Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Feb 1945, p. 2

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PAGE TWO 10-lE CANADIAN CHAMPION THUOSSOATO FEBRUAISY 15th, 1045 Business Directory gfLO. NOI tratning Corps film "Sonst of tir Aitt o oo a aenvrfi wy crimeon a dot' when sornehody gets orou .nd to thinking Iia heun prsne t0ott0 he Air cadets lian tît Boti, - mofth aboutthuitg for the frmer.. Thirstis actting or anaa.nrigsvce areot dotîhomson tei sL5tAttiii t.tc..ttot it.n ,i nI eed tout ihe problerm gocs hock to depressioa ýJTht move ntitmcl aaIlable hy grewmisson. O rthritearthtttt Rto ,IIi" .t... tt-n-- h, o.n0 das o hon city d'arllers and larmiers ilh hadl ltie IAr, Rak Biti film magnait, patience Poil ttelta.. 0.ootton to dit ýmottot. Thectî de lier, if ecd ho, jus m ov dto rdity AirMa sSiLeottosog TOht otoure tteawy the fifut lo -ffn1cltoiyr accommodattion. But flot tht farmer. He tttltf commanoodant uf tht ACtd 1 by ir arsad . R An cf hil -'oos sevieste, f01100' tict ws focd to stay wtth hland. Andtithlus hoos.rcotttt ty airhoiN Rmad AO- igme onacin ergi Ch.p. zcp, ,it,,go eco- Buttchat ofibis house? Thtagsitettgoas they 'inin-hief, RC.A. . oro'tas. îdootomoooet ro.,hdhoodei, oero lie touldo't topait it-ttpatth 000f foo much. The pitoto000ctsthe workoffli tttoortt foot' aîeiiMi '.a i- e', nd i.-it SO,1 So smaoî cssthe ttdad the eter etnt T. C.sin sformaO tio tci foo Nitte esdtiro. orc 'In tf"J'yoto. thehehoietc ttototrintheyouth ofBtO tht Briîhtrtlta.ofrel tottotocti. tnttoootette toowork And thetcame the war and ithtifarsh toi, ultimate RA. F.to'r ttnrataahtatmat ot uoout,to. lt.t -oo,o ifocto. a t. t"Il, a I omoltos -nd P.ooly h ptrte hc tote film mill ho shtota i tht mireoa to Dunkerque buot y hioteo ,h Codi. oh.ccoteco.O% oblt o aeii.ad vnualtepirte hc xe ttoord ta'th fOntr maea et croforelog th IloS.t ilotocteooo Ill--oototby lhoootcd lrftthe lotmetstthousingneedsfairhid. ttîdlhtmorhyfamen. ou..hootothot.h.to'.co.oo iuot.tottdo Noîts irtoaiiy amatterefo opportutty -- for propr repoîrs to rotai d'aeliings, desptte im- ERITE FISHDiG POOR OK N Ss. m ni GO Ao, tii, LS Moto, P,,PitMt proved form ftrices, ottil the end of the wat. And DUBLIN (CPîohiâcermen on tht Icibif a oded a mole(poocaek f0 Jhi Ilffi- mai. I-1. 141S.. the larmier, o caughit,has said ife up tnauoad suthest oat of Erie atrtiouoeotd l.rtt afittyhtrd. Other bftds te h mprohobly hos svmnpafbîeed wtif the city folk mho of pourrds dloowa on t he 1r ontiet her- the pro loolode a pairto ai haer poeao- folioni the- o'r jobs and pay exhorbitant rents f or ringe teaon -one of tht o'orst fot' a 000. stvert South Ameriraa birtia ' atets and hoases or for reoms if they contgnrain acttm wil Egypttaa gtet. glayhîang botter._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E D IT R IA t 'hea reconstruction trne cornes thetafrmier ED ITOR AI, 0sf 00 ht forgottea. Ont officiai estimate ai R. A. F. Bring Back Wounded from Normandy BIoy Scout and Girl Gude Week Next hzome motths aige, ws thot 125,000 larmers were The moîddle oi Pobruorî' hrtogs mth if each year lttting in homos not Eit for habitation rCad. the a0000aa obsersonce f ol Boy Scout Weeh. Tbis homne 200,000 other formn homes more dseaeyi year the sstet organoî oîtt fieGirl Guides.isîfoin-aed ofrepar. Thelfarmeesecannothbo lme vr og in oandsomne 1(30,tt00ktoungCandîoosoare tohiaf mach if hceooders.oamîd alfbio taof emegec port in thecueb's actitfie. BO cu-ilGiehuigmaue for urbaaes,mbher e h Wek is scto doc-îin thehNc'r whe tbese vouth ahereowithal îohfxaiths plae- ando'hen orgoeîeotioa alt. aspuccal effortttolet thetpulic V ...- kaom eust 'abat Scoutîng arnd Goîdtg gare 000frîhbot- The Evidence Gnons ing totheouphîlding of Canada'stouth as sersiagi One mouaftag ptoo olftheecumulatievlspo cttitoas ai tht commoaîf. Iduced by the taereased consomption of achli h TheBoy Scoutand Grl Gude moeernhsand ýonerofot atiespparig insecior pulctos ont ta directfcottra.t to tht Nazi yootb aoeet ags n od photomgoauhg-i m Tht Hittler youth is toocolated wîtb o doctrine of ottd popolar airchiies are feaîurîag discusin el racial supertarit, of bote, of hrotaltty, and of greed. intg realtsftcaiip wiîth the drinh habit. Este tht foeey The Scout-Guide mocomeat t'. the ontithesîs Of' 'tripsanow exposeand rdcle theocialmîsdemean- Pfazism.I isaehs teit.ilcate adtectly oppositetors oftoictd drahes phifosophp. If sieh through f5s worid-uide ramifies- h t.coot tht photo magatine "Loh" bad a foul tluas to brord respect for. ond ielfooishp wiîth a il page pîctafre and a ful page atticlt presratiag o. races, aillcilorsall creeds. Ilsees tolrosiertaspirti lomlylniîottuds of tbe poblem. Thetarticle m Osf of goodwtll in contiatto bata.I itechestrespectbhave giveao.tiffutoitftothe smooth spaiagpul1 for the pscal ad metntalfeelittgs of ol] peuples. ci-t. uho produce propogoodo lot tht fiqoot trade. Il tehes thesharing oflirle',gondthags wif one's l'n aottarîîlact ternis itas sowiathat liqu, neighhee. causes detcrîorotîott of persoo altty. The difficulies srýnC i LudgArcatvro PBabrofSl I aher ad thatthe Pounderof thehoo i teovervt wereanotmiimieed. Detaied sogges- Cheshre chctger Lrateto Atranspota Py aitrtus tron olen ad G'uide moi emettts, Lord Badent-Powell of taiwel ion w 'ate gîsta as to the mnethods lot traheIiiaf f0 tho United Risedom. dtida btokheattd moaiatn14,ecase coutig tht.longtroodhach totecosoos. Unahoshrdip thel aad Gutdtog hod naf brought peace ta thts troohfed pyhlgs cnutgtefaiycii avtol world. If ho dtd. he roser roeaeiledl t ta bis citîstiaiîstîaaace os the oaiy cote. ass0citeO. bcoutig and Gadingaoms atoam ld 1 Tbreis more actîîal truthinon oasuchhvoluatà htotherbood. fi citild bordîr ho epetfad thot in fictoal stodî tbattinoa thoosaad highly coiared fittictforte thon t ganoî.îtîoo if coold occomplish'j lithogrophed odNertiso.meots pîtid for outo'fl ng what the Christitat chîîrcb bas strihan lot cenfurtes profits 0f dîstîllers and bromors, Pobihrsko to accompiib But lîhcthecohutohttlils woking tu ,hthsedr ittst. Inothis caso h ra that end. t oties tarises Iront tht persoal problersadsca Together o itît ail other a goactes aed force, ot scaaiscetc i hocnamtu Durtng thts Boy Scout-Girl Guida Weth the public polîcy of the immodiate post-prohitît peidi ODNE ustshed tesec coatiagoandGudiegtinoctiontt ý0ao0nd. Temperooce Adhecate. la more lolly îts porposes. aad ta the aooîledge V gie ogise if tht moral support that the fauve-, 1.. 2 IL5C ment deserses. Tht thousands of youeg mea and EDITORIAL NOTESDo. KS9 0.omtotcho areto-dop giisg oloftary leadeship ta' Scoutand Guide Gocps, ore readctiag a service to Ifyou tbhaîafiner ii never end ous lookho Canad, whicb ifnot puhliclsopploOded.rmustfgiic the serd catalogues ad copy ibtîr fotth. Anywoyý BA OB MUFFETS fhcm a tremeodou, amuorntol satisfactiot. it'all bcoachange froms iemitg aad pssenga un--, Sm Pain 2 compimntar remarhs abotthesnowihaks. Bm 3e1f 5 Slowt on Puying for t'to>pia Boy Scoot etembnrshîp in Canada ruse f0 ovet Tht very slow' pro gressof aoskotchewae fadas- ' 't..oti int 1944, att ttîcreose ai opproaimateiy 7,000 trial Drselopmetît Bord saies seetos to endîcate thot a,,, 143. There are apprus imoteiy 67,000 Girl nuctalitts aould proee fa have Utopto hicilt 'alth'(,iýitdtsadBounies n'Canada andthe numrtris nornohody el-e's trley. Crrtaiais, thore is o notatble iack oi otthustoset for tht Dooglas dtivetof gef $1 mlinta Fiance tht Gouorn rt exusonme i formatton oit) mnagement of irdutttif enter- pris . IR (' aptý îîa'chîîîcrî ha, Occît battt'sed tir tht ho ot peîsîîîd.ag the cîtiaoro, uitb thet.arîaus oud powut. lr cils attth ctmad tf the'rigttug pttltt..iiparti tmi holigtbhschbonîds, Bît dcspite flouse ,i aTt ilu s tll.tî tîrtrîtot uct,' and I %ýii>iti prptactd 00cr a ulitich loniger pi d hetr l..t.li.ild il t.tyIaîtt AtdI ut ir i I, litti. tîd -It II.IjId hli dit- '"ýilpi:% 'tttit tt Fe l)r i ii bitttid lia il It h , i . itt !ci"'.." l 'i îxt.îtdd t ,liit, is Ii îîtuw i. Ill ii t l tot t 0tî t au îthtt Bci'sI' i , l.utuo iý tîdrI\ a i t i l . 1 0L abot .t'it i pioii in a o ti e lit.ld itrio I ladent îu liii utj falt lti i ot".1 E ta 30itirura.l mnioi.1lities tua ouhscrihtd tir a total of $dî,000 Ofi mor 'troan 5 tutu s..bt ul disrits, oe bad stbscptbed $2110. Mtercbats ond pt safe uomaoeîs fotallitf 15. huid subscrîbed $10,700. The Ptta nct ai Post. 1sttodilt' i ucreos itg. Ifatot hotîndrrs of Torotnto is gcftîng pirufp ai ospian'ations these days 'ahi Toronto is tcrmcd bog- lon" Hc h,îs a bus>, formiol office ahead tif hînt Mayhe ta Finish tht job if miii ho the resort[oea r toto t to cttipltt hîs tasb a oeiiînto Onttario t'. dii ohttg75hTr cet. trii bour t lîcit teli îîî ad inîtltc p;îsîîear allure the îîîcrrtîo, ut'. 2s put cet. st a btctonompfilin ofi Il , miion c'3ioii'. Il Ni trlih'r If loîîîîbîg çiqe ictîtrls rftl. il itb'îîî -II ptleaics. the. litiSis titd lial iIttt iii Olttawaîlb oh, ,ek ill ho, t i'u ltrtta.atlb\theo pic.dtt, F. P.Galraith. tite I Ila titi-r Alhita trAldiooatutt ad fIr t t t li.i itiit litpliti cd 'toit of the loi,', Sc I. tli ufl 'ti, tir the pait piaîcd hi, utuvkhiitout rui, ini Cantîi.rf ire The heoado.îst a1 Ili 'tn hitoîday Pest l'cittury i7tb. front il.1 Onet of tht. bighfights ai publîshîag o meAhiy tîruspafor îrc Ilita compliments mbîch sonne of Our .uhsctibor'. tohe tîme ta seadi 'aha rernîtîing theit V .-c..'.alylt l beth of spriag air, heTthey Rural Housing tii ;if ont office. Vie lite people to libe oor pepet These ire inyieg tntes for city d'aelfers. Nohady b 'cause' aed aspoctalif sa st ace ettough heip bas heta knems quiîamwhtnefhey ail corne fronthibre seemn napturotohe i ha enoa lotuiof hardmwotbonthe, tohbesormnepmoreîthonîhenemwenehefuteithe'a- porta ofihetediior adstaffto allahiila neresifgI and soa ai ofîhern haen'î a propen place in mhiuh on the commets iadicaie.-Gaeunoque Reporfer. MON EY - 2 Il-,,0 500 SHORTENINO 19e TOMATO Julce Oco, e PALMOLIVIE 'OAY 2 000, Ilc FRY'S COCOA onqcg, 31c BABY FOODS Libby'@ il 7c -JAVEX btl.a 14C SEIED 10-O 000 17e PEAS 20o ci 11, 16 IOIIDETS 2 ai, 25e WHEAT caoý 14c, 12e COAT tin 590, 960 WALNUTS ob 53e SUDS foont 'te 39C AIMONDS 'Ob 20?c FLAKES 1P ki; 24c MlARMIALADEo Ot ioit 3l SOLVEASE Pk0 25e SARDINES 2 t, 15dy SNOW est 230 OATS il.eto 190 We oceerve the olght ta liofiaitit ie uî ofîc eu ail ntrt NEWo( 'oBoBAE LARlGfE NO). 1 i.O(KINI1 ONIONS f1 Ibi. fotr13 ICELERIu LETTIICEli Largr Crispi HLlids, 5'o. E'ý ohc CELIsRY HEARTS Bundie ..17c I IiictooccotcotoB n.. P M Z &-t ot uT O f0Oc oto eI 10 ff enflit 0M M na tain -. m.0 0cl t i ori , - . te.focoof,«0o. AT OE wd l a deit... a e nie a p Bon s edb tedeln ey. IfO DR. C. Y. STEVENSON M .. L.hf .C.C. pbf.cian SuISS fluegoo Pliant 2m X-Rop Gale- Hoots 8.a0-9 a- tat1-3 7-9 pm Coroner. C.P.R. and Gol Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER Physciln and Surgeon OttIe-domec Street Office Hoaurs n o m . 1-3, 7-f.30 p.m. Cotanter M.OH. LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DICK. m. ICoonty Crama Attorney) KENNETU Y. DICK. B.A. Borroater. Soulicitors Court Haute - Mltonc Toephune 4 T. AX HUJTCHINSON Beister, Solicitor. Etc. OCfire-Neat Dour Champion Office Mole Cf reef Miifaa Toiephane 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Beceloter. Soliciton, Notaliy PobMe Offie-IOn Pottocte Buldinog, Main Street. Miton Triepîoe 70 DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUROGEON Office on Royal Building, Milton lfaurs-9-5. Eneninut hy Ahppointaint X-Rop Service Toiepitone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUIRGEON Oice avtc Prleceof Theatre Bight Appaiitmentc mop ht arrangea X-Roy aSsrite 1300 Extraction Beuru 9 ta 5 'i'elephaoo 65a. NEILSEN- The Chiropracori. Draille. 'ThecPft Laody Attendant iltturto5o.t ftae9p.m Clue l'hottdoy toti aîîîîatuu Store, Geourgetao TRAVELLERS' GUIDE COnNADI AN PACIFIC RAILWAY Goîng 110sf 'o3 aom., daîly; 2.15 pe., d1t 8045 pmn, dai10 entept Gosag Wrtt-22o.m, dailî îfi.gt; 0.37 p.. dlt 12.57 am., daîiy nI rept Sunat (logl Gonn E..st-7.39 attm. 2.15 p. rl 9 27 p.m Galttg West- 9.2i arn. laI; 06M CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Gosng Nueftli80 a Going Soth 7.30 p.t S. A. FAY Phone 2015 PLUMBING HEATING and Tf NSMIITHING Mainu St. Milton, Ont. IIAIRDRESSING i îattst OtOliro %% aig Ail Lîtî o i Bottli ula ELLIOTT BEAUTY SHOP hlItooý 61j fao Arl.notiitttal Milton Hospital VIafIfRO atOURS 230 p.. fai 400 pr. 7.00 p- fo 8,30 prn. i(Nu ChiiOs'et colltr 12) RATES IN AD'JANCE aemrnîefsoî - $3.50 Privat, . . . . 5.00 PHONE 2160 MILTON am6ý THURSDAY, FLBRUARY 15th, 1945 PAGE TWO I HE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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