Ih T0 00030.0Tes am. ou-y i mm NAÎ VOLoUes 84 MILTON, THURSDAT. JULY1 y~ sw.es Tues êanrpiou î~~- ou-y 4 - J 15 1943 No tO EJANÂDIAN GHAMPION &C7860 T00uOUS.< htO501NO MAIN 8T.. MIfOLTOfN. ONT, -otï b»... Y , o - i0000.au-0000000 AIY0000IlONG "T.. là"-(oéant %fi nue . ot.46.4 P oo.o..ooober,o.1eod1,000 o»0000000 lit"1. a m0.o.u0001000 et10000I ei00d00ii0i00O0000000OO h -t OliOn0000000i61010 Jà000 jo"00 i.,'ir 0, P-.011 .10000 2 -et0000, W,0 ..11, MEDICAL DR. C. K. ST~EVENSON _ Phtysiinsuc Surogeono Ployiian and âoreoon LEQAL DICK & 01K W.UR liouoK lIC. o sarrloter, Solicitor. Etc. Urroi-N.it 0000 11600pi0. 0180. Main Stroo-MilLo 30000000-. Buildii, Ong Maiî. __!ENTISTRY OR. 6. A. KIN8 DENITAL SURGEON OMl oyal Building, Mlon. OSelo1.. T.l.olooi 197 08. F, E. BABCOCK - DENTAL SURGEON5 011 iri Pet100..-00 Th-0.00 .. NI1 ELS EN Ti. Chiropo'aotooo DaOii.iiO TagROI'lt. X01î 2 tu - 7.W0 tu 0.30 P.0. 00,00 Doinionore TotoooîvWN PIons 100 o. S. A. FA Y Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing NAkIN ST., ILTON ONT ATTENTION.-Ladi.. ood ti- Mon'$ Il.tbig . tertono. repie et., by B. WILKONSON, O.ttoîcl Tlloour tenl. P.R. Street,South. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. tIÂNADAN ICACOOlO RAILWAY 1007p.m.-Lly. 12.67 &.oei.-Ony oonîpt Ooday,fliag enfit Buot - '.31) &.m. 20.1 .ý 9,27p o.9 Qotug Woot-.22 &.m0. 0q,.0.7 pin.q OÂAA DIA NATION4AL RAILWAY 8.09 &. t 7.06 0.0. POLLOCK ~INGHAM Ouoeob,9, luOe &Wih MONUMENTS Dui.oon uO.L I GL.Phono am8ONT j C. R. TURNER Poieral DirotIor seil Embin.i Ageont or Dol.'. Fonerol Doline. PeOs ce MILTOOO. J. JCOOKE CEMENTSOdCINDER BRICK end TILE: 610NUFACTUOEO 00011 oQ-tep.oower1,00macOhine AIl 00les - A00 Gonilty INSURANCE Lit. Fire. Aotomobile, Biriory Plats Ut..., Accideot, nlolti. l A. ELLIOTI $LlosnosdlAtuttonssi *R-tralRnouteNo. 3 MILTON ST. F. CIIISHOLM Ltoaeod A*totioore P. th 0.. Oblooy.fitilion Ph o.o.î-2 Rural Riote N. 3 MLT tGAL.T Monument Works 62-00 Water Kt, Norst, bob Monumeuts, Marker& snd Cenetery Letterng Poîco. ittod.ons.-Work Ooooouted 1). R. 00110i160N, Proptiotor F. W. B. FITZGERALD lusurance and Real Estate r ail, inos. if In..riono Tran»onooi. Part ndTnown Poport> for »ai0,000.l 7000E Il]63 :. . ILTON go Sparing lu Demada --, On DoctaoesDurlng Wsr OCfitheItor horoom.o-v1,. fea in*, pestileoncesud disth-ioo.od 00000 the srti end d.oiroying av- erytig lor. toem a-i.0the3ai w0r,,among the mortodeaddynle pet- titans. Contaglons ond Ifcin epdernic dhoouosoi lot ot iulent and divmitotlog., ln vev 0f the ohorag. of docoto and nursis wo are son hoaosid loto servie, th or paricpation1 000000110. idof h, Amerloan o 11. cai asocia0tion mokoo the fiiloinig suggestiosohorely people msy bel" tholo donior: Col te dotor io 70001 home oflyt vIon nooossry. Go to hisoffice viton 70ooo.m eip th dotir ho plan propir unso f hi& tm. Cali h3oîobeoe nn. o'cSinthe1.moto.0 bug ohenevor possiletî. Have an ex-8 minioo et the foostaigo of olol- nets. This heips poveilarge and 001,10006Monts. OSoo conitionse tO 1.0 if itedt in Oie hospiiol. Co-opri. ly pro.I iddhog io edvînce agigelott o 00 of hoptalisation. Pronici yeursilf sud famnlfy egainst amalUpox, lock- 3ev, e,, ty immoouniton. Avoi ov.oseilng, oedrinkilg, ovirvool- i0g and nvio-nxeclolg. Gt o gnod1 dioL Folov thu re, cif peronolc bygloso. Women iootld laie f0,3t aid coourenursoooe' 00 trainig md9 homo nursnog provided bit h. Red1 Criss. This vil hsip ho relievo the lurdensos the physicien ad nuroes ho the hooplis ano inho3e. home. Rlg Amy Planes With Now Dovices sE Special Bass Miiry panes hîsded or combat are&& are hing ivos lot-mhote Intalaions 1 meohanicositon ai- ooeimodficato orntîr opratnie a0 Cheyunne, Wyo., onder o oosract for the oomy air foroes, tooas dis- 0iosed reeontly. Modfication ceoloro love bloroin operatlon since.bnortiy &fier Pearl Harbor, bloni nu ecenOiy the U000 hniiteoslgition everyaect ofi thirvolk. Ao the orouy air forces. reoontly 0000001 '«Whn womakeomodificaionsve vont ho catch the enemy totlliy u- 000000000. If the Jopioeoî lad hoon tht et vo vopropeoing the type of phono, ws ooood egeinst thom etiOdwoy, t11 ould010have known vo ver. ieyhog fohoi." The modificailon fenier ho opersi- id under oupervision of 1theIf. S. 07007airo focez matoolol cm- nonds producion dvision. I. job ho o mae ho se hs-iohoolchangez on mlillaoy planeo otdol coudd .03 ho hcoporae n th1e aircraf se- oîmitîy ilor vlthout delayo for 00- toiog. F or exemple, 1it eoepro- duction otopiantses d fis Oiîm foo Mo-c o desitO oprotion. hnoesoos ther range ort ilido op 11,fr boni I o.o. as onibnd orly nov osiua. dlons. Bons fer Aoeoeeton The oivemet of a ormeroeau manufactuihg plantin covertiog ho the produotion of a continer ho hobll of0 0f fO.oilhr machine zoo bulleso in consîdersd romîrîblo ve in s on of sonuhog hodustiel con. versions. The. plant hit eauoi ho- log 000 peint poilà,e, hor Oy..sonyr netito, capend vaolousoto11r fit. As tuhe r pooftOOed. brhoghog re- stictions onsthe moaufacture of Son- iral-i.ne honnrs, 1000.0.000a sa- rious qust0in wh11or the phono couid conthiuetho perato on the 010 hoste. Hovoover, It vooo Ohocovered tiat the prsses, tankts, 00007000, 00000 and otiieqipmun ouobhoedpt- id ho mils ammonition continer. It loi 0007 10 onnis front 1theli il. priduoi toohowigsoeoe receiv.il ho thetimi obon the nimmniioo bones beg on ho roll off the produc. lion lUne. Biody Cor Antisa If Hitoitito', ier. .1.100 venture over Lon Angels o onty they woh fin0 oeblng for Oiom-npproprie- lyonioug-a group ofmenwooare 1troleoalolhoo.t leo. EniI.id and îraned au. noolinoot freme, ho the Los Angelesio ooniy oitoîns dot lent orp, the crew f 350 ao tank spray olgo noomally oo.d Cor douoshog oirus Coudit50.0. 011hon secicidsoar rdy ho roipondIn-ho olaoiiy oith 11010 opparaho. ho queotoh 0âme ohiOolmîy 1. .000000 ho gooso.00ps, 100.1, mdd.00011 Encofit 1 he ntruksblOn et least 300gallonnof wir, and mont if the tîgs non provided olOh mot tbeolonl]y operated pisiforino oMilh ssunonloosd teacos0erniti. boight ho ftg ht irBon otrio, or uppor fleurosud roofs of hautso. Wniilar Wells Modeon ooioo.11hoood oe.ashi. pelote on oaUo mny le cboonsd hy Hghiiy oponghog or 01phog 0111 a so poogi or cindi, oeil ovra t osier. H neesaoy, a itt.mUld op mey ho iaed. Addhg of 2 te pot cent of ordinory 40 per cent foomnidoityde e ho usihg 0000 ttie trimonthewfl l i aetd eUt. ertpinting,hinoder o prov.nt the pehitfilm fomeitorihg waer and to tooghen its sufaestebrason, in oocommonded. WOnre ea ou. iiooid te oloayn tteth10 oiîom of the Wall and vork up. OCuir- tie soin doy oall hiioo sud ceose sioels tlot may ho very iifincult hero 0n00. W i e th a er w l r n d w 1o e Hughes Cleaver, M.P. by-3lOooOloolýhýaý -rio'O01luoeu un aing tai theOnmd forces,1 Answer fManpower Dur innisiro t if nldr. fiDckot filet fli,, fuonin , loin. t, March 1, 1943, o 0000 onlit .u Muiddle Charges aoîo00onnî 93,00ien1or0he0r', forces.00i we 0 et0rols ? ui. dio Follows GordonGsdo Ont-'000 fo th cr.d orces du,,,«l Debats lu Houns of iasionimet WÜS 006e0 io ooind.tn 1 Souoiiellmoi lon e riio fon0.î JOnon UROnnitioontrn "Ya " ln the Hanse et ainoussonuoiuba. n don., Jinn 24, Hug=înC their M .ositniiion o i nlOn 10070,ver ne niioî locntsyn 1oÉioo.te in ilthe on8 i fo tO C tun it P a rt Cln ith n n n, le no n t u oîi e h a 000007 a l] i O nod i ii oitdîda. nla. n Oonw . oion Ifnhn ou $ ln y yei otil u O nu ta on lev n 'hOto n s0Poe rn i h fi l le. w.nd 600 01 tom - ne nd o 5 0 0 1 . r Mn r .O t 0 7 0 0 e i m o n o te o atitîl h o n s m o I l 0 o e 0th e 0 d o. 0000.d a0, MiniPostions Jl, 00000610gartani nth i nnnd' olto oou Po i o on d np ai. o talo oio y 0 o isra . te sd o n l t heo i r nî ib îlo nddod, ii o lni oo , nt h . Oar y io t io oiliei on d . n Osai u nd le 0 Sai leO 0 Is mi bin rem ailiodpart y 060 ouwi onlioât olu t-me d00 levure ; n ntloa D o s i t u a b i0,~ t lo ui o u î i d o o i î n î t i eOltn0f O oil lanuoî r o otonoy Inoinavy0 ouo.a 'bn h- "0Id th0.11oaa O ur0 0 thoiid ie60ld oniiyooohdvf0, gtîmnOnmfloniy ooooiis 0 I, 10andolndiitoon aOn osoilunavu. Pool 07 00 in io Iui 00 le îtsal: doon 0000 i . lo t Doi onlaito lon t'on0 of a l ont cauise.o 0 nn d.. 110 0000007bnut ooi tronni 11, the t'le0 t - i s osaoito1nois otas o e on 0 00il bc finblti o ul d5 thé io sils e ooo l,= l io n y O u etnrilO id em rOY "Ise andl doodl iora monnlioiinnntinitlilulsi h0100 oi ,00 une olley7 olît so - oo ioiio o n c m Os n .000 u0in li ca sc a de0f i00 0. 0,01 ion o sti i i. 00ha v e 00000 a f atryO r 0 o o ot ii h n t In. ar icltou oe n 1 0 bs a ln.o id. th o i. sil ntuoio ona n Ilb is i o i s o o i 0 0 0 0 0 l I nllOldopceeally i l pOoitIO&nidusOooiduîsdoi rs stenorae uumn , liedu,1nfle theai umtn 1 o0a nlnd c. oolo Tot Oneit. Tlsye 100 mo0u0010Powertco la tlsi000 00 tta civ uinir forla 000 itblo tt Olt dor i itnc8 tolarein ril o s.000 aboutits0010 inuo &orllouestotoce, der discusso lnn o i tIi o iipoiun.lo n WO 00 i lndu.ils 1 O ll0 O tk sIl. i l niO oooio th, m anabto wa lt he n m ai0.n id i a e t . ln ches00 0 0 0 i te alo i 000 0 mobiia tîn. id nh 0 lt lt ounehto o 00 10 aile ina l ona o ntl o r e a00 u .1 0 0100 1 e 000 0 O 000 th e0 01 0 010i nn e 0 10 e 0000h. 10 0 oou 1100 c tti n. etsod 1 1 lo iexpa fnio tonf pu.dtalion, ,neoloo 000c1uite.OniiWesti,10 00 00Pluln ailooniiproduton.y ft0th. 10 ,b i d D h i . , ' r" t a Il..tt o . i n0 in d O o f th e -O s 0 6 1 val ab lîngta aii m antiî.C ndio 1o Ttisti, os onmonn îamn toto .10 litsl 00017 1a plid OhOi ptatoit Isos tutheî fiertlldoî dt. 100 Oiootoonloiootoooo mloo ens o ing toinfuin lntnilndo iOllOtood l c10e i ll of o In 1.t tlOttO al af 00lli000n1te t o 000 b 0000 Il, lnîîY sr insime odr_ 010 0 lo i 00000 Dlta dilug a000 Oltder ontheo posf it iion W e otn el o ii l g 01 b toi o WA.o ne ior th ile t pr i isinOilddotOOOO oto i lng O o rbtig i iotiost, O 11 sO dotos lOionh îiy0 0 Il in01 aller10 fi 5pro. in the l 194 0 nat o n at b o e 001 .00010 o .flco 0f Olur fgace 0ta if 010 " 'hl Pub",0 lutte. lmid sdiIlor 5,I00000 inaO test. ot b wOolot it or ntIod .o ni oo lo Iiaitino fo i o no llOol .cause0 Iin ttyo n b01007out td 10 ltac inet oono t, n00 o u0 it 'bOntetint lino ood tdondntatso tntt heuloo to or0 irco-it pru tion, l " speecI biosdinytnoiop 1.no-lDuein th.l ieaits ndoOtOi Ht0i dou hi. tory.o lt lyooooo.temendou reite 001000017bav00 bal houht 0001070010.Tn ofliemidool ttt. 11100 Pro00 £f 0 a000, i 0î 001O erve itheulo wi areo 00000 o oo inti bour- Iv PgrtY0 07 18pegdls100Ii.POcett B 1 i in iPbU00 ol tlOtoO A dion lok reg0en0 iolot r ma7 tosoolon o 100007npaoldtdtl 00 » Dewanroolootoosotfoî ti oopodi onnigures0010,00 Of nai onal se dl îo 0 00 0 00c0 7 Oi Io oodserv toice n o M ii 10 eau b., n omars umber1. iIl dofotis l. footo liod110n1. Jng et ry i offtol0n.lIaOpticer J otl-- ofaeCOîodonntl in oylo l, in lOgo t O ll l a 1.o 600 . W n .10 l o ducti0 on. 00 On tall r bon ÉT000 0100 tg1Job000ie0ot .sold o. wu amtoo inalo 10 of Ths'Oltoi 01u010 0es..0 tono loto 000 respecttannomood f00 ype0.. tos0b 1101u ftttiîtenof 0bar-00producoil tais 000 oT o o s esot o t@ dlaylîlonlipinl have. ' rlono Industi.wieI areoItp Hin o ff t ÉlinemdorIt0fotheooopotio0n 00 ln tertindusoitris iOO e tOil ha am atlîtobwlred an otî000.00il tlo 0c, hâ w hllbatel .1 Otcol astowto 000barao ise th7oosetw ortsd-cîll.on notto toto wer.otn oIisooOlt. 1iodnce aiOethroo The Minister of Lab1000000utlinc0 th.îîi 000certin men ahtY b1 0000-four for iify. uieensfo h flic Ii ploîl aadtI. le 0Do0050000 f0,1 o t tIi loo ot 0 i n 00110 -9d5leiouolbo ctn eo le100bu t 101and itlâme0forces,00He00ai un0sa bey have0a araof,0jus, ho î o î 1 0 0 t %lg sI on a1o0f 0r0000t i100 lIn000I round. 0f he0 offloll oonild 1-ni"0low.rtillt i. 1mode1 0000 oi 0000 f 1Ils 0 W0 uO bfo t nth oi ntl,. oi. yood ld lino ,lave 0060 ot l o rt, i 0 0I l tng d londasc1 0f 0010 oache i dicule00 00ir0 bctn edlOOanîd a mur iot w doilOeffîotteu ane hu.m e toosieMa len to bistiTon of c i o. ho Ino î l o 0 0 0 0 0bll 00 1 0 , 1 0ief bel dtlerOst&ifOlutYiîtls..1h$ eatinent.lfwm the 0000 0tain lave tai ot 00u i005 l10 fin0ws o t sods o tu tatlenut grade100 10i efol ot ter t ha n000 saioleti e0000if00the00 1000 010ser 00it 00010 101na tif servic ir luomirsipOndior B. le tuCanatd.oth 000 ludi wic fiction 01 or i 001 00 01ceci 00k 1000W ibc. 000 10have 0100 01man 01Power lov.tht I to 70 or v lotîsion50Oheo001 0tIauf00010 ototIneor no0st l 0 a owers0f tîtto Idut. an t 11 l 0 i tînof00bflOit oit meo"Yoi lo fort-a 110,nd ythe Inco the îpttîfh00tlîoul0000lîOoiOtllleffort00000000t0 stod yh eti speaker. Tho 1î,î flttoti 10 la7 oooo thos fl sthfines. Ie l holl. , Iodr terPandodiorctuion havediiottunfot 010 lit.0,ta0ementisOOrdOy 060Mioloîhav0f 010 00of1natioliiot ootooibasi.. net or (o. teme a onter 0p0 lan. tOto li u onton 000150Ouf000 00 havenyanoo<leno olic004or n0opoduon. Saineîorm ofircion Planaioil. nOhOlO, 00010a00orge- andcolion have berotlnnoces-000 ment000and bleItIou a. loie o ot1 u folI 0000000 î001 l 1100,liedîone.y. 00l0, chia 1110 ionstoibi oint 01001 0o00,,t en00the plooh.ploathei', 000 o 001,0 000000t000.1 the nIleader 000f1the10opposit thooo-ontinuiofdt,o-.it bc ehitu lmady 0d0000l000ld 1000h.10 Dhese days, when tea must yield the utmost in flcwour, quality is of supreme importasnce. Asic for.. "SAAD dooo',; e oo oay loti, Ihloto t 000 tuai h. 1inOo l»obî f the o oci theo vletory Iooo drives loto loto o 0000.010.a O at-ino..îtot 00001. or Ot oloo out'. ctd 0th1. 000 000c w hrette nu» 00 101, 110 a.00ivela, o-ýtIIrespeclt to ollarte 1 00inoh w&t. T,000 miel tho 0000000 of tint IdtOlddnol and lbis1011igt te ooo lt lîloko ien onn serve bol. 0arc00001 moreooooood thonî dollars - il0cent.. 1itOoOOstltIot il h oaceoo-y furtw Illtrtloo yooslin t 190y00 inoOOotlOtOottrc î,,ltd oîooyIn- dloldool Il g01 lltoed loto tin. ltopecf 0010 Oltt.digtpet lttude1 of 16e oppositioonstryinbobo 10 100010 bic 0h1potetoth io. d0y befoo oooterdny and 11010 00001 t poition 10to oo wenttt0 av e 1110tatedthtI lhey w0001an0aocraotieobureaucrart 10u1 tIrtI d.g... wttIres0e0t1t1 an0 00000, tie no 00 tklîng0f atIex utiliserait lnthc Wintnipeg Ft'..Pîtî Mt1 long09.0 Tilo ltolonoi000 lion f01000 quo0100 frot a'oatileo îtibis i 0gais genlema. Tiboart ci. I tilo raier -ponlabt, If l hto oi0a00,010.0 iIIe exploratton, îlthlotOsud e0,1 position 0f tnthopostion..l1.01 1 0007 we11 for an oppostion 0100 lIt ooto totr ly te 0000010on0bltî loto lin iblsootooo10 OOgt othti 1107 OUl iaidt10tortbrdifftoîItte sittît boillog bol tt.tt ndî00tin Arny Commando Writing .9 Hootory of Curront War TIi 00007 of ils pool bIlg pioyed ho tis ooo by ooch of île o-oo de- peoiioeon t ree. oostsodi-Oîr arny gro 0force arotuynairforces and services ut oopp0y-is beiog e oided on acooooObonlis spootey* ity «wcof 1teuommado. boit C't ihanoî istooicoofi- cers wlihlo, 100 onihoo-ho ccordinaOo itooioo seolo. For exemple1, the codoanco deportoonti, oder the tori1000 000000, etc. The mino t photo hon eol hiory in toi obeld opon admoitaion, glolog o foll record of the addiistrtve struc tuireiand upraon of Othe0major bi- reus and officsofOidte wrdepart- mient-00i nloiwaO1theoooffcs dîd lot hoo ler pooluomd Oholo do- t The. varinsIhitorlool offloors, itowveor, 000e01 oîroited to the adminisOtrtivefneld. Prooldod 1107 peofori otispI, 001005dity, tboy are iutto0id ho ooune uoool 11 types ofl Idtooy ea hl 0000d ing generals direct. À guidlog prhooilofoi id threlohW toroclool mionos 0000uobtoho oooiooili 01010 10 ho euh lfrela and anoolale, 001 o017 ho otthn records, but ho the miodaocf thîoswo habioootOd 000 figotingogenizaloo oet ho oliasLeoin oooodies. DOne of the principal 0000000 forthe10collectiont of hist0riool mtootottl on a OtOooi hote lairto provide an ottoootoand dispeoolooato record of 000000 lot theuneof lutin egîooration.In odioto hoidng tho Ohiogo tnoO 0000 o-oU donsofot future imtation, 1.hehoorieso-Il]reorod 1the0erre= ts iloon iy nopîoioooo foo futore ovoldanon. Resow Tobacco Bodo Af ter CoId Weather, Expert Say& Tnitoooo gooîes bolO0ranime tiesoanon. frontt holoitobdsand itoedct font, onehll tuotitres- rE. R. Colitns of North Corolino îtst 8 olloge advieno. TOte couvez iloold ha replnsd os s0o0 a, the itids hbve bbn reoon, continues Dt. Colio. If young plants wo- soi iioing tbrough ohe graniaishn ehoo u ooy 1100ee o. I enrit.,siny p00010117 old b, ditios Iathueiy vil] etmo te booiihy, faitgowo-lg plants. tressoes adnthe sed suivt now o-O itocome i ibeddod w0111aO 6gb oit eirn faorablein ogrinaotion. P10nts foo tono oooed ol go orpily o-heno toironditions000are iýfavorableo. à If te Oin O0nsedhng vooinii e k1Usd loy flooo,.the tooly sw t sed 0011 ot intsofoo -lOittes oir- a~ lyplants. Howevootif tle original 5t lants o-re hiUîd osoeeeiyo-sil- oiod, the nwplts front the pres- ont 0o-htg 010 assure the griower a0f a f0olstnd of vtso0000 plont&. COppero Ses 0.17 Poln AmiOI000Alrws, 01000 triooeOlanttt Clipper,o, ernîded ho war0100, oamoufflaoeoostlîy 0000 tholo himpotto 000g0rmets n he 1 e United Notions 00airasort noîlot- Ooos, i hoe ofoot yeot of World Wot No. 2 bote floot mill]onoomil es lnho ooIng ths Atîln tic ay hum. dreouof Oîmeî. W.4 passenger traffio, vitioOon il of ollol bone gotsoOltîtt prlooîty, y.ocmdod tiatof the proooiooî 7000 ýtby &but 040 par 0cent. Osflct00f r,0Wu, te imorncoftol peodyand 0 sleotraspot oftloogoo o-eo iatiiehopressit. horeo.,,in the es. a oiot moil lod, Oreld by the ,y .i0po-uod, Ryhog bonis. The ooîod. "gio opress ooried sîceedrd omil- mail boed for 1042 wo-o. nln the ilionso f pomndesuad won nîoy doulen 11. for 0040. ITrieo Hav. Many Usez IWestern faretr.and ranchers,as ho tie velue of0trou. Toso sbniter halteo&btrnch01 buildings botveti-. portant lo0g-tern valefu. Tboy dl. 0ve0rt r 01100.000s000 and 0000theO lOlOdhojOare*, afuefol savhg for toe tr"rop00t0d dwiling ha. been ,etttnates b1.hg au muob ns one. th100. Titooiiro soroof sdvon- lages ho bho euoed rodtnot tora. Laweasmili. esol".00 POUlS n" f4 bseýo00 .5 921dkea- -PWeusdo Yooe êmvdsng betwoeo 9 ami. snd 4 p.m to aYoid rush heurs wheu w workeirs have to ho csrrled. L.ave chfldres et home to make room for uusmutlu tmvellers. Avoid flday, Bsturday snd week-end travel. Do everything yoousam toussM wbbtlms travu con- gestion and svold lucouvealouc sud dWsemfort. MARK EVERY GRAVE Manufacturera ot Disinctielo.Nsuments, Comtery Letterlgý Cerner Poste, and Usrkers No Agtots On boter you. No Saloonoon'a Comomissions 10 psy. Deeigne Submittod. À LARGE ASSORTRENT INI STOCK DUY DIRECT PROU US A ijnod n or l Wil BiaOur Serie* goYooo Door W. R. EDWARD-5 OAKVILIE MONUMENT WORK8 29 COLDOItOE ST. W. (ON UItIDWAY) OAKVILLE H4AYWARD TRANSPORTr Datly Diiosot Ssu'vice TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local and Long Distance Cahiago aud Moving. P-O-V COUO8-0-5-E TORlONTO HA8MO MILTON SI0 HAMILTON 718W0 The Georgetown Lumber COe IL,ON MILTON, ONT. Lumber, Lathi, Shiagles, Fras,Snob snd Tii BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Cemont, Limne, Plaiter, Uyproo, Aopbîlt fobîngios aud ttoofingotnI nl tinds. BLUE COAL - POCAHONTAS For Pr'ompt Sse'-vto Phone Milton 49 W. C. KENTNER, Manager It'o easy to ntart your b Savo!1 fire wiîh the hardest coal ever mined-Old Corapsny'sA. tbracite. It kindieu qaomckly. Tins fur- nace needs les stient£>n--tbhis upr hard cool burne sloivly. You'r sours et S svingso-because you use e £wo toso. Prompt, dean deli" la 4H<~ graraneed-juseciIornuuhsm &000005 PHÔNE 48 R. S. ADAMS CONY riALTOT4 1943 l0 cALCYOTS, CALEND AR -1943 Pl-.CSllà.g f n i. ml . . . . . - à nu. .s..... ..... nlpli, l 5 'ai0.i 12 o.., i n jn o lai00. i no *noooe.n.,.,inono .~ ni oî Moy.Jn.indiii.niî. tnnoiolo n.11P. O..inods. ai J... ndoila. ofl i .y. n.. 1 ou ni nP... 0o n i. Anti*n,0iOInliiIntaiinoJi... yio,,nîâ Apoî. 76OCloI. thOeo. Br Orer W. 1 . DUCS, %1110., Coi othe 1.Pue