le' roorl ans a lîrbo0er oae e lrecdaa R0011 aca Oele aldcile toacîsa the osaI bac cacha saies, Me Wilbc a oaeservi-t-.cete adAioa. labsOee n ochey advescaaîip oelaahed. dor't Ici Il,, lu ocb witC coar Cah or cl Loan eabodaaeas an Maie sîre.o eaul the saineso le cala disricte. The flilon rete..sen Fer Mdilon. P. W. Coob, iL. H. Staca Gordon McNabC. Fer Nelon dllrc,, Chacte Rcdbcod; lac- Tcloi.goc dis. Orce, erd Robin... and Geoce, KCe Th.s en ta cai le th. puc1e Ce ceady obea OCy cal, as hoc )lave a large leritecp la caverc aed aIl1 vrcy Cary Aitll ive wclclii1 c, tors and Ls la Spserd 0Cr Vir Tbs srsts aS.DH ..ulr jrbo tuIIbc Obar«. IOD. atîlIl rits lh. b-r Sais and Funs Paradr, hraadrano b ObShmfft, Lld. 1. th. twns hall Tu- .lnrllssalsg. Donaionstf,.. the f1 lealeseafi'.. .r.s frytoarb ccr.- at»d :T. I.tcsao.., Dd.. B. 0suysc C.- L!4. M graih. Nati-J. hera f.t,.. CG. W. clb, .-C, ca, LdDoasoeeaSt Ltd, ~u'X e ora. Fîct, la 1934, 0caretbrde- d verlpoaet aI a hage plant on a cg NrtbCociiaeacbsar xract bri. mines fr000 ses caler. Althosagh ther abreaccaei65partsaof broein a milion partsoaIseara cter, the prooes a beenshcessul and lat taclrdeacb ysac. Mstfit lsussd ot i lakrhîg t-bnoach gasabare. le Most spactocuas opratlte In "nra-erieîog" le paadaclag slikd, -sbîoy erogarsioe tastai frocnt ea caera. Ta crct a galylancreinrd cor demand fo agnsesnfor sir .y ligbleal aIfdtaesealasianenleset.« iog pla a set ap onathsr ers to of the Gulf aI Meico a Freposo cTatas. Appoieatsiy ech 3M0 gaI. loso aesaca cosapotepedthtroogb lgies op aneioc sella ront cbicb a pod oaIteUs tata la pro» Cdoord. Hoadrads oaImllioaas of poodds. ofcagnesiota have Isan labea 'Icatetht ssa y thia ama opant. cy Aaslseapold Apes Gbbons are aetbrapoid apes par. O acs sameocbt listalosrly relatri lo an055Obosarr gorilles,ocaeng olnso, or chicponeers. Butthry are1 sleibiogly hCaaoinathe pprarance »of Obir 10cr,, od ilathe apigtî Posture Oal ebseoclerizrs thele waoig. Tbslr trer living habits bore ds-rriopcd ain brosetraoer nary engh and paccafobas, Tbeyaore tirsly etibtes a tr topa,sleepingonaEmibs, aswitalg.i icg Ceata brncah labs-sncb, Olten aoag on cali-drtared aeraal traits. Thera lcipaprtiensareid loget. e by t0Cr bd ot aces, cbicb r osad ta rcil chat are appaseetly' cdil-derd signola usdessoed by thr meacbaca of acb individuel Ioiy gop. Day Cleaehs IGleremany Il bat brrr sicolcd tat ciltI !a ry accioithelbsRecin b ote toc iea too 10 par crsI af the ps-s. wa fgur. cirtie's, chicO cas Selle's hggcstopant, cloed mos-s iba toe yaa ega. Pants la Ham- horg. wch esopplies ebierlne.type taivecea ledryciroas mthroghot Graoynoacnoseonaer deon . cashete coerpounds as-a nsedet for cirooîeg cor emachiae parsors cebieg artificieahe campondo res tbrp careeaarerteU eecmy. Wbol lilr dycisaelog la avaîlabiele nreraey is probably, ecccadîeg tle ibs inoranat, ceosl.d' on wclU baaîiee lotosee.. WemeWeeb in AIs-cases War Manopcce Cmmerssioerl Peul V. MeNut ep rtsl, Ibefroc 70 oIa80Precetofteflrceabataer linOetohe coîl îCft dut e wmn Dclreirg choc 0Cerodctonofai oi coîl s eopidiy bcmn wm a' s indueOy," te araed tat. woncprieitd apIloetimatelyI oe-thidoth 0Crkcers aoc er. pioedet,0rproportian cooeiag about 45 e et nwser lns,3 e ceatinlethe Mddc West M26pas- centlin theEast. Ilsprobable tboî ths perorioe far 5Cr choea un try cîli isc tc 50 par cet by the ed Of 1943. Belote the Unted Stotes nrased the cas-, asly 2 pas-, cet ofiralact ladosts'y ros-h,& care tasssa Th6 Cafmd1acha 'latrI moBi îià HI I 1,1 M LOIer.. 0r. a1, lmit1wutRich Goulu. po,1 - Lbera, coalgaer vIt lasWsl A NfW EDfl'M FmI Sates oeta a lessdasmag la TUE CANMANW4CAMPIN the oly rapublie ite bAirta mu- tistent. Stuated on the stidàeat' cher. 1ilotsintocard lb. IaIrs" 09 Bruit ,Liberia te dgsdwithesiel- a domanesef Frane s@bd OGreat Enitais, Ifext deor nelghhees a Sierrea Leone, Freh Ganera an th Ivory Coast. Ahbot the shape and sise nf Tan- nessee, the "Lad ofLbety" bas appltonestilcold aI 1,000O tI, 1,0 )00 ,ntal acasoae lo, -,îgt'oapill-, d ccot.c ,cghte. Clmulela - ~ h ed. Rainfeli, heaviel laro Moy ta Sepîember, averages 160 te 18C0iaches a yaae. Malaria and sleepng aleharaa are pobler Becesse of !t a ih asotLiberila as tees calaidthCr"Gardse Spot of WasttAfMae.' Principal plelda iceiode cacos, a gaod grade of colOre, cnsderable quattles ci coco, catolan ad lce. Trade hn cepper - "Grains of Paradise' - eaeed forLieriate ram of «Ths Gra Coast." Goals, sbrep and coailIednt-ady pastarage. Gsid G.A0 f. a etAcase lelief la imaportant hsiess. Iras Aanagemensts hove bers maOde b aress lalaentrrsaoaco. Diasteds, Mes, loba Oligbt, cidata af tbe lot( coppecanod incarsescilherutteperd laonOligbI ced F. Leacard Wie coolbh. cho bave bacc 0trhonres 0and Jorgilihe fbrestteare bard ta cte- rditas of the (Cadian Caone ecltal ebr. Foest prodsts- foate Cpastlse ecs yartlta tras- oaoaboCer, and pslrsahorels- fer the0 wn.,ckoipcla G. A *Dilis,. - cIe clcld lac capocs. Annuel Acîo. The scac edilce 0111tais0Cr îeduoof aIrobbsa plantatioss charge and cebIliîbThe Champion vacched uoe ccescsion ta Amae- altîe Noveobcc O. cor atracta, ba qoadruplitd the Mr. ill laa mn oflirlon ercY cleo aacilloter raparta aroateapar adpaltisa xrecer -in Atîca selnan le pprcehlbonc The c Atae Frr Pess uoerctheba iec elM H. P. Macre hafllaecd 1Crhecre Meal Mde Appealing and nerspapar businerssla Tocanto Bp Appearance of Food andacilberCassda clîeanedîenN-c Foodelpapard ith tbeught lfs- York andalosir cilles of NecYrcbPcecace ploya as imlportant part saoi. For 1Cr putl sbIes cyasslCe agîeog a eeai appetite appuil. bas becs adîler and pr0prit'l5 of alorsb apractetrs ad flars The Actas FreaPrass. lHe dors nealoIrea ocesidaralio. Cteast assumthe ibardllal ichairase acoccon eda lneoest and carefal biesdisg doete tcagca leMltonbuColas Wril- ).1aos can as re itsreatlag beacs bys.any cllaros Inlaoand hllesbronatocasleopiace foods. tbe dstrict aosd. lReds, gres, yeiorsanasd white Wr are islormed th1 he OboOre a rlos coashoatiats arecra adllor wal ibhav a saeel lea oobchicb sboid guide 1Cr planning o inarat ebk'slIsueofatherChaon ,.cyerr euenaareaesd meate ad tbere wll aliabcasanaoaoace- îIrlcolaoiaads,wbîch areslight in mecI train 1Crhe rael oercsad -lec, aesscacd. Vegeteblas shosld edllac ceccîdoe coiaa and cotrasl la tes. For exaempe, a crise. rixed rage- tabe I.d ec. re .getable- Stop! Lok Liten pesa. beeccali, asaparagus, a yrllow -crsor cca, ora rerd egetabie Speed The Victory! cbbog. orbeala, sabaa ie ses-ted oIfcgrenadda eroeb ta bbc appe- 'T'the ClltoalofMiltonrait d,îc,,., erce oet bcd-a opig ef parlsy os- W.c-ilen- c eealcg Oaiîlth ,Ieîc cccof aI coet tapa ceao be osed. ofI c bc c ofetc.adoe iel, Victry L-, sd .0Spirocb os agoad hbuis foraà lrh~lciooobla'th I"s')"'ý mo,d ragelobir nolod, oendcasalbe ou.Wc sîtllihve o ngioo aO.ta.,gccoerbed eilb albera egetahîrs far tueeàrobciv jifî,,cc,,lle budget aaiads. Thought sbaaid aise, cntimedrl rercal calihutioaoiebgveraothebsbapsaof rits and everone ve cn agtil o o c' eccgsablra cbsa panning a seaal. top. Ill1.aecdlc. solcole lui- Pe1ic of r Iis ]ar.. It l, pcl ribîc ltherls leeo îl Ce oi, 00,and Rere eSes.Trsses. thi1.t.Citiz ee. 'orMilto su11 dis- Withi0Crheiat dacade siesebas tct lpital Pite r dCllall,,oîdsîod wayaîto dip 000r drepiy lin sprlli sadci a e n 0re Ob- sea sara afdisslrrd treas- OCe os ord sdaoblretu el lut hbac a 0 VO U R 5 0PVj UW The paratroper tkea i lif la bis hands wen bo descondssb.gh ae sie. But frstle is abond- picked ina0, go c nagbgris llisg trainingan eceives le fiest equipmess yet devisrd--far hi, and your secorosy. Ashbis osack i our defenearoainst Axis domination so Brnord Roofisg deltas ay a hume against the beating of the weatbcr. Burt st aow, brcse it.sbul of surtgio seaterials, the sopply of Brantford Roofing is limited. Soppliessavailablr for civilian use are ratiocird se dealers, in ensare an eqostoble share ine ck comasueity. To stretcb metsa saerials os fatra possible, oh Brantford Roofissg lises hae bers ssoedardized on a minmumsesronge of styles asnd coloors. If yoeart foced itbroofing problens, ak your Brantford Roofiog dealer inaostist ou. lie wili help yooaeyoor prcset roof lest lonager and effect orgent repoirs witb a minimuoosf aDev material. He wcdl also belli, o plao soc for a complesely rector.sed roof alter -sos-y. Eranfo-d Roofs Brasstford«toofisCompasy UsLnsd amoslfrd - Onstario Georgetown Lumber Co. off Miton MILL STREET - PKONS. 49 r-so m m ' SALESAN.....0 0l, when ho oeils on you ()w Iïf ý,o àuql Oats lt*Içei ROMAN MEA4L mahage SOUP UM Xsw. P4ss . 200 Cr.am 02 Wh.at &I. 1409 22» 10MAI COFFEE Z. .19035e van Camp'. Deanu2 290 Tomate Slipvsac-.'2 15o LIOHT DULESw 15o.îg Saallusse5. 3Zr8VNe-Ce Phs. aie Sa.aa Pulfte Wlst b& 2 5rI.9 I kn araSM ONse'Frk sPi sI avy a e .sy P- 24b. leurCu 790z ig W d. dom 51 e c 1.*qs d e1. ns.Ial ea IlWax 20"0 W 291 Carrots and Beets 5.r c Pie Pumpkin --e 15c Lg. White Cauliflower -2 lc Ferui .nd prs .tI . dp4s si S tarda, Ight a..I, BY VICTORY BONDSé NASSAGAWEYA Me MFnitîl a we ioipe.Iad ilePrricteataaey. M- et mes . Brbotil c fOrange- S. S. No. 7 sMr. Teiggor o ba thln1100 ast 0urevillage arhumb tIs at ee bsn vle vse wt ,1 iCs parents, Mr. and Ciaes, cba de as the ases aItco dah astdsalant for so e aey pers Mes. Arthur NgOllogale dceleg the yece. rcv. Mr. Irving and a forer la agole llgbted as Siatdap erralega cwcerk-end nbclidop. Y TheIthleolannuelaeeIico aeort- pao IeeRrM. Brandodceteandthtsfamilr hytat teail Mr. and Me.W. YF.tDeebp ast ce Cc tOc Oosp Ocro Club elIl locecai sercice ai the boaiseednd t "asdeepiy oppreraeaarc board unesobotaii cf K,îelil eIIocrdrlel.ni ore. lnod 1BOeoillc 0Hall gela Si.John's AnglicanCUcC. Pall-. morc. vtle erveet ISi. Dseid's Prs- boctteecacb c'ae Me. Joscph Frank blaes ee Meure. MsttlhrJocb, Tîte ssoeîîpteis othleasie deC bclrclso CIae,-C'. CocporlllIe set aî,cocd tOce ocn'goperdinga Cy Wiila DcOdOe, laCs Wilson, Msl- onossd buildings. Ilacrer, ours-iate relaivesocancd t'lendit le tCr oaoshort speech le chicOle cceesd colta Hailes. Josep rp saek stedbuer buelila s ery erstfoctablr cillaga eliSoday. thec 100005 aI bCý Idle. la thase POlneraFinlay. The edrai tribates adest imCrosaeser oeeeang sarr. MimaElsir and OAudrey Watsont, .10 leaend Ilîr e l r aliso cr-r ansy adoeIl etifllast e ca re la vrs-pgsatfylsg. 5er. C. L.cf Gulorph, iilcd ace Idepacsct's ceccts ond la Ibose waOcdcolctd Oet cal Cp bysevecegrenccildrsn,Mm'oe. erla asresideas esOtistes-, condîcls hoce caca the crek-end. I,'l or mac s dle ed b 0000, 0e000eOBaber, Mes. PhiupaeMes.N. brs rier.Ferds Cres Adtos asd _______ ilc af Acîo Legbo cOl crea cas' Beocn. Mes. Colt, Mer. Cale, Msatlas- pisas as-re ey knbnle s ilg e di atio g te' Bicgoansd ta M. J. G.Mettiiiee and Elear arrspeal es elp Cson sIte, fiese. LOWVILLE 1- ll.cOlchocovus nchage of h aeoal eMise George. Issesres cas Annltormareces co the United il Ttao boe. lB Iinooe c ec play- code le et. John's Cetry. horcO Olîl lc ei lic Oe. uday, Octo. * ,I db thg.oed ocîe dgiceais tIr.IcI GuesI tepast wcraithterhoter NA0SSAG.AW EYA 24th. AtIcia. th- e asîîoo eV.Ee. $101 elP'rlil eiora clelo ccaocccfeMr. andMs-.Loarner PigcecoM. Care, eM.A. ..O l lîpeach. At Ca Me. Il. C. FIey acd IDe. YounedHoartd Jamers, St. Catharinesa; Lloyd 7aoc îîcî Oaa . CA. Oedo, O S.A.. * h Ilieîdc.d di aîded fler lIed pice JaoescrtaEarieansd Me S. C. A age gobbeles aof the faleedsetofJrecOil, icliec IileOlpeak tl ý1e,d leîîrE $14bî,3 csoooarl ,Mcfeso llo 2 cnesin4'n h UdîthrlhdyOl _________w_2_hThPstr, e OoE M.Cae, Ot 'f 1-mcIbis psi 1oOlh, rtlo'a cab M. ecasmet l 0,caocaabur M.,1h . OwPlI cRe aram. Mc. j llicîl. Millto, ootiaîcrT NoSgch e pe. tusay eeBOcteos-y .A .O tlî ry ocb.S.. ilf J s. OacI diep.eai f aeccrIael a .1200, tehocnos- sarIs- son L/JCPI. Arcolc cille.,0111 creco î et . cc.i.llcts) whc ieliOclileîla,chlea, dcak-MePesoc.cCftheaCan"aedl oos sicaloabhseraiec h o, eîai.g, -ilisble, ,lellîico. piea- Mofabto taths or cisC oew thatm o rCcps, 31 cf Toronbo, coto ca acse.Mr. aeIl bac F. W. IdocCOlie aI- '.reeal lIeaod oclîco and heieh' cala. Tbese arc the pîssocet dopa ce lence. Mc. Lso Nghtingaleiv e- Mne d l erl o t leosin ]cracsah Aller ed olcs fr itee -oec"clîno eerey prospect pis"'%" atohirco orDepegs onald TOeOcclabe ceeting cf 10e W.Ido. aisdoI sdoclig tc tleoclrd cIra fladatoc a plndid s-ccier 0eg a d sa the attressanotd Wal- th0 ellnite cb chwot Ccld ai the $3400. armcetaforcureioytaet. HoeoerlaccLahyme ebpirselatlotcof Cotes ob Me" F W Itrbotletesbt Fccc 0CrhectO weeo 0,0ladies Ibis costeabol seecy la futl aag' -legL/Cpl. A. MaPOesonsmae a Tuesdoc obacao. TOc pooctantees a rin* ri i Mes.rgof MH . W. aCcîle, e leC bas icg h. ladies ceococi6.(K).A echet eppeasce. the hlad adds-e asd gife.' Lunch wm alletr pacclid.TOe deesltspeaker O.b pendcelscoondocîed Cc cnc ab h avs f il n ado o ev addnigad oiltrsfore thee attcrasoasas Mr. Orlis hlcacebrce,.leaei dil c.ýa', 000 1Cr coslpartebubaeegasbasat sn, osaspent. Watson> cf Tacae. re s. Wohe e lcaoed teoc Il LeII Oeeoti,].,Iand oece agalo Provideneabar deuil Thr Wotart's Assoiation dl Ste,. Oaoby. Tootica. socgs IcIBsolos Mes. aîî- reeio5 s-Id piaell. Me. eodlhicdlp altnourao ceasnlty. strasenietetdCas-ab aosduela e a- Wiliamckel etcfilleln le r IMes W. Melcoud aod MisIabesCcleMaey ttedad thr Asnercsarp rshcoet hootb as scie Fai- asd yeuae a shrtbcelcotas. daold $1.25 cCl,-lc Ceicgs theîrtalSocicesfield ai Capbrllilrle n5te MoCday clsh good socasa. Procjed peeccedste Ol c1l bac $17.00. Poas' Pcesbtcclse CbocenosSataday. The tera for car cceb. lacs,eapoes oî,,lcoboaeor c ear ocTbaebogiviîlag toscaddedt hte c Ocias te asnireeasy sericesaiet ZIMMERMAN lîee osellicg itct .Recicîs nt th.s lOba lcsclelriofad eteryet cf the the Eden MillesUited Chas-eh seet - 1 ] nc.iontled 50$1.10. accicr.Sanda, thosa cils tei no "nlm in The Wooio's Assocateiîo otasos Dca ob Nosaeedscr o'acde set d Moetap, bile doy astapas-t eSi. the EteaeeUited Chuecb e on Sun- estae sflere'Or ai th. Cocos of in.t rspetedresdetsPir. HnryelalyforNatona Thnkslvng as ey.Mr. ssn telrl Soclacd, onesRed Davecpccpadawayt hc oma teteatuaîdysad theahrts oel.AC 2 Harold Couison ofGalb and MlssNccc alcisrdeieo e last 10 ededdy coccleg oblar soder' or cles eia ca eistet cf their ase.Martes- Jimmyteou clse, of Mil- 10 the boase cith unastsellof et0015 îag frntaco s etoobofl ccuaocois. Ccoueulland, and lisseInooefs-otetosandal»iamossa][foiend Leusey. -HugitHarrsa eon .a-avicite Cr cas a le ore 00i0 cee ondIt 011ilîedasbatîcea ofb or. Morbey cf Pester rvstt t h ltG. ce the saine e aadc. 1Creial IMleas ase coslgig ber Ther casîer beleg tas finea, aCes-ed T. Wilsonandet aely on Sasetay ht.s ccooterad gadreta csc iosoan oppcclacily t10 i-enda feces a M. Wi.kParisof Sem eadsons -------- laaitllO elghors occosolui. dsansc ta rieiltheIapeope af eac Ms-. Ettes FerreC ofWcstsn,vistat B 4 - Me. "id Mm es.erpors caeorfront villaga. relsorsesansotfrirets et Ksatchbbll -Eeglost 62 yaar"go. Hec aad Ms-. atdMes.Sterss.oCfIHaeilton ent reSassas'. DANIEL HUN perrceas estrn yrcssgo. Teccore goasto of Mes. Frer-ast MmsAnnie Miersf Hamtotn vis.1 chlitres Clesset5the hoce our eboys, Idaehî'ys. Roidslatives ant Crieds lanase EIPSfSfhfI Auckonee -Heery, Guelph; Fred, Wndscr; Ed- Mr.s-a acs Ademis. Perd ad Rush eacrya avrs the Tlaaglclng s OPEN FOR SALES w in, Nasagaeya ad Lawrece.ofterre ead asatcllroDawsn, o Teo-iide Kitchene;sct six girls, Eleasor ronta, c rervisitern at the baresofl ttc. ast Mmesosrge ighting Phonea79r 2-_ . R. 4,Mito IMes. Hardyl Port Huroe, C. a.A.; lIco. C. L. ant Mes. Poolen, jeadiamly o! KnateObuU cistt al jSmraasItsbe k.. Irena iMrs. itipplyl Tronto. ESsa aiU. and Mm es. ot ciEstta.. aut a09 dala teasisk nse OUU"" one of y tût 0 .. , t -'w eigWn " 5ou - 'htI Wh ty c:el ai 01 b1seaos tlCBo s.-t t ta S-'tav O' tab U1' otrI lie ts gng 5he Y a oduk dot t do C t eS0,a n ot0 by %Sks ogl te ait hUlaCtt0 e sy Vktary iti' O ta ple o ou ist0 10 e 'a o o BhegatCt rc es iOU ' o on sOOOt a t, '<aU S on o - *O tia>SCt ce W ie '4cSdt 51 le~ec a i 1 istai' C U'd enteleIa wânmmmmîïil., '--I 4 M- il