Supp4ënt t. TeCaua*dian Chapion MILTON, JULY 2m1, 1948 Cabra ma b Dmmb - 0f LargealOise* Building Tte Pectogoit,"c ccrecm th,0 onlda mcrgct office bildig, AJD I hemnted i.Ali-ogtom. Va., occozz th Potocmac frerm h. capie1l, i an ame i..plimg edtiiehot laviel lmtealaWa.iiglmmm l 1hmely mrivmdla :fclii l h18 tou. if gey arc mckhag oedthe individuei 40,00W occupat@vhlch *a Pmtagmm mmm cmruci.d la The P.d.ég.. hu Ov 01.:. Id..- Meid hy Iheir repctive colos. Tc *a offlu,.. Ihemielivc artc.palmted Po ymlie Tc secod flame givei wmls irem paicl.d i. a grec.nahde. ther hird fber mmii. i. a rthr dmop ccd, tie fourlh la a gatore., and h.90h i i 11a dcidcd bhne -ml dcue ih dot paints. The painting f adacet hailmmym and corridors o.tli-srcpective fo.:. basmbhec.dom. i.cocrrespomdiog cci- o .ct.em li t raourc vùa lr ad occpant» of re-re luY Aipoactimg thc Pemago. iuild- kag i. a 1tai one cood.c. he. le goiagg o&e i. Th taxiamou ombives 1h18 polcm hpdrlving right 0 lao a tunnel earir 1,00teft long mdcc h.huiliding mer. y.u are eclrid ty a colleade f acrm- Ingty interminahle huge round col- qu.. f re.lforedcommrte ih 19 moelai@belle vi-ci are paimlcd a 1 brUUlamI glcmay red. Whu ra. 1 mlghl a. in hldy mcdermltlc lum- M. nth Penlacm. y..fae moti- elrcd dec:., Uthe c .i mhflwhch i. 19 la Idmmtify th.e nramce ta theirc- I opciv. amp. mich 1.54 opmrd from theicocourmc la th. Ove fimr. 1b cithhe iling.19. Um» Clemer Substitutes Fer 1943 Licemme Polatoca Ir ntion'a civilianaoobcie mlii lie idmetiild tht. er hy an o.prccdrcicd combi-ioicetf cc and îld pates, metl t:, ict- .i-ield mtieco-md ,ec tcicoden ptesc. Shotege oi eii.oial t ote la reepocii-le foc thcîc dvctcp- Ti-c trgeit cociberofci te. ciii ttoch otetl dae t tot 1942 t- cneplates. Pcoooylvanctc vhich lostiyeec hod o liccote ploteincth. form,co o gogccphiclotitie f Uice tte, wcoluseoraodte toi t i lite a heystoce. Vemont i iiusei 1943 dt. toi-: code icoci totooget Un c000. Ak-nsas ic peovtdiog dte lobo foc pooeogere crs od tco. M plates f iccoird cocd for cksohe __ anddmctooyeoyir. Ool inue.imicmsare immolgocu platea for 10,43; in mom ceser cy- are reprooesmucg a ainge piate e- talard froc, lant prar wc-rs ner mcc, givcc ooiy o.. 1942 plate. Wy- ominmg laUiecaiy sada 10 isu two vorm sieel pila, manfcfeieh- foe.thecWPB order ioith rfecI. i-. msin ilsolno u.plts made0 Ober toard. Deaari-.. put ih. regisctrationplae cm a permanent heais i mlexpiraton daea ladica- ad y chacmhabeinsers, fclloilg thc prcire f Comoccliut hrc prmaoccnt aiomlaom plaes havm bea.umcod ae101. â 9laeg New Fabri Te mccl Uitherd for anm o.10.mly tmugh uifrmn fahrcora clthiog for mmuimalo co.p, textile expre et th. rmy qaricrmacler crpa i c- mparution ihti le mar nufacmg cspaie. have desiged and devel- sied a mcrccdiaey high teari.g Icc.igl. cprer wmrnmg qaiti. md cn- cet ied-ccmilg chactari.- tics. Th.nommalcrilinmuiemhca mm.d lanleouers fr .icamaletrlmpm sad ut ter pecal fores, ith te mpectatlmat it ilmay b te medd le clber milllacy clohiiog unes he:. ftcf bceilechactclristics mcy ha rqmremd. Exhaiutivc e etshave pcov.d lis8groliliily fer h. mmma mcm heing mdef il and have dem- mmaral.d Uiat il affordean cextra monture f potecion 10cm imd and cold to the loiaicnand cold weath- orlccp.commwrcug ii. Ilin treal- cd uith o moic-cpciict ciemical marrial oc ht i il cdiotcl mhorh molistue, an ddtioi lmeoesof protcio in coid cluaes. 9vybeau Picar Ncv trrmd ceclaiccof myheme tour te corio la Oie geoceca ohtrice..Addition of thc myteam Ucur cmaUicheproilaof the a more compe focd, md mre m.aly equalinlavaSa. 10Oh.prei. «mea .klmmik for matiiN rcad may te short iof h. ,qumtty mded udr h. r.cmt food rd4r c th. a.orcet & Pl- oullace, Claude Wlkrd, hlah sa- àaltiséta a mnihe uleilitag e *M Iteacluchdmd inlad4, eéa 4014 luofaith.main- may oflue, h. samymmd mii po. vNd, a Pestl Oumret.our nrg Ybee amc.mamy mmc.et0 mvi.g îesp wut iUmli elp la th. mr f- fort. Kc.p mcp dry afler cmrh u.é &" ed me oascmmuc utami. ed d l .veeccm th. tardmcm of thc aer. Un.. a maup shaker for map craps Sm dpuer helilog aler cvcr Uic i.n a haut. The rmallig 1.117 kcpl er thc .nk cm»h. ued i.umt- Mag dlh4 and clbes. For h. bath, mmlibha of map la a h18 bug . ldar.geml1 cake eiii t pmart telargr sus. m 0 vii uc )31 )35 )36 M M1 M4 M0 Ml M2 )NIT BE DECEJVED, HERE AREI HE FACTS RE DEBT AND TAXES icial Tresurer Hon. A. St. Clair Gordon in hie Budget Addreee Maroh 19, 1943, comparativ, figures ehowing how the Provincial Debi and Taxes bave monted to nnprcedensed heightm dnring nine year's Liberal Régime. HERE ARE THRE TREiASURER'8S OFFICIAL FIGURES Don't be fophed by amy other financial etatement specially prepared for election purposce. atari. Debt lncreaed Over Ontario Taxes Increaseil 0,r 148 Mifleons60 Mos to 1i 12 $368,477,000 378,415,000 406,009,000 405,436,000 438,2N,000 478,268,000 507,208,000 50,200,000 507,128,000 1934 1935 (5 nia.) 1936 1987 1988 1939 1940 1941 1942 VOTE STAN HA For Economy and Secd A SOL-EM CHALLEN TO TIUE ELECTORS 0F HALTON( mhe followiag Non-Partisan L.ttcr fron Grattan O'Lcar, C mtanding Jourmaliat, Author, Lecture:, and Meniier of tht Ottawa, to electora of Haton Coonny ahold h. lhongtfully r every Maui and Womam. 1h in a .iring ral ho duty mnd to conscience which ahold n« TO THE PEOPLE 0F itAITON COUNTY: 111.0 diciocliicf tldcg 10 learo trot macy people 1in yourc Province, a. I leat gratly i0 ot,: prts, baYnOt gf0ont100 Alto: many ycmrsof cf hing Priameni anti Pobie Lile1 ver., o fiogeide iScat, 1imm cccvioccd Ihal this cori f icdiffe faii ors of thePeople, md cpciaiiy of out ledrs i vmic flif.toroecrcioc li-cFanchise, is ti-c freaiesl peil f ou: Dc, .tiloiiooî. We are ii8hicg tioc u vo:baoidthet-ctrafcdy f Dioisemlohip glf . bu muccliof Eropc-iigi-ting for ti-c rigi-l tu voie andi Vet ma5y aciogrfuse rci, 1 corclm t-el rigit-to u Heoit.0. uhici -ou: Icrefati-crs gaincd feumih-Ieir uiich ort o o e m.fgording i ti-chir. W. laitof a Btter Wcrld mhec 1h18 uer 18 ccIr, Aà "t part of li-at Neu Wcrld muet te deteecelneti for nect taie hy h. charoolgo f lthe oveimmt ue choc.. 0.11 uct Il mill bhem orce f mamy of teLau. and lcgulatioenu me "Ihbavto.,aliv. fo aIOet bmue ycmalmier "'qc kenomariblet.importance o &I liuho have.à .1:-. in il ' W.dday net in un effort 10 stage ila charncel.:perooco51 I1al liketu100 noli1g btte: I-an organisations o citduo th. Province impremsing opon Ihei nigi-rthetic OLEt LENiIE TRAT TIIEY VOTE. ORATTAN OLEARl Thie ia the aîraight-thimltumg, lear-eightcd reaeomimo f a «,A CALL TO ARMS ON THE HOME FRONTIl- o Wome, who bhl evc i0 Canrada ad uho havc ber intrnatl a dama Most Priceleo. Gift-BY GETT1NG OUT TO VOTl Augnet dli-. $5Mf07,841 37 21,048,944.06 im...lM W.aaM Olâhmt Active Moditumaman Port Macamtli. Mcii eaeroeoty ai M06000hclino* coi t iege ly th. port district, wm o mtalir th huaent of &Ui Frechpoole and th. ceuliiilO7ichiotO gteaarteathe Thic .14 port section, mth il&airc rau, wmlag eauets, lamble-dome ha..., Apaot. hangouta. mnd mmii.: laver.., la th. cor.0th modrn City.Becyo»d te ld aid lu.ha de- volp.d h. Marselle. of rad, tua! stra..ta, fatileh.hap, luuroul almsanmd :..identlal aighhuc homds Nature blé""edMarseilleuih a dmep hacher. But ume of il vas taM dicapped hy his ahelomtisioltig the city fromthe continent. Accrma a provdedby unnl@.Camai hoctea au mli a trais corne and go threugh ocderground tubes. fiai-- was werehbuilasaalternats routes. Cmmpletion cf thc Suez camalini 10W made Marsellie the premier part for cargo.. te and froc, Ioda andthe Far East. Th cllycame tg regard Itmeif as th promiotionai con- ter of Framce'sm.-hre commeerce ut race:. Mediteroean coco. tries and the Arican colonies. A. trade lacreaaed, the por outrcu ias I ar.:. A pollcy of ceaemas im-. jpmcrellt wa t abm laimhed. Addi- t ians i.clude Uic:. mles of hreak- w aatr, 1a mies of qoa. 80,M8,43995 Dm.,.SenniNmmd Seam 86,052,792.88 Fe R atimimg' Dectere 86,843.270.67 The i ited umber of Phiysiciens 88,172,951-62 la h18 ceiibirywmlii tavelte edis- 108,802,020.46 tlibted tu menttthec cd. of thé, amd forces, marindutri.s mnd -111,496,169.77 thc clvililc pcpidaliool, Dean Wl- lard C. Rappirye f the c motl of medico. ci Coumbia oicccaity ce- ports. Ani tcesserinmtli-c ccc ti-cc stdectsin thlic edicmi ci-io. et the contryiayhliccerocse- ciediofto Deralppleye, bi-cih cfet ciii 000 li-r it foc ocoral yerc, i-coole cf t-. iecgti -f p0W fiolotedociuoi. "Theoveo-cc. oiiedi cneodi if ti-c country focrotlitocy, civiiit, L L ccnd pubictohelth acoOti i-e ae cot ,L L yci i-c.îootisaiz,ccd'tcerport cdi erd reabhueci ocy-fiieo i-ocacd. -. docd Uaic the moot ad itdile. ofth.e yrclutesicoteiitmhii rî- .0118.uic mothe r c f iiccm.dpte- saim. oldr 45 ycacm of age in881,- M.t.and 4 Uioac .lce.o 34 and 4 Wrllatcrestrictio.s o v.cla etemic&la narrow thechile of a ai rcmovr, tut sodum pacrala, G E deug Mime.. ai rlatirmiy imail *M. 1ofagiute treport tliiivl le pa- liuoly umefulfor mhie mamiem. Il lm th int.ft md llluf. Sone latand matai Maina, iro rus, dye ildruciaolora do ccl rc.pmd, Butrcaoy ohr aMain itu 7114 l .O U N TY pcnglog mc1h a solotion of four loti.- :O U N T Y a,".oncu ucf meodioci perborate i. a Plal et iohrar., mater. Thc mixture 1 i muet ieh. omd ruichiy or il loges 'anada.s Most Ont- strcmgth. Ti-c mocr a aMaic la 10ma- te Preem Gallery eah datter il cc1uos:. the beter hel read and heeded i-y augh rlcalmg mlithaler i.arc.msary &fier:*ains uahe.bea e mmccvd UItmlg Nec,.. lOmde Dt be ignored. hrcakdomrrs f midiers uhearec *WUil tmih dyaphcma-mltleci. -ýaju inccccmmlg, hecauma m..My dcafl boards fai1laodiscrimdrmi. in deafling tUicm speech crip1lc,"Mff D. Jame. oco.ii Greece, umdilà cat f th direcor of UiceINational iHospital foc port Speech Disodera. Ifli-rli-ed 1hlm 4 cea. wsu tilecresmouo ieh.ejrtad fer froc,, as il motit. mitacy service hecose, lier ...o.,. tce oie rv age r o f peromnent cusvalhe of are mccciyymopomofoancoder- ocraieoIn- Iig ncrcvocondtio. Locolex atiiboardshredo mcclte mycp- 10,00; tfrocaocitioderemiocl cial auhici -e- sch.oi -t o it ira8msaiiiuly mi-îap Or 1temiocderea gco and l-oi i-. in acvoooly andccotionaiiy disrcua- e li-e greal_______ blood.oOd Temtp Vitamine AU hsoyrar ycohavche ea e- lag lurnipm and ticoop grm, ute d1dpoen.c ow uaI hewm amy vila- or:. it on- miaicy coatacd t Tuomip greamo chL guppi, vitaloin A mvermi met tac nd .4vllamim C. Whmc 10t ider whici -mmslaetorcipa, rutabagas rata af 18 won, 01104htl Mer i. food cakwti.hqu Ding ut onwtei iepm. Thmy cotala, sa vite- .lgc mi A tut d gve you a gemeflma 7. mpply ai vilami. e-1an4 viimmla C te 611 over rihefLavi. .andmma. L Rutahegma [N CHAI, ai. arc .ightly rimi-er la oaohehy- draeal.n.dminearaluis Utemltq turaipa. Canadian Patriot baTJe anidituicn or hgh.llyof è >Caadian Men and bailf oo.,ed wcclbthecsanctionoof thm ýt heart, to use Free- pope mnd gccro.d, o.drr hi. su- 'E mut edneday prcme ao1holly, hy th. Episopat IrE nit Wenoisd . ofh Uiied States Uicough a heard et truste«cocmposecdof tinhtua r.~~laymm. Au declmed tg, e.,P:,,:,XII 1 Posoe.inlath prcvldc instruinin la ccldeparI- mot . aiclcrmlag foc clrgmd lall Fus ma.-M-H. m-fi, out raca Biedertah ememmcr t aah H YW R rerm er tasottuLH Y A DTRANSPORT orumer U a&m.AollyW.. DANIEL HUNTE :ot Dfe WELL DRILLING £zameimmd AIIED: Fa.1.7TORON: MILTON HAILTON ~E OPEN FOR SALES Ticha Mtm etdemma91 h..rcmneru --- Ph ...79c- L ta. . M ..i.. d M u m a m ce d,. E D W A ir D . C O R E' j NI D se" ~TORON" O £o MILTONt W KtM1LTONt Pnom 44-4-Ul - NbORT i