Surprise for "ui, e ii tanae t &meR- RAD 1>/ IF BUS TUAVEL WMtE ATISUEI , demaout de »tati ee Ye- ___ ___ __ ___ __ Eunioe llved betcr yeu came here-youx w1MN 1m18.SST TMME T o .~ Lary grtcned: "Oh botherl wu Io M Tis m eave Icr Dyfnm te.Izkpin IELJttCE -a tsepaagapsle o htetdl cu" k mho sefan- es".Bt-but Yeu muet have aome inm toitsa, ps muet have auomeune aih Isgain. Larp sellerai lataetlp"M sehereaboute ot Lawrenece but me." WIU asMetftypelease in- tieaaata c1, Realce AUý ___e th RNita, peuece fi. Y. He ws stethc etuha, xed piy andfee-. AiIIbut If everybedy would co-opar- beca in tise viiti at eastemn She uteeggled ta elek r v on atc, nobody nccd be left home Pceleaaia." ebualant. Tisua se caily tr-uc if ehop- After tise second reading aisebc-a- Adlhaf oe-whIe ll ie?" Y THIS NEWSPAPEÎ Pers and other nont-eecaticl cameaaure of a queereneation. "Sisal What maireas'eu thinkis t traveUcers. Wrtimne conditions It lbed bceeniceai habit te rosiadca" ( FR u dcmusd tat thcy bchome by tise percmaîa oîuan in thsemarrin Eunice' eepes openedselde. TheclTHE GRA 4 p.m. to avoid pcaknhourc .. Sunflevercy noon seblie eting ber Sh'd put ber ftmt in I tises ime. H E GR A otheseie tcy my b ie~ sodieband drlisling ber glace ut Without thining, teo. Wall, it cmlerise p.m. ad peeaoitd Fmilsi:et Nede pluce. Tisere mas n bowed pretty lecrly bow berMA ZIE 9 wek-nds Ths l on wa pasticlr ressort for it. It maa lest Iboughse ere rccnnt. mnhcd. ii a 0 c meajsjng tsdo during lber lunch "I den'tisae," abc std ccceely. FrBt 3 % you e lp the mur effort. hu. aencececclneetapIluIenipitrguna. Plam ce-perta. berLerras'leanad serons the table. Eentae tlded tise passer ceatIy and "Would IL mahe ans' diltas-asce, deaua,/1 pet it un the table. Teas', seb ai- -about uc~s? 1mcc, te regard ite ,sp; SOtiF A"-Select oe* ,muye brougteEunle ar e end- sus'ftlksi" oi In 1 oteNoele Grdns1 ,mlcbee, eold picis Oc che pan-r Eenioa esuldu't restit bat loob. C..d lleSoyMaaie ebhacleas-d uff ber table-as "f eurecnot, durlst. Net a pue- 1l Photocaye-Mavee sirror 1t hchlidhbeau dingaevcrycuuntfor tne.Butcasietateralls'lainter- Wes'CmCc... threaras-ar. %ated te bar h i-lame." HmeCap Eunie e tr along timeaontse Lcee ws'sn rinaing agobo. "Gand. 'IleSortsAfielti.t..........I partieulur day anad tred et catis- Thta sebt 1I mnned te bean. Yeu C I Magazine Olgese ......... @M in.Se ens tbliskiug ut Lcrrp Mce- eseI bave ocîy aoee se-îeît. ta- CI 15Fact Dgee...... Nlytewbum baraengagament bcdt cc ad mecifer serre hlle na n CIo lAmoricoeHoaee....._.1Y bn-n annoueaeed c monts atu. Tbey auto accidant. Iî upe me teesibis'. e 1I Parent', Maae..$. Mc ___________________________meabc murried on Thaltegiving Ibaidluegeltamss'.Ad Icoidet Cf1Open Ccci fer Ces.t The'I aprcitethIHneTonaapr ebe stehadbcd ea romair cegb. "S sc sersybttcnd oue F]Siae icvr "Io oid ecItii iushn-. sb t a ot n h a buendune A sne ofei efsi tr throughy(eel) .... . bu h. bd eeb a oefo o ag"O, bu nybut it mec' Clelalres . _ . 11t' jstfi I l ltir rot om ."wht c ase dhonc i h at a Ie Enicloi atita le 1e - - 15 P O EC P TE CY I Amticone l seMaIl......... I H ereali sIla mea ia a s cldutile the ad.1 'hamunc TSReDN B E IlFsi Crl ofita, Peli aen s. Whe eas Tb ntem-' shig a uodotN-bh. secekie LI, a G O ter .Slot IL wtvhvayailecmclat AadL arrsin'ocm idt a yree -IIeaoasîltese hrge hdica? ceShe lmait!be bu- myite. d asrlit5he o e w ioe d ut El adea srcn4lusi 10 fer. Ther e ssanethfor cat- f cbreilcha pcroa u mo avrs' PnON>.4isHome - BRONT Cns .- . b~calie enI. rnO, adb ut dtto olt e cime Il CInk IFal at ts Mtb........... ...e.I Btie etalih iI Ith uea!ta une ltcnd b-ap ia iisa-o lCeti sal sî e aa.... II 1ide tegiv s'uinnitleheopise JFair, V auorl osesaLg n c Woher, uidisa Utl elsac on r e re sL ohn A E L S N B Ef'Hri. 'N -Lrr? Fon - loomet.Iin u dt h admvlosertisn E W R A Og1]Fàmrl aazine 2 bchiigTsb metle te- yelf, und 11 a c mnIknw eulote oit-Canadien'fIHorticulNOure - - Thr asn ohrexl. te ub oughtatponc alaea" wy HO E 46.- 5 BsÀ O' NT pIHo0 ....... ntofe tnatleteta, n olnt orte ifecofe 1 EFIss-AÇING'NOONO uefs 'Fiefl afnefl ttog t c rystarwy epe ciayFsa nd a Il cceehanePeel5 fa ir ofnd ithe TII M to day l f/ Ty' engyu ormn-tcovprooeite abo ut'dsl- 5 N&W u'finLCanada....ose Inrid yeor (Inhechudv ofais erens Ye ceen1,t' e toe Od-f mrcnFutGoe 1 agoizng oaht mmcater lacie te ypI. ta Na esrse . i. I I'd/ PI e te hvInd en lie Oe eh ent -Io wiea mo m eca suih ounds ., Flot Co trato t hingetarhra noc te e riod Lare' ginacs 'h, h "hForTîe icbee ants tic eniuesa. i. HA WA D TR NS O T stglaerceesutcn. nmldg t balrgntbl- AYN S I oslatbc-renlthe ite m t1c-b de- . .1C G INSHN Indi oO oE M tgoslMvg nroîadguoonaeapasoi-b Bulertio'rotmsie ce EWS. POE8 cit u ipanin dnoer tse Tre soite net. as P aytEheen B RIGO rame. rem, isa tolsn. Irdideacurd prt tiam esT. Eocies-ecasanalatltt Isa tm Wtis halmi hpernies the thevcncanac. Hppessuesiasuea ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ imaaehdtvosinlantts n fou eilaet ises- mradleeî a-e eepin otharleocbboer.ofbtheanorgtnndbels 54 <hA RD TRA ILDOR eresla er ta denticte ofice misr iae ntnaeniicrd h peec-er tIInoe~I~lI~I.JnIgheba ec asaditvs. Iosible Th aaltsegslieraulatosoc hettisa cos e0> rlr 1101GU utrno o ragd. Tooigbcb' e aemorm sene nolyibrtheCo- Loalan L nKitnce aHaeand MI ss niegge depont avaeCi erait-v b ia nfursonty cooofmeen-ute , te ien'ofo ,to5ldmng cruatbe.setea ad ro ainst n thr Papyr us Eh e s s HAMLT N tamfrtes-s' ul en fr otislkise d e edctfor infecBran wachatl.anc e somthig f hs ast were cof etop arme Or. oîMoesse tudi- cae, ed a hd*ofus. ts tdo eteotiob rtinro tisa lens trayad oshc ndoltacinlasbT e rsthanandais icrteodrd or b a Iv eormbn.uCsofmuae nul d aeotetAsîla ofba lch oelanS' md n-tm t dly sohrmdia i rc hurmdad te h bats mmdfie lhee Aedc smt lvas 'Veu ited eh.m I as-a aldasYlass ista nh In ourthse reatrbee potis eosu ' HRS H T O Opse seheimeat boom.ntSba'd haaut a o. ant.eei.'camcri.-s taclocol. tbl. n-oa rte badehat v esbi the dapru ms Ebro oon, Ycc-lbyo ctc ebct terreai fot isba va te e- vald.tla tufrs'tisus ita c eceea- uned cat gt ot d crf n-l ornebote ra-cuamatrece d. Thr s'ils' -oin- -c esdels N s mn chue t aisl yier s-oes-sumt . an aap given oDr. chle ea.s ci s e -s cclseathlssd -S Tericncprv atia vl sae d e lt ie thesc ls r chd at rciionht e'abn-h, se c rithî ne tinIedfot bsthe5,0b ncs'000te, . ic etly s' i r . h t wo l o tot Oid u vcc lescl V 1ecscbasoucaise- -long ..js ae a ul atiAn d e cIf r a nle be te p, n vai eclmo dcy c-vslaleseooLs oar leov e hat cavis wtl' isadinteof riin le ing epic at i, daeouEmîce icre i samrlctIAabaaose 0a Wîitts crhlm er noertc nds,O tca ak d AenBat antoshdele .Is lt n aslvalehToaclmeci, Inroa eregbtbaitend le-sn. __YcEREcdccosAyclDO- b aiust in.Se'LEravcectaheb c soan f the it la iet oc p Waysessscd cos acful ee, is bysver edgolaglat eld h ssr o e oc- v ous c-Vscar ti e oSat ri Il aothe bsagpBut sel a e a se'ecI u roolte bsia - casion a b. .s-le son tan t sii her urioity cvnershcenuthlce vb u t te ps, e sc-esta i.ý eusrcePM. more ctcrtisccmlagmarrlage, ane tehtrm.,lne.bacepyalqord Th.cPT., la ,asta ridtesla hea l regu mn o e aier as eiesrteeeed 'ierp tfoc or o u wcon l o-e uo popta'la ov et eiochrte ck"ie .pe tIbHel. 00r tcos t'eu-d i s o s sclr t ire.tldl asy mt atsaha tae t h airmceanebot cca- W locl olneSa lvlan andch ce er. Bbrd a onlsain- edchit r ium n îu gn -vtlaied o iayssl-c ieeo e belaelsuiiqeir'unlîlnlr. e tasmoen acims'cs- lucl W.,Csyale or0 sdmaaledttad ae Emricmebveadut ch eppar etsrnaae ses cl dsitlceltsinrbogindbart0, tehe romiec hama tervlsante molasus _______________fadrip s-Tslt htos. 'esshot"la emtiseg aslisesesesesa atc al cdl bc wIlinsadjbate edccn isa nisle. _____ trilleonth_______________________ at and _____t eeeis5s-SetnceseaetHe otidteroecioeeseahraaited etat-he à poffice.saeThelsbo'yseasnet lisetSI. tta Nii -vle hi cý nforo orlclVIn.ySI aF T 0 apponta ateeoe, ne dînas ~ele eat rta e a s-scoy n humrd o in* y s iut a. ayT Tohettg clcd od laelcls' cm ci gn- pctsrc ehai.nvlte, n m oon tn mu, îca 11,c s'eted, e a-estteese oa vs-osshan ncevaamoaytsaretie a sorpeln thorer inyt. TIs liraioac-giva mco eec a- ec-er îec. Ils as-etstv ise plcoee am îre mai e rh io g ard- e Ifht t leA A tise hncises'otickets ta he acechatetisa Zrpa, tene1020sandetiseedntndlae 1 - W -oLL - - O Iicots'0000,tbpeaynolaoLaiss'eetaog asaspthisepeopletedftthehythe AcrirueB_ lOcansotcoctsn e. actalad.tsdtahebnc ovrsni hhavb e toadiosploa 'Thi eoes-to uni T bgD.. forý.o . trs Islteaslg uoI. Itotio b-adrîn dtrat t a tiMdnrd rms' titjg rbuAndl s- .mn.shelo ola sa m orat smi iîiniel.. .1 -s ILS B~ltie amaulîealî- las Il loente. r ulusonnntBa a vn Mldacdr, weeae, niere shate m a ILickly jr eImoed.hosro men Oc I Is::lfî iKt AINl 1 1 s mss ilîn Is." îccln ohînu.sassr. ga dunand ka a bo ima bcdier of tecopc ose wb r baissko orisc. E.îy 'jlsfsl Tison-Cura,. inva eheena neBioterteTison- sisottaisenenarpaeturmust icar cesnc ehîs a e rosoot" ila dIs.etg tus e mîsse . Il Wn t dueouti- sal. ut Vlale a bc on.s h nwie. d tcrtco sc s ej i i, is I tureisnt atil, or bat.Inbohrt re cst ..nlmaîsrc rounedsc, Iaîudlg TrBlsBnbs aSa - N - A L ntî ai sss d c ie te gai ze-ud Oeandlere. visc ao.dlrl- a e oftisadbaisi e itiait.ho saaow.wn-pr s t pea een d a lm* Enmle. P y o D alA .D y"" DodoeonraincmeorpOeaeOtsermioresolcnthrincpasuob terTokelyTefr.seed _____________________ isew is- ssce I thbe aoocs-,ou se esealec i plely te re 'Blth t a dan bytheo i pprs mn des ngieaI A v r i e i islcmo 1 e rorWa clet. wSîsce or mc ntc o-irs tiapedas aee Otbo t112PH M 28 C T.DYnc-bncoIlav-on etn-î, enli bc tenExamines almgent ofir al orti ly rdr. ONtIT inraesrmnof a ce. ade--tigl .te, «LA hlsîte plIanee a i nre he0eerc .. aping anc -', ricin I ER r 50 Il1 Yr 1 YY, yr 1 yr Mo. 1 Vr 1 y Mo 1 Yr .yr 1 Yr 1 y 1 Yr, 1 Yr 1 Yr. 1 Yr 0 1 Yr. 1 Y: y tYr 1 y 1 Yr Yrs. 1 yr. 1 Vr. 1 Y, 1 vr. , Vr SF/ EYlI! FMay die "maua. visin *»aants d qc Osly. Imigtais ISecava popsecm ?- agaI -uCi bsig roedueg harqeles. Plis yw asw lmtes md mail eaupecto us TODAY. THIS NEWSPAPER (I Year) and Taur Cholca THREE POPULAR MAGAZINES Ilespecer and Magnsc .0m lMalan's (l4It sses) .Cr Il CanaieCama Joal ViC. CI Chatelalna .......... Ce....1Y FItinall Htosme Mebla 1CYr, Il Faml Haald & Weeisla Star .............1Yr. NewOa Wrl I lllastraetai 1r CI CnsdieCortiaculture 1 lic in icisre. Meatita1Cyr IlAserlacnFeuilGoear.1CYr fl1Canadiesn Fnlteaesc...1tva I oi& Ose ln Canada.. 1CYr. 1] Asseine Gi-........ FI Mss Faemer's8iMagazine ment unIr te. lestaddaaees hln astern Canada. TRIS NEWSPAPER (1 YEAR)sd ANY MAGAZINES LISTED Bt o l5 P.ia iCm JsenShowj t] MCen 2 ssueebe 2A0 [I National HCe. Motey. 230 El Famil esald & Weeisle Star............ 230 El Neneai <lllstatei . 2i5 Il -Fcs-ms- 's Magaine.a (2 e r l......... 1....... . 2M I Chik (Fiture MentlsIe . 2it Il CamesdiaeCoeti culture ICanadie Po'ttr eiele250 Il ced & Oum Sn Canadas . Il Tau tteoess'Magazire.2.75 Elîfim a na Home Cemp..2.Sc IltSports heseli ............2.75 Il Lises-tye ceistel......2.90 1]magazinesDigest .......3.7S SIe Obu e s INn25 EllSneeeelard . 3.0 ] Look ...1.............. 3.75 Il A.eeioae Cama...........2.75 Il Faeeet's Magazinta.....3.10 []bChisîtian Hcsald........ 3,1 Il Ope as orBtes-cee .50 Il Ames-scan Gis...... .n2 îî R~ ed ok _ -..........3.75 il A mes-on agazinceea....3.75 11l elles's 7eeisl'...2 .75 IlCild L5te -..........«*.540 il Ce nad sa Weman ......3.75 il Flae-o 'aeoe ........ 2-5 FIL LAND MAIL TU o u COUPON 11MS EWSPAP<* TOSAT f5 Geetoese t enclacsII............F lease covd vs th* ofCerattolaeulba aa e'8ssitos'stotaurer. P OST OFFICE . . .........-............. STREET OR RR... ..........- FROV ... The Canadian Champion - ---------