THJRSOAY, JUNE 219t, -1945 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PG Hi 1 Jf GInteree to Womenj -,i accd ts hav tke flic c4 dr pic thon citr cithoer fcc l y hh hfi c,, Aci x hcciyccmuxccxe cccii~~io huin oct cas 2c ,ers havehpcicccicurli chlin pf solohrc iciciciu c H xInklsl In cc'c-dih file i'in.Cc i reh trcadn causes cof icur.iocc h supofcociar l th e osxy i thi hcc luicth xdus icrcpcssicl. lccii'hci'ahdifcci.a îcîchlcscicili uîcuapllnfc e icuihcselhcyuc'iald c cci'ixu cce-c i.d iilo loi h ar fcs oces cf. cyccps ccp bue cchsittfed hor scxcr. 'J'h codtonoe tex, ilede The siopicci rcipe on have uns e hnfedr c I hta c'chii' o ta ic Ilc cxmcc frimthn Dcpuccccuicof Agri- en cclccAndiihxcuisccîh csccîd culture, ifcces rclcley ruedcofusingr NE.ALEX MACLAREII cclxe ac d onxy hu avrae s he forrccclteii'lcdixpccqu rt d Otee reulur of tse Ontuu Fni -I c iccccii'cîocdyxîi cccsig o hrolle ccd frecxc The uddition of ServicueForce thh icfihccxccccc chccticl fircshfritcordberhcccuucu icu an Mr.Iutaloree aute ngr« c ciccchi lui'pdccthxiicihcirsci TAKE A TIP duit aes Cuesesaudus CeOgaie ciicîci Uocc i , utco gicir fîfi- frccisg, The fcxy of cruel shcxid Mtîeeeîe d sknl hoe1-. faIylgt, 1t,, ciccys hc piced on chue hefico shuif 'neetd WÎte Suthe OuscurIe "']l1 six 1 fcicle hc c iduci fctal. unlcsc ihccc ic cn lppe, shuit ver a tcnSri e Frce, Purltesmeeit iccc îilcsi licih x irccing rocllc. icci cic BuildngsTuruutou fer detaed "x î plix cchliciccchccd ccdh'chiecaiphxchf Pct.hcc cizr inoraton cilci mociri'sicp and Ioken nto cunlici,'t Ificletcii ci"'opli", I lai cli duih cc rtiî'îc'ellc lccgihccddi i-, M e i t' ttli)b, 1i Ili ilci i i I th ei ip cccx i ccci ir liahidd rum T re Ta p1lmi xw cI cx' cu i' ciix ii co Ifhciix cfcn incIg, i tbiis Te I, Pc Ili' xc clihch cxxlxluaur. iiii.ciclclcaixicir, icc I i lxxciclc onlc Goemon c uriesTé Smcturc ic l',ilin 1f'lolliIýU ic'ccchccullih11,ccicccin'II nionaipii'xcccl Smgge- lc xciilicx'~ 'ccdlc'ccsxccîcîcx cci 'iccliii I--cci ci ,ilxilli c"iiiii 'c 11n III ccc lhcle icîccc ccci I f ccîc hcc thei i-cc -nonii iiccl' cl ' iil liiii liairci i hi, a,' sihidi c'lc,' l I-ol ciic iii ofidhc Ioiii'lxi cra n h 1 , , U >ii ,n ficci ic xi iii' x1, i" l d c l c ' V O1" t i t' E E A 6 , ' x p c ii- , i 0' l u caxn d l c i txi c l a n ts cc ix in c i b l c o , e t n- a]'r ,- , t c i llM.ll 1 1 h f ii i I l c c i c i c l icc p x x fîcc lccc x cccî g xciI fcl c ' 1 ii ca c-l ccli ci,, Y I hcIF I l, ccc E x i t c u h2ic cccl ccxc- claciciixi h'cId tout c'xlcxc cx 111, i Ucnitediuhuhc ci xxixcd-il xii hu cx'lccilci.iilcicpiic cx1, iiiic ciiiiU ii i c ' uii i h c i x ii l l c p c c i c c c i l c i i i i i i i p c i i i x h c d c i i x l i ' l - i i l i c c c s c c BIii cccii ccc ii- lemùn xc icdIctuxici ' cl l'ciis cil ci,, l, %a " ýle l. I 1.W iI h ,a . , i i l i l i i i l i i i i i l î c î c c c o il is - cii. l, j l l d , U le p s s , rîci c o ncc î c î c c c i l x c i i i 1 1ip c l " c h a n t fil l i i i bii i 1 1 1 r e c lliciii c c x ii i h c ic i c'i cccl' b u t ,lî ca .,cc x î c5 'cclii ccxcliclc foc iit ccxldi,ha-icibleui lniicdcdicS., 1 hici fi RC.c. ClUmbr, v'plimiilcI,'op-ifilipiîhxi fliccI chunin liiiUg in p",hii iiiip c-i andcc ilci lie ccctlimi li d lii cc iir icclia a ife e w th tn r Iý l t oi htci -c ccl cii' i. FORTUN iFF TOî cii c ii l xl el,'i icci ci ici i x , l x x i i U tc c " l l iýi i , l c , I " l i p i l r"lOiOlA F i 'c oss ,iiiciiiilio ba di r M-'1 len .h p iaf r i I f i i i I " c scli " l it 11 b o l ii i, C' V n e c n p c c xx, fr ýI tr, I cx' cîc o ui , il ci> li o -lr t r 1cc ;,ii cccix, ccci cccc, C H Suc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n iicccc cil cliiids vas cii ii 'ci ccci c c rx c c c x c i l c c c in î cl i c c p c c c î f i l" 1 1 o n t' j u s t i M liiiiiicx îcîîî'î c cxii ci lxîc cciii' î clii i loch cli, ,il c Uic c i l ' cch F O I PIP EtOi l i x c x l c i d i o l i i i x x l c s c I c c c î c c c cic c c - . i i i i i mO U N O y o un 'o W n ilixi cccii %VAxTERi Icx hcii nliin'g iciin -"ciii 'f' Îl mlober Ofhi cx Icuci ic'cciiýý cl ccix fcxi c"'ci cccxiil- mari. cxd inlI niuîcî cxcucc'cci ig." ccc ici, iixcc c uc ihicipxtp' i cci ,c si, cii oiiiiiiii xp 'ici lýnIccîcusn "Ile1-9- i hbeauf',cxccxicc pcccxhhlxcccic icIccga andci ,Ut, cîxpahu Eccucu xcl 'Ihucie" t c cccii c hlic ixiLu Iccx el, chi hics icxcpx c cIili cc. xcx' cciii dc, i ccc lu,." . tho 1, cx ic x c iic c li c d cii ci I --tc i l lii , hc cxc c in cl lrr i xîc ccii cxcluîc xg uid IIc ccc , il l 1iii1ic uaiii iil iii ii, siîd c iii il, ncis ccliE Aii si l m di l I c l d cl,01 lii hîcx c ii t lit c ob biln , CU %id c llin(iiî iîi, 'c cxl cccie i i i " , i lire on i l,'il c, ' i i, cxicc, si ccx ccgxilpîccsfIinfic, ciicircic- a ichcc xcdcc cccc cccî fîî ux xccclpstlic cuioff x'l c 'i i!ý, Hand MiIking ks on the Way Out Freedem frem the tiring and tirusemee lob cf hand milhing twice a day han been gained by theusands cf fares familles threugh the use cf a modemn milking machine. Onu persan con milk up te 20 ccws in an heur with a milking machine- it keepu a geod baud milher busy ta milk 7 te 9 cocu lu the samu time. This saving cf tie and laor bs important, especially ehen gocd farmi help lu hard te get, but at any tie milklug lu a dislihed chere that the family lu glad to have tahen off their handu. The hours cf tie saved with a milhieg machine deu mean soeuthing in dellars and centu but it mucus a eot mare in mnaling formi lite uasier and mare pleasant. Eserycbedy wulccmes the relief frem the milking time blues that a milhing machine bringu. The modern, practical and ecenemi- cal way ta do thiegs lu te use machines inutead cf muscles chececex passible -that lu why hued millcing lu oct fer dairymen che h aveuexpeuienced the ceefert and cenvunience of a mechani- cal milhec. Amcong the lime and laber sacing machines your local Mxccey-Hcrris dealer bus te effer is the Rile-Way Milber-the meders milber with the natucal actien. Ash hie for particclurs abeut this machine that deaes se mcch te mahie dairy farmieg nasier ced more profitable. - e ce. I. a"'