Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 1943, p. 4

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r * ;'. i Commutie GolIs te War; SLights Way for thea Artag istt, nid standhy of th ira- lndstry, bas gono tn ar ecrinaso trail made hy & ,sar bulet as il apeedo towari lia ianetlablanai by his minerai. lThe *rgh io aetmiltaryfire". dh. parachute diabresa signal, tdu lac.e .bt n the.nudace froma asW> *oerged suhmarlne and the. ntar- borne 'banlof r,' lightlng ap enrony hip mnvemen, an geltthelr dalng roi tdame bm orlestite. Blackiutigaaand signalaued in In peacetîoîr tai ine.railiead mny joba. Il turnished tan ced f iet o or netypesnfnireworiia 'brightened peintand .served as a fier ln mesting wx and rubtar. The rayon indstry uaed celeatita ta rocoove inpuritres la resstUe soda. Somne sedativesa nd medctae iippad deeply it th snppiy nf ceestta. ltnilrnnd rcopanies ueili for laces. Sennusipa sed Il lue uta Ora. ckeca and tacesenali "bme" tat truck drivers ta troubla nns nt nigh niong ighways bora ted mita celestite. sussent Six-Point Plan To Bocat Milk Outpws 1Thre hortagt f nilkm mi dmlii produts rrsuiting fromt huia sou demiande by h army, ieoae-lead, and rivillans olers a direct chal- leoge Ioudaicymen. To briag about h. muc-need nronar ta mii production, a six- poinO rmrrgenoy prograni bas becs suggested: lcrrosse th present cou popula- tiono, eapcially on exlsting dsiry fammc, hy bringlta miilag rou and heileca froom nher aceas ubera aorh a stuatinn ta prarticai. Breed the own nashand ta gond dalcy hlls sod prnPerly Iprow- ing out h. beler caives; ais. give more osphas toi pcoper ieedlsg sondimnagement. Krrp production records o al dnlcy roua. Ioproe te oidpentures andseed ner n os uti ai eaat l1% acres nf gond pasture arr avallabie fl acsh' mature dalry animai. Grour more sod betar leguma bay on rverylfars. Maini th preana imliiiroautas sod devlop sou one au leansblo. / ire TIZevestle Ladcaping roini rralai meus ana valuable *id ta hcoiing lir bazarda and reduring theaspslnih louea.fnie sod propecy enactei yeacly lcom toron home.. Brosi- Oal eercea shrubs pistei ta form acren nid bordera oftisoare effective barri rs agatast gras@stires apreading froom fieds or pantures ta fam buildings. Bosditai ee.r- greens niben planîsi *bouita.heloua. dation, alco mni, serverta stap a lire on h. lswn Iconi speading ta, ta. bouse. Claring amsy rabbtab, remnovtag desi pIons.Iraenas 00v-- eroi with drad vines, nutilag omay dead potion@suf trous ar abrubianad sacblguaod a reasos- able disance ironi h. boom, a r*ir preenition nieasuces ublrb alubel» In iroprove ta. landccaping. Dijbouti suy erO Far removed bom ta. presat oi* dm0 b otbrd ta Tanlsa, French Somniilood l a iny parra the siaa of Noin Jery on Africas oucheat ronni. The rlony ta largely ain- babed uand, produclag mager yiolde of roba, culle., bdes@sMd unt toc 0,000 Somalias W Danakil@ wbo tyInyiteonu a living by 1. Frencb domaUlasda llvety frada oormniiyorontecs in ta oharll,00 ni lia population uha ceida la the port riy ut Djibouti.TIaoTrsnca- Etalopiso raiiroad, llmbtag 8Si00 let ortinls 40-mle stretoh btaad tai Addla Aab, brngo tdu m.lth ni Eiblopla'a bille totahdu mrld througb Dibouti, despita Italien ai- forin Ou develop highmay uni rail rouie rIoni Etaluptala t auma usp Eitren's coast. Matas Grea Gasa Tbe glant gnncofnioden hattle- nhipa baveoabore ofuteitantcha. Imineoa ina itha abore aI 72 iorbr-thaut tasix fenil This a the oacul ise et ta.enu almoi .torîoiierock bcannonofM Mata. la ithn dcya ohenta.eltaigbta Templsr 1lid Maetary rut embrasures ta the clubf, Iructag ta eacb a buga iboch ni cccki. Thie blocii me. bat- lourd ou nt tat hshapeofa Mguisa. '10 ina lodri mitha a hois barrai of powder, pugged mitha smad oaiuoad whie h lroetile. sra rnaena- non hulae or atoes, mrghing ta ail na coulr ut tons. Thers mec. about 50 o ibrîr internai machines, and thuuîh ibeir range mss nal gresotash tulliug proectiles cuverai an ares of sme 300 square yards. Rural Pira Tlgbieo looprovrdcoummoniiy organsa.-1 ,loc orrural protection tron i rel are minigthe progfranita redara courol tire ions ta Nem York tata oueothebonut eetiveainthdunas ilo.Sure Jannary, 1980, dueauna- beriofrcural iIra districta inte ta ea lia iurcased ram 10ta 312. A pu.oerrofut ners bave pruoblo- pIccu frion bt bava noui 7.0bas ncsiiid tr ioduranonarata pur- wotes. Therstclaire-districOt am ronblosirursl rommuaitias ta gel ibrtirr proection by permttlag hen, lin finaocrlire lghttag equipmaset oiih publie bonds. Vol uner firemons asaocations biae e bcpod tOnmare tasenasnydis Iicot orgamiansoussible. In o iiscountry tulk. ara drires la .-ont'y th. bar.yi-mar Plan. 1a Nna. r.cd onuntosaInsLbyra 1J. COOKE Floor Contracter J 00.055 LAYONO aANobuo b OLO FLOORS Gmd Wrbeansfinp tb easaoubIoaos NEW aT. F0 400. 8a DUALINGTON it - 'f a FARMERS FISHERMEN GUIDÉS- TOURIST OUTFITTERS Take notice that on and after JuIy 1, 1943 you may buy MARK.ED GASOLINE Free from the Ontario Tax at tUrne of Purchase e Commencing July 1;, 1943, the Ontario Gasoline Tax on MARKED gasoline wrn b. exempted at the time of purchase, to those engaged in Farming, Licensed Commercial Fishermen, Licensed Guides, Licensed or bona fide Tourist Outfitters, upon presenta- tion to the retailer of a Purchase Permit and correctly filled out Exemption State- ment. If you are included in one of the above classifications you should make application immediately for your Purchase Permit, issued free by the Department of Highways. N0W TO SECIRE PIRCHASE PERMIT and EXEMPTION STATEMENT BOOK Applications for Purchase Permits may be secured from: Your local Retailer of MARKED Gasoline; Department of Highways, Division Offices; or Gasoline Tax Brqnch, Department of Highways, Toronto# * APPLICATION FORMS NOW AVAILARLE Purchase Permit, with a supply of Exemption Statements, bound In book form, wil be forwarded by the Department as soon as application hbs been approvedi TO PUECIASE MAEDEI SSOLINE MuIER THE NEW SYSTEM,peit hoder must showretalerl3i&Purcliaa Permit, and both permit-holder or his authorized agent and retailer or bis agent must- îign correctly filled out Exemption Statement bejore sale 1- made. NOTICE T likellaltona Branch, Deu 1. Retaiier Exomptil 2. Oiginai It haa lb I hoider ti S. Periodici The co. TS-LMcOISTEN MifwofaSo-.1 lways ro ALL VERNRIO0F MARRER GASOLINE: Alvendora of MARKED gasoili will be required do obtain a spacial [Iow them do aeiI MA.RKED ganoline f ree froiî tihe Ontario Gaaoiine Tax. License may b. secuo-ed foom the Gagoln. Tu tpartment of Highwîy.. Toronto. INSTRUCTIONS TO RETAILERS or hie agen1t muit examine Purchane Permit alnd ign ments will b. liited on an Application for Credit Form supplied -- on1 Statement beore sale s made. by tho Deparnuent of Highways. Tht. Application for Creditc of Exemption Statement must flot ho detacbed untili wlîh Original Exemption Statementa attwched, wiil b. handed en signed by both retalaer or hia agent, and permit- do ditributor for credit of the arnount of tai aliowed tepaermit r hi. authorized agent. hoidors. aiiy, Information contained on theae Exemption State- 4. Socure your Application forCredit Forme from your diatributor. -opration of Purchasers and Vendors- alîke Ia urged iso that the change-over to the New Systemn wiII b. as effective as f possibIC GASOLINE TAX BRANCH e" "~ DEPARTMVENT 0F IHIGHWAYS, PROVINCE 10F& ONTARIO . 4, iD. E. STRONG ~z a ~ ~ ~ kî~ X ChifIela de Woa.slin.Tox ý 004CM 100400 tAIRC$OIO NOM£ &os ouid cbhlm monk. Atur ce, aa staidy selta raid t. prot-rilTHE OOAOOArE'i FUTURE In Oh. main stndents aivo sourOsla on etf abs àfte4ao lésci tAnd 5laist) DminaaionDl hubil. haho busmade the greai afhearofu r.ssaiousnc.Tho u..ir odes nI Ibir inosca hr Oh. taloas che British Vlea and Ilibtha dasas.daeiahWh"roanin lsaeeOalsy. 'Ibare tuanounid song caitg, »'Whss mar. tba honea tai eb eu. c reat soel bapoilitby tisa Prîsos cosoîîîov mac ydo u laObloirbsc l. Thoor Who Scotchb salaces etad lsrrenaeddnsme IL scuaratant esfuir ta cuit. a dentAibo. MO ha mii .111 iei a achan"e Corpjoration, as dlaected hr th. Pri.. ra uaiiiiOlil lococu requootly lira. ara baitib 00 utihc ti.uiuaatpsu t tde a~Oa hasta saoasidOia nboy Ccaa iarbo fans W tauab od ursn lvir. ocard, ndilninnluse utlAns n t ariiu lue îînliry iin wicb an TceaI. camards. It caYrout Obm taos f nol. la obUit tia i otéBic as. o ime s asies rthe haiar-ce bave torgottas lths maris. butOIL0mli 8l. anose, roniassa arbetril tbrougb iuouinivloc loîvoori lonb ok% bloh ind n getGo asr, uhsrcOlO aet p0mb . L assia and bis colnelt&cs"baod sSOba s onu8 b Wo pl rs asta alite ratenudooiambrbo MM. einlbdcaaalsInbeait'lb iie akei n o nifutrundi munno. t___ Î'o~sn.aî bs t'mss oh. Acta.l Pmsatdss mii sul Dt Osaournceearobit gNw mp ~ ~ fIplOis pao..Obthsubsldy t i r ahist amus e Oh»ata ut the--mtah 1asI drssoa sanaitiro. wlIn ami canpsY 0 ut blier ala.1b rse lau o i dsbposetsrdércd on ri- ta velillor haitfair.bas ln irecai laspitD ana Ln ain l 'ili lasO apifflialounias. ag îîîy,- :tar éla and atredtf-rcoî i i liii fi. tiiluoouir.Somone h#*briâagsansy àParent ubu ath ,,hy Ohm.a, tubebsla sPo taan no outnidsonas 54 an hbo baal a. aînsîn satile duas. thc rsrod Jenos lied iii lcgrec rie o b u siffse men ans abtesta front liou asOmboustb asO. *oa a t Lr bb pappr.te seabthelgs"Ronsctd. and -ri basa boe.tigrlOtis hbus* nsai a ra idb . nr blacnnd oJulr 01.0. bb datesoculr oilî. "te uer ot erfom ntisth. Otol aad norkes ajlsa e o u - plO-SmithboFobsleasbamas ra thé élran pai bnds at"ul t h.. snS ffctiv clocs b îs 7t011,r 1di uiIia P po 00prbasu bsssa rnrSsr Poamet N.. as ali st trimuedhpsntvu sua cpt ehomea tatta m.rb.btla. a M oîssa udt sst h I( bc..beausur ro l h Obiili ua io iinc gaithtross a to a.puî..Ia -or laah tue alaeou angt abaab Pa..sa b I wuaeDobPossibal tbh ynosaa ta! fna u oaplua oaamaa s fts Gobaitliatan. Oichîo."IYnet cao'i c pi gnoieiponi hsa0batlassonasas..iaint asla lOoapsasuc osmsa a e aOd~u ILpol ho iat la o io- t h h t..WW :ca:caOoumotw hs oaelump. _._th* iar.The"anroabs tn0eve1dliquat ntaeubsote hag g - Ik , ;, ., ilump li" FwW7-ýl_ý al ýej r ý tk il, be or Ca b' 't

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