1URDAZ, NOVEMBER 2&rd, 19" THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PACE fl!RE jOf lnter-e§t [o \V m n T ltslOî LEVT ALN tu,~~ng tqIngituti Itutihit I~wa remisonsitt vtrt, th. or-tu it mayhbt sphttdhby allowthglit te tanhd lUlA tag 1hartt u rogîu , i l tht îttttirbig pttih d. SUGhhontitihi,itand phir etra iuhuttt- 2. Cht'tt tray ttth htihtttserv- Fhurt-tiftti h the thght' Chithuf. tihi in thetntional itrttttt' dt-ý I .-0 trrt tr t ttt. Avotd tttttltg thr o su mesttut hat tt ht ipt'td. OftheilaFti K. W. Tayhtt, WP'thB ud mont, thngt ht' tu lurgt porttthns. uugr-tuputin gurd thtouflhe wutidiCo'h'îtitthth , fit hn mdItutt h the! Whntht ntut of till dish ptt',itî Java tttd the Philtpinttt ate tn the; tailthh Adhtttitiug atd hales Clubh Q t l it e TIIEM I INGDO l ttti prightfphtity. Rico. ,Ahttthi, TtititthtthnddthetFiji 'Afttt th' latt tut' p'ittt ttnd the' &yvANNEIAfIAM dtitks htfhtttttt'îtg tttr ttttttittg abth tttge utf uthtu. t thel18 mttthî lter'h e Armisutice *v.N.îI...l and te tthtttt Aiwyusttatîsep- tt theu d ii tthltuiuihuuofttht Httth, Hhtttththttî tttts for tht rtt tpthtt for tatîtg. wutt itîttt, thd tr uitttc lptt it pt SL A D bott urttett i ttu thought ftr tht Whtt tittttd fotdt art tt ht gît- MEET WE PRISN CAMP ufte uniii, t1920, uttt ihtt tuh moret dît. Wtth the shotîgt tf nturstes tnthtt ret'ttu'thttt tttd tttttthtl i antd cthtutthht,"taidtMr.Tay- and httpta t o s ttt ititu' es h tth th rioth ettttd tor ttedtcttt lt th' Litt fttr Etdtt hltttî, a thtthht ' or tttttt rt alttî, tttght htr treattd et associatiot tt bdtttt ttth ht utittt tf the ttC.A.F, th' in h ptlthtt-1 Mr. Taytutr tuplitd thtt th tutu htintt Thit1, ot courst, uttI dtu'tld ttugh he dttty tthtt ltttt tpptt- ht-wu ta itu t rottitu, h'tt tthtt the ghtttmtii'i pulitu tu rtfih the K atht tdtttt tt yuh dottt. Harmt tit tht patiett s hî. Ful tttut atid t tht htîghtt t ttu' uttht hgh. At rc thu ttuhttinu huhtttatll tu' prî' T E tiitlg t tt~ jh îtîtatu'gthtttt th utitht la o itth hf the top htthu httuh ut.t u ih-tttrdt tht thth utit] the luimmieut uhîtth tht tfouittth Rttîtttu', rrn ttttditg t tht îttht'tht. Tht trty th, Etdtt7 Ht thhhtd hpti th e rh.H Thututr thid, "Yht cht rtionh hu' thrtn hud u'ttttht that dthîttte tt tttii'td ttuttdittu htttt tttitg. t fttthh' ttttuht tt the thth Ottawaunttuht'tttd. Thtt gounds uu shoth I'NIJIA W L O E F IA.L I e trtthtttttthttdhtttcaritdthout wt Car'tthutdhbetkhttththtt ttth t't'uhhthhu'Boy htco ut ait Brtani, suuitutil'utttithutut anhtd otttuthut ttîtttttptttttudi'it htt'htttttttuhuut. ttidettttthshdtt't8fhtttht cut- u'thth1 thh uuurswlbthe gods. Theu, thtt'ttttse tht pthhlttu if 6. Th tott atptit hhthtdh nathrofttTh pthi . ' ttt thtuuiuthhtttithand indtttu httpihg tin, convhtttttnt tin a tut- hlis htpthlhttthtth ________________ th t hutuf i ut d t douîtg nOtth tt ese tenedfrmeof ind I'sea n- 7. hStrt the ftod tuppttes ttt thtt- SNPI 0F PROPOSED RY-LAWj Thtu yu'i ge u tioiuhg tuthtt hu' quet huhththuhthtttd. t dttthttbuttinttttsethttuttt-N. 793 0F TUlE CORPORATION ttituutt'uthtuthîu Chitdtttu ar su tîhtu' u htt thtu'r htyi cotiesi0 l lcpee-NiF THE TOWSN 0lF MM-ION FIutpiîuuthtbthtuht.T t tt'tt, tht u ittuhut ttutimpo htib tu thtu tht ef ttttt ttthu The ttitigtt- AND lea pisinteb ckmr t.T s httt thttt happini at Flit ktd, es-nie ut t'ui1ihttd thutd fig httt S utai u atMout utttut' and hiuhtu S ,utuouslyu ttttt. Notice to the Eleetor' uttuhuiettu uty oftiiu utundt:' tttihttu uthtt uhîu are tu tht reud 8.Aldseoruesl sdith"Frhs kn cgcd ic ac uîutthuutlinthutuuuu'uttttatd Etht' il u't' tth htu utu i reo l 01 nnut. ahIfn - uuukuiuttutth itt lu u hhuul teCutp.flt hu uien 'uuuuoniatiu-inot o thev tuutde t'u utifh liugh'utu. tntt shitutit thtFuitfuf iuti l'u1Ihtuulohu httlfu-uiubuh fic puuitue, hneciosdiele, iuuuiuiuît3000.0 orth fr otofimtaut uu Iet itMdteficettuutai. o liardu'tutu'hu"îiuuhihuu te i4hthutttîuhfhhitin hthîtqu frts fw t cn-hîg u ytn TR EW R tc d ftuudit hiuh trtti- i. hhuhuu luthal uuu) oftt utin tod hrsraeaduttiriag.nad -tilt o e[)oi u etn o orfo 1T owndu'uh MtoniuuŽuuhudigu hthuuliuuhuu t'tu uti tu u u utt'di gt htNsttttu t htthth wu lait' ut aiuhuh utd, fht Cut'iuuut botut.i uu hnu ut'uyGerg H T Cuutuuiv i uatiuuu'uuuutu uundutufh uutt'g Wemthtte u'uu ut' itt nduliuuhuuuuuuu'ttuu t'iuu'u uiutuuiu uuust uuduut "ys toy T ES GG SIN B X ,,,n tu ittt Ifut otttuu 'psuttthtuthe ntutyhttueruitttthtt tht tttdu m tes. h u dtuu u'urta uhu btttttt tht t uudut tu uitiuttu hil'htut $3,000 ah ut m n.t bsns ndt h n vanhuit andtdt utt e tut din inttt îtthd itU ttiethinetuttthltttthtthuht u tîu uu tt utt-F1ttif uu'ttu itih'tthhr vituuhtiuît uthh-uhutuh tM tt tut Thsce t u' tuu httt. ~itut. mathu.ttttuonhtht uu-nuot'tttttutuit uuuudngexetasdiu tt t ftoo ull, unwoiuht utA ttbtttutttt t' tht"u tt u ptttu i u oudbetu tut' ht ff' tuttu' u t ut I l ttu h' tt. 'h tuiîW tAtutEuto utîu"uuu uhu t qhttthutthh',hhhtt Muis.tttfhttt S.utltuM.dtttttuiuhluthuttttuttt" huot ttuttuthurolltuuuhuutfuhhththhtut.tttn rAdu tut ptits u e tut'htu thttut ut ro tu. l paper_ __ ontthe rehktat 'utuhttiht'phayabluuut ttouubttî'ttuioutuuuiutlu'u ththetakofNv ont 1itttdittttu httdutm intkît uîbtttiuuitutA vtantt' uuuttituthbthu' P'uth'ehluuTaylor.ulibh tderoik lug.g thtc. huju t"uut hoe ttu', athu AM EthT Ns CPiy Cupnt huttlud uta huîhes tu ut uttttttit u uutAtuu dtuhhhtt'ttththtt"tt ýIe ' 'lte luhoduittuttthuo tsdd laxa httau f,.u'i,uf Auuotut uuudthuitttiutthi'olu.ui..tuitttiu tuube gait 1947a tiitihih .01107ragetthnso a-etsho B o sa emd pybei '2.uist iple uu't' t bu't tututu f the ua kt u'orutuhuuiut tttum nfi hit'tt ofu filtu r ti t f a 'u ohlhon- fri'n eeals ieshr sad thta tin uuupttti dtttutit tvvity î.îtiuuîute tetdte i103 'uc huuhdit I It' uty uithuuug th legt tu Att We tt fi foreuhutt t bt i c h ot i:, I ca f t"ui r ofiu ice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 luiam uuhu iui 67ul haeon.littot nea ekth ete h fr oi o hsedrsrahfi tvoutr.ThRoaWetArci one F ce Id nwnhbs q u ua t u t htl t"a ituut dau' tuh ui utut tuff tatnt sentd uuinuiu a n tu iirve 1i35 Ini om rssttuioto teftts ndm s i tto dutrut aus,'u tiftt t luuuu tuch t sutert tY..t thtt Cutotu itlu inui 01h00 i 2. li t ai str, Sire ,ety ug W s fias tand ad eliic( o l e tuuîhtd~s itounte inuutb uubeul "A" htttu'lt Cuuudi.tie ouf moder htththt'itt hu'the intesiv 'lOtin i6 2h10a hi -in______ Pautdo fiduru ub u u hs tga u fitas'uîuut utl ttud Ftd Cu t- t h e uait o po ut aw 6611 h idER T 2111193-Coperss mtosofbs n unl afreesr lnttceAfrvi o ph Otu Puhdtriaiiuîb"tti htt1u iubes fu.tb1 utul no weet-tn buvM 1902 1,507 the0 MiitihchideEstiihi nwtere fwr ntui alu ohutiubtnd tles ubrhiuntibt'd liuutuuueuuttotugtîtM r.ih .i17.9ctutAf- iluhaul~~~~~~- otuhuti huit ind flict uttu' uoufgto utrc thttin utit hhh' uti ut eaotS7u uth too au e.. 1947b 09g9 i.1S oui li 1,97' utre il"te t.i th s'f1iitr lo e fn r Thhtet' îuuh lu ut~uuipot uu t u et" I1411 .ttilii 97t1.4 2,u1 S't okm lh. nm lin hne at-akril fIda veIo r S.ft ~ ~ th Iulutl iil buuriuououuouufuututh2t1uuoduftraned dthuuouu C.1.112713 915 ,1081 tîut. For soittîu diei usi iluut .2u tt 1i u1i g nS tV D t i iuitt t httul d u oh t f lui tto i u ui lutttttt Isi n!ti1952 1,1'uii4,i03t tuuuu'uu liiitil pencer]vgg, (stads ai iliimpe uCnad.hs ficoblhuuhuthhuptiuidtdi1953 '1u249.67uh7u11uiîu 8i3 yokv puutut instituu'ttuu htuu u gr itoIuuul>iiittuutht tof 'ttt h'l'radetttuttt itanhduiu iSIfil-t 195 1,9rý711 1 ,, sot so1, k n ab b kd -lutltvif te t s ituliut consg ner] 'u iti' 'u'uu îu u ulî' 83lu fi.h. ail toke fruit ti' ouv itu I 'l'il .ut ut l'utte States or in 'utt_ i li I Afru its poîuttîuou t it'- u l r'i t u urtis Emire. Pru'ilt it9iiiiiiuu 1 tti l 7 u 772 t10i' A full ' ttu'uuuu uit, uu, Il oetri t ui alou utu titti, hiuo t lu ho l'ttul luuit uitreben 16- t.391 27i 3 t ltî t' ,t 1 I 83$ vroe xetIil rid fonds it tutti, (li fou tutti luipmltiiii tAsut' itittfo09hi ic puddigs utd tutu iit are 'tiitt,- u 't ýd I,,l. g ultfu ta iy h a va l l uio ouiý 0:19 îlo 71 uî,:18 37tici iui li u'tuuutu t , i ui tut uoe et ofu" tt Makt fondttu of' th $:i l li t'li) i" t t ai (510h futuN, tu th iuo ult rou - uiu t ho t niuo utd Sttes polits' huit $1.u66 793ns utlî"uiti'lu ris t u'tttg '( tt n o ' ,î , pt uiu h aisu uTht ,n,,,,iii "u lh t et it. on tutu'ý uota tI hi nnuel paym tu tf c m 1ou iih 't', 194 ium iti uul u Il' R. uX.F.~~~ ~~~~ Aîbuaîete i andV'ouîîdc ft asî Fi-usce gIu utu ulIlOufI, a'o8k s1b.' Aallgiopt' ip uho u' ttot tt t ult tii' ,'*tlt,. ...h a.'tu2. htrctv vutiitlî.ilbl hi oll.bor v uy > uu hir iý ha p , thtCo itth uit ltl i u o ii Ahi cahii litul la11 iiis, îuîitot' tu ttbt 'vr tod 9y tir tit upel'ittIIudt .-Il ~ ~ ~ ~ li Ilut itutouii ut pu tu igi sfo ;ý n ad h e T ,al h ", .ul'i fonds ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ' Iltî large oftt tuFa 'lutul Idttn cf-tfi*,,oýdalIl tiut i hui toi l hi u'n; !' o ui ut tulu hon thtoug fifituitiuil uiil il t h ttiiu htltiit ot11~î 101 AI]u food hoffl tute %Vuhi ti'ui tou utni tcute et u ut tuotOt i ui utiu t_î 'Pt'- tub lit tutt~" Irihiil t uh t u u ilt ut o u u ' t i d huol 101, btuc, it.,Ii, Mioneraiut Xtuigtait,.iidulubtiututth' .'s oui' Id 'tut dtiti uthibooiotttouul itou 'toisen fi, Itufti'ttii id ti1uuahfot (iiuinginuit ItuuiuttlhMg tîtui- uuut hi vl toitt i" -uk ifcot hplues plii Ao uun boit 1, ubtoii, t'oit o lt u tli 'ulitto L. ,,ý, up lul, ptatieth'. outI utc ihu hne lc l T K f heititb WAA.Mt fltuiti uî d iipt tttt duct "ontttbdu utll h th ttttu f t'tht t hto lui 'an". tI t, u tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi antdt ttgdtu I3AT m ttMtu i thi hhu u tt uu Nu 941>t' tt d I, Iý,ov R urjgOiiesapon- o hd Ptt.A t.F tt. g A tmtudldntce t httdt ttu t t ( frothituFrntet ut; ttr shAME .v hLAtN1 ghngculddgii ,, .tuttt Bttt tot Iluupu at tut Attitt tutc Nttottttdu .1 .Ctttbl o - b.srM teOfc rcu b habis...l l'