THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ThUIISDAY, MAY 3ed. 1945 5'OitiSt'N'C ' crtti ~ d.piey belte L.Et bien fer seebr, SNAK<E IN PUJB Tih.. Siii)si SIoot .'l' 'ý "" bI b' J». , I , -ot alk-b IL INIaglEli bie '51.55l",k lai th' Ill 'oa 'e .blny of .I bb p bbbi ba- il: 2-1;, ae te Whbe lb> dinic . Shcclly (FA,.""Il b os ' Il ' tb lb.1, 12, 131 lb'e'tsllBi bibI'e- bblEecBbatdb. cebbtbec mncbame cn loba IîBb tbe.bbî.bbbbbsbbelod .1lebe.b cf cder- lamed tit tbe saakie vins staice Doc, a da'c Ln11 biIE lIbEIbLEW MONAI'11Y AI 1~7 -ih h.gto HEIbHT ineIbcbbsclBelîlhcBabk [roaltineheceenrby. ThceetI Ibbm. .bb teb'tbtbbb i I'bbc bbll .c manece'B suBbilBl. mancpbbed thesaceeinide insEsictI f ..liýITdebt bl l3bbl'.bebnu ilcc I .îebebh'bbtrca. Ance'eebatlallerbciltle arguenthetd F i bb' ih lbbbdý ps. 3:312. ie93-. Mtdlcce andlbtheecdariauetj Atal "t1 "'N.' '.b'ib i 9:1-7, 26, 10- Cd escgoîluly I.leievltE Sel- buebeblEil Themnc o'd beegktj TL oti.i spot 1,1 oec'lpcyec. Ife isbcloaiebpcedlbbbc saeinEeoh lbl-aafrcî Ille~ zâ i ou.o.\% Ili, Fail î.tb i- b of Ni) lie mElniBBC sac o f tEe telnas dbea -, d Ee le6 eec ' e b 1 ee L-g , i e K i..L bo ibd Sobibocbcîighl bave cebed, .bobblle ci tEî Royal Meiboea bt-Ii >d "b lbtgsltoec ml wcidEhaesei licejel leî bccmas lccaled teer At b) bbbgiirl bbtb Ilb ebe: 1-3 lired alldebdee S bc eSl useu 55 lb . bibbtb 2' Chlb L t 1. b 3-b, "bbbdl' cI Ki. .I: 121; IbicE ef t. 111e CHi.iIWAI'l, Oi.c.s(bi -b e "iL. ha". LIb lobbîirib 4.311,i. .bbtdîbcbebclhe1'a .-d cecileebtcccedblcMMr..j bib b ib3.i ( 29;. t , bbb 9bb:b 1 b), 'n'ilbl bbibb'I tbbHee PblcbGbebebbbll b been detec L;_zLf_:_Mt_ b btbebibbbti,bb Butb l H.b bitîenb jeblîbel fo he bpasoletba ce Mes. --o. Il, pl- ;,t ;'d 1 'll a ri : ). oloio g lc e l lt lbO b bbbdcbel an. her Twetîty Yuars Ago : ""ý -i'" adr or, teeuolu et'.tbbb liebit, ell Fard Lil evt el beck and ccckelecc tcccî~in tic te>,tcc rh<lil Icceelsu eibb' bicbe,,,. sbd ICIduer bîlctb .3t,.'2l.b 2 1) Cd <BacuiobStul ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ow sile worin b.bie..bibî.bîebde llb biet bbbbbb-t'eenBlb bibi "" bbbbitr-iiil tin lbebl'3 c b Lbb lbbbl abud lb> .bbtt6b1 1 tloi I bb C "ii ba b ib ib iîeîa ti i I l ibi Il bItr Of Eh 3: lb'dý,Ih Los t ibdbbbi 4.1 b 3P'eb :.11. 12 Enm " ua 1 1 l b"0 t .lIIit itINbIbbl.b, ibbblebbîidi Iiliol IIIb rel sO ( ILI 'bb b bl bbbt',, I,,l ,ibd bne3 ibElb Ki,. e 10:i 23-29)1 Wedboi. Ehll b lte bîbbl .ii'b.' bI bý t> b 'j b ioI,,Iý ib. 'lb.b ol mo ,ogtE Lf bb -bI b.cb beeee ribhes and lin- th eo b rbb acb.eb.bblElbnbbbEilNlboer promise ILI cILtil bpl bbbbdiltbbbbl le nen b t i . 1.t. 1;t î I. l i 1l b E b titi lb IlItlb In rabtd 70,00 b'bbb'd i ei lb Nb Il.. . i..... i . bI.c VI, 1i.. b b 1 i l il,, i if - tbb ilb re Il: ibiî blbb11. b I ..b bbc.' i'r bbblbb bbtab IL, bb l t bbbbbc blbb iitbitibbbbt bpb.î bblbtbbbt lbb it irs bole tbebc'bb.IBIît 1,1 "b N. iit b ib 'btii ii b ti.. 1i b'lb IL tbe ccibcîle.l>'nc iîcn ît o, ~ ~ ~ l lî.ý60î t,etr J- ettt. Doubtc te vvliri- L ,iL Li t. lb. ri bI, i, b11111,b i 17b il, lb I ,dj, bbtlt t lt of e tIl, b tii' 1 i g il %IIIb l.b-1,a b L Ib -bb lL"cb ic Iit. TI il Ni I.bîb Il i t. .' i. L-Ibi i ! fi ls îelrouhi b bibi bbb ibilln db L VAXLE EOF" A111'S HOM 1(5 GRîlO 1IEM bîL t ý 'b i f lb> ' ' Ill Il. bbobIIl: I l le , e. kN el bbbbbilý'l, t b bcbb Qui,~~ ,îdtete il, IýI os IL i. 133 1.1.3 1 g, IL ..el 1101 E bbii de Lic s .O blbabvl L . ljec, gIll t'e odE e be (clit Log, eclee fini> lb>co aniId 1 -;L, d L, a, , or loi , 'ill- ai' ualk sý Illanil, f kl"d- Lý, 1 hat 1 IL, haci g,,,ýI, Dal id i _o t.L -- ,'l t'. loi, 'L'd Ihat J'IL-ent Lltý,d IloI III IL, Il fi l r;1.11 S 'un. loi, IL '- 1,I,,ili,,ri: 11l"aull IlL, ,as ai l I "In 1- 11 ILI, ,as 'Iut ;L IL111, l K , 3: -1, T. loin, -L, LI'A a fia, -es j 1 il, 1ýai IL , 1, 11, 1 Il'," i 'opk, u- a ile.lLle In i t et "'ai ea, IL fi, bout IhIlla: theý u1ele Io op], "ban 1 le l'i'd ,t 11, fI,11 tl,.t u hat bill, I"L', .ý 'Is, ou, - I fio Iiitii,,,If boit fitil,- f- h- il , a 'Is Li. fer 'Ilon, a"Il and Io, LI 1 1, u and kilo,,, ,II -t !FOR CLEANER MINES AND LOWER REPAIR COSTS9 CHANCE NOW TO ... J. W. HIGGINS 1)i-19e nnd t>enl 5db» ccdn Serviîc tnaeetndc C>,ceI SASKA10N. sa], I( le. e' I, l t.'. betbE b)'%ebe dbe t t . t b c b ca a pe eu a0 b b I e . c I' f l btf n1 ' i d rec b"' 1b e il.i- b ,bn el eha'- Ilicbiee pa.eeeed btEe.e13eebe Ie(b -bllbbb.l A cl>'c- II 'adîaccel ce, COIiNTY 0F HALTON 1945 - LOCAL COURTS UALENJ)AR - 1945 e0,Ibn.i, ... -Idl . 6 t II S' to 111 i AI] Ce..eLL 0 b Lot IL -. Bnb.lbl Bcnl Tenu A,-eeee SCLCece -L, B. Ecbîbbt M51.Ilec , ohn Chl.nbres Ibebeiil,. Elc- TIe, c be cc . lrd Cod-,, AeB, C B .1 BILL Ii ;e 6. C.Cei . i e. ~ De. Bull C<eit Je..G d ,,, 4th JI"'c. - . M. c IL 3r Se d i lu.. A- Jtoieieee~. , Tb"e.sbLyîî 4th Ja>i-î'.y n'eu- i->îdue W. 1. DICE, Milton ClerB Bf the Peae For Post-War Business-Advertise JT that hocamo a whispor ed e Ing Uinte t elemrtbg tIe teepenne. Nec Che IIee deylo asue and pceu n..lretcnIIIki.eeeCing. Th-î do jeat eee. Beeldeil, ce cl Icîget Ite» taeae tcduy velUe for teleplicee. ncîî lhîlpe nufauee p 503ll clehcne)unîcefcîee netîcl. ia.m I il or ire . -L l utk Iîcct W ei n» a tîen he te cînîlled rîdersau our Bcnstant rediina i, nd îeI end X .1 .il 111î .11ibb' elîbîBb. b ecîe-c'iIndcnodekîl~. La I Incens lis of cck U chîthr etI In.- ee je k,,I Cc. l l - ~ ~ NIY ,a a4nS»~s es.~taer a~a Il I k -: Tii An Urgent Message from GEORGE DREW F NE deh is Electon Day for the members of ner armfed forces overseas from Ontario, as iî is hierre at home. The arrangements which have bfen malde provide ample time for the overseas vote to he taken. Special Reîarning Olicers are already overseas. Someîhing more, however, mast he dose if oar votees overseas are to know why as Ontario clection n'as foeced upon as ait this lime. I appeal to each one of yoa wnho read this message to wsrite NOW hy airmail. Give oar men and women overseas ail the informsation yon can and he sare to tell îhem, the correct nrame of the Provincial Riding in which they are entitled tu, vote, and the namue of the candidate. This lis of the ctmosl import- ance hecause su0 many of ehemt have neyer voted hefore and! the difference betceen the names and houndaries of Provincial and Dominion Ridings make it doahly necessary ehat yon he sare to, give ehem the exact name of the lliding in which ehey are eneitle! tu, case their ballot on June 4eh. If pou are in douht as to an details please caîl the Progressive Conservative Office in pour locality and get the necessary informaton wsehot delap. Re sure tu sued tit air mait trley.p Yours sincerely, Tihe entier date lune 4th. The nme cf tihe Riding es The nase uf the Candidate lu PUBIISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE COE4SEEVATIVE PARTY OF ONTARIO PLILGIE six