PAG ELIJI THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THUI1SDAY, MAY 11, 1944. PAE IGITJEAN IMATTFN'.S RADIO1 ORDEAL DODO LACKED DEFENCE da<t,'. uôht «MIeBal h««I ',1, fî ool'."' HAYWARD TRANSPORT III">I <'< II" <MII, ' I TORIONTOî MIIL[ON - HAILTI ON Al k l, lv11.11 'id 1flcl'e joli evi' no1 «<I«I-tl i h iks ofi ,,M D e], P.C.VC lassesACE-H <<<I ~ ~ ~ ~ rr' 1"< Mh.g l Mi IM.' «<«1 «<IlDMM IMgMM TORONTO-EL 7800 MLTN 18 HMIO 735 FM I<' <«n qu <i 4<M ý delir Il Std <'UmdM MIItrv ThdIMMIM Mi <i IMISU.MThe M <1' ne«1 I fMle 11'1g iM o ThMM t moini n sheII III Iýjd ol rvle hei fM u Q1.MIIU C yI IIi< I<M MI<<dMIIMM< dMI'MM'.<IIIII fil stu.I di o a'<MdMM'MI. Mr. nteIda.Otn l - LJILC/ML18.M< - <'< t jolo< NI,TaMg IMlIIl <IIIMMIIlI'iIII< cMIMMIM<MM< 11.11< of ~MM t 1III«<dî«II i lMiit I 'adwa M<MM se<IgI., a p<'dM<k. igeon, aIMM «<' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Iee ad .nai for 111' 1 . MM aM nom-I 11< boniMM a< (mliri<' re Once shM MMoI - -iMMM . <ag lan M'gi n buM MM I t fIM ild Breiles - b ý ý,,,,bu so bl9 8,%I NMMIMMII .< «MMMI bo MT gu Bas I <Ma IIMMIMIM d - -M M viieM< MI'I I Md OMIM <M^ m MI M <M AddII 8I th e THISu e for THone-M NT G R IN T O I<IMs 1,1<, br IM MMonIEM<M aller ier MMMtizg idfIMM <0<,, 9 8%IMM M M IIMMMM M îM Idyi-T S O I N<'îîî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ws SeM b: esomn the< «< ,2.<M.Id < îe<<<.00 IMIIMdAIM IMIM.<MMMM MIMIMMIMMIIIMMI IMOl «I DII< MMM j- MinteIel m«IdIM Es C ornili t, INM Id f MMI II MIIIMMI' \ I, l iMr.M '«d<< < IIMMM MIMI II <MMIII1 MMM MI M Nb i S MoIMMIMII<MSIIII MMMM.qh in li a vape po IMMIIMgIM MMIIve I nIMIMMMMMMII thCAy C' <'dM iFII Co, de<1 MMMM Gît EM<M IIIMMIMMMd IMMI<IMMM<IMMMII. M< II M BS N M ES GERMSTOCK O ,RNCbLAN A 6ha M a ugt s E lA cde WEE SEEDS <'MIMdugl al he fial11<19 ods.e IIM III.MM M <M M M MI j< M lton, <10 ly ReMM ýLI KIQM IMMMMk<IfM IWMt IC <MIM<IM IMI sh a eln .l i MMMMMdpining î011IOma d fM'heIIM 'In <MM<OMII and <MMdd EMyMI OMnMtI E m ma îMdMts of Milton MM IIM I<MMdyvI afMd vIM II < < 'IMIIM nMM 1 L - C IMMIMdMM'IgI'dMO.M<d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ard îMIMIMMYI<I< MMdM MMMII ts MIII MMMII OMMOMM «IlI IM__ Il 9 0< Nii itMM n-MIM tI MiaiI FiMM M<IM .IIM MfW tro.Is h ait e oe.sct..teDd a oee ihIF TN IB R N S C leIId IIlMI MI, <Ih, grand MM<MM.n HMeM gMMMMIMMI IIIMî<M aI n- idd<I IIIs fit i«00<IM b -re <Ib 'IIIM IMM'II< l GII I. 7M'MMM I il, «lo dg MMandIMM <Mu litM VITIIMMI OFM il, MIlî IIMO aMI vivre <Mto,< i ofî <MMM Mgg <IdIIdMI<MMIMMIIMMMM Dî MIM MIM M IMM M<MI<MII'I -a.iy FRENCHM~MMFMMMMMM 'ON R. 'Ma AaefLrindotA14/ISeofth evn «<'«MIII EXPI S r, MMMIIe MIefl, MMIMOMM<II tMh' MMIIMMIM LiIIM<MMI iMM<M -b ;I inrM<I<' Gy ro P od 1 MM soeMM ofII EMMMM MIua weIII rMIIMM IIMMMMI MMIMMMMMMM EMMM oI <M M0 MMMIMMO ,MM lM Ilesai<<M IIIMdI F i MîMI FMMMIIM MMMe of MMMdMn.Lo d MMdnor Natona Wood <M mttl poMMntsI oMMM t.II <M i adb 61 h oow sn SMI IMM 'terMMMI MMMIMM\ prsien Mf theMM Roa oit lleSeso h utr a iyad nle l ai ýe i m ma <MdIMMMlMMMdMMI M,,nMMIIMM,,.,Md IIM<'MMMMMIMdMdMM ___________ -____COKE ___ Il t<1 d.< roi- 1« odM f'iLI SîII<I MM George ' in MI IM MMIMn «000nnal dIMMI IMMMIM SU I<M bM hM leMIIM b MMII du MMMI s IOMMl"th aM ..M tMI<M lin I'M<I'M< ot<M M M MMIn MMogh Im ol IlleI <MM M<MMadiioMMMt iablyt piMIMM nt lcrdn t.dMI ilI I. III .ddM<I<<' dMElleMM hiMdr ofd dM1i1 pIM<MI'aMIMe rpei. __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ MMSetin. ai erIM Ibill<<<I« Te ee oneM ofMI<M <Id<IM st Id MMf-éianeinMIthe< IdfII.Mi IMIMMIMMr MIYOMIMMMMdilaidils<unMMMMII MM<MIMM'lIII<MMMMIMMIIe FMMMdonopenIMMMMI'hor <'MMM<'<MM<'Mitia ««<er MMIf theM aIMMMII fus UrMM.,, Iv neI dc.tPO<I eT- .RA F VO I E B C S N R I.<M<<I< i<<M <MMI ne IM MI<MMh MMMII MtheM SIMMM<I<M MMMII iMIMId1 .I ,0 <I MM<MÎ<XMoutMI <MMMteIIMIMliatonLgh srac .MIIM 1MM.IMMM<MdMIM<"M IMMMXMIIMMMMMM 'IM R .MgIIM.MPA DMdA M S vIMIM < l'bill, 'ietMMMd<IrMuIIMMMMM<IMMM<IMe'dM.addIIMMIIMII.<IM IMMM of1 tMhe MM Dod MIIMM fondI <<'.1 cetin .1< bdý tj s ThI ...MM ]yM EmpireM III Mh <<<<MM thM IlyntiinUsSl c- hoe4 s 1 «<< intendedoto îî << '< ll '11 I<<<<< vin <«','M I<.III<ion as I <MMde aMnd ' ha, Me. <1< . 111 MIMMMMat g ri natio MM' i n o<<'<MM b nd n e h IIî ..I'M M-II<' «M<IMM <<M III'M IlM ni<'IM<MIMP<M<MMyinI'M wM p ' onI or et W <.roMIiM thI Il 11<1<r s, MM I main I rI<p î« î<' .IId l' I M M < Md an dI a C MMbll î MI<«<M.I'I'<<M<M IIIMM II MI IM kMdMM M I IIfMM MM II<M MII.MO<II IIMIMMIIh-'MMI7M<MMI f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MMM 0<III'dM th ýa "g"t vý-ootr-" h, arto.Nay c m MMI<'MMIMM. b M. d.<A II initativ andI < M MIII"' -c.IIgIMIdd.<IM<'ondMc a hean i teMusu <Md t <'MIMXM LM b'M lierI ;IMM'l'lieMMI'IMMIM M il A'II FAV RIT <îî<M SINGER'<<<I<<II >l<îk IIIMSM so d lie ' 'i kf oI< < 11 < I MMtte IMMîI f th , il f - cd b h i <.i I da M., I'Eh M I id ««mi,<< m <m M < I l th -1 NîMII<I.<It reen fin stM1.< joke <MII t oMM ,, mdMMM M M< M <Mtf , d m t n M t vIrv v [M n i d f w e e d . s r a u ' t " f ' p o i e - sa <M aI in Ira« - POSER I)EPIC 1110H - 0105DMv MEMnAL NOVELs Mi h nenS' flatn fr of OE 1 I BI<IT MEM îIIA ENC IOA IN SOT thNEt o i l, bi, at ri r vry pig I^j l l i f . , .lo lit NTER MI «EFS %I()()SE<D1« I ' I'îî.î'<.I IIIIM 01< I<MM<"d ;IMIIM «<MMMl " ,u I<,IIIIMMIM thM St MM Cath<-I dIM l M MMIIIMM M <'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .r MMIMII'I --te 0<idl <Ml M<g< '<M «MMIM d1 W IM IlIII'M M IIMM MeMIM «MMMaI e l ,a os M. <'< M IMIIM M <1I<IMdMM .IM MI ' M"I el II e M ' MI'fMM IM do MMII <Ms <l d MM MIIMMI ele<<MMII d<<M'< oMo,,M «rolma î<<..<'IlleMI agent,« MMIMI- M'El «MîII î'<M<IM <M I<<'<<< Mý,v d< l <M I< d I'I MI M M < M < M M M' Il~«M loM] IM'MM lui «<MI nar I MMlpe M om TII MIN DAM<MM'.MI 18 v-11K î.<îd s "<.MMM M -I< MMo t<<M «Me lbtb'ils A 'M If. the M8.AIri of <«< I is <«M lie il MM \ I «<d , a, . 1.M Me IlHPPNiN I rI I ro IIe b,"<1 conI ""IlIl'oh Ie 11 .'I 'ho <eet Il lent<î' '< < î TRIN EX R S <I <dl'E din ,] I,ý M K, 1111v- i M 'XTIIE Il M<M< OO «'Mnje ontok ld the buMIM ' I Il '<'I ~ I I <"1,.I.,h < 1' 1.31 MAIN ST. GALT lo'id ntld TEILEPIIMNE 1848 Il I, 1bI «ET VOIR <,Iî«M IriM uMill il, << I IIý,ga V'iutory Gardens <î.I îl go , 'vo OIIM id Mot Bris B*a(I<<g < Vre <Mgr-S i< \'vit a- d 0 FM8MMM for' MMMersIM< Da> <M« Il .II <MMM'"MîîMdi<M fo M l MIM b- Mîe fIr briMOMIMIMMMMMM J8on2 l MM h.c MMIu a d rmiI -MIl ilbeiila ngu saI 1jtadprv flfo <fl FIAM *ýI tM.'II M il I vo MM MIMMMMM MIII MMIO î<ipi he a r i u. aMd <Min* M he <MMM MII King 0<11<1 Milton II'M< 0î1<M' I-î ilM goitaMM. MinMI DMM<MI. n it an i rheta o «<SI<MI 1IIM dian, IM M 'MIIv'IviiIMd MMMdMif- %,or iloM<asMiseM in< abadt..nMMdnlumMaiMMdMevu HEAVY CLE NIN liM fahe andM II<IMII<I' S<I<MIIMM MI MM«<M MIM I <MM IlM «MMM HM i<M of th <Mî «M M III n 1 IMM<M Irqui MMMi a il diMMIMMe IMgan a aM "MM-iII'MIIMete MI the MgM If GOT YOLE OOWN? gIhlv, <Md ofM<M <<M <il <<« MMM SMiM IIMdMd IMIIMIM<y hI ovrsa MMMMMMM s MIMMMin "TmmM ~ 4 ITMrrdoiî aîî Sui.'Iiîw ls ,pattù<1-11 Selwwl for "i oîîng Briai <MI.««I «III lo\inM- <'M ý nortMi« with GILLETT'S 81MI" 1E O<N MIIAE" beM M<îî« aI lî M g I ourdI AIMMMIMM lîk. laMMMIt, GiI' M MI '< I. MII <«l«î. II's Lye MlIMkM MMM' 0kMt and .11nd i bMlMII Ii I f ok ..M Iy u fAYMMMMIII«I<MMM «<MX gt 1< l of' MIdI M.<M<M.M<M h-<M ' , dMM n <M III o .<.dI M IM' MIiMM .I< MMI i0MMimM<MMI< leI<.<< d II<MI<<.II' MMII bis «MiI <<I<<I« land<I I<I< i"IMI<Mî< -.- drMMIgMMI'IKMMP a IMdMrI Mk- MIIMb'e I M IIII «I<I MI l I<MIIM prili Mi <<<M MI Ml <«ii <Min 181 GIIIîMMIa M<MMMII Miways «<MM~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~rg MPI<M I.MIMM «<1 f«M MMdIMM< IMOMMMMYMMIdM Aî II<'MII MM1 T.MM gyM «MI M IIMM M«« MMI h IMI, I a.lîy pIIM. UMM M I IMMMM< IMII tb, <MM non, <Mn Wenc'I MMM<MIMM <Mon 1Mg 1 IM'11îM il I<Mî, 1MMMPMMI dMMMMM tioMMM Il MM~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ilst < IMM< IIMM«MMMM IMMdMMMdIMIMMIi<MM<îIIMMM«Mî<d draiMMs MOMM 0<1. < uetçh MIMI Lake LMMMI11 ýmvf iYd<IItM«flot M<IIMM<'nbi, - ast M<MIMMîOM y. dsry MM0M for îdIII MIIMIIiMM, TOMy'ds mie, tMM MMMIMIM MM<II ofM <usd M<M MMî IMMM 1î< MMlli'. gg ltrîMO IMM<IIM nMIIIt andI1< 0mMoî.r tMMM I<MMI <MM the M« I6 ton II 111<11 sonne 1 IMMMMIIMM codeMt MMIM EMpIMMI «<gaton The I îkyd th, <kM l do ckhI I pis l 1 41.DMi XI MI I a 'I le .. ..... .. ol Ilod ull I.tilIýt, m Il, log Il AI, k "e, A mollet of the sort f location hivIi ýoung B tains, of thv future vlill be getting [S Seen et the ';.IZh Asford Central School run by the Kent Edu,,ation Committee for element.ry School boys and girls of Astiford and the surrounding distrit, 'I'lip.ii.ciern buildings made Io rat, son and air, stand in '17 acres of lawn, field and gardien where heaithy youngsters find friends in r heir teachers and fun in liber lestions., dancing and ait kinds of open air activities play a large part in the curriculum Picture shows: Pupils of North Ashford Central Sellant dancing In front of their sellent buildings.