PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Illn, it l",lbag, l I Lauohed TOOT T TOOONTOE70 ae tIRou fi t midd e tetet. . ttttc 1087 Hs et graint il eqettcd îU MN1M M Rt ttttPt etee -~ tee cd, thtetetldtg fred 'h Ecg teb f1 s stopy aot A WEEK EU oit ~ ~ ~ ' Cee et-,.slI Tngetftstt er,ar. Tho t" o Ieed a ath ose ,t h NetLeOOt' t e Sg et ttcon gette. enshfr tbeg tt Ces . ec P t aod cyele5bst grt- t' teer eeen'r enu Il0 ficttc eT Il ,de ) l. a Tn (lth r e vale of ch wcr?" ts e e te mee n" b e test e e - t t',t-~ttct I-Oete t-e te eed ey gtd tteg e datePbo o a u O t a atttfts ran.mretted cttht'-tcdt th t ee e dete nissl li 98.. " di tie etttee of het.2 ,ttdtette t eeeeaADM N .1-s. elrl --- ngt e ttt-in les as etit't. ;1 coe thtte ett teee o t in plthe" neALO F N toe p>n a n t i ttdht tteet$1,34 tpetdttel;tt e e s cd s e,"tcd thet t e e ctdsrt astt 1 t0) LI, t" ne 'thit tesh e"tt'tt $et 0t feiq er leet.ehtte d 'hd tte a-etedt O dsbus t lI" ut ' tt 'tt tenOgý c." fie hcalýete bl'fore fin 111 Cett ae etation teel hl eeh j SI't ete i at pA m n o -pt il ' 1 let hogi ont t),an cedn y ethe this oeefe ct... , t or ttc sevc te inC tie Cpie Ach l e - ed i f l -ttte ln it l et) e fabCtts Ot t tIlt tl teht te10,c -nýns teketet) t-e- ttt et bn c ribing flitct ftl)te e , "idl , R N Iltt t t t ttt-tt - t -t' t--tttt -ecl ocidntsem t Z ol n" lia , llliup 16 it f-tedIl Itteetettett b- etw e ie n m « l t i --tI n t- - -liI,- - k -- t- e l'- t)- oe ,, t) , --t Ot tttt.-- i - - t)ek t , ette II' -c- '- oi -- ~ ~ ~ OIu - '-tt--ttt - t- ~ t o pi-ttt c~~~~~~ ettteeehtt'eectct tCtCtlgeette -- jeCttt s, tla ' t - t.-- lttte et t- -ittt 1,lttI ttt',, tîtitro' ¼Ne r ~ei qnIngIettt n lc -t- 1tt- t - ttetld ,te t- - - t ov e -and ete ttcteed- ct-t- - -tta -e tic tI tl fl c n , th e t i" Il-- ---i 'cde il' Nett-- dan e ttc- Ill Il50 I;: i Il -leO t-n rae f-t - - ted tI tttnt't 't', k.l -etIi t-ute-' - t ;' It- - - t fint t4tt'tt t - t .t t. ) - et -t t.d t t. - ttkct.e ccttht a 'tnd ctctcc t tl jOT- d tettt te- tee ~ ~ ~ I etttdtt t)tIO, n-,t k tt t 't) etl etet Itl, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )n ln1 nii n -ýI ' - ve s -1 e 'P ~ ~ fi ' -,t ttt ttttthP 'c)-- t)tc ttt ttt ket CiIiý fla Il pit Il BOSSn 'oOWitie Ol 1-1 TO OSE PItR \ FSi- 1)14; F-ORI CTO' Met . e ýý t,) -' n igh t - tlt t - - - ctttt e - t lflo Eb tc 'T - ta 't& ttc"I t. Ile t jtctt T- ttt 'Ob ttc) t t t - - t e)cid eva dpecnett da', tett e ad l 0ttth)ea- 111119 h ptiecct Ht,['i Retet Pricesses gttHtctcng t ptedt gctetc The 'tet - etecteeet cr hw the bakgroundlte e tectl Thece etcP cet petstee. colons, ttette, Ceas. betrtee sed tette en( ehli t'tt, 'ttt cRTE)- c t -~-th f -'- t '-t--'f I - -a la to I' nt h c 11 el tla t, t-t, Ilt c) -th, t t 't ' n tt ; :t 0 ,ett e t -n, il t--e - etI - - 1 1k0 -- et and te C tetet ti' ttt cel S0tc t- - e- t-tnt d -Il t Il tIgi, t t e. tin t- , n etc ececk etttt Cc-k-, ct e t ct Ae bet ttccc t e Oeep te ht -l, e l Ilsdt,ctf et httt flee t det cd, etetet Ceb RAil 1HUPJDAY, JANI-ARY 131h, l943 LRD .TRANSPORT' DI)ely irettt Sertice MILTON - HAMILTON LongS Dsace Csra egnod Mecg P.C. V. ClamsOAC-E- MILTON 31S HAMILTON 7-3355 ECGIONAL OFFICE ou. CONtROLLER HAMILTON, ONTARIO .,O1 cosbsihs §us cana"a, sassass os assaw 10, 1044 et a sas Ruglossi King oust Wust, Hassilsa onats. S j hllg ap..d Ils pro"Sd sfore, .15- t. lrisa. re o ots" veai. coq ssootbso UNCOLN WATERLOO I NORFOLK WELLAND OXFORD WELLINGTON WINTWORTH .sas 10, lui,51 aggilsWam&s Ouro ssed ia th.,. <sasSsu Win b. hasihil by <or Muuxnon An Suurn' RAVEL WERE RATIOMED o TNINK SHOULO STAT MOME? If everyhody would co-opier- 15 Tis os especily true cif stop- pers anod other nont-essentisi 73 travellers. Wsrtime conditions 4jl demsnd that they te home by otherwose they may te Ieft ont)l 7 p.m And plesse svoid week-ends. Tis is one wsy yen can telp thc war effort. Picote ceoperate rai> ti 'W ar ln Marine Engine Grinder fl A ,h,hbc bsdl donc s b ebetfi htb Iliho-,l ettocteted t C Pt) ce1 cectesect. Otbot oS tht D Inbg -r t eest befcc meset bouc- cf tebsur eeqeteed tcl dtcttef eî tbtccott t jolicteetdeedtst-ctt> tdedepchtdtlteldttettte..oe b ah inhcet tbc.cct - teccetett serfctes. Tht ec teo lin eeut t-ce eo% te ratcd!ssttt bt-tbceeeindeenPetttfledoRt- hty et nsed te ocet the Ctgh setndccettte nets8-it tire-t t et-CanC etci AsgeI Shepe in estadd etttttttcet dc- mtetewta eeetlt..tttth.- tetcttt Iesht the top-ed osscdcd ht tht Royale Ceeanaim eand tee odles cf Sco5ght to. ie grtedee, ptted sc or yt fsc te cttjte etm teteedt mtiet lenk' ttcos- maimain Thect cine t ae ltefstoteeîhý,ckoteh teiet st ebfte wctts f edesed oseteetl s ebttte in thiseimotntwcrseitteth seh'ith tht Ct il tegeged ie the lebte se thtý ditceent se std stypIe mot ,ae d icescdd Aet Ct,,bg hep,, e'htc sef -e'i t b-,pcee Tht matn gretedcer Seso and ec balace cedet flic direcCs tinfHov , _') OShtcsetecdede'seeseat- vetgbte Sfo sý Secc dot BoIete .ftct o enei poce teg eoceit-l teeeeft Aegen i stdt te !d t mathice andcetttcng stockecdtcH . Shrspe ecctite jtgttcrSht e.hteNsetceeetcsnthSststotinthe R4. Net-ttc i eek oesgt t more thet 1,tt0 Vaete tanks_ pdscteco cff marint engins ces Jothe A. Htottpe, ttl hil ee hetit tter Ser ste- Iro fsll tht l betehing Sobe)- mer, wh oh etd the ides tee ti-e te Rssis, ce an esrlettc d tc Cssdtsn shipyards. In Bcnthing A-nding il