Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Nov 1943, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSUAX' NOVEMBER 405, 1943, t-tot the gt-oood o-p. Thoseutoudyiog the situation Business Directorv &br muuIîu eampou ht-t-d ut-t t-t st-&sed hy the- glumno t-t spta-lt THERE GOES THRE JACK-POT! fi'hI th f t- f t he c fiITO YLTS U O tit-tti"peseot t-ht-t-d bc dfrectfd to the ct- tî..Ct t', ,fta 'ff"ftt'tf fft-S -u f' '-t '" " t-hotisandt- hteest fe egt-ctet- tht-ut--n uta t -t-o Ilit- fot-gottet- te t-ht-st-cal-tt-afoiogspft-st-thfp in OfficeHt-te'. t-.iofft-om.;t-t-t--9- t-te f t-tifia. pt-t-hohiytt-'escy yeoes. ar-ethe jst-ois Cooe,-PR n ;a ugo tt-affitL t-tt-l-ttt-f-t-td elaot-t--ods n t-t-Olift-td DLG .S E m -fp- fl - ucvsot-s. The- tt-odt-ocy t-os het-tttc-ltisat- the- Ofttt. t-tt- suttot wl, prot-ft.t-t-g ytoong othittes t-ht- hase the adsaotago Phone_______________________No.________________38_______ tfth tut-f. tt- .. di..~- ut traiigftgclitiet-tantd t-te resoithoas hetu tht-pet- -_____________n-;_13._7_______m t-t-f ý dffl tty f--" d-to - tht o-"t-t iel- i-it To TUE RI) BRCOTHER. MORE PARut MACHINESCt-o-eMO5 t,, t-t-, te ,i1 ftý l, duct- of -stbt-fe stars" t<t-t t-m for. - - TO BE MAODE AVAIt-AiLE r____________ li-tth-tda ouy eldeIt t-t-mo teache- in a lt-ut job htt-tt-ommer-t, Kd. Ctca wu t-tdcto t-tf-eestt-ettfueeetn t J,- t ttt-tatht O T W Ited ftyt-.-tet-t-trt-d t-tt-'s Canudaesitthbt-it-ttu-d intS4OO fe 8 37--0 DICK DC cua tcol r t-t- lt-c et-nn oc at-e t-ut-e uaoote t-t Oet-tt-t-fott ohoatit. Mcde ottt Cet-t t-uts t-rent- oft- tht- 19tt-t pe-dut-t-tou te bs t-. 1. DICR. Lt-'. AýDILS o btkebal it sne 0 uplsal ssyigThti- *- W C.u u . huuiu t-tee u t--t- Aod tt to ecutut ut- etet- A oofateatt t- re rtt-ct BMot--ot- REoNN It -. DICR, At Arey tit-plt-y io sehith utoe ottaicud atpot-et-t houcft. h at p.. n ilbe t--h-dtt-îtt m o o dm Ceutt-t-ou lir Mat-t-to e Wut--IY DC BA Clecf y, wht-t oas t-t-tdes- sas eegclated et-curatt- tu BRAIt-DR o touuu o utu C aId oct te st- u tteea ot- Tet-d e r ed Oait-t--tut-t o l--itit-t-t cetfrtot a hig-he st-c-t. J utnudija Prs t-m. 90.21 lto Mete rt- t-sot t-t- t-t-t-tt sot-h t- t-et-t-e t-t the- im t nett o f t-t hte Cet-tt Hut-u - Mittt-. Aip t-hysttcl-tt-ese pt-cgt-ar n tt a natitonal ht-it- t-thoo. C' ht-th-t-t- at-ut ut-ut,. C t-t-test-e utc fo et-t-t-t-o'. t-td tt-e t-edTtt--is c baei ilte n hv e hd teavat fad!funs iot-te-t o tht- t-t--st-es t-u Wt-es tt -o s t-n e tt-otd lit-o o mauu, atttesan oct t-ht--tted t-tut-ieu. t-ttr 'T. A. HUTCHINSON t-t-tt- t--dtt-s ce ht-tt- t--t ha tht adendog t- m-ttt- nagtcttem-t- an otthat tt- l dot-t t-t-utte aitotutttt-ial s t-u adteuet-oeeptuts g tit-t-t-t- porte-Oyti-Ele D I O I L pftett-t-dt-ptt-citytt-r-halthtet-t-ftts t-tdtp-t-t'actt-tt et-tt-dt-a t-l re-udeutsof t- tt ietthe(olsn thett-t--t--t- t-t--p-t tuoe nd, Mr.oteesomoet- Ott ettttttc ttett- tu-- pt--if -tst o t-olied t-lt-y. lfl ndes-eupogrtoe det lft-eictt- ilb esth-t---c -uis et----et-tet--t-t-tt-t-ttth-whlt--euines-o Uudert-tt-test-ccesto sesac-5Mai st t reet -ites Opporun B H Pauumng F e e c-t-icted. tht-y st-t-t-d t-et- lt-t-t t-e esntctu a tt-&tt-ut fat--t et-stt-ut D- sho ' est-et-ortnt n Teaei i gt-tt-c ut- oug A-ut-aut-tt- - -t-ft--- - t--t I t- gettit- t-e t-t-tai stetct-n eegouied t' tt--t-fcit-t te t-e- Et-tdut . t-tu t o tutyimpottatt Sic, ut-estu m t-t-t-t-t otpictos est-tt pyt ,dt Oeý ht--t st-t-o-tt-t-i g-fdet- ltt-tt-s -t-h-t--t t-f Latsttti , t-etestt-t- est-t-- el ie asteo ift t-t-t--t dt- t-l-h Ot-kte ?k Bles oom-e stantt-.e GE RG E.r Sl e LLI OT F ubi ft, utttheir et-tte in tht-t--t-thast-t-i Vit-tt- ttt-t-ibct- et piitot-t-eu thso-sm andtespet-ed n i-c ot-tt-tt-t-t-et-tt-d n t--t-t e ut-t- l ; ttt-ut-t tt-t- f es o-mt--1 t--t c-tt est-t-t-t-et-t-t ttth t-t e-es t-t-e frt--en t t- est-ltu and goe et t-ht- top le t-ht- re -t--lt-t-s ltt t-t-t t-t st-t-t-t-f t- leud? I t's I (O re s t -t-lan pi DENTAL t-t-e t-steet-eett-ts -etle i-tt,fttIl t-ift-f tt-t-ft-n. t-t-- t-t-t't-t-itt-t-teetht-tet-cIe y-iot-t-ust-rit t-t--t lt-il t-et-t-i tht- lt-pt toe js fwA F -I t -td-e ---k- ct-t-t-t et-c e---t-- t-t- 'v etet-I ttttatoalt-e ht-t-t tII;u t teo l t - t-t-odot tot-S e s-t -tut-I'L RIRE,ý, TROt-er C0e t- e ttt-- tht-t-t-t-h.~~~~~lbo t-tt--t--c t-tr deese et-t oft-t--e t-t uht-p-itf t-SURdGE----tON--tl---fAs--ctt -eeiee-ttue--tt'-hed e tt--------- t--O-ttttti -f--tt-ott ttttt.-fio- ----ttttt eot-ttts-t-t t--- e or -ts sgo t-t- w tht- f rtttepoltId ct i; t h fhfhtt- th-e t-t-ut c -eu t-st -ptc t-I' Mtt-t-ft t -te----s-- e t--t te--te ots--ctta- e.t - th- t-t'tt ilg" t-t-t fut-k Du--ta tittl-- ttt ----t tt Tht-eetseeoeespceist-ot-lt-t-cet-t-t-t-~~~~ riosa-e t-lut Chtt---etstîgtteuttltetsd-tl---tttOî-5---cvn ir.fttlt-df ttî-k-0t-t-d-t-t-t--t-tt-det- t-te tt-tt-t-fft--httesBKTR-----tIfPet in~~tet-t-lt t--stl-tt t-t- t-et-h pt-t-tg titet t-t t-t-t teifOt t-ttd.tui t-i ifet-e t-tte t-pý of-t estedia ht-t-t-t-ecaint an lb r l- D9-5 Ecu.9 II ACOCK tle. t-ttcg t-li edgedl ht-r euvra t-htt-tst--t--utt-t oo tht-in t---eft Netstct-t- As-t-tsto Ct-" t- ifcetOtet t---ttt---ttutttott tittet ettt ttettt ttte ttttt- e tttts cie-t--. D N AL tL -ctmtesthecttare aoPect-mt-st aiter-ttt-fdf C est-Char -ters shngngdct-oghtoft t-heeut-t-t-t-de-'-t-it- taknce-asi ttIll-toes-,-ostnee cl.t-t-t-en. cts-e t-t-eseut-tcdit--e t-t-et-' t-t-O s no-maio o arfc utttca t -t- tt-t etes ou Mrc t- t- t-'-ttt-et-- tC-- tt ett. S t-- t-r t-t--t teet-lu us. id estet I., elk ntet- t-t-t-et-tu Tt-ycei N R.IENBC C met aot-t-d d e n pe-u-c tht- ltest-tt at-t- y itette tt the ti t-esh-pt-tstl-e t-t-cit-du. I-d h-ehthe -- l . t t-t-tt- atc ie Ltt o f t-lt-u dt- et-- is, --bt- e t-t-tthe cit-t-t-t f mT-tt--td tutet Ut-t--et- flo-tît-,Tht- SU-h R G-EtO N odt-tt - u st- eed u t---t-ret vryu six-d th t t-l-t-- h t-et-te t e hts t-t-e," pt- tttc-- 'tt---utt---et-tt- tt-re rt- t-ttt t-ocok I- ot m r ru îtpcy e-p etYtct---ts i teod-et- i---st st -t -dt-d-On a sio st -e t-s at -oid1 b t- iet--ttt t t-t- lo-tteot t- the ifg Cteu-t Tt-goc .ut-uy' anýa. hIy oarcd t " t-ht-t- w l a rm e h v f u hti out E e s ot-etctt-p.iet-de. poj t- - eteee - Pt--ut lt-t-tet oe ra-ngtbu w i hirp ptet Hetnedd t prot-tt e of ve I ttrod aret-t-io e t-y Mdg e . t -ot-t-te wor an bit- dgulet-e d t-st- lt-ste t-t M t-tilt--lt-t ht--tntcist- . eu ltlseyu hnea h 'iildQ ce, Hlfxl T eC iorc pait- dt t-t- et- tcthtp. t-t-d PRE3ERVtolyES-I en rblm o nerrtain Nw n unelt-te t- e t-ttt-i- A. B t-tetof T oo Luadya-.su on-. ,ut - -it-1CA DIN -AttntC ICLA lt-et-est-t-et- homet-lccdmud-hpuGldc.t-t-et-e-2ttcd5c---8et- 9 pt-e t-tte t-et- est-ut-thi tht-cti t-e t-t- dî te s t- ir Tt-e" attft ett es--h--ttt t-te JA V avew.e ascy rsika a4 TuiA ut-eve tOtPE-..- tae 2l e in-t-t Fout t-t-t t-es t-t-t. di etct- hbt ut-t- et-t- est-o esîtt t-s. ed t--ttt-s t-t-t- ,-'Ir- t--ht-ut- t--h-en d -et-st-te t--i-gol----- e stt-t-t-t-e t-tl-tts-tte-tt - m t-st-e C U T R 'i/onhE T 2 u 24S---- esîteit-egeet- Watitet- tt---eettt itut---ftt-citu t-t- ist-t--t m it latt- dooce e nsnottt fst -coll îte t- c î-te bariaining, and Phons_____ t-tett- escct ofte Intt routo ofle Id t-tMr.eChatrsint-a stra-ih --t -t-t-t ive t-t-nsion t-t Cand a g g t-ts-e-tnud Ths ct-st te t-dt t-t-t-t-t-t-t-et-c d i Cute mpiot---te Pit~ît p gad t--u-tet--t-et-uldt-y tet-ot- th-e t-WN.lt--ttt-s-tei t-e t-vet-k t-At-t-t-t-ton -O P N Et-t-t- NOV. 4< t-AEL eRs. t--.- ctiterot-lhtitt-uts t-llItdtt-t-oth e dek initt. t tetitw t-t- est-otfo ie ou ntrys theîstdet t ot ert-tt-t-.-t etot- et-t-tt- e iRSR E-- -lf i t--ttttheeae eaytdstht we wil i--m-t-ttt--t-îet--iteeh-t- t-eese th--e-t t--a actti wtet AStiDIA SAt-ONdi t-AILt-t-rAYFEE1 I 2 pt-n - th -te et-u m o s tît- soet- t-t- e te t-bet- u t- t-. cuint- ctt-t- etdt-te morl ta da d t-a s h -e ut - t- o t -tt te Sot -t-lt -f.s1 am.ce21 ut-et t-et grdmltt- Mît-tet usd adttt on tt-t- t--- e-stif t-id tt t-tut.cadpiaeacint oer t-ciet t-te t- vr i v t- t-e PANCAKE Floti MFT-22 t-k lÇc in ctmt----ttt t-tgee tet-t-tut- tu t-comst--t-tiv ttttes thento agnt- t-wa moa t add stdco--esI Ct- 't-t-t- lt-l t-tttt-t-tit-tt -.n CRICKEN2 HADDI lt-t-n 34cg tet t e e t-c t-est t-elicttononed. jct oDfÔ IA NOTESýqn Ii ee'tidi t-t-pse Prttttlt -t-slt-t-t ett-t t-t t-teIo y 2.7 - . i A-ht--tt-t-t-tttctttit-t- t-t-est t@ouvnc.tt-uton S.na A. FAY t-tt-o -opun dey et- lt-titt-te eor t-erit-et smety t-- Tht- teetnatilt-t-t- t-t- Ct-t-ct-t-et s )lavepîu Reansaat-t-mn:Z/25 1 flot iiganst m teriaisst-ests dit-Os Imoe--î e l,t-t Et-z t-en c tt- e r sttcet-t-e t-et-t-at-t- t-t t- t- t-- t-t an-i-n- i f5 T ce itttt Dît-y ht-s t-t ifd d tt-in-aot -ts t e-i f o - utr f0 -- .sftt N O -Cii N - i~ t-t- t-trt-e t-c-t te-se tt-t-bo P N AKI Fllrt-h.t5-oigSot 30p t-s-t-ttt-te-tst ar an o itnaddsrc. W t or1n. rdw at u Intl.g.H ATIN t-ut-tltte ce t-ct-rt-if-tett-oMinitmso-fdlocaleittt---- tVttttlieet-tw. itlec-testette- îfds-oîeeîoïusî.r _______________________ 34 t---tet a dif W h t t-t- t-t---tt t-t-t- t-t-t- lft-dt--t t-t in tie th s .h Ct-e-tht t-et t--t-t et-- tr p l-7 Milonwe o :t flt at: t er: t-y t- f.ct- s-ht tt t-'uit r----t---tt r-t Th lt- t-t - g boo -t--t t-tt-t.. t-of -. q \ î-- 0 as a t o t - - - -t t-t -csr ng r ettl if t sde - t-t- t -f 'tr et-f it-ht-f CI t-ti te ft t- - t- f-err t-r ft-- ,,tttt hi- t-lt'a Ct--t B Pt-t t-t- et-t-t- _ _ _ _ _ _ C O K fli toutt roui int Miltt ifrug hanae but t-w et1-9 1ttit0. I u h- ftfhfhh f cuhampion undur- iu dietin \V-suu see- tuait-IO t-teoriBa Inly llai Aoigt-d e sa e t--htt--t k u t t-h ht t-t-t- t-ft ht--î et--- t- f oe heht t-i hatct-t-- ut- -t-- --tt t-et fo matt te A teftt-.it jrnl akn Ot-F. 150anSt ito. St-îed i l -c- Et-t-t-e r t-r -h s ho .ct TE A 't-ti h.is in pt-g. 300tM b "-, -t- e othnt. fui l11 -tutist SUt-IC 150ls -larC OF th ýr cria ocpto m av au! t ht-ai i- h ti f t -t-t ro ep t-hws ifi 't-îttu-t "6-4 0C NE T a d t1 titiý:o; , tt-",f f,, t-t P FR ITtt-ZE -l- iestihtcpsst-îtt- vefet-cdtsift-t hthet-t-t-sct t--ttt .ett-s-- t--tt t- tt- t-est- htt as-t~ttt t-tth'-hht-ete-e t OP 2br LCCHEE21.1E@e-tO-'.-I t-t t-i-t- Iitt-t t -t- t-ht-ri Ct-t-dnt bth Mr. qet- ndr. t-tt--ft----i t -l t et-to t-t lut-t estt t"f if ----tt j t- ,dd MItI -IA IH ON O Sl c ot"- -- Thtut-t-tht -tt-tt-et-tt--t--te. tt--t-eet-tt- o tgettilt-t-is Vtt e--oi C t tht-t-e C n rte t iont s t-nd t--tl- t-e -ettt l-tt- ttît-tî - stt-u lt tc-u- s-d -tth-t--tu- u- e ttetts t--t--s tet geot tp ee peu-i. Th-e--te-tt--5t ttt--t-es- tt-tt-ittetauker-t- Pta -t-Ve-ethî-Pttt-- tt- S-utt--- î-hPH-t-t-tt-Et- t---elsti.U ut- tht- a th t et-t- lu- it-et- t- e tht-o e ain m t- l iot- e t-s-ty ot-hot-, et-n. WAtt-t- et tn jilg -ot-tt-C orn t-t-et-a t-til.tt iL5 m ut a t-. RA' (TORE t, i-pct

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