THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSOAY, AFRIL 19666, 1945 lin0 lyric son g and verse on the subjeot of Spcing;, ileaiiiîg îo thT ATTkTT seas005 flir dîfs iig fnt the sectiooblii6100AilTepoint rTbciing infltedcpes FI di n Idd ,t oso TTTsi ,TTTbTi opiig sky. OTIy the cliildhood plaigues of mneasies, ..rapîad 'hooping cough can kep thnTfdoors AIî.TT.,OOT ,TllTTTObITOAT... v..-, Tit Z i T s ' T TIl f Time for Broad Thinking ii,,b Tit .TO ,tITTT t. TTIhTT T. di.. Ontario %ab 1664 miih somcfhing crwicn flic -1 Si 'fTOTTT0T - ATT il' b ('uTOOmTA i, Cl,,mi. fi"d T i yti, TTTAT ofe icions forTafcmdays dlring the past wcck .lii -ii Ihc 664ind sToirTa cï,io T~~~iTT~~~~TTTier TlscTiTiT h TAT TIT lO bhedulb'd foi' flic s662 day. Many cf us i TisTu TTîTTTT- TIITTT ITn OIîATSTTT i. ... Tid bci S., d-T TAT ipated scoiehicg dîlloicnf- cConfest mdccc if wcufd 911 le ic o the hsaint d6y. Bof fthc prospcts hate Ed6. -dAtpciT0 gruemith theîoiig acadf thepovncial c- f 6MTTi' sT-T Mito fion for a mccli. Homesco the fmi campaiglis mili Tl Niliofl ei n prorT s al~ ti theli saline tilie. The geicTAl public had fiflcr dosîîc for 6666 0one mR,,in Tcicfion as thesei dais need ci added ifeisl civ eccîfcrnî ýiîfl flic preSclif f666d of cbnts' uirxî.éin GermT 06 if 6 oild seem tihait flic huaiss of flic 1 îgliîg iicTi wiii lic over liciore tlie liaifc of fli NV6e LIl)s a (,ood Neighbor liallots of TifliTi eccion falifs placc. Ycf liofl ciill Miocl hos beiT O Tiw, mlIi spioicdîd piciores lic mitima elecAfios on doiulifcfy liecausi flicwa hiave lien pulislcd and iiwould senfi tat iotlig diosiotced idîh thecoflapse ofGermany alorii moecobld liT aid about liii greîf Amerîaicitizen Caadîiîis arT lTl6d mîfli a grave rcspoibiliiy Franklîîin D . oo'limase Sîidden datiflaooiAco in bbToiig ai ihis trne fliosclicstfiifcdftofcad filicall ocked tbe ýoi'd Hoocico feoble il hrogh a TfiiWcalpiod. Tlic moT pcriod lias liccn licano'ihiigithiifiioit me0 ouldaided cbeT ac ime fcanidanadafis masured up wefif6c iioi ofi fc Aidliii idd 000014 lioTTorsI oc.iliiliio o fie flc ooid Tlie perîod olichl ibiss i gof dut, illiO oe flic sicy flia mii dc fditf00 Thelioiiiod State îiAmoiîohasbad manilaiid peTbiand soegragond in the ycaTsfti presidenti dooîîîg thc iers cii lide fiec ooor y boinc aic (quioAlliîiical dais. Iirci imajor parties' sueof Ibert .,îiîi. Fati ST. niAid moti fOut fliT wrfliai ioiiiandiig uin pcîbaps, bof sicipli ihîf ihco'id in aiperiîîdihaioas net pecfacilar' Mcii hlic Lincoîln.\ hliigoîa. McKilai . Tbodîor Rouce vertiandhi are0 rc bdiliob'0.ihcd anid renierait foi fhii .îbiliii Lîî ,idiîiniîfî,iioo in fbeî dii'. bîît in alit theire'FraklinD. oaooeel tiaio s e fai6 a placei aricig Tibe grf ]cadet in 0a gocf d.iy. Fiîsi cltin P132i b% th0 gicifoif papolar vote -ir ici.îid diPreideni bo h iifdbStates lic miii iîced oib a batîik d,,poitos patr0 ieii wiio ncsitated thboing (iif eioii hank iifil cooiiii.. Four itrea b..O î . 'cibihose çath picpl fo tbo uig eoficeior tibhland, Ilbiogbbh greaiitrialsiol the poucrito ma b. id bis peuplei and îîîîîl deatib ocîîcck bn oin his îî k bc srci t iiiu mll. Waîîîti Cinid iiiiLiber hiils ,î .giîîd nigbiî tk. ict lire ofhci' siaAlior g0oups f00c miopo lorth fiir doctrinces aid cliiis forc ooiidci'afiic of ilie cfe to s If il a filio [tir ciolail sîody aid cicar fbînkîcg (ilithe partfif oici'i'Cîiidiai. f006s îîme %lien indiiiduaiîend, inidmmediatiosclish gainssiouid he ueiglid aginst themellaof o olyCainada bu tihe maie ad a . olo. cn tlio bamnpign dîys iliai fil-î thue mill bc match confusion, moîy unoîloîded iiioscctd anod oih.iTgid orlon hy trioso 00 ioek fi gin plobor Tioo Caoadiaios miii coisid et tire Triterf ho' ouly band mole fOuir deii îcs i ir trie briod onidertlliîi ofîthe gieaifciigondlfor i .CnadailandLho'ighfcî.iand ofiie worild, l'ori6lich ,o iioh ha> trou been 0200 ified. I f il, i titme loi ,hifloi the ioboatf ronti tlie o ho In fli oe i.i'ii il fii d oi iacd îîoao bîîîsel. V . . Ho bais pis-i )i îîît fic rite ail d is oii i Franklin (Tf siTri Inlspetionff Oc Motîar '66hicst t.iloi l ill 111,, 111I' il s11111.1 appreti î'îo i lîîi e.,ibli'obed, wifii V . .li lihiTilo% chu' ofi :Ilo', loi o inoo cr li re 00 1 ir Iiid il\ i. o fîîlîic h,î elali iel thi ýII c i i.i loiiii LIT fli ho iag olf tires. aoii repaioTpats, fht h.i, ih aniolIit iiii,i iimdei1i he _Iil ii,_inIiiii\iihig u god hapc. o em'oud ori iii iili,, k,, t, ,, i , fic lali" l.1 îo lThar ltr i oîîîîîîî Iigb lITii iO.F..i li i iti o hîIlo' o' t i i h 1 i Ilil fild , !rooIni ii1 1,u 0 uliPl i \ ial Aiiieiio1. ýiatf0 aild oI otI J'IIl doua iLt \\i tri ol .1iiiioiiii',,1ad iîola dit- -r î;Iýoo i"Irillg tlii P I i 111 llOli 11 iî"fhottht ltiutlII bginechaiiii g.lâiiîii il \ l i 1,iîî iii i l o il, îîîî'îî ,ii ..ieliii heo frgliia lide kadIli,, adi 1111 Iie ,îîiihii i l 1111ac iii Jfti,îiîî honktan ohihtIo iteb la v i î : i; i, tao i k, I lii ii -' g il irT' i a i i ) :, i z fail .l ali 10 oli ia 'thî o Iî,îa,îî iii l a oh I , ' i i ii pi i ii I I iîoliî i iiia aoî h ier, d it i foi andi iiiiici picii fli O !ilî o 1 1 1 iifi i ihrtrý haoi.o i lithoiI r Iiu, .oîositî aiiîoiiiiiî o'gi ionIi ih,1 "PL! i and d IL giiul liri ii t l tri, utp, I ooî L III O u I L io ii s i s i ha o ili .i 1ai' 1 Illg l 011 11 e il i î Ibi ii- id ,i;ir ýiuinfi tgýa Iroi hae, . 1 I O i i . il l" il 0 i i O I îd 1 thLli i 1- po liaeofcr roiid i to od e TIT I l0aek i' t0' lii.lîiî fi lif o) 11-l I J tii oil'i i ligii h oafou liahc c prov ista il ii io l i"' i.. ' h, .0. I i a l , i l' IN 111 "il t' i f 'ý O e1, i. I I 1011 'I i t0 A l h.h - o a i n nd Il i li i fi il i niii, aie' iii id ftiO o n f 111ý ll,1 ' Ilti ii il I' 'o Il i i l ot 1 n l1111 'n1 hh l'l N1 th -l i l 1 N l o ' , I - 'i o i f .111 eoL il 111ý llî i.- and1 l 1 1le tI 011 1> lltîiii 11101 ~ ~ ~ ri il iii a l l i 'ng11 il ii th, Igh ,,, th, Ii iicîîo oh, frit TIi Ti, Fllic fi c 'hîoîlîlî o ' tii I l - MlIid Pi l'. ii t nirfo ln n lc ,( ouhl Ii r g, tr l un hil dg ih em ii IIIII î î,lî kiîdo ihîbî,l llîîîîîLo iii .11., F'I l e ' 1;j' d ,hl- d 1i îl îîî iýý\iLi 11h flou îîîîîîî diii Trot iud li bu oidj i lîl Atigiit P ii our iont nitle1 i110 f ih, 111,l 11 i pot ri, 0011 i Bonids VO.i .0îî 0. .00 il iTlfl iî.g.ii -fia gIIdiiidgg.iigas dopciid ea.iilandrii ,.oi îoo Tt llac! f i iit fo'l 11g111 lli Asii iti tiei 1 ,a,,, o o. ii uI.îd oni sa0111dau ioIidi'o i .îîd th, i, outilîîîîîîoî oien îoold hiojs iii ]lite icit loi tiie lit dit soie il lOi' tiings îlî,î boio ~Th~ ~fuîizii~iaîî ~Charnpùiu SEED CORN Repufalile Grors 616162 tha f suffîcTent Seed is available and germination and pf'îces guacanfeed. TOP CROP HYBRID ALL POPULAR NOST-ORDER ANYTIME COAL POCAHONTAS COKE POULTY FEEDS Quaker - Pioneer Gyproc Products Board Lath R. S. ADAMS Phone 48 Nig Lime hls 16 Ait -h d fi RIGTALEE TOMATO J UIc E- 2 207on 17c TOMATOES 36 '~29e BEANS -POILT 120 CA TSUIlP ---- t61 1L7e IEEI ITE ,lo 19ecJiqL35C 20C,.8c,4M4j Al PLU I4S A0TWT, art,03 CARftN U 85 Miarmnalade i-, 2Ict 33c FLOOR WAX '- 5. T2EMtii6un Z6 S9 50k A P a 3 270 WALNUTS T Til 5530 RINSO Mi'. 240, 490 tNElA 650 LUX FLAKES Pire 230 O LI1V ES 6TIT j, 29e FLAKES Il em. 24e SOU? a atsT 17e OATS 1c,. i 9 SOU? ins 17C WHEAT 2 pls 3ao IlA Il ri. HI OOII large 1q, fi H 611'III WN I Ili( lO 2I.f or15 li lit P'-L1 0'c -LîooîîîîîiLîîîgl flic aoakcri- 11a11 t IL aI Icci in 101' 00000, m'al 00005s' HOM1E (6I106N GRfEEN ONIONS tn li. inth d o 1.1 aid muil .t fic'1 isanthrbope I m,11lie lb rtn l Tuat100 or1 morni1an olio moho'.1 lloî o .lîug ii the rîond. h.od dlown, 0060660 if î'ibîlo b.iiciiiih% av o halid iluncfi cf Vibiiofs Bond, a -l -cilcacgoTf6liferratffiilicftcsl6TkBt ffietfutlTlfi flic lia oî anîd tie rc.irrocliiion of ile arooind film, fîi aiî o ociiîhu piiiiaîpeiDd. loi cighfb C. pans te use Aprui Ith i î d e ndA , p ii h o d w if0 p ic o u i a. h c u m îîî sm n d p p o rio u c o ffr e i o na M îo îd . BuT i p l eiu y fil b o ai d . s f A l I.. 4 ft .s , e o s n v e i 6 1 2 U T R O i Tbo~~~~1IIGR4 taii 57; iliaVE-3 ptisçlcrudlco 46lccoi'TTERiyao0iiilc1c3 ffiisanthrope pafcent medicine pamnplets and fhe zou.- 0n artfic. Wîfli offeings sos6ried and i I tt poiiofOfcittes of wrafh tafthe difor . af TopaiT if rcquires an officialfai'sales e h Evcrt flic mosf serious composcrs haie buro c 6f. li i h fic h articfe can 666 suld. eS cilz in A ta iv P itng r COUNTY 0F HALTON 19,45 [0LCAL COURTS CALENDAR I 945 I li' iStig11,> Jn N s J oc Nifi, , A i T l Ci sol- B.l~ KTOg tII i ra C Mt 0,til;3 ! " T f 06.6II, . , viioociýl. I60ts,;A T , COTI CTTBonT, TI tlo, luioliiolTi ahJ.010 T. B6snd. W. I. DICK, Milton S. A. FAY il UNMITIN Main Sr. Miton, Onf. IIAII{DRESSING ATLlLes liit eLt iul t ur ELLIOTT IIEALITY SHOP PfoLii61 f-o Aiii.t.IoiiltR MNiltonî HIospital 7.i 'Il il r i, i8 0 pann IN.110 co0 00112) DATES IN ADT1ANCE .^c.ii-Pcio6fc - $3.50 Privcte - - - - $5.06 PHONE 216 MILTON PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY. AFRIL 19th, 1945 Business Directory DR. C. K. STEVENSON M.D.. L.M.C.C. Physicien and6 Surgeon Poto 2. X-f6ay Office aonSTm 8.309 6.62i1f-3 7-9 paru. Coiruner, C.P.R. und Goal Surgeonl DR. G. E. SYER Physicien and Surgeon 00166 -Jumes Sftceet Office Huch 9 u.; 1-3, 7-.350 paris. DICK & DICK W. L. DICE, KdiT lCoutry Ccuss' AttornTey) IIENNETI! Y. DICE, Bol OucciTefcc. SolcilrT Teicpb6ne 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON nferaiu, Solicitait, Etc. Office-Nexf 0006 Chardrapf os Office Teicpioo 54 GEORGE E. ELLIO'IT fl..c6'tce. Sulfltur, Nu<..y Publie Officc-In Fareraî Bulding, Main Streef, Milton Tclccli6ne 70 DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Ill0ec lu Rýoyai Building, Miltfan Houcs-9-5. Eveniugs by AppoiTTntmon X-Rcy Sei-vice 'iceli6uT 197 DR. F. E. BdTBCOCK Office over PliO0cess Thetrei INîgiol AppoiDOloOTDii ooiy lie fcc6Tged, i - Liay eceîo l;as E 56060106 NE I.SEN- The Chiropra 4 Lady Alotendant 110605 2iio5 -i8sii9pana 0looe Ilooioîooo Oiiooo.iii .IgefOt. TR066 RLERS' COUIDE Oloilin li E 1013 Ao, Ilaifî 2.15 ;37 I l oi 1lu'.ý 12.07 a-,0 doll Ia- .00i ililS i..6) ,A.l1iT o'1i1FINAI, liAffWAY -110 a 0010 , I~ on.