THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TtOUtiOflAY, FEBRUARY lEth, 1045 C lII IIIl iIivovilII' Ini iv: ! T t.'î jo ie ,iS(> lit IAWA ~ ~ ~~~' Iil, t:.' (vbio bv- 'il Hii iii Iv.:CCb Aid Se- clii ii tc'cîvoc. liviiiivro lve "1v. iCilii vi, ilacvlivvcilg Elrrly Cottie Dealer Oacaclates ta Or Diii atAS CREEN it Ct ,, t ,%AC O I cc lIv 0,11 aiiuviibii respev-ibiv postilon Rise Moaey for ed Cross i ii c':îa oi.iiiei the t:le. t ii ci'iicvi'e of 'ot:iilt- Jetai ofviibeucirb -lv Sii. b'i Inaril yeaîs 0w a IP'SWICH, Eegiecd Cil Ile dSe, ICI) te n xl leig (oue IY"iý;, iti an ýo i ,i-%oikrs as beninti look le e lad:'v moo bel iX- go'vb tilt ii l ceci liv hivv "vg v lii bbrv A nd titi:r Ioi lite: ivvvvvadohi'ee ivold u rnaey Wyeic lias raisnd î'1ii et.¾îM ' ucI:2iivnita bvi I, ,Iclii li.iiiit:icie e oilv IdialI d eiîlv loct oeilioj900 l, i n us Soi Cui:okcivieiiiiiivc:iile:t li t le.ii'ti:i'ii il eii lIr,1> i-vi Ctiid fovr. 1ci levi ai:viv:vavvbicingouiicauIiuiiîevilvifet:Ievsfým ot Xllililui'vi I, A:deivvd flue.iiitiii v îlvi [lIo vyiite iwvifr 'civilt lie vv th e i c a ino bootsrI cvii'C. tlti t ilitv:iiiltl:' fie, tiiIl,,, toIi ' fi vîvv:eiiiet:tvili-itireroivl ieirlvv vtelvvotc trai'h i,i'tv-ig. il' uoe ici I,",IvIviv 'iiiii viiCti ic iC -no, vOiit z i e o ie >.:iIieIe' 'l'hige oniivv oomin es t t i ,h CIIIIl on cIi' titltI l e ii :iiioiv, Iii::I it h n ::iiivt ,,hi- ,ioe lit' lcvi e tvecoi%,ai act:isv ahii:ii'ov ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - roiii :it i vi e it cli"':: i cvodv tiiC:tlleti > sortie britîci tb%%,CX O lvlie iiw a Mieveio cie ii:: lv titi, I 'iv e Il cit ii lii, Ou i , c lt e ec't'i h-i bc 'ivviv ie.l :rtc i'vtr "ccc,, 11 ll .11 pli "I', iiti'onec [li il î:vvccî o:, ind , cti ' ll Wvde'iv e Dtitvevv'ic'viii lii~l. ci i . c v ii. i ii o 'cii iciI' le ý utopl.' fi.c c e ic At so le toit' iii'i , l, ioh ti ticc 'hdi0tvit:îti vl e 1 v'IU ofthecountryia' 'coo reii:' "'vg c- 'ii "f vvlii'v:b cdlv Ilv uiivl tui" vlie' licencS h i e 1 kal-l ouîle. cu it ' ieSiT ~~.vîv titi il, eu v l oii ofi, î:îî.'ocîea 'llviii li'tti'.lvi ctS' '1 e , isici ictc' ,i v t z olu viii",ic te Il.: e l t l ii e v t .t i v : e t c v rI :l ti c i v it î e B e il e, eoi, il , R e e O ed v W v e -vi bIl ivvtApr i 't: l ii ' cci.ucoturI' I-leiic'itl:iii i.IIt iticitit: ditin î-::'f-,attlc ' ,i o d iiic .t ii i :v i Iii tic, iii -lict c li li il i v'o'.- ihl vi 1:1v, b]il, iit e n v Ilo 1,.u, 1.tii k i , tiiT H gai'ii $4i 5 i Ci: , lo i t ""'viii "cii: i lrl 'i -t.i'~"'1 ieiv:î tututa lievîl ifiy. theon,,.t Il, ltt, (i tie l- B t tseor MONi nai'ib i l'ine Wy At 'anedt vi .cili.t'ilviv .eiiviv, -191i Ie iit. li iIIrilil o t ild ti andiv citoiCvOO',vvviiîurruinechitI i,. t r'caoc- c ciii cb, J, lv il". 0'ccbil ti::cv:_, tlîit l:vl ti e Ii'i i i l -oe i 'ci l .ii'aiici t tti " 'lh i' i I 't i ' sie . i, -ed M i l,, iiveccttIiA .:ii't.ic i eiii alo i i ttiec v ti hci e t :- i : ii i i lc e "' iicj c'c îîc îîc c: cii vii l :t i tt t cvl l t c:llotct :o c v ic c t IiIle c c î-t ct"Il'ii i elt 0 eivOviivOiiiv:v iv.v lieo Ii l Jec'o' tvie île eton ciN Il Cîcec c'A: icituti v ii: iii lii vio vti îi v' vih 1olI ffi . . .T tni uid cliiior Ct" lc:Il'le'i gir 0î1i:: illo tiltlfli civl aic c-tn'ii ot": I l ivi t. iv :i c ti ' c i l iai t' I e v pft r i l 1,iii' e Il iva i'ii ,!,. iv, il ";lii ciii cI boule vîci hccii tIlt e -!lo , usr l., h e:i vvt hcî' og_ titi ciii: Ili I I titiilýl ao lvtli) lnoit hv' fîl i te linii S , c'"I b-v Ioor vi,- Sy ne loe ev en titi tiri ttc' uîcîci je ii'v lvli cîlîtîtf,(ý .1', i-g i cii yu"' c i '1 :0't ccii I " c: nicte c'ru iioo lv:" I l 'i"'IL- licc i 'l c'ît:viii lit:' "t u terIl vv'ct dill'd 'l c i ii l it ' t l 1 c: i il c ii lie il iv: il i',1ci civ., vit a' ih oi e f ii ii t iciit ilnaner "" i I . I ,, Jcii i ci" In- V hoit ~ ~ ~ ~ li te. [bl111 l l-oI t ilt v 1111i "v Il t, rit li.n i- v c e ind f,. ccviil lfl lo' - Ch L N ' ou 'ctci" if tI"'I l t ,ror ..e or, t -. ta' lit il c.11 il l6 iD M Il I - I- 11AlY '- Ild ory l.e;.. Ii b I - ili c Id ti " cHSi a f ropid movomeet. Ovarseas mail must YOUR PARCEL MUST FACE behadid on tme bfreilmohe yurmo. f THE RIGORS 0F WAR ... ou mrite a mroeg or iscomplete address, it may couse mooki of dolay la spito of ail poor Post Office or Coadioe Yoor paraci must stond rte moigit of ibouasd more Postal Corps coaa do tb spaad dolieery. Ycc con cava mocli pessing dame ce 11it itiod cf c ioraiie sitip ai sea. heocrt-aitoity followieg thesla impleorlec Bt must stand roagit transport, otten coder lira, aver 14 Wiiite oiy - relt tii eddon il, hIlc Ilee 2. mi -ci id. eddie.. t' COMCiE cote deecy a- ecece i. Aoeeite«ibe..e . i"eeîtt i. sitell'toro rouds. Pack poor partais en corragaicd con- taers, mrap in e ecraI loyers of heay popar and île mlitc troegitwie. 3. ifae'y...eîîae.,we... dIl... ilh..pia.e.elo.. .df.ele. .- COMPLU dadeeU..., CIi ADO th. -cid. "te1% HtOSPITAL it' rélo on tet é i . r.iop. DONTS for SENDIRS, Got pack lavcea or liger fluids. Doece seeedjads that rata epeil. Dacet seed j i liqaldi in cartons er glaui. Dacet fergea ta aix ravi- Lpleeed custeomedrlartiee Dont taie "abee baoxes", thry crush rasidi. io vcvd , tel , an on bitrnsorer II' 1H", YON'1I tIVES 'Starlight' - Baby Chick Starter Always fresh tramt the mixer. This is the hesi and masi evanomival way te start Baby Chucks. We: aise have a Camptete Lice af Baby Chivk Feeda, saab as CHARCOAL, GRIT, PEAT MOSS and SCRATCH GRAIN o0e MILTON FLOUR MILLS COUNTY 0F HALTON I 1945 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -19,45 w- sttooIý Dy l iti t.I ti m a c'Y bo j 'iltoo on .. b,.. tiI] c teo , 1 aI 1 l ,t SliM ot Titi, I .e.ddhdî ec et CI-el I. Il. K iiih, Mto .li Cbavbi,,c. C i'iiic-dAIocl-i ..îiy jK laitd-e W. I. DICK, Milton jCierti of the brave 1 . THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PA(',F SIX THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1945