AULT014YAIR WAS À GRAND SUCCESS "tdur iy Dr. 0. 1. Christe. et te.Ac- r Iu d tl oleuelpvh . Tefet I Doon 1-0 i e ..ethte eie OeheiIIûc.oThe Jesey show baild"N etlites.. ft h hu&Inel ltheaes.. .as tiied hy an accdent ta chih th sulky ot Ken Theteps.E.t lleet.q a.dammai.d. The poettep .ehlhtteq eîîtited e'e.ey 'paie nid ' 'e heeti,. Th. tmai. hhiior wn:C. A. Tilts,Doo; A Weldl. Mitos Dc. Alece.Milon: W. J. Aleaii, Gorigetowe; Bommet Patte. George-1 loch.; Harevey Ltyp.Gergetown.1 W. 0. IHall, O..bill.. W".Don.09 the htt Holseinexehlttors. vin-. ulngl g rin sutd tIi.. .scoade. H. .flo land h. »iorchtmpion.Cma*; gand champtin. .male; réeee.y ehîtipti., Juiorlt etis.; oer chamionl, gel Iliai.e; hamitIo Pro. Jeedot. Rou.e gwitlé. et rr tNu toptvien. Ha .i.. Bierst ed oe.second; &. 0 chatepion gel ifcsi etnd chue. pin her. Other Nhlbtrivrt Vied Hmiltn & Bil.on. eta. Dr. Chare. N. BI.ehe.d. Peetteil. h. WnthejunioIr cheapio. mae.anil retilve geand championt, m. an td veer hamtpin,hord. John Pteh.l & .... Idilibi; . Pelttetie à sono, Miltonhieth iaoee Junior chamepin. -a ie. Other wvîceet.w pion. ,tmle.. ..d gandîhmeptM ZI. matle; Roitonîee elle. erg4teve. -ervtechamtpion ,Bmae; Vit J. Loittete. Othilîle. viiltth rv grantd thamio'îe.umagee. Utn M&. Len.iOhtillO.' A. Stak à: Bn, Mi- t; CItete P.tod, Htehy; Johna 8îhoett.l.Neval; J. C. Bell & Ba.. PieBile T. Betro se.&£SB.1 Gorgen; PIr t. duete'. idor- val. aed A. B. Baie ves imeune- «IefIL .The tetewahip hotdvu wonbyTafalgartownsehip, vilae NelsotI%.Coued. la th. Colt Clb show,. iArâtte Locee.. Oehlle, wntrot Pitîc. Ihe wé &aai., etitteluttla fat.I 1th. hne a ltheop l 1 1 Ctîlî Alexander. Geohrgetwn. m 1 »u"and la h. lb shw aed Russell0 BItit. Neipel, vas acconinteth .Pe. rings.. lteerly Elie. ilîîhve.d. vus Irt lehowmteahilp. vlth Octd Poill.terle, Miltoue, second. whis Lit. mt l.lvteet eueS teith. Mcotlte Betty. MiIIo..vus the1 emuetliucer.ftl hîbit etlutter 1 sa111e wyu lg.11 t tage d aiete aed.. He 11.. won the seitrchuet Ble, mle. t.eet'f Junitr cheampon I mual, gtaed cheatpin. talesnc;l ehetplin..foulae,,grand îttlte 1le.l, teneepoetdet. sleetet cthJ a Juiorlborhetrot v lth caiseut e o, andPSipsoe-puiet t ,îtthe bout9 hord. Ctlttd . Oe.beie va. .ecoed9 biheit xh lto lh elgbt fitie.Nd1 tliiî secoindie - juneirchamin, . teale. tcette chamepin . aciae. Jsc. luitchatmpin, fuecl. gel ifairie. Seq lit alti wie the T. Litttl Co. epeitel for gît oflml.9 The liet coit te the lmaede vas iuieed h Chrle.s ihie, whe o the Vlley CuetI epettefor Pleher. otn cilt. Pecheon hiiid murs, W. iH. Mlton, ithe ofvie uohei prlt.. in boherctheron and glaneripurpoe classee.. Vlly Cmetl peltai ,diail hliidmewo wonie hiLatei. BlertI&Son,,Georgetowe. Ermoel Aile etiieg bcd the hout geldelaadwo tolutrchertPrise. DtlIc n& Be., Bimutueltl cuthellepille. vigih th.,, ..triB. ted Dilue hiîtlei. iltoplîl. tiîl.. IL. iei & Bel. NorvtionvIethe Valley Cet splal foi h»tlmt. otdtht,. ithît pilees. Olîti îiftlbltuuî. vers: B. Kerr, "e lie. tour prtses; CiteMCue, Net- vl. Mo vIrît., an W. J. MCure. -llepietiti pile.. Ceîy Show Wl.eîîi.of lb, baby show. ops. .-td hp 0. W. Roinson teC- of Hiese gitn, e. ee: 1Girls dr gîtxlieths. rlîieeaie IIIlgl.. d.ughl.i ef Mie.iRetenuignoe, CetitellvIde. Nl i. le lllIot.. Mageri tWhe voeil.dugghter of Mm.. M. . Wht. wiii, 6tZ icla.iu. tone Beoy.eter ixîettleli Tn.iîy, son et Mis.. i. J. T.celey. Cetepheilvlile. hey, îeî lxemoilla, Aldi Duant@,.sln il Mie. . Drante, .Tht.. faceste rue on e Bttîide ateieîie il t dryptruckl. The Iestant li lmeio te.2.28 paie won 2,17%. Illai feet of theiraie wa.;Mt. cheiyAdmiril, îveed hî L Mtit. Hlameilin; Pearl Gitite. icweet hy W. <uidehlle Medivle. Ttc sesetpce of the .221won2.17.tVh tsuditts vie hp Miel. idciv«elu tweed hp iiiiiih Bit... ttitfeid, vih Pellylîl. îweed hy Hegh Bleut. of t9etlt. seeond. Thce oiodlci p-..tee teoln lnC14p ilpttte -nvîtd byMim. Mrgan. Ntcgeic byp M. Iitt7e if veigue,. aLliS Thefaiti ened dwth àcddnetu It l SCIIEDULEO FOR OAKVILLE The Dstril iett"pioibp VCil g.bai CIhut for thii.setoneofid h. Bulle.. lette h. beid hethe Oehlle am il nFtdtp yOilihli N. Te., .veteot.teof th.tirCaempin. .bp @veîblle ing pooeid ta On iarlo by th Htlntefle Ï ef 011111e .Ilvilli bries i= Bte h .t.pirtuomtth.ilîel shows vere h, bid tut he .leeofl SmogNi dteeed., Hlloie. Llti, Peul. île.. son, Weloo.iiWllngton, Wet. vîtib.Welled aed YTrkchmt"ll. etede hp tle Nltie Huisibele Bran.d- emî Cutb led îiiiidlegle pialdilu A. T. Wiidle fth.Nelie Ccb, h. Othvletarec, illîde. Ideel to"tlt liu, tee thea.h"v. I la t.tllpotu #hat ai au180 bondhea ofthe tep show anieais viii heoltu tetitilte. Theamori. vlI lu lieuS ed Holsten de1, C L ttehen,, id .Tîldruei, Qe. . a Théoe ltlei. vu lduillc cth. genstipubliee d vlh thîl t.llh .piedtd meeting aecommotionle l teantleipteld a*lcge etevil of *1lek aned vill litI. îdveelege etfleo pplttloiC sathe **ti-?triue th dIehit. A giettai lInvttien . NteedM ol Ibl idlee. herltan d eihle. G.B! Jaelee. if Dtwlîvev ,Piedceti the Holotele.Ftt.elceAsau,.et lAce ede viii opethe shoelt 10.0 la uecet. 1liii, te CW.A.C.. BW eeC ene'. *evinset Btw l eir, le- oued NteIfulai .I1 .eyuete. Bl et il ada lBeIeltî.ly BN écecie. eeluees moner eurB lete.=evtee, ir deigteg lobe, crill it th" epeam e-,o e.ceI= ud parblt. ta scutieeuÀ, iec h. 11énpie eh.Btllibfet q,' ittue,, diovlCe poe.CCtIy ce liait b- gcB, pecelethé theepl et th# »o) pe teBei !c0.ig, fle 'no fur. ci pe c Ilaiot cte C. i Wi kiffle Chute illii ertt id lb. OAC pfft of tee AuMI b a e.daia. coppoei dliii MciI. ISU&.A Toue* viii il«t Ourp. vecici th a e ont" mecey te6- irtlce ttic" C.W.C.16@e" ea pe. ch V oi n e.a ile *I wohu para",ta Q àcce. jetS.Vieeon eecs la C113. & 1 - hi. cceclqa~i ilek-dlen ttet e. Mce et tle*eidodotl id"ceeet lii me"e CI3 ffp' empiii ....lithe.vap. 0. Prie ftd) 1a1. Be we lleaw g.wclose b e ese e peelghe 1C'. BitetC. Deti ..ihva seee.ebhuit .tut cliiern oecocft Clec cee".- t. to in ee c ho$ hope loftuth eeea. MMeverc14Mi chi. C11% a.spie, ate owp oe,.t pelaee. i..h btt iC Twccty-el Tea Ccteves a* e mee.Mi. Mep vu si ieMmi" Boutt Deegîcut vie s" kirs.î.8Dep i"Ppatef I.Mllurcie W NteeMe![p? -"e ai-cou tu"diieeiee Bthei Ufgiedei ceir te . LId . i eyW& 1 d B pllil irilel.... d omtaceete;a*. iea, eie thre B t te Beel elteearis*l*bi* laid lit «ee B.ed.eM es .. ir, KeuetdhpC Scee dBceemM tg. e c0i. W thé elioalie oft&Le.C uî Ole iel istodeem ieCCli muic1 vin l u o Ccli.eew. mesB. de-"Met, 00"6- Lt. &U li d@lmgboa pio bu 1. hol ettetto teid licB Oeogv cert eRedait tcteai.,. "oe.W.icetf.etTomtei.wu lie eptît el Bithe othe ltitg ced elleieg. iGresihei'h cheoi, MiIta», 1.4 the. -4-1i.'. ti<'f he tii. MB M. COclip--e..hdail ttttehp cee...typoteSutîday cie. Ing tact Mr. ance Maureîîenid. iced .epplled epeelel etece 1ev. 51h0. iofitHomes. VII Blotti taltIOUiedii hUeîh "at Bedcî eteclel." thel. utee il cliienit.h tnoi eet.tpectîe @leteorilegand *voeluetcITrtty Ueited che iei. Aieeecuotservicelu th. United euh c beilhldieuiteadr. 0.1. TiceY.P.IS. of lie Unit4edlhuet M"tlt thle ieendoy Bhei rom u tc Tua" evstes ivîi lie aieltl lrt.e Rochefort leeaagi. The pie ceeu W"aC eeee th, dreionteof M.MayieAidîci. The devutiluol reds& rehpJoehs CochIe. A plce deel vwu plîped hp Nlee ced Mahal Mletr. Tc tapît foi h, *voulu wàvIvesîerhiMery MAid- Cem..The gefleielected tir h. Mdet.It= Roetheott; vcee.pteel. dent Johe Culte;.seietati.t. star, Mildred Cllleg: tltisonchip 1 encloeet. MuMar lAdleu ilture ,seeei.BriueMlIeu mettesle. tee eceei. Maion Ie, dhetdl televchtip meaeot.llwttd Clleg; plataigt Btltee Collneg: ctultîB laBletait. Ne- es Mille;ci; tieeal ledes... Rue. idl Ceeloec. Lre, Clîteganld 31ev. JrdContenueito fleppir ZIMMERMAN Ur.eddMmIe.l. Krît.. M. eed Mia. C. Otupe,, Mr. ted Mmi.. Oelblt.l weîe Beeti, vttea th Mr. sud Mia. B. Beleli. Mu, ced Mi,. 0. Binlatitted faet. llp, et si. (;erge,. avîs t. BîedvleIt eet MfeU. end Mii. . Benett. Mie.îee lietHareisone. Eillp Hom., e d SalirBennett. of Heetît. leoit@ent the vileli 111h M. and Miec. . Bennet. l. Unield ebeîeb wlle h ld Bell depy . o. tîd.FIe,. CrteervltI tigp lbe BeIBit fer the metin evicle et Il o'ltîtiatd 1ev. . N. Tiîte. et CAMPBELLVILLE 'ne W. M. i.. .et» ce r *doit, Biptouhue 28-. ablitc. et la elCl.îwih le gtteedcgethe M", Tieed.I eh îe l 'e, li immt gc.eed lub.SepBge. Me.. r.e... . , 0.eto ee 0" rf..eem tCeeei ..etr i. t1e litée the ah. CcdiceI.dc K.I...Mei.....a fl'et .t....aiati. PtîibfultIaI Id i1. tel uMi Agiie d.dtetdseft. .îg. Afeer thetegltelpet.em%."tte *a -.Pd ted al .1.epdîiale Icit Mci. NEW SCHEDI PIIESERVES RA' EFFECTIVE SÇPCKMBEài1 PrceeeClg Bleu BtCe ceBeti emite norofcl sBje Oeiae ouesofi cf ai" le me o f ccrde m e gCcl;es tChecty le .ec.e..eay h Be.nm0" amMlIe dorete o e .boel.etofecptr New CheC peesieve. elea icbs icb leIn ~ lmer *m moe.dî nt1blemsrncou e tpon volves. Thce ev e"à" B t cllît 5emebee 0M. Ttie Beu d«eortialC.ienocieser uclocce, oui eioeee Crneti teln am$ lete emceegmptle of *66i mue en.delONllie otqheureisteectslewh.rc the.tuc thIc .eoed wi awle o rcorne e, end iloc SYMP site C4le0.i Ct itCBC iCt values me-e.tics v.aiy t celner Mmi esnw lteuse. f.flep,à "dc til eel isacieh. anco mme. J. euu ee, Mdaiy &@îl teehep aurI lceelg eho mmielty end bitare ee.ce ncaidîcu de Occpiellilite. Thep mee. velU iiiC e la &tpO ipîle 91.47 uiIeCouretea evIththe fo 'î e . e le lehîl.1 ,he ., i.d-hep Mý it h "f eh 1111 lh. y etîtacjî'e, ICelibht t.-yrtîe.î F.lCevieg ce. the dcltet ofFa1 Faire l elThe Chamtpiontecd- C»adi-Oict. i ted I. EFttccalel-OiL 8 end i. Wooihrîdge-Oilt. t ced 1l. TIL Icyt RLEMCCT N OBtîMSi Not mailthelb. Ietit e.. te 1le fted lCe 110eccpaîteo eevc"irl. Clm antemit. ToraBl.c ilenip il neslae oeCi,. TIti r l vars happening le trlde. Meîihîuul. anci. tltlp <fethel hîld et guide vhlîb haveecomeet altue., and vhlohl BlemIt iecepteetl betein piili lts&.. The peple wet tue. h lb.,. îeporttletlec. A gndLr: lltao bot t h., pprtlîeitles. A diii t.ip cbot e t i te pteple htu Bell. chat lper tke. Iand uhi lbjep .., îllcd telelf people. Thi .5v.. the cecutî stri Be,3 lene te w vkesh Ifle gons. heoi ts Cl.îas opyitancd ple. the publieI . n dvertieueuu toutîe vhatt h.glotehave tle tht I. ed cIl. h teeBestIniteretl "& nIpiale ofeiltîe ihirI The priple vhi rntei lc ae.tally hue. loti. I Itl i vIte iwrld. cMd tet beiti ledse ced Inoatîeiîtion etettîde te. epoil ettlpwhete. The eten if the areittforie.. are gttteptayiutde,101 fume If edîeolCeî froeet heit dîtit etiPere»e.. thep huw a. tlî Mutge eDotelagIttleu . ted peter.,. The lel=ce peipi.. htiî aneboeredBtt'eelthe world up to île Ue ehey t ii p svîtI hie.î nittelu Sdotine. Nîw îhîpey areltith beot. uoft hîîep. uhepy aiî rhicetlIbe. Getotp hbeloe t e,, l -d ot o ee h lof totîllîl I ei BOentlrd cee, vas hettîth.' veuId le InteenationalS trcde. hidi NazileetIl i- deweeded teuyie t.hety. Te peples if the.ithle.vo,ld1 have bte.. vilidg tIls tretîttle fie- ltee.. Ftetieâeed ifr e e.uiu Mtey oethlbeu Viversup itutueuil hy the gais vllihF.tuie e îuud hi tae l ta l teageseIi. uetiltu, et lie».metlode Sutd leounud lu mony cotr.ese. The wlîluile t eineau nte e lîcît tht Fîcetî elled-elsti- oteuewIl. Th clhttofume Paeuis uiltor Le.i.uieot. tand hi. tllui hebît disleu. ciiltIpieihiu.uu They vileu that île dt.o eti. and là. vithie tih, idviduel havi e te lth ihathty supposed. ULN TIONING 30, 1943 clcCes htCCtof pmolde iand iCeitu C nid Cie verelCe, er pthCcee ysCern I CuBecc- diec.. MentC vceksclB Ccposile Ce 6d C.aegteucd heCcw and h ecmcd c omIt hoeop IN ce pecdule Cc hta c he Ccl dcmcnd CleOgt. mdd table yrp. end inapte say tI liq*Ci. vi di. giect ONE t'V' COUPON 15 GOOD FOR ila, ioles, Namldes, altts, Applo btez ol 3011471e0- 6 SFLUIO OZ. C"ub3lo47y(là Uquae) -. . . . n $WudiSeoa 094111111 30Y . ..... ...Il. NET Ixtaute101osY oW NaplI YzuP - --12 FLUIDODZ. w(il Le. BET) M&Pla Semai...... .. . . . ... LU. MET* Neless... . ......20 FLUCDOZDL bou.Sywup, ea azy 3Dled Tl m ........ 14 FLUIDOZD. Ca" 1rmh .. . . . .a.. 10 FLUIDOZD. g.. . ............LS.MET Cnp.asP-4 taad P-5 NOW DECOME VALI» sEPTEEDECR 3Oth Mucveldlity doi. cf licetsoupons lcb asut cetiid forvord ImCe..C ieilqoC eu « 1hr 46 teCS.pCcmbur 3M0. »lIuibot beeci di" e e c.rnmcditc purclictire of c.toeNiswhlcli et Ciii ie of the yiuramc ncemoHy houglitlnC.arge gita. pcpee %4 «057 wll besnts, vîld e.nCfcvmlicr 11b *lemnd Cthe wigCCqdIIIdqCI willl licconCinuedom hm enoci, vIf hm ecouepons beecolIiM vid a -.viyfour wccltg XATION ADMINISTRATION .'.t~Il.t VICTORY BONDSlfl lAMAIt WiMEN'iIN ItTTUTE cOmeet W. 1t Ti;î , reuit.iiiluiît uîuu;I f The telh e elltif ioey Wý )itoîh Wtn.tîi siutteiiî . uoe ith haineut Mr..i..- 0. Tuidat. tutu. 141h, (the h. eiiiîley L-utîuuîîîThte pI.g ... i., ofMr..lilelet. T ii. iiiii apart it Wî.uîi .,uited t lii ttetid.îl. tho lîeilli and tii,1,iti-iii otiitDiIIitul . busîiness.1itîlIiil l-a -fidt.tit;u. li,ie., uîiin h a. ti; suta eluuuab.eiîduitbo 10rÀ cusà!ýo-0'Pli-Iitut"Modtetu, er. h etng îeetiNl A iil,. lasiiuuIî.Md iii îthe . 11 eîl l uuuttu lt iîtir(,tiig.Inlnit ise lu,. lu ltînîgu chageafIlaoui o. lii.lttit.t iliy. N,.îîîî itt Ililîl.,. Mte. O'Coneeor lonuîda 9ti. ut --otii4 i. tii ,tinglitueh>. ii,,î, in ntitiontu e hbd pi r M,îeb-treuit. uetîtî/iitaî iii ln luiyîuuendd ed ddîtribtedp aionu .Id tillîlîtttiue.ta ])aiii ltii.ided aleflitu. Thieuuuetinlo.redowith ta RedCros. oui twiill ltaiîbe i îluîuueoud Satihteig ileneutRl ittlu rleuuuietieg i onatbionoriiBoys'tOui, WOMlEN'SCANADIAN CLUB . ueuteIlulie ti. lua eîinlu Y.",tdonaîitî tion tynpis oftIheitbo. Readigoe. car aterofe IIt 'The Cii. itiii Lloy tBouiesî. Iiil.hllehîd Pis.., AliteSiitîd îldcI endtibtok.i theittTatt Sl uibtiltu.hi otîuterland u.tyttttt.tiutttutit.o v y utheu h Wm»en'. CaadinC,i îitltly iiiut l"t Nl- ltttttîtiibu elUir iest uiuî ltttt iior îuu Ou g îllueaerT. lt.tmes- ettIihalei ItI tiguutee il iep Fard iuilitltiiu tîiîîby hile Clilulît utSn. Lilîte schSuidgliluhosagcett ,, Sîtuiutse ionsior hirMîtetita musit, te,î Biiîittid9t.ouai tianoîlît, i luthe lotitî,heet Nte Brolbe teîd pîe. 0-îc ti i thiitîîtt itied. dedbctld l taman1fok. Mise Ote. nt. i 11tiil 1ttlt aIplan. . iluut.d and iOitPaîiîd etuha Ili hy Mu i îiuttttidgvi initled , . Mp .Dulel etiu l hue.n iti îtad iitugtepiuuîil le u iteu-tt he. I pitld iOut 1h11 and lhi îîdfier lu frîsplea teth. pîeiuy iteas teearkif dieoiie uudîiiSîutuie ltMltttliPope.Our iluflige and Ouritte aluiS uear. yttqtuetiitti IiUsePr talInspite end diret, t hr pilule. thIlht. Mtt L. L.ilb.c,, lteelided Icipui iJlibe. Mîi iieu I Ft Doeiîe ifB leMile, it".îI O. Ceetlit. 0Citît. -sbeiîti . For Ate dt. accommodeiait iethî. F-eît, Oit iuhb, ic tuce hall, Mi,, S. TON. * .fr:~ N.Iui.d Weî Fùuaue. Cce.eedetu F ARSIGHTED houeeholders aie aeeîng the targent neitd of pcepaiig theit hoens now igaîne: îhi tî reelu coel shoetage. They ait acting eue.' HEATIHG SYSTEMS MUST SE EFFICIENT: HOMES SHOULD BE ADEQUATELY INSULATED. Nore ore somt jobs you shoulci bo doino NOW 1 2Have yîer fiinae tîbughlp rlnd byiaîttupeîiot m. i . lie furiaitrand ppfe weire ueesry. 3 Besurtat yoae s bai ,i tedevt.and tbat alle.hdovieand Soni. fit vghîiy. Havte cutcks.itn itell repaie. .Weîlherisîup e.bîiîîîî te C neee.aiy. Cllethder .ruioualy the inttise don of crilihîtandvwaiii. MaeF homo e a.., easetech as 6070 if eheir fuel tbt.îgh ine.f. cie: heaieg equrelpeteeinedeqout e isulatilI aed elicu hote hs-ou.. dtIa juteru2ee orerîe. Piepare NOVIC jSUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHAMPION * 0while wcere.planninq, 0 C jiyxxy it kiagrat dl about the fututt thest day ... plinellg ..gittiet ready foi the peiod 10 folUov the vît. AIl teclue that the. iri iay le our ftviur. Chemai.teend egiuceeis, piedutemg tltine needed for war, aie makiutg di.coveies which will eacn conîfortu and cen venitence. for ail of un whten peoee corest. New methudi of inaciecg thitege. new proceseI, new neateril, nov bting fler! aîay in blue piuttc and formuular, Wi biing us .eany nec cnd îueful articles. Miny Ihinge Cet ivailoble nv vil be replece! by bette. modela and deetgns.-' O You ,noy have planu for a nec home, re.nedellieeg yout pueent honene e hoie fuunishings. Sf you are a farmer ]lowiy odehihcei andblan-t ing, you cnd oehu oivr ethangeyu ln a ecridot Mout Canadiane aie otving nty. Idot ef use are buying Vctory Bo.dsa we w u Vit that vil! benefit orevs Y/MAT JO A VxCTOY BOND? A VICTORV BOND leli te. ptoetofthe MÎOO -0 omieonthoftCanauda t, eptp lene.h, ehe face valueetflthe Bnd ce lhe Sale of çpluity wvtl h.lffyearîy ete.est ci lst et . A Vile.y BicSdl tee el tîrtestet ie Ceade baihed bp thr entie eeturir, If te iDie.leîuet Canada 11habeu l.tdlg bonde fit 75 pears..anSia. neer faed to pyevery doillarf pritepl and iteert wbri dur. A Victîuy Bontd leefi rumdy etble t .îtiyiuue. t 1, Ki 19 m .b ed rm.%ICM"