PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, JURE 21sf. 1945 N i,,. Mt.ig, -Id 'E FISFIERMEN VISIT IIEROIC D00 PIES IIOOKEY MADE EAST f. ît ~Pollckç&Ingharn J. A. ELLIOTT ýj1 A9 t fi 9Ni9999N99 VA9,NN SIKEA ,991l a D i i , g9'N99N9999 tN fth9e gofrNfNfml IH D MEMORIAL S aNGdAVNG daN9hf9f. in fh boulNNe. f.oe., The idea N u pr'NN te be9N 4k- 151 MAIN ST. GALT PNef52 ervie club9 t9 by Dr. Wenfdef TE*EHOeqE Il RuralfRouteNo. 3 MILTON LONG-At Mill-.N Frivole Hafyfîfl on MacDnald. FrIds9. iNN9 l5th, f945, fN Mr.an9d sn, Ctrt c NN Sf999Ili 9 AUCTION SALE Notice to Creditors fIE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFEOIS ]In th, mttir Nf th. fttei et RATE __________________ ofNedf9g Ffteeiture tAntique an SONMS aned DANIEL SOMERS, ILEXNDEf tt 'GINN TN9efhp. Chinaw 119 0IN9199 t t he 5 Tmo- ff MHt., Is. the OA 'Nfttttt Mtttt, N W9t- stru'N9ftNfs ft-t, the E99999torN Nof the t fN9 fNff fff gf t l b -9e. hgN tthffAtf NIES. LARE MABEL MCCURDY SOMERN and DANIEL SOMERS, E t, t, tt ht t.9t 19tt99 t fAfttfntt, LNt 14. CN- 8, fwp. Nf TrN- sontN9 ft h ne ig, 1999 , f945. , f tiylt Ilo thi, tNl eitnctte, tNtg99Ne.t tN GEL Sttion N. JAMES W. BLAfN, tn 9f 9tt îtt t it k N t O9NDAV, JULY 2sfd _9 Ctek. Ton9' Nf Mitfn, '9tt9tN ChN99h ri t f At 3u f9N9k th, fci.vNttf g9MtNfOf9N 4 tf, tft it U'tno CnNt Pftt9 tt, ll . f5 99 pirs 99. tfNf.29 6h,95 INdro ChaiA t99ft .frs:9 2 Se999Nt Cai.s Notice to Creditors STOVER hi mC,.r f StCN9fNN Gt9fftg Bnni, 'Tabl9; f2 lotS09 t tl.,iag J D9fftfgff ttfChairsfta9oltl ffAr' fttheNNfNf94f9JOH Joff lie9 299f. 199f Cthitfsf ftk; 2 Mail9 GN9 ,: MO ISON HOLIIES, telle .1 the 19 ft ttf9f f9ft4 1 Eigf 099, fft9ft. N9f 199 TNnsship NI Tm9fJiga, 59 If Afh9. K9ft AUt pMN99 999,99 B19f ry9 W hen You Preserve the EIsIey W ay! 'f9994 , 99 har 4 Il find atttg99f9R999 te f9ff9f9999ffHIfN eatTotid fvu h~ Me, ff09tLt tt Alfftft'tt9 AtfbItf CN99f fRadio,9 9999 99994 99999t, av t- ,, usn 99ttt'9ttf.9f.ftf9994y 9~4 tf9 Sel-99 f2fp1tf99ff Nf] f491999 T9N9k99 chin g 1ttt) 24 92 .9 9 fN9t Les. __9 ,~ 1 ~ dCaevladil or 9 Loeker facilities. Bring your f resh picked fruit or vegetableib f299 nottt t on ai., n ot .g.tffot ýl, f 99999 Tt9f99 boutf999 the9 999 , 999f of MNy, 14, ale 99îIin m, fiu 0,kB(tdroon Sfttte,tr Irapt99 999 N99ff99 us in loc r cartons A, _ft L> ttt ci I,' belli-f Poi 099fI. Suit E4Af 9te. t __ 1 the tfh day of 2919. f945, ofhe99'fff 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h thef ttttttttt'tft fttt't' bte f.ftOdS29hh Nffff9df9f99ffte wtfhouf 9'9f~~ Mats qhtf. t tt ttttt 999 N4pr : Ptff9t99:i GEORGE E ELLJOTT,ro Ail food musf be shNrp frNzen kefore if goes i999 fhe focket, so tkNf fhere oi be nto PA 1'ýýInm- fFla-ft9 Ttk, Ef'llt9k9 M 3-3-ff: f Milton, 099999 t 2 . ;tt t. , tt 944 ftt ok ,,t,k f 9tif t l : Tlt9k,:, .ttt9f 14fh,t4. fre999999 helps fN re9999 more Ef fhe NftrifiEnNl qflaliftes El fhe food and dEes 999f break dNwn 0 TelI,t ta'o, ftt,9 .tt.t Sfa9 do99: Sf99o9 EN-t c the99 WNh elf walls of the product 199999. TE prEfecf our cE9fEmers no food i permfffed in lockers W9 f, _ 1t~ Lttt 1 t f t9ffft 9 Machine: Eallet C99999 F99999I ADMINISTI1ATORS 9991Erf 99 99109. .99.. 1- ,9 't'l ItCI t withou 999999 f,9tg9 Tfast9 f999f o99z9f9*9 992f ho9 59999f999 99999 fd99995uu "e,' abe. AUTO SALE jolie Fot'Recipe Bokgiving fulisrcin nhow toprpNefuisan ee 99 tt . 9 t .t t 9 fftNk9N fs Nuff Coke;g aot 6 tos F999999ý IN TOWNSHIP OF ERfOfbeIENE9lce 99ePI 9Nldsro Ne T'm elff f9 " t n A em -Ilfttf99 99 by i9larg 9i, r F.9 , Il99 il, 9 F99e 0' REAL ESTATE, IMPLEMENTS, fttt9t 1, ttIf9 9999999 F9999' lut long.e9 Beach LITE: PipeR FIJENURE ET LOCKER RENTAIS AND PROCESSINC CHARGES ha ll" t- tt. r.t. 9999f9 9999 s and9 59999 9 : fp9 9V9999f. in_ 94999fý mit9994 99 99 9t9 Oak P999nk: Chaf9f lori9999999 99he 9 999rige bas re99999f99 - DoEr Type Steel Locker ................ $19990 year EDfo mrN99 9tff999 T.9, .ft9 999 Ill 9f9f9e off the99 D99wer Type Sfeel Locker .............. $1 2.00 ye t- %- L . erSw ui-nAIU4E JAS. and AGNES MCLEAN N S99 Sawt: IL99 e999:OooIf 999 îfrAr999999f9 Fast Freezing of Fruifs and Vegefables ..... 2c pf., 3c qft. 1999999 09:9999he; Linen: 099999999,' 9999999999, Lot 8E. Con f 1999ri. on the- -B revilies - an th aueru 9999hol 9999ie ir f Eri99.2 miles soît oN. A 999l Prie sey fhe W. P.T.B 1 4 Hig999,y, 49miles9orto49f No9 TB f9 if ffi f9 f999999 ,- 9999e't999 A RDAY, JUNE f9, 1945 Il t do o9dy uy (.- Il 999 f Sale ra99fd ff9fff 999ttlc 9999,99914 S'19kT 9f 11el av O 909'T'f. Aufr9tiNeers _ HORSES Grey Pe99c9999n G9fldin.g., l l y s F r g c o t!ýoIt f.l A F9L09'T i 99999 994. E99 Pe999h99o9 Mare. 6 9~~~ ~~ Pf,99ftft9tt. .999 999 ' ' Fat ,fk 2929999about 140b III A gond 9999fu MILTON-PHONE 131 Ili 1t 9 t h e 99ff9 CORS1 99'il (ftf , 099. 99kicg 9'99 1.f loait'f -I9d .1ffInfftf rey _o9 AUCI9 SAL d'tL.f abttf 1.19 date: Af99ff'9, C9f9. fAR SEl TOCK, I'91IEMFNT,, IIAI- *ffff f',fffI \I( FFA GRA99N.IN, ET(f. ,ii Sf9 I909,'991f er99 .949 99. ~ ~ ~ %er L999id999 79 t999ftt 9.99999, .3ff 9.. Ili "9k'Ctt,., 9k tt, Il Il9so9. 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