THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THLIRSDAY. FEBRUARY Rh. 1943 Dvai Surgeon AUSTRAIAAN DROUGHT Wlwrat, WooI Output j 'lite Week :m AFF'ECTS L.1VESTO('K F '".'WA SaI'iitg Li el wa"vo.'a.' AI)rvaght Widacpeead le South Bat DetIXUGLAS SSREFN u.Australie vs vner tise tmprtant' Effanata ha b Fait Bt.da Pi asa af WAtani MiId-Ihaneered Dattar Dace Una ivriocr'îand tvpvrsica cer- Mast ie 1945 t~~tat Pata que Waork Aatswacieg Mes!' trips ot the catit, vndtrha dreegra - ____________________ irai Celle frnt Siip le sie pevers learge portions et tirait iCANBERRA (CPI-Tit tait anferS 0l17AW i'1 coffr'~t' ate, Daces Readatea! oavvl the c'anditiovs Ilas asof the prestest draveha en souttreas, aoil. i:" it b fild hot - Jut aaJob haesmpvottvt et on ftutreaex-pasrtsvof Avasalla isili o s e ha tel ai. sl-o:tIo p:reI ' f(,fon Ha Saya, j":tt tst"vlfolui:s. 'Ch o illiog uet:: tis vear sPcorsir te ffirecoer Ila vra "Aestrettn ea ea CtoreicAgriculture Frea Bel- :ria', l OiX'ohsto'olo DEA,1tl-Iete)D.'NaesLttar" elaottalitatd ienh trSck t.lrsosvisadainrcp'el illsm,ý, i eso ud S 11 IiAl:I:oofrilekaottsri.lJ:oral.vsratciset atss'tnhavetîvttaotdatvssthvteoItvs- .'lih:.t:oatrrir't:' o a v"vor:: l:t:l:: a r:l:o:veigvvsl i iilr conditivss tepatendiaso , :al'thel position es betier cn the 'stao": INaahlo' av lio::lr:r vs StlpisS oufre-t Albot in c 91 c "ta 1919it, avithitta, v aeta an rui t is ndus-, .oîoar t altt:tra toObo fvh":lioc ti"'i":v it:' . fils risovul Saskt ewt'an fiv tr' In Wetia'v Aectrslsas'aaa , talos, f vcel attif fr. ant d 1or 37rvteflot paet>o arshaave vas heaascacvtt 0v: ~ ~ ~ n-ýIul. and drooii iaot air At:t' lot mohsa :so'e va laA iorst S:rrWtiasc0Soly saito tSrd a l riot "Il gileov to:: "en" e :OraytstA l.alo v r fr:ils hift shava- t::tts, Avsti:a : th ir tistssf ar r.astt Ha ev a d a gr'cpr t. 'lY hi, h roet.ih"n v tco îl 'hîts' th:i h" h e va lr frots' licvvdap tc rth a ndae nt " ril boctctitatasit ta mect fa i's _hr.lop:r::lh, l,,-ycr l:ottNa lol oastateî lalhts.vhs fil .:"r t ha Avstrvheo i Wh.o ecdtrofl" od. H aea suac ht Il _ora le lio wi' par' ha:îah: tri galovohv Io ::tir otha toihrsvp Il wil. toh iltS Asrli oldm opinionth 't riait î:o' l saý fotcartpe olt, The tal.shotttaiasssvort o Eý- fon New Sot Wrosîccailes P'ts envt II.-l:tt:tIsa -t al otsi., i h u't vit, ih Ii ttas batoyatsTheshaararsa.rtatisc16ah0.0 tir Tr's'sr r'a'v rp c:v tllae avvci .f ih th, ac%0rrIt'.ra'ra loAa a::iou at,, th', squltr 0 h0hoshols Avtrahias rost:arattis f r i s' 'oilo:'r o visa s: ar i, - l" a,t:vl l aiota: ar h71,0, rsh:oist:sie b tO betl, 30010,ho 0t aniv dt 5,00tar '.5 , c'ie ot, !.Iifiu tevacl in ctlat -os oeril avet li e statestarki bctethAre trci-e ho 1::' aI o air- 'l'h s ro l itt, 't as e :'i: i e Ht ) ta ho tac toasn roer- cht lan foh d or astio ahh. tnotal Asta,- >,ho p. ý a II ::a n il':" téav'tlh,> h:î.h orvs fthr'ptitai.a ,,".ao airlvv statil. taaSteshapla roci'e t alh 5e000, "t:'l rr':ritr.i.t:' îvseoto'raltbos "'icerîa:irrtit a tP va ag o t ý000 00, vhite la We'sternc o o ii a l lo,, op 'ars 'tnte ogoplîrv::t:" sarceo i hi, tooo, oau t i Aual atl >od ,i bu 2 t t;1ira 'or11,c or lO1i,Ih 'n l rsr.ahh trtaryles )i;, Quenlad.riahavt, e- d"llmn tl ie oo iHall ,liot'atts'lll oaasp iv ha r'ooît'ochabls ttl0- [hA A :1ý, ao oirr'l 'oaîo:l 1 , l :rs'a t, ad tn it tl:ayeol ig i ttata " uo5tr ras su îidt Aréuills lotth' ortisfoocsta edc laton' îî'r:î îut . oî.rla.:aol. fi:i Ie a id ot.' itkis, ":oîî: s'::î e iase l "'t ft tr'tv:lfr' tnns ex s4al easiteivt'traesiasiva :oo.':lsî ohp:tata ~ - 'ofr' l.:rlîer Otîs l':fl "ttiartlattchrtao«l. rout cosstire ogts' s nivp sa. 'riaati srcitl" hot' 1 oo 1a ,a orih' tv retr a 00 ' har tiishor 00,00foliprtillst Io;' I.'.rl d1 ,c s"r t ris mile aor i) loyr havéo hr'ps krillpA fi îacan avind hhPSlsar5,tas5v lt I'alaao' l li"0 aîhoi Min' h.ahî aa auto 0.oýtaosvvs otlvisrireonulin fsrtittvr oihlpstt:r.voyas Evert li:sr p I'r om ii tr lao iît' il.:rls ats: rthé rî-illio foSilila. A:pltotîtvlrîha"'.e1rconditos iml>oea th 110. aok 'ro,:ra- h-1- baso i, i:lcs i'vatiandtflictquotaestocihaenmo s techo for tttcshttraaaae.t rit , o fias' asstn i'Ivl:orilao a vmi '.ooto a,mous hollord acqiitionr of at port fyas n e itasshar caoptci< roasr.plaarl'Coi tooh(,<:oIi oi.tpataaghrapvethaltcitpoloiar thi'Pclip an aches t3,50tlotA ,ilto :At f lid t.aap'o ho:,,i a: t it ho l:ias:.r'tflosstl .r','osmilaraaa racks tn paîd tor' Solo '. ht oeticaeof ll,00ta a ies al tloah, a nvadir Icv in bIý "tît . tOpss rsosihr.aoandit aor ithIlyaer'tcoutputirrilrut Autratl- oo,,ýI ,, _ to NI- ap ltlrttppoo ra it cip l:tit rmieoosfl:s -Tr ispottfo r stk tatitvaouht- m" Ilainctarb av lrt$20,a00, '.p:rvovoIlt vs. l aog ohatIl taot rs on a ir s tanavahas hoa,leoha. f0)0 t'l t'cia ostetlts it h A taa s. ol ho: .rItpia o aar'M tt ilos of orta ofattvvrvestro.i('lttOca 'C,I 0l .tuhapli, o:oalot hlio" baatoa iiithoedaostrionand A. Inptssatat Machot (',aore fanions otrao thte t:isa of eais. 'IC- irsa ar'o'I l lshcot' Lti\Mlii lié sl::pi hrph pos Ithstvah tht .0)0 of taatlca'P Mate prottîras HUNTER DISCOVERS l', tolla p. it elootrthandocentr0att-oIc's'hlote ittos Msay are RARE.sSNOW BUG"s .lrot tart l l' a a h'ripo _itirgltlo rtlhotaspîrs trrastotartso:oîv b s p Abilrinqetoawry a- fag'Il i.:r-a:tr , filer'ail aiec t p , to î:rI't's: o ,s tsrok:atl,bo I 1:01, a meovttrr a qvaetsioc:rrocovbsy "r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rni' s50."o flo I 'r:î ot vit:t:o ls.itih rtt:sat redltion lia taktrttplacei i oli on n vavaia broft i milispong- ('holl r Ita oahlpi't vsrolo ofltho:t a 'los ind lipr. thatir Av:0 taiebt g, inaristr alknsvr'as'hesmow. a?,cýahI ti :,o:f :o Iff a" l:aloo lrhotoopolot'tootitir' r ta lo:allt thloip.r t et ,,i .B Atiiovt ho thovairi ti:tr Io ht al 'g' casIliralnir to iah bri r':io hs:il hrparoo rooghit'pa m:altporticleo ooe, hot onsalvier ai .,I asorat. aptor Hall ita r, ti p laN t:no hbalor a i hAl s'a:mirvtla e ho vc that tîto pa- Il Thallorle I fi) aoltta t:lit oh ikflrko inb ost.iatips hav orph avs'll eve s'ii ixalags.asbodyandtva.aiil 'lioa' oaOtiol t:rihothie'I ile(,nlne n1.%>e,( rpplrttaftrathttotooab of 'lprletrrndpthertvvb to olr':pil:tpioot:ala11vî-Il tj:oooo'ial _otl'ePPialathicattaets carkte toVI r oi iod :ti pen 'ro l, ,'ý \laror l%it iotvtak o tvloOsvrhfun iscir.oh ors ovra icopobstco i uip e tedhtti ha t1t'o: itsaol to o has t:mk oltttl Roa- otpiiln hoat pot fhota ra h o eil ha Thse' aOing tia, lit tosty Le ahn ioko oj$tUUsi2 r" oio lîir' ~ 01 iaoir l hov :ot apo e O h l I s oft hé os dp s',tpto Tht teco fiert s, latid t ro tho oidr:çt flc 0910iI )0 If l loo: 1. ia loiis t r it:ht: laicaoi re othhca lme Of- aor- revciafsa tha: or iacithd attae Moomlo:.'ptorsHaalla st :aIsto hap togkeflsbr aiatestoto, rertit o a o o : t ' o t o r i a: h h : h t t I i l l i o a : o o tsp o o t î : ' O o ' h a s t o o o r ' i o a r o sea n o s ora e t t o San d c s . l i t le a.' oatooa io lotfi Amo.' ) . nîoo tn. oJ l a o rlrp ho olrp irlaltrs confis' it ge îpp a, o , raiilon, srfane . îlute stov rr it ra hof _oar"ra "at taîoa s'oos'etih'e ugla'rh i rtls th, astre, et ti o r ctry hint hoo aiar,' ti' Apptteatini t he poovi as s s i Il: 1 In aiairs icdtOhrpaatorttititonohoodthvvepatatcthe f' l aIiptr ar a t2,in iît. lid o' ao"î fu or ' r.- %%tu hrI r: looia sp oore tlo hr' utilovîr n îsi o tso h Ir btw apn c11,r ato orototIido \01cil orrs r e itg lit t hm ,'itfi o hoas,th i ,iSlgstpahrsa vo ora ~'i l ien firaz e rlet r S:' t orI, litraat osl op0 %ar, Il ta hoeb eýrie " ýi hn x ono ie :slrl rt'in -Ioooo lot 'lo arrive nooo ane teai thI know' In-o rsott iil, tl lé Il l is,. 000,, 'o s. :Ioilot olo 11 s a ioe. r ' IcI ho ' ' -arn. lca. ict s e t Thle. b ttst'IiTbI"" ,A SAIN 10 l ooilloîr IsSl tis Itil Mo hreo "o- olttgape caandl ai9 th\h Aoen osto all 1010 Av osebpngl o riaos tand ao t':' Apparorooi ool':at:o:oo:Ssl :o ths: faellittr ostos- I& lifté, o'l reri flo rOI î'oorar in itn 0010 T o srt orîî.oo'î . heplyétn 'ibg-js ca ' It oea 1 von'tp sro ,o ill0i 'l op. n :ooool'loNolor.l longoYoun oroloo unapto:rlîîo iosepo :1a . sorsrs:î ssh' r' I o l 10 tho 'bg,, m ro ag hl, ol:ootlooomS ' t fi 1 gr i ' orîotr rs o oor:' ia o 0' l'ogoo OIl,: aî a 'oa orllýln " ' v i hrare ho o~ oltI lzhI ,, g e.,it. n rt ' i l e a r te iloto d t l lrhr COl IiSa o os' lil1iI Ki;i itiNý, n Ta ",y ERf a'i'thool Sy ilho on l. :. \%lien lie 1rol' lrosi:r prlgi f;(, ' lh '. o h' lo i ;,, 0.0 il N lm n %eaig aéutr oofra500o Ps,ýaitsooir trao ct-o noa Serve ssocthtrti ri Britsh s5ip- .totvtooet., rip,,rmalientb> hAretioost Irl totctst:rs-fia 'sastots. Ail the shrpyate hava iv Ao s eput Sie pairts loasSes PoCre sows:ec A tee winchi esitl Se rrssty fer 'a""rhrse is 'at' days cho origies and tilirs, winch cre tahiorret hem roctierrrvet'ntr arc isteilet asdtil to chtes ptio the 'o par.tortet li0n i 00 and r"' c:' i ' , O I i:I. "'o' Il il orIhc Vii, or .00010 I),-t o Ota Il l 'I.1r : lrs ooîl'old b iIIALTII 551'ANM i 'îo :1ooooo trrsiol 's'v ptîol Avoiro hol tovo estroi tlil h lci. t9it, the tiealth osf orma.,l Cv... a'. av ai.ei isail îv noseros outroa ai pcaaivct tllsasa l S r siopS vovrrrt. cratiaattd 25 rotes are and n ctacs et gaadert sias vovs'rret teriae Pt Ipetstis stars. I II are C HUronTf, lI)M a ii POU 'n PIP i rié OR * OLINOYU W START YOUTR BABY CHIICKS ON 'Starlight' - Baby Chick Starter Atwayc fresh tramt the mixer. This le the hest and mast evenemivat way te start Baby Chieks. We aise have a Cemptete Lice et Baby Chiet Feeds, saab as: CHARCOAL, GRIT, PEAT MORS and SCRATCH GRAIN 'MILTON FLOUR MILLS TIRES! TIRES!. TIRES! Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us We have teataliesi New andi Madera Valcieieg Estip- ment fer repairîeg Aitblzes et Pascen ger and Track Tires. PACTORV TRAPNED PERSONNEL ALL WORK GUARANTEED Johnsans' Garage PHONE 174W COUNTY 0F HALTON 1945 - LOCAL COURTS CALENOAR - 1945 ............. 5.. St,. lvr7.e N5, IdAsatt es. If Cca té trei. St so , lhn hsls By ser W. 1. DICK, Milton ClerS et the Peat Pieuse h.Ip your Dus OrNer VaYut buc driverc ar Jdaicg c fica job et dexvcsuricg tei evp with diffieuit war-timi 5travel. If yau bat y - acy encayanvea, pleet Yva ccn ca-cytrateancd do math tei epeed ap service. Hae yver tiehets rtady whoc hvcrdicg and itcvicg hua. Got correct informa- titc in advacce. De cet traea ucîre aviluery nceactry, acd tvoc thenaxvaid pech hvure ccd wrek-tndc. Leava aildrenaet homa. De evary- thicg yeu cxc ta mahe reesa ccd cpead up service. et, fvr ha bas ncotv- trai star conditions acd vcly cerrits vut hie isrdtrt. e)hl R. \TF. Boîîulîrt Xttack Steel Faetory Psocar sowst R.A.F. hotahrtoftthe ted Taohoval Air Fatce mchse theanttat'Sacnthersteelsarhselt Caen. Thltisehteaaphcnas tabac v e caerttaan of tisa R.A.F. Film Productioc lUait aticax hembi heurstisg cn the tnrgattior r PACR six THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th 1943 THUF Til 1 t ,e e e e e "TTIA, SAVING LIVES