Tbm Ye ene!Bm Tm[ oli 11 CulOT ~Ttîua~iau ~banipiou Wl.Tm Unecel Teofli ZamW ucdm os.tee1Salen DAINAIiS VOLUMI 84. MILTON, THURSDATe AUG. 5. 19481 CÂANADIAN CHfAMIPION TRAVELLeRS' GUIDE. Western Americanized Japa in Home Garden Can Add to Army Getting Many New U. S. Infantry Battai Rationed Food Supply Officers Fe-om lis Rank& SVUIY T187R8ÂY MRNIO 7AIAOI1< 1OIPO IIILWA Seeer"I have nener bcd imore eihoe- Thee tcmity Ihat bas be8118g188ing Acording t8e8a 828department TUS)YMITON](. NT N -oIPIeaO R#8- S neheareîd, sros- 8dd ooe- lis 8*î88o ren can ciui te pro- îfiîî88îîy88îUi MAIN ST., MLO. N.7.tia.--aily.ti8108811top hcIeeveid a good ehare of lis 881 188881food grdu88SteOflîemio 2.5 tc;y.fom m peen88om8mand," wa2j.jh8881rgard te the rationing ofditcae gho8îes of Ofhe8etbe eaia8aeae1eeet8e8e8ee0~ 8.46 p m Dely e888pI888ad, By te elatement reeeived hy lhe-war B8dgoeldehîpodcts. dlhîy 1ahards, tich menas, tjhat 181 Peidia 888a88e. -UmIfa Nece-JAMES FREEMAN department teom Lieut. Col. ParT11e Icmily thet has et8 8888 88881818 Am8î. -OI G - AuteeeilnNee.cea-WN88F8et,888818888L. Turn8e. 1aden butathespore time, the sevice inthe a ti888î8es ne en8888 p 9ei tl.22.-Dailfinit.This tatemeet wonecoeeidee.end cedaiheadreierace1the88national 18 cI *eeeeia.A'HEN 8the îounty ouhorities oryooffici8el eeleaseest 1be- i tfit 88888fod 8 îaie cî,hibteîadete ga 88ed eeeve, end the 1ecala8fii8 2.67 1a.ea.-ldy.eept t3uoadesAat worartfomery t î,ofth eeObaeaeelie cacoea..*offered 88 buy hherift Seh cause itdiffers from the feeling that te is ow foodaupply in81943. e888e8e8e8rfieefh nare #2.0M tg aie Wt 88Â-CrystaI anautmoble e88b8 mont88a1c8mmandle f 80cee-ehave Wintee- ie a good88888 t8 pan th., e1gu181 01889and me18n ppointeid 8ueveea . Gig But - 739 16M., 2 15p.oe. ced in the exorcis of bisabout theie- present outilla, but bc- gdne8be-edy forthe filtt dayektroil is lit1#188e0888e of specia1 ieeMe.e. 8888888 "Tm.89.2p1 m.88 duty and ecable litre hetter te î8pe case lit doeeet. The 88881111In quee- 8ofe88i88g lanting, te gît 18888 a8d Th e omissions 88 f1888188 81 1î acacies . 88 Os8888e..une. - 84is West8-9.22 &.m. dm.0.3 p. n888 e odern88bandis e, 81888818tien8le8he 1lOth Infantry 11888888888Ionie, ced te gel 'pion. er lue p188t8 eiaeeae8.88l8,888mh1~~8 ~ .- their 8ffers-and won the-anes818- 18mped of en ofJapa8eseean- ready weflhead oftli821 fmiilI epie2eetheflyined .8CANA aeaeNATIO14AL AILWAY ity. They didn't 111e i attitude, îestry. A plane oe paper sav 8881 8 h18 dealmet 118de d *e..aaaiaeebl.eaehaeeéa.888888q. aimacane. 881e ewencaieed 11e 8288e't cdequateIy AUl the odiere oth11e 10018 ce,the geowee- la eeady 888 plant. The cor88te8ge8881881e depeelment, the hi- et-h.. b.a Ue O O Iw MUT"eqippd.Buoone8 liait88 ed 988 88- Ameicecitieens barnin h8e Na- plan mcy 1be e deteiled 888v ofthe 8pfentsgnal corps an0d881 th8e- lu e.8e.i88ee88eaoO-e1 ..u.8e88Iee7 7.8588&c'.moeedup enoughcourae p cam icln Isancds and memb8e-e8ofte ade darn e scale, r lîlo yai oes. Many oftheseeof- .aieaoeeecueoca_______out____ op8ely an de8 ae th8 Sehe a iienNational Gad A fb meeely a But18of8the ops thut 810. ae.e88888. ______________ tiled tcis8hjo11,18and dmadcà thei offies of Jpanee nceaiy are8bc e.88 he18188 of88î188 ciianprfessions c88 8issieî1 281tej ci.. .".-- -bhange. aeeegraduteof heUiers ity 188w o echone, ad th pro- 1fo d 18in 8i088 808888j88ed i ,e..oeae.îne, .a..... 1el8aaeî. POLLOCKI( 888 arif Cy halef el uoo8- eeHaewaiir.oecheemttîp8 -1 S88. t otr orh bile.. heyresc.indea ite. etOf The memheee of the 11<18 Battal-1 palcntioig cossc 8a8a88Tercnlyanucd oiyo 888888 .888 8888 888 88888. 808 the88 I as fhe eaa e ciIo ee aîsain tPearl Har- rots, licite, etuce and 18.868 lll.g wo udi 88 rsaa br nDcme ,btmn fsol h rue noead ffligfuture offier îîquieements al o.urWHITIC, m ONUMENTS macerdofite lcTeul of tc benD elatives- alnd ycind.thote gdo upa tedcthere-îost en8tieî198810<h Offie Can-1 Canigou eu et ihe eîddamai es 8 t 111 btcltvacn einetegre 8889188e911didteîchol, the depoîtnent sid, o.eeiiaaco. O.igc Oc o.qn.L buit-lcalc., ae.ewaî 81 88They are ge-nly detee-ened 8te'growingeopa .chasc aboge, corn 88810made poss8ible8 89 the ooîtood- GALT Pbn8411ONT ecalmetalclsî, =0= à preitetleove lnacation nome day 1at t1eie and tomatoe. Pere-eniclîerops nuch 1goîecu 8cdmiî GAT.Pb. OT he ntewadtleedofIn eh olco-e:iWaioceyl wicg.1 emphccsof88this deocra8tiee8iî: 1BEICL _____________ litecîadivelaîc1ec oemoy o Peal Hrbo isavivid u apaag, rhuhcîhoandhîlîien 1terri Reporsfmtra8888iing camps _____________________ dent, tes.ne. ahold b1e t onie aide o the gaîdîl c88 88188888881, and from 8the ulti- 188888.8'888888888.8Ther e ruin11mea hcî 18i 8288e19 Six eoldiera oth11e 100811caused aise, bor-e tbey will nethi dînstuhd mate test1 f the httlellîîd. have cfailc.ee dThnekSdIFbcta edhen e f thee eps o'18 etclkb-OPfac heJastrog as Ph)lola ad Srgen r.I Dcccce . und ithe-rbitulouene a ms usiin ilcle rnyi-SuyShw od fr ahos 8888288881.U.2P. . sud 0-1 iSurfe88c. Agent 188r08818' Funeraei Deain". bandtesecped i cbiga poweeedl Prenims . on nd111188 11- An Ecrly Grek re j Pe.oea62 MILTN r.ee Adhcd ait088 ctîh 88ascm cge toe employeee uftNew Yorke-e ary Pa.nonsE.s MILTON.____________setoutt_ ach28188: iWcrs SiMUlate WoMen'Scietiez nere eu 20 8pe-818 t s a1- Applicable Now aThen OR.ami6. Ed.aîeoSURan houi latee, ctride iesitota tudmare.i<1 12188 An 88119 Gîîîh 818981 888888 88as 8 u8eoa-Ja.oaioiieai. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Even in the face o of uh a grave1 i Acliveiies i Chenîtl reates paid weree onsiderubly 8out 8188001of8 tbitMîo e-itation8there 8111e-e hodhiîo 80e wbo entastdyGlrtMry (008.8Ilcufhedtcforilteemed uaohn ab-_I The "P'of o! p8etnitie forprnoortion te low legs 8p898288ts j as applicabl1e today as il w80118.I aeeenoue-Oa,-081 a .-886. oe P..O .u-.818f8 o,8oen in eieryincaimat un. madesby te bedingompani.îo 880g.1i88818 ________________moleeirddeîaîe. oeceyete11do.m eateedîî8ns82ego.888y If is11888 tot 888198 C.r8oce. MOB . CMNTdC INDER Fifteen miles noîth o t Flots98elimited, D.Helen I. Miner-of Wayne The tudy briefing about the pre- May I1hic8no ma0's 181889, 88d __________aSeth Id.eIn8h1188 aîting otla8 nvrit el8888888n temu rt edcin wsmdeb . DieclaeDe.2Minr finde 88888. the tate's league of muncl of- t,,18881and ubidt,î. May I 88811 whl heyearseegothe majoe-ity fliclstheiAmeIian unicipa1lu8 as- 1t'88h8888188; BLOCKS_ of womeneit weeeenaed in eocaion eorts. il.de, -y I bc recon88t88quick1y. * teeîhing oe-medjoal eesech, îoday In addtion, t811888889 oe888î8 h08 May 9I81811881devitt ei8188888 8889 010%. & 010K f BRICK and TILE a..I laegeepoportionarepeetediemanyicitiezand vllages migh8u.81 88mm; if 889 8devie881 81<1888888me. W. . 1" KC.MAU 111E te ilds o indutry and medjeine thousande of dollars mî8thot8t'oiîm W. i 08811 888.888 MANe-ATOCD - and888the umbee-inl imited by 8the 18g Ibeir potectioen119 reduîing theithe y1188cite 88tin88d8hm.881t T A. WI5Ccp-eadae poer e-eacblne 8% pply rathe thn te emeed. mmber obonds and theomou8t8 ui0î1,od8tt îythu KEiNfl 801.1.f-- <A l as'- 1<88 QacityC 8"Coffeluelon o!8tehe wr wl e t8bna 1c8e0ietl ht,8 i.guud. TMoy 18186te uil Soa MITN 3NEWcST pluoNce *8eontaîtt18Iseended hoizon ftiei8or dtetbe8eî 8Oîp881068t9tatnd00en88none8. Couc 8880 - - Oie1e dt2. worn820218chemniele." Dr. Mn1ee- a.e-t pe-mt elimlnati8o o 8onds. and Muy I 1 ever reice in thei 8t.8t8- tUgUN 48.88888. a: 888TN eti. "Inthe eonstrucOtin peiod aiummitteof themuniipal lieue 81tun o oe hh88888818tg188me. ______________-~ .8hihelmuet ollowthlibes tll lUbceOw . o-pahge-pit08n uh Wen18thave donc or sad wht i seule needs for-trained Anee-lcans el revieioeoe for eOhmlsio oo1w98 o8ttg y I never wifor the e- TA. HIHNO ______ 8ao! 8888 sexeand of varîed recial the 1943 lefieIcture. -buke of ttlhero. but 0(88898 886888 Barriseai, heit0.Ihilc 11. b ~ akgrund etoabroad tecccistsefut 898il I mak8e mede.May tiethe multitudecofp-oblems-outri- I win no vict18y tht hart8u888t lhî Oeeicz-ext48ouru88118Piou (llio. e INSURANCE î .e-tional mediaeI.afeilttraand I- Ware.mmeeclBuldin eorm poretMy ee ma8i8880 880 dutial-8hh mut bcau.lved i W188 te8co 888888on 89 808108181a88t8808n dager. Myîîîr 82188i1g the pea." ateiing t0 lurn 088 the reu8îed 89818 88yself. May I8988890 kep 488188880. Lite. Fira. Atmobie, Drifry World Wce 1 peovided the initîil army and navy istllatos and 8888 lame8that 886886 rages 8888688 me. Platsieits, Aciet. ilath, 2 - tmolato 8e8-t efIeae a-productioon taîllitirs e 88182 88u8 o 811888yîf 88 8t ticipato i c8ielrtl1e edevor b. ndoetî,c888gr31biOuseof cir 8 EORGE E. ELLIOIT s B ec cis t, lii. Ieif Cryciale 828888, D. Minee- poit:out. "Inlarcin 1942.the depaetmentOfutcoin- 88888881881." Oeli8a-8a 08a8888888 ihe îdlog. dingthe94 DE A bn e1mes88q Ald9s eU-lt i heAnria heia sýpndtrs a.11 bbec, NîLc.. e 2 kudei.MIIlri. ad lirid tu Il accecat dentl. ure o8and înrollmntsiIn medicl and total by 2.5 billionedollars. Al toedîu8ic 180 198 kelehea 8. 88 8888tecue nth8818888 1e oniîeitiîs emphanis In 1942 828888plaîîd 8888 tis , te th868United N.tio,s8 lu. ~' cpintI wbereethe road 8882118d thiuughout 181e country w2111 flac8' contrucion nemeeeary t80he 88 e sou 88u the881 or888881u 88<169 l08u18 hrply te eleft8kirtingca iingly increaaed." effort. De taan aimentinsatiablei lproduinggares. In the 980 of DENTISTbluff81 18881ecentuaUly erged 8888 demaoodtfor îaetommen8, air bases, the hoy kt8gs brt9in 1935 t. pipe - 2 ~ ,e. ehe hillabove thedeeert. Directly ehip ways,.and oer types of 88888tin, 18888Krkuk1081th88itward te : Je A.a LLIOTII 9ahead of hlm lcy DrybedSink,1.1aumn- BmigoDiaI 88888181888i8n, tmilit" ancd 8naval the Mditeranean ort o8 f Hu8u. Lliten.ed Auatione.êp orchcd and abimmeig beneaa18 A epeili 42, devised te peinent construction atone totatîd 5 bllion 81t8.88 80118 l888 OR. 6. A. lINO L18sc ucilep te eoooday 8808. r iiamlnangosetcIthe New York ze- doleraslen1942.auecompared 88988 j îîod production in Ira84 fildsfom88 DENAL IISB For th811e llouatie. . l HeRse cnd urla h i eneîel e.ece floogicai para in1te Broenxte-om fad- 2.1bilione a yîar ear lIer. In oddi- Munu, 8teOKtrkukhe968 hîgdom 0- DENTAL StI9889 Peel tact fUlyhet 818k ne ee. 8g 8888 ple Pnk, le 9888188f ece- tioe. nen Indutiel facilitiez 8lued came ighth largst oilprodu88g ne- offie. la Royal Buiding, Milton8. 4 P8nî8îîietaisîeal ell 2etr csflnlocyf8 8 e8 l-c4 bllion dolara wee-e 1c81888 (8 886888181îîd f88 n 8.8O . O0. Rual88Route 888N.. s MILTON1 eedrig aeiliy herseeesior guebut aiseol tartinf te 81ge the in 14mcortdole1e141fg86e t88 30 million18boîrll o. - c.cnceeu. ceco8e8nvaelace. qmachinae au Ie.poslility hi- eenolly whit1e feathers of oher ure. Thvoit amouotof new plant 88d88tio8lis8888 greîtly îîduîîd e ______Case efthlescat, sexcy muni. 8 <amngo a 1g111 lsd. The iîeî woc capaîlty bouit duriof the y1888 5 0(888 Sptî886î, 1939, 8888888 of --- --Bt deicg the aller ine ýntrodued in A" st aler 1theoo00aggsled by the tait that the 88889l8d818u0t88n8of1normal1distributio 8, >4>b no oeb#glb* . mo.n.. e.euthe liatotant hece a quired 10ur brigbt re-d amieogoe 0f industrel constaruction in 1942 uto u 6 t8 888 81 tl DEN.A S.E.ASONC TeaFcal. ee.ealli ctamo srace et a Niami, FIa. 0811ere- -d famingogue18.dacade of the 19308. ie 1elrfrteBiihfti oit..enAL 80209101 * alidly s.bag ecog asg 8wti- uoooiepoeori te New Yorka 1en- Iraquî future e 88918on88irrigati8on oee.sere-tc. 2888i8. :Loansei Atoione1r walth.1esurse rt a dsin, vie-onment t a lwaiye fadedtl d 8888 jects - The(898 6ifetileGarden uf Eden 88.smta..y ne -1 ..a.a.& trucaioInace. Th ia. evaitd light 9Pink baeely distiagoisable opAise bt88eo 08eTîgîo 0 0.88.08 888a88088. 8.05 cXaO8808. . S Io 8 <uOo ut, 9.iidOo aua cossnt i tos t e r tra82wh1. Addition et .piuial ite- Wa cnition. afe tr.ili.a Epensateen the i86888 anuo T8 46 a4 .01e Phone 9-r-2l1 t8aeler isr thig ialà 18he min and ciate ema.1ed "ac1obli]idustr te utilie whi0t as8aBagdad. Canuais118888a8i88Eu- Rural 10818 8.3 MIToN: iw et Mertaeawlere therail. food8'and rue e co8mae-ite tetrot aWeril, saya a areprttet8î he ue 8888iîgt ii98 Rurl Rut No 3 ILo iecod paeed tbesath. tothe bledsaoupplied theeoew diet, 'Amerîcan Chmical88888889. Teuhrtes amu88888 h, 8881 te e an qccbcccccêqeqccqo Seth818 rged bis 8mare down on88 __________ maestuorita, andihed ii t <818888g8188.Baî NIELSEN8ee*1tee ilne or led eîîîed lon8the andliementareor ethenol 81188 08e The. Chîopractor .addle for the tes-mile ride hsnîath lace Radio Batteries large asurplus o!uhet 8811 881888-0t8. F881t890gud 28thyer of paciO8i the8.broilig Jobe suc. As 8ie cd- Batte-y.îm radios, ildig a 88811e for the de1elopmet. '"Te 088880801,98818the pal i9gîtln 088180.908 £888888'088X Ee G ALXT cced c mirage, ripreaentig a Venet8anY ued Onferme, ahould hemaîo>rity .118egrain distilleriesoin1 cr8te P11808818 Li88the88818 ta28-7.06 e ).U , oi88188expane fir e waer e.n- cirated on 11e baela of chliing the Unitd Staeseahave 11d.18itau- 1ex8,8Il9buys l881-8981 thsohitl 3.>089m. M nm -'W utee tfh l nt14 ad ia IIe nery mont only e single perience wsdlb thcnproduction ofot 8- 88918. MonumentacyTaea8Ân 1Ltant. The mirage lied cever iailed etuofreplaceenthbatteriesayecr. anol Ibm nehat.' aîîoîdite thedates Orarolne.n s88.tar Ioeaul'cn88. te fasihiato Seth. Andt touayde- Poitigot 1at productioneofetreport. 'Prlio88 te econversion of Phone 101W. 62-68 Watr SI,Nt, NaGla .piti the grcvty o bis 1oughtm. 1be farm radiohbateries bac baeutc thidustry te anidustriel 08uu1 îi nne an Mta ________________wtchdilîtIas muoh itereet au due te restrictionsocnzicieand te bâtis. the tbree pricipoal 8grainAs888ig- fcuOSaelotgu.iî l aee Nomfdee8imrotbîer factors, radio onne-e are proceseednere con, ye, and ba-, Atcniu f"etigou ae Mnmn$ Marker$ and erec.l, 881ecn batkeeMIîhigmore rged te folesimple conservation lhp malt. Own e a tonim11iation orll 88ad 818<1 iig-s088 puzzles" 1 maOntUeen Lke ichganonutofth888 8 hitpiog t88 8898on S. A. FA Y w8i11 e bcdut nie gaiet t-i arue forauice-hf maximum seriecioruimelleil has become h88<118 88inutt 8gho 8880 ____________ 111g hg1 p88omonory, yarccfgo. Natives trainthelr prenaent .oppy. Theerules deirahi tha as muchhindustriel l- oohî 81811889 81 89181 888088ît098 Pie@ Mdeat-Wolr Oaatée ttea iiyke d Herigtiste calde: . Dont nate 10888 bat- cobol 1e produced ftrmin heat c as l9- euîu88yof 881880a f880 atera out8DybrShkîuî8hea18irteries. 2. Avoidlong,coetiuooe ra. feasible. I 581890e881of1parts8eut train flot Plumbin, out t DrybedSink Jut ta her theirdio operction. 3. Keep bateriesasctono_________s o nt P um0., ,R. igurCilgON, PrePrier excamations of ieeredoeity. Mcny cseY fribâti8. 4. Have the 8tube- - 8088811888888, hugetines8an Heatîng and of_________ t_ an nat gefiies t ey bad ehe ae o eecked regualey ô.Diconnet The Red Cross 1- (ther b8gH88eletri apdOîiO8g taken down e h1e aik cad ahown. n, e18ice. eree rahi erton18 m - oeredî os f 8îîî8888 08 10of1808 0088ok Tinsmithing F .B FTGRLD_____ elinte__ko h RdCos;teePrt r ad ri fo tc I ~~~Ordlnafliy Seth eiglil lave te. _______ whil on c trip ahrocd. Neturningoh eHONE M5 th;nPlan Sarden Ni,.fu8a18818a 188. 2me 88188and8o18 8818have PHONO '~ Insurance and Real Estate dic ttea1d8y hi wan ihleklag P1 cee ar!y weil-to-do spester, detclmied te 8080muse88008 nd8888 01_________et .ing cmore Impertant. Carea l electien oeth1e varete8eedecoioteternadroflrfiet 1ul 8888188888888818g stars, MAINST.. MILON OT Al.lies o laêra.e Trnsaced Hgo wnewneeeelt nhat hb.d secyetvegeables for 818800. gardonsth1e formaton of the Red Cross i, anoor Ot opbts. A f888 8re NAI ST. MLTI OT Al hieof ceir.ee rc*i-ted Whu 1te@l chate 40188 8t8 81108yer la neiessaey if gaidener. the United State..Reogntionns 0868808a1the1icroot iehatt88rn t__________ he couceysent aceaaedloce.of are tobarvest gondicrcps. Ncbcees slow i8888218f.thuogh, Ameli8 fac 181 e Btwhn ad u WANTD-De.d 8ree an Catle Pare. and Tom aPropert> hlg çseiea ade.-o the oi, amouct ci neter avait- 8288etired of ner. The pilitiiol lead- 81818888 ngf1880 stock 868880 .9 WANTBDDead Hne. a came teemieorremot. dee.sied liai feranet lriagi ableamou of &Pace, thelengt ofrs fred tlaIntlernational(ogn- -.et 11i8r888d se cloe1986og8ther tee I e 81 bc d c8. Wadl 18ehaceite.TMILTdONy the fronehlree menton, and the emoot ietion aue an entanflintoalliance. 1n' t819O1818889 i881 Baîcp b hoa . lednY.c p8.0 8.- ecs ledlnd ave laechane,e. lie.oteocade boundtbeconeidered 118. boive-,sIeeasillededohi PbaA TgOonet. 3-y r. 11880 iet8eah sc8odedin08863681Go' 1. L8d. 108e d 336.ecai lei n ihnt au automoe.-bfor &code are boughl or oer teretif Seiretery Baine in8 the b~ - hiie c WSBtiea&Bquat tac- prepratos made. Amog the ride movement and it 82cchioorpo8oted oo oo eooi- wih 1thalbouilan cd neai , nheh need ipillcare in .eleciloc iWashigtoeo 18c1 earH8No 881 Fre.Population Draps weld ie aaewee- bt o varleties fnr eariy 828810110.are Ibet wneen.ded woncte111 ien(8. Hitut,îtas f8180e8populationde- COIJNTY O0F NALTON 0Seth dido't knocw 8281 h.kepI on butahand pile beans, $et corn8081. iaI signaure tethe Gr1eeo 088809 î618î8 8y 8more 888821.000 duî80o etrail, Pocibly 11e bâtd hpes o! eggpiant, PePPiui, t0mat0et, canto- At hat piit Garield 8a asassi- the yior immediately pre1i888g 1943-. LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR .1943 pikigupeaeiue iMorton thol loupe, cmebm, @.quh, Puni82pkat aed, The neât year Prasident Ar. America88 Cte-y lin th0e woe. 8e- might toea!ite88 omne1hig. But aian d iamliarly eeeily atef eeta- 88cr cigned. 8888988 ta ittimatet made116888188. tienttheoutlaws____________thebleu, i19 yby 8he U. S. Bureauu ofAgîî. i188881i88 .88a-ai.jaca,.o ît88ownortly aeronceîîhtbeaan cut1uralE11o8i ad the Divisio IlOie- erose.... 88 6.8 718 paso hrougb t Iwae maddeing __ ____ ~oetRua ou1opîîgo h nsota. Ba.ec1ec.I1ec.e1. 38 I o à o u whiib Ibm" .,ould tracel, mcdden- Lowr8yNelson, professer f rural so - - - - -r8neaor. t i 8 88 a LaO ie ad yei even n818S18hrefused I WstadLhepssgofte l! rain 902,1008in eueîy 19410t 80000 Au .nsead18îeabs 0.aeu o. ce.caad8hia ew -out hors8--pauomgobil8es old'Salaa' nliLl asue sUT Sjou in ecele 19142 e,8prhbyoîîcei A888s88eca8e..e8Baraeaae. .-.----- 2omeho2-Chamebresumob as dueieng 88e e88ui1881 8f 1942. OOu.ca a. .0..iaa s, . ÀÀ»..8 6. W, . ma~n acotry-8and wbeher or1n8t8 f a ufi J,.re-ref q et y tlîEe The esct figure ripresee.ns8te 1888 a--rose -urvived in it shouldn't-de- est termepopulation sinie the indus. . ....ýy -6amos b- n hstJ-Y pnd on manmede machines.î *oIl- I tri0 ol ie.oth First World 828 îodJeea1.8e..be.ose8a82e..ee. 808~l ddn't coe r - hI .'S A L A M. redîed the numbe of terrepeopie -i811..tJ".ttt88ara(8..1 f88f00805 0tPPI. 0 eghtly onder 90,044. oit ci 9" Pisse e1111, ,, - 1m eo, orse ierîy.-(4@ orge. - -.X8 V tànp r m à to u Luaibor C., o Milton. Il, IF BUS TRAVEL WERE RATIONED WHO 9 DO YM 111 SIGULI STAY HOME? Follows Father as C.P.R. Vice-President ir, -A. Ivîlie (left), n888881nd oemptro-oler hs 4R ei ll w11 a12ippointed 8iepreident and has ben ssoiatd 818 tfe coiprollr oftheCadiePifie my8foyf30 y818.HIli, Ra lwy Coipany, 1 carying on mken 18 y ai1,888 a 98îiny 8,18881.88 in that high University on2aCanadinn, po.ti-forhi, f.thîl, John elie e eholarship and hree -r y.. (right), ,as vicepeidnt ad88 918 ith .ýta ý empt-1l.- of th. îo88pany fecmoaÂ1oî88.y i 888fth8 881 1926 until 19128 88 vhi.h18h ie e stdnt- 88e Goucî18-, hîeuame ice-pres898888offinance888Sil,,îMedal et .u*I h . 88d tr8888re,, p18it 1 h11In; Shland the Bi,Ihs- ed wtiI 1932 'ohî e. h' 88888 elfte indo transmportton..t. .,t 1,1 th-h.f aceýu o ral-Unierity wherehe rdigt, CIIeSNAPS=JO1GUI)- 0 VARIATIONS IN EXPOSUJPE LD 88ileate uderexposurepreoduiOdth8. trlklng suthen en ne n8a'ditic 1 sse188 ii18 hi8t8tPoGIS8,80 Pltctute. 9188î8is. 688881e, 881thi aspet 888"88 qetion88818of 8888sure, lu, 818 1818lai.bjîîtsor. lu- tItîsttttg plt't riu98ff-tgIn bu 6 .ittutud by dei(hîote de îe8tuee Htht8g tlustrtetîo in t 8 m8o8re 88188(181188 y ta ilhoette1or8un- set 1811ui0. And 88880(1819 the co- 81801888-d 18 prod-. e epict1881 88818-8f8r ro t188 neculd have usrd tif10808888te o o the fe0888i8 8f th.iboy9and girel. In pusd th fi1 forthe9 ba8cgrond, 18,88 u t81810posnthe 1couple898fo0 88the 8ilhouette 8 8800888 B 8888td havnon 88bot 1/26 0of8a 8808888 to 1/il50 8cîiof 1 su8d nly th. b6.Uîî,i,,,(I8,881 peop.Ity. Th.0-Iu1-,., 8t - ., 1180 sle tte you sec888 888 ThnO etaeîîy et88g(0881Ili 888118e..ng m-eopectc 18i, 1,, nnd a 810809, litîd lîuî(8uutd. eanel911re88glnlc silhouetteîititli(. ndd gestîly tu8th8811181 888en c808ytllnt qullîlea 1of th86ct888. Oo 00e ucerlook the 88809689(91es. mey benoeceny tu erlu8t the ei080 8tn1 08 nent, but the eoult neilh8esell orethe e8ffort. John van Gu11881