PAGE FIVE rHE CANADIAN CHAMPION m -fflu Jtzoûniid Ž2Y12Weekly War Seck New Source ait cith paieumoaniet it n te ou KNOX PRESRVTERIAN ie, n set npccnin Dong Aie ltgM- artn 'omt iie ,ian. CHURCH ,enectdn a coe arcoeespn- maente toi Tranefer Lnod f romt MsR.MleoDerii ii-deont: ee Humain Donero To the Citizen of flie Town of Milion: Me. Mlie e tttoae ioi- 1EV. JOH RIDIDELE OnieFiit edf ei io Ont th ati cetatiasHsEcllnyte purents, Mr. nd Mec. J. Miffietr n Bri e oeerGnrl h he Rodi SUNAT FEBRUAR lh peefiet the Nazia garecahn tf aONDO a ( i-the cente ot nie I Wee e cin h toenrteea.tefe SUNAYFERUAY 1th Bedapesti td tialiy ea,aaaatfl te ni bloaaaa plnanmeie tceotiann atcnt Sentit for Canada, hans requeteid that thr cccii of Mei. id Beeeiy septethe tenk-1 ,0 il Oh iea MnagtWnethiia. hab- lIat-etteatelei tttatgaraat capatietaa-ae alaliaea nifaeief hteS Hi Tri , i., FERUARY 1S to24 Henailt hon o 1Jehe end-cn. uiea citeoý jtctd tnhe nody The (!eoaien Ici o idnittatteo. hile Oea leoint hneiionte aean b Set o ietbreak tRsoease on Sace LaSnc t ath ott1hn0.hhlI E Me. tion Peatsnn, ni Waednntr Toln Jinnineevace enSt. Palsonhecniverhfnewe.hc cc nag tn %iha inancat ficanfltani lie Oiieteasde- otetiheceek-ednwitt hocwitoead I.nataaa!Chitah IietepheflfRaed ra a ni in anann!nhnnnandttttainaion tnth, iss Ele W ite ofTornto sp t1h caltes nn thennia tn Ci- c n e- hlndf 38.187 parte, leaid pinaien 34,380, MinaPib Wtie. i Tnoet. Otet GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH eseie titan outo ni hlen a frnt, Pitn. lael ineta 871chef * unntk-ted cit hnt paentse, Mt. 1EV. S.A. ItIR Bnien on the octet tee atacng ni te nddiion,as71,240 " pnt c hn G irl G u iae * Y eCR ne. Mt, Cn Wht Rettor fihe ette etc.nnhnd i ecnclatt en nace nned aed 15,722 cnnsitn.t Pie. Ted Lplt, et Camep Baieden, the NaeneRefl. 1an-ia tiaaccciccceqneh il i îens Icnhcw thv apreit cn.encaentnaUDA, ERIAR t cea-n e spe icnan h andt etc n esnn e nC A n n tictl ec ie ro tlat a nd -le o mote, Mto. G. Lyte. Linun IlaancataaanheByScus n Gr G ie 8.o nuIle anmnin e nhtlcnth an eit e l .h bhrcingadier.tccd ti c aton s Cosev Me.i.eeiitHeonhi lofihinn Canmen haicai Hii - naa t1aedcn fwu th ekaoe etoe , o cu ndGr ud Mm.l.t G Mce anel ned oon to i ,oie MnIaanntcoa nd eeccn n tcanaortiettt.he o nelic nnd n " ht pcic ioetnndthit!t scnp lOS eeeiaclc eae-ed edaca s .Cc ot e cio W a i a a i \ ' t e n ite n a we ch e n oh a in i n a h e sta c h te e t a s th n d v V , n u t e t innl c n m c c n c i e S O tS n e a n c n a p pn i th e acth n L a a d n d a v caae homttiet e t E. S i n. soni\~atneî aemo trrtinee ae ut e ltic en ia-n u'e neen aed'et eîa wlh ensentt cS -ed. - IneeepceeeotteO t ni n erecton!oil tn -ent sE REo.l.:ON at Fe d y ttt Thtc Aenni! W nc nnth oel e l W neidDm n t ! h t Wa ei t î n Oni heeho. Ctncchfil the1 nhneceeetaienttecof theefthepfendsnt-a Mto. loch Meicolte , ned doogntoe % I ae< nCha ..yche t fi Rnnn t e !d tdhpomti efo ttLnnon ancll the Frnide coahf ttniao Lnietn tuer tatkt naîte teev Tedn 20h .7 pc Atee ac etiddhn !in afal th humailnldnc eetitacnmlcordetthoeren visited wl h heWedeode itet-4 hos Annia Thtver p nctepl et n îatena n ee-n-tu hi gen t ab kigo ,o h--amG O G . A S N a F a Otae e n.eO ,rU dt, Mi0ton ece l Cha catotic stI"le vae Jeen tet ttUec ou0 .c-cpc teen d ri! flea intcicg TR VELE ' TALE e n e h e e e . S t n he pe nha e l T htr f e n To f e S n n t h u c llad n -z . , ý ý . -tten dra t h p r c - W O ' I K C O E Minetern! Ilt hrpm feno bact c! micnc ien fth Fie iac)annt in annet n ne ati n bc Coo s il b lo lingher nyuroy PnHmlnÀ-S a veigW A. teps-r eomto iErp.,iIlI1cmlt' ubiefr W W1 h asc et itefi aiace t a nahnn botag e anc aî n iea is Under Study ncd.ayh21st4.0 nTaler M4 nennn cntt e c tt ned tia ofî o Saskateh ean t fl Ritc l J. "Th M ant HA e i neetcecaa it h-eon ateran ets M ieiite ceweek-aadnttetnnpde. te te mceettings oc t isha Aneinei n ani t e gosicu- a fcait n ha,-,nfie 1-odt s ni Meniedhacc lrrig Pon-er Plman n S. NA Y.S FNIEDAR OItU C 1h 7 m nI sni .te o Fi eee tt n s fusio etc eeetodeattdteltitaisectin C os m l e w ' in neh is Under SonO S/ t Ceec t.SPored p M cnn are te ieeee afieelt in net heoite aton nnplinR 20 MiA.t Dola teoeýg nieibl .e.eai ni, Cubnnhp hi t.a ta gen iohefig norbs na t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sehn temnl Chsî ohrcit paoi.nhti.tatntrhtencelini ProSsk tce a foRh n!ea. e. ni More - o J Yin stin a ni!lit -rvsini he ,, Heat line t h a ent-se soldatesi Pnot-War C n itc n Cag naAeta tcb.Rhiet e nedea thtin Wcasitonaiii!hnnen a 270pnag ACtait Coaitthone sieeetne ee peertrir nd men of i eai, a e ntc hcU opitinoe Urge înnnflatno ofetsflt Datp ifiwa no-Jmet IP REDIRA CPIl A. UPite t- Cita naî t lteNI iei st, ed Cgeee n c sinl]aeshudb cic taae Citechce ~ittcoeta- aid - chne Rea Ltnteanilsurri b1 etete ote c fornta thdie 1 atm tad Cett aane te th snîtepl anliled, oec ciaee oii eeeaol le Shtn h opto die pleeefi$l0000! Fait olo m ro% -a Cuntet etr thtan Mae psn11 neC e pnne en d ni ei ee ne etit eenrdd ab s n h c ieslnti a paINA.ahntntPt.At.ctPeeaod anr nCaesainepa vatelnl inne A utaneda Getml- ndh HemmneatsedTtehe at Si-haie istfii P te Ai -enn cIpt.letd. hitcrimiine anoaP e wol Sta obiosl inc ih caee titi i iodta h11et o h asace ai,, Yasltoung aeca.' Uno 1 Inte airnnic toe r na poh t - We asinon Ststitg tuthaidf il esenna eonai nC ntot aoa hao.naa an nainfPic lerb ._egilo h usa rv ot n Desdec!i n ,,,,d tnilheliataoin, acic ici ceata-an Mue.ietaatet dt e ne in eaie tidaiso.Spiebýy, MeehtTnaii heen-lne aidlo cite na- lssipdqitytltesn paui' C!aia ps-wr eio. in ni tnta n I ic en l oet Ciect n . Asth adivnersion e ia- soie fier. He Imuleil and asked wlPÂtiT sonb p wer nettthte tiul e rve Sait 8dtn. C . , o n Tsahtt e Sl h n ati ettan- ai ee sc at a ncot iýt n cps 'Plsicîa ft a"a ac" nii a c1 t on b tl ît la nn. a it iMc Thnfou n Ht oPine AIg 1 fl~ ~ h enee Dc ci A11 i sh ie finca nihc'aa nonc-la iaOn nio ii bert.~seec t-kton RneginaSh an*ae M n. I IA aaa nsldd iiaiaaaa % i . ii aVo'týcta ui, a'Iclan a'obi tai iiaaa in M -"" P' ' " ,Ii,,Il.1 tie'Tusda ý ýj, M th, pncd thieldt! rri n l aaca-!ny niennllenhe>Petitun oit are neeiiilonnhtiecnt!cntainanteieoi~ g- fait uac cin aha aaili ailtaaii-aiilc - i cnîi o nn ofap tae oc Fotc a a d hochaitau O îlts ena aCone fec hito ea-nac taoC cancan tint th Pieiii Foc e an! anatien cacans khels l edvame, one Pshosatabî t he cirs stia tiha a p i Class ai borne of NIr. an ris. c FAS an ps -%,i dveoere t nt hde . o u ne'. Vl" cc-tii rnr-cti Ina til. fran Jli Aia o rit thee i ruge-m t il a a-ces htasted b an n in ENt pro inca cap it l S -hdrs a n hi AR N casiali aniai ai lit Cane aha ,a le. ac c I a il ciii apl IIu a i Mr. o t oua iton.nnHe oaisOela ONene A Lc KE Th cita mec toilai tin, cia o!io hofnan i t e n înî. ieeo ( e aiite- eoin te TRItk as fstDsE i orei -ha - f ail acaîten fo. te acalceI ahe -oiec anainaa 7 saC 24-.. -k g tstlp raio ofNChE i B >stemn ef cSW- naciaN nt neatIO ai &L hulan tina la,1 Vaoî D t i te de Stoin fritt Sleni F net a .nl n Co ne no nîf tnt lic, Ce lin s ni)- s alie , clsuhr om s. Te ien u ike laccl theiCD V i-F.nRU.loiueV,, Inste naa 5.0i in 191btao Sente ta s ,h nieti P,, lifet! roaatiaalaN t 6pltani e nd, cacacaag -,o CiS 10LF cao(Il anon ,K a.acr M it a rdw are Plan RnrC. Ecrec tin g ndi healsoten Pha tc e riss i ca i Conapati anr týot nie lima co fet-ec taitP.SEC N T tafo >heco anc aci lau igii ci~ ~~ ~ ~ ae 7> otnctNhO inn Loacttao.n ar.Mil, aient o istienti te tia t lis hst odca c c ia a lIcanin s frntO tie lil oat to f FOiB ili -tai oupacite! ' F on eetti talitg ceai r Ta CNitl tatintethi f-oen 1 îîaîa-a Coo c ici Mtpe e-tim e ni s 19 toa!-tia Dneua CT ua CARS! linC f l i ctin il, ciI îlot late lialne,ý,eli a! o th orc c ai ut 0f)00 pîna 1i Oied e0 hane eaul tin if hanio, G linnccetn U csed Furinître cINRaca t ca-ca-(%Il rvtee Ist<iay i n tutialit nict it ni1lýrIT2 1.nic 1 il. est taci ilk .e1 i6i lacle aciai laid k il iii iiiiiiiiNo%% iron accl a y aun(.00ait- ble ucsiiisJau n iq e , aunanaile iuil r/lINOS U P?" il n incth ietlit itnihs eoe lep rt Ci i lainacl i l y "1 taC n e t. mecgI i l .'-.k n ai Nieliian Ruaral tetiincti n n111111i.0cslcxo e , ple!a nritai 1'nI ieý1IyteM l on H r w r cii aotuittit itian iithi a î -aaaaail ao ciyt aml hhaoa t i an SS, Ba, tacite! th anie o.C. t't C aeloeiS. ttilti ce! anal af cie-- k l7~ i 1hl i h rh tsttinnn ciat i9; toua onen toin ni -10 cl, o ilb an o a t ri inai plidnte lttil-t n aa-îc cîi în ia.iie i il- lii - c mci rayb e iit ini a c, icaa label thl$/tT carîi..l i-es-ko tee tN ocatifona n mil uIc'eu in.esc P I C Sta ai-nai la l or Nc tel îl ., lt Prtil Ç ýýý1 v u au t op1 i ci ia e a lai t -ii . tb l a- 1 il c1 1 i. C I,,o ac o tua a-tc i ur& D acoait! c.--l t! la' il-- !cri c Ab rtiotuaon the rnif epor il c _)A I SmYciA eio ! lik a nta i i ~ lt d i lt u o ia an fl ic tieu e i.a elai t aon!. __________________________ canai-e -ca-n~~~i-t l si-t iý lai ulii iiîi ala a I- oîui o A ftaieni biltt enat- Iaîtal e0on!snuplacVoitn uk Oce ha tÀit. tut 1 i l iiaai- or lu- . u ai ele( -ifcatin U ed F rnit re Cotý oIntl pang rran etnCa al e RtN O atL N) O cn cinatîecoo ! I ili Cli .h Na iacn Ï:d pe n Nn of ai p uat ta n ote fi i t a teai !in aa Ri o i Ni il c Si 1iloct, > ~ ~~~ Fiacilk tu etO!,,] ilTaReiisin, e)&fb dcIlovýcziliin eun-ittatlc - t-1 !ocusal panc in 'Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Cierio te oino! leai i..<Itl.[IiztO.iyW, / itauluti~~~~ ~~~~ ni ouint tno Itla, p 'eft h1 Vicii i co tilimola teile te eae tatan In0 u ED ST MA K p a-tlen- atto cnt ion -Nîcnchtn xo-nnl uu elicociIl p ai te e ae in co Onu k ý U: li t 1, 101f k E i o i -- heit Fse ortnt On laina Iloiaa tn ioti Ohcciiit-"f - oaatgn îcîo îaau.o onea Ploit ottethhelndh noctii ao O nfnit~1ctlei lhtu.NCP itcneomnlh.Nl Tht, atan H lc , lich e Naotionala COM NO zc N, :nn- 1 cil d con h-tpaetit i r DsOnoO meu tet tca- Fra sd .e. Fe.Ž 111, (nain: t-nait ehI. - 1 geaIo iirsnde att Ptleuatoaile n AcO CtieMa nda e nnna- Ot na-e aipen ni nel- an RAi cniIl cas nu ý, : a i ' . l i a l , o r c . ý C i Tc h o C n o u e D o t ten a 1aiaoaPegcg "CREENWICHhoVILLAGERINCed n il" Ino a elaiehi et tatFl ! COo! 0ta o"-ons i ai a geo aie aiet et stpp t !eti!no 1att in ntii tî h î Cccd Ftnln_7o.aeo0iouinacn.,oontsiîin-n, zli toL7ta 0ncf 0S h toileg aitr tcnR tait tint a ,uo i et ia aitd. ne gil lIR Iaf aclt i iret ert Doty tlf ite Etee Ato opTuit R ,ln lioaînaf a-c tt i, tape 0t Cant SoiI-mo cci let e d pur lyecfiti teegeltt Coton Iditin nase knîeeestedt ciieaia o tht n-tle A er. oul tte i e 11-ean. oiuEdb n'fn tra c,.-,il,,dnceot nieai Ne(1 nehct meite etn efi' ca-l! caiif Oo- uLe lo ,,Lw a ill b A tltai t a Deebi didilr tp un[ fi Fe ed o . Mltt s ii Dseov atei, t codei egete ent tee ta d met ai.ieduncr ationetot ninef tethef thovinee e l C G f NS- jk f tai eSt" ntattlî h's f t,_____bol______aut- . E L 1ltLU. Afaitnt in Fneeeiey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Chp oHolei.1Ciair nCic.Cct 32