Suppplement' to -The Canadian'l Champion Do You Ksow How teTel Wlsen a Sardine la OseTi Whot l a sardine? Why la a a, dise? Whsn la a sardiste nt a sa- Masy varlsieis of loy, issfodisg ondsA 500tuOc oosfy soadisespp- ttes. Th. tuesarodine, howsssr, la st th. dorf fiituit ases a i0 hoe, butot he yosngoSthepichard. Thepilhard, sasosoohos solthe gsa hsoolog Sosiiy, ls pistitot la ths wates ,of Erop's soositfront las Esglish hososi to Sasdista, and 15 ta fross this Msditssoossoo isand tht thesarodine toks narre Thesasodine oossslag isdustry o Fraososo Bottosy peinssolas er ly a otry oid. Thesxcelsnt rep- utotioof las Brittooy podct s de inpart tethe tssshly pressa oive il othe rogios, Osnsoieh Bit- tasy sosdinssaresoososd. In Asosiaosatsof theObpilchord ragsis ohosdsnoff oStOlePacifie shore boss Cosdo's Qosos Chor- ltse isAs O s tO.ilf SociClo- sni. Wils OgsoadWshiogton fsohsoosso hoost os the plchard, te Calfons ioO ss ocs lsosl ssoouioosoy s fhe Caflioosar- dins. Loresosmmserc51ial quanitirs are lsanddaiotMosîsîlo. Los Asgte les,. Sas FrancisoadStin os0100,) in th mi osooesoson, Agsthrollsir Fshî oosy. Bridge Compition Aids Througb Railrosod Service FI- of ,f,,g, bi t-ho os,,, oi,, o,.ilGunternla 1'.ho, c- )v Ohhe oîgril, s in 1S-il i Tho hcodoconeosn ,ll, lod 1u, Guaornlan id s etosfown 55 o Ay- fi. Thogh nosfhousd freoilit 00tr bcssiodsd oox sfsOom s .of tshe oso sllloys ni CIn misfsle le iver00. T'01 o'5l wA s trassftfo ol oto"îI io or thesl river o.ssoîg.Fîsol hioi- o le, trucksos i ti suhu e ,f r0, shîproîsof -,l,,, 1 n',fof I ,o Nu- 0100sf raiilllfofMll1 The fcr rieshavea nixiiio cpicty of handisd sos 40 f0 50 Asothos hicli %vs fihe dff,c helli stdadad sro,,,,gaogo .qsîplcscs, fie 5110 obrige lhere Tire Osdi omlet- ts he Mxico_ GoofsosoOua linsi ofshePan Asossîso ssiwaysyso1s, hich iii sopplo- sment the Pan Aooîîso hghssoy Csahisncs: Essopsas Mtropois Soth frosstfilsCasablasca. M- sooso, hharos aoulsevarîd lolioso hgh ooyblufhisit soosiîg ths At- lants. Ohlîsoasd bolevards, prlesdodernhbuidingsgive te las oîly itîe ppsososo oof aEure- poss soopios. Esos hrs oîo hinterland, adosnirfild t0 the muh onnsssîsstothore sdtant points. Csoblanco hoso soosp modorn ho- tels, osd oinosnorml toes s a o hsy sports csteofor Siihos-ooslog, golf, tennis, poachting and swimming0. Thr sao municipal csioand houos 0. France OsAd ssshed aosraider- standing wi ltanofosMcsioy Has- san, chooascotiot hs 7otsocsso ouseof ssvor,,,out05teFianceO, a reohcilîsvas hogooî sofî 0,0 sshos as leader. Ins10700 sghf Freosh sognssss ngsd in ths haobso ids- volopsoscO coss OlOdred. French fores o hsnocspîod Casablanca, ad Froasc snsrssoosalpros- 550005005 osO 55percentsoth0e Rsoad Mgst for Sosop Cllstion sco by the Chcsgo Ssface Lîns Os oisot shars o ol objecta5frin sooeesîsavOoid bhp s buss s- in topbOt hns os ssiOg ssoop for the sos,aocsosdnsp Os tOeAsloioss Public orWsssoiation. AtiocOsA te ths ottosofsi o op servic touck, 00heoifosp.ypowered sgot colectd 800podo oral Oin July ad oie tho 1,6000 p-os iOr O- tobos ros, 1950 moies oseos. Tn co srafs, haipnso, 001500 clps, botlOistopsoad osA c tn w included is ils sof u"Tiîo Assîss oss siossscsstonehif by hoehsMis- osisf000 hgocoy deposlslosO Os clistate010hglîsosys so ssedesoios- osd bopublictrasisystosoin Mlwaukee and Phiodoipi or thela saineos possss & Vitosola Stasvaiisala 2700 B. C. Vifooins taostios as pigosd maroi fosceturies. As fo hoh ss 2700 B.C. ther arorosof bssi- hosi. Mosetiroi 400 ysaos Osors Christ, AsoofbsspokeofoS ighs hhondiross'oadobsossd shosvdiy thbo t 10coud Os srd hy stsg lisso. OSoory its soîhed in the os- naof t he CusaAos. Fliogro 000 schtidsinAsosisos Tdionsos eoly s 1000A. DO. Wi,îlo heso soeficienssY disossoar c_ posolooelis sars hoo, th, ore rm poostîinNzionoootosd Europe. Is sis counîsrso dscoider or sdsrlîin1 ositiogio fi o0ois are so odyo j escaps sosso 11cet. 1 urosios- £~%hfei / O NTARIO bas dons weliin s er cosntribustiosn of mansîower and resosurces Eo thse prosecIs tion of tiewar. Ontario nusst dso still more iss providiog the sisewsofni oas, by ssuuoortissg the Fosrth Victssry Lssan Io the linit of tbe ability o f everyscitizens. Our mnin tihe fgting sersv- ices sili givo ail tbey have. Ouiripeole on the Home Fromnt ean (Io noss ess. Tbe Fourtb Victosy Logis is ysur oppsortun. ity Io joiss oitis tbe Navy, tbe Army assd Air Force in an ail-ont <offensive. Yoss cassîot be Oere in persoon, sut ynsss dollarsoeu ca h ere for yssu, and oili provide tbe oaterials assd munitions eso vitai 50 tbe suceess ofnitbe armed forces. Tbe Goveroment of Ontario is baeking tbe Loan by tbe investoent nfi83,000,000 in tbe neos Vîctory Bonds. Tbiso s Ontario'so officiai con- tribution tossards strengtening tbe bande of tbe Dominion Goverument in il@ tremendous task of financissg tbe total war effort tbat is nceded. It iéthtie tangile pledge of tbe Ontario Gavesr». ment tbat it sili e-operate 50 tise fosiiesot possible extent oitb tbe Domnion Govcrssmesst n tbe drive for finai victory. Tise action nf tise Goverosment nofOOstario la designesi to gise practicai leadership to ail tbe itizens of tise Province, sud sbould be an exampie ansd an inspiration os urs people Io accept tiis Fosstb Victosy Losins as a persossol chsallensge Io do tîeir part On "Back tbe Attack" ansd basosîs tbe day nf Vistnry. As tise old Parisis Hector maid at tbecelose of tbe semarkabie film, "Mss. Misiver", "Tbis ia tbe peopie's oas! II is ourosar. We are tbe figters. Figbt it, îben. Figlis it witb ail tbat ia We, tbe people oi Ontario, must figbt it sitis sus dollars. Ynur pussobases ofn Visîory Bonds sill beip 10 send Ontasio oves tbe top again n support of nus Ogting men. Tbey oili do tbeir part soben tbe ime of attack comes. We muâmt do ours to-day. G.D.CONANT, Premier, Psrsssnce a toiOsass wrmVé0iF PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 0F THE GOVERNMENT 0F THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO 5'Healthi a vital dynamnic thing contributing to Victory ta proper diet ... amnatter of national concern" [il -Poos C*Co A o5osoS WAM~M ! ! JOIN THE A1 WOMEN l. "N FOR V" DRIVE nOWi Our Govern-st realier.the imporsosof nrition shocs thatthe iot of manyCanadians s dobisoet. Tit issosssccsso.,ilyshoooooopeople -t 0t fifl. fod, but,0h bcî h oosse hy csot he ssssg hoffood. ThAts whsy io s3sssoy Csodias ssomns duty t Osoos and pplythbsic îrossof Nutritio. Asdchto, ssy weoffer yoooosofsy ytuplan maoisshot witt EsiAyor .ossily well .in a seful. - 0 bklu, Et.-.k.Ïi. J Sho do yoor port! Leassh, bsosg new îlscih and vicliryte your THE tfîfGoS lY." oîsy of fs. 7' WssO.s.Wi", NOW! THE 050E1ING IF'0l10STRY (ONTAIsO LEARN FREE HOW TO IMPROVE H EALTH THROIION RETTER NUTRITION ... HERES 10W! Send for your copy odayl1 ASUN LIFE POLICY qives you this It Plans SECURITY for the Tme of Need RL M. DWHURST PORTiELSON, Ont., T ph oslisMo 5 Suin LIre f(anada» 0'A'sONAs. SELECTIVE SERVICE bien Bora IFron 1902 toi 1924 Must Prove Csipliasce With Mobilizatios Regulations When Askisg Perîsita t. Seek Employasent B Y Order psrsuatIotonalt 55 veS-rice isn th. ismo osf pe-ito s1.ssek eosploysseot. AAls,,.Oî,,ot.30, 190f. sot toofi Os sofool I. t, oso o,,,,, fa19îîî 001 a 1i. tsl , ,al has,, 1î,fo l - ,ha ROogoohîlo,,si.o so ailOth ,Lfoo s, (a)i A ssl f sod. j'-oss, F-s-osoî t s -'; 'r(1» a A l'y th hools ill,,, 11 , 0 h , o,,,.il: d D jsf o,,,,, o,, ,, (d.)l,, so -A l,,o,, l ho ,M a,'Ihl o 101 l at t,,,.. ,',< lool b, ai pi-g 1 , oss5î l..îo.til sîAwdose Lsio>ss.soos Sosolîs oris sis,. Brýi ysss dossses i,.: D.eduet.eni[ ofL Labo HosîsîsosMîsosîsuA.MoŽ.os M50.5. o Lotos. 00,555o,. Oooti Osîskaice srs Fou Algiera Haa Population WelI Over 250,000 Mark A-ersan oo 000tion of Agiro givs the Unted Nations sostrol notS only oStOscaitalrd lediog pot lOîo' osso,,ony of Algss. 1 1 1-9 tios Notoooo Abot Ollvoy bhonthes OsMooc oo ad Tunossoosbordsos. Aila os s Ohan400 oîrlinos miles soss th0e Meditsooo-a .. lfoosthe sosrest ter- ritooy in France proper. Algiessls the Isogest ito' in1A- geris with a noorl population soit ovr250,000. t s oe of the losd- ing French Afiioososol bases on ho Mediteoososos oadhe terrai- n sofof ntorkjof rotais srd- ing bock into the Algsoian hinter- lsa, osas l os aonsg the Medîfr- ,aenshore. OSincefi oscosssossfd bhoe osda sirjfins cith IMarssile 11,055 'report of France, iAiesocos so -u a fi thelaunciog of flic Noo, 1 Afr,.. o,sc ospog-o0ital hppoog point for foo d ,,fhorsuple As 0f tefporary home taflic0 Aoo, vio,o fo-of o oopî',AI- ot.îgoovr' oyof the ooIio t,.,d i,, o I -'h ,ooooofo'tl ........ ... On Yankee Tripsoli Route tro, iooosi l, oi Aoîo o -0, i. . 5 0001 1 f200ûcol and . f f s , o,ýte o iy .- fis Sf A 0i, l,,tfi,oîi 1,,, ,ly h o Oo.o , i Tiorbc -cfcs y llt fiooAt G lh_ th,, Tfl,i.Li,, os o, t,u Toshcoof 0f fsGIoe0,0t tho 00 OS cofs teint i so. Pin h. sdsosfoendo sy otfot, l.l- fOsser- 0fioO s0 ioooi, ssosoo IlOo sionn1do. od T r- t llesk' As7ûh Esesos Fofod Bp gooisg fth. ot foss.. hoitO aresloo dessosotopoýS ioni Dso losds, Mosopl,hotoftoofos, o c the gssooosoostf s! soghf1 ofloo. 500050, 005 psdrySoift IOs aos' oso those 0of tonsf0 10 poiooe t Cilloses Csh se SFoso. bnsasasf00ettolOs pcoodo iklo- calcpog ospooso oof solif ef0,0 Tfs ffcash oSooforpuocies os oossgssooooes inos of the-00 ciState f fsar aigdvo gý f oi, The ,Moosýioot, f., .o1.s an fro-h, , iasîO0y. Cl-to,ng- o siv o poh net'o. lio 0000 Moaroin dfeos ,00,0,d, th os spfs nd.os .1 d fi, I l.î ,î osA Il y0-Asg'odpot , , . 01ý,,,,-d ofgt osooto. OOpfor.,, The th ',ooo ltAs ,o o o l, 000 as otheistafstuot,, lfoK, N ,1\v C.k oolohO jetssf Y, ,osNso brasioanOregoon.0 5s,* go Flou- ' Othlo- s .1os s if f ost imortanti, Aol5 ors fosonit lhfigApir.ti-,s0lotp,- fia>sight ooA etri fsducîo, fostooîthe, pooot 1 fcl l asilf s 0f,,o o,slth _oyohoS So, woon anspl îocoîo day sfîoofoA pîoîloReinha0ftoinotheAlier- il Ast 014 SsaihDC.!,oss foohateooihoeo os sa Spoooltfooo soure, sisIbothesos oS Cofo,,ý.1tohs lAp sosooofs ao00olhsoEi ooço-o eau u 1 os o 0fof o oA ho b ;s sfofîsd 0f Tofos, OOllt,0îsAt *pso hî og isoo of Os 0ocoro roessrtsfîor oo.oofoofltlos thl olare fhs iî, ib h doaysfy,,f-1Soo ., o ed0 StooctA c'.otic.0of01 .000100010 Pis Foot 10 o ooîot tf is ,It An o Old So.oilo ,,. 5, poon t ,.Oîotheoth A.f, ' 11An tom An f . lthe t il ofîss s i t SotO Agres en s,, w, k h lber. SIloOt Sows o oter ,ar 'd he os olo the10 Lloi.,î,loooo o rte.0 Pi ub,îlics flair arj a iisteedbya oin nWiisi sAS BtSCOnE r