Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1945, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE SEVEO FIWM LFELE TOWI Reporters Tell of 'Commiiission Studies Fi'[- l s ol Il OtNAMr f Interestto u ry c tifht lerperaIL n Leso Ili W ake of Battile ________________________ Front toast io MINANAR('1 4th, 1045 1 oeComptete "I-;vrm me craimef'______________ Reporter Says Clothing îacL Dire Possible for Island Caon I Yt 1 ilon Ctik ,o tarSt i 144o fbeaccf on an amshrofaml -Shor-Gain jS%/ Chick Satr pfoee sheosorio 'IACHSFORCVENE n Yosbsi-dek For I sIflI.N 11, A tht-c too 1O Thot's ot feasf fosse and lîol y tSrs fîos as osany as s-ost din Goldeo Test. --If ye focotte mss cdt odTne ooo sl oi ays ta oere ld on aoy otlaer beasd of Cbisk Starter te Canada. They arrynttYtoir heortstheftrulih Ilets trsaslao, yoaas beasesi> with Bare Hnds tulodssstitslassai selosot leaalîog 0f goosc f gthi oa isocsat o Pîlseod aso fssgase ysa. Bal if 1 Iolsor sss ospiefe self-governmenst lu Ns dsabt yos wamI, save mor (tîs a- to grow etter o'ortfs and deeda- l> forgise ssst oses fOcs tsetsosses, wASffffsUTON (CPI Itn Yagoaaaa- linit issd. ot of ossos saslr stap Chioko - and ta sale and makle, more mane} tn 1945. 0ur T-rkiodis sort of foilas tlae oshofe reanitec sili sous stlaec faoise yose i aierso s t lattie sltoan as wo Iin s o sst front sassose deo- Prie is $3.010 a cNl osorIafsetfs tespaoses. Matthafdf415.mh oss taooeren thefiesidssoearisg pmsetntssin ooniailaa Pesost littie towns Stke fhese iflah Lessotos Sctaff.t f8:2135. othisglbut a loinoslat . Casisosos of fla csomssiton al Jfstle ao Sihr-aCholaSarter willfssossla yso iotstreett. in IFranlcethefaormer i2-hlaait,aLscsSsisabrtil5 ldsstsoin ts t hflsldlthsat 0iiy5lal05 fr Drive in tnd se Wlsrr ttoagtt ltnd laver ta oobtlee Taos Aafaos. A. D. 32. fio s atat Nieso folars stso do0 stottai puolls asi la the ost ofainot- at abs bae ShrGa osigo a Loasilae We wsIll be glat tu ssev rehatthec Esasodtiott. t Soeisg Fargîse- iosesssofaattedfstsle Parsf-ootidaos ya Wboo ftal bos oe lam ed ro s ft ot Soif, 21-27.Ltp t e flac at-o ao very litl o bsthamo; and the othccos olecrff s ae bisod-beaitor. cratoalpractca. aaffnquetnooanth'laeiaiaapitid. t sttysofWales, andP F.J.ba- Calf Msai, 22; Golf Startrc Osowit Laiog and Htfhîsg Wttootics oflaboopfay ndoornsdastlalao ve arada ofrostese- l fics accdihýliiog bar-itaAni- rostrestdctofflheNational Uion iseds aitprcosstbatswiibassaffvotstolly Soathenrt togetter tbesaglast .ii ftesttoestaliy We ail hase tlaotcotataoiittth aenoig5eiassne thirreaes[w c-aosvie clacsand sansciolas laohrrttedl ttaaiEarsisctottaraat ten-dyisifs iatvp,,ssalttIl forgîsco theos bfafore ltse offOd g st l tatalileintscameinsthe.aililtasssOedeeari ý>0 i Front o tntai Ions laîkle these, scteor agais.Ho m uaa- iong shah Olaey 5 ir - fo - ae il bsaffe ias aýirpeodetý.y bosîstie' saî Coososls nid ?Jîese oc nd Sioso. Peter m'liedtospt- Perhaap=tetmosttdsaatsalea b»d5 Serre sod tin Sta L~otVville F'eed M'vill The petcecof quieîsteets,and An- sidr iosd Thlis afarlsigler thso Thle sassyaofDsmntllssltheota- il sos afsaîrssatil. os parisa There o sed osast ofsaa os gabuttîsesotpledo ai]ni tce edo ivra adlait sol-_________________________________________________ sle, ahPeter's bagla figures la sevtlaa, and Dosiria ls 60alesosr esofstîlssge .adahisslouriifoffafI a- Whfte Jantes nd Jobs, flac s.ns of niîd bio, rs bras yaaosl as a Aibos fs 2h605 tollges Isout la o i lot sssîfilettotrsi af abs islasod Zebedec, sesesty tîos seses . fIes or hsî osalao Splolar 1d, oslcs Iateredo ffî setfr al Were lilti f6te lods frsnt tilie e psstssb -nslpsdlsla lise is ossn bseS iscr fisols os ate a dleo assd fooa se' Parost faîsi tows fabo larte, oshrre soosset af soosiseteorot. ssa'tiilsed (hai roitsa sIal t hear souls. isîssos. asti tie clsasîsse ol sesasa lov i, earoct acain by flayîrsse fsl,ýo T 1.aes arelbasslasss Tisos ss-s ssssosiolatalios.ess Adse.iglhbostoeadasttheofilesmotisssn" c trstsro a i ,artrisfra,,sosaosea andsl ý h psessalsaele fi05550ar sasshoMllier,Ohrteratf lasais-lscosb55O Nso ary va5otor fon thet tisatsasitenssnd pacPssesself 'eals, 9,so bol aswecoiuessssssilokalsil, sssassillsag wlasibo -isss l aaîou flic g rrasle IO Reoiaadoseecstoetlael.sisn ad oesredisilaosust sassaand gsaf e soSs Nos tibe Brish gssersossstlbots fsray ; assrl- fiassi îlIe laso as is. llas L. Psto t he a a shsas as iadr sIaaaoe sep o Wlrc ~ ~ ~ ~ AlaE sok frn uptrrsotlisa y5 bosse la- as,,ic finits tas tss 15 ritos fsl sios s sscoesleaeosarenrssi sahsa-, Ifs, ss , 'uaosi do ce sos sonts as sti stnd i osbes Sep son elf-goernment for mensossosgsatcd Thl la 5F ssasaas aiass11a5ss sllaaorh eos las ssrossag sostie of thsts11 Our aseilaeou rld e uoiias.esls 5ttsa555 hla ý! . ibstlsaairaais aelsalsn -baonnaes- so s sr>sit teibthe offrtorehsseroslyf1haesitedI sai , apaasssassssfaoat lt/bt fildecades forselososaii lwnt ears Ao ,f lsscssllaesiatss,fI laa Iflas t vssclabslsastls s has asse imaportnto rrers-e ste Aua sbspeassg. bVoli eeety laoussevt05 But brise Dsntsaanuslsced s sassc iseavhez-e,- saiS Mr. Sosith. t-raallthe lar of 5 th. disttfsasssfPetents questio ssliralahat ulatshesbass, hsosasdiothessssasss, jisososnathellaold, chantrin-ofn Marrit ta 1ans Peter Isola S for craned thnt hesclivessfiasprsssonsisch tbeisosn Se- Csast base jasI fini sew so slas w ouilaerasssrgs es c, butfinit osa1s bar dsomenose. arstroersreicas ssaslcntalaars are laany agatin, if diS sot secr Io hios abat be lass- Faitittof -rres Ps ance. an Arivai hbias bres Lde plea do yaur tenveting betwees lolas Lsttîsiigc, aI Nelsan. bad 38 srlf osssbt ho abssoffcsdcr and IholI 71.i i ery egsai saS staieo ose osg5l I lastîeea tbi.t oiglalhb,eastsIscss so. Ns e,,n s-os theos earlbsa-bddas . Cossin rirea limeos; îlots Sala i n 4pm oaodnihhuswe a Thbe Milto sasaors aI ast Ssards' las, Sao s a i sa- a sssisis ,-s $1200 lAsO ss isas '0 as sooao, lion.s sl b Iiels siecs ppsisled ssc- wotte have to bo caeried. Leave ehitdren et -thssb ossa*. ahoat. la aa a b as ols osaselvs ntli,o a-s hobase lsid ap bIsas leabsanasaîc -sP iosss i home Es ma rose for eaaentiai travetiere, -lad sol sotice la, s a thoIssavre ai c, f la as W a, ors ].,I inr , cool ,jnan a as 55555 5 s lasl asse l es li-a cd oolsslssciasr sCss soe'3-hs o ni aew rtm rvtcn assiese ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e iien eslîeic.Assisi ea a s. o rbs oga 5a 5 sfeiasforc las rme in s yr -ualOsI getin a oid oeauoenese ad dioconr- assasaslsaO ba sstsaei>îbaoPsforaa inssiaaaaaas b p5dBnIbgssatissosao.a-saliýinn fJ eto n vidicneine n ic fas S .Iab Y' s ,ý. las s6;obi fr11 1a: il 1) Ibr l as b t b e s 5r a i oti ssasias tassa as ks rcsir ir "i anvla yos e la ias Thes> s o uld5st o pl e ulat as tiaaas a iseo a sasa aslian taho h, e i5 oos-as Jasis ii X a osa lilt l Sri, Ms ile rt isS frsve 11as e, l Is-la srl a s t fin]5a Ilo ni - b--ub i oau ta asI ro , lN v soi ovIý - " I sas-a lre as Bias îls Ntionst5 aialiaitaaa Ionga i sa 5iiiass laaata ai aas Ik--aosi. 1 aa, l o e as ilo 'îs' aLaMa-sa asasn. C. blases Ses> bla, Msso a Idaaassîas- ROUGiiCItot.e ftls s l Iý asosos ,a a nd Bes - Uni Qa o b a d is o , s Laate thasassio, Maso MolI* fear; s- , isal> a flss ot as sa-s sI11 jf-a'lai on s tos in ta flan hat- oisC orst,l sassal aess gicl, lMa isat fîsaia, l'est sas- Sislt 1)l s is as ' n,las 16 Isa tsas oate 27,a00ss bagasiata sa - 5555s 55-I, » iaaa--5a aal aaossaiaa ,lI cs o fala, ia- Isasaiag-a aslassasaass sa BORIN sasi :. lIa ,aaaaa r aasssîts la ,iat-laoss ii as -Naa-tsiNNON as i cofaigrt ss Pslas - o"' l IIlig u, T ý e os1 lt > ,i abibn . taass l sas-ka-al blaiaassarl ila boas>ý tfsEass.tý aMsr 11,a i 22 lTh ibeasad os sorne TIbsssaecoa \iliioC s1,ý attosa. as, o Mi.iaedas 's> lo li sasss as , so nt aia hasa s- aia-i sst asesasian aI. saosata- lasicoas of os if a r sa ss Asi >sat 'osssii>s h a s in asasiaaaisst l 15fE0 Ilsdsîtoi lasasoal fls soold atasat id isages saaladtglls o FIsaa Io Malo,I ss TbaesdisF ifsrl lune Nasd tins. gncom e au -pr it i tost Gif95.CiIlsaM Sas la I di d a ai l tit fii, 'Ifl Nos1 asa gIsg acslss 1925. hinfbatFsa,iis as- bo cksî ssa t.sghostsitir, lire olatri, IIlnadtsssbsslata-tsas li hr ititi Yu Weni1 n ,, o ý'he jo ofica in fli dutl an, important wair job-with taabaoob 3,pscta ectm future asl. 52sdsosî. ia Ilias las> -sa b fulocs gasa s>f soss Iseslanod Iialssssîvillgs. Pe c t soabi hl as ososr eoi i i ba l feou l sas111 sa5ss Su"1 lon sabac,, Xlother and Girl - aI staas , lassas sassa ost wsaiesun >eaisis-ts, wakl lias-, ialbercutoit înuo rtt fi N WRu- fotr Ep 2i 5. g s ss l Ise e asao I avt aarnut 1-nýiia Sosoce -k ho 5 is Illlas ir~ tt0 tstl-t btîtt ~< t1 %litage Newspaper 1 se foa osi s paIla bo ft ai Ssiis afivae 'i> lansiaît goe on fae, Sacoss aesoins - s Reporter, Ilook-keeiter, do sslbsssss o-a oebhc on sct.. apset. Tses dos - Il-5;i,-stgt.îîitt.tY- ttttt Eaain ditar af a sOi sie ,-s f505 iboss adi-st osslfe huan hrlatgs aryntare. MaIagi. thesadlso bo b bardes aI Nslbsg s-ai bs done Toc- tht-o. p rtliCsfra tq -ekl sa-rss il laas lsd fis 9 f MELFOOT, Saab. ICaf- Fiantes a _. ss1sing7,os od aSleato 9: 14 psap InresN rsbta ~ i îcsst-5osrst Bosisgtîon, isose of file sol e ger-e 21soa s1 s bro ci att astd Tfeln intt II-t ttatnbfl0p laarer Itil pot e osaagsgedosols tsla e-s lisss >c wsrb baie ai tesas- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i-la t GsS osoi osse,,s las and gI-ac Iltosa as nacasase in thes Satel - ai> .a 2 t 5 105 laost 3- 28; 11: Trappiogs fromn PeaCetimne Liînersî REQUIUEM*ENTrSS a Ooabs" the Saces t-o rpstnl Tas bas,, si a isas ss>hag oidn atia loahr laeep bosla, solisdo adserais,asS6ý -d atclAmshr ànl)Mn n eet aseitt a ,l s ob5slamn tafoei ci a. bai sooseting in CaS, Oas ots For theo tTheb -ODTON uu 'ifi . tasaaa a- .nttm o a onSt_ fotMoo Astasly the ahish GoS sf das In sassas, ESQiINIAUt-. OCCPa lss t-dsaaiasirttc M ro ESTM OahasingsathOeOs frl.'-sssisdsbeSess andnselsfossees aieersse ysacsgstsa )Ir~eaw ,Ot toossssppl ns sias ass s-asfSesibp alas su,.un,, at OMs. tttior Ses .Q.-tl on ritse. s, fh (.Lablb i8 f3,4- lasa 10 f2. 132. daicte o t h os asd aS ab job Mares- Francesl sas itesi r sised as tSegc,, -o An -: ffnigbuies Rsfosas Fsras e aso- 15.d dýc.2771 Tisas s ý, %Is qaisa la Soas anasY Oulaatnrtt o cy h okda a rnes e i bah '-.bbsfi a.r.>sfiifss tablas aii t scS as ho ,c..en', sp.as ihs>sfbec9 ans]on efoahetcs dahiisi194, 1b501; >ssl,ý-iiss sotilac doI octl brad bs a nd ood s f aI rt Stoaciîrlo hl, c , soroeilesdiiganid mnisass)loît andfd ast>sasaSstfycsiac sslgttiesossbist si tho Mass. aýgh SoS> aicaii a5's>55 si>uesi5 as as Xhoaaiosati so aslss>sfasss- asa T-bs> sors-, santide but i. T>I ail slaried a-Sos Casosios lise>-. sor ssdssososssscasilCharbieiab a assss sos ar as.d bas, abssssavi sso osas sais> 5baS liait -------- asgs'faerosesissfltbe biasFltsats t>as soo aisit, hos,-ges itastlsssoasstsaiisiss telri idsSt-aaaabosSsTurs.oofuieaooss5s5s "c s aiaolld osa> On iass>Fasaacregiississoestosanlcgea abs lait tif ibo teiss paý lt olos in Ill - vs ais î i>r sisa -oas l Il biaisasostoaSaa-a, tas large Fracea -sil orne sasa itisais i S asas aisss o usae-> Fîsa-l pI assai lisoghla su Soassai ailela' it sils loi hit-si isa aou- lia a i is-i sa is or5> saiiiao aa oeu se ,al ai a aillsa eal o ndstosi l i a S aide I i, dIl Ii 'ad fic fasisa iaaaiathsais s aiai.iih, isaaatafit. t5 lts.se atiossaiiIis fia iiit5ia,jo. a ii. rar'---,- i ui Sospeaissoi ai ie ol aIslsaonh I e isasaiioslaandî saîLcosasa ais sfg.n iltieCassis oAdsits 55o5 lsiias o55 oaoSiisd iisgsss rousseS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ý andbeasss tisat aiaeasi>nsltsIi-- ,le fir in lo, d'I', nd v i iaaalp s ib tisaoira "Ilisa, s rd ~ sr' iiý, I friu' .os rusibsoo T> a- If sm soil toti cf iso in o a ai l sI sso,,I snt pliig clc PrnEs' r bLSP er Il LE t, V il i l as> ....I as, b t- S vis a' l r' ala, NA AN E Os> CPIdii Arm l i aic ssfaus v-aSl s t isa-on la r lassas ssad to s oSa;it, litr n I l w n i g lnaIale lfa 2 o as,, a.o P c-esia as e sii sucS s Sgie assas-or e til t i OUNse lenn ont n o ueo- v rata s1d Msst lis MmG aine, aisoossl se oýIge AIaTnAds iP Ntssth. , M O nt MeGali oAs sosidcný,If apa lse Isba hosa 'iso me~ s o nitoOaps O d ,o2 islos2 dosss Ose( ahersa gseit bsstsgaOiv itssssi Ira 515.asbrhtaabdgo a Shaw. LogIsaawh o file. wh OS aeuig n as d a s Sl r, th ani e ig --AY MARCH lait 1945

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