Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 1945, p. 5

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TH-URSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1945 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE tSVP Qkt~~~~U~~.ct~~I Nru ,dIIIîi 0119 11 Il 01i'. OILLlI'h.1. Mis E1911111 Wat1ers spt the KNOX PRESBYTERIAN I < IOnnI< 09991991 1111f199lu dPLîrr îI ne oel Jue oI1t,1 9 hîr e.,n week-en1d visiting wit1h relatives1 ln CHURCH fo bin 9c99<,99 199119011 mer9î1t Iho tapo the un 5h.ll T991111111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oi oI 191119'<î99tD1. < ,9< f Mrs. Cavell, Milton, on Tues-I)'ITf ONLY SrHoadCplno Cap REV. JOHN RIDDELL 191111911 Junior1 991999.11619 and Live- dl o li 991 7, w«<9i MI Il. 199 I[ oedtT a Blirdenispenl a week-en e1191 with1 SU1 <INDAY,.IJUNE 17t<. 1945 -foin' F1<9 <1 ' 1 91 Ichedi Milton I h ,,Ia flic. foi M9991 ys and Satuî -.n ,0 nV pti 13 1, ilftain y. onl<<9 ldistrict on991 "~ Sal11oday.Jolie 2nd9. 99 99f 1199d J9li 91191y1h11f I.m.'.îoio --"Failli of111 Ou. 1<,<'1199<199199999 plu.)RF O M<1sodORoSiolln: vsu e , ih Miss111111<akrs ndI flicfîyîM1 f.fî999 1hî' I 1.~ Iem Sierss0[ju wîekîend. 7.00 <9 p., The M9199 îî God. Iisl.I and tagd thei, ___________________il________ Tibuy 119111 f1111 <Vl P9stin l l 1,1 1919 a1< and t911 h' e 1119111'1f 11, II I"' 9911tut f<Y 1,11ht, May9 261 fî'1e911 99~9<~<GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH 91991e9 by Ille Junior TI,91169 î«111991 09,11n1, 1919 Brure Kif 9hel RCN.VR is speroi- EV. S. A. KIRK f99119 yen9 1<9 f 99 '11919 9- .tî j0 ê j dofo ewt lt aet% Madr j s _lsflovs ,)Mti 1199 lie 9'11<ii fAND JA M BOREE M99Mrs. J. 'ic'in..nu, aloi b) fltdSs Clo'et .up tu 11999t9 At19BA91111n19l199l1119n0ofudn9<99 Oint of99r9c" IN ACTON PAR 9999k999f1911< R9 119 S1911î0hf9 afN A . ff'NF 119h, t 195 111 il 9A199991911 n9'<9 99 we19 îlcî'îîcî for9 Ille 191<119S tu d y Ju e 1 Mr.1111H1911.89119 îf Jack9199î1 thecI 919î1.f f999'991191,991 19991f9f<î 910199'99fyA B991- Me. en d thRevTad s'909 Dnldt SUN AIr C9 UNE9f C11 9901 919 991rmr. 1919 19f9lll"fcultural'1119h9 Ingerotîlirb all (fueorlphitte 1999k wi h Mî. F9ear1 Hfggins, the W. A'. and tire S.S. Staff. , fur- MC. Bratt', Percy Merry1 99191Bor 0 1F,.lh,,91199999999p- co A911 111Mrs S. W11111111 Guelph. 10fi) 119-ud.ý a11911 9919999 Bibfe Far.9111 111, V.fîcy Cclt F1191: 999199199 9<9119 ...6 Id91<9 Ah91î .BolnAto 1111e we9dding of1 Cfoc99o and Lloyd on. te 9 classîdes by 109 f9 9 A 999 Mr' 1 of, 9 M c ,Both 0991-TC ES111-1odAtt1111 rF911 1691110119 a11 Hîîosein on1 SaturdaY. 7.00 <o< 99119110911and Sron.l ivesfoîî wereoli d b th11101n91A BayMyaW uBon IKTS2-i: fenoao ýO. Matr191a F91910 Dick, of1 Toronto, W1191 291111 41<9 9.m. Junior1 AuxîiI119y stock classes1 19999i . .9 99111. M. 01901 11919 9991 'sited with h09 parents1 0911991 Aîî1c- 7.00 91. Jr. Choirrct19991 Miflton; J. L. 0000111111 Milton;< Mari, tire District Anl o f 1 H flon Ili- 1199 and9 9491 W. I. D10 river th Thur., 21st 800 919. Senior Choirc 991 H9l11yp, F19999011, Elgin 59111 . 0c191 fied 1 Campbeh99fiII9. Lunc0 h M H H H H H H H5 M 5~5I M i M H 9996e191 P9199 <109re Mcc91 HM9119119119009111190.MRMMHMR H9i910991h 001111.119 <o ~ -- 1091191109991119111 ST. PAUL'S UJNITED CHURCH «19<. t 19191 b, 99 a-aci and prescital of 1119990099.e, C W. Porter,MA.OBD. i11999 Tfhe919119911<9911 -ad Ire11< as'4d -I foll19 Coi], 9 - M a1991111 fltIcMs Mfo or anIdî thcr AJ0< 1 1 M99o. OA. Tanglefîîr - W lsooetu'ais -oo 911919199 Mr.9'1111<11 Alex Walic of199 î<99îi91 t o« ,î1î MacDONALIYS m FIy Sf999 - li --< WVoder \Voker -- < 1< De attend1ed the 99 19«0f9919. 1 to1<99. f7îI 999ste in919«I Charge99' Trip rurnuure <t Do Hom 09116<1. Tî,îîîîl bc'îîî Dr.< Hess 111,19 ne 19on9ro, 99991 ii g9<9'<9il< es9 .-I 'l<î< I. Antiques m= hO<I9AYFIIO - SCf91N 110011<- FLY SCI91ENI<'G e 99<199! Se., posed of S19<iilev Wright, L inuello99199 9091, ai 0 irgh,9 ' l.99 M . < ml Il ,S <,,Oc iad '" ; ' - S0,- 111 a! <oI 91<e9Ail- ion9 199<99999 AlO c G9999 << le9< 119<11199<911 Qual1itc 00911 1909999< 999 9999199 <91 <<<«< rat Ii«'îî« 999,9,9<99 io 1999999<9 Nl99f91<99999<1 ake 'oUr Osti <-creco Frames 11199<M,9991H1999999.' Va rs 8 ilcD nel t Guelph M Mouîlding 7it be«î4ld'-9-S 3 91 Mi<- .91-n o Mr,91 W.19199'9l9<91.9GeMrgetown, Milton Hardware Corni «<iroo Pin9 ein<91 «i, o l'HoNE 43 . - MILTON, ONTARIO 1Engagements 1THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST '.ar 4ol' 9199<l<91< h «0 lisse 90<1119t DE LAVAL MILKERS _______________________ ONMAGII 119999 rl.iigare Ford, 9 Verra 999,r 919f + Cîmplete + 8 _ _ Tî9 îî1119îî99 i <11111<91 EVANC,11.IST MORRIS BAILEY Srley11îîî99î 111<019199 9Ici 19dh9 t + IT. Pos In the9 fill t'1 Mcî J99<91 1 919 9<h99< 9. ~ < 999999 9 2999< 9991 DURO ELECTRIC PUNPS .1a91999109h99119914 fan-999919<1999<1110 0uoe- Comple + andMr.1 M Mon (9915Roinson, th 109î91 'flic Il<'<k9 lac il 9<99<9 M9190999 Nora1ll.<991,.]9II9l9T91f<09 SH EA H IN lon9Mit. R.9<9 R.9,9 No.109 '0 ge0ir99t e9vi Iaea9':1 . t ms ý àr r,%ýrdg er e MOTOR 11a hurse, 25 Cycle t! H ric 8p a 1 -wd p t 8 u gh $6 .00 (fuamiton Pro..e St.flby Thtn Ch09. MOTOR 31 horse, 25 cycle 8 THI WELI10 N1W :-s f tire9winIing ernir wSr mas TORONTO 9<P< Clin111 <101111 19 e9191919991'99011999C11 99 <11 i $12.50 th0 Poil ,Monda>1 t 0 el991 lir2twmr ne hec t0c0 qul il9in 'I'. nl 1110<9 1991. o.po.,Id99 9f Wcîte arlimc n a1901f99 r11<999991011 i911<1 Takiog toi Imuch of sonne1 Wa9991099199<9199 9<99911 McN1100. wa lcseodblltn n Jlt vltamtOOs andflot eno01ghOf DolasI9011îc.I . 1 K N 1199' g9911911191119 119909<9911991 1 wasteful. Each Vigran Cap- 1' +19 îî'î0î99î N99h9 0149MLON OTt 9<1111<991191 117 lents1 on1 th, 011119 Of salIe supplies the fuIl <999- Phon<1919 1919199999 1199 e <9-1-2 PtO9'M TO 41 91011919 pl '99<ivilian -turcs, 47 .(9 rnum daily requir11ents Of 99<9,,11990999911 . 999999999<91 -Ta Nor1- Connanm.91011 ,,ai t 9< file 9<19 flavi and Niacinaotide. No Coche<, Fraser Nl<NîI9<. 09911g 9<9<9 4119110119911 il., 9<099< ofiicill9 recogni000d as I, 9<999 9999p91'I1Iy91'" cey<9.99999 onin9 le1 ocon- 9999 )9991991«h usefui irra g eeal diet flic<90<91<mari9inBe (aille -Fraser! .sais.1 L.<eal<« , 9999 1 35 < crinO- suppemenOit. ,.h lotir. T0I,, 1...9 09911î991 nolnhI'î& h Brnstn ophY to'lîlgh Iic1c.<le,91 i 999 O.k . LhIv Col, A. 11,91 mo H rs lo t 199<9099<9 919199999 î, Pige ie Cner90vI Id < Ille 99 .$) p-<r T9..îlî 1 9 5 muii , leDuga in 9919 Onaro $3 NMbre no919<9999 I fo r C an ad ian s 74ype, -ni, of iî, 90199 19999119 r'1clett's irugStore 'Il<9 file 91f< fîik I9t999i 990119 Premierf999 ban919o, 9 an UMLTION ONtTAROIO M,., 119<91 liai-19<99199 91 at, fIIa iAFgto,,%> . I.(,_orindM. W hat isthe National Housing Act? poil 999119g 0019<9111911 <9 PRINCES of9<9191 No- 19191 91.i. LI-I of1 The Put-pose of titis Adverttoemeitt 11119 Expttl11 I't-IOOtionlH esn At1 Oers se na Bdeto TIf9 949911111111 * rf phr Minist 9<999<9 f 9 <1 .999fil how lthe National HouSîng Aets w0r109 Th re otono H Oîe n 9o i Os o e rer Efl EIIA 9,999 bb 1<<9 9999<09<denI of1t ho Encourage and 9.ssit (.anadtans ooho IlesîeI soIerOt oo M t9o 119<9 Hall-<1919.19 n5te Port Arthur :~« 0991î5991 91419 CAS0E IN POL1ICE COURT 3.1999 91 9911919oh 991 9 I offr 999a loge piha foh ch- is 999 9909<911 Ma 911<i999 Windsor Air10 Mi-Fa oe AGAINST W'. E. GEROURD nient4 99099991191 9191. 9 99911 199ld tîîe 990199<01991<1911111 Welland <COWIIOY CANTEEN" REAzID WEREes fer2909999999011191<9<11999999999ho 99099111109<0909991101in 19Re 'tre 99<1« f NETWORKS<' .9999991 Ilo i 91999 h 91 murder on Jle 1l9un fte qi Fort0ow waxre91119i0,Dufe9119<99 DA - THEODAI 0099991<199999119 9914, te10struction 0911 again11-prescrit Haldiman1d. -17LI. WE MEET AGAIN" 9<<9991199 0<99< fading9 tu1 <<'port< change1<919 191999<f19 The Pogressive Conservati9909'won d 19 99911N1 "'<11 mule,,,11199 t999 Nat9999al RI 1Iý,:,illý 10 of 9900999199911199911 tai 9 t cran99 >9999< 1191l, 99999c A<99<19999999g99 L.9'«<19 RI<'ir<<9111.999.<« Ll-991 <<<f I i, ful 9<991<90 marrai. 99< 99,9 99 'M101 S17NI)AY SCHOOL <morîunt $110 can 9,99<9o $1999 $1<9 9< $19 99 ' 909 ig 09 o<î199 9999<1 919<9999«99999«1 Il ~ t1 2uaîu..o< 1î SV<A< <,GRltr-o i o iîi 1 Ii <999 900r91911 22-23 300u~9«< 260 I0<1 0<01 0111< 7«9 2 i l, tcd 909099 11199919. 1.1901 TB'A< 19999,IN MII.TON IîiîII i,< < 9 th100 Dominion- fI.999 cre 0191111 <P IC S N H ~ 999 991 99<11.91 longilow ta î,991<1î .<<w. 9. IîIAnE it9 9<090 «0991<91 ai,, filon99< fou< 3touI ttî p2 iG999 19 '9 ~ i i 011999 Buck.)1National long i19w199 <19-<9 91101199 940919 o 1.9019 a ou99 o99 09996 1999111910<9.991c1916' Th 00 1dort 00en ' 41a Sp 1no 8t 83 M i l<001 ..tog 1490c 119fý 739IYr .,.ka li ulcS Rangrsthe34-eli-ol meber e- ri.andS.t Piturs a 7.3 whle licsenor oyswil pla ri th Ths A veriiintet isSposord b MitonCouiI.

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