i~-t~ O F I NAXWEULan"£S COFFER S234C- "430 DUTCHESS APPLES '3 .Zlc CABBAGE 2, 25c Frash Carrots, Bets, Cauliflower Vegetable Marrow. Colory Acorn Squaih J. CADE:.SKY OPTONECT RIST WILL BE IN 19ILTON Wednesday, Octobe 6d, 1943 Anyons sufferme fret. yeMsatie, Dehetive Viion Readahe.s h.ld -netlb. oppgssusuty of menlting t ae eghl speeial s. Appoinaento iray b. md with 8.. tePetgrewn Man eStreet, Mile.. I. bHoups 10 &.M. t a 8 em. INSULA lION I Keepe Rut WHFBT« eWOË t WHENYDTuatIt COOL IN SUMMER- WARM IN WINTER Eay o ital, Fie Reiitant SAVES FUEL Wa have Both Batte and Oranular Rock Wool ia Stock and cau advise and help yau. CEMENT - LIME - GVPROCI POE4a R. S. ADAMS 8108f itj DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP HOLSTEIN SHOW in OAKVILLE ARENA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1943 Thbis avent will bring togother the wiaaera tram tbe following County Show-Brant, Haldimaad, Peel Mloa, Lnoln, Srmnoe, Waterloo, Welington, York, and Welland. A real opportanity for ail loyers o gaod livestook ta osaelbe 'topa" in the 'Blaok and Whitaa" C.' L. Goodhae, of Vaudreuil, Que., will place the ribbans commeacing t 10.00 am SPON5ORED DY Thie Holstein-Fflesian Association Of Ont. 3 e Wér G-& JAR S RURDERS WUEAT Zapkg. 2s0 7901 A '-' lb.- W lbP$. Red " m Atuw TOCA cet*B 35 SilerCeD<E-d OAR 15r*P4. 10-a.. lb 9g w..w. 18' I n e p..ass CLEANSeR WAX 0.k le We m.1the ighs t.lin* q».sthl. .5ci .ssben s -i F-. O)BITUARY. - i flC AIOIlWkOUt E usMeNi-. 5OIai.Mb-Aj ttt7vNNsln O. A OA u.7BTcI< MAv, H TR di"iCrul.0..e 15 * hl.O-u s 1 éIi ,FUEL, LUMBER, lME 0.. l ky Silyn.. e.0tnyI l,. Mlliî l. bossIMPLEMRNTS, ETC..M1 formanité oo pue n e a ft Inmars" to na10 r O tts- estrui rein the adtineltraoetn 0I& 1w m sdmO P.uar'fnrhsultand,.cou f lir..andMrs. Gorge . THENUTATEOF D t. 4. 1=e e __dr - Ontas.U rio.t Onltt. RtS. no. 5, itti Ili£ gLA-r. ALEXANDER JOE rsty.00..,,Men fidith lt Dtt-Une. .a sntgse lady KellMd ad ilS Lans 10 Net.. of Tronto; his tetthsr, Wsn. L.-,tcteid the c.cemoer. A profusionf leOntt SpPublie ctitce,.et bis e otnéons. and au ncle, Edward Arm- gt.dii ad tfse n i etdthnerai rmaldo, e. nlg Lotit8. Cet. 2 - "DffA»lÏ W SOW s tro.ng, of Trnte,Iateendedtsfn te.cd th egst pis . e e uati«,sitotet on the (.bacOLe.It rat.âne. ctrgy.ens ig hc , Pls,."-B. uo.t .it ýnhcores fecet-color- Itt.ilenr-tf th ltcAteidMineNe. MONDAY - TvESDAY Mes. Postec et sr. Peit United cd giediell and telie ibbo.Mr.. G t i thneY, ebolit 4 --tetc L. ce ee..ti bGaivay etAh..' 10 ci' l sti MONDAY 1'()iC i'i Myi. lt.."i*"dcinett e ii.g ",STORMY w'tM HER" GIACE ANGLICAN CDURCII tie cgittcc The bride. gie in HORSES Oey (Clyd' e ,lttti, 6Y' - I tecingo by lher tether. oec.a gcsn d;O rientent Clyde ocdite, .0CYc aisclonil.bnrl @obsea îh î.eud.y af DTneyecOut0. ird -finit broended tatin. , vr nhteh id neayClydet eddi., il yctaed. Ctdtr rs O. tef1ietrceliofe tnhotd e snt, hetd BayClydet arc. egrd fi coIGî 1100 ..st.Opmcimisscticc Ic n Ch. edebyea hddrs,, Ofn-hitle Onc- COWS-Oîa k et. ingecw.11i; ~ tuirseieen..,dt orettht:Ade]s. She cecctd ahbouqetofi jerscty . c0oihc et, ccic PeotatàSatu.dal. cet, 9 9a busnr, .Tht 10 oeiock ss t nith. nittet ocs. odhhnrtethco. iîîiiîng -1tii , Ai-tii t. Fraink M s ied.04 Rihard SuDday Ichoti ho. beau.cancelledf ad wor. e tt a gnid tnetted rooch ilnî l o Histei enw. elikiet 0 l a. l t. îtsth.tsll1 I hitdca..iltila51'-tis, ttss ehr ragae-e Hotinetcee, nilkino--ili. g endt ehrottsd ts.thec, HRec eeethynt-set ptndant seioo hic, cttci-id "STRMGERib TOWN iil oltc...svie. Th. chide nl Esanlftof the groo.. Msst, Mec- fot; othociheer ittc, nil ci i rsriethe- .5.,tek.tcîlee.nO Svi e ed ilDorle tt-îstham ner fintir at m e o eoccheiicc. tcct.cd e i et h. chornh tistccn btidst.nide. Thetic mon,.htieaitI. tteFl ature 7 00p -t . K --,i vid c ie at.'c hioe alleithof falenta ette. ThesBsel hes boss ncetni l i Rhu'dà , S A 4p tm.-Junior Annil- Mecn,_ enicnig fSharonbise. cur- tu on nsmebt. ae to i, cS'lep detra. and Dorile nledioli- har ete bl e ecc biFeoi W.iserisî, h, 2 30 Pt.. - At- ech. ccaritd eateel etftmauvtest- ecs e CeiehT L -hrh ul _______________ non W.A. f8op., Sening W.A. 'erc. Thir hoddrtsto st-n ematch- VOU1 na ctTLd-birtectht oi. Mn, Tit. lLobe t 7.45 8 h p..., Usr n, nod..ts. 'in compadouc ats nith targe lent. about C tih ii eciiec Il«.. boa, éas à% 1i-.30 . .. a ithehch Mc Mr Hatroid Gotland. 1tc-jdrseytcitctc iicn; linehtohocftt goomvt.iens.i Gnsan eiclic, iJcc cic Tht usnai etennsrs LGos o- snc ecc. ST. PAULS UITED> CIIItCh Itetid,Scotheet-of thtegoot.. and L, HOtS-Y.ec eoircen; O i-t at _______________-Ci.H. E. Booth. Thnctcsptlon asPOULTRY and POULTRY QUI - ------ -Thi ltes dey chich the Lard hel ithet lsht.eof tht rde, nhr MENT-Bcttdnc bett'e;cta idk bath made; ns nil tr'&ito ictd tihenbiidtn mt.ohnrrc.1ctvsdin a blso ei.balonc; Jecc.,eoc al CC d,; gloi Ini. tM dtanciln .croco own. and lack ac- hnnprts. itonti te i cc, iit~r- . him » aes.ireecncoiwthhblachaasnez, enhhn, C i.d. nd Acsc ort-es. H itt tn.-nnrs eTalismtan lets. The parenooperetaesrebis 1fr in i hnnds vhs. hs W. T nrnrdI bum ht rot 7 Im-Et-taies Wet-eYHhip. teinends etît. Ttn ht-iiesn.Butaadt.tlies-a aoso W .. T.Dammdla bs1899 he frut ý ^ --b!P join rose. Thebridea prckMrtme aill pi-k d man gluesth oelh irulling trainng an ait-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e mae nentnetun tfineanthornhses. e iMChr. aed boder, 7fi.cet.tcli e t- . ecu clc 0s fpen ah net-tit-e niii le Icotd..ted hp-Mca« toniend loft for a h l onet"Yci "W t-ih ccioWtet.recrut. the. nsc qoitonrnm pst dtvitdforhi H.Wbenlss mnmu tt.sbltfl et . ,.ihair ofntu. tObkv-ic in '. t .i ed ra t- t-cnet t - nan alnt..dntbit .y 0cndieccccriy lopi«..,Vi-lt,.odTbuns. Kugi f.srly of Cnrlisnle poti the i lle st-kitnnacî suitînof Diehcidt; M eui-i t'e. po-nre-.y li. M it. Phone..P lit2 Moedn, 7 p..-O.Oi.T. Intidation. eccln-beo nted nith 0British ten. te ; -nhr; CecetittitttoetttittcedccsAnis ateck in our defrenenintA is domintion DAD-i r.ulnHlOt osnt..-oceAniiCt-y ccnn.otitt. tittcoragnnet s fgoiO tiHS. Mannco.'Htcis ccI diii3.nBatod ofn eed nayahm gis ilb, .pss.n.sd bCth Nm..gnn-s tttth- W-M.S. ,siimutsenethshtsccnnit.t nthnlrt-n er. o x;tOt ee 2 itinettit so 1th t-ootfordoof i e <ndthe .eneo.ati W .a. tInstitat. A. WaktOnî.Or- of Mmr e.f i t-ec.. Mrt-nto etetihtpnil nseidt on tetgt-ent.n ltnt H. . sndhe;intilt Tetet I d. . C tt beein t trtg nret- M th eiw, htcntof ebsetra.Th.stuy okr nCnl leoC.C. h y Mm .. e.Neo. ,Miton, Onaei-o. -tHC nohe int -ic ic.is bu tetotgc ner-en h npy o frlt E.W.P-.r5 thtdBise -en dlnc; vacce; ic-ci eicec Brnntfot-d Reehng is ivaitrd. ATTENTION.-Imi«ad ienoil W eerTs Wc.chîk , WILSON-FASIIEN thro dse : dce rt-ut-, C.'milteintvla s aertocit mes. elChj~j ttaratlos, ..tett-.Apcctic hatene edding Wne. coe- bSat;nialerteos.; ime tcc'ih i-tiSnpplise i la frciiinoe t- ttrd e sas, by . w C.K Nt. Prattit-al bhcett-d itMilton on Wediesdny.Oct-- tn: tet etnce,.A~t ti nlte eeuoon 9eel hc .ec Ta !, (0 PtO..R.) stra. Booth. GOSPEL TABERNACLE teliet- . w nE lizableth CcelLe, oOitu ah;e'cliet iicommnty. Tstretc ath m erials es fer ns Mr.aU li5e.CU58tlhnîon -eg.ttdaOOhter of Mcs. P FCeh,nrac ,ltttce',i:i1eIIIe,i suoiyl..thir &Mni v.oation. 2 30 p.o,-Se.dac Oee and tun at Robertt MiheI otiehtIetrck;20it-d. e t-; oic li tceps ie e onBaft- oin g ir.hvrht .000 p.t-Eei iit ccsicn i itiI nt-iagetaidLA C.lMat- for c e;Ot' ietc:Juy . tdce cccni ndclrsd n cnm. teg tsys P. Eeoe.ad Whte and i.000,Don- Mr. ,id teTorontco ilie horila tcn Mecetnit Wiinen. t;ofetMr.l tPon e c oun i; tai- lb tt tt e oote ld 1,White. vlitd reltv e nTO-0 o- ... H ý-ý- tead McEot elu. W i.n.of Ronentu ni-, ttie tii îtlti, roUin si Niteoesl MtIno eodt- t.c. u.dac. ie e. ttsit ~ ot Tthont -wa e dorted ith citccccs and icicilcie.'. It;cccIi-, ti.'if yne et-e faced n-ut oohng prohirines, sk year Otaand o h P.,.Ht-sIonthet îin Sb i l -I cite.csa-ni. it.îîy ,Go aiilnd t t he e ddtng o et ;hcttt en iccei.,nli.i-ct'Brat-cford Rnnhing deler te etist yo. He n-ut I nd pitreaerp .Ubraies. nn c .tthneiiict.,, t utet-ad titieoci pled by Missnntth Dai i Sc tes;oi, bars:enlitt.t'tltttt hetyou t.eryor reint-rof lat loengrt-and IrndB- Otnlemar e-il. ai i isen phrtc. Osiit nieîcn i .tic, e Totcio Th!t-dtnien agae;cii-en, hav-tte[, i h'rt tt.-g-n rpeu-.-îhe.iin ofnpour iJip u. Othe *par , lib s. Ail t-acer .. and ncc ier ontc lneî. M.J. A. Ait- lts ta ee o.t eto .11. lieUleRe.. ___Ali i- ofn.e, e onîce iSehd lietlY ln n HARNESC -t ct ct i e Ot netreal.Ht- nill e help pon pianton for a 7-Mc cncdcn e lse ittin îc,; i,etii c ;.. .k , cîconletelp enved rt-tnt e.tctctnry. M. .ihnlhhae,nfTOIlter! Mr.KNOX PRESBYTERtAN CIIIJRCB efi LsraHbecctrs:a nd RAYi- atetnd tAIN ndROTStt't &bd L lire.Fank t-nwtrd onet~tbul hettcecdie Hec hcdttniaid wn-e htt- he t.e et; 100 lttel.tfaitll- udýà .,bit-i Mi1.t An. Ponte.nbt oae .tbtt.hitlcdlever ci-d,'sd.ihl t.- Eraniford xoofs nm-sd-Il tC etin Thrý .. e i ts violcet cecî nlt onncCtts-tinitcet-ed: fic ts o huY 2.1 Mr. and Mr@. L J of bUdh mat-ithtt-it cncttt-teeneetitotnid une.i20rdstlIet;lsi0 otu Mandbet-.t. a nd d tb or. .s iAeesc- rt tit.eh. ir" tmortead.aTtcuquetofe nen ion ecdaie.C -n cflteste $ont.sBdu- % I .îtIf nte Os Apt-st- r.tt-ssIeeI-ide c t i0h tby rosCe.Tet grmc. ins d t-enitcd. Oc sln.CriCtatni I..itfod Rssflng Compnp Ltmted bstng th. 2.h senlstar et1 Mci. -Gd Ot. lit. et nn. e u Ot A to thtcct.ony 1 FUEL and iLI MBE sCii s Brantford -Onai liM nil..s dditi. ts.itt-chair-tcnictni.ilitthtlli od e pt i-tcin a tbuftet lnchi etwax cdee.IcLttf cli Li.tus taeBletrit. pollparasde Fridit- nurins e 9 ecrack. Pinares et-crdte tht ccceeofnabot ttzlni ccî.ttIett l> ;î or -Georgetown Lumber Co. of Miltn test ss. sute. OF.N.l tinn te oAt-sin feh o cini the.,l nilibli, te,' .ilthbite n d gs romtli1It . dlrti . iec.tc'.t. t. ILS R E IO E4 in O e t î ,n attot . '. a tc, iC , th c t- h eiti ict T e c t h t tO -n n l h ie. IL, i u fiîtt,1C,-t. 't 4 Fc nb rt t. o. B5 d tp n td A IIo f thn e . ru nd ii c . d c titt e - t- se nii t o . n î- t et,MILLltîtî,c. b'hen i en-eft.is-se Oe . Vle t e ott-h, i aeiic uit th th bCAF. t cnec cd,îttîîttk ipt-l tn.alUit . iP . y a.- le. Ii bel nT algvige i r n sa~O emble t-l pittckseniiinc f, Iîi l . i.g. O.t lobatit Sueri-OtIiiinthithut.h t.,c.ed NOTICETheOgCom basORStrFOR SALE. cfiseh.isnh snvvnNen le DtnPaRti"til.ht peceocetleu pico e.r t i lt Mites Chit-tr, .0.., wl i oliN WW,.A IG i n St e th. bies*cf bMise Alit. eJ . nml eiv PAIN h eeieo e ntcdy. Oee lch cetD.ce.tdlîitst. tti2t1lt t t.cIasttEO GEOW N Thne-dy ,oi.snn t.ttttb tsi8p D. ,cii agct rFckd O D eetOft M ien -t. bý7ieiiicci tti., ' ~tt ttSUDERS'ie c tcinsip and eob n I ng Ofic ,librs nAi teie a B c Rsri9n Cp Mi.. i N. ctci ci lv'lti., ti il-c ec-t..-ittlcnc nfMtiieti. 'lth.ctng , 1. t.ec t îte-.anoob Pilnlgoffa . M.CI.ositnisn,, luet Ber) ; oersn , ts c..R. M.M. e- p-c, tîtîtien ,! tii- tielcetiaieiebct 0niifenoRD nnAtu.-l" ii" nîdt tiit tti-t A-he t-snmd tdMe-s. O.Dawsons. A gond atnd- Bcki. andctfi til sic ar ,t ede cic-t i leit- .tcDI. W . R ettcnn tNT'lE tt i i litAi.' Ail pc....nh ntng linn. g.t n on' ept-ttint it tihc Ccuney etoil . ieon nn t FFCi -ddid t'ttAt Otl t I l ft-set ..he iet If E T.f.gI Se D IetMilte, itclodietbuilditng. la q..tsd. pc-io 11nt eal i il.t, ti eiiî illet-I.;, cd..Vu-ciet- o ront.Th. e e rca r Thefit .Olngofth e . i edolarsu ccctit to eta'tttttct Cleecu.. li-ll tec ie wSt y ae, ' oid -i C tttttt-t itl )ic. th e tiu int a! hacitu Pat, plyCn.C am in Ohh ,.eh Flitn-mtslll h-i ~tii .'ce... i di-c t lei t- iit- endT nc i-t- i? g ndt Peci-oIt-c t ; or bt' î ttCntp e ît.e otth. .ip yCe dieCn pec bh lo .stt ti e llsiIne h'etteetice idite'lertii .D. IlL Sitht. ic T. c' tit-lece %no1nu'i hocdd . 9 th il r ytelbFridensat.eltiilte'cr.hdtd~tchoet 0obrthà.Fute.0Inn . - d -d et i le up lii.- ct' Tiihe tt .tcice b îdesigtnItr e ad ecîtecu, Oct -cu1fsl'. ';tI.e t20hAnfda t nt-. r , c ,trt at-t" t ait e idtii-ellChpubciet e bie n Oc s t. Tlesp..ts- 0f ne-e icthe i-Atd t'A ti-thi- ti- -." ' . kith ciia Mor car;dpn ilt -dsneI tiou ergU .li l. 0 .Bf.D r.HneIln, afi.tssJ -ds e il te lie tcdcîcce tcciitttncttakotetehu tui.c, tiitt lie.dtirt etcth.tsnet teto t detcs etatthd te ernitt tsiiutî-te t HILL-OVERTON O tîbice ititi'tttte ltiec, dcttt 03.ehtntc hsse.eS.A C. tae i ,Cnnda'. pasc n thtIl"c- it,- . i tokads'lîe i r d(PIAE 1. tIOett- litii t A q it ectitat l. -1 1c,,e o; Nýite viil. i1- rld ih ti , .d t New aessntlirh.nett t r-ie'Occ A gictC oh e-rot- i e r t ie ttc, i I . i-tii . tic h ecitI u. NottsdtemsIlgflefis, ne..g t. he h --. ' t., Mi,- iei-t ' T, A. HUTCHINOIA. Martin Street triitt-tn.l.in t h, gc..i g .ecn - kneiofI ti -Iitttett il bce a 7.le P...of e m itts ar h catiom test se lAtion.Pair. Tb.slt-tt . ihntiteel cebi'. ii-atd c lttet..boit Hiltpt.A., et -E IlliafM r THE FARI ttltf cttitt et*C Mtitte, OntRS effieindit- *sithe-dhlpStanleyp Hell, taet- ie t t ritetdc teeit tc, a-ttt. . Cii Rio th-.re . l e -tilt- n lc e pkt- l I,î2-t0îpMltentnet-,0te,19.. M. P. P.Tht t-re-ds nAît le csne it np t-i-t-Cet e tc. Ici li A ,Iti. 'tei. ttei. te Mss terteti of eOssrM . ce ttid hd e l ,iti-y ,l. c ti700 -.iiî0 t po-hsspttes fe-.« tse he nd gît-tIl.eS MiCeticy, lttcidtet o .,itn e.cdsdt P.-fM.iA M. crdteitilt-' î',tci O ,O .0** * O O 'O *0tt..30P. -eIsins t ne-ird. tSteet@- flBradford Lieitt-d et iTlei. nt-, .L.O-utt.etie, i-gce TtTe etlîei i-,ttih'c. rnenOiCpt..12 ulilsFîte e, Ment-ît-, tt. eC. ndc îct'îi lit ti-Ct 0- ettOI Cc tieenen e . Miss fut-t-tr i ll h1, etnisiblice Thc i te let - cc K--'otssee o Clt-ootit villeliair 0Bstt-. W, Go. Uthe fusil trip trt- ralle.-tiGdebitegrg.pu trybueandIct II t D NI L O ERAEStIN ADVNsCt Vsnnns t a pnn- r.e il cieetext.Ciccut [ietctetiec Il111i . ..la et-i. Te Ilet. iing fueit-t iinIcih 'Lt:i-"' xe Ms. Gre-e nutis slac- f JsanO. t et cîi- a l .' ry iaj rt- . ic s d 't eMtee he gem.niit"Ilteiitt i-ti ;ttd ,etkci O st-et Ft-innct - 145 niBI1h ATIE Aettt-s r.. -s. Oeil- do- tneîbri t ic-tispt oot.ie of ies. Te tlttideSerai Pr.ttîl Pht$350 M.Hl.rs.0etC llia :M,Bh. ______lctiiplb tciePEN.' FORi - S-C.AkLESPrvr. $50 M m ct- s Be ri.. t ito r d o t h- 0-,ph. K ugagk d tia - e eth. g oo tlan oyeer in c e l siîtcc ic - i tO fO iit OtSô O i-tO O O T D E S esno sal-e- .rifsPu t n- Benndr . fie c.uSicýc t . i t etMN.eîb . 1Monn-nefgoutec ietcit itîee te lucîit P on dGsti tus T DtB ll. M lie on nadi ts iaeeeoeilnoUo e.ne.ttsue cte iîict ttCE MAIaT ETCabolit____________s_ et sthse t.o t P-tC* Crosd; Mm.vertîkoeme ,fnf.cdaih..-..iatlisaUI.Tci .tettthiiititikiict Ocs, oetNt Ws Dco et. bl.,1 L -, , rti0 h I r n Oetre- ot are.1-stenIsu t r. d fp t. Sn d etltsn O.i.n n-Mc u uixe c h 10 ii ..CCtecni- . t -titd c Pe" HN RDRS216G Ed m tm n iu lir- tai uot- athe Soir, int-caOen. Att , cC ael,,iteO n. h bic,, cdaic1.ttl ANDREWS.c.ttichc îîcecReet. i-t-tt titi.ntthîtatieton Sandec. 2t,1 t E ngag e ek. t-in . s M -" li ei tt-tit..tt iîlit b' ctc h-t cii cti, h otoCt. hpt Fr a ,uH n ;îkW lel.e, leuctu u- u ere n sttyailcet k"" a atC I b od a t - . L y B o f dsin , lI. 0 . M c W ,î r i t c n tftî l - i l st. i. Q i n s e s U n l s et e - o M. aeg n d o n cd y ue t c t t c, t t - t i A tt t i e A ' ' c ei i tt ,i, - e d t i e t v d e . e s p l r s t , s e b o li n n i. I b ip oc- 1-tp4 E l i oît . m ' u, i m oG - B .t-. t e . M i n , O t.5h C e o , i see c te t t e ati c e ,,e d t c etlkl i , - u îc ca .e i iî o k c i te - i N n t n t th c i i j c - t n c Tb* ti.df00- ses b i iatle nt celN opTEil,' iirtSH'ON;otAp- 0FiSALEQ(1,cc UnttitActet, citA . .'eeceeicetcdien-ly elepil s ns st-es inlit. su-nîi. iot. Att-t c-...elht e., 2c tc ic-- c. unt fon 1l l k-ýy ý leitooIf itse et ces ct'AlLccttietCittt t erh .1s . ,wt-e- l inre s i e t ah d tp u d h e - 0 îet I. l N c s i o M - h t n i a t . J H A t O , t t n t t Cit u , 1 n, e c e t eu i t . i c elA E L O T S B a vi T S H P P bol it.c .m"Ieytes gain n - is . ek t .rTE F( S I« A py M.ttsocI.Ai. U O ay a, Neatcet i e " eit -îceisocliea re enceA.fB utue Ibis e tst- t rait n fil@tbs . g. Huai tF, Aee.n.-nrii i-h pîcl t- d Mo ie - . ci jie], t conerO pein . Lcp c fat'en AlLte .1. n rentof teireld.t dugher,-l.. OY INDL.îîctonee, cetrdfegtit-ntedet e tci th.sisnpe,'od se. nh s eito d . hon eh8t 2. illmoet- - i'cCiii net4tt . tantr. T..Mlles JH ARO , ne1r. niditt e T t -ol tii ii- n th îet- Ptd EL 0i j t nT - ApctittStts th i s d s tî ltg l td d i e i l n n l e ti i tR l c ic d I L p I d c c OJh ci d . , k .1: 2 i iet e c i t i e s t C t't- h .it .tt .' . il. I B M I E D N O $ ome b atd s g n s e - n c e l - t t c t - F n O t s t n - - d e i Hîs . t le i d C - s M. . re d e - t i ~ E O R C - O E t bt. a n dt e t - t 'c aOc i c , O h,u . ,iiP hc î6 cfArA in ai nt . sehi@ ertuotytath k th. -hiie ol oru14t-î.. on tBntte ho-îtsstt c The bn c i tcîe. ' ti. H I D SS S lievlst-c tD-xt.t. A.l-c AIlyz W ' ' Idsi , iltnM.e a itats.eceti-ttieîfetcetti-e ______________ L.al..Fit &.til tttlaCc. ct pit. . dnctetc.i bsin Mt. 1panntd Ors.ry l n. M SSM EN E S N ti netknld deg a s i ,-.eFdtd e ilt-etiApiCitc. Oi. titp288Ciret. 122., 0it dshowsed icillioocc 'î let-i a- etiitcet-t ccbjoli ilutei s Am . R.Aîî ind t T ui- t7esteetig tlht- o. hsMi- Pone 141. Fdtit pct-20tl ir.h cf,. M. en. t. e m.1 t -ted e ccntth-'bc 'tc i Tteie he h it t l c et Lit ch. Hl ct It-it-55 iA tS PUBLIC e LIBIt U RY CI lie Opte.Ite ud o s- tth u. C . Ir. GEietaC.N ttiptec ieîce C îe cccî,.ccewt"t. tAisetc e tar e cet ch lte.e stist b n-t O T et. dent it 8. Jo.1 M. 1 iY e ce cti- M R IAL't M ot î'tn u ic s lYd cii AA c tht' nd ei on tit' iG'net--ci- t-l. et-ctci-cet-, bel lnysttGd n.estebelle,-. piLiesA -e, Htîpuiet I.b ..tilg Mmsnet D , it-s. ii t he latt eri-C t e ii -, iii, tic ep hav cle tit oct4'00 tc î e td T HN ELP:A TMd . P lI -Dp (iuOtoe ot h Ml ly% . a ccd1i0 tS ti. t H3 e-sttr.en u t lu cismI tAlyci T cc i op' ) a o ahie,;cc .tt -v z,. ýýl. 4,R .dI 8-. toOtle irt i selé Bi lLO scpt cc tsWtlt Suit-,es-penh 1R.cOtb R.- dc iniotnitest hnsiittt' th , andtit' iTlfu e . ATh OWEs t lid 1 o Pa y Wlon32 orvrt IJehttofrncnîttta6 -.mFandIrER I'.;hoIflDc e o os enust- frac tu0 .m en o Euohpeh. r - ott, et.r-e reiteI c-ntre fe et'e , ietrsm-t proiiyietnia qimn No e" 0 fanc ata 6 Sal anti enemlffi. l ehemb et 1l . . hP- . BRcs. - c te hene citein conc - it't' ctrast a heti tide c he lii i t t ptnte tsc.itd e pimtenitifcf Bordneocellrd.iphoetlet-.. ccati- n.einchfp.t'i t,aylttit ,,iceei,îite b' cltti totrtp bed Ci c tttnt An A t-li. Sen nol Nnhcsnd T e 0-. lStra d, 2e h@ Wili m .ati-l t . ifisct -t F94.idiso, lGsp- neei ce ht c ht cde-il.'ut' ti HTERî,tcidoic e tH Oenu cie tctît csttt idsti setntt~nttnnsIlbset i.th Tnt eni-t Fn S t-c- ton.Be-uce. lid tste Atc d en t eeticcc eiti Aceit ouiîî;îî e Tt tceuFclî, î El dcc If n ees esî-a i. î tc Autes. eu Sle and El lIes. tdt.s.,k-c cO, e-itio-fdM!.ohol- Fuutn Ise n etuth e t bfira-t -t'C T htd îî ,,- Th,, ae h e ptordt stct-îît Rit- logiclyt ý c - pýt 'Y AuAuun ti-l e t-. teeditieut. wrdt es. Ctsîr hnltntnpO5-.Th.ia-. etndei td tttct'tciti ,c tt tcieethe A l i ,t.'tk h-lhI a.@e i C.-2e3utt..ditntne. 2Ac Mtp l o Tc .n.a.Fid ,ttec - e wottl the t-et n e fiettil,, t dtht-.'ci-cnii-ccntt iicdt C ritî n eoal aretn hu thesdsinalnfntht-sctchLnnk o nuitr ttunts. M1943. 0.. r ttritetetcnt er,.Icd ouA lotiitcir.pc.t..e-.tctlie tianevii-t. ANTED . ToWN RusiDENcustein ut.ReSALEhi-cttendi lit elks.w.TeVLan i ia S.e--nOtd t-a. e.... nii on tsec.. Ocunîttsnes . yO-N i-It SoepclOt. L, et 3Ont-. eturroil IdOpniteeae f e 1g.t-sdu--fle -stt-ttttddit. ... l-.Wetltemat. odei 1-Te 0e y, Attth pwe o.O IfoI iaheterhecilobtesolei te -atctc&fmls Lnh illoit.httiecMlonhtiledn srnge, d a liyci ti - * . ai- w IPP*DU lit. h ci l le a s ssE h-e Alie t.1d nn s e. DlBon, r-. dt Cutreel. A tin la.Mtlttenie a Cerv aote Hlhteiscot.D f-ttpt e r l432, Ensio eriM lTefu« Bt ifl on fi, t-n ý6cD ýI .ot.s-s. his Ose-se.st.-etcsni3 ead -ntt, etletet -Isccuic lacesinatM.. to.LIalcp..-.B Marteloan leC051..fan orDi . locs Fttdniasteetc. Atpdenl'NMEMOt Abi cf A. tL, 0 .snc etil.,..ttu rnetlic C n et. tcei-tesadit-cc,,nJ ( ) < ) ts icci pt-oln 432,ct-dtond utAtit-p On iNet 2,. ek-i sliti Frmid .te tspat .,JA.aele f2 d FRSA.tOc tPeinaoctF c. P t Pt-- c c ee cthco Mni -t et Oese-sy lilh Onne, UMitlaNt-.lt-- lC, ...ttc.. A--sssbus.sLsbeee Ib[SCcîoo. andsbis isê &.il DaikntsBpli, bt.Ht hePde tt Mb Elet.nsti 'teil.Att-t Pti4Bo 7 illt, oen. Sioci-cther cîciP ILEtotS Prds c. e l ot. ait 1 . .3.A F rt ,do._rLod f hcrsWtd es,, oandhrile rold , ho.A II A I N o-o.î-g t .d ortt e ucio..t.sn c t~fttWos iE paeOctu1 ý . i tr oct foc i t n-lie nCett t he abSg pl..Lb..I n. L.e bmOn oilé bod.Tanfiie nts.- pyP0 -%7Mlee. RvLuG 'et- nîihatved Issei ndmae loo t-ne c Zie.E Na.Hb1P..tns h hic ogsdnedi-, Osnhsoth aI ipt. ctne ,i Set WsCecn.tt-- U ei g Ff l sait-f I f bdalesre,3h05555o'55,o ndi T-ecsTti iinrct Oni heseton h. gt-to .sRFEN N iTt olrsaAsli8eau 05sf .0.5th... RATSREA ONA LE itncdn.t. ittctiot b et ____B___ mutlsti tnoler nllb. 0Titr entloe rseil ce e i snh nve S i& FaCi GT INHO nn Tnssn On.t. I. . EttUCt, Ue1i.etu.Otini csec fodtineA Y.ett t te. stes *1. B Bsdei. Ln 17 EDARDA. OKE iihlot n-t .letlunsW.o--dn ...RLiiT, PISONIpanet.a léfim: V E 4h c-i - D NTE M-r tithe eti- -stutit,d hp Meth.c oe IN or ot14 Cu.2,I .Trlar r.Butheloed e forBc nthsc Eni l eesb. ODFO