Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 1945, p. 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRUAFcY 15th, 1"45 rHEý CANADIAN CHAMPIONPAETR ew Drug Made "I '~'~Id--À~-~ hOnly 2 Tablespaons 'J ~wo eof sugarints I ________________________________________________the Newt Suipha Drug, 4 ~ Soiphamerazine U. S. Beef Famine Farnily of Ten ag utai bea lag-sae MAICOrne hotc -Follows Increase Dons Uniform il wooodf opsoe osctt toc Iht rerto 2 ýý-.p- In Cattie Prices l dceOC th Colos flno our) Coo 4otc5. Paris-ttorn Manitoba Womn Sets occocotth thods its0f the octcof l eader (ddni- Office of Pirice Administration and Record for Western Csads of icpl cnesoo thowvr dcsg ex- d -.0 l lTHE MKIING BOWL Cattiemen ait Oddo Over __pocooonl have ot rcohîocd th, balles ai~0ohd.B ft il, ANSI SASA Ceiling te Foil Black WINNIPEG (CI')-Mm A. J~. Cao- thot AustralieMay Otttm ont i for na ocoob w.i. to Cl edn o~4market ti of McCooooy, Motl. la a lttlo wispf theca ,ccete oa topto olo Helo eHomtmakerse Oece more WAHNGON( ofdta wocooo wth sotgray hai nd fu ttca be ooodffor ther purposes CoScnooocosoooOo=tttnoOt appoobeh n LentO aonOCt h ASINTO CP-Ii tccoo totekleg bcoeyec. ShIias noS Manufctureofthe drg olves ~ cO.OOcOOO COOe lded by Sroe Tuesday wt t tt dehoho co nceOCt ctttt toto tet heCto, b to n0 a5 tojar procesooo Ta prodoce 1 to =10.oCtfCedOOOtdOo 4 enspooh Ps a, OtSb ceilttoOct plllt oftlivecaile ilthOfe s atohloass olocd.'df'se 1.,o M servd in y numbtto0f coO tS stimletot that thccc oi enocccb hidrna"3 cttos ogttterilMr teOOefht OtkN.010 breakfast. Icochece or sppec. bot-tj.n thcCe JIdo n fces.cldcot ac cec eottcoeteC1 Foc ltgtt-as-a-feathec paocoka BfpouchOto i l arord0lOPOOht15,0,tO hh.bgllosoftCt'ooentf 10tons eedrtheCa directios: but noo ctar suppctlies are iocof- Mcc. Ccotcecooo barn on hocco. Be- oh httodiofe substances, l. MctCtoo hsocooo ctent Io otohy c OehitOO purcchasiog Oct ,e vJur hit0 .thhe ce.tuly, eoe Wchting entOh.e Medicat Jotccnal, the 2 et tge0th oth hPcore h a l ci titt carneeeos 0010000tacairman ofthe MtttcoEqtpet .tefd fat adttiqud. AOttOIhOOOcOtC0 lcCeooshoereoftoMao. adthtto fpodcin f ýJ Stot rtctcoo ,quisdjtttooceed ry mofpcedOandslttotrersliahle togccdtce tsotit bstt e cecmoOth. to htdttcog cp of priceaof nfiltte. parc Fccth-cocvn ycco ogo ch. etccd to îhccg te probstttt the etotctbfog 4. Put pcopaccd emixture ino a ticclailp the hettot' grodes. Slhtt- -tOsy ooeeet t ytclic rg"c pttchec foc poreg onoceettP. etOr c ho aller the higheet price o-day htoloen In th Une hctceeitry pet ccedettotcon OS5PV1 IlI n "' 5Have the gcîtdtle pan ttghttcoetccchhhy Oct thc cottto. Tt'oht coee- glace hec toce, te the ctccy of thos ece In Attotootho HAV ,i U AN OPEII~N geesodoond hot (but oet smokitg saerstoetaees-n ia o ocetorneo poviencce, and etocy oftthe ie e ttpccdigtcoe and dratct acthov- tctAddtasoeilothotof bttnc gethbeef. boys aod daghtccC toho, h000 c oP cabet c ~The Offcof PceAdministaton glon p wihtlttowetoceghtiog on 00000 Cetho aleftc il t ocd w0FI E LA E (bu iccpt and ltt i ook untit i tot.od on the fCotoyoitOet tpocfrFR P A E hbtcties are pro.otnnt. t the U.S. has cmoeo cetiogson ce s ehatt. it-eI. 6.co Use acahec trde Olpae n ealcot ofocbef. notohcy h th chten t Fcench toucb Productcon, hesad Chadc beene n- IF YOU HAVE IcE CAN SUPFLY 'fOU 'oITHA 7 Secrcecpariesites a 00s CC as hos oct'eg e oe, usually arc cble htîoycd tcotttoOh tîottcctco to hhe at . oîhho. Cc thep wI-th ho at theto beCO. popbthee poice forcat'000 an 000l tocIa of0 h h peotccog wth the basce l oh' f AutoCtoott and th pso td APPLE PANCAKES hho menet Oc cecioc tetoo t _.I oc e .et. She ce oootyou hoco te Ccth podction sote the ho- cPLccCA E r t rtlesInfn i h Id decchhe ao tcsotog groco ohld ocootef cfthte yenc , i h thtepcee sooteteg, 1 cetohtl c'othte , Soe leo, efficient ' <hu tohtelpoconart' 2 0000, 1, e. totcghfterer onte fet fhtf If hey htd grcfly 0 I s. . . 4 0 coco loctc. h hcccttoen bokceg- btgb eocb O t eholli, Oh et sala "Oce co ee o îc'ceotttt hpoe- RAT POPU LATION GROCS tocOco, h cct op phle. chcpped coed ctth Coocoît ito hooboopc-,or. cetsh cn tbic pcroice. We live io tROOI)ER 'STOVE Ct)AI, fine, chnnoooce. have tooeocechtnt aoo-cehhee pri'es. th.e toee ow and apecste 010 hocco SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CPt Stetdy Cceooe the soroteniCtO and 00000, T'eoeot'eosatle shcocbtcecer, as hocectheoo. Ifthc ooch dOCOcOOt ctcessoenSaitoJoOoccratpoptf We il îhavo c quoctacf Boodor to% Coa hthchtthe ado hefbecteeggsth.oeceCitfed wettoasdistritorso.tthave obeee o htt eod tcbe." Iracottcte. d igthtltic v co l'oc be hoeo di oc or>cuc Ktodhyhlettci hnoc voct rccc(cht, c O coîfb the babheg-pcc'det and asopcteh- tcttttoet Ocghorec tho oethtcg 101000 As fo eo 0 cotholcoot IThny ace =ccted- .Ehcc-intonc ccehpocteo. mecditch ceng of otoeootee. and the chopped oe bcdeef d o the oc-caeet oodcctch" Aed Obeo obo toogbod,. cooht tccoth theooicitosg- TEM L O U B R&C A opple. TfceOgcoofoohhonddfolthO ubtochtctochteO' I.,'hochcOocpohat anyway cîouId't gcotod coîted civil -ot coma TH ITOocBE OA o coke o Moedicem hottec. Bobo e o Dermand fo, Ceiltarg . h thc menace. PHIOE MOILTON 4C grieddle as Ccc odheooy pancObcf aed Oct cf OhiC bidfctte-tîp cf cae1 ThceO oC te so..co hocco bco kittool REVIVE OLD MINE ______________________________ te e in ea oeotopptOg cocov eroe d ptiooo hec cooo the tteneod Cer o ,, active service. oe cao ee'hce o pltfterofe petb cbops. coo n er e itcoo prico e otie tohicît cccclttd Itîceded. bct Mîo. Cootio hidles 00 TLLOTN.N r t separately witlrt orkecithcb ch e t"cOOo'o chot alo o luhciest hnct- ]Iccstehccintcplanning forthe fture 1 T ococcteccchcoieîeCcoobO-ln ce -eId. Cocod opptoc er a dcy hiv ot flo1C odi tc tthttchh f cCeoo Se Cbec eeetd hcohotpc g h Il000 100b Thor- apptc sauce Maoy hoe ucd octh tt sC pocecs ýo îCanaîcda teoOOhcotc f h bot np000. filoced oc5 o C0 ce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m hohoo00.Tt P cîooc dtot~îctcccmmtc ie MCCeocc'. vI eetcotciced hy MineotOcoo Iv FEATHER PANCAKES .netad, aOtte tetî lo im toOtchT 'h0te w ome hO inothe cocoi ao t_ D, Cucocoof Nco hc'clcc The1 old g I Aw y bebtof htottdcr. 3t bpoOugcc, t Marc Iltoîcchl, tht toihtice ofc'tt vall gihocc-hocc. ce a iccer of the ilhoc tcocccded fnccccctt0oceOcîocttA dv ertisi » G t eut thepC. cocfed lot, t. ai t. acoooc atl rptalrn -- esReut Add mctk eod Col to 000. Ote toto caeraototOOt w cth ollc h'cdo p c-' tingredcont orooo ctiftfiolo se c00 Oilirgs and in tlt thoo have' cohoeo 'dccttpocO Adîtone mcoc'c100 otetotiraI,0 Thlo t'lcnd 1h00l cefl- -____________________________ spcooCflof ch le h tto to hot grcCOd heocc Iortd tt,* the Wur Focd Ad- tcooocfylcpant WlocoakesCate tcloiev ttcoocloOOboOOt ,)toked ch the ecîod, 0000 and coocb tegnotîtltcocc nc o' t ccl oi l t cncollher !de, Make1COOPt foc b2pn l. ot ce btht oppli-l îof c neo CANCANE HtAMBUhcflc h-b focoolintOiciolcooIlOlt ll ccnd poulît colc cilîtot Boht caheC ccco ,ccco cil d-oc o lhccoi tdcctod onc pckage)c ooke hohtec poîo ttsdiecclte fo cîthorT'a tcooth F00' Thlcoclhtcco ic¾î ccttehOO es coothoc n pair, ttith Pttt roniodc'lc roccîhoîcco cfIhol tl o 1 . hccOîî hi, Liquor Control Board of Ontario * ORANGE cAtOCAKFh cîtit> oi 10 ,, alc O ttO. t lc c-c i l t h',ttt otIlc 00h0 luge Ad lhc'ttO t lIt 1,Tîc 00 ORCACF DWODNOTICE at , lît blt oO ctter an, cluitctt't1i 1111i tE IIId 7ETO BOXp of balcocn. el c Mr, cîctcccý one orhI cl to Individual Liquor Perm it Holders "i lIce Cfc Ik ti hc fol dotîco off Sole cý c L' -I -hi .0 1 I ch al îroooc pilloct caes îcd, c irotît oocd cf pl'otiOO Io avtll t CJNORIAI. HAbT ho I of ao lcîîdcc uc<tttcc i. ccIIIE lîco ,Ih.tco d (C tl,.l , oruhygc .vl DO NOT DESTROY ottlcO ct îtt d t I ghn cîch l 5c0 idc coh tO i'ottO Oci t, lih 1I0 5our present individual t-I 'a O1 -tc ctt 4, îtîî tri oI oot Otîtc. lui tîîcnt focit ho t.,in inc dry ttc, oCO 'i IT jIIIf' bob c 00.1. Ah ;t-. ccl . Liquor Perm it t Attlct coc ottnot tît dot O I ic t Itt tt.l' O t bi col-O. - tc. cc cc cc i il Liquor Permits wilI be exIeiileil (not re-issueci) O ESKIMOS SHOW ljuit hhc c,- t iit l i -Itu At h 9 6o f COLOR TALENT litliat, lîtic,ct itcoi c t i to March 3 lst, t9i o pplctifon andt. phlynietC OINT BARR lOt" A1h1 (Ico fo thoi of $1000 a an Cotrol B3oard Store on ut dcd tîoe hcohcoi LiquorCo B oh tho ,, ocîod Eotccoh KITtoFII and after March l9th, 19-i5. 1 hilcc t t entthd fleO chI cli co AtOl1-: l' ic c h irh ofcdlllchII, ctcn-ou, cI, I a n000. 0010 Oh cl out f ' 011 purtOO oacd 1"ttttitXYI The decision t) extend the use of the prescrit itîtîtten the eto [,'ir oo 10 II,0 foc cci. i 7 ilco ~ ~ i ciit ando ccc ohîldoce otoh 0.0' aoco ciermits Nv'î1I effcct a substantial sav'ing in paper III a a c a000 tolct foc cictd. ______________________ and prînting costs, and is in kecping ,vith prescrit tcîîlîc tttOO Col'cod ltCîc fleur l c, tp Il itho 191 tot O peint flic - o Aitccdh Ehcc cc-Ito tho day conservaltion polîcies.if Accc, cnotd lIthtttO Eskimos l e Ohi f ho co'c 000 aihd '0 stAf CrfDO T FRACE -WILLIAM G. WEBSTER c ~ Chief Corninissioner CHROTTWN MC C HUM tiotOareOttderwyt -agOo d ltoîhcf soe ,100 -ý-fMr-C U ch ttlhcpiOg sepc e r-idd FOR PIPE OR "bc potaccc -le Oc he 1,ttecod ce New Brunewck and Prince Edooed ROLLING TOUR OWN ________ fctoao

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