0.-'-- iply bolugabat.offou iy thewun,.«on RESTRICTION$ f itc reounedu hanbanou uarrielon u OgBSMCTIOiS ttety lunsynthfte rmbir. Uudnr nthfeasa nf s. "Iuefatl e reci. TFhe Codieu people dos net nafee.hans nade uondertnl prorus.t.. ti.i altotitis ip tu, restrictons.. TbcT aud totan,'otuep tUns, sOlcO wiIIho 111.0 n fee life. 'M0.i.s uteau iei-f' ueter dedeloed lu petisar Toan Once faon. plaier,'duy, ohesn hero e feinmmnseu, i.eufttof tae. onld wofitle cottrot Oe thef0..- Ti.e dedniopmustt of uo.efltght bc sadte 0havn beuuaalong proîct Caupbel.ll14 WO 's sultt. oeantsfd .tritis impno.d ou fhon.- Fi.yotugmslod for e outh"A boit TheburîSitonly mfttlsgiof lO a cn foc..-t.0bolO fi.. rettreetous Os.pbitill . 1. . eus. bldaisths fbni oeiolded ii.otufhotthtelgiOtboe. oeti.Ms. M adnsW.ds.da. of suffrage. Ti.,T bon. chalet un. pla tOstlbat aSsotf dere roestrictfiss fi.sfor otan,'M. 3.. M bnproladeus.opsuod year ol td thore.ou00f of ccatfsstu lesin &,'.diug a sves- os o-ite Cep t ttilBfd te enter. Ts 'iesdabip. UZ., Ueyd O(ford, namusied ooi e orute I sauTOleurur atPriadablp. bedthe tapio nbcuc loi.,. and foui a eusof Pe ou'lr a s.sa sd g*assaeid do don. ln the abolititon et nid sstrief'ouptsns1 Lit'sovetuvaios.. Au ions e pe thensatOs nlfaon wbh i Lnlot CI e, m. Omfranteiu inyoofi.etflid ln Oaelog tocktt s».@àn"rteOidauAucteul Mtiug and etrousscoinos fao,..neloiug bld Sln stas uoutly. TOu mette, tboi aresrtition afninst tuoleire «Iyouusnbta bois,'esr sessr7 chotte or eiotbiioebas hssu dus.teis[u,, u p e oui eusdorr't.' us. aaSout ie olnbealook terible 1tulruetted rb.'Joli. Jebut.Jlbsud sitocks,.but thut n I.air Oc onirend s.b y XM . RaItid. TO.etoit I ..s. ws.suru d 1't I sihg tir duot a 1%e-o Canadien o Pele etheo guooetiîen.. ,.lteoritu Barri-, ru- natitonialpohoiifton .tcaase an hie es.'ugon Soil lfe"tsr. dsbed par-f of tnbmchafoti noder tot et' brslth. iBu fle e port" lu re- stitiion. A larg eatoftiffhe actine tut.ou to th. smily,.omnits. littof oCaoadn ha.0be.. a pl.etsaSe T. meeting lod uvillb thé a .g notet rulttifiof th.. Nanional Astbom. alter wuibt etoii50n asur, e.uuy restrictons aligbi luschus., ..sud amntceuua'T. Hou .511 Ou Peoupte____ stnd uels and rogoulos thât wo aeatntt h01,' teditiota ab ite of ft'ecdun? gofeteYoTartui.OsOOesne eelletsfirttlnisu oohinttu t 00e Ma.In-th..Str.ut Wnaias rescuitons. Manopeuple evudo ein or r,, but0fte renfts.aleeritrosi 0 n.nu ..bala.,nedÀUctn 10 tte ibuni0 a war Ie s s..oufef T Pot-war edcatl.. mu,'mov ILesar t.0 e oiittT retictins. osa hecopiei tue utudnt bu- I on,'. n,' iita, obuocote0"nu stsead of reusalsbag tay ul, ttul vttoep. hecaus oa nratu hn eege Jt5 sl i u.s udunivri oue chi habit.enoi. f0te cespi wrties, prfitsM. R. Trsbue. doss of time estritionLb.heuchOus of eduti ai thLb.Pem- TIne mau inthetue tant, ctautuuded PIN THE PAR FRS5T Ds. Tiabu, . n eumt.g mons bu- -tertouiad ln ads.eubag 0hW eduistilu Pftscdnt Rooeveltf. diesuiim tht sund If buodnIO't hbaue11411111b mouoT4s qestionfbofurtefitefd tat- tu go to aleOUhob.ila the bl lugs t. cmu u b u. HMesddud tuat ru govemenfi i.oleo goas.m'.et. rangeuinquia ..ci intruco ln urécet. ,'orgaizatio.i of ther ooriti ue-culld "out...l.chasonsu, u r alter'theu ou. mîSi..h boi.foedtheti. roter thaS lb. ramis bueluaus Oeutthii.te dote 1theaLnt.unecamussuhbicus..it ilapou$"tbu t nnd second, te 00cm for Roi.rest ob. prorou. a grostor uarlty ci hmbu, jectiezu. Ti.d,'oare'u try miny people Who t ivoetpeiusoou ina argu. g. at sane orgainisutio fosmduiet atsraPhic a.& iunaute lfoe'cotructionuof theo "Instrucion55gIronn t. s olsgu teneid. and cedetiof fua Otreunom.. bildigla est uuoesuarly beMe re The.qutucion f v440010 ths-e O. la or, usrtuy of roualsut t nte,-i.tr aisorbi.o, thtnthfecat gieun as. ..tur besulu sor sun- fentionof the nu0latadrs là nec ' uwdy." ho.pttted mat. euettp lconenun'atod .aily ona ni1niTheindean bells-r.u tuist an lmsen e Issuoe. Alsethe0peuple tord te b. cap" of etuvlesntasi"in thitnki.tfeathfi. ftinos aste obt titbl fbey co dote ieo anud speop ,aM apdtltudeuu or s.é.l usostue, sud victo,'. 1oaub.du tuat cuard Cg.bidtb.uceu- Ttc qucstion utfueeLd reonstu.ft- "Otfd n orsatire *aemnolloeofu- Incnntlata. .îmiu10us.0fof. Inu ,' . 8"a otumttbek ca nusbeu Peopeshul art Ionltelligeint ocpm. i dodee.s estd afais "up@gru la Ion" about If. hIL luunrully admt-ii. quit, Me t ieno mofrs obr i fr0 fhnf thteUife tates 010f aotd l..trUe" 0s tuosutua esimmS UMM f0 eoo-ceraoe it oh fosi o te i. uCIu.« M UMal'la a "itic -uncorl1,'forpacs andS restreint of a-«141:se DanTau utd i grecuona etions. Wthite th. thtcb et guSill.o Den iOs iatiMd n the Ogt lu ontheupeple oesu bardt, Whor Mtihavesudhe = apupl stop f. thici ot the.et sIsio.f bon 5do stbs u te rui, i., oorld ohu thes bOt ln eBWIstatlud lauU Cnslest.; 0e. ueapiua5 latruidisuviEha"e tu bu tubi, bu uis Isua eustt iobre tue"'Ovni les irs f bt&Il Lb.e."u satinis« Pa01lsmwpegtad btus muai tass.. and tbsr pisno. dsi eabout, an := Me damocratI Mu Cfor la tbsep un s otb. For itunos osint u5Ou A dui. lu abthig b et ratoûlat bas bassesasid user outili 0lgAini.d M" b i io i M4ay. The muslb idApril vuuà bibtireosMulus eoudbailssu silu ,' ciaudsd. brtugMsg qudussallulb oss - e t 81 k9kW .u A.~~l iFils :b".bauabOs 3, Md O..p. b»a0buso.iid-..d ouwkà 40 &eân . la W làb. bAoa .it7 if &eual iali»-4b. soleil. .oflb. satiou. nml.g j4j tatare, iS "atuitaboau lt.o ussîdurs. S ýAèlafmquy 0 &Y l-squinzesus. mi - us suibéion, a~ potatlo%".ssaM.bud sulMo.t atloisoudusi o JTh.esoseil, lunm dois., base.ng#t t ~ ieu 50e aalabi ulai ,palsy boudored ssey .s.y 1usd. Tbsy noi tIl %hors.. sry "autel. ll M1u1% bave t dupsd ,bu t..s at besrt, tenosg tbt If o"M. t Th.c«orblà-pi-Aud .terrienoaddition.tluuelY ou homes.grnupr..ein ferds. otntOS t. tht,iù itght n atraineon fhs,'sti).su.e lt0g T butanss et ofoeugsownpro-sn..tiiopt.rhui i aft.uu o f et !eU Tt0rtssiet, téin.tetfeo.l,"eetdiitto -e1,,141 h.,t,5. -it. aodnd munitios arrylgtuuuîy tra fcsotatias J. E. Wbiocb., tSobio.tu.,.uied te tee.. îboto i nalimouso P"mKugs-..flbis. ne ns.-foun n.sdLu.sll-n.d nete r, . Tner tto-i e..teth.i. pe.di.g th adVai or letbs,.Insisait to tuosybomu..pue and isx.. t. ymafb of nth.a.se ithar.s.otim. nboasad te tb.earMiel forsr. othbe Duitrymusand boaestin« vouultildo Sifaoilitisu. Miatedby.nceeoi- eo.sSy-laltbau bfi bvessuleuwonla ivelueuuudeMsI40MSu ».ybu&«a u »saurasr, o...e,,a. ot girg t el tb.lstukdeiybsa'.- uSgrs.aui...m .Z ta . -lsog bodytfro.nmo.ya ln rder go50tel hépop. el rsCana pllm Umortm.. Lo .sop f . be ,b.s. ., pr,.sent. ourunef-o.. .1 the Rra .ob tusy aro dou,,ne souromsof fatlodssib uutit b bwotsiseg astbit.ociephiantt0u.tSe,rm Wof a teadietblbnc slaw eb., nus.ni tLur istonnailos on bande..m trao.-gIaFfL&UMU, OssDs Lu, ssusL Lbthèseupu a" b. .o.used bycentato. At a speotol session tofoustei lutsa, raduasy.bve.sow ulansdbaeasu m.I oi elolnsti an t o lb. os ab, cSnolîr. gethesnBrut bang of t stas.l,. ntttinal u.lauaas. OpteuruSaifAI514s.ul aiL Mlto.th. rounduerO of ubat wosconstater 6i ___________ s.un cllent pion. Prt ct.ideratlon uas.Rivcsn. ua,'. at prus.tsg 5I 5,d, ' ~ yatbuCru. sb.rrtbu promais. I Tbil.b.I.. t .o ousus One.eosthi.. onieaouu f a goestI uf seoofthe COul 5of oiler.au m1. uara d 7.s.uy p..le au. 5« rut,'lto trais oMO..,Wotbsnl TbeIde& offors.isg s repro.tativesi or,"SomdbyubtId 51 55 W 5tu h a, tue 1utuor sud iuduus.t &ait do.' mosttsr, of sport, financs, cntaze.s Or.' Sost Ilt.ouu C19ststAOD ta o a god jso eamdi.ad osso.ii.leoisiSnored ad à tus. ous issi1nl oeasp ' 1. uMen. In eo.trl.uBltu abavlogat duepstucM& iecis P.Pep. otlstllsea, uei airaa. ullapuu.ts oroàu Tsrsa»sIb. probleu of aorta obSL . bl. 1. 4.sbgUb et tutu tranigWttb lelsadlffn.lty. ete S i ouito-ai. Ws T'el ousA. tbse ust.il.dos u r They abouit workoputgretuslly ioto dnt tbst wbeorotrous.tatie4 or tb. uadur su Thes î oîtoi totmul.atipu,.i.'gru..ou.oruegtletbe. psoal'tui utsUto eteb ba a us cle ctuel "Muo tet tb.y mou .s.ntn. uchamsesid. ufo r.osospr.gris qlth .btubuuLlu s lseloto '*t usatcoins haeutou manysldise miseuplae.,nf mannagesment, the Tsus. a sl.dy " grsp.mpo of mat0~ uesu ..le in aelvilt. icbeaSuinots taic.. sOssoulal sset tu eton 0sus oTorslli, Ibat is tu oinsemarieruthe tu mmnal ot musfor tthaou. DonOtin..oneicfutht. le yousr ta 5 peupleulet wooare vonuoer itagt.. prsbi.î'masin Items for .ocb tacenimsittor. lite quitsg uork.biudlatn lsl.g .aY of the yusaeofîsurs noît sus.ideratum.avii ou tuOst teoi tlise r roui .t si .d JPss ,s leula.imortanupostians Isn ilusuthe building durit,0 tIns r our il.. 0b.e Salon i afg ue uoe.li tatBôme etteuo t om th OU Lb..ts Ib me t b.r 14018 ors ouI.am o sueta esmsand. Tbe chier sod. Ity.o-tbut People &allas à pbysm ter MayT suOthose, test aranoTauos fieoftOsutSntd'. lauyr. bave vigr lb.,It sot affectent by theetpthat bcebOeata tbey sos,.ruba wo jeud tho cotoos; otot arulsaleou'ns ..ilddtus of uatbor. l itbsbomslTifs usldue0os.teibaemaieserioeand thesiutb i. auait- _________ oooriod a lais*Important poition. lso cl, Tbc Offin,..s bave uttssd bard for cOOD NEW allie Psumotion, ttebave dutaboaclen. -tensives .040,'sud "vers ttestendma Threwo fn nw@moutyar blvi.tlr ta bave stuessutratui franccerusor Cnadiues ruthe &Oto .lity tu eouusud. Thetuceras tenu. nseues fer nuudiO nofu n ed omefnsdePeude sourt hueOà bancei.stu bu.otg VicterBonde sud ooIiuoun.s nf Its mes to aboy N Woe saoinisn Ceticteus.c, eîi.ao. piiefY tboe ffuOs givatte tutm. lasicalY urig he onttacyeas. TO. detis.suds uudo snau os icer lutieott doint ut ast uo of îthe armad fortes ee. 'lhe o Thes Commsandnr 0 et 00Ceudiun lie.and bobtail of tusesmen uodo NAoo. i.elue.d. ne eouy nu nacolbsdourtltd.tApaitOcral A. 0. t.. Mc,- hin en ibs chrge..Re tensdu ter ni., nororet.n s a tatu su t eo.nlsinu 0fet oiritution,sud lu gins Oedu Our' e4,'ce, ugansut th.e ne.,,'.'H.eoenre glati te citbain. RBsouoeds litiedtIensuoittonis feood te inclodoth.e freoslzéllftheC .men Oude it'cIl I onetbtlas, tasport air rSftzotetus sehy reupSudTlly teobis leder- .I l' atd mtaonu'nhe osoos oetvarnid ship. Th.e Cunait=utomcesarentrain. A lIUVL Pmincd the costant and ttonse . u-log outefen tuof tbattype. and de Oe iln tht. country'te donolop. iiey oil c an.bone tot fbie ceur, crand ti.eiroapio o hichwoold tY. bic.g au adeautage f0ui..hesnuriniou o'Citntita teoops nOvethe stttiy.Fo he Strera Ti it' nugiused bund et Cat.udan, SVNTIETIC CURUER aouy Infjeca ancurspirit of botsf.t f" a. th iebheu&etCenadian Ifut coses lto geuornl n0». nYo L A peopl tte a pareinci.oft the orth tfei.ct, ao..esh.ooaid prove naI t L A po Vicior2. tutu 00.. O.ielO-STGthefooimn tocrnmotoiste sud tthetouseof No SOOT - NO CLINt fctf iht Ourbond ari.aoS 0of 7yen ous.nmisl nheiclcu. prided If ia frda,' bave *iheti feesd atiaf rd ryhnasgnducam.Wit monelals 0f nuefare te ibot thee n yiog ns notur a titu1»o.CPrt'OLD 0 etr. fe utteit fi la alady supelo,'tu tOn. fe lt fthisufa"teetuttOs.aural otio. inCanudianSuc.Leai0e haead ron. p-f.nc.uOetrs .s, L E H 1 G H A N~' Calaoo, buro a u.llary obsuerrdo- "ae, onu et ut OO.Ottirebc t5," RSV elnred fitCundiuu tola bad ptnyed vics,. yttteht iOe Inntutbes Ytop. tbe tire presure oodu cOsing only CEMENT - LIN ".I dld 00fntosre u single orb. oncor' fulce a iToue. TtIt 15 ,il n u fhop aci.ici. dt o 0fnti. on. lm-'lcemi.ocang tineeriug irolu lb.. poortftctstaaoped n.ade n a. nt ynli.tieefui.ie tir.eauclOuprotae- udt.. isli. edt f0outite th.e crene ot ithe.y PGE4 L.i os ncdr foreofnt tan nio,eaOU are mi." This detnpomaf Is nn- PHN48 R S .A .t.., Ourefi. poreceta i. oed .du t rcennplfte tit fthfe nid M, teibt ithe Germnsuavilii uooly adnge, fecealfy lt.the o mti.eof fei! inventioen." Moteofthe nfatuosi. MOUS TNA71 lY FEE4 ruE NUlR W4.l adc Laylnir Rashes AHONTAS' gERS - LITTLE ASHt :)MPANY" I H RAC ITE ci MEEILY M1E - GYPROC kDAIVS ",,lu" 16 Libby's POWDER COFFEE c-i.* P--190, 35e GOLDEN TIF TEA 2pk-S 1I4e FRY'$ COCOA 6-190, 31c CornUfakos K.llom's 2 8-- 150 QUICK OATS Q-»ir. . 9 Shredded Wheea w2 w..23e JAVEX ot ~b&L140 CREANSER e-ou u5c Tollet Timm ?L4 r-% s25o <ïtelaflÇkDO iFOO NEW CA RROTS 2.. 19c Fresli SPINACH 2 o.37c Pb.ids.- St. 2 Juice ORANGES d.., 3k Crisp, Green CELEY baud. 19C P.uit .ud rUgablu pr.ud 1 m taUrSday .48b5 usir Ovai t . 55 gS Hum..Lu0.. On C"ueu ltMibMar..L u- POLISEbd. ILS% e 5 Aussi Juu.s .Psusabu S uSd@ a , FWURpkt-15et35o T-Utls3Sp- FLOUE~.t.. 1go -ÉK6ODX a eh-. 110 CORNIEA lb.50R~ntw«az mm590 Hume Hos'.CudwAd R.U.d C6"O. Powdue pbg. Se,150 fl dms L Wi.duus Tsbtsl.g~~. .d SAIT 10b.pbg. 5jeIIa DU60n.15 P5. Dr...-.aubLsu's VLAKU eS . pb. 160e UE .ba.60 W. - h.urb..gbt t., i.Liq-sil.* ut ai.s9 us WYJHN they conem, ooe-thuse pos h, are figbting noo- maInt threu o-ast to tay homer. Maire themt happy aond contrnted ou th, faro. They o-llhIhave new ideos , they o-sot te try eut. They may o-set t, go in for neo- breediug stock;, no- crops; woot 04a drainage or irigation peojet; do a big jeb of fertilizing. saving. in Victoey Bonds. Tbsy wput peovide cah You arreoearing eut imenentusand rctidpment for things you "-tI need vhrn the o-ar end.. phich connot bc ropaced noni.. nu ray o-tnt te cect cew buildings, or te add to preoront buildings. 't'u cao boy Victory Bonsd for cash je a lump nuro, t'eu mty o-tub 40 moderusune your farro ttlo Pater or or you cun arrange 40 psy fer therm in convenienit elrctricity. You moy punt a new rotrcar-nrw instatenents ever a p.ricd of sin mooths. convrniru.ceu eaod cerriortu for yeur home. Tbetr Youc Victory Bond saIuus.oan put be glud 40 tell yuu thingu tout roonry. Save rooney no- and inveut yeur fuil particutacs. WHAT ES A VICTORY BOND? A VICTOIeT BOND snthfpor ni of te Domnioen of Canada to rspsy iu ouOti.e fait f- alue soCf the Bond unt thetim s upolaned. ..ui. iulf.ys.cy in.teufthireo f 31% Pe -notnooul man.ity. A Vitnny Bond i.n he anféat joesteen in Canada. The auliruetuooaou of te nDoumtinuntaui e.dhio n. Csndh. O.ub ini. on.d. fac 75 tsar, sand u.hn., rfailed n. puy every dotlarof id etoi sandtS asst. A Obanor,' 0usd J .s. an n.oemue sd.ty ,um.rO.d joa.M5 bus»sMy gther necurinp. VITOYoOlISl National War 'Finane.,CoomiLoceX- Condens.d Advertsementsl A,.t.«tt R , pe. S aletit_4, Mittt . H LFout, it..-Atltnstct .trodadd lrrtic.t. J.,_. FtekcIt, Miton, tRH . t WTE-1 Chi,.t'. tD,.Y.tc, tn Boo Fonti.....2 rott, ,tecook. Aptty M,,, Stark. ,tthone Ir 6, A.tm,,M.. st'.., Milton. FoR SALK. -A ,nubr ofted@r pg.80 u 0t 14 ,40 Ibu-W. Msrk,SO Po% . 0.,.e-Br.eo. gstd..g 3 ys. o1, uIl.i toe Apply J. Bf. M.- 'et bote t 4-di,.,trt0., 75,. l.. ,.Ap.tr 0VW-.McFdd.,, ph... 28,q r22. F,,tîSALK - ' tery F...p. r.os .t,,. t,,tdhsy. Apte Rsruey 0DI.or, tcot,,FtIRtSALK-'i .tth ySead. g..d.-d, 14 Otit,..h,,,h. . Appty,'fs rtWldu, Bit 2. Miton. IL F-... 04i. -BulifChivi, sotd ftt,..,Ogn, B.. îled R. 'k.Ap- Pi t tiR,.,y. ph..n.20t6tr5, Mti. FI.I. 0....t.. A fe t1 .I.t of7RBd plit0i,W.tStH. e,.Atsf.A di .B Ha d,ttLoit9, v.... . 4,Nt Fo.. A. P..tî P1Websr. ndu f ) ~~Protection o.f prnperty tol-daty is rosuse115vationf for to.norrow. R.. MltnSo when yoo peint, go t.. yooc MartinSo oordaler. IlAv tty uSALK.obysoS A ...He is theo mon who can t.11 you bout about "rinoinif" .u.i.. 4 Apty Hr.tiMebroloor Pomnbinotiono. Heoto themana who really knoors pint B.li,,, jOlI1. N.5.phnu10 aOnd the niont rcono.nical aod prautil aya of applylof it. .Wttt, Lt. - W i _ ,qeuthree Hia odvico i.. incere JaLd bolpfl-tbu paints h. sell aro reon-d ,itic, .oitof ci tutre -o,,, t.S,,.,,,ki.,e.ta nd bth. mode with the rnduriag qoalitios that stand thne t of O tt...l.I iuof.ti11 ,intr,. time". Whea yoo paint, go t, ypur lMartia-Sonotor dealer. Appic M.. E. J. H..,rd,ho04 Ao,. OL. jouOoSA -C.Itit-d Wti à H hon etitS S.,. ScVCor ,îr.i,ttyleo w -oi.o itet.O ok,i S..«., pho-oito, 'tr tsoitl..-lt ii Ii:1 .11 IhIMFl OcIiuuioourganimt... 550s5cr, iioii..iOfor ànouuorld. - diroes. .intoelUnitedStOt..in 1940. WANT..TI sailld' o P,îrbnttuot.o ayo;r on u. lasd., ai. bu e2t bl.,Plil.o ,uust.buý s.elFeber. tbouasd tmiios bî,sbelq ie . bieI .t Th.era ios..Ote Co, tSlTtob, ti 1oup111 nd.phone Wu.l. out ntbA.uiu .b..to nth. ru D. in ioO.dM¶ Ia 2t.LtL r. y It a. àau..ooso.d la tbé. Ru...f et tid., subicOi sr,,t ba tur annîbur u.uk or two.. TououLu ifor a toa,..uautbtrtal p1os k1u . hileobs lrth tarafit..bu. n.l b, Omo W..'a Iltutu .zlwrU5NOiOS,fmewt, 'à a . etsulS . tOrotîsu.1m iLb. T .l...i Fond. ltoiou.. e lie perro pomb..ub.pf« s ustuo 4pori.s ious..buies, 155utd 50tue s.1os theb.par tapita end tsd- cration lm.. u. z. ans 5sp. Ls.Prie.. CT a .. tsd. M. MoDuffu'. ruporta. Di.triet Dtreeturrs ,outlup sne ..Tb, li.tni.t.n .. .u.l ttl b. b..id t B..r.ky 17-.. , it., usi i s,,e thr ..g.g yrar'.. ýfies. ppe.i .d: Mr.. Ot.,,Mr.. Vo -ls-di Un.. Obsîdas Fr.tber.to.e. An. int-, acting arttcle, -lbheR...c ..e5400.,' ças guuatby Mr. B.Vle,. -dS humnt "citationi, ins e .îst ». .ourcd . daiuty h5e5r ý... ait e.j.yea..dn. .1 p..ried Tb. o,tsett.g . . ai4th0lt-_ e fith. Bed O2.rm ponrt, Harc, to Apt-i lib: 8 qutit, 4 pair, ',o.b, 6 b.lt" , 1baby watrtt, 2 ..t-, Ks.ttnar.5 qtu.trd fo,.W.e ...ek'., babi t tes and B.yetr-otd ai., Bray Chicbs a.rc alSl cy ateies. 1luao proveilt. Place J. G. GILLIES R.ILt à MIuLTON 1 v