Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1945, p. 3

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THC2SDA, SAUAB 1f I, 945THE CANADI AN CHAMPION Mca. Bil lil o1 f Sece, Virgina, visiflec cccli Mr. and Mec. Clarence I11an aryfar e fee deye. Mi"lorceCooerecand Mrs.L Neylcc' cpeccictheaweek-ecd w1,11 Clcc feffee' er, Mca Jaohcscn, le Oak- t r an ed Mrs. W. Bccdd:e cf lIed. son, Martinc Street.i Wene Bec eee lien eas cefaccea te lier elle allec apeedceg flic hcfiday Secaeen ceifhi, er paents, Mr. and Mfee Ofecîia Cheef, Pulife Heafl Niccee for Aceee, Miffon and Geecge j fece, ccafecf tle pallie eedl higla âchwcl ce Wcdeedey. a Miss Meefla Reid cela lac In ursinini l e i Mefeapalifa ce Mepite ce Windsorc, as lac cieltieg ceA tei apaceets Mr. and Mec. Dacca Raid .Mr. and Mcc. Jaes Shiielde n c fecely, cf Wieenipeg are clcdfîeg alîf I Mr. aed Mecs. W. K . Shields af Mil foe, and Mr. aed Mcc. Raîf. lllald of lIffîcide. Mr. "ed Mcc. J1. R. Mille cecll cala bccufe Chfic 59CI Waddlee Aaeicec J.ecy oe Tlcacedac Jeaecay 11th la0 Thl cecec iîenda efteai ceegeea 31 Mr. and Mce. Bcace Bceery, leec Il eeceed tc Neccede. Qaelec, il id seedlee a flice cceeîcs vcatfon Ih ceifl tle lateffec paentsf, Mr. cie me Mcc.RW. Fo. Twenty Years Ago Taec feinc thce editiffac cf ch. Ccc adlce Chcccpfcc cf Thurcd.c, d- Jcccccce ce, inca 1ec Reedait lac Icenapepeiefed tc e-ccced fIe laIe Rclec Elîce ce caca f acer af fIe PaRt Office. Mr. Ree d,11 le a cer ceeeac, and le expertec fa ge fIe lieft cf seevice Hic ep c y poietceaeef ceeff ceif geceal ai, e Pnccrdac, Jcie Hardyc'cCl the let n- teeelio ce cecceice a, lield c boi-] 'Il cf liree celcli.h ucccclcc, lecîde fI 1~ he dace cf the faceace, a Ccc' drcps e 7e cclieclicccceccalaeid te g ec. cen eccele. Tlic biclle licce eed Mi Hcccfyclceida,ccae ad facc ccc, liedlc lacccd. roTIc ceecaicafion cf officec . ccfo 192 o f tIc Ccecadcac Wccdccee cf thî Wccld, L-c cccc Campx Ne. 287 Milton 1,c A. Augcc .CC., cccl pîc. Tlicccda cingc. TIc elfîcecsar or C. C. Dacid Mecîcîl; Sen. A. C., C OfSayil;. Bacec' V. Bceeefccld; Clcclc [ac .C Jackecn; Eacec'c .S Clyde; Wclch man, E. Mosedli; ccecc. A. Brd- Jsephl and Mcc. DcccCae cf bCccfa nct vile,. eCecaCce Cie ecgageent c ric, flii ceccnd daagcce, Kaflce Mac the ia, fe Ccc. Fcackine Ttccepcce, cc )ne cCD H aed Mcc. Thececece. Dccdlic ,or, Tlic maacce cc t ccc pl ce oncJa lef DfED ce- rCLffEc lc EceccîCn Towns-ip eed - Xcay cccccci 91 c ffOAlE -Af Ccerecec'e, icecce Stcl, Jec. Dccc', wdcc'i cf l aic c facr WEe, Dcairc, cced 75 ycaccc Weely War Commentai-y Cuc licec c. fi, cicce, cf ceg9-1 eycecGulf acd feccd cdcy eicccJa c- che fI.fcadc .1 the Pîcililccc;l cccftn 1. c thee ccc cf Mendiallesc clicn.Ge ccl,,tu One he- tCle fc'ced, e icc ccd lccceee c cf Cccciidec and Bccccc Ccc <cccc.P cccl'ecce.s 'c îc, cc ct ch-]i taccnee nd cvcl bsce ic c i cemui thcec vita cccn" Dccc eate'c ce ehcccc an cc, lîe ol ies îccl CENSORSHIP l's I ccich icetcccegard- eecccclcccccecce. Sccacced ce cen Facee- Cancdicn porce c Sladay. and feîeln Iceecl'. ce liccIccCe Id is cvife cn Toroctc tc gel ece of lice faecdy cF.loceccg ce file conerseation à. Tcaccllcc. Dellc. Wll' D el1c TcevelleecHo Darcce eit? c Wcfc' We'ce ait e bu lotSione SIca cel a ccli. IC Iae lece Cuite Tclccicce Opcccfcec Medacc yca Tccielleec Thafes al] cigli, opera- ccc, cies falhîee abcut Tierceco OcceeCce' IL dires net moter. Yca ecccC etteldicabutfheeee. Lccgn pause, ceile Iacîaed and elfe ey tc thiel cf eecflec edîjecel Teeccllecc Well, gccdlye deee. Wifec Goidîce. The aefccCceaee fcecellec thoee tee- cd le lias radio fiee aeaeente. Hie ?cceed tc e MSiee cfcfae ce.ad fIe 'fccee Clleg lie Ieccd ca c cetl 'ceaeefce facecect.-Cee Prfct.d Woed . LiLU essonlt ý-,gIt' E NOX PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAV, cANcAccI cece, cac5 ccc I (ho ofci c'ccldlic tchccccc dcccl CHURCH i f ci wcc cecIdc lic chf,l cecace qULNDAY, SANUARY ldccc, 1945 511Db FACES DIS LIEEWONN 'un ccfhdc Te dl cccccccc'cc C11. . cITF.eWaCIGfod GccdcncTccc Tlicae halt cerc.chcp eeecechccceccIl cccd 1111 ~ ~ s aS aiebe e tcici hc Lord che Ccd, and îlne, l h ll cf Cicd's Wcrd. Foe- Sccc ce have 1 2 .1 5 c e , Se cce b e d e c S c îc a l. cl e c c c f c f .d nc ecc al S a t a n clia lle c c d M on ce ý _____________________ Tlcca IcfA D.clc. 'lc.h clcctlcd C7cd'c Word and fe hcace fEccacî fuien f Lictcccce cofrmt c~cclcehcf iflchyccclccc GIRACR ANGLICAN CHURCH 17 "cc t lie chclcfc fe cecfocce c mircle).'c c RtF. S. A. KUIR Jsccc ficelf, cthc ieecfîcec .". i cter thcc hual iec cniton fenc _____r tche cey I liei cand eIý cesacce ttin air hc i latvl John e bc in i,,ýOd ith aCf naricc plecedl fiecf for cccre 2ed lccdcc &fiec Ecichcec- Jan l4 Cccld acclcccc mcoite melai lcc c deecficc (Fhlc 2' 6-l; Del. 2c 14). 10.0o) cc. _Scday Sclieel and Bill gecaf impcortance cf cee laicclcce IL ceecld havec Iccclced the throce c Clace. leCaisu ccc hacliced cecfh cmater te cng cc cf Hic cCfccc ecîfelc, vu., che c ee mcedci cectec haptcce ai clie Ccccc lbyrdmtoofanyaDineP 7.00 ccc -Ec'eeiccg and Sermoc. cehici eccfcl ecan fhall pclccle coe- cee Wco hcd hcce cmcl man. Es. Mon,,5tth,8, pm. aeccCillc cbe sace in fe cehcch Sccan Me-Sh e Annael VeetRc fecc lic reccecieticn cf sin Jc le m c ei ..Hl. a e srtr u eLo the pced ccc Lord cc ccceced hc Mues. c cct fli 8 l ph l -Ecccn ecmeec ccc Ie. ec Ccday ce thec cale clece- 1TeaC.pEclgW. A.cieec :pcc.ceacecadceicfc Us ,ves out ofIte sh e o erI.' Cr ccccfc ce cie PacficI Rae. (Rcom. 8c 3; 2 Ccc. 5c 211) sac Sccc Cc i ilcc cc ne- Wei. 1th 2.0-ften"nW.A 1th mélor) d Clv c ad cf suffercee cn m'ce cIfe Wcds, lh 22-AfeeceCoi W. A CIe ceaec ac C , c 'cecccyfa e e ifh c T 8lc.00 P..SeiccClircPrccice. ccccd"cý. CcecOp. 1 Johnî: 6.R. VI) f~~~ ~~ Id c.c eec laePecc.' icc po'ec widh ccc fellce en INOTE-Tia Ecidey EeeScTi ccfceccc eic (c ce3) ff ceccld have ccen ce liave die- lîfîf cc. Weeî of pce estcScce th fe Saecliccp caîcfd.î .eacclclcc - ecelce le Ceece Anglican Clihc oef Iccc, celeee Ded laeIle Dlecc led pe Pceclec TIe.Bec. C. C. Cchl- ce Cale fIe siccee'c place le hapîis, - cccpc c eef elaec - figuratice De hlced Dimecf by ctler fecctacîcce ceiCl the "ececed cf CHUE~I Cc'alegHie ed ceflieelc t lie S pirit, celich le the Word cf Ced ST. PAUL'S UNITED cHJ unn i ako h lr httEcI. 6c f7). - Mîclcceecc ma thon fIecceg Hic, fe Conte lack R/f. Bec. O. W. Pertee, M.A., R.D. ccd fae ethe sineec'c place ce the fff. Tbe Second Tecepfcficc. c, 7. ( Clcpfle R. c. A >~ ) eCe (cf. lche 9: 3e, 35; Plil. 2: c-cc, Ce ccc secocd Ceecfetlcc, the dcccf Bei. S. R. Mecre, B.A. 9c. Tnat Ccd flicc epele le ceCled hCieef qaccef lcclpecee; but, ce os- MlneeIen Chcrge lyccepceten eehecycand la Cccc-cci, cciscuoedc Dc.Helcfcccutce a clacce cIle cf fie dielelfe cf Secac. impcrtantclause see Pc. 91: 11, 12). r IUDAT. SANOABV 14i1, 1945 Seccc ceas lapelced et celcc cefiFo Ies teea h ave cccepccd the dcccc' - fI.0l a.e.-leacc Scedec Sebch eel. wtec buf ceiI Cie DaCy Clcff <cf. cialleege ceccld lace Ice, (1) tc d c liccd.m-Srcy IclacI l. c Jan. 1:33).chaee ecilifed dlifi cf ode Word " : NcCil Short cf Decfc If The Pleef Tecepfatlce, 1-4. le eclieg an exportaient tc Ce If IL ce. The no .e.eee Cf Icfflee exaltaticn ceccld cnte out ce Ccd led eali; flaC 7.00 Pc. ScJiet Eccecea Serice cn and cleaeee te.Clcccc le fecedlaeely ce teeepthg Ccd; 121 ce ace cf epciri- Keecx Cleecli. cacceeded ly leace' dleeceet asscrtif; cel pride, e er-edely fCc 8.30 p.e.-Ycce Peapleas Ueioe ln fIe Icpflee, ceiCl Cie Hefy Spirit le Ccd cel e fa f ee eed Ce ccccflicl - bcdey Scîcaf Rece,. fie cepeaeed feeptaflcac. The feec- le if. TO-,eI ce Fcîdap, 8 l'e, -Preelotfaioe eas feef a cc saya r Weeî leeciccrv e Cecrce Aeelîcae !eeccyc ep IV. TIc Tlicc Tecfctafice, 8-If. CleecI. Speaer Bec. C.- C. ecefice for Seccc' ceccî ef cece I h m epato h e Cochrane cf Geocgeetown Preefl- lepCiee, celelfi Hale Spicit (Del. efelcfeptiefedel C fccîe Clacl 2: f7, 1f; 4c 19, cc). Nocte Clef Secce' cccfec Out le lic Cruc clee' ce secl -Mcedcc, 7 p.ec COl.IT. teccecCice eeec le "fIe deecl,' 1. e., ceccelce fcr lieeelf. The decîl ceceîd -Wedeedec.e. 8 ..AeualCongre-.l camfe frontceliccut et frontceith chae teleonef od rcdectchcf CI geelceci eeting If, fie Icedie le, ced il came fece, a pereae and liaI ceccchip lelcegicg tc Ccd alcet - Sercnt Race,. net eely fece, clefrccfie. The Wce Clece acy ceecceccice ie Chict fr __________________________pcccoalley cf fIe devil ea cleeely Ince ac c ene yei. Ncf lcct I feac itree. fe ea îe to ceu lites Cccf't' cmencet yielded cew ve McDOAIYS Ccig, eeellgelcy and dcfeef. Th, cccfaicd le il, bct Satan clfeccd Hie, e MacDONALIYS .cccldceedndcecleteeeece ic o e'hc- bu te domcinienfcthececeldlecccctec ITn Fu niur tuce rce crecplecclcaeec. HDetro'ndlthnce C rsc.OuLodJs« Used Furn Cccempelcc cac a mai, and lececaccef dccaded cei enyc chc ececl thlc dl le oneanfth are acc cfuic disposdi ied fliccccc Cefi.eeacc cend.ý ecc ,Afntiques the Word cfGo aee he poer of CaIcecCI bct He neie cccl fie e eicDlelSpiri. landwecen, etcllceccf16'l2 '1'24 UelceîcteCcc, Reoficulcldcg, Reacire, Tic fceccccCîceo c'ccced the.icc' -_____- C Gaaaccld Ifigleef Qcclcty Wctk Ccccy ditye dole 41: 1. 2). TIc cicce WfNNIPEG Ci - Jcde W.S ceseecelacece lcpfaCioc, e e icceccded are fIe Lccdcl cf Winnipeg hcc ecccdei dp- cctcC fcet,pc le eacc c ceaIe cf tc cc'eeheccce chares cecccdiec dis - 80 MeeDoel St. Guelph ciccicol c'eccc es ecald ecali c accl cf ccc eccîcGyes c f Ncllacc cccltcec fc Ccdcccfchee ccct diffc- GriCmpanycc'PortArthuc'. The Ocfataeding Ecceet aof the Snason ii el 1W THE ANNUAL, MEETING 0F TIff A ConcettMilton B ranch of the Prncm hat Mltn CanadianRed CrossSociety ON Wil 1We hell c. thce LEGION KALLý e. Thursday, January 2Sth MONDAY JANUARY lSth 1945 AT 815 pro, AT TItRER O'CLÀ)C te,1 (I0 2 1). ccEcwcnt MISS RUTH IILANE cfac., cacaced ba cchce 10tcc Blac bas iccl J. Cadesky ccd c tcc.c' ccc thcc Mcc c OPTONIETRIST flcrjýtt a c hlrimcnt WILL BE IN MîILCON ON aRcccceO cliv Viafo fr Heeafde (Cccc'on ac u yce' IcN I 'ce DclcCc -, eechecl., T PRINCESS E cffce lucs:c1 ... te- T HEATR E- _______i__ D.S.T.) FRIDAYF .- on cATURDAY dCin. 1.ccgbc Marcacel O"icc, le 'CCINÇfRVILLE GHOST" We Liai e Ja tC ar of fcccc 1 "Ic y Donacecîl Clccicd "ccc-acccccccc N1NA c-TESDA OYSTER SHELL JccCccc. 15cecc a cc le 'STORY 0F DR. WASSELL ANO pc'cccfcl stcc ccchc cchta 72:I p.. wngt ls og unig Chick Sz e tM s COMINGGet youir reqîîutm inete N'o%, whlh the Gcere Fcccel i "NO LIMIr, MonMowray Majore si)1)y lb availabh' THE DEVIL WITU HITLERI COcice Cccfce 'Cc Carte, Fci. ced SaC. Plctarcs et 7 ce OCleca Ncglfe 7.45 MIL TON FLOUR MILLS Ui TRE.TIRES! 1Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us ci bacc ccccccllcd Ne. acd Moedece Vclcdrncccg lqccy- ment ffrcccpairieg Ail Sizes-ofl'ccccgc and TckhTires. FAUTORV TRAINROE PERSONNEL. AI]. W401K GUARANTERI) Johnsans' Garage PHONE 174W MILTON HARDWARE 2 0PEAS - 21C s 'OODS, 7cl OATS lup4 1e TIARES a eti 150 SOU? Mic 17e WEERA? 2 *Q, 13c COFFEX eau. 19e, 35e PORRIDGE Rit; 17e GRAVT ekuý lic CRUS? lit 24e OATS cg cký g 1 M1UPPETS 2 cfc 17c SHORTENING ee 9 Aclcc accece. Cecece and cecefcrit MARMALADE caeCc29e TOMAÙ TO Juice 2 îc:z 17e Forc Brcchcec W1cct Wlh SUPER SUDS ~-c39C CLEANSER ce Se5 STARCN k ccc FLAKES cg c1c '4e POWDER icc-ccc, I9) SOAP 3 kccc ie MUSTARD cc.-. 1,0e AMMONILA -ci Se SAUCE fcl 27e ce recacee Ce ciglif te tuait ecelficiecan aSt mierclaiee. NE%% Ift'Ye.Il (RROTîl Tcendercand sief. lier Tb. 8c 2 lci. for25 IINIII IS OF CEIERY HEXRTS i PINEMcIcLE, 21t;45 Race45 rilide clegceecde priossc subjent ce slaicce flcuatisec. Coup.. t. - Jaouery iith OUBLi - 4649 PEESEIVEa _ c3 e ce Il BUTTER ec M fie2 THUIRSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1945 f n n

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