go inta VIcToRY BONDSn «We ore Savlne YUS; T141Y KNOW THAT Towoeds o,, mm VXCTORY SONDS- aqup a"d apply -u flhln on Who .For th. Futurs» defmnd Our Uv.. ad th.éfbas- domoa w. chelsh. ThoAr A k0845 thut VWcoey B»o,-BA UWi 'r. O5d or tt they are théir but sud a m sfest lnvotment and psy 8%l iv -80. the7 represtat cash :1FCICI lo SAPEL!. which wiLbiay omany thinei At Titis $ANX edCtdeadhe --------- vii . omiabe mo »ite 80 v -tbatin caeof n.ed they com b. borrowed egainst et 8801 Bank qulckly sud euly. You are urged to buy more Victory Bond# and ' t ot buy-out of gavings and on tii. Incitai ment Pion. If deered, you con .Plonc y-ur>iaclance on one-"y aymet Pl-n 'ihe BANKof NOVA SCOTIA (ASHI' FOR USED CARS and TRUCKS HITCHCOX MOTOR a5S'-ALES OAKVILLE- PHONE 345 Meat S Coubn Rer CialmZOMBI v Mus. Crnetia C. Morris, otennloa food conevatlunidat oftNorthCneo. ' ..l - mâe UnsStae cllee, Y» her ar mtho eof ouuoMilonieboys mars soveect ay. lu pre-ccch meut tocrcadocot-, cmccbcg. d"timeat inclehacoheal Te anui-,180iircouocr'ncll, lifr t le 5canne&," the acld, "Il iWtcb Ohcr Pckhand sua ced Ol i thoont mie 0more.tUan hall dun. 18ct. It con lie beuvned quckchy i i IbeCrs alob tibel vie o @mal amnontbot fatina fryinî let, pan; Itlcai haonmtmntdn le Ue ven; And cloe ocre 1theboyst-sallOip or It ean ut iea s ole Do 00. eosds aruem.or bole nrDoTbui-e e ddi L ad lney Co net ad sat tethe mnt util 'florrMeemcc 1Tomcnd Chalie -800 It in pckedleinmes." Mes. Mur' A u bond oth1e tnocry boy Chuel risnaise mphanlzedthat apressura Thecoe wst HoccoanId Bucifront Me oher la essentiel le cauccg imects. -t-Offegarneu Diher uetA._.s ar, notsoa, ah. de- And Jack fi-m 0the fild fiab ehun. corte. *Thoc e 0l0oIt ulher feloe c Who re ei-usiOg cheuaircftoma blus, 1onni.001andlotu mad Jack. Ear. Ad.. GoBa 0.8'. acu i fiece son, une ao oupoe' A gance ate mapof te Med~t- Ad oncacooccbailcecî. tereuneon aboya tha ihvbtho Uran 'lhec rion 11e 181cer boy Jas arecmncy Isads atosg thae uee-An aoi c cO-ton,00 pron shuretere are ccmrporatîvaiy 00118 cf beon teh0e 1. F. M. fr0 cfft.e Aicmeotas. puetel.But ai0ar otM ltoe leva. lerlaore of t-e, rare Arican camalt ur lto ouIa118e eiy hic Isands. The Psutellela t-ait han dYeu corMOlool Oara are mea lue th8eebuîilowenc vainc of the Mdt< d e lo teOth allat erice.ta iecraeeo. Nombeare due s 10dupUTb t.eccnaresmseina fo tllets ected,00tfaut.Thiear many Who vlert thi yies andblids rhclow spots, siregt oR1vhlch la For hevalue cai Uc freao Gaham situi. In 101 vulcasIec.u lmonos. tioteco pi.d op a toporary lTc Ibuse deanlrlitic idi. Ilancdt107fent hie lit iappseed lBut ccbolcars îuslmbot tey am couoplelr oihIe taour mon" hn is Or U tt'lbec oscd t bu. abus]1 i. nom lu lee n ie t e Oldu- cer 1,ilr 00001 ses> face.W8 sd os Cgie hulccos OceeS. fcoe. Aldd~~~.uouler oc811m And 818 hot nt it the liet; Absimt-iaiBB lmbaidp001 omt hot sc iii ho hban, A satespereace lea Venhe ad 'caul @ture le ICannsCity ban 181sondAst 101marnh or our 'oit Man tu tecl &boutn aul.,aulà bans stn.et. baod durleg tha hoayreushmai H . yce. I *nomthat hocumeinead ____________ ahumed tUe lrk a eaed ha previ- oualy ba! purheehno. I'd 11e 5 -» mure of tho," ha sali. 1The cloeb toubed et hlmne nasiesichuont. "'fou wls 35cars barie tu, Y.u RlIThm OfuW "Id aakede Coh. latai Ué essagus e th.~ cardt"i' uhe Utcetemer. 'Tva atteady snt 63oftlmni a i Feu. eh. dme't doiy 88. YoA hcev 88 S an th. Uient. You khevae-Pin ?LCJ1FerL . VLCYVL av a g fB. You haie see ra * * * IV in le s. vthDan Bemo. ' ou lescmv the vhoee et-up. yet ru ept ettinaleg me "loc. Weil, I vant B. êN BE ED~T "fta& r, tdmcllng," Mary in- B. ýAfl BF DICT termapted. "I l dà euv. Womuan'aIn- Affl.tuud X.ýpm»-Wuurose- ln. 18 han lvByas &tuck mecsu terclbly queer that mencmcn'tee thune üUngs tue. IV*. Wfar, e- B ART had alvsys sneeed et cauneve s omenant taire the inltia- fiction veitera vhso pelayei tiv.They have ta ha subte." B hcrocs cdlcttvmsctvcstIn Bartuopened hisoutoandclosed A sot beçause the girlt hcy IL "Wht" hc laid, ptoi t ho, and ihey lcked 1the The pity io that mncon'dcit tl Courage ta propose for trcof ruin- as ccsllY." les a beautifut friendsip. tHe had ThauSari saw my s tbieg that aeersd ton et other herses vhu hmd ace iea ce.n e remorted tatheage ld tckofsact- 5. l e bea cyer sa lut leatous, le m luved oe hy bhs ï[aiide deve. ihe bbeau hehd- trayleg letseree le à cival. Isg lu spslds evwan all usbecs e had umered, sud w eo . Ouid readlag, or preteieg ta eed bimnetf ptsyleg hoth rotes. Eftbcd jute.ss Ba Srt vît bis lips. He0 alipped letu them ouncncleusty. diid t ibai be enus alcer ced au yen convleced tuit the fiction grsmad Iv bo epC bis seesth *but wrtr hew bceot they spohe. andsi pe being isseb, cnd lut an tene ablant basasse vîlnt ?tatmstOn. Whlcb be did. tMary lmon, vbeai Sert b.d a 'lt pr e te Ibe thepr haev insae bilihomi. iesi Caes. mimd grecs a atriaey, ruicbaBi- 04, icssblmdaeeieuaftry gi tel yeo men vbese pbstegrapb THE WISP ventshave de» jeus te les enTer eay pepular magasins. Bc=* Cenesiit fifer ber. Bart Cour fly AIALAIDE HUFF ber the yseh atter graduatin, and Sert esilaposi. Wrde--the MO5lne aO' à&» w00 cec4o,e. lefeomal, familier verd, ef me cii Retend vbieb vece ebis SIDE by aide. their deshu ooty o av.,-stock leaunctletcbugeoitcv botterly, ho enllsed bai 8l1 eMtu el ctv euco bstrhm nplaylng8the rals Cosmpany, George Harris and Alcor AI jalby-alsU hob.vna@te S umere bcd voeed tor over two maictal»yw bai of standing yeses. raii lvl eeominc's elan. Strcighttocvacd, dCai, embitiocu, Th. blmden of Wenthavon, vhlch loubleg lies squacetylein tchefscv vas vern SBari med Macy Uved, vîthont ise or flmnchleg. tbcy mccl had, 18 Coetud, Asned epeoitiAnthrough the bard day. vorh c'tth Barý They SaveiiMMryrush that aang Inetheir heurtsnand inthe incamer, aed Sari van misecable. short eventags plsyed togeiher ttbc Rut that Mary tureed dove li le.- childeen sut ot echont. tatiins. Ste dido't. They did tilgs Aléas b.d 8a eonvertible bed- together. but theïrcrelatiomihlpvas enemt thatislac By, sscoid the a"me an it b.d yys bBOc.- mate ber b.d lookliheeacross tiesdlyamd InfiormetldcauL btve arcb.d bf It 18c vahen Clay Trecey, son oet Renier sesreiy ba"tamcbleg the. lecal textile mît oxeer, besu , sriig A" beag careful Is gel tâblng UP a 808ot fMacyst-mn Uni Anu e b.deltslanside. le une Sari had bis grestbiden. lHe had ta esrnev habi nàsere eacd du sumethleg shoot Tcacey. lHe a gass, e "md uor ibret culdn' et IMury many lhmt dumh cebimag pain. go, Olten crier brnd. Hue couldu't lot hnr iiarry OMO* eue itey vsid stop le lanynne. &aetia grocryad bosnne. Sari'. great bis, a islaici ¶eiete o-kan te gazssovr laie Priant, lais Priant w van wad ses or iheir gantgA e h" sss AMeusvould put c ean o friaid.Sart fsn; hoa mmli de. Geocge sud moite hlm port UttrIo e penidupen ber. putatueB vhlch 18e would do cthoh t"Bers, Sot" Obs atromi, "if ulmuest clumanean ad loy. Aller! l vii4d0 MY goai ID bmgliai It. nuppor van prcpcrcd. 01118 a ta prOtmai ta be l lowtb evishb Ury vould cIer thceOtte yen, M you dont t8181Mtar, conter tablerof tilbook, and iccck vin e"d.11 basket aid dalely cups and acr "Baltihat'à tt 1ai Evajte wud appear traiu bcblcd tce bappse. 1ivat Maryetlmbd.1- ncreon. Tbe tcy wvud nil dccc lu fcr a mCath Bar, m à a little anlt-cumsclouay, avcidiog saw lo ofeac othr, n od ra ch uther's aeze.but ceb con am 0 c aholc.ad peuple mai vîwtc asBnea xetny bogme ta ta8dBu flo Mcr, eutiged- 18 ieplny abs gave et ledicaioue. If meythleg Il vasai e t ourtl tlrsortoor eh*e appuarsd mure lnecmted i for tva that CGeurge put 80. bscd Clay Traeey, mnd people begai tg acruan ths table* tant abouttat ton. «Let'@ gosase im ver for- Sart van dincueag.d, but he de-. s"or, donc," b.o mid eualegy. clded tlustick Il out. lHe vuuld evcn he declded,go Anfer an t Aeeeiuhd ad amitcduasseb amomece bis engagement 80taoe is tlmdty lpped 18er bond in hb. lin Uuugbt tUal if Mer, faet atn1 "ButGeorge, dcrting, don't tle' levard hlm anu18e fet icvmrd bar, celtmrled for a long timue," Aicco the aeunceme t ofhlc engag- btUed latee. "I wanlltobceo. ment le Jaie r Rasyonseses vuld vurbieg ont-Il vs gtel 000818tl rainesberlre. boy a lIttis boni. utur owcc cy But sme8hlg hapon.d. o-eu<t om.vwhere, med aiyhocc, ce ueo But ometng appos& wo ech tUer svery day and ail dut ce thlngs. le tact. ltelther utvf lb nvhhuryf mari bcd aetlclpaed. ie a, Dwyh ur? The liet hsppcccd i hemra 'Mayb. yuu're rigbt. deeu," hr injl Bat clle Jae'sbon teansrd reluctmetly, "bol dcclt arrang Br à ldaista iosisand lst' valit lus long. Just thinb, il's Je-*'a moter told hü tlm th iain fr-r. negt Jais bcd etupedtd Danhapples, hut luvard 'the ccd ci "It omz, Mrs f e. Shs!tt eibrragsed noeilttc Piain.i, "Dan has home le leva ah* vuuld look uver and sue Ihîl viib Jaie for evsr An long, md ahaurd vlsp ataeding etccigbi oc ehe vltb ble, butni e r rsi- eed. land IL. Tbry b.ib ibegbi ibey 'C;orge,,for tudneca' sohe, ltii vere joant ged friann. Taaa die.-. .thonChe chekd hr- Jaie sterltdgoicg ont vltb yen seiE Si. cuuld't tell hlm. She and Dman uddonly beses e ai' luat muldc't, for il mcc tbe i-er- onsandeameesverma daa ttl tick he had one ehd s ialb titlue, and they seped. . uuh amd site bcd Olten epohoc Il lai. toi. e anstonmiiyen 5.i j hlm aboutîit. ab" vas surry Aise rouMbIci blp tW Sah. guleg crasyf Didol îBie YOM ont ay longer.,, love hlamy more? AtteUccoghl Nothing, bt tur@veed up Inercyes, Nubn.Banrst lized, cemtd ocrefiued amd ran donber maite hbl chA more 1118eachcbmp cubs. Inte cued bc bcd heOd ibso tis, lHe wmcon ce Ueverte e brinbhiearma. of tahlng te lirai bcat for the fer' ' nr mevra,"b ad theai port, vben Mer, celled emd .."TnD alenpiy haedeaepRai aneuced ber engagemecteta yy ,à myhv t to n Tracry. «L "Ivceited youlet tbe trat ll If eIY ho v udstop ling. il heuvo, durling, on bcbng PuIs ced only h. vmld go avay, sbcibcughl. &tl. Aien't yoc gtud?" Ste trled ta laugh Il off, prcomised *'Yeab." ecid Bart. "Tbst's evel. ta b. a&B eighi 8y muraiug aed ltoolly Joui dandy. Congraultons."-lHe' sut r. of hlm. Sut eaiday ohe. hng upeandcuitdcco. Thismathe vanttuilllteg taurcad icd rat-cff. This. orlinly s. He'd Mrà. lunes dOventarlea niuled on hotter akiuh Itlboat oc or scr ie, calitle ber duor. ucnie&hc ococîd tlcbeUthetuugblog 'Mcà. JOURS asuid mee&l bout Stock outIhe choir lccn. And 8e you." bsgai the Physicie le opro- ýouldol tutnd Ihul. Btisttby teunlueil tone. 'Att yunerd iîu ihodrr.he sgoiciltolelluMry deet. lto09ftathecountryfor a Irons julmloha hetougbltb er. coupl Ofvwéasnd 4Poompoy Hue couel tctcg letalear 0out01118. mled." out givicg hcrcapiceeofbis md. 1 Ateetgavelinandvweutsyuy. Acy girl citewcuescodumb shu OuInethe cool pacctulcountr, i-bidet Icelloheccaoma lovud ber, Abe fonnd rani fer ber iaded erer. and leihi-mhepconmohlusafrni Oneaight as thelay i ed inUthe of himnrit, ccrdrd tliicuta.1 darlitk d ng about hlm,.18e lougbrd Mary wosseîlhcg i acs ecrcar 1alud sasseccobibrre longic ocdec n rhlt-paintcd ombretlsle n0tane hlm ran i hlubud hroogb hic 1the hcbyard of 18cr Inhere .housel bale. obro Bsrt urrivrd. 118e vus red- "«Aid tai vas the very flug log ea18boo. tnesm "WbY. tort!" sbs ecîulmed, Uu n d meot befoee dropig te ooklno er apo.y lot,"eh nadb uein tln Lcr.' soid Osel cnsy. ss smn a mbepu oî 't-lAve emadea uochr oitof ma'1&dmreua nb e i Do ycc heur! t-oc plcyed me for Ï Ment bats the ee pulave Cap Voo keso- i as le love euh Ment .. . * O , el nuotur sCs lwfe. .. Fuees-pear 3%/0Ronds Due lot May 1957 Cellubila 0,eectee1914 l.iereatpayaeislotMap ccd Nuc-bor leurer deesiancl,, $SO 0 5e 0, .îl',oSM OI eî $1151t0t0 lIssue Prie: 1000% 11- e cd us- .*, în Dne lot Noveumber 1946 Nss-miible cu macorior lusocat p.anido it Mcy cIl Nuomboc $1,000. p$SMI mio, $1010M Issue Priee: 1000% Principal anal interrut payale in lccctni oney uf Canaa; the principal et any cgeney ut the flash et Canadc ced the icîrrestserml-annuclty, wtllout charge, et cny brande un Canada ot cny Chartered an ak. Bound@ oncy he regisceerd ce Eu principal or me to principal andl ioterest, an detaileal ie the Officiel Prospectuc, thcniigh any gerncy outhLie Bank ut Cancaa. 5.haereptieefer emiCe, or bahit uitim etthe Beuva es epolila R.ii ut tht, date a appfleatiue uai t. n re . 8e c Auius'h ee cciflcsst ueeed aleCeevut. Seares. touile viih cou.. viin h. uvuilabte fer pemptdelvery. fleherrqpteueu -, aisu h. suespayable hiuihemou piuee.d leteremase Euliwas 90% am uppaniedei 18% a ot ac ue i943Çe 1S% a o Jmly 1943j 1 u n 2mà Augeo 14.4 1 @% m1.8t epteh.s 1943; 1.04% ma the 3% tenidu OU 18.37%samte 1%0% hmedn, auslauiEetaer 19438. Th. lian puymeni am laot etrouos10.%,1reves athe flupymt Stprinecpel, pus.6.4.et 8% le th.euuo .1et8h. 3% bane and i.37.et 1% lu the rue -Wthe 1%% humiderexp.emuentdodeermed laCas'ent ixehe dse dateusithet.reupetive isimes The Mtnlitr oftFinane eererth1e rlbt to sereptcerto altut the wholeruny paetuofthbrcmounot ofthic luan sunaceibedral tuee obrr bath matuelliro if total sBoh.eeptlues are te enceun ut $1,100,000,0()0. The peuctels out hil ocs dili be -ced hy the Goernment 80 finance epeditue fur wrpuepoue. Subseelptloes may b. omade theougl any Vletcey Leani Salesuse, 8the National Wae Fnance Cmmtteeorasy ereenetative ttereontey branch inCanada ot uey Chortereel Bauk, or ey autord SuvtnesBfank, 'Truit ee Loso Company, tfoncchsm anay b bhtend applicution toroe nscd copies ufth11e Officiai Peuaprrîoscontante1 romplete detills ut tht boan. Thle liste ciii upen n26th ApetI 1943, sadccii clone cn ue about iîth May 1943, cctb or ccthccct notice, et lIhe discrotion nf the Minleter ot Finane Deprfuser cof Finance, 0Ottawa, lUth .4.41 l943. V.____________- 1Y _7 Give thý troops please (Io not trav 1 dur- ,ng we( k-nds.. T is ap- p,.,, t. sh.p- pers, childrn an n n- essenlia t el 'l 'o' 1_ e i hotu, by 8 P- on Sunday nightx b,,ýýuýý oftýr th.t tirue the troop, lave pri.r- ity ..d n. extra bu-, will be. avallabl' fl, C'Vl- itut p.sse.gers, Ples. eý operate to avold congs- ti.n. CANADA COACH LlNEýS LIM 1 T V D "It Pays To Deal At Days * Aflut end Gloines, Axes. and Axe Handies SpliItlinu 1edges Saw Wedges i Shovelm, forks, Catile Chaina Lamps and Lantera. 0>0.1er Shele Sait, Suiphur Louse Killer Diminfecante POlTs C TDAY &SON MLO I.MMI . -1ý z '1000H" TIME The i-coco-I.lacfiequuco lymlle lt.i th.8eple aelu ivIingrouog (ough lilmes,.and t'y 1000entileîloi1 -epti-Oiy. Ltfc cf counce hbu lwoyo he cct ttv.en 7enrot.hec wa00noo coi. 0îlat- Peuplc l000ccglb otîn hihi-dcocue ae . col tîî l-c11 orhoc aknccuy Manoy Pepl hdtoy ioeuc in 180e bict-oc 1011> cooh It po01. IfahoirPfto 1.11Y 1 IlioiteOfc oc1 h ci and zae îi-nc- ni danger. fi l l'li u e11-rlfrotu ith.or1, nianY ooobo, sd teled Cnstcnt AI.. -"oy c"ciot. lu Ibneditrct. ohci-efuel 011 000 oltoîc hava hnd aloughi. h Otoc0living001lnOu Stly lcnlcd housse. pucltii-iary If thelc cuoc i tlttufi-uo. bIyor cfthou weeOld and nlico iolbc, nec velt 0oii-,te' f choi-t, oioi. 000 nPei-lebob l d 01l0o c broIes es toi blieero bd tOuCnoues. ocr01800- Jobs, ocre test dou eo wC ondition. But Bcoy- f Iisloter i-nIoshave Oot.t lccOluoccO. hyni- clong em-- coýtiti loOla .. Beiuct laiInusties. Thei-l acco'y gcocî umb.ro0f Pi-clc 018e 00net bolCtOOaly 10008 Ite,, .soi tbc dcold oct1 J0oin ycorubeio f noolîntl. 1If tlbOd otoîyn a -oloitllhuriOocf butter or, aiu, thon 1bave licru ab]c t0 Ont ricoh- Ior ed.1fond.Tb.Co're ulot. cf 0011 ,lilitOOtr'. -- h.l00000 tooni-ugh t-sLc ho dcîIl eibileccolflOloe 11 Te o.m oh-l ec e bIcoth11eui-med1 forc-1'.od hcti - are adu 81.loIoe licihumiÉ ýl00000ilcef0000nt t. Tlîcyc-îo ntc 000 len udo 1101loInut.t cn c. sca-ulel ri-tto. ccd lith o-cl.li theoIl oi-cet0f appy u-e Se Of ail n hav0esuOffecud IOclOct0e8t lior Inc. vceoticoneOOud deplOItj 1 en. IcI ls ne exdc. e t le oe 10e,, icdlhlnl,. boy anc - l coeor- lat.Ou pi co- -cicîi ln, Canîoiadaarc Ilîclîl coocord 1018 chat 018cr .and u-Euot-. HARO WORK A phitloopherc remcicoc ÉbaUth01e boys -ect .liec ocn on, cc. o the t tiooo hcy earn t0100 i-ooi 000Me U8 Tht, ctspic lea a .1.ooco or nid, wch. ..tplie ici-rcny i-c-tlalo-.onuel Ihei oeccpcuicc 'iTho leaders of ui- toc, oiarecosoiiy t-ccni.cho bacc lied t.titcc ccd oltcug le te cl ci-bure thcy a-c.Thon c-k &boutc t1e lane ulul a terbri, n, d thecn aCool part cf thii- olceninle tltoshode- thry 1lic coche oichts, tricito fi g- ur ut co ttcc lire- oi ctougel hy tf ce,,lokci ca c cloocful Iluctoes eofoc. yec o it olit evcc atecn cfhocdctest, l uicordstsowhtil midi oi t tc tlocdcehThie ,uetd co ech trtu clel tha ind-uI ofIe.y copt dcci0iio tc c 018c1hued cfs tc deccco ecl, uolcnt or. dtooiy eort HOME PLACE UPOE Mccn tufail, es aybnve iculty ,bel, hoeto i-on. lceco . hebuh.. bancotilhc boysche ic-ioeily 00. lcodrd le Iheco Jolir, Ai cy Ocn0th. Oi',cd servics, i l 11 Ochaps oi bnui .o coco f the w000000f0118, 1 beo et lîce lucî-, Oici-111 b locclmoiuing awn col-ingot edo,, sud t-ynt. letcc 1,lnebo'. pluo lchokiglîl t. Thcy aoie 'ntlliiui lu warm ra00. ccd thcucuintpluo ioII hcle i bOct he xoi If lheyny i-Oc cîl e rfocr01ee lait- 000t01 wo 0narenc lictcd hy coi-b ut e coc- ci,. Il i. a nîcomot ,lcht tocdecthe olicutoe h 00grounds0i coefotheltown* 'nite oclchb.cc 0111 tell theco 11iw ll tltc home tlueo loch, oudcc thlt -i ocurnoe. MENTAL SLEEP Foretry Appemi Beinga 'l ototcplc. i te.subi, eholdtho8e APPlscutions For Over reco.sd ciancoce uote the180 iffimi.- lIe cf oi- cesi-ooo llitua . A 1bu- Th.r.poninte heJoit psa e l]Ret a I. enioOlO lb 080IR t ime for te eecuet-eOu chutin t ont aiIm 10go ho.01nu 10teIseop. te the-Pul-ie "boleofthecco mi y Meoeu -Pl-tccoobeccthemAortd le L.hL ulIepeblcu ut 08e nnoecln a bnd cf partial mentlai leo«. cor. a d . Whitclok, Agricultue, _ theuareenoughAtloea ade c bcasîîîc O.bruobIaOOog. Ileicpio andte th'eicéne. ,au nliriet eon esac e sui c ooo ti he buy nd ol. h. 180 9mo. uPîcoîdid iceu-ooeaio meeivudtrfoua the job 0f self bopmes.iaa. th8e Publin oChuooo eteaof ut dle Osiget e cluooece utthtei cOonty.Te dole etlghtliyover 1t0,000 ging u en in1temocOt. tsey secm ruto bave basao ordred. The liclon emtlily lulerp. Thcy 0018e or hen exre;en c01the ucc c ntdouelver bieb tîcho. butl enIleo il eo e8 thconte10th180resPorlOu eobOnlc IRst n th 1e Ile cf thA Ould ondthUe 000 th8e ri-ecc. TIla nicpautedIhst cuses cf proogrec ocnd vlfoce. tiboy th, tem"-cclii bedaivurt lea aa .coco hboomghtt- oaho eThe -hlrebu liceslerbolildeps 1m'i saers 1500 sinatl iva là Î- là -, lu ics Miolater etfPinace ofet lrDuedi oflen e sads uttrro for poue lripc F ou r i h VICTORY LOAN Datral ced heariog Intereet ftecolt May 1943, ced offered lnlictcc onaturilie, 118e cloe o iue la8 opeluomi with th8e auhaorther, as tciiuwes Imm