TUE CANADIAN CHAMPION TUURSDAY, JUN. 21t, 194 ISPRINt. DAMAGE1S ROASAS 1THE RHINE MEETS OIIW<Â 'N tm ilW efar C<<4I44, <'<<'44!.4 «M«N A ABlended for Ouaflty <Cf<CC Cff!' < <Cf fCf f4Cffest WatCrlCC bCfdge wAsoe hr.ss c Acr<dministfrative fa " %bili:'yorand Ceneraf LAIIYUffI l'If <<.'I '-' C- '.'.<..".' 'TPe bidgeC Ca C5 - <«Crs CS at aLD il <4h. Lederliffip vri<, tM«C«<,Cf,'<lCC'1CfoRCCCCCCC. haIfC<CCPCCdismCc 45 Cl~~~~~~~~~ <<<< h-«CI'.f<<< «'<d hCCiSC. CC« pp'.d --f.C Channe 'n I aIhII I te 5g I1MMEM55RATC lIssONEERýS' <<fase Cf'. alter iCC C'.f.C <f aCfCC<5sC. il,4' <I Il lie SICk fp -C<4y C fUm <"C< «'.a CaPd lion<.. Sf <'«'CP Ce.C<C It Always 1 , i ,,1 U% 4.,a D44< Cf «< II-lit < 'C CC! « f «44< EI<g«<. 4f40 <CCCfllerî r.ff << <4 4 <'44al Ib'4< Illle"W telo -'o ding af ll<f< ,f << <.4< f <'CC PIf'.CCf:, <<<'4<! <<<<".<'. 4,1,4,4' f<, fRf 4_I r", ,,,.,, U '«h f'.<.«C<h- <4 <44<f f., 4< ,, f,',',' 4>a 4 < ,l4< <4 f. -y-4 V ~ ~ '«4 f4 t- I I44C4,i] or )i <'.4.4 t If 4< fi ,., <f A <"<I <.<4 il<4!' 4<44l " thi 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l 1 4.lal l4<4ie<4 <'< 4 < .<4 4'f!f 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ I -<<<.<U<4< «<<4" '«« t 4 4 < 4 44 .4 <<.44<4 <<4.< << '4<44<' f4' 4"- 'I., IIIf 4'., k CCIl f <I< IfII 4 I 4Ifh .t1, - ,irf '.4<44< <4 i tr.ngf, il<4. <4 , R, s 44<4 ~ ~ ~ ~ h CII 4< <<<4 4 4<<<4«44 4 t44 4 it 4 mi 4l <«<.4<4'.bm lDr 'I <4<4 î44 f!ri'<f<<f<'. 1, 44 _,k< 4lmnle an 4Ii-,oy 4444 44 4 4 < . 44 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I 'llg '<f 4!o". >1 4114lA JI <1 f.!' ,1,1,OcP d pati 1- . la " 4<< «< < 4< < 1. 4.. <4 ~ ~ ~ ýo 4 '4 4 f. <<<'î il<< Pli,<41 1. 1 ssI , 5C41'III rsETý 4V' 4l 4Vl <CP <<'4<l 4 f, <.f< f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I il4 "4 the<4 <4<, <<<14<<'44<4<4114. 4' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t 4 444<4I4 <4441<<I'f.<44<<<" << C'4. lit 4 4 . <I< f <44444< !,'..'C in< <.f.4<".<f4f.fPfCC lP I< li't<< < < C ffCC!sf.P <'.4 24,4 f <2<<4P<f<444'<<'.<44' «'. PRAIRIE PARK P' f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LII «'P) fA.4 4 .4 .4 .f4<<<«4< <<'ffpf C. '4<4 .41,1 k4.4<4 4< ' of5<4 Li<<<4 '<' 4lL i <44444444ff -I 44<444 Il4<4' i<'4 [<<1< 1114, o 1 '1< Il, La,4' 4 '< < < Lah'.« ,' s,,d 4 ~ ~ ~ III l4l 1- an 4 < 4< 4 444 <<<.<.< <r 'ff N I 5fl"s i l' f,<ssf' -d<!>p'.<C<igC .l<f<i'.'.C« Il4 -« mo'. «C" pspc'.P'. 'i d'. -<kf '5Cd hfascgiP. t'.P'e ,s47?o. W'. Canaodiens, 05'.Ph'er w.ith the citi'.'ns of th'. Unsiteds St'.'. and Geate Britoin, wIlI '.ot lents. sugor dueicg th'. balance cf 1945. To e 't ours e'.'n '.C'.d' and th'. uren.t eqssie.'ntsocf esse Alj'.s an.d th'. liber- ot'.d o..cses, orschor'. ofPthe rcdspion muet4CS toto1 ISIACI' 200,000,000 psstos cf «.590e dusic<q Phe. '.'. of th'. y'.ar. Toi aA.'5CCC faie distibutpion' of w'hat ho pcunds ds.5ei'g hn'.cPc'.c'n mcnths by eeduci<g th'. cncthly '.llstent o con' pso'<d in.' Jssn. Julp. A'.gsct, Octcber ond D'.c'.mher. In Spt.scb.e'sand N ece, th'. alMa.sc'. e.ill e..s'ie pnchrsg'd ot hec pounssôrsl Thectl< pCondcPlgaeeallCtI"..t forhoe '.cnnig< î'.pe'sntcd hy twen.ty ectra pre'- cerecChfpns '.cmeh'< p.s'.hssqd. Too egu.lar p'...esecc coupons< wcli conetine. Ps. 1'ftthe.psgerationcis ossh,'hthy fi.c hc.sss'.'stidce'.hs'.<s.h. ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SUGAR Q1.'0'.. dl. 4.de get li.h..44.4 of w Q. Why i.4b.."more.d ».g.. .oppli..? 'A4. h < A.'c,'.A large Aý WCsIA stoc4k. ls' posss<I b'. the Cch<c.d e .,fhs.d as Foi< Bairsd<.fh.< Uni'. Nation. , heh ,'.<sC Q. Wh.". d.. th. .trer f th.. -.,la ug-. A W«Id -.,outpst<Ce Iliv A.TcC5thes'îclaas,,icfdin i..s<.sfd ,s, cf k« Il',, laAh C<s<peancs<'.<.s, l<ss,<. th'. Middle Ea, A ~/ <scf'd i'<.« bse. Appr.ic'..Ipchal 6, f <1'.hc total k md L.«p et ..le f. A.ticd So 5ib'.41d ,.... i'.' 44464<4'. l «' e in 1946. Q1. th... le- ..g.' i. th. -..Id 4.0.'.? «%2«, < 2. Osh.'s ~'.portCc<s<'sC A.T.- Bec..se ed r padpouto ..'.c.'.Aî.s.<p,'.dpf<1 A<cn, s< d s'.dî,,st'.ks«reahcd aCelw3 l«sd dspsqhs<eA<d .5 h. b'.gc'.<< of 194. Bp th.'n f h A,<'.s<. wili «"c dos.,< a.jais desssAsee IRDUSTRIAIL AND QUOTA USER! WILL ALla CET LEUR b..'sC.. oa b .. Ir ..4'... ..... 4.4544.4 '. ... .44. l e ,. , ,s I""s.,ce erq q . . ... ... - p. . s Cs... ,s ... RATION 'ADMINISTRATION SUGAR IS SCARCE - USE IT SPA RINGLY 1~ M - :: . ý : . . TE KEWNY PETE IS SELEMD PETE TRARLS FOUT CLASS He is selecteli' In thisseriesourardotgiveahinvemi.et of how the finest coude ci] - symbolized by Pete-i' selected end refined tu onds, B-A Peerlets, th. il th.tl. Only the rury disent tril A'. ...tr.1 of on vol croit. i. minus '.il in B-Al. ta k.e.evetCr corits licites! il , . esde lielected crude oià, are ...il 1 ýitIs tihtl ai -de. t«.e.. F., .. Arfls fer Oil ihtnimc. l , fer petit... M.tor OU. 1 linge, agi- lit.. paîtront change ta Peelletrel Dil AND DeSOTA J. W . HIGGINS Miltion INTERNATIONAL HARVFSTER Sales and Service Sales and Service is Lis I1' pT bpr ton Gu( s Rep Gs "IfC 1<f Ils lu5f SI)1, Re<C PCCo4 PAGE M I - [11 Bvl iv% g- PraNer enten4d for soger? et5 fC5 fIII.- 4Cipc. P.,55P C..s. hans tutcd mesc r id<.'sd, fi. <sd hutia.