THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THCCRCOAY. DECEMBER MCa. 1544 ci ipe r etl rckC, île racid i h nî ~ Cùunîiîtiîî -The Strndav Seoo CCit-r giri r; etC er > i ir J ree Ci ti. ii - Ii -i dirirCU ~ ~ II tiiS [tC AStS OF COiitiIAi C. F0O9 TitE ecei-t Cire Cfc, , it clamn Christ t l aend Fret,, tiean-inted faili in le aCr s the tee et Corif fe Wtreet,tti hy e- Mernhreeetfthet Crnhntiittctal s iened iri-hene ire ne tdf.tes, cne- le1 but tirCes vit hart ne poere Phoe 22f cieen,ceeeeudererinse rk t 'e-e theen. ttrr Ii deprt te be Cuite. ~ ~ il l'cal Stet Mt.e if, eItrentechs e et een tiret Christ (Phil t:C 2.)ndi ettens WITCT Office ~ ~ ~ ~ ne tehet etet Mitncerlbo s t sair je Cire Lerd. 1 ret centr, o etCher wrt-r tnt ________________________ Ct15- 58 Chtrts rame. Te Peter ne one teecir Text.Matt.16 eC Ced ted che hed taii in tit, et e ihu ýhl Pet 3: 1-t8; i Ce 9: ca etrredreterrfpce rrr nr.-f TIný et Esei Iet tPeter Cetnfeite te oer the dent et tirai hitgdnrh ___________________________ it 1t. 11-1if hie tenchire, and Chast CnJet mn7. la. DIED Jesesad iibren ceacteg le erleale Wr teeetFrr naine the hepa InAt __________________________ Lcke t:1 t2-3). Thetire irai terne 2. operlett tire diet te tht Centna SOt-nrN Sdntiriei e ai tiern le tte tue daicepes et tus appreeeh- je Acta Ct tIrette the dent te the leOeeNeh ne r Ttisite eecmt-e lac rienthhCcnpentitCtCche 21er, 1941, rý,riffn echirete Chie sed tees Cher, treustir bea TeH. Ththejt Cuteeck, a t14-1 craire e , Trafalgat Tos brenee te e distinct nepetheneten et Cf. lI rrs, errt te IFe ilti p tues Oeit. te te Pet te tiret the, Thie eshottin Ct esp,,teei la e IrcDeecice, lrjedirirsýIrr à1qestinO et r.1ea Wrni rn thlak ltrme le tire precedite nere nhtrh i i,- ce nuti,rse ein fi t Christ r an eli-irepeetet trotter, teinte te tire cetntn ni the 0cry rn-e , tete"cd nil ti. tirC qcrýtiee (ifCierC nv 12C. Cens rien aceeina nssrt t tierej s* tiespiner itl h , ene re nette "btt TE, TI r tht etitirnete et .11 hietetp Ct la 2ia, jehem cecri inet ireiînr 1- l tI oeimnnWelvawy nte illliiejnrlrj jeprpeteet foi' cch et an, nhenine eftisereaihiitrOertLrdniietr j mi)rdilv florntiiel CriJ'sus terIir eeeth geeie (J- 1C:r et te> ENe :ene'PS Alnet ci i i l,, M fiera te pet theu ceesitier aheet hesr thelt we ChieS anC (MC ta- 14i- 1 ldponiat i i ucr e-ei IriCAnt rin a coesijon rith thc rnnth. iCit Wr rehe.trd ne 7ise ,etihiy r- 3irr-19rd1,ii 11.mjercio9g~ tee et* neiecn edteedn i lse. ihni j(i-'iIee Petetettnnre fetthe coti n y sifis cnac Slere tehb toncerin icuia__ nnl 1C renw no nicket en sec the hien eithoet cent, hlirneecce te.14) il, MEMOitRAMs t rn rth th n thle test, lait rtcrer te pet Spirtel tend mrnele petity esln joi ut cets et ictin icf. Cee 2Cr 7). te nitr rire Ced Citant. 5- S; ttth IIAMhStIU iC esý nim. e,,>,, i r eden,. Tieu crt rhe Christ, tire tee et thte- tri, e4 r 15.fprrte neerd dume Ce the ese- tereetuel I. eeherIi Crise crri- rird Petert Tisre n- leeeong ttereree o neLrd" te. e5 ias iii- cegn '9i, j5 ecec iaIire te mde heteet UJne Tire 5cr pIerre ceettirIis ere tf ifrhetl, rthic goehrfric n, le 1: Snte Ci- a3- ct, Cnet 6:69A. seeir et tiret, and hp rejet ani III e- al îe faig Ii r-a c,% r, usV, d RPVr) th e fcerrtenleen ce htietheout thri-iresttrrtie ttnCv.16 Berc t e eeriec.tîrcrIrircaerie_ I jb_- ri ter, re iir tIc teoc en% mrede ie. rnith dcrccep- Tire presctie sf IbCie daner teolis for li--ce. L i tricetO t irpert Tire coesesiontrire Catjint te ertit stenditat Uit irre le pin r-ai - ete herica c ,r cael ci-si ire tl LIe bel - -de ftrhetmetprite IV. Feiccthre FturenatSoese Wearce Li trrece felesc a i.,.petacp( n Cee : 15; 5: t. 5i C t Ced, 1-3. CI',ýreI lieticIileeanMthet. cenfuirrtherdatntaltrerheofthe "Sent noCf There arr enrer- i-rer cnuithec enc ai [Cesper epea ece hereirin t ICa tJnfu neede. Oid ne top te eleth uhrne ead Ci mineth 2e a: t ir daint la tire nliptete lit ttnict, tirerenr iretd tnt ourlip Ceen an- Dagher e1 .7oC.1:2) h jo et erpeehnhte. 5r art tefleri et. Christ Ceeterjer erer, CC-20e Cedrx chliîr h erue ne renttp are iStlta <CF TIIrXNKS amr'u ner rlinrer neth PrieraI con- cch. Trie Word et Ced c-a tade e,,itcnre et tht, entr1i tij srtiletlt tesh, and nire tee have fondtae js tiei) rei nir Curie Iicie4hnr ire tntr tede (Malt. Ct- 2, 5Cr.1e heve heeririh hvfi tt i tht iner i rde fin tir ichi >ced Cýinrî esc ns f -poenjtrirrdcfiee c Tie conession meade et-at Simn, etiyo ilesSones Threhes cteetr' I i irerci,ct soecofCereh, Prtres a r ee re et etceetnru lhtnnh tir Me 1,ed Mn- s iPCeeltc edn ciCrsrir Peter m.d hrd CiN r l nec e th,- Hur Srrt5r e 3 eîarkt aee itr )eo.%, er-aciraih rttiereric tIl.h Nee heerre retcetcCoidpi2te r leofH ieerirc th;jr- urin en e--_ýbr ni ,%cl ýfp.N n a oal (r aue( e.1 l Iccent fi ~ e-n aire heee- Tiern ce,,i tire nt iCe . se : a Ictfl, h M"tl iicretlck,.edeejtns i 14:12,.ieeBtCe'.dtrrtnlinteas tniieed iickeehercdrintherdit- c 1fCnc, ý e ite el f e dieur enlia ajid lie Conti rc (Prerni - iierîrd hililei ecten C t lhie' irenienrd andi ftee lft an tiih mande timn n Petetielliteperei te Acesît ne rciasjeg. irtk oni boi tacir erireds r e teni ir hecr ren ed reninbinn tirnd diceirrstsed >snic % cirs ila rise iet and lierfo rr mesage re cirfe -IBrevilies - Oc St.zf iria cli rril eIiil j9C5. jirn-rieic -i da>, r .1i errer de Stetentceîeirrrrdtre cd u ce r ed I fil nt ien hine rIrle ,,eFeiiCi rttet dui 11 rî fint il iii loni-i olc i , Ii j l em i ri-i î I ii g erre, os ilî -sCi iiir-tciile-idjîeet rien fltIrel P er toesae Ontd> te irer ,ir ,e Cire irece tI-fi ilne etviia eTIlC i ae In nid rd oee ..+ ...... *++ ........ ............cêa,........seee+...... Tf) THE ELECTORS 0F TEAFALG;AR TOWNSHIP + Your Vote ai Iinflnenee jý *for lt(> Re-elee-(tioji of Ee EF. FORD t .%S (:oINCcILLoRt : lae jeett.d cftcrýu trc etrettth e ire hc fternsahdrrt :b fer rthe pt-t tete yente. .* ........ ...+.++++++++++e++.. e.......nIl .....t TIRES! TIRES!1 TIRES! Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us if e htsc iristeiled Nec and Medern Velctreîng Eqetp- mlentrC fe n îg All Sites of PasstgertandlTrckles. I-AtTORI TRAINED PERSONNEL fit. WORI{ (WARANTEEO iohns-ns' Garage lPHONE 174W zt-i( Soiviù d fi) PERCY MERRY Foi Pt!BLI(. SCHOOL [rRU)TEt,IF TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP AREA NOTICE 1<) il C i, u ol tihe Tow of M hlon Whreas hy-lae 111 niteCrorto fth ono Mtilton presides fat- the rernva ofalso n c rnth -iden-alks as salon as pnossthle fntlnwtng a stnrrn, and rahereas hy-lar 11i aise proltihîts the depeaiting et ashea etc. an anp atreet aitin the Corporatien, notice is heeh giren Chat in- fractins et neglect ef cemptiance wieh Chie hy-taw shahl mnt- Che penalties Charrie prnaîded. F. MeNIVEN. Chief af Palie 01CR & DICE W. 91 DICn, et. (Coutl Ceen Attertep) KENNETH Y. UlUla, B.A. aerrre, tSotlieitrs Cncrt tiea Milton Talepiiie i T. A. HUTCHINSON Barriatte, Settettet, Itc tanne Net Oce Cirarnpion Offie Mea Street-Mjlton Tetephere M4 GEORGE E. ELLIOT Batetatet, Satticttat, Ntae Pubtia Office-ta Farmrnra auilding, Maia teet, Miltn Teleplenne Ct DR. G. A. RING DENTAL SUiRGEON tafile tel Reyai Beuildin, Mitn tenta -e,5 Erreinea ire Appontneaa X-Rnp teteice Telephane t9l DR. F. EL BARCOCK DENTAL SUIREON Offte neer Pt-jeresa Theate Nicha Aeeontrnenit aa Ce arrangea Ci-lte terrine-tat Estraction llnurs e to 5 Telephene 65w NEILSEN- The Cleirapracto Detateats Th ata ad Ae t t eantr Cjesed Onter onon Stere, Gieorgeton Phoer Be-t TRAVELLERS' GUIDE iCANAIiIAN PACIFIC CAIL5CAP Celten Ceait 3 Cilsae dede; 2.15 e-i y;i e-4t pnet, dade- rarept -~ - - - - Cett Wrat-9.22 et, dnrtp tilagi: COUNTY 0F HALTON ta ept dcliih fI2,Cet, e) t irel i NdeItce 1944 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDER -1944 g;n Es e!1cewsroý 5P . r~~ ~ - - --r i.5 P nM.nii Il i M.d- -AAD NATIONAL RACLWAY a~ai rt -- 8.0 .-CASA t. eîre tee uirtti El, 4iti , C rrn .tir, e . e, j- E . he it, j ______________________ P - S. A. FAY jr , ni artne i2j05.-r- c1,ai ee 6i I, r hl Pint CttIý"IY tI ,.I" Bt tedr W. t. I)ICR, Miltan, -CerCo nthrie Pete PLUMBING - - , HEATINO tnd lIN InNITHING Maie St. Ladies t pleane da yeetr travelling hetwean 9 aln and 4 p.m. te aveid runh heure whea wer woerr have te he earried. [cave childea at berne ta mata meent fer eseential travellera. Avnid Friday, Sataarday and week-end travel. De evcrythrng yen tan toesae war-turne travel con- geatien and aveîd meeonventence and dtaeemifert. Miltonr Ont. HAIRDRESSING l terrît hIe-lis ELLITT IdEAUTY SHOF Mhiton Ilospital 7,00 prn teI83t rLn. i(Ne Cilrlie carier t2f RAIES IN AICVANCE eroteprelire - $c.5o Prisat - - - - $e.0n PHIONE 216 MCiLIiaeN Business Directory DLi C. K. 1, ENSONt Pl i t27ami CSIC CeRn Otfice tiena li3Clt cci; t-3l 7-9 prn. Ceener, 0F.R. atîd CecI Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER Phytetat tand Surgeoa Offte-Carnet trea Pine Ne, 3i Otfie tinarel 9 a-; 1 -l, C-t.3e pe. Coroer- M.Dli, Pi.~ I Winterize With GUIQC INSULATION Il nter be LX .ae hs=-a mrh at OUT. Sategnatd helCh et s e Cnet. Eaay te N PROMItC PERSONAL SERVICE THE MILTON LUMBER & COAL CO. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th 1944 VO TE TO RE-ELECT George Currie FOR COL NCILLOR FOR THE TOWNSHIP 0F RSQUESING FOR îlO5 Serrîcee fminte e a the Pasi