tbft AtIf-I. a- ytiJWVML.- ac Titi uderlese paint fo r walit and ouilîs. Drus. quioltly in two houri with a heautilsal m achiI-' leaves no brutit marks or laps. EaaI1l applied on ali indi of surtaoas. Easy ta keepop Jen, iîoply sponge NUJ-WALL with mild soap snd water. Made by titi makera of . V. Paiota, Varmabes and - - C. T. DAY & SON Mît.rOcs MU -d Ji à; Wu* e.,s t be. Ina. SdeaMd ?0 ppc fit ce atufl sItes <lacté la tItil1. Stocélag graoor totania rcIte moe ttotureauîe70 per en'cc teY ch t tbe lo.eeta.Oili uftcr tettiOg id thetc leliita te t e éd toto o lUSitoat Stga <eicea- t%. ronot% gn tet cottent ibt e ebrauglttécutstromt teondgi- oi 0tSutnt&bout 78 par cnl la a $afedeLg;rtt> emepato mliAis l 10 perlc. cm cfumidé "t ée ed trs bu ba taubnof té essoa tatt P Seicovl.og paof ttae wtrc RP jdcii ait taireasiatac iOA M f aigir preiant btI dci uteaai la pocraol o U r w ltti îlsié arai0 Qa.wrorbaisloneviporotaé. oeitraa cbotts oraildes 14 a-OUi clu aItebe te errur iltillge COtenitas mre icos 7l por rent cf teottre. aosétici Uqulé teioth ot realslao aanlaportit aoteni i=, utIreutragtet Idi tpr lesta lms..s b 'Rabtitâ Ca Be Contcolle If Th"7 Danage Cropi C[heSNAPSI.1O GUILD tinse& $te aturea * de Iele nt e areeully teésé RAIN AND FOG cro . Ifeld, gru, andébrictt :r ser he icogrdon,Osaitstimala te iliy t eas Mmedams. IA Seilwtelc areunod the #or. *dos wIt lscp Umee asimait ouat, but àitaexppnsie. Furtatrine e t .iea for acant lface l ta etio able tea igsrdir ai petrot. Ila thecountry, or insuebrandis- tieta nitra stataf taatmta, a gr. taest at, i o sed Sa central rab- bits If tac lau attani tais léere esb. bitsaire docsgtng cpa. lattaIs 0 anesonta cte, rt t Ongbî uctit eactpteernitg. I ePttens areoet 551 acefflective, iitc stecef ebcmitsa f tadi sort démtegatae plats. ficotn ootfte Mayredacestabt tetet,,but iA mt ebtpmeyd a te tplan*vacy teur daya.,adsetef1.ecey UEs. ,imltetboxas a iteéniti spr. ore ac creo, ase. peobobiy tac boat tersifee abbit rontre]. Saveesi efthobnstploccé tante gardonis cr tae boedeeas ee.theaniaitsoen- ter, cclii captai tce grdtna, la put a ote tlhliir dateage, Iltge scpbep isMoule Wbcc Pytsptom otes té crsptsey raconte lara mont ensaflydoectad ag- rieullorlate idvic goaer. tatoits iéraetae.of t tandc tort reogg BU éttrasé <plantIsas&aitoy. M tttsughthIis viruts détase ta muat oreloua on blacki ramplicclci, Iltas aie aerdestructte rdad Dnr enItes poettAira oit cît fwhsc lad w555h, tisipa 51k,. pin-pIc arietlae. Thtetait contrte Ittéenr. Ysa moi, prdtie.à ictpletorsaotet ils ncionallp loaosprIs recosure ta.e tsoi lof ail <plantIs cneri. s ibec eta îsyteptomi. N UALmn f usprefeor sciios the rlottf iartuatroa Yeiou.Spiy e rober Aft. w.ah4rfor urcictue eacp. Torysarlypl h moaag, msi ylg reua re ia tanins ta«re. Itouecar, in ote or ltotlta thea tSat.o.005cor tos orMcalllage on ticaicve, ctbsttu o us initstnfet trctltes thon<s uasi5malte ,oroeucd y yellont.tgreélrit nin to v.rlootebtaty lucern ttssiry. sua. Dlestd <lacIs are tust tanrteooa ftetrr.t. ()rOutaion n cd thclouvsa bve a degeetn gtno, tt roo tttuéft cttsty 5 5t1 thl aOi *b; nd ellorawttaatrtpckld as iract u ouof fh nstisaIrogeSOstrandofs, It- ysarî a uts aO.oloafc.g 5n00 Netttr tocina ordettan tado- thcretcof a teit-etcee psr'iats tol o thre ouattali a np. cashyplnteeMdofuts o d 0000on iatte><tbesge ples, httuéo te ein ua tisal atréset latsae euydy,ic.édy meodsofrot tngs cet brancesof ut éoasa tuy toc-os a Stan attgure ae thetees.lIfyo're aiort tou'ttnéuns.&@for Cuse, crttlyP oeeé. 112 Wten catutgU, rooove and do- oacy poBoiitire "titd" Ote, ft'ta <osed figure i l snoaar foer ag toy stlmsnot alyth gsottcshcw- adocé net addutItntcreuttg lItomstabt atshm ilate ta"t,toeaoî tire suattc plant aicetheti te yoreOectrarcollecton. aforaBassonirepoaaee espiant £romtoula gecc Inet ee Toui toit ibe b i camp- a ecoséîte*oaltminp t dat, opprtucitlaastrt ot ce laasnîeouî «neethe seauttie tan rbtinc o bret, or 'ou t/tlonoePancoctao ilm con shoot leote the iteiter ut a wndcon ote On "' Thiti btrtthool prIoint ts Honevro, ecomrctis Oneste r al tao vey pbotogrsotoc. lto't dote andétoogy mnrintega la et bailtetatte ker< roue mr teok nd cyou'tItaouýtu éîiou.t Oc tton th bctt. Luné Il 0<, tas Ioit ropolurecortnglp. Loné pour utssseerti ct st"tad we&tai, enterra nîttt ttt.tpaed fic, and <'bues arsicitinis - aide paS POU 0111 hi altî t tatItactaeyot, Ot t trecesî r nlaatlag ..&P. raityat bi set aelaer$tojete tbosancoouri fr tettois et abouttt/2t6looteco t/11 or É1,5JobsnrsgnQillde HWto sut the coot of aciting Yur Homié ,1 "Poor gea" Complotit. YkJ Hot IVaer Heating Systenus natar trot,a itha itri-root arrasguamtuma aO"r h c "toes' totosélaOltste hlafLt tatastea n ictir tai éttri, jc èIlé »resu. EEt telttbeoia nsScasédueate osén terioste y telfias ont albepélrtcu the toloreteruap- CultahtiIteriu the acom- teter, ltneaiagate tane. Cloute cave trs theta i tte <'tycitl feu- kt nyt na itte s ate , hutng pant i the ginsteaescape. Tht. eiitor lisi re atisattattt con boro orstod. <'efccc eii ichetetoleayistotn ouapratator.nayot i tIf rtaimtor. or sopt, t 1. tin: Wae tésainlion wu to lp 'toth ott.O nip it aitroé tmiatoru.Ttiii le . à solét ta tr i utbeins calé. eag irge e Isfi- W t.6frocr ta dep tht p iiutlthetas a avatars, air taalcsea téd. 0 en K Tn vtoàeg crsuscctayontlristen Ftes aTitiano-Dab TtceSroot. age Chinos,s perétt té fututs rc-rntc or tledtté 10 tra ttce utcotec of iccie placs tp rons- si ttatttcricestoes. Ta do su tathey Mcrd n queitie»on cthlb atootéir bose et asnetnor onu <'pi of toteist-abmtt. Thsc t.p oappI ettltete oter aide of taclise. bTispeoducesé àcrackb pa. th. face. Ttc direcetiotantettot tte ciacm nos blleeéta ladIcest s positiveece cegitice aostoe ta the qoe. lOidue te tispenttice, et divition, bco*n ascapulictis- et,, tait cet bols ma.cocani cc Ido about tte Sang peuple et An- ta,o becouîc great pi of onté ceacte bocra bave tacs élicooecéd sndtrtaosatrd. Thun or toutehatt te Shanog peoplc wueied about, and wctottewae frertuut inta oir mincds.Ttc Black Potteep peope aige prcticeé teapliltancytntaa pebiive feete. tlosaiti Wosscila Planta Thetréldfet'pesonnel admintatra- iobi I tdusttet cas itonl? cloîcé to woetsPir tte rbutedi Ipraductionteas fdtIl ît strtet séjuat <'liotan <'coices nneus-m p] ucsis astcks replae nort.i'g Inavealli. se uttmaa cursssie, tatwecosta. actait job îupmalalb acdtheta. raouttvetperonnlaset ta egé ita tac dutt, taicatlng go eai iotye-cisptato relaticn- sbtpa. SturtU araimplistanssl of tha couaibtci fasolles nilllesipa the esett ofutfoaimen nds tatt sicptayacaa&£amit u a$ 5ce- wprkra sud uti a tce man le bdudw ee e alatbetarp ide., naeu tthti 55 et -tatia.ss itts- .P.Pia a a-- Ing ~ ~ ~ ~ d ulî t.,taa se idIlti I.taaim. atot«taé ~ rid~Ss]é101 MARK EVERY GRAVE UnfaotursrseotDstnctive Bosmms, Couotoy Lttsing, Crner Posta. mudni arkei INo &gntsto l bother you. No Satooiae o'.mmlaalons te psy. DdaignesSubtitteé. A UNIe ISONENT IN PTOCI BU'V DIRECT FR051 US W. R. EDWARDS IOAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS 29 COIBORNE ST. W. (ON lIIGIIWAY) - OAKVILLE boat. Te mêlns &d!coJ&m t, ar tflttstrementsteafor vue n. it éa ita pyourlat dip- th etvl ila é Caace to grde aer asfui. Pieu, masp faI ûi à=#toatl slé, Hf talasoitéion aa t. a- lre ofé m iitrai li " osdrW.. uéitlylpvent flot radIaIs,, lf -Miéla -*Mitg Pena a este.t kyol« Il the aectionsscf t sthe lee ébsifor teomes'a a ana httaos tas rmomaensta. p =sdé.20a r sttlled or rol, tisiCnititon DM dr ;,»m O S Tm = t.Paeou écialp teditatai tat tai un m « plrrau.àét.o . o e ladeilaimdt 3SI""terstcl If it 14 bopisiolsai lslpta té eA&>M6 e e..ý= h"s e lul, th~.ta-.. ai la i iqdot. 3a- F ttetiai so JeesI ia4 wta .el I. tu~~iiItl'Oi Rtest tllsst _______ bren reestt,1aid te "41cs Puteptina, gQuamo or ccuera, i tilintcrease ice danger tram ta. aict andosé liait, Cocaabera cao te gettnens co eet ontgond colt, bt a @ady om in ade lacéon éCate age, toettp tttciue tltgpone, laà ent ta inetia on ublet teutimberssesra t e IrawnTe grow n ocssbes ofger qidtty osé icat yil tesilytau secaino la <eéss smpi.w dimI, lbrugb appltastbi cea sou. pista PlataIfood. ouwmm t3for epliChukds.àaè gà esii P lrellsto obua-s Thsese i e mai fteesci 4bei 1- id 1, p t ou'uly thi',ug -1 "1 but pua. oble dan-g,. lu cquip,,et ITth 'e rotet togight te cute. Paoré te the job of echedot ng, dia- potching ood etottint trains ai s cogestcé catteood systeit. ,0Oe totoaeeor cantic up ailood trait. fe&herpoooiy resultiag ta C'4 - AY J coliion Whic wouid damagebota N î traino séndgoodo in trotnait. f* The "robot" contrai pectoceti tbe Gil ro0a Bern0 ucrtaciotta lnsouterports o gazoline, buaodiene osé telueis Plantsa dtsptcteri and îwitotmes do ina o cotrosé tystete. In tsoy e1 thse ats st, eto il .tcreqord nortbersofetskitird operaoacier oaltatle, lit noué tbc tttnty ite- j Possible ftecotaeopeo anlé close te c Ieco avestettlt lh. pro- cisc tltoterg procled by thc "robot" centrol, cottisticg ot atatat cycto-titeeco td atéve otrttool. 'jSpinacis Regains Ita Loat Favor aus Food Nuirient SPinch tbtoi td a cateuaied coceer. At oneticooovryone wai urged te rat il becoose of lia btgt a calcioco contact, but teten JIl iii t tereé tt tecalciute sas fnet À an availattctfotebody'& eseot tel tato distaver. Heer, wten ài vitamlc reqoireetssaoséthe 1 amnoota ic different fonds nere test. ied, it waî roptdly rettacacé ta tovor. Weitbt foc welgbt.frcobtybitarviat- ed rcotitacb teay tentata tee timet s s rthiacocrblo acté as or- ange jules,tan entrcns a aumct vitamt A as itlk. Ittbysce chance coobrd sitact in tatoa ta yooc touartoté, ncotlata rtaitly tts tit in ttrodoce tte tender grass traces ittaditirect sotié rousti. nactons. Wtitr il tte coaked spiiot f in atfavite,.yortfaily wltpreb sbty aiprecîate gettaf It tina n J facte acd continue ta cjoy tte deti- Stitah aoo ey tebcttacindwta pirces, oftomtetand acérdibstaces orwlitsreéddécarrons andFrenchl for oIIcf nph.,. dresatatntteote cotortot ppetlaing1 M: S " m hom- dictes. to tact rnaoy othtt greens totit cutivateé and wîld, arr addi- tions te salade praviéeé Oeir flace, _________________ s ectaydty ttose youacre service. Stailar combinotiona cao te airé J. COOKE I adihs Fois Factorias In rge * Floor Contractor For tte cuceesitté stoage ot frest * _______________ Veletabtes, tour important factors * , PLlSLAViS iiOia muet te takec loto considcrotiast av* FC iS PCîO FINIOHINIO tatutre, teaiaturcc,ventilation, GWE SP N:'AU IN; atédlgttt Tbote wteiotare :tacisr OLO F LOONO tintructure osé grcwtt require stu- io Wrtit nsPip fie<tan condtiocréNo onesstoly _____ ____ t__ tore ait vegctcbtes. Attotter 838T. ttlagtat la Vert, important tn ta LI.... Put tatu storote octy hMît qtt5tty ______________________prodce-ecetobirstat tee tree 1 oe tsect 4dotage, éirage, braises, cracbo, bteibhei. cuts, sacturn, trait, or mectonicat in. jury. Care nmuaetecosed ta bar- Vesitg teavaoté trolstag. Sonita. tion cf th toriaoe coat. or bouse in WELL DR LIA G tondécitrage tasurosor. Tboroogt- ly cotoat aé vectitete ttc ptace bairtocPtttting tep proéurts ta fer ttcetinter. Ttc inoide efthte star- RATES REASE>NABLE agecstructure andéailboxes or cesors etoatétec disottetrte itt a souton mae éby addétaonerpict offormt- EDWARD A. CORE érbyéc ta sixfgaloca of watcr, or IPOONE 46-i3 - DRONTIE onePoundéofcappcr uaoépta tan gallocisetftester. GascitAgait(Gan Aliis Becus eriouc damae trom spitte HCatoptis a y start at ont, time, fic arlow BS. Mile, ero- teogîit f tte Montaea Agrir -. v'udila -- torot Erperiterot tation, urges daiélly Incpection,0oet tctrees and awv.Peomtep tcoicg ttcmoet e lU geowteittarts ta curi or showes thc bcticcicg cf aninetation. 1 Spouce goti aptis are ce tieyt oet arectaré toese, Dr. Mille e ratis. tidéen onéerrcottont masses ocnte udrie fleint yearo's owth ta, laté rggsc etiet oI btt monc. Lit. tir nytpetwcitt titrate le ne growt nd ca Ousete ctacocteristir ooigtty 0011. Ttceat allrouebiro a sp<race coer citt Orcélca Cteding tlltoroudit. ttin greec or tarptish et frsi, turne trownctata, osé * vectualty tillathe ttp. sitive trot it 000 érteet tre changes ot tros ttoc ove part in a mlin accoocéta te Dr. Harold K. Schiltang, ssociate p<'reener et ptysice ai ttc Pennsovieo tite coltage. Ttc or- dinoyoair <recoure otiot the car lab equot te ttceceittt ot amilo teoiqaiten per square cectimrtcc (albout oc-ittof aisquare inch). ~ J changeton pressure coulcé tV * /, dding uly one-ttootoodtt et o JJ toaqoito ta ttc pile coulé te értrot- f ré y ttecr, Dr. Schilling salé. If oly tea or $tree oleculcaof Place te écuon itncceet oc ly NUUÙ W IT~'O onc ofthttc tolecoles, ttecacr nouté aotice il, tte<'tysitstat lti. Yeu mi abo p our lit dctp- 'L <'ac.snpfl oétocd .. 1t po . oiriit. H il dzras a ibotié<andth. scapft o w<' 4 y u Citumbera Lttt Loes catu "i =.yt rt e s Due ttete prvotose rc tticrt lclVotlcrtu alvae a nosédiseouse.te geawng ot ccurai. C2sàl ogeliiréIos berir a i tttc élifirutt. Do net W s t" iasflp. P séco cucumb rc uclatté flet tas TRIS NEWSPAPER (1 EAI) sMo TftREGIRAT MAGAZINES tol adfl $3.50 ilUe66#w Sotts &illardn 1 Yr (à Tramie oyP Mauila..150e Il Pitiîcplsp.o Uiro tr, ir Dictoe.^fid--.....- 1 V f1 Fad tsL.....,.,.10,r fI AMMith motsicc,.,...10er CI Pamh k Ums.ci.1Mis 11lOps. PoiSfer iam..- 1 0 91 The soia..........1,..Ye filSOs & Dlaoetep.. 10 fI LitaSétecolilet - 1 e. CI 8lIK'Watere i Or. Li liettocii _ i Or. fAmeltan Otrt 1....... *OiOUP 55t5ofeue Tsit 91 Coadelai5Home Jiual i1 0 13 Châtele.» ........SO i Nationmt apeu»Mt5SSyl. CI FauIte Sori & . CIabmWle il..........1 e. IFi~ u Mera ttttlilau i O - r fi ComéienHortiulture".is & Mme.... ...... . -1 ,. fiCianadin Pttiy ai...iO CI Rsé & Oun IniCinti...1. 54 PUETI TIO NESeh.tAss THIS NEWSPAR MAGAZIE CI C nioicHSmctourarel 1 e. ci C=lala . ...... .-..10er CI Natoleusol Sm cltp10er. fI Psitt. Cirald & i»ySit ar ....-....... 1 u. Il mime isd (Itîtuisiait 10 tI Parmsc'iUuoitte.-..a bei CI CansanHortltuire & Nom ....... ....... 1 Y I Cick iptatrie tl 1 0 Il Aseelii P rit rers.. t Ou Il Canaiensa satry i...10er f]ied tc i InSa Cîcîdeo....1iOu. tiibsscrto i tr....OUs. *Vanet st' agnâ a t «w55 nl la formadcacsecàlea tu "Meres:the New, Loy Way te Hoalthful FswIly Me&s" W~OtEN cverywuerr acclanus "Esstou- ~ Wk ot- oWic"t, a4nttoritatvet 5tw boolest tacat ta aU te guscswoek out cf gocéssis oi. I'î peonlcal .. toamvtg' 1 .stoitAndtcer's a opy foryos PRES. stetptyby nmsilingtecoeupoa belon v Auttoritira coaltar ttc importance cf ' nottion for sattbas an id os Victory, Yet 1110ti-nisa1',bresl10émis reconGoermensureys thow chart te. .21 1laciisss...21 êitsof 60 perceat cf Csaaétsa is defielent., ln * éttiuiaac . . Peetapi ycar fsmily laot praper fonds ti i.Iisisai ... tit..Ip tilé testé, istaia tig maras-otetp nscstts lneptcm fiton the jab 1t r.et000 So lcistteesy ay ts "gootoeae"mesa MAIL THIS c 0 l l I Stan peovide eveey foodé aisé 'r. NTITINecOVCacsTocY". cftcbcdy. Seaé foc yenr ccpy s BOce600. TORONOt.CuAND. arie THE OPJWINGIIEDnOTY (0TAO) Wsinvtat. iOO .,. - HBe ICHOL EDUCATION NO LONGER REQUIRED. to join the ]auCa AFr 'IOU doist erré a tgt actool Yediscaton ntoneyeur ningi now. Ttc &C.A.P. la Prejuarcé to proviée you withthtt e ucstioa -eesasry c oIne you ecigible for sirceew 'his your chace tes- up iithth<e tatd-bicsiug coterades of teaies iu ttc big doive for Vlctôry. VYcai,.. yotncaouje ina figbting iman's uniforie te once, Moto yocr decision igtt new I plan«e nd Sohoole a»e R.ady to Tmai TOitQuSohly Ne mort elas etosg it s ilrcw. BPoitaaa igisatasonce. &dhed isoaccors are wiiolg. Fm spia. iruready. If you are pbysfcally fie4 mestillyslgertoycr 17 and ifftyet 33, yoa - aseOUM m-tNA« THIS NEWSPAPEI (1 M«A) a"m1 ANT MAGAZMN LISTED Ba l AsU aol. At. s i1 rer fiMatia'i (24 iatt -- la I Cnadien Noma Joarcal.. 5la Il Cltototitar ..... ......... ....la [)Nional SHoeMotdp.. LU FI Pîmttc Coralé & Wccttly Start.............SU& Il Ne iordllutatedt.. la E l tar e i t .As s i s s t] Click IPiclare MnataIpI.. LU Il CcnadienHortclturie Il Cnadien Fsaltr ey iol .111LU Il Rté & O as naoda.à» Il Trot ttoec agineci..ta U Il Wmes'HCceiCmp . ..I il Sports Afold ........... Zn1 Il Libety lWsckl .-- IltLooksISi Ot..... ..... .,Sa.J EtlChta tarold....,..... &1 Il Pîcrcl'. Gir ........ - iZn IlORe Bcié lit...se.......... 2,71 Eltibeelun Magzine . CI tits ook.y & IlChIl if .L............anii (I CanenoS masn.......US fi~ M0014sPui Grs, 0 $od.t . I. . ...5.. '... . Pl ..... Umeth ca ec e iilss, wsila o es s bsaelpieIoSarepapa. I N~~AU~ _ _ _ .~ POST OPPIGS &TSSSRT OR R.9 ..... . ..... .. 0. ti n a t, le le