica. T he. gt.s -ss s t.btts re gssst Ilt î, wst tb s nt erl .t Mstt,ttt tor _____ _________ u Cepsstlbss etbs. astst. b Ms dec otttn. b! bs eh of the ttstsS.h ick.stcdtih ritt d e St ..ttgtb s ttb sss Mss R ttt. fitsttsl h,stst, s.,s to bs p t. _ - o cnarttAR sUL In Ard st tira t d hstp Ma tiy C'I ertrs algtsn an t.(t.ttt . ts e t he tstt.g stn t.eao f ir ' .tb tMr.ts M.r' Ctsssp sss ssst s t b ast Pas lofl l st-I th u ie 82tttt s of N an Mh nuE f ETI g i a g gn kno wilabya. tt cotacttt o ..t.sk tptt.' Otbsia Jsts.s .sit.nedsdM ttster He s s tets ite stl hns t t. poieni s t, st.s t . Mss.' sn stt bsb.tt , s t buffl S st dst t s,t Ft thA sy UT.g Uo N INSTIT fiaei iT st tSbsllstos..s.s hItpp ttintt.bss rte-st chargss. tts.tasts t.5t.tt5t555 iin whitetttt tttst.gsss-t.tt Ms..b.-. J.E. bisttsb Cbts.B r .st-d 4st..tss histd hy s tthe fi4s saifshione t. it lttettb.. bodiss sEp tsh st R.st batrblss AdA ý, at. , -ss tu bsh- sa s A. sh sttssssst EMEICLY E SABVcET andp pel itnss aly e t bs t he csos mmtgiss-n Lt. Jst.s Ostisg int..a Mtsssth it, tts ttst.ts tt train, SEtin thes.h! past stAe ittrs th ss ttt-5tt. t.bsittt.st.pttsttst. t.5t..t..5tbsg tttt.tttbbt.itst.p.hisstst.tt.t.t ItMsst-lss-ssstttisss S tts Stsd.t-a-bbouquetttst.ofEs crAisttatbts st. thest.tHt ,.jtttA st A (th.gMttETItNAt stessttbttalet.of fa isb ttbstoc, .t.- trwt nessc EP ts ld M. s. At s e tsttdst.s t.sssti..-tst-tt.in ttte s es t Mr.M oe nb(alo4 4 1 ;ja, n i ils l T N O N T T T sbs.s. i d i e r a ag m n , h , CF.CtmettontsbMer.of't thD la t .tss -sta d intsray .ss of t. orang tlso s c n gttts ttA t.nac otttt gtet gi t ttsttt.tstmtcol.5 ul.ttt thet drai of -AT M St.tttsi G. t H U AM E , S T..st.t.t.,r Cbttssts prcts. St.t.et. In- Attssst t.tit. an t stt. in gtssb fsIttttt. bouqu t wa stpstHs rose s t.s andtsstsshi tttbttott.ttt t. isttt itsdttstttt Et.tss.fso- 1ts stttî stts.st ttds s t L . Mr.. ant Tstt.E Mot., refre td t t.i toc ou thi itts-p t sst5v ainsbttis t Lt rin a io n c o n c r ni g r g ul a a n t h C .C F l ad e .s a n t .ts t G .ss t s H all st t.ts tt. s A tp ps s t!. E t h i tAf isu l o i t a t i t r i r p h o u i j n 1 a ois. e Ct.t.tsstri Clee M.mi t .t 24l e 194M.. Ppstss-t.i Toron t ,s stee W ;st ton sA t.ain t.brfsbt.tt regre.bHthin s AEt.ng t.hetstth t. ofttS s~ ttttttttttst ttttt.ths-tt.ttttiîstsst.t tet..ts -J Et..stts Msit .tbssM.t Csst.siR tilIl]sttsg thss t.thin th anssgt.tss i20s ;fr 1h n el E P O E ' EU V Y H l St..t ttd T MB 1t.~ pe b fil .is d Ms.- Jestat Gasttltd hn- Mt.tsen Hi1 tittp t ue Ms. Ms ies 'ti an f i t .tsis f trce ,,, . bt t -ssFo'Est. nf, ,a ntitt 1t ide anitsss. oB tALn n e CIR bt.Hme t bii - EtH.orts - Ptittit.s tt ma Etats tt. le h ls f . .b , ! 1 c th t. oa l nice.t.t5 St tir tad y S r h s o . M h allH itst.t.t . ssd -kt s s tttt Ai , ttti i 5tts tt he Ds.s -n is.al u p 'st.t.; t...sbt bt. purs -, Ht. ttbbt.t tb . 4tttt. Ht. ca dt.tthtYbh it in n h., hin-sý ouorcrarr - - c l sA M s 1.,. Ls.icotttttl s. ts.t.sH.!ttsb HA.i.t ~ TU S R RC X s As.r,,t-IAin .ts ne, ts t . 1 t...- 1t iti5 .siisiHis t.tt. thsd pt. mt.t.t pst btt.t. ss . Dt.. A t tbsgni 55ttt-s.tt.h , t.b.ttts t.ir fiwst an vet u ss ts Ci RC WIIns5tttd t Asttts Thtss Mstn,tbs R. EIlA.is b ..ds .t t tht. O.t-.t. t.5. g isse trsss ofst.tt bmp tss ti sN NASAGAefY trttt. or. t.Ht hh Ast.t tttt a tg.t th i tsit to o Ms Nt- ~A . ttt. M C b t t . - t , t .G a r d a . t H . t G O L t . S" ' C t . t 5ea i t.t. H H. t.t.t.t.t.t. < t. M r . tJ . 1t H s t . . s t t t. t t. . . g t t p . t. t . tr l tli ta n o ftfi t v ,t1 g i s SJt.t.s, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F (At.Wit.My. st.H bts sitgs..N.-bb., b t.s AJ. t.sss.i sttt h.bis th ttPs.ttutt bt.h hIst.tttt 5s Ptishbt..t itt-stts ittt, t-t s ti ti Courst . at.tst.t - s ..tt.ann Min a Bt Hepttt At.tt.cnJn 93 .4i Marley ohs ht.pt.s at.tH5t ba ust. A t~a Ct.t.htss.h nd . Hto Ctos,phsii tinttitittst.tsic A nulss KtttMttac . Cmit. Tht.t.t.gissMa b24, .t.5gsistt-ov' sPdsts ri tt55tStHthe sn g Hof ttsegst,g (u, tAit. ttdhtits ravttt.t tt-bs t bt flAt.ttNAhst.st-s-st.st,.sti5tHAtnui (t Ess t tt.y t.t.5t. stSh ,stb st Lth.s Pt.st.s.-s 2. ?n . ,t..st, t s tit tsag sh o g A, I ] 't' 'us co .ttitt Il ss. f tile- ts ft..tr tfl, ],-ss t , rit. t. tttt At .t't 'n i l v hl er'aou g - n al Lt.tH . t.titstndtJ.t.bMartcelt.us.th MsAtss . tt.t , las sb.-as - .t tttts ts. Ats -t, siis st. s-t Ab Ht. hs-sr. SA , oo do i 19tssBt 1b. finastt -ts- ovtorx*,1,luI,- ull lion A.t Mststst.îs stt st.St.se t sst.- bih t h e document ts.A -,A tt t ist t. n -sttt sol as s the Estast!t tA bs ý Luzon tt...s ar Sat EVENING ~ od MrLAR Jus. st.c St.st.tttsst.e t-t t liildrif. l'ci ot.pîtael bride ttt ttt tA- apu, ht stno-t. Miîs-t- tt s. tIaý st! SSs t he its- t es.s st : p ersona]ts trfl r s t . c i -m t e . % l o e a d e s o o i ' tHR C gtt!ttG ssAngt no t .î 5 chtb tttt- ttt( Ç ai,-t- M miteHOLO lR E cndes TheNi sttH iett vo.te.s b t, t ariot gen- g g bltt t riplett. tssseos Sihs whitettle- t! b.- A AW Y soits ih gtnssS s!ý tnd Aft.lt M- t s-t St..sd Cet.ci. Wh t . Mayr e. BL it ed Weil.t o L Norts frt. nt 2.76 Ch s!dts t.pelvin sth b rI gt t..ths tsSodos t st- t eia hrh ln o, c ,ts- Ib-ttt t.sin t! .cISO P i thlEM o il,..t g2 Abs- (lAd tt! Ottbststt.! Hen "Ilst astt ]ht. Stist, st.ss M.. t. ltssb Brd ssh.s sotfs!s, Gd ts,, Th, Kin i t socitast basid h .t J . St d d .sE Et .S.g A. Ptrot.-.gre sss 4 ssive tt t.st.t.ts t t t. . ssb grnrohot. bss. ChlsstAAt .stps bitse ob (fst ai9 sttt Lsstst 'otils stb. an !ttss t i hatIEA Ct S EH.b-.s. E. gSmithps n-s tht. Legshtss!s 22 hneli t pst.hin stt.t M -s ts 1 srtt. wes-,s s das Cgbttt.rnfrcnlecs n M so h( i bAit ss in t .h t.st. Et ss At.tts s.t tsthi if mtdtn,,tastt tstA t. svti A66E;s Lsb th ..t A.lscea Mst,ss A.E WhiSt.ien pfservt.t.it..an st.s s ts t. t tht. csroisss d sM t5.tsstt.!d , 11ssstt.N ss9 Cttt.t. HC tht 8t;ttstt Lie.st.4ý;lth wieO hi c n,%oecre nnarig.,I , iftfiltress Sty mthsst . tttsghcl e ao Progresh s t..htsive t.2 . t.t-! t.sASAMsst.lH-idt. Milto. -'odsss wsstaiss tt. rtt ,c s.n b,ssstth t.sp,tt. ro, qua.bs t.Ahs 4t.t.,sAtbt.t..5,tt.st.tsHst. bt WtAMt-s.t R E ts 5~~s- stptststh Mt-. Cits itthI stt.b htttt.tts.i.t.t.bcgs-ttt lateit oscontct tr htt..tt. of t s-sfa t.nu iEt axm omet l ithts.t.s voro CSsH ýt ht.tt. . I htt.stts!t tht t.stsiag Oy P.stssst . [,,Is osft.ss..ss s BI.s-t h9I itst At5t.t.t. Ae bss-ss . paroier ommitee aiPt.t.tt.t tttA, st.ggnsvote,.113,s920hsst-tallots. Lt.tsss MorHsolt.At4tnith-tpoints.tl-sst. -ssarouioi, ins- tt.ttisoo.t.Ssth,-f momer f or ouniBsl't. l....t-isda o t t4. is5 5 ssssy hsttttt.bt Essiistogn o 11 pln'r, l l I frin 1 i Dn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ spttHt Ct H.Hsstbsst..193.il151,3 n 97 binw, ttttsb.st t. hs i , th. me 5t.t.A. S rht..!h I Il f nDil.t . Wll Sîînersu ih Nls ils sEsiI'p.. s rand~ s-sst.s A..tt.. MSA>u S, s iss h t..bts POPULAR T MUILAT Ils ,- t._ MsgtS-dstl .bst ,^ saSt., s- ptt.d Ab sss st tu 5 tit s- ts-ttt pl' f--sts l-isa t ai s! t, A5 B.tis.. ortibAHt..tLl, -I hiist.sAChospital gsAbtists,ttbs-H ..tstbs S T AT!t St UIT EDsHts.tttt.t Feti va 5 s Ie t.t ,ht oss-s 555-t- sti tht 'so.,.t tsht It figeAs t.tsttu ss-bsts ssps- ' , .tsh. Cht.t s-i.tt -s tts. A B tH t ht ,,ktsstst.sssttStt s--t sA usstt.ttps:stLt-- shtt ssstt ssbsttttbt.t -II.Hstsss ft.(5y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hlol luq.ppd.. ptpssbt mon--.I-lseiNs ist B- Ht Hshts, -A bs(sH -IîiIN Clloreýv Nassats t iv 40W t o flous stt t.e)lf Ati Ssslng Eofss.s fil,.st.t Th s-Atofi h, he CCF53828 t.) t.Hib ...tt. t t.s-t ofttt ! stî $2.00t. 0 foMits, teti Sc aim s llihrblfl andss tsH.t f i Hl iAs t.t, st..t sst.bo fici tedsb t E sgo t. 60! bt. s, famH lles.gt d.t. 11 Nt . 5)Hsgt. s P roM es- s ivt. e 2 .-. C h l ns- H s ial h w i- c at b i s-t -tst.t a ttth ht. ht .t t s S ai t t o -ss SO UV E N IR S PO-tStE..-~ fendsvore t 6 illio dollr. Te f.1tss--.-t.ts pantttfts-r s-sb5 trio is ýOM P OB s!th MIitst t-5l tA b , .tt.s-b 1) s f t t-s. ,s totaR A N Mio a t ss Ms . . s ts. !.t. - th Astri 55-- a , os d- A H at lhi 5H bs g-îs fir y J lie 23 il t t , . f ic ro res ive C .As t cs ss-s ai m a - M a oiseo g H . -st ît- hvit a css o s , t.s t, s b ds-ut. st, so e l e ýe i n la d " gmt.tEssst..t.s tsoý d b t.t.. t.es ,HSNtie ..A. t.o a ao Por , t.thtt.gt. TIsddt. -ss-Tt . Hsst - ts.-ss-t.sthIA tt -tsi- A. s tstthes nflcar s-hsssssrI (l ig-oýr( tutitttt car w I oEt rs t Ectgts t a s . M au , sus, s ,,,,n t t, e r d po sb i tss ma 1s t Stri ssstte sos tW .s I. ,u, o r , o ot of. e I o - s i - - - - - - --ho n l i, o ri > Mrr Dzewh r evn St..s..p.5 5. tssu u5b.S SN A d tEts, elntnNrhaB rantA t- b ,artusî.. B,ssSt.hutn. vi IAH t y,, E fi At.t. Abs-s b'ssit .. -sstst ins sh C vA +~~ Il.ts.Sttt..ttktt5.5 5tb.HStt- SWhs4 ts,4h.s-sttibt. it e-ih Mr M.A. .tsttA ttbt-s sss u-t t.n psuAsss t. Asn. tstAt.- tA5tt s t t$4,300 t. the sr tb SEA .ttt ti sst M s t. pbt.scil t ad st iltg Bt Std. s A tts hSt..,tt, Li orl in E stJ-..[.,ilt t " A.Es-tas-MPspirEtet htt.t thss.t mtset t.sst H.A Moh5, VI-st.stt. M t Browns ti-s ,, ttSbel s m ri n l Ns. tý.- stsB- ss..t.tt E(s.A. ptt.tt(.t.tpb.s.tt.htttt. A is..sgston bailDssast-ttsS m .it .ts-s ~t coturcai.sla t t.sttts-sAs.s.Mis. stssHt h-sgsshs t,4d 05.îibe l on thesA cnt-s-s-t.- bs-th eq t atst o Bsti the! sttitg (Bt; H W.4 NsMttt .. st.t s tE T E A t Me- tss t.t. A Mr,.s t. ssst- .t.dpr oe Th t.t.ns thtttgm BsH .s t. t iat.ss-t. M t. y Cas iyg tirs kds thm fr t he.ttsss.s tt.t sesb , DstiAt. Et-tt.tt.dVsttCt.tane y . o tt .t h .ts t.ss L n C . Te. %j- chait.t.s s Mis B si al ed r I l t.sb t.s cots firmt iot-s- ts-t tiht ot..5 s Bs.tbstt a .-(s fr i a tts-t.i .the t al.at , - l y B i i e a a .t.o e o .b au i ul tt. solot "0t Promis WMMN K LL . p ts-s morss t ,s- tstts b Ct. t.s ts.E - ht.t.tps.i s sts n1-ist. f t servict - by stt- ntts(t. s.tp ts st.-g s.,5 .t..tty.. t .2 litalies ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N AhAt As.t.bsbt vCE Wtb.olY Sstssttidtgtt.ttim on i C n ases h ve b en a pin'n d rngt esi nn ofhss the stser Es-st oss t - us at iett , Bt- Br.at.tntsfordtd.t s- - t.stts st.! Ess-ig Ca,.,s svr st-se inS t.-s. sscrf li4e andss14.t.sss t .s NE S RVC I lw , a lntsthss wl hvea flic Ms!nrr Bs cei, t. s-ssthett,-s-5a555s-stainad ht.t s t th s-uy ss.ttS Btstt -1 th CrndtssIks,-tstAistsep tss sth , sh s-s n sjuifn i ass-tAA Ht, 5tpo t fot s-usup t.- ntht. e90 psst.ssss-t s! stt-g me Bankss Tbss, Mssttss-e asnd th ako r hlir iio r rigi i ic. r ite o til tsi. St -t, t--t sl bin fu- ts- hstl up p andss 5s-stttt.4 b t.ts-t SSi_ s-st (ssa «awey AN.A.,. Rbssht Stt.ss5s.ti . s.s os-st,b ti hs-ss tEu bs- Att. suni, I l Att- t Sats-tcsctts-ts F der a 0viersrvic,Sa no,-sti ts 1tttt.t Ahsbbsts-sutttthu us.>t.tAt at.d t Mihtlrt d]At5sg -A bt-s *",S* s--A -tsis-g t ,dNto, - uiig o buEtt t, .st.t-stt,,,mnilty .tS 5 tst!tAs, tt i bilait Hsst ti-hol I-s tttt.il wa,î .tt!!t t tttt et- 1 ît s i t M i a tht. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H L E INst 1930t -sst.s.s . EAtA E-Ass. hs-55 -ssA H tstttA Ahts-ts-us!tblo s-sstrne ip w t ts- tusin t. h t -l-stt,,s-s-s-s thtt-utssh s ssst.-s. .ituttttb utmore andt it- uss . motre(sis-s t.,t s ts.A s--. ls stt-t tt si s\s !5b-t lt sis-u- -ttti-tt - ttl-- tmtits t- t!,5 5std ss t est bus nsthtts-foretstl w t.tschois-t .S. N5-sut.: ,sssN gstbLONt-s (ppt-SAvett e tstdt. Ahbsstss-s s Barber-sit -bastseuA! a ttttst ua g iti et s i ls s(aill-A t stsîAE sstt 5- s-t-t.s..snsa!tbines.t buildtingu ontLtTt. tt.s- rt sttt.t SItS o. S. S. o.t.bttSsEs- file yigstptbo ) s i s5 Et o, 5Es-ss -E-th whtsuite susu F.,-sbs.t AH1t s-t,; 1-~ s-t ous-tt-s itAssAt.-QtSttsttit1M .Iu.sA dts ttststspsssst-.stis SAus-,stsuss b.tsttsu A-Sbt- bts- bssdsttt! .sbs-- st!ttst.,bts- t .s-tst-"t t' 111 Volume 86--No. 4.