M PAGETVtOTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION THONSDAT. MARC!! lIth, 1945 PAG TW Î Alîhoagh Ftie s sîttiatg ta th e lette of wartîaatl TRADE WfT MI MEMit'<>ST-WAR EAI ET - -E B u sin ess D irectory cib f(auabîaîi (LIbampîuîtl Il dct r cAl 5iidJo g the', ooulag ;nigh. oelt ca ,0. '.tfti MILTON, ONTAIOtt ' i lis on the hoitltitontt ail the wArtO; ptaatitg ta Atatlitt, rturAlat tatat a osif ta auopted a plat hy wlh eItaatiatves _______________ libratd trriorytheredcros o Si Paric whchMexicoan atdti atl, xioda in terdtta of t ri c eple llATtttas aatals Il ~ ,.AfA. lh~Tt~t trtitrpthttedcrss I S f'trok aît Canaiaa hipa ta htlp bail! at optioa aa a lot fat thlera hy pat- DR. C. K. STEVENSON aloag aith the crassts af St. Gtttgt aad St. Aartwc astn ehnmai.Cndentngcongis hepuhrlpie M.D, L.M.C.c. x AUsCtttTIN, tAlESý t p.,, y. ita,ial ai d- forons tht Unita jack. ptadta wsi fini a gati maraket ln ttttt the taitla I taatptttd. Offta- Pyic n ugo ta LITlAas lia dditil.a a.I . laSting i t V.L Mexico, ttOtaiA. rAailslortitbutantsa htAhs." hn w - lai Otha Haitaa 8.t-A9 a... t-3 7-9 par-. A T IINTSO oi ' ,.. 0a le.aa Raakttaeta Pat> ing Upan Soldiara and elatives Cartat, CPR. ad Caaf tatgean ois 0aI t Aronagsettrtt paptts taottttp caltag atttation tAr, ,<il l th, Civilian ttcttots preplngtiri Aptttil DR. G. E. SYR O ~la cl'l'. cAl 'C o..S~caA ,J stîdîtot and rlatis of thtst $tit tsttstts is Tht e Kigso <lAO'Olanard whc . . oie a tml d Phane Na. 3 -i.llo .1 n,, tai AIh C~liidi.. htral oldottr Bware' t s et u aiu ot o," to n' I . ,a * t. ' gyppittg thtttghwhîch thtstAtotopet of Catriatt M.O. Ii o t .t . ooaa ai. f lt .,,beî,o b Eaa o ii, _1 sfl hne,llSlOtf ' 'id h n o o gatot-k s0t1AAtOmgll pttttpA LEGAL i .o 1 1a,O~ao<t~tSt0t~ îtl aihti ",hogiîgttttog esttoil. Oprtn rn epoayades sn D1CK & 01CR G.A i .Eio . gpiý. (Caaato CaoaAttorney) a î. i t Mai. mi],. . tt. io m o y grtb. thty shil t ftt t ptitt tA p it as pAhieKE N T t Y.D O .HA l I Ns...oepitiot gets aist te thtit garit, ttth ihoosatis tof dollarAs as thet 1 llgtttta gait.A Batalattea, Satitatatt ________________________________ Atattg the foAints t? graît ntitatd an the ai- Tatattata 4 tonal arc Illet otslgia tackht," tht a'jwettp ctuh," tho ilicAti gtass SAiIt atd tht atittrgtd pic- T .HTHNO ISE I)'JC) Ié L1 to"sotate.AiattttAdht0gh paaihtMADE iC A IS MINES Mi tetMlo Vihott toi(les food pttcols. pristAtas t! tpparciit long atot the sliihet has dtparttd Tht A B faMtht ain te~g auniO Ttttptttt t4 atttaAldhao dediot. ItottotCai csdt dso-ta'sschatt gsty tppattslt I oa ltasig a fea n h trat.i e GEORGE E. ELLIOIT repattoted poesofOS, oltdttttPtîtaRtd îoAaratd to gtAtAlp sthtth andttmalnt- fh. 2 a Britolto,MttayPbi Crass foold pa.i.îg plat. Ctpt. Ussheo. a toambor peAtl greent If i oj s nt tan cattotg. Bat aSc a sti h b t the aitigia Sm Offitt-ta Fataitti Buaitdiag, Main irs tecia ndsuiu edil lne li f t Canadaa" gr- g .Id d teta Mit ti the Etaîshollot Drageos Os tAken prsoe ai ties abatg thclcta d pttsadospatdtsa d ttt ro-. Telph 7 htlott Dttkiok and a as held ptisonot lot thie aad fotad to ho shoddy staattd tttds. attatafat'a' i ng, a liaft., th. alhaitsioits. ttitastd ontiedwcaigroundshthoas ehsotht stsîdlat pettoftfinetforaagt- «tgand j . hmaha. fi DENTA httt hock tn Canada hote moaths. Neod l'o oo.- A.Ai tl is bnot that îhtasaada t! dollaos haste teoise.aaa tiatiag shîptit of food to ptisttaos is stop gotai t tiatoot tite thh the îtchtt aOft fta' Ihtainhi. DENTG.A. SRIEN hte sais. Gion op met tn prista camps aced tîke oeahod thtt an the aaalrp and iatigala soharnos taarin., hm Pataidad mirant. Offite la Roaa Bailing, Mait chîldota liat tht loti pattais artistd. Gataitas t'he safest plat tiaytt dal ai htiae wih reput- &iriiai...h.! id bthi dîdAlo ciai todItR tt t tA. Ata ablt busines hrts, tai largt cetres tht Rtter sp i f e ;à . tatthatapeo le ata.t timta t-. Ettataga hi Apafttatt di utselfo rntepaisottas of a.Evi -Rap Sttvite Talaphatai 197 the corttas ad the ctatcs tht food is n Aiver in Busittss Burîea, a rei siiegattdt agaîisi îhtsa der- «~ ar utibi for book sheles and atma chatrs. todabions. ta stîolltt coatatttties, havîag nt Boardi aat A la DR. F. E. BABCOCE The CanadiaT Rod Ctoss Natittal CîmpaigA uo lot d o usns Mats Assotiation, a tise plat DENTALSaiUitiEON $10t,00M0t tpcatd Match bih, atd $b,0120,0t tf the ot otld betu doe cin accit gadtal thoabati k. Office attve Paîttata Thatta hudgtet htteojtb c l ot Canada's oqtirtatatt - rteCifo olc a ccnutd NRap Appitmtsît Utayb Eaafa fee paîtatir oftoarpattait. Tit nttetdordos jj atat t r ta 5 Tatathata 65wt Captoa Uoshet Io îîcioAtiit shoptitti of thet actais Ilat> Enagh oh!ad ie A ïK fH packageseio ofgirvi geat, tîll becoomo moreo se. Brtitsh tCoumbhatactiats are havig a Cf'fl'U'i I-EILSEN- V . . . - unît, toeotg to gel biqtt ftt "patiet jiUnf oOfcil ndKOflT The Chirapracta (taitiî's !igUtaitttcinog îîecd rofi, lisOtoitttivt, stîrnattiveto r Iranlae frein Cee Coat Brasf T hrt I intTlake the rontipagechcadbtes lasiTotek, hicobng proepttos,accodlg ttihtVancotver St ilat Via, tf Prttît soi profits troithe lc ai of lotot oi Ottatio ia ohîoh socals î ohovo got ralier îhttttghly jtto thet L ttadyt A tt a t 11144 tetallcd $20,000.000 ood total salto shtaed tan oh1ooi t Ile poîts iNnt dttlAg the pasi ytaltmocr lu. a a9Pn ol $2îeo sl ostor t ho pttîots itarto bthat 4îI001) poopît At4 titits as mas as in pl (ah husa tooh abtotaîl of$0SlOolÀJl..7 liv uaO ol ceai- laboigycao. -ocoi)icd ihtot phtctls thal Ove DomAtinio tr, Geotrgetoan par' on lltio pboplc s(tt Alto and t hall tsîe.ý hciOtapionisllljoaitdtasmalil.lohtttcdthtaicin Phn 150t w ltt a ucinbneloit \ca as the Aboie of CanadMattlle o'nlhu ortsh Coltihîos stcssittbtex-s 1' ilSkcd to ,0 cais e o c t d eroo,î o.0 ilcar. îoccd poLciiooÇll0l 'lot rotions thîoh tht rnadîccs Atlme tanc R VEIR UD IocIccoc mur OO, dî goal piclolis isso A bv atolottlli desro ho lsportts tîomootît lahîshes vfElANIINPCii ALA th 0'00 diii h foscalcat o a iluJa:0 pl>uiui thtn plo lte p ituvn gal.i f land Jolo DICE patIA P A o t A st 102l,o' olo i,.ri caof11 th, i Bi Eoîî .E To Sogoo s1.otsîiîlîoit î sA -7:10 Ici. Aail; 2.15 EDI ToRI AI NOTES 1 toig T-1î9,2 .0 m, 00010 Ofag); 1;Ittu -:1 rtth','lls -ai,],tadd liiwil-I f, $00 i,,CA RROTS sh oril , ' OrraiIo > 110 'oi b îsles 11-1g l ' , id, 0 oOalddtli,Ol0lloo $itlltO 9att1,I b oo ,îî oft for0 trloîaoo Iit0 bîotooc's TO0000 Voo oo SPECIAL.-MAXWELL RHOUSE te (;oin I- 9.2 o.m fiago; 6.37 mlloo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOA oudlaI tit-ih, el ,c(nIl rol vus inofru O F sgCAA NNAIONAL. tILWA ..hsn.ige. mu gct JtAoconcptiof th rOlhtOO ngofw HADDIE 27 AttM NA , I t otgoitloosOcaiog loqoo Tîooo Ah., prîoit fo l i> I olle c lo to do. PILCHARDS tr1I6e iftii .otlit,ccoc loigOT mciloionoeotd oolasslt In.. HONETr 21 , 11 - Ontcaiofst %caror bozeot olboA Jo dtsstik ou 4Sa# 'cr gMossi inohsl Ay" , APPLE gS. A. FAY kiTtool pepe Iic îo,î lo oo oigoottT tcs hoiîî oooat oes, f~oun Mpyu ise, bARMIIIALADE Ic Malle aoîc, ond tho bootlegger ais lsisOs. cop- lit A oo hoas JUICE Potla 205 V Moun~~t y a moIs atd loliiot me otlheprisdi WIMAT tk 14a, 2Sta 2ý StlitrcksDa a. bot bodao, t (P. Leadot Codel -codg 21. R, 25e Suead lte Paef the 'a liua> lth îooflic- l'art l o meso sais: 'Trwdwn Pu LAKES tro.Syc a13$a LUBN ooîd slobcosîlobco al 100 l bl ghtup a camcil,for TEks noti dia. ritUMIN nmo i rsh ovlsei Hn RAT f'1 MGo 44i Colccoo hotcîtr saw Cotlooîopyand spalpectssot iponiO e 0000 d. i' ata, - indabl ataan ,ho 5c'o aw kpoJdol alntuc tron i AOATA the1 V' - UP ai, 7 TINSMITHINO gîcoadoolioooîîoboloidhobntlco ltolcttotcoolhîpoialAtsl taoial PRINCESS SCAP Ille ,,b o , c.g Irnh. too.o.IcL placo oliaieo's sboreai$71s millioa an-t 4 thd o tIc Ii' flîai 'atioî saintOs ooolio. ihclOntario LihlbooN ois boObclfins I . A h S kg 4 lbliii, O n Ic i bo1 aid l 1p% h il ,,p o 110101 Ilot cad 'on 1!141 Olgc gl00p lOtios,ý F A I S po pI"' lorîpolcc-l lto kteda oio oo otheooil th-co, nalfitgureslAdOcotc.a innhl dith, ilI, o ilBorî oa, ot Toi as tha, Jlouoi Pillooooon o l* ua $oî 50 hoba TOMATO Juice t 2' .'s' 17e0 ,.îrir;-kîO000 A. bOAp' Caad .r:Ileil i lin O , V i SARDINES -otttt~ it 70 1 IID ESN lii aton ool and bo do IA o 'kco ho o \tntIn o i o nhei flbbe< "rrd KAU ~f i~ eI. Latasî Styles. ,oooob.ooo lot irido- and lîcisdhrp, lîiiooomeeti tho îohtor shoraui cniIle PR N o KA *'ni 2oooec N,,t ihol, Peranntoa Il, Iýd bzIidtieltso -ico i bt oopiltonofo ti he Poyne m oprto LIGHT RULDS 15e i TvAc.g i10 o, otPa 11,1.1-t l'u Iol asoo notaIlbl ohi 0001h '0.0t 100111 A n lîrcll lli c do1..tgt0 t ii I')b SOLVTEASE s- w- afi i 25e .ooorTii l'1t o1010 ilaswnh bno 001,1lttis lh, 2::272 A hootcooooîl ilosi o irs GINGER ALE s. 2 o,25e ELLIOTT HEAUTY SHOP' ilOOOiiu ii . oO' Nooîîl alien the lool 01 0 i oh, al .rcoî .~siihclo: tihe k, ontgllPonoe kij for AloOitilett 00030 î il,î î giirdLd oq001 b' the n.tiioall\.ainctN .scS il- WA 4l i A M NI s A.i IlI lb b 00 o 0.001 OIcn a toolI o, loi 1O'l" bot atoll oolpAnio cannt oi h d WtAXtotciaht45ta93esatt.INAtta ta.aatla SeAR aolîloboollll ~~~~ ~oi ol,îolîîîl thelo bobo, telî tirait lîbîoîîîlîcî of0SOl~ allA htlllllll.iI' ool', th 111 i t, l wl, i. c Ille 'dO th0.0, tidi Il dles ihtc I .a. a, ,a.s'oictotrialfotOAtaOfOtt nr 1 il sbIlolodboîk b oîo coooooJoîoooîlok V oi , . I coîco bol i c h tloloo.îîil ngît oI olloooo lîio .,oIl1.ohloîî oti ,coiitel , c01îî50 deiîd s toitîlaooi aî sceor, doaîti oints. Oneoyoioh tlboHillst\Hli. Lot o liepr oooiantiotmoond' tas hotoîi he Iîoldoootndhbruio t dos t1simlabit ost bîoadasilfotLtndon aiOin' toto shantteed hi tos. theonewaodostnal îcooltionîaaotthootg ptaattd ni PodtAatclylthost diystare pastandtflicgoodtodialt, cîal.linthttmine,ilnthb fellbftithe saint's day toi ho moto tokoly celbahtid is yaar hicatiafiatoohatdadpsitpha- wtaoh a danco af thetnaa st fish hall. Tht oatloa idsalania indsties.' Htt in Canafdafnhaveant hrilitdthai Atsn idttte ilh cthasesttfttttdhthtttot coaihtpand thetfl'stage. Nor dotoata tht poaagor gtaaoatioa an tire thatas aIf a jî ttaahaig Iadars in oto coat iadaistty appea aaaioais ta dis- jig. And !aith, 'fis mate likafp if watt ht the hiathet atassatat an tetats othar thatt thasa a! 'fat!.' ti aI tht saaxaphont than the tait! a! Irafauda galita doasa t anspira Aonfidence la the fataira a? caa la harp which ai tati tht saas a! Ern tiaisacontrp.' t! NIIINATI(fN I>ACKs SP AOPI.S Zc I fls, fat25 (RISt (IREEN CAItIAtIR Per th.6c Fraah Batelai. (arrais, Lettuat. Calery. Spiah Raadithtt, Greten Otitant and CasMarnaie pait ad v gttbtt p ttas .tbjtat t m iaet f atatatm. CMpem15< tejleMrhIt o Milton ilospital 030jI p- oa OAO pia. 100f) pmo toi 830 p.... (No Chîiatae taita lAi RA'rtA IN ADVANCE natait-Paisaite $»50 etîtate- 9 5.00 PHONIE 21ta MILTONt THRISDA, MAI! i01 TIIEMIXI ,votioisa colleta hat ttttt la taitc lSaAliAgathirtoa if ttap are ta ht c tttt fat httpiag i niaairahlg. If tiA Stote theaa taigath covatd dith. Kttp trieaaiigatttain tîqn aî iit stgta t. Tap eomhtlion tf lot-osto sgti satt tA a t .eralltp, O' A ctble . 'Tagatnds tii oaita .oagc ta', id fir toai sttock ha. A. to ptits t b tt- oufsto toc' )lardt tlojeusf ocefeft an 0 s ot, t ai t 0l .it wth tsat, 6g. AAA ba oa 0 aligbtl Oi ,,.ing îîolloosto eutp -rio obî bits, O ogg o t O b n t g o anod tO toirt inutes p ton 100n par 101s SIl, t' ci 015 ..i -'lîd inlOoloo O A îlot , J par il * it le iard ill Bot il h.flo teitA S ic . taat a thtolistt At.,1 toi, i, ta att