PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THIURSDAT, MARCH 22nd, 1945 theecountry, scndiug tegcums lu noît-ufl-kin atdj prosiding feesh fruit, newspupers and lue ureum.nesDretr a at 9a at The Cunudfun Red Cross is proud ut thte servieMDIL ILTON, ONTARIO lt ,g e stfrte Cnado forcesf but sofy pos_ Ndi1iýt il i e ls as ~rfun.ntoi ugeon P1du for. Pence 2w - -Ruy Vfi mis. H 8.30-9 sif 1-37-9 pm RAIES(1, 'd Pradoxfor eaeCoruner C.P.R. and Coul Surgeon Ando, or's the If ton tou'o bîster G .SE n ocmre tboughttof suefi aprojetl ofds DR. G .SE Th ,, o oo,.,a d. ,i. i, , -Iun. traction os teeeiffflng. but mur's demundshv u Pheosician and Surgen ofaf, ,boeao5d5o.ff Purnononbluman ingenuit>uand sienic I Ofic ,,oc i- b, hl ýýu,.tdf. thýflialdat. ent. uring the last fisc und a huif yassinezPoeN .3 ,11, 1.y is,,l1, fý d ,t"* 1M Offico HoursF 9 amn.; t-3, 7-8.30 p-m.., fu.O,offdufFfsýoi,a, OuCooni,, if. fioubie that play suofia huge part in modernm rar n _ohfo,.f tho,,faop-o.. oro,dse byt,.td oot thesain umtmetfus devsedmilanfsfore LEDALaio ,1 . iIt f - .0 ie,, offthefrgooousequeuses oftbefrfinenDICi&nDIC 0 f a Fo.O,,afiTe puradox fs sfriking. a 'C . &I DOCK.C Soi sCrtuil eeornn fmast n h a (Custp Cros- Attucney) N tifu ofrus, theo more urgent uitl fie the demuands for KNEIY OK A prvetin ofanthr onlit ecus i i Tssn-Couct Hoose - t Mitue abis ta bolof e condftions u'oufd thon be eafen mure Tefeebune 4j I- Iter'i frbte. T. A. HUTCHINSON E D IT O R Civiliz~(aut~atioo us bexog mokcd, flot the fOtOOsFtp arseSoiioEc 'tho m 0050000 takbou fia t nattons ta efd the Of uefuetee Sulele Etmpo fc. ThePrc Hig ourtd uit aggcesi F00f00 augor oell toc tbo future.: Maine Ne tDoreCt-MilfunOfce Tbe pre ofýcovad bheultoxatogoaltof Nst 'tboif1ftnf bohst er ma brîthe foreuuner of aiMf fteetn Mato ing peis',rs hihi as or n oe Lr trumoendu bomh or somne offier symbut utof _____________________ crfucv dcsttc cone homos on tbisseonuxfff and bhe u'ok bcung donc bv forces scckog f0 firi0g ahboIuOt LAOPRTisTIET CTU GORGE E. oc Puble ueskIIRO pose bot moue tau areer tor ELLIO li ditit crc\awe assbtmr ine rmac s hds'ousuuss but ti II rnty tend INmpetos A -F 09,c lffu Fuemees' iBofdfng, Matin uddod totetbstu f fbuose ubogaos tbsuituai admwl og l uuidebiitauou and an enduring peusu. INRECUEtSEA ftrat fle f ,,0 fff' bouft thc Sfrert, MtItn nef rs'fuurrf frm bue bofftlebuldo to tbe tfo thex hoprd Contsnmpilation ut the tcagedp ut this mur moutd fELOOcP.ONF CP) A sooff il- maC ub sufftruf ^0 mafi trffmeetha,7 bcvitalvimoýilewreilmt o te coryift e crroi fu un Amer,, n reooueunfoonfeafhOfule roiulànofufenufecbe to resus Morsocamus of uotindsd brouxguddsel sft.fifofossbturrufottrftutuun éAofu.taIi0rmrn sound- vu FflOOuxfinimfe rueIo te e p t.l unxutx to mures.iltonhbus o, ebiîts gfomandbhoP0fbtot ffr th ast shotbasbfesoi firrd thesuc-:dn fic, urOr. _>5miles frn eomcbfl<cra frrbinutfma's ct.foofoi DENTAL therbafeîtsrags or m esr.ri bîruoub atons uofl put asfnu,b enecgf fntomfunfing l%%lcto onecufuuufocuufout ai100fuel Ifort] front , licolh. Tbenuuxtlo Onutbxsubo ox îxleud oxafbotoi muu-fbspeastho Auuf,t,ein plouc, ,ixz,ff,ý,lnt h flu' ienr b- au deuf thîxdatu oflig.tnn DR. G. A. KING 0nIýthoe ,o hae siffred nov flc ful maný1 t e unec amisn a fresecndf. 'tic -,ri t,,xx ,,ftfufor Onecouufmostý DENTALOSURGEON ocguof fbse sotînii ou etai. Totie atoo nuit p.uîu.oftp fie shbL t nf bag nor faut." suud Winstuo ofeiefe of f,ý outo tu flicrubbr dnghx r,u b th , ' bus alibtt0t Offir in Roa uli, Milon fisalth fbucou uu, buoto and lx arts. but ch fb, acs mPl t bhurLl sbt act on th bu a, and fis murds are tfraught and bhrrr boues lteroocsrrn tup sounIli', ch,, ;t nfiOle" umnec on Houru 0-5. Purnones ho Apeufututunent for' Oh rts m iew e l to l n [ltsn atn coi] t ota u t ueif. , ,ub n filo ,, o uks funrC. tpber ffelu 9 holet dock d.ufn a utli. fl Fx4o bcu foue aul hofuu fuwx utc ofu fuut nfut DR. F. E. BABUOCE nuit fie a sxxufxxf confuoder doou tbcughfi ugîteaus ifi akdv f14.Sa sriv , it0tr ut tbe oro uocu,, r and tcengthen the roaie tltat mutii,,- gxi 'ta f tc h Pl, uo' ubuufr tuf.', 1 cot Tuuuuorlb, f-.xuu fflu aP DENTAL ovrPçsIFE eat sxob ascainutf il u autiofo uocuor. Ibatuisdu fi.... 1te blios spottt ou war and tbe muntat,;( .uxutuuuuuouesfue oat, buf ohc', oluafeuf 'ffleooatcruxsuntd NuuflfAppieuuoornhuofeurunged .x.anxitsdci iotau iakung po perma00fneount.rft ucc Ou of.o uar xlbr"oî orbo' Ou N-o Oesu a s5cu c ulicexbxstî.lf,,huln lit milesxrn box,Imb fl 0'oufi'uu.c',esfo ___________ Huitfn Amung ILeudittg Pruduceto AIl-Time Higb Virtors 1-4ue Objective Ohe o , uuo t î, lou rniu fler CurSý cuui u scfý r.ýu'ou byn, NEI.SEN- Euud'xse tf ils purt Habex f-outil\ us talkung fispeoîauuxns ars that Caxnada's Eugbth Viutxsou.fuOunuuFuto av ouu'rf ouf lu bacoou ouuuflicu bnot ,aeof xuoudusuog food for Ocdeai oneuscexiLa fxfns.uxagxi uhusb Prime Misustor MackeieOfaf tfhxtudunxouuringy 050 ].e xof o f ie'dfuafobmonocsno. TheChi1-c Thp uctut at th, Haifue ihosuuu Shuu and Sesot Grain Fshbbt Fff oounuedi aui bs bield Aprut 23 f0 Muy1,ad> il3s u.crof Peocufu bid un Mltfonluutuo on utofvan hafief iu. uhý as bate jo alitii uous bjebxtivue ut fit.50,0000 Cpad Affendanf the boout b.oxbhoý ul iof tbuo souex Fand tbe Thfe aýcustb Losoo uamnpuugn ubosh satd1tIor 2 tua5- flof p.m 3udgs murs luuuC iuu IbeFu [Fou, e u fi e bu.ssbb f ttubs 2.,. bad ex obxesfuf o fi $iiu.II WAU -' - M l mO or flue Capt ut bfaco Flo as il ual boF PI,, ilt'Fia]blon ftoeifo lui t tb' Pýo ýiIL f0ltruii l 7 u 011i xxo. Gi \fîA og> loi uxuutuu î l 'u111 \W lzi fric l'ugu"u k fuuxu7ý "l Il F 'tIF i l'u, ý l.Iuuîug, ThuF Fu exP ou uo Sul r l, l bs oula ]il ,an fl hfailli fil oildF. t.F4oýi, fuýcoit cltur'l FF oe,, ,ilt\ I .iJ.F . uu'utL, k F t flic su oi t - ,F F n c \r (j L , viet FOFFOFiio 44p n oerx couierc. FF F4 'F i n 1,uîl k, [,\,uuut flou Sf50 lfc t he keon obro , gsFF0 l" 0f b s sutue usnil koosei 'fa t, l F. F i I F gfi t, .u Fu"Iai .ît tî sîsîl bu07 su fu do Tb cl g o thh I, Fou bu, Pus t ksuox xol.Fî,Fsuuuefftoou i f,.x.i jufb u..liesfliuu-1 fiu Fis ta tou FF j r 1l ' 'f i " :' iý,ui .FI luil Ir,, O 0 ,0 [il Fi. exli h. OFfflfie \u.tuo u ox,.ax lix Ff F i),rpi ou lblbeoxoxxuoîs$i.tF '7,Fs .otl 0 i1 .LiiIg bu, toux, Ion uxîx a 0f., u.i t 2 12tO .t?, OF Nhufnbef f0I42, f!l', 01 o. thsus Nuobs i4 '2,5( xi ý .Of,îî '4 ff uh h v.. EI)ITORIAI. Nf)]Es, t',,i axîuorof>xituftbebcf ri i iF, xixrtb bia, guhnrsofuta hprFxglku 0 Nu 25Huehou bstassx Astun axd Mtilton oiI oIls,!Ç -3 usuîus but au 'sPi bupo f0 secins u tintl, i f lff c th e lff f AiIl f tfudfuuu v - . Oui ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1i,,uj ll 'uFuF o,,oit.oiu fi,~0x îltlehî.îud iîul lfil, d o 1 l.. F ,i, F iOF i FFtuionF'an f'O'loF.îi Ftifl tFofî ibî sOfFlu1F F F. F. FSiK F1' ýIF ofil, e I ý hI e Oh " i h ho Os SFi tb Fh, .!: ""F4 ci F h t people bouk " O, 11 ni,.. F,1ig tAI' t usu, 'Fout g oa l 1 F F , OFF' Il o o Fu 'F I, 1di IF, l , t ' Fl Fo Fil Fý -t F, F tl Oh , ulu u FiFîs Ot, inu FFF'F 'ul .1 Flo-Il F oF 'idOFîl OFFd Im' isu3r'ffxdxdol RA FFt OF' hI' d ut uo sO i 'F . : 1 f IFFîF o l' F i ' l V;i-1 IFI sOlfîFîtl p etu At o fuft f cr'ois! tir u1S, A u, O F; l o fi t.ît -a r lu fF' ise ShIFO OFFa i ' l 'iF F Il Il s'if ou a n td aFifs ol s tfor 001 uti mari, o01 .t flca FFFIFJ. At file luu u1th (1b - FFs ol, an01 pou bih ftlf'tbc " Totol hbsutoti il ofPthe CoxuiouîRed V. . f oV F t I5F00h 10F P ax ar i, î.fn off GGF tulipoiF. IlOIp[arfe made ho o -" ibso huiostfuea lx F0 lusflu saxofu lu J andoFF, Mr.f tto.hauolabtsuofflicuiiobigtion epr o u i m Bu x lt ist f0 ait ho !lts o9C na la- i t b hst3d ha F lie %\ oniug s vus furs: 10 Lilo giltitktlu lFI.!kh foP ondo Lt itI thbobidsrouis oion, fbspu h, a Fît IMCl fofft rfoi o.rcFFds'bPunîhsoou iIrLdlrielobtrxru na aptbicitr olbcs'eaiuxutaitrand thecttleOovfxras' tumeunxma 'oueilf' boxrufi axhi il o f ctr b Fou uua.hud Plic p Red Ccsssepussin the grafitudes of pafients foc' Ns'a rL ilhl fhlicioin0 tfses bsottg paud bu Shouidhbscmoesd to militac.ttospeta lf.,fiau .îulfxortous Auhng fbs tacts nox, reuuatud are: tbe RIed Cross girls arc aguît ut hils silde. RIed Cross t'acmurs po oug uxuomu tus on 1O43 opurutuons f00, sev uo vn unstudoes homs-tuonouespaprs and theO estfifate fox numbe r xor 24,f1010 Eatomated tufalf guets do sbupping fur tbe mon on the ooighborhuud laifinfnosms'tau paf monts on f943 inuome sf$7 '245 -1 Ou the fiospftut shi p urossfe g the North Atlantic 900. Tbre rstomffce for 1944 os orouod $10l mftfions.ý RIed Cross su pploes and couttoots are uuuifnfife, and Pormers of the three prairte provfnces pnp about nîlen hie relâches Caunuda once more RIed Ceruss con- 75 lier sent,.u offi the turmn income fout coffectcd; dusting uffisoos uscuunpunp the hospitul tenons ucrons Ontarfo f3 per cent. and Quefinu 2 per cent. msrw-u mu mWA -u uPECIA,- QUAKER WM0IE WIOOAT BSCUToSn la 3 TG 25C Cik f IfFf F ,ffffffff7-1 ffffffffff.fffufff SOUP IOATSI 2 co,1I7c li 9 g K i 29:tf b f 4 JuiaE 2 li, 270 CihK1ORNS" PORRIDGE oit 17, FLAKCES 5 SPARKIES ulog '70 2 tofk 25, APPLES at f. uige BSCUÙITS 250 HONEy 247 LKRISPIES 12! Coffee 3 35e CLEANSE s- CARROTS 2 1-f 25a PLAflS 1. fff. 24e bufffoaue Rfý"t, PI fKd EpRAOT 2 t, 2 5e ODEX 2 " unlc PICKLE Ruoz fout 2l 10 MLE K R'-us.îo Wfre eee the cfglt no uit quaunfti noi &B finuuhendt I.Ilb LETTI (E-1 2 Fur 25c ITNCH(' IfEETbt Olt CAEEOTpt P>er lb. 7 Y0141 051 osata MII l PAIN fo IOr 20c Ton Ipm-tu 8O3Op mi Profit MdO nogotablu priet ub tebal maret tleuteatleu. RATES IN AOVANCE Compem t. -e HarOb 2"dn I fOrmPrtte.- $3.50 S U G A - u6 o e u 5 5 ; P R E S I R V E - - - n io 4 B E Rn î 0t e o l u t P r iO : t : - - - - $ 5 0 TIIAVEL.ERSf GUIDE l'n0 iix, dI;S5 la oinî. Puluv osuepi F 9x,~"x 22 'o0,it. lol xPf, ) F . F> FFi ut o . 7 1., , l il 17ou 'Fou'25p 1l'ANAioI.N NAbTIfîOAL IxAILO5AY SF F"g oult I, 7 FFiFi Ou S. A. FAY POus 205 HPATINC' and tl INbMITHING Maîn fit. Mtfton, Out. IlAIRDRFSS1NG Ait t o f xl flu ultu reu ELLIOrI? BEAUTY SHOP l'h frl A tu Souoouoootme A, IL b ibiDf