Ut ftaba fluîiou Volumee 85-No. 19. MtLITON, ONTARtO, THUBaCAY. OCtOBRE Oth ti944 it lott-Poîst toget -Fise Cents., Street Lights Jo PICTURES FROM TUE BIG COUNTY FAIR ATU MILTON SATJRI)XY ýMore Castialties Be Turned Hig ber 1Among Soldiers Fuel Purchased foiMlo Coauneil tus Try tai Have Ail WoI Pte. C. A. Auger Mioing F. Fnam Arefna For the Wsnter Wne. Hill, Hsened-Pte fSmuisi Llsyd MeMardsa Injsrei The oegolac mseeting a! ttc Miltons ot tTis tcc hi ogtt esore oasootttc Coaotl oas tetd as Tusaycsctt1ii ogth ito IIces ring. tonIses C. J. Rtddst, S. A.1 C, haAsrL eptd Fsy, SnBuck G. C olanad, J. W.msinor ptbe14ha'odg Htggtas, R H. Psotctsy ntece prirnt tO mottotS eotOsttOtb luth pttrtent MayeroGCee H. Dason peesitet. àfl Mayor Dasonse eepietet filat: te fn ]y lie toi oti et toit ttc att of a ppsostaoeat qth tthe builting coin- yi' res u -oeOt ot otts h oost.I- j eisaisace sn Taoronto Sot ettea hey igt r .t""ck halottenethe coeessaa on sun g able ts te pccestn. ot C. Jý ue ohrtoîtit( sn Giolon A lettee teaes ttc Art Wtce adt ouI, Vi4 da strteotti ai Tor- tCabe Co ele ttc ce eqiy e o Gott Or ti G etti gotg feescapesfth Tests Hallt, stat- oosto, o iot Rocs ieg tst a tersnaiewudb al Mttot ostgtto Mltto5 inTewn setly ts stese te building. Lfol ,ibfI,ý.ito sco The titees club ccqocstcd s refaite oi d it to, P, L. R Cssod foe te Tswn Hall as aitteir peo. Amt 1111 il ill- ot tp ta A ltter feons Bell Te!ephsae nuit- fiod the Couacil s! the claim es ctg F,01 Ottsilm so ,Il uitn made asotte Tocs espîsycos fard its jLLlt .Hill, totO -t- Litoreagl as gateegeroand fsabe wtec ,e o m aI cl'g1'- tsisgercpate ok. Ttc ocntntsts C.AtheiaepctOOestedCamon creraseeseoset al the 19t4 ttesgeeialooiprseotaivo h ettRobinsono soslcts ptoosttlgtînhît5ccý o pae o Scit ase foe toettop isforeaon.s Csoty Pal seo Sotactsy stteeesss. Uppec tels is the scelle in ftet ttc cotdfot ee the leisoscor toto PC l osîl hi- ritîpo c ci Me. tant Smit eoestdsof th tofthenbythowstte te Rbineset. Wins reseatedin 'lie teper jeft pitt os oStc olictto toises 00tsish.nl l-igintotEssiosîtotosGl awo Watcîssehe Cepseteet ta hia th rn olf argtMs Staley Rssdatl and Carol Mee- thee reringan oeeftita piioctouta sesco of oltthe ret l ttooos Atl sos buOOt i cateeesetccbe isoeeasodjpsttom ýLt getotMestErelTisbeeOoith JoaseLouis;tMs enRBatlePstIotyofHolost atoe Ceotrite lo icettesIl iscm eol ic, osle ta olt oooi fte orm. o- t lit fil..aatcithtsîsMar o uscandFdttAO Mr.JacktJons liitofth(Lttttleringes aooissofollolististeitgs too Iotr nPg otI antiai '~'et~~~~eioiîSri' Record Crowd Over 8000 ]Holstin AndJe se Shows tto Rc a olo Khing;ptst Beoit l un I jinduu Je se oei il Cmio rit, tt i , UebWil S1da Feature At Milton Fair ehir.Thl als s5L?0G indtheWt ae Attend Milton Fair Saturday winig ti oors intttformer tias HcstcttsttcheLcttotttts Rt-gi- -0 thA os e lOttiGl' stiSpo5oseAtlmtalttban. Miltontbtttltoiltofttlt Rass Segswaetlt and Maueice C.ýdIn tier tsoteani rttetord, astKg Rote Itcit wot flotest th, T. 1- nSufis 1 Roglntssoot Mil- Races and Other Featares Makte *-- - ------ r Bealy Premier Breedersa nd Ex- inelctesaollts Eas todot ritt Eototoltt ltlain th tiis Bottt. moda t giLo Rote Atatindiayia~Eet hiiae-51 ntis yHatn20.600 hos. soft itk týgctt C!tot tvnt ttPtttst os it.GDEHg tli mcAtAtent-ratE-.just \bhfi Aiiri lotie b Nttlito -ftt al-t set o sotttoo.Got-tttc hitstfCtl and Pauttrr In E- HaaesIreeders-SO0 n riit ttcssn ofttcl aa,ý1,d1rtCtl adPul HosenEtra Eltot Motce sil 0g ti sg so & Co Spca etototi. ttttoi elms Ooogeeono.tt 'ts nca vn etesI<V.gu of Jerseys ttsîoe5lic tiI.eg tw. St teilt tN ('o[o,.tOto.Ot hott ofttsttîttEstI andtsetio WoottttsA looul vntPc Mitti, DcotctpBnatd Shon;t fli etctl tb fettî toi, loi otdar, toitoiti tt votor Par t.t o XmsngNtMotstucesoa 0, ~ to'li tboltot Couty ttoisteint and, ssigSeiorseeYearlnginShi D_ in5ll tstttoegeshaltltheoieteeg dctcottettttntad osndttotio, ittltltotl ssittttt 2 Y ' .nducLstottt dtt ILtttch iBallon Is(troll Ro-stttkc.e, iantcte d- lotito Yearltsg Hicttco isicostto Aslitote titocto otso t soosoOt to tts. t h lt tst As- ... 1ttti.tciClubtanotItt tiattt Jtohi . t Jios Ct onpt Feetete;asd loavgi Betseo sco s Inri ttOostat att oo totOLI Fait Ilicoîooot A-,ti tot t, lt St s d t Ca Tlieo te Cot ieo seti, Rt- SAoerto wot. sostototl( winn uirGlo irit'itos n Grl esy m .S A. ~ loti, rstose b> gI.tt n L et 1< Io , toto tll- ttoio i S, Jta 5105AgrcltitOC tScety. octe atsangcis otticti hcaost ottes Gots-ttotiosoottelete-losB so otitsIoClubttl 01 tttt lttt Otott tott55itoit.Ctantl tlga.o ttc, ui.tstaett.g ttoes airttte 0 o n lits GetsofMosseet0c ct stigft ofibttttshtowntthtam ttootet Rtic sevitce ntosao tIllt titoto s thL CtouI adl is Coosty Faor aiMitsteP lto onc drp Cthamptiotn. Tte seie recedeolHoccsltotMio~dttnttcoîeîc th in fotosn ttoos ot tho GIocot OSos tot otio ir o .1Ilna Tit Batono Holsteie B is. innietee JuncoetoHed. af tIttso lritctos; Ctetflîo¼ick pootttto toottso Lit tt ott .ttt ttougtts ta l ot 1501 ortoit out. I t In tci two yoas std Doy Hoîtet lo toi scoos4t stt so Wt sostto Osll 1,t . ottOo *o in th, ;.a t cs Sot. Vo. î iiito Kios Sansi ottttctteitc t cdttotttoPr-oL'hollCht. Astin ot Gîeocgetown. soaettiitsetion. Boteoit Eliotteto .0 lT-t ý lo litoto l taltt titîto 10 ii 0245 ittet W. Hý Rstîtotottd hîs titol Iootto so eshihîtos. west flts tt ttc t ooAdcs tsd, Sams t," tlt- tti-,îooî tocttea Wit tt tstt octtc t ooeccs Hti setise ot 3sd: todi Foset MoRat dît. SCOUT TROUP ti lI rtto st- tlitii- tot asotctge ot iaoo stade il iteie WH et ttatoticooToReieRtss solRt t PLAN SALVAGE 'n" lits t ttSîoîttht i .ttI Wht to Reid ost ton ossît sot litrtý tTho aeo Robinsog ttcîl dtto latt in otu Mosoteos sf the thcee bceettldot oooootsoot ilGtgtoAts oPity qoîte forte a tiet otooe otito ct« ng li rt taeeîglsob cooea tios see o DRIVE FOR PAPER ha-oottîîtt oi.l sc- otoîti In tîto 5 te tormec ceact. neeteess on the Ycartieg ta Pliecee Bosasse H. FelteioaiemnteW . T, MiltonSouot Troo Cotooto- oootottctssc5ntstOliai tllOti.5 toottnOOt Lotsy tloo 1--,os .pteoei o! îodee t. M. Fcaorcc f ot ottot es ttec dectaced Rce e ioa- Hstt Speoit Jtecsecy totoSa Heccot. icote iîipanning a tsttogc totîtotîs Thc t ooto att vooctotios madett o tise noitrd Stootsîtle. it os qoite se outtti- toc Chamepion. toueeate. Ctaytee Ciok. t oc noospepece asti emagazises onîy. tîsîtty oot flto sotool thîttclieos woot seg show. Frank Pettettecîs & Sens ot Milton, boheo ooards wec as tetowt- w- eoct et one to ttc -oc oostootodmiredsseooteo Rotoal tooot etgoto0oHorn- At the epposite end ete tae oîg o t telgtes e.oCl ESYtoe pot esftoese M ornthettt ter l -ot lies Btgado stt t 5otsstottt i t cdo Htton, teoset Bceedeco tcooght ot m0 Aetstef Pîctie Bcootc, and tosse Boit, t yeace ood avc, Arthor Eý coosîettee oed boys oti tie scoerd, Ootlttttttee osoteIL tn tttý tiU 0.0illooon ht o t. 1e tttos to ai yTopo fHrb nacaso 7Padhoc0O ecatdnR.Oceaham. ot ~~~ totte the ostitit ofthestoious oa) .lot.îlit toeto, of Met, t3 8etr teaetes, 5ett~ an Ttecsatocti soleso iiaec! thetos hoto, tsooofosotstieWosoeInttetopitionotfRottilt Osetd Wecesn s! Braempton, and Joetor Heîtee Celtes tond te siete Boit t oeec. Mauo cte Besso, W. tJe. sgsetestctc eot Ait t ttcn det ote Hetomen Itcbe Jst Bceassec. Beceetr ot te Craet- tc Wssdgtee Rito toccete. Atexaner. pecsansa te thee toeat o! Ml sh hoeCut o aln dsan Jersey Cattie Clbdot os an Chas. Aostinanse J. L. Neetaeds & Boit Catt onee t ceso. Fesehecessae hose papieca aed meagazieos asattehie socet,,.os ther ec olonstia ecit -1: ttt tttOltt il, . iteeeted spetattor theoshoot tte Soe hoat the wltea te the Open Pro- Bas., Gecaît R. Grahaem, Ecctes Mo- pleasle teeteee Bell Br Se vie IfflcotottoIo l, lI"lgtw tet ste qosgtty was oîstgtttag. eso of Cees Close, oa the pcofiee gf Cc GecettRB Geraam, Maueo îio.Se.STRA EENO îst. îs gsotiOtOt e, the Holstein sthow, E. Segswtc Leoo Jeestet Hacesg. Beesy GeotBtoSe. sea.____ &Sot et Fceesaa sas bott pcemitec At clmagal nsMilton tri p seso-Eta .1. Alexandec, W. J. Aiea- te otic Fot oii t. i o lo Osto, Mt etîts n ce pcemer heedeo tNem- standing tentoce s! the atie Ha!- anter. HEAEMOR &l co* oh ststot tct tt eotoo bee mn hi is e h etsti h a h xit tgdb ot.t4yearsadseeslkegOer- IOIMITED)CELEBRATE-S optsfi, Mi. i A Carollt, Super- Joh Mitot 1iils 01 E Matio- iso oed casti Championt os theto 3 ste Boys ssd Giels' Cel! Clot, etiot att B. Gcrahao, Festtecstssc Bcas., toh A NV RS R so i., .t o tt oir, 000 Eht n et ns atsî tii e soohiii I.i teC e Yeneeoldlent sie. Arc SairGcsîîethi Oyeec trotoat outg18enstcies The Arthou-E. casstoey.MaurceocCiBaaietD.u stt doy o Si. B cooigh Pnset; fiot Peltio itht lin Ttoespssseo J1 Alexander. n ude er g -1 'ý lLreSosBn ln c Gels ofdleecoe oHeco Metedes. FordttthsndtiohnW. Pîotet t. stabecBtot. AethurcE.POttO. Maur- tusineestinHamlontt Ontario,5 ts silos tootcî s-st si races o. -tW l otsooteoseootttsleaoe 1. feileosstssaoeli fttotssofothi OC dBeoo.ectdOsts-n ois veufoccrtesctesotr ofotoiott ottogi losoOtsOt ROSh ttholoioo o whoct alw Jonforfeatee otte5itCoto tes totecoR.craamM'.tI Ctc îîsoosîîcoto Chhu,,tnBdtttttttt 01t itst oIl hittt dsao , s st pe ges s! Psp s R ot f J lu Shoss Lgî sce o li Dot -t t J l s s ioot s M o l c . w j t n e ti S Tee o so n m gît d an Itto t s o o t i tl si LIt lt. [ o . o o k ot o i * tttois ttet InossCmcrcpea ttsootoye: etoocittocto tu o aieo.îMtAlîc AhaoPocy eotJocetLits a,, i too.t tt1tOtoo , csý1o li Ttc sin breeder tente the porae'et o u ogtt o0u t tfesti otite Maoeri- Pottty. Maorice C. Besti.. Gecîlî it. 1cotendne Tteh oie Clttin 1 RtAt Fs, li to].oeietceeteo. Geeold Grahtms1 HcieSi e arSso lingoeMaurceCd ttosesssetsOOtt bot lit.wc ty a.iît tts0o ,DC' Cs. N. Btse.dofetsttcst.o Fcottcstsse Bote., set Aethor Psti Bet.FehcetoCe BootyAtehMo t_ so oýtvr he tse of Slos, Voa Ica- ot i.î 0010.tlttt sonsttet2oess Bot Ros t oc1. teee sttesg osseestnstdhie. Mainsdot.Ato c tsinoo i ces.ittt. itoii 21 M vaos totîsos.o C,", toto liott Pottooty ho the Sesot PDtILssFt iegt C Gi-hcootetottltOtot-01. 0GItlool Rt toiiscdtiescco Seî.iatsto0 Chamionsandtoesedte Cmiontt ttst.tcsottudC. GrahmonetavCstie n oActive csi-e ovoh50tt'dio...tt..itt ttcostdootpistlhot Weiltoos Viseot t vtiso to Itto coiîtt , altindisî th, Oto îo oI stt tttit bteli 'fticJunior.Chtonllmasto oinis tgosýaoeoo institt os llceiotdstiistoYering,.Ecclestt Me- yeaioototootîootttttotot1i,-t tn ite hi J. t. Neotosto, & Sio of tootEto. Aise Aille dtoarte.ili lettc. Bogt, W. J. Al- %loo ý, 't te s g fi ltis oth- lb.' Ildi Stouit bttt .o lt 1ot Oi S filO tto Mi.s ttH sîoPîsecoilstooh t1o.G(st,- t.oooitGcahamliait theceseet, cs sostet ,osto t.ot aotit Astaric:s l to l I tt.t IL.l îtî,1IV -t t tî- lthe irt. ,hile flits miigsg ottt soit sr Mole os Gctse Faces dolîset Heitet Cati, Sesitor, Fotteostot oitlilty it h Illt Pot Ste tiI RttttOt Va.,, CaIflaoecoitttctttAý T. Wsool Roioahtotandttheossanisg osoinesstt Bcs. Maurice C. Besty. Aotsso t. fooOttI.t1cttlth. t ;L of Miloî. le Lesîto. RoStdyto taii o ltc1soet acst dopeas Rotp. Pottoop, Sa- Hsrop. Focles Mo- Os Mostat tosit ttecoîloll- ot l 1111 2 toto t 19L, I. Oo- îtltt o Ale. a l Mar1,0jley Jtsn Sa so ootstttssy caetagthei front.orWooe gaes, rhrE u ieot Tàpoioo oititt Poîo iy tOb tI1l FItî h1 'Intt tFit ditý.oI tetlfintiloBsnstse Patbsttodtvi Bcootltss BastiiWoct.oehctoas lst Hctoor dot. Juor.o Mautite C. gronstnsss ndostosetbttiottti ýlItltis tl hoOuto Nl :ito it, tNIi Iot dttoo.lciootoceJunioreChamptions.tit fi Retto L.scsGttlaWJ 1.Aesst pioplals, dol tooac -zdn3 ost Roiotsootttto 4g 0.to lot to IL, amseocbesciotso Gsttttloio Theo.escte cchfocAn,tcog. Focles Mo- and Mo, S. G.Bennettba tosotiooi1 Sttttstî Ol.ltt 0011, Sla, toiotooO InttheCdosd lsses, . J. Mettoe tallfiltJiorFouneesCedampiioneand CloreLoiseFtsa.Won. Cgtic rhs stototoly esss.ts, fothsttltiti i lt i ît itotOl t- of Cetiîl st gl eks ottt Reobste t ie osis stc t of Sice. Feathecsose Boat, the esiplotees. A futottocitIititt IliS! N, Rt sj ln lî.1îit. .t.îîî tlesiagitie MatueDyCo ls a Betyntassgansstettcs toc y. MauriceC. Besit, Fcles M-scso a' thesttdtiooIlses-stLýJoto KtOolotott A toob aodit A0 At ansMontsio Chieftas fsamtc; thetttehe e olstinstolk tht i clue.t ilera .stgii i tc ottti , tut .1ot tin.1 Ott . I Mr. Mltîag Co Classo ns Bsteeceid tsto Estelie bledct asti se etc, Jo- Pr.cses o! CDtss Feottooso pits trot theotc ovst a si riie o l 'In" tîtî 11 t 1I, L1 ost cUook,-ot i l o lt Aui,îtî S Leraod, oho o a l .eîee aL tel set ss 1 CaI Class wtîs Listale Cîosts Bos AettoroE FPattsey, Matrice C tite mien on actite serce. Feco toc Atti i, ttI tliit.sc i îotitstd dioaus sei. Ot F isodTet tcRottSistonSectB5iFEclsMclue, dot. Boactieoce set Mt. Beneot Lot> Pooool-, DI oto t. os.t liottt io t îosscsti test Mîkî.î .~ose it.stuc tefti the CPhsespise Hoct cas ase Juett e ttc, Maotice C. nestyo. soke trelettselesseg thele tcîietl I ot-standing 1515550 sn Gesoosse Bco- 000, h Me. Bety, ste ted RetS the Ecoles Mcdlure, Lscee Fila, tel! ttaae toc tte gilt wttoli 0111 Bm coît Itot Koi too t poi Flt oi u:010,LîI taki a ta ~ of tii titis tic'Petttstcc Il ilîetecesst ttoinjisg Senieeor n isiguior Seniortcerd. Maurce Cn estyteoteffuet the.dufotg thiîco 42 2ý Ioyt entei ovo teestts t e te isnto se Hoco d tisocd sn Page Fiot oe lftitee Li'Intssoetl os Ptgc t a Il 9