n pPRINCES~ hie M Hmet N HaoeWh ~ -OCKEY ST. PAUL'S UNTDCERIU __________________ Kun «Me dai, he -Of. th mrl.. * H ATUMDI I ',~ bloc Io 8"" My MILTON $-BARRIR3 a m.enio huda Su. ~ StorIes Ma osa - il% s"A! àîiBm~ At&IMPUWUIUW b he blmiisez ii..e.-Thc e rm;c t offle Anna N; Ba Bo~. 1*5. s e t Cla e . gei~ l.taUfeaherd their s.ed stratifiât . eper Garrotcre#h b wîc ovr Buvis ote, wbn avoir on Sp 5Stret i ece Job. tNcii noyaer drectcd hec terrible beld 7c pep.J.. h i pc . I K.. C e van sevce i Biaseri uai ad Jli Bihop flte isrth awhok, thcir civtrain re.,U OUA. pis) __ _ JeIleBI.hep~ =ie ikrheweab deviné. Playbrwgeewltbcleau, basey S WER S ORE Y..uiy .w l=a. CYt. KNOXlrIaIIciiei ecc, MFN GOOD ~DIES EAR Rlc..dTmeiacd ¶the.iOte gfiLuait.cd ucd e.o PRESYTERIAN CHURCn h e ME' EA AIE' WEA "Barises Ecc o "hP ire vongt s tto é us sud1 crrte.llerstounr'ed , li ee, 'obd ..tt CT7oe Babes Ref (7vr y ILOSE RESE~MONDAT - TUESDIAY Soio ,tc retee ey ' '1 ht Bate of 00towa ant of tîn "Chtin&Grl' eec.e.dably pont. t clittg ta hito I vted. fa .. d t t. ci ý l207tpe Lt IIOUS DRESES ed tor2esrk, let..d si, edettettdetouttiS a eman il sic " ep. hta P 'he Inî the auuno 90tee w ilto n W g d.ciel. air11r et Id. Lept- 1 cote a nteso etend. Tire tr h . lad.a bil .. 7 0 1215 it 4.edee Sob.ol. forgette.bit beanty. Tht air- wao an cler, tht floon LADIES' COTTON PRINT HOUSE DRESSES- lae 1)e... mrgesau joie Les,, e~ ringbt lon tbr0000 1 elo blo tho chl boi,cea iecce ety. 'e tdtoeoraathtttcnrediokdle I'e ar ay 'Aid cci'. "Tora eval. darlittg. plie! "t. Be aie dyirg geoed rainttreehreutrsd loed l Smiart Style itn1 Florialend Check Patterns, h adwd ci e hies lad theo dld n siecon ewart "Thc Odîrot fd., terne vtet, ponoramie etching. IJnforgettable beatity Sh ort Sie to 'ires 14 to 44, Reg $1.25 Caton Kcytedt [o. ..At eeic t trbt" cecd enemt for ta.. cledr . . and unfoigett&bit horror, for, fromn dîik to dawie, WEKEDSEIL--C Mcdcre ef Mcxico ai filons a tract tnd gerat, TeeC ANGLICAN.d ievitit' Cl German plenes blotttd ont tht starligfît est hoy tped _____________________________________ S ______________ Aed tart abezzsci et ait, ant.cd y>* seins lb nt acrei ter ate through tht eky on tleir way to Coventry. In a near- - ~~tbettarcrtul test cesoel Thry scned, tir>' Seond Bettorin .rtt-Mcoh 2isî otonaCai HIFI~~~~~ ON ~commaO I Thtte caes a secocd'sae i dent W peehsd, lb.>' àlcrbd cccii T. Dei 30 P...-H,,Iy Communion. Cr. byM iean iltr loptlff I HOSE ~~~~~ FrL sud Bct., Mar.26 andl 27 1i tlbeeeoedi. crchclccîî byre ,petrecei *rec t jtst betn stt up. Tht Mtdîeai Staff was on tend buît Bd. Acrlaetcdge Ta ft es are- e saite fer brandt lb. leccWleir liéc Ceaé ctil une Atiers..tc ced Jotaclc e h paewtntytott LADIES' C.HIFF1ON RAYON HOSE - Secoon' e t taM Acd stehet cend. erscdihcc.treiOl*5. Mclock li ltb.icbiegestaff ofthbe Sttdoytthol O the la rningno etr tpee nor etîpplied witî norses. *fj te i n thc. ee ceht d ett>' mu ettM etme t l * l had. i n. e W& Bocail atheC.,aG w Nowest Shade, Gioriodic Sîzee 8à to1O y 10J. etcct lig.Ju-Pae nd frh c 1e folite toinst t 24 cdlildi 11î.2 ) lic e.i .lvih tlber aii-l e te h. et th otin rte ado Coventry tht hoepit. o>o WEEK-END SPECIAL ------------- R.cle This beatly mcaItuere fu.slerl e c l. 8ldtcodisudiféreauee .eicit0 u .-Sn 'co al received ita first patiente-unanaUeutd, unexpeet- Hues alet 1 eh le..o Dire cecte." »enctend a trit iash pe Io, eit 11.00 cet.Mo ttl proyersud td and unpreitered fer-15O boibies froin Covoetry ted "Almost Mandfeid inf__ crction.. The liedJ. ciced a tour. teree. ote rsit o aee alndrtoyeen g shw@osiun t 14 .. SITPWI mccah "declcg the dyisg mictiute,tr. Caoet,J W. MeDee... aludrtoyrsf g. Tht hepitai staff took * tc..ceececce et7.4 ~ Ai't'PPerellC Duclcg the film, cnmebte. Screc n ield Storrtcoy for Wycliffe ttlrgr, thn in and tnrntd tei the Ceiiediau Red Cross in Sau Patri. d cv Th cc. ered a t e ce. e 19 2. T7e.0p.-vn.g.i mib Britain fer hein. Within two hoursa s taff if 14 PHONE ' D15 M0 L TO N whryosccih ecot la veceraiednt>' nMa 2 eve2 clitie 0. the. iA, nurtea, layettes, feeding bottir and ail etier reqeire' PIIONt 215 - - - - PAILTON ~ aeett crvtie îa ateil.Dn lc b iorep et., MeC.tltttte, 1. .iiall. mente for tht oart of tise vtry yeieng we o 3#S~8~S~3SUS'4SINSSSU3IUIS %laiebttsse lieres Id ce c elave i lmer ceetc 7.25 frent c Oace cff. Wedl., 2Ct, 2.30 p.et. iAfet.n Ax way tomitigate tht vufrig of thoso littit' casualiîe freinaed. Ir dhisica aiorrect reortd, Pretioccte the ceece Sllizzl wcc iery ; 8pttm d.w,,k Lote et.o ufeir id. riec fratn thie thmlc ced pitteul hourdcd he Mcliahh (à @i fuetr sed vitesi t.e ch. .'it. Lottet.' by neooniight. toediiec t teons ece et tac SIithe.edcày. The>' iieetcd and trotd t the -one th. Mbfe. bho --------trid'c cecI peptiar rcters ced cgr'end a major cah. Claerk ceci off creojOrd .'tniet. latt ,n Ibis et In 1941 tht Canadian Retd Cross Seciety's ohiptents A. a. Deviné Viciaid@@,Fraic pension leaders. anee c eetîehchie eemple et fer. tip sud the loclt e si sicc. Tbey cret-ltcred." to ttArmed Forces overseat, wert' as foiiowa:.- et hahcbais lesai. botongatlac. ccctlehcvoirlri. checiel semcid tu____ UNE H USIErFTome are useintitg légendc abott litit.Ifieec aefreetEcir. Hile GIOSPEL TABERNACLE Canaudien Arissy-222,961 articles of tuppiy, 1,812 UNDER THE AUSPICES 0F Mcci Next cday wîi hse Ipriro-c. Patrick.- 000ce asit ic drate, the hreheh deack amiu Inthelir uien odtftBiihAii- 8sple ove Iiube the ganteseeer ethe tel et tac Ch&uiry 2ehp 30e Je.-S and epfot ate heco. ecct123,208 stupplicesn Canadiai ]Red Cross Sod*ety ise Sittin ie bacrst hl c onc He dve aPentî bce ic.cec. b c.c dtt h,'2*re-îee oto tdcmotther Forcot vi'emodNb u tilmu . olpclec dor tel. cocvrterd tie Irish foc HEle cdtl Se at hecc d ab th. teot, teutihe o fre MJRE. Ml. WATSON, of Toronto Harold MoecelaI vivifisez ah relapol temi the pagcc rellgite et the hig lad oer tche board. MoN.tb * Rvtc.Ee.ybtdy rl, MAJOR l~~~~~~~~~ie. lneToronto. I.dcruids. te tteee Christicn. bc pu .rsud..ddfnoyé. hefee. cis.vr_________________________ wilpéetMi.e Mided Beca.., chcl rite T eîd toryi aiu it thct li pat.Cvecd gave.ime amajer and Mit' mliticcydelyla Toroste, we. homte et 3S olitres le Ireied. ciels c Nbccamintlente. r T erd FTe er- "THS IS BLITZ" dLONDON SCR4P BOOKee cet th.cweekcsnd. orhttel byi thc aidc et ecb.H thu ann .tcdhe big bruiner flah corps). For Sale DyTede Bltes Ceecli' Ceueoil cli mccl in totîgird odeciiec .101 relitionasmd Foes nco Penalty hec rîerd blet. "INSIDE FIGIIYING CHINA" MItoet e 'e.dtp, Math,23d et did eeedote fer peptiar intelligece. gldaIc faeide i tirted ett. PRNCESS THEATRE, MILTON ha.u n..UteÂoe .ects coothu.eltacism aed eiigbt> elOcpdlioei hilm cff. Hie,. co. Lfongeeted geotIoet.." epluioc. yEV ENIG 1AC Zit AT 8.3 p.,. otpo.erti nflune e nl tho h ttieb ju iutepheLgu a. oosey2Kidn i alsAgi i e ýelinutl cota.Mc ad Ms. B. W. oe &a .pend. -Miltes-iteel. Heccî detec.. ieto idot.oile'e Wtdoe. tf' With bled perrmiscioe of Me. M. E. Nixon) t teie deyc cn Flord.-Slrae'â INSCTItrON IN MAlCeRS Stcear asd Gola contale, il..' St. Pîttir Cte,tt, Noreci. Highec. t o l te id et lrotv, teles8 i neupocird ty pareets wiii cet elilcîc.-fl; wne, Cain ancd Sadernoc ; oraYteer ot umao renttà'-o'etC. tie edtiiiled. Trhe Légion Bingo i. ait! i th..lie Pceeit seetites tekt bue lumdetes, H. 8.1lclei.i scerrt, Arte' SILVER COLLECTION ,ay,6Marchb26tt. 150cm.so. tc lit, oi t es retel Itc tea tre Me'gh.ecd.eîlc. cZ., eirt etp te tacst diretolet cteuet' 0i11 ced MeNabth centre' W. Deee ! c llda li.mcmhcc the etL Pt'ttciolc Bazceer 1 te leori eeoh teere ta tht par- cvicgc. Paente scd Tr. Davis;.I D E SN le Knoe LiChrcher.tC e u. c. ct-ot.. ar ..t.» D. L'lerh. lirhrdsac, 0l. tlut îî liltol Styles c l e _____________________________________________ a, Mach 2Uth, ait 2 0 pet. As te toilr bttaisl thcte' and &iRtrcu Dcldlieoci. ~ ~ ner et clf P c te,', et par e nts. 'lTops a thiei Ref.cce-. D. Hiutlt,ti'rcle. Newetttl G(Iriof i,'eoiet Do"dra, fteRC... n tteycett ta Orelîtdepecdet ad de %'eoiig. blé ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ brdrt.. l ln ratltti.. hyl . But go a usass it 11 milet ceede>' ereclcg. the thene opr e nt wolen are la- HORNBY Ail iiito ol O,'sîty Cl tr. A Danoce vii h.e id in Iltterie les tttd gentletmen. mckes Itef frit-- theRe Cr». Ldin povde.Brng ret. byba .ties.WiHou c ORNOT PEOPLE RAIRE $4i2 ELLIOTT'S BEIOCTY SOOPPE >'tcc ececuger. ce teîecloe tf le. tht>' grittilly POli RUeSIA. Pbote (liit,,A ,,, ,,t l -IO -Ton bhly ctrctblend donc, llp Iedu 00e patterna et et0ce -cl, neebl . udL MISS Mý HENDERSON ANtIAMILO clticlt tb forîear sltr theet. raeoirn. cc i Pcidcy eh t c'a tA. R. ELLIOTT M it.s a n d G Io v e s , A x e s a n d A x e Iia n d le s a ks 'ho L h reco rdof h e, e gt wnl c T hte gsvd e ond s pt a e nts o m sO t cc. h cd ibo i cf ed fer Lici Ccc' AAR R ' b E i IA~iî W W~< 1 L Wedges ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te brcie 1.le Ci. ari lely miller tat gond mac- &di..eFond Ad taiHuée. 1N L S p i it Ein O Peg s S w W d e n lr d c > c c sclg . M é terl à tb , V - e ar e.rtit o o i o t t c a e " e t.L 'n e r P.c t c ei lb. e . ci g e et î th ._uX I . de.elihbLtdg.Nu. 184,ebcered cocO tae pow0er aed Inlee. cOirOîtm.seeoedscdy.b ____________ < i Shovels, I"orka, Catie Chaina the.icecty-titO cecneryi if caron ceiorens rtt.Pep cm.iseaict b>' tcc deco.. ft fîcdisgc.th. Lod«c1. 82egeea Betmcifen ic plsrcd th.tto Lampa and Lanterna DANCE AT BeOReVAILtE et O OBITUARY. put IL îp en cth.e luries block. Tbt J C O E p'nitey, P-lOI,.p.ecerdtobspyiec bi htîltCicbdci Es I~~~~~~~~~c..' Aimn for Re Cru .. fe r B -LER cd b>'M no r s ehe.t b c.olt tt ,.. Cyte Sh i, S i, S lh r. a"pdis. 6.Rtdg a T. e yFot tnt.I .S7 t lo o t tor Louse KilIIer Diaintectants Colbere Dees., flt.ney. -sc -1--e At Mcmorial Hoital Iieehcldc. haeegt 8LI. LChhogms $5.5 a dics - War cais must coma f irst.. ai peceideel ai thc Onarco Tttseher- Ont., te 'brhecdty. Mach îlih, 1943. ced hene -Détil te Hd. Rioer. FL03RLAVINGS eANDINt Tas.set théesecol cnection hrtd ai Hcsett Lttciry, eftiet liver. Mm-. criC fer Ifer elch ltPeund%. A bce. csttcrt lillts uh ciotIa lei ejn a tn 'P T DAY & SO MILTONl Waterloo lut ccci. toî cec icc h i i Litltc bondîcrocheitd baoit set alibi toe REURACN eecî INIHN hihm asthtw hol ei rnn C.N TeDA & SO J. Cireti. asd dser motiver et Boec.115.a1. Thecec Danoisc cecm c frctl OLO SP CILce eINîo t ftc uintn nue mxiu Ttc Cre pete...ed ,yHl a.c Loo .ktchewan I Me,. WIi eln the dccci. i con ecoecd Cocci We.tccct.lp tsnilueo th tlpoet hem jni torye Perfiiese ia pe.lstie tc Apcl ire Mrch.n ifiite Edceaenie.nos.cennecctnLOrcc.bcee e orid'et tinl0îtse eccc Oi.redMc frSse. We lilthsi eeccirtePe, rs îftiiie e atteit,'tdoya t MM MM .'h.-'rhc cile e scpcso. uens hciC tep Meenda>' Mach turc actoi IL Oif or 1 ---.D--- H.cec'ripCclpHbidlite. itb, et Mccheill. Pocrrai pcriple, bclteccd0tlieecd.ec the 8 NEW ST. PrONE s3c a1teration icnded if star ceiieareeeego trough liccrebrîdg.. Rlllg incthees ci te,. 'rOecstercd4754lla sURLINGOrr aoccSdlcg te tO. îcs budget, ehi.b llccir 11 tie g9. 1ter i tht. Th. ..cl e $251r- use Of trieptone time eon toid tep star buinese 1. Iclss in.. i luand te ci Lb cede, uloi sa a et th. on s tirb e T 24 5t 0 The Georgetown Lumber Co. ILTON hetr.dbo uneacrch..sl$13D 0,Oth.hlnh- NTCTO REIRS -antdttttvery retend yoc tae Crlins. MIL'TON, ONT. utcci dclitticdcugtcc He1.cc611 Mcclytufeitrls.che 'rit Btoucs 011.26 wu~ pncpared tye&Vre ni,. Of ANTONIA CALARCO, cc.d ifli ccits, toit dicton Seedwyet lSt. Pîteîeht'c Danser e .e' Hc icv ood eced t, _ siuh thae e .i ccd .t, Me. tnd warce te..Y , i .. attac tv tc.cl n ic.i. CIýff li.EtS, Ham. th te.ca h- s. c ot.t.td. -but iceOo ieetcm a..t Lumber, Laî, Sîugle, Frames, Sas t h and Tri. Thecr. setcritcttiic .eic. nd ofee istierie iedi> tir cods] .. rcl. Oeit oe 1 Fer, ehb,deda r'te Towoebip'ol cn1ebF4toC5rî iciepeel 0 .rd, .i sc e' este, csfyie eh. cpcleclhc aneth- Gîber wicee. cent., Jon COtoleet, Nolet.t'tet.ietoNrcbr eese c c BULD R' UPLES ecdicg tu eaports, grad prit.. acd ie- oc. shicO vies qaiL. dlffesln truc IMu llte. ; Jcc4eoci.Aee 2, a soneiljèr SUIDE S'lUPLIncrg eleedfttotth fsterc c l the opftcdcy. Mec, le Tict.Jd meWccýR.l.i cct,o 'risc.qdlat cIft a 'l oýn t,elo the methtery. . IoadWhtDlas .Harold .Fr..wsucd M,..CA. ., drcic.on. ,, ot A,nll17lb Crentt, Limne, Piarter, Gyprot, Aeptîlt MeiheîeCtpcii, e r F.LtcdW oiC if Miltn, en- Mecohese WVis... t 0 eth r 1455, ettIc etîiol, datn hP lbttt i tm resC am.p el le . Oie e eicce. the engc.ageet cf Oic @top.sce.cc c A.Kc sCttbotbdtttd tar te nilOt .orr taoay a atieà i th GulphdeecOter, Merject. Leac Fry, erseeler g1.Irs r. . .Kn-gr nyt tiitigle ted lfoefeng el efil in. w.11.cl hr .srteey deOu t~~ up piis Wu mi tncir ..il Jean. déai. te oc'ct'd dérivantcIs anct opération.d LOr e.,.in ilims ndte oseete. .ntc M. KEOWN & E itiaUEot teI.dre ho e epeti. Hilco .c mc'II. tlimcdhlceMc "tt t h det . :C)1 5ty Sr. ,Tooto, Ontaro. BLUE COAL --P0CAI4ONTAS fnrtOp.etisactc. Whlec, er Milice, ta Edeerd St-een, Th.ccemie.tite Mo.. Haley R.Iuttt"- . .nît A.iti,ptrwto. DICI MEILS MAI I Spc. G. W. lbtie>, ot Petîc.c e LO l.C.A.P., Allilerd BoY.C. Ma cc. I' id. Hall__ sud_________r- rcamp, vins Oset. lt cleddcy0aceeiM. sd Mn.iggc. Gccet ceetienagaitdfer.. For Pcporpt Ser-vice Phone bHIlton 49S ce. b ccd irîcr. Sprtc. eblie et indien Oniccio, ceddin lisgi pies log tO.ci cncceItolm>.ntcte fo trgtoscd tes'ý tbsc$..acecmp, icedttdef.t aetdc fuiro cec1 ToticeOteh.cecciteccndOoe- W. C. KENTNER. Manager go aalcent hotly. TO.he et tof le OhaPt.c. 10.0D. trielhidu e rccac. __ t- . Jauni. B1N00 t-Ecsisg ci.r Riche D.cich.c taeplelic tOa cthm h de- f___ _ ibtcthe' earfJeii" heg re odisg a Bingon e h . tened tbcic cliseing pent>' ce Mec aisBel Dto....,d. OP. Hll on W.dnecdcn. Mec Bl.et 151h. ihcl erieg la ndlaceshl@ ,IA.O ED ARSHD L- Cl ,'rt.,t bavnl toisi .i.t "i V l54 __________________________________________ S Hpet uicst.. ec~ c ,~.:escl condietcisoncs, Iccdhe leadeOrMARS anad 2010eFORîîn t .ect191,*d.a2î, sthe IL 8 e P.. 16 nou 5c. e, TaR.M.,-.0stea SleP of ei.1 si.rB.1, lte tor bcf,.lmpen.r t MmnnofLT irBer' 'rhc.seileierSrdPc lacc' vc.ba eceeoL Un. Ci .. ccHllad Mc. Cliff Liccd. cc hld tctcr thepc ua h a l2t ,1 DCo I cplt.e t tOci.tu 1102, ro b "cb 'd'itll îoe tt rCtttb.c tceen.. bellsn i. t etak uwbe cird HOCREy-MlIls e.tO e" hjoliLealc. i, c illoa..5te 0tc ,,oectd par t.Mccteks cteas --B"i.lisitehtmth.. c ut. c.i att te, C Iii s folk RtESÇUIT TI'1A cn apye> ie.rC etebltg te Btcoxc iipe'tePctr ~ cnheduei~leforPrday îsud Bauof r ai-e beloo tan'.i de01. t o. 133 se.tlen cecSoia ad &noiosaiseMIlBanb>'csth Pcsciceg taecooccnc (Pridet) sichi sei>MrO 1 et21, flcb th. t.t -nlb die.. it a nocs@..ine chirtctiey.lf gisofflic ceri ste « Présidest Edcin Hcrop, el tctbtttd uhl rtcid colt fci thc tierias ola e a"ff7FEED 711E ~~0. S. Beieck. George tietis ced the rcer e gais cuii beee'dI MIi:otinr Maint Pal rh. tethtel un. e îhall steocetntitt.te. PION EEDra W rail Houtn.Cand R.A. Ottafe teste metay lu liolosRnepsaeý i le M u es e b d. ' i bt te e ce il et er c d hc ctc tiic te l baciet ad <e i tf c d Mb t o b. 193 sac i tere lis t e c c r . t, M u t s . ~ e c e ' e p c a li> O r d e c . .t s e c ,c to c . c t h . o r th c atm e s i l t i i R' t d y o c L0tee o t = d ,I r fiatt e . 1,e iMitno odyDt for eh et 8________________ 30.tce Beed Lhora candd clIva fo trac.. 'aor cht e tr, ûhChf-.Mlo. Temetbel défLcits seolad s o eh atch if 13 ""'qWsptrit ete -1 cett. n 5t , .ict. B s Tp rpH bi on for ..le , c Oni. m ouet l i . ai the , u....enca.ceoeccc CIl _ CTPB IiiednsdW. A7 C tA OepIn ienig metnoy et cye>' dcc raldesteef lbe Ontet a i to iultodaiS« i h asin," 1 9 ILI0 àc T,. Ri Bel, 3b, c 1r . Oospilî dca-r. Jean. bO etend lest Test Colets. Speelel oltae. fie tes b"'. S l MAtEl INtCANADA ceftedce ,t . iii. hanedthc cli se Mérida uPtO. 1912. ilct cf 0,10 ni.i cd l. c ic t isO vi rg g no ienth.roned ta eot y. .mi.sJhstesoc aemits>ea, actieonratuiatîsftctot. o eSl Focr Chick Stareternc Lyn blaehec le BORIcTroe--We recirrr a e. Noe ecut ffcicie.Ieli.Cetttccle bitrpi h uluir erer ccedgtiî id' b .co' sr,,, ,r M ___________________ _peIhtL Hbt . B. Grahame ca qetir ii le L ve .scccc res LIce.. d 1ins trie cOU, Or aei leAG tee- cooli .antg vieh II tOc~e icerc linspitel aiciîe i T1'~~~~~~~1A~~i mesy fniesdc hapc m01"cd' seoel ettr n gots, d c on etjonctinace theO ashu Stist pn..d.îedai dey et itin dl b.Il d ' NO SOOT - NO CLINKERS - LITTrLE CPM cii cite vist.c do 'hcnct failli of Itou SCTIRDAY, MARClI Sîob. taigin tth.c COeot ...t can Mett, mni. BaillycI. ~ e~ cir e ."il d~Inter aa Red CrossCampa I.1 tu Oh Ire 'c Ioe 1 clu o th Tite c.O« ih. h.ir.11 .d î0eeer, tet--p. tago pet et t t .r ci .ttc ae daer Stîe.Mc .s ilis etc e ed ete..fert, ptltd rret Loi e ce. r Fcc- ntc C lccîi M.. ARRIINO REKL .Sb. i. go.., buot aî Oacaîsc, distrct bea bes delipet. ..e 67 .e-c, of ch ...c 2Ucre Mcdama. Osecitld ad 1 . e..r DANCE-Ceder the aecplcerrf 1. Ath e c di.ccbe c TOh. cre eotccciecg t ecci lt bn sa ene s ther ticeOct et. escote Peiccceejacien isîlt e e Ccer ovoitc e eeretrrg lle The 2,.otî e , cd .1e'.I cd ac t y-o'nor ccSOptc.lee forebc Ti CEME T - IME a GYPROC - .cn .eeule c cseil.1.oceIoMi cutte "lioe' ObInect cecte l ibis 2eneeectt e ac ________________LIME_____ Formatse c1. f.iat4tcalnccs s Mtnu Asconditoc&mOfavr.abl. tuneet.foth.ccd ce. cecet-mt, liteui.caitnoîdedtOt cenire..ce _________________________eOestre. rienetyéi> ccdces>sdl' fin M Ibidk lt.e scondt ca P. B. hic.>', Chaic.... poop..I. oth tlttc t'er oc -tc cbase fie aie Ouvrer tense .cuauYt. feaheeccite. lii Vto vi e lie . assed, -hee,_îeec tbrteeca eb >'e..chon. D A uv 110? te Adetclon 0-. per percsn lia Lb.' bîli e Lw hc cerre Oc tioe.sid etoorl,' itre i. eit , enisI Oe tiet t liiibe e.to A c P IONE 48 R . S.A ASRGTl ,pyt..l dt ýifblfr agitehi- Ldt' lreI... or co itn e et5 c h t liaicrdt bther ceasc cnceled. Liceases Geod te Match 31. be enn,'tcd eàe,.Ot foeîî,niîe, 8 ent,. cr50>'y doationraisted ____________________________________Munis_ _ A .& Gardant. T:ce.. .ct Hacrald,csnd daeeîcr,BDemie. - talie,leIttpt.Idree ... C thdc e a tics Indvdul Qlm het. vt Mcc. i w .Drauy ,t rvl Thé *dc.tlitc" fac .a ofth.0 ltIii eartc Oc e s Oc tced îdtoc..ee c eccmeth.r Jpnontess iyu rc ILtl cofciti ilt monct raitei-Iteliuiecececec ofwaduer Mater checpclc , l I llter &lebùt mne - et, e idtt s uit-b dtmtilee il moer' ecs.i t h. réent, p il ce e sd ai ity aillin tile t win-. To. vcitoccockDemit &,n m, mt, - Ilceiee d 1.cte.pe. Ot.îPrilehtg for c losg timcor eeceos. vic muc ec oî> JuO cerC~~et muîmmi wl i rqie ubyao ilfceimc '.rec dil frcltee. hcclhec dact r bse, Th.cecs erit , . d,~ i h ,,etdt cre cié . eiilb bise 14. ____________ a..Noreve @alllio li . :ouC i ttc.Talc.qlit hecU t.. lente éantsc. freet ct ouprisccl." tit2en--$lcNcsoceAd eU. Mr. acd Mm.Ath Arthur s'N elpet;cihbleceec OcS. cls tsttcHebretosîislet,,. tciteW..bcofcacsc sec~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~lr ancedia nmenh besnFor falcrortl. pestheerh îdpMc.Hc Ocl ecsebcyc, cli sciaetnd',efeethrIb flionile. fver. p,îtlehernîtaPmleacfe W . . on1.Uticlet te . t, tot0 ttrr i n etrr~'Msicle.d imtn azie tes>" uTot. b ai fr: thoi Sut e aal, s th e l c v 0 r y lcen ecinZb.a A hst ft. Limaoieo e eletr~eaoipecc ra.ibs c areo teli ted forîeb tait l thé ,eic pagrec cccin cprimel ; b>' ook lb d Fc.c.e Lai r Wht.Mloale mnt t'pcc is bi tot a.tb ul ditn of Sale , Mpl et. iles,.da l Wit feo e ui c , e t . ciee à.ccr cc~cnhîd.LeadWlc ucc rhcOiylcmwecPlececo ycccr.c melecccut ufhirpnccosluptsc .gmseiott 18~ la.. crse. eu àtc ~ ~Q m .ie s an he îyîcg y C ee etsi O cîcci &. l g c 'i c t e iI 8 .1 e c c p . c >' v h c c . t c p eie e L b c tc t e e c I M iuter, ths. Ss t ' e W . M cc . e ede .i lgc n Ilccie.le ecoc seWe IaInigl Tee. ads,ol.t àh5> cec.tctlp eh.m n. chnIeihei ca e h IL t e tdy Leflc elccl9cccsSicd> fii> noc. b>'e ePtohceeh bwuccthc doi teo sant GeleMct wbo3 rcprlo lneioeea &lier elt &tccecîo the MeQueete