THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THtJRSDAY. APRIL 1Mt. 1945 WHAT WILL IT BE? Viclory Bonds in Your Hand OR Unused Money in the Bank TURKEY and ARGENTINA GOT OFF THE FENCE ! Are YOUR Bank Deposits On The Fence Or In The War? Get Ready to and Help Bring the Boys Home Jssued by the Publicity Committee, Milton and District 8th Victory Loan Committee -- oitt~ A Message + From The Chairman in Xîitr lIhntit. Ti is out share of the Eighih + ctory itan. t ndouhttctit ocohouti ail buy ail + metposily can toic h pint where it takes our ts- + ongo and part of our crtdit. + rht tact that the nonet is netteitt hetonti e. itiion. 'he mar isclottse ii her 7 +from ibis vicinityi n the ternice,. heehae paid tthe suprtmte sacrifice, ,ihers are prisonero n o war. anti mniv manyothers are tii iighiing for Yon andi :for ru. This an invttintin Uanada*s futur. Thett isn eter inttsinîent in the tooriti andi o hetter Menot war strurlit for the indus iduai 1 to rry himen ay u nergtncytihai mav arnt Ivsin Viciut anti tour future. ADXtAM L. A[tMSTRON(,, Chairman E 8th Victory Loan Salesment #'TOWN - t BRUCE MlacNAB P. W. I LEE SERVOS COUNTRY - CHAS. READIIEAD S FRED ROBINSON GE() KENNEDY CHAS. LAUNDON PAGE SIX