THUFISOAY, OCTrOBER 11h, 1944 THE CANAIDIAN CHAMPION PC IE Ig.9 ALT :LON T~hU~b ReeordCrodo Ciiizens of MiIton&Dstrictj L TI TYf Y KNOX PRESBYTERIAN <(3C30t<33 SA LE' o, Mi, 1 i."I fft, ... a.CHURCH iai1g,(' -dint C rib t 1 LEoo Bob 1. Cotott.Ttîi3tt TuE E<E3WN HALE, NuE ManM, Won 3rc fOk- SUNDÂT, OCTOBEN 839 ittg, 2 33. ON 11..IL00 otrt -A Upial Tit3kEgitEg G 3a.331U, H. 9333k, Evcr- TE ESEIA EXENENO Yorkshires and Hoisteins MI sit- UOM3<RomEAIOttEA¾UUt Br tevr.ton, 3 2 2. At EUE0 333 ligtton 700 p.m. M33133E1 Serv3 ic o nite 21 .13:v, 2.14. Ai titisE meting too 3334 like Mr3. and Mos t anley1 HEUl f Ut So ntsit t alc ot Ciero utorlO Ktioti BtOO a bock agoti adtittt a 3lagOettrdne o th itit0 t- ornb. a ommitcein a'rant .il upprt aOctber18 1944 Mr adMr. ontambllo Etit p, tte Ail SecittE, eseial te e n n39E *003t3îi31 of it o I l dtt 330 Il ota Ctitigetttii Th itoO<oA<Otiili tret ttiE3dy,'h tchar3ittrave for ite th itvitoyLatai bI AT 1.00 p.rn. Gotoittit hi, Et 2.45 p.. <a tir Tito jig i ngs <33 d E 033331 aEO, 1333003 inttO oi ri3 Mr. Utid Mrt HiuEhes CitEtitt oi S,-h31 Rootit 1 BTh i toit BEand toill tit Fi« ftern n Th Tio ltyo t ! il CUi OtgUtt3oELs B33lintgtEEd. 033 EitotttOt tE tite S otl thc sp3t3 fi14 ttith eties UEd tite W. M. BICKLE ,, Coooio Faim, Ospo<ogo. Higittity No. 24. ti33 ile o00rth Mr. tiot M-t W-t.Oihtntf OEk- R.Oottit4 P... 3tointg ofitogsttanditOtp ilodOtO CD. MoCREAOT e i r OUtfGCuoiph.05mile eto r 8300F< lttlotîh ofAto ville Etîtttltit titi FEir. Utttiti Moratine. Cot. 15 YoU3E tttthii to in. Tite t-tiott haot I Mr Etid MoE 9Robert Ellitt oft VEE- WinchE T9ttU3t 03p,3 c331 rE 3ttie313t -go03 Bred and Open SEEEE, G ilaErE and cue evstigE l. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH roundt UEO sw1igs, getis3, h<ogt, itiodl CLEARENO Fetedersi. Holstein3 BullE from R.O.. Rag MiEt, Dottithi Clark of Totot Rnd drA KR ink, 433 n tit itis 33313 3333 ati UE AuCTION SALE Apple DERO., attoeedîted and vEciatEEl3 p t he 1 weetuk-entd Et littt ter hom 3fir. tipttgftI tt Eh titE 3idtititt t Utit Also a nua3itr tif LincoIln Rani Iambs. Mr. EtiO 943. EEoi Wttditoh, tif FARM STOCK, GRAIN, IMPI.E- 3tttti<1tdiittt ott e tO- 1310 a a333 erE T3.Eit3--OE. 41h - 333 933ow MENTU. ETCý NAIE.GNALdi tw frte e T bl ys.Tn t3EtEtittti3303<t 30le iti1 A. F. CURRIE, R. R. No. 1, Guelpht KARL, H. MOORE, Ortton NAINLTHANKSGIVEING Th RhtiU BEh w waiot tlotttotit 1latin 44SUNDÂTe o M3E. MoLe3o Et Tontiot spet the "Plaise thet Ltird, O tP Eauf, and course E gEthtoIEg plae3 f33 tittotr EE)WARD HAIU'éftl h GEORGE C. HURT & SONS, Hiltarg weetk-end Et the itho tif Mr. a34 la3. f3331 tt IL1a hts 9333911s"- Pt 103:2. lotO habEi ati f andEE gtEEdEttiEhter ti self hy F30113 Auto. Et s< 10 .tin fti, Ltt 9, ConsiEont3 7, Tttn itiot SEEkEO. 13.t.. uUE4y Scoot. laEd the tdtitoitg reltivesii. Th3o 1e 3E333Ee CATALOGUES ON HEQUEST 11300 E Et M33Eitg P3aE33 EEd 033- 31333 13313313-333 habE nitis 31013 33f3 NTl9SDAey. OCnFOBERclItA olttitg 33h t 3303td3133 7.00 p.tttEotttîEg End 13e3133 itg the ttt3333 tn the flo .lttt Stultit Tto. hr MitnFi.TueEfEy, 1019< E Y. P. A. <t Etitt etES till ototitit phtoi I33E f P33333t. Getig. 4 yoo3s: Botot3<1393 iCNI331Ut.Hp' S. S. HEll. 33339 and the totinot OtottO mert-,31Pereonito Me, .3 33333; 1 Pt.-, .31339 Que.. it tpotitg af3313330 tn Wed33EO33 1330 2 M3 p.m. Att.ý0oottioEdE 13393 Et the RUhEttOO t 00 1CUt Pertcterai D- tttittOtthOtEpEtitttt.Branc EtiEoft tht W. A. lE pE ta Hailton. T4t Etf9~0o3Ti33t MrR.ttt 4nd 3r.Jr Z ni.1. .. 33 Joh Jones tgtitcare, gtil33 HMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM. HMMMlHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHM Cîtuhttt3.U.H311 313333333t CATFLE '2Rd 03303am Cous, gittto Adria, tif Torto, 31333 3uett cth't tt;I ot M3C3ti0oio1ht0 Adootoo N.tietotStdEy Ootb1tiht lOtO er wtoin the Btoy Sow u.tit re0301 oti .EiE; i RetO 033033 Coo.,, Chte CarEsonttthetOU3tOY 0331 Marguerite, OEgtoft Mti.t .etC3o ol C t3 tF4A RM ERS . MttltMlti hCtthEtottiEST. PAUL'S UN1TRD CUitH girllt9 OrloooLu" ,ie HERE 114 YOtT CHANCE TO PIIRCHASE Mo 3301 Mrt Matt Tlter 0333 ce- 10033131 R. C. A.F.) Kontitti, son tif Mrt aEO Mot. K3enOEE -3333t35 lare33 l3otttitotitJ. B.33t330i00 Mottoo B.A mon33 Shriohir 1333 er proilîloc PORTABLE SILOS ro o er3<30 -kilhv Jiise in433 9.0r Etitit' MiltonUt, bo hoN 6 03333 1- 1 03313 3 A tot <tg stttivction alttEthethtitt t; Bryn, ton tif 3Mu3.330En FOL - 1.3 Young <ý.333 3 o! Mtr 330 Mot. Potoo PodOtt. SUNDAY. OCTOER 310h Liiiyop, WUt330titt. 9t boy' marier POtokt: 200 933330 1tick Pullîott ,Ito M Wity wt drtop in and1 toflUEIt Es in regard o titius Eof 11= mottn3 tEtO; Mary Lou3 ad EOtith Att, <33..] 03303 hev 110 933330 PooS yen3 olO u otbe31.Tt oE33Er3'3ol o t io r o k i.oalF,3t,.03 3hh31 Et' 0t3t3 - 1031 43 SIto ti M. 334N .5 Mit W31nt Mt3u,'syt eet For exantpîe a silot 14 fil in dEameter and 16 ft. 310 3. liUhEtOt 033430 Hotit th ettis000 it WB o 700ot- high 133333 -ol -ewe 0ad4 os feslg.Tec o! Mt 330 M, Colo , Poft 31333, p3oEot 3fc 93331 ttt, otttohE 33 0 t r loty, 100 ito o babwIIiodieteu 1go 5tn t.eslg. Tt33 Mo 3 MI' 7JCUttt EU. 301331 ladyt3 Wooitt 3h.0lt Fio v94s mrtota tnd Mo fi A. PoOOto. tE Toono.3 Tojoot, 'Toti UtgO3tOfi 0333s 130 IMLMET 13oi3 C.r i.. les I t han3 $36.0 ftir lte mateiaît.M Mr0333A Mlir C. Aa Ha1Ooi 3 Mo Sottoa 0330 n H Doilt; Otto, Rack;~Wi~slgl otnlfrnps ow 1333eco t CtlItooto.til3ttt<t<3g wth Mrs. Tathoti Ciir O tt Mte hOtotdtthiIet spet Wlltîhto F103.ý,s FDise, 03<11r 8 Io t33o C. A. êtîl. 11< 0 to33 Molotoe Footo: tn i.Hne n ito bot tttEuoot 3133 313< MS 0ash Ootltilttt ill Milton naraware MtM0lt ot.MoUdo t ; tA. M. B3olt&&USonstPerey I.3313 0394300333 F3330333sden Lloiyd Clt.o Doy tfiti.<1 HN 3 son3Haro03ld 0100<M333Mr 3Al M.Brain3&Sons; A.tarkh&So; CUOl3e, OEWI3MRJ Postitolt n0<330 o l'o.. s in ,p-mPOE4- MILTONM 1.333..3i MotOo o 010030103 Mit FI. 3ll3tt33l3 & Sons; T. J.B.1 ito rd atndhEt tfretr E.44M.331333 il Aivn Il, fi ng m3tooot.' 33 3333 antOMtt CithooOMainte33 and 3 cer andt thUot 3333333333 an ditrý'" F9303333 CîLItih .Ani MHMHMHMHM HMHMHMHMHMHMH33E4E33333303MH3.".E a.tdgM,,o3 J100133<33<i Mo. O geEt33of ie ott33333o3h. 000<33car3of31 03113 Couty Ag3i j ond0.t30slo33030434hMtonEFairt 'os 9EStigE31tîtF. O. H33333;W' -~~~~ ~H eid &Sons: A. M.3EUE, iitItitioO<oOtEttiOo llîîlsteitî and jerscx DChtNBitUdt33Pokt otîtntgo3 patt o tir 3 sho 1 holb & - 0033< F313333 Ford;F. Poetltti fu rn int thE oluran of313 tiissuto Showso are Featuire 033 on t tif detit,03 AttO T RI A M R X t Miltont Fair ClaudeF. Pboket; Rom3 0tigE3333h, ONTA IOREN33R ore, n. pogey f dam1, f0m Stgt- ,Cotb30,< Fier< 1<t3 03-, 0310 J303 Soietootl, T. J. BrownE- AUCTI ON SALE F33A BOEi3AS3tiEtE.J.m 1000 MEN WANTED Aoito t3it3 FARM STOt4IREL ETT A' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 033 itotEP.I.-yi Snmrh, Ro33 0ti330'3330< 9o9. HD-SIO3.S ono Bras.; John F13031 & SonTit, Theo C3033t<3330 "cvedm 330 : ;<tott03 a tnd o tt os Sogt- Oohoooîl. W. H. Reid & 03ns3 31tuto33 train: 33<10~ ~ ~ i 53 0. 1001 F h33it 3<3ieod< E1333 9433.; 9oss PERCE R. P EAOY* W AIboot Hitittti a,"l R1i 1 a1 ot' ho:g.o. 10; F O H E e rso t3333 1 l tt y Pubitit Aoo-tin th,[., Bull2Oouot,. Chao, N. 30,03 Fo;03Pkt& Stin; Dr 01Chas.~ 03ooo< Bull.13303. JitIoiNoola3oit< N BboItoodA. M. 93300iEtSons<,3103003000<t,,E<t.<3oIttH Oltoti ~ Brunid. Coi0n «<io 3< t«tOiotl F otttt; .J33 3 2HTISA ,itii OT331it 12 033HtIS iot an appoal t THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing So3tot Boit Colf. A 15«dbt Itcotoo li T field3 o, Tir3toigOo C3<tt3ttitg tt3 On1 Doto301k tiettlo- TPlants of Ontario, which pIoceUU and Ehlp your lavestock for F. Oý Hur133. Claude F. Pic031, Potot' 3.033003; Eoqotsiig NeltonI Town-! 330: 1l<tie. RobinEon3B Roto Stio-- itpHRSES- t Blaok Hoose, 3<3<33 o1 xport, ARE SERIOUSLY SHORT 0F MEN. Every availahie Former ,Batotht. Folciionoo&hSois',T 3ý 30333, t Black Hots, I 33.c 30 3330 of Ontario 10 urged f0 off er his services for employmnent in one of ____________________ COiS -Red Coooo, ttttitotO.h. 0303<tdo St FFotot.<O& _________________ 33, 333 (ti oîf2 maoth33 the Packing Plants in 8h13 province aU 1000 as theUntaiwk 1331, 9M3 433 onth t3n11o h ami opleted. OVER 1,000 mon are reqoired b slart in fon9;4 Bo<ihoi ftt90C333,33f431tt t.tftte3133 co otit Boll a 1,,I Mooty Wal<lon & DELAVAL MILEERS Rtid Ce 2 toion03113 Eot: 3i, 30- Fotol, F, W Hailtiontw c C the noonth of September alonte. Good hounly waqes will ho paid. font330 0033 Cto , î-i'. io mh 311033 Transportation 10 the plant wl he provîded. Assistance wiIl ho h~"l <.t<.t <o $39000 Bt/t and <0<0% oooitoO33<3 c11 given in arraoginq hoard and roono. îlothe loto PC.o<&t.. Sur-doo 580 1%o mtiot J 33 Hti Wuth full tafft, the P3oSî3q Plants of Canaida have 3amp13 33pa3ty k en- 16e 3 I 6E Il Agt-O e Footer oSdlvotShtttOtEYt30tU1ttî0tof taiioep &Sot loittoonoott.h3tt ,1«ou ,11< Sht i2v O < 110 S II t-got HtdEd 33 sto no. evetthe Ctienaoia s13333 Sote 333<13fltSt Oo 3 Biot F 0' Il o310 ,; 300 ttàooto 71I htEiFfNT .,Colttk-3t cEls, I Rhol. t.oinon333 olOi <<bou ctifl tokotuTot120.0333<30l oder lieu; c0 M.<oir- tloeadtitlohSohitES lth ttcitdPats3t33t13t0te markt tt.1 3 oOhoogItoo.taen i 3ud îlo Dloolioootid Oti.oIhtt tittood and Ei l i c atit tthnt s ol thtd 310153 e Sn TOut.e aotto Th atnDiySuppît' <t r ttooo 3<tO ogtod<-Itingi h5oihocu vvin wonitmtîd areoeldoOOSPO lSit3 "<lot~CItVýt 1003 1otooI Tit Wato 'ymrP otheo M;toto lott o Ctl< Coo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~akn Illoodlottootîlt Oo 0.Mitt Ftt toUFoot v<oott. oti.taddifotal Ittdt3g coî1, titoqh tltinq 03333 1330 pOS contdtion ,Olittti,16" Iito Phttone 99 l odt<oAO<o <go Ooto a i.htiihlt ltgeh tc hthiO 03 tpy l lt _________________________________________ hoîltto lotî, 011< o Stîglt. No -AtoooSnleF itttiod< Mo, ando ttooo.oDo<to 0 ohthme d agrototpiid trutrsde upl hetn Pho lt, ý2 yoat, <t ttttth lthot Mt' PRINCESS E îiibio.Oo3 Cutteoo; T3oto Soo the plaints 13 ptteioît ltit towE ptodults and6 prtheitinq Ihoit 0333 OVtoI,<tgtit< 2Totoî .csoih John3hItto9tittth3tSttEhl02O3 1<03 lOo; Sogoottolit Cî SoOt.rti31~t T; E (odlooo. 0,0 1o Avi3331.P3itotit 3 oth ht33 03î33Et yO H &e t FEItiI Mooohd Hti1o3 , 1 Motho> Wt,t s Soto.e Do an3333d1 7 1 oi; BTge Ontario 200303 Ser viceUntEOt rce, raiin 1013130 tilototlt httplIoymt OEand Selective hhooottit"h<tlGo,ltiOto.o 1,0 ftkep PatkEqPlnts operaing ho c3933117 thtî yea33 This 63933131031 of Hthor yteoarlin, Ehton Mc. --30( WEST YOUJNG LADY" ýhoooi, Fo, oott Bai otnotih tatton i qi3hitbi hlli ttnt ILoan. Rtbinson Btas.t Albeootimite; FIIN t ,.9 Ih Ontarioo Sotto.' eaten fA rcutr elsta bs xeso 30HoroRostoSetttoth. Pery 1 edBrh Wtte EO W«oOng ndt maotho ils3 srvi3eaEthisas itt motanot3tt3.hiterttdofthe faPtt313tYofish3î 1,otsio. Johnt Ptokot & Sot,, 3303ý Ototo Lyon tardto; oodto 7'ohtti. 3 as10,1<03a ytudrtkn hene i eta apiay set Soettrl F, 0. Humr. "tOCIr abe iýbcf1.CDEIS ON PARADE" ht, 00,<, Dooiot<tI Chir, J 9oOog 1 fod f3 333 Alie6 Atmies. th petipit tif Greraît tain n oe theisttrit lt e.jno yerigWH Red Chir.,to; Btoo BootI atd Poitolo, millin isn C30E13t3e ho hb oaelh 3 iiitu 313, tlt 31 0 '03; Ross Stg.w,ttoht F0. -.. : Cp . il 31033 ttssidierto . In addition, efictietto ptrattn in t prosi3Oit< atd marktintgt I) ~ ~ ~ ~ o<i Cotta, N.tti 300shrd tiDY - TFSA f OiEsttoS is tttoestaty iE ptOletSEq the qtitatt xort mtarthh opt336 033,lot (loit 91031030 33<3 330AE T100E t h 30.ETATE- At ilo t30< <3<me roet & Son; F3 Mtegitt3tVtoti 3Et3r9 andt 10 o3e0 fto I 333133130 h o Eondion ermiers. Lawreno e;i o hn31 Picket & Son; O-to. ..t 3 Dok Powell i o tciei e roooltooitioot Oo ail- 333t lioto130 MET HE PEOPLE" footEhie f33313 hotle 33300 o'lod.. f311 petw ii oftiti, a10 30nt or t m ore iil St of qooaial t1ti3 03333nior 31fl F Pe3ett3ri3& (o<e tiN, 4 t t ' 1 pt.1 'sens; Ross333t33311<; GeoIOMCi33E' Canada h- nNo - o le hot ýiv't nd sOE hed. ; FE 03330 S09ERVItES AS 33131 A OS SIBL31E. If y..o t33331 3. ta 4 -d -1 - eot tint 3. 300. Albeort Hatr; John Pioket &! Notlt Tt.t<orO.o oio ytio htOoo bond Tit ittrt dat ,.k..ttEtE33333tnnb-yo wlb,,,i, Sot, W H. Reid&tas ilon EttMe- il wettSîoti<odand tithghottofî 33 Lotr: T39J. utoidge &Son; D. oolto<1tivakt i led otO t ChsN Btorthao0; Do. -1< . < tEIth"t *N< 14_ o ooiot lat ti1 pe do t o l ,, Blootitoot Et3enon Fordi; A. M. 330Ebe 13 and 1ot 13., a 33 333tib0 .. *nLays E AMf CdEr'V SERVIC Booit h Sanrso; Albert HuEler; A. .oTtGotit Fo331hy tE g3130 A00031<0331330e tIt 0n3a DVIPL3EYIEflI AND ~ SEEC 3 SRVC SteSk &Sotn; M0io Wa3 & Sont; -ROUBLEF BREWING'< --tgg i peitisarageet 303.0 1 Em1erson Foori Joh rlohoWtaIE; W. H. 030 tooo Bery Jr.immy Rotgers TERM- 00011 THE ONTARI FA SEVC FO I Reid & lOto: F. Peiitttteri3 A Sons. CALABOOSEIF Nt artie tab 0eottood utiHOTRItiR ERIE OC EltJunior Ititto 331f, f33133 Th331p333; Iaaoa Nes.ettlcd Eor Nooreseoot as thei otott P3RLt391Nf BUILDINGS, f330N33 E,-tEn 9433330 Emerson Ftod; Etni- PoEOtier 033, qoitBEg the Isotti hot 3s rettEiit Frtrie' CG L-eslii, ee &0t Son T.J FS ttand 033. thotoot, et 7.30 3h3 III33EO eEV3CA pp.333 33 30941303 GEC3fE 1333 Pee3rdg & Son; Emers T. od; Otheo Nlg9ts 7.45 JOHN . STEWART, Cli, MIONPVNCAC.rr. .1..LBU--GRUTRE-AOR DrittoO Chas. EN. 33 BI4 ROT HINOLET, 0333i33t3 DoCht N UI3039E; John Soher- - B Phonet 1r Eol, 9.9 3. 03339.