I HURSCfAY, APRIL 19th, 1945 THE CANI 0f 1ntereý't to Women I - ~ Cleani Up Cellars gY V~4,~~ The Week at 'To Conitrol Insfeets gOTTAWA - 1#11 IfyIDOUGLAS GREEN ffken nf stf9f99ge (-cils and 999 CaadanPr» taf rier ffltiff 9999 99(9999 99C99 vil9 HYDRO ablf99 990 191199 o9 one kIt ind or aot ff01' HOME ECONOMISI et 9f ir199919f I9dfr envier 9 fo the 011fU .. O AVA (CF)Cnal po999999 ,itr Amomîgth9 11,m ae the t Henc, (9999999N199fI Thr1999 f m a, il m mon9 tI999919 th t f99f f9999999 Imotac fnpffffing virus places. 0î1 a 99 999 fa 9999 agof99 Ive wer comm f9ff9.\ý d 99 99991f(f fffe m9gg9f, gl(f9f999f ((ff9f 919 th 91999r f99 ghfl9f. r99 hall. 9C9 999n t stoe Ill91 felhral 99999.99 9lci9f (fffff b9f1 dit9 n ar 9 f avral in991( (9 99 9, theif redily. The best fa t99999a do 99991f o9t. -f9 Ilf S'9ff99ff9999f90999(9999 f Place9. Uf I 199 9999ofer in 99999,tg9999 (9(9 Mackenzie King's 9999999999999t 09999 Dfiiin 9f Emt - no - ly, Do- e.table 99991f99919f. CC.F leader, ref9f99kcO that 9999 9999 though i9999999 baN 999 bee NINfO P rA999 rolmsto t9199 hot999 vlhc fl poss9ible, due (9 (999 (9959999999f 01(01 loup Liff99I adminf9f9ff99f.a h99 194 duin t99h9 colie mon(d99 t991 he fNnfses 39 9 9ni '1, 3 f (t îft(19 999990 fat 3 9999(999999 face9f99(f999 Afl f999týiteigvl-rom omn u e atv 9f9999, ppf99and aitf.2fîfpf A frteapa ý f119l' ilepule aîfsfI cterwr upffI ffII 9 (f 99f9999f 999ff îîty 919p9fd (1999(99, slA 199f stale ffl9A19. 91f9f Cîo9- 9999fde (iff f99999 front (f9 991999f m,,99 gft tIf ( if d.f99f(9y9ff( 1999f~~~ ~~ c- Afif ju ffîîî ili 999 inff9CII91 1 SI9eo1nan u hm in ,, n f liga( cilIf 11f i l ff ,f'ff f99otl-o-ldoojslet99î9 (f1 u e potfit fli 'fffa.Sir n (ffîf. '11111 -I AffII'fl.lI99 soonf1 f im. ~ ~ ~ 11 IflIfi aIc m I11 Jh Iýko -f'lffIl o , 91 Ifl t l' U9r9 et ~~ ~ ~I 1I" Ilnh. on11 toi of, 9 ,opfi-1991... ... u l I Iî' I of f' IIIî'9i 1,1 19, 11, ah i.îl f.19 1119 ,,I,, ll on,î I I I i11-1in Il1h, l sin l, I l îîî f<I . 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Ifn loCf9C99 9999(19 3,500 men9 ,cr fpN9f9O, More filai 600 In- flion f9i Manitobaf came9 f999 flic fffff 9nd v9rked N total of ove9r 12, af99 9f 20.6 09>9 p999 auff "SALK T EA Tiff MielnfNf Nf FirolNNl Nf fhf, DeanionN of C- d of f c f f9 9( $1,350,000,000 Eighth YICTORY' LOAN thI cho Nf hh, optila wit ffhrhff i II h l 39, BON DIS DUEJi' OCT013FR 1963 ISSUEF PRICE: 10(', 4f9 BdoND DUIE 19t N)\'i113ER 1949 ESSI 9 PRICE. 9(9991 'fhl9, -~ , -J îf f111 du fî ifllf , Il (A. I,î ,,îf'fff ît, fi,,îîî f, ,ohulifs fil .f 19 19f1'ca i, ft.flite f oif nuaf 9199 îîî I A9,ffflelrI11(,IN '")v ffffAlflf ( 1 1 -man, arl or ftCf,oat Cff(,fftf.vfrntC.f911111u)k f fflcî99offici 99fff'f9999 fapplicatifon.ff f 999 ff9fffffU,,ff bc(9fi(99ff199f.ff9ff9f.fd t' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ai 1945((.9A~f(f,(9( A Message from GEORGE DREW 1 with Relatives and Fr.ends Overseas RRANGEMEfffNTS have A99i Nmade by fhf O)ntario Govefffnmen fo Nf9Nfh9 Nf Nil thef .Ilff.fo ( Al candidafte of theff ffnN chofNf. The arrf'fffntnt Nf ffhf If haNve bec. flff'fffl9NfNN l fffîg f9d hav a sfflff.ffNff NfNff' (f9999 f fhe fNftu dNNd bu. fhocild fffole. Th.Nf, an nivfbc dneNfif thNffNfilNNffN.pI the. îfA forfatffn. fi crni urgefffelf wff.99fe moft.hfffC, father f.tr bffffffbffo fffflnd oAffl'f f9 escst gi999 f wba is ri ai fffkf f9 fhf Ontario elecff9f. ff1fcNI99(tfhffff 999 [ive i large9f.ffîN9,gst rite 'ffi ilCi i IIIN fI I ff f91 li. Mali, fffdffCflfyfffflbfffelî9N9ffflhfilNffff Nf fileOffffffernc Aewen thé bolffNofîff fNffffd ffChfCfffhfftfNN wi N'ffNfffNf/fffl, by imafitfNfflffih v'hom vit aefinf9 fAfffnNdftell the.ffhANR "et n hc tNAfheflff nd give he h999Aforf999af u a abou Nffftffe 9fN'ty and fhf'li date~ffff fn fAe fidfng Nlhff' fhefNare fffild fuvoe ,ffffld mentionff f(bal ef9ff ftmberffofthe Affffd Forcs vecf ffNf f f mffligef9fl n'fffN I f9. Th1iabovv~ ,fllftifcfNffhaveflcNffglfffeNvofe Theyfave pfCfffNNd ffrfuflf.fftfflf sffteof(ffff'9nninf whffhfffcffdff ponffhe'Nhf f out 99 n refffpfff9CfffffNf Our Ilher i home ffffff ci tfftfu, surefthfttkevfhavefh e cfafce hfN1NfClo vote ff hfflffîffdfi cipsieu aic sreffffCeyar abfftffNfkffClfffYffl In vote wiîfk9ffl9dlfNffflic rcal --.fhfIII Nfff9tff ffon ffNg.tfghffffpf9fffhfffffffldff fffCth f9Nf>1fffufhN'i9ftf9,ff9 o, IbisN am ,,Id,,svf fNpCffhlfffNCIfIf.Cgff.fffffhcffff9fC FfNffhAnîhfcfff Cf Io f f -mcom f fi n hf ffN.fN l .rma I -f fC9Cf f9 f -fff hel f99 Af ,ffff , ff9ffffffIo f9ffffffî99II hNf, ffff 9999fmC. Nf III ,ff ilfffNN fhCIo l'ffff, Ifffl, u NfNffffNNNffIly, infio Riding Io didate i SHED BY THE PR0OGRESSIVE CONSERVATiV PO ARTiY 0F ONTAIAO1 ADIAN CHAMPION PAGE IIIREZ