1We eufend our Hoe"edf sudBoit WImhm te ail Paires and Friandsfer a 11APPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW VEAR Milton Dept. Storf DAVID DAVIS, Proprietor. MILTON DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH A HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH VIGCTOR Y! We wirh Lo Thank our many cuatomera for thoir Patronage durfng the past year. WISHING YOU The Compliments of tue Seation BELL BROS. TH sR E E:1 _âonBoy D.F.M. VIDAT - ATU3DAY Pilot OUrcc Jon E. Gallucayet CII. Ticuci. Dia. 3 adFi. Jan. 1 tsu. beon, aiuedi5h .1.lssih Mricyn Druus arý,&d Jonua O e d Pir MredaIr arrcdemg gt e au:is f odis oruuemnas ise hafirmi.teyla 9sy ail Kiused Ui Bride Tbirlt ilear, rieeatfy pceseaiid Sirugi Cumecdyl'Ii NruecHerl frouurthe raukofsurgeant buO»enot. MAgir 0, Su art ccilu a arcbi uu RueSurl MrrrolDuî,,forfff.n, enicofui M-,-Yiu..Sreeru.ý 10r,, Th r,,, l, irg,,,,,,ircr(N-,rrlicr.. Cubere,, rfrcSon«. esc. perr.cmd bi dutsrcî clsndb eusrirruas Saturday nt .45 Is 9.301 illf," hbu cstouseid. f lhey al Kissed the Bride ProtfieOM furu,,chii.l a r....McM. mdM..Dil 5T G at9.30 P-.i. fuay,rofMilton. A yunresgiober, t i" 7hundea ' B'd Rre.fb, laas obstee ri>.5a isersrufecShdeeTcecyMi. Hmecd Loeersa, oIosy - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I. PPso usr a fis e. PJ. Teapli.Tucrocu, mad Ci. - MONDAY - T5JESDAYJ..ot.Yahme "THUNDER BIRDS' WEDDING coBMe 1 SILVIlR-DEAR. Fi. ndf Pe..J.ar.df ýTire brai f Mr.as..i M. Thom@ Wefse ie.e- &r. ir ireo.. eaD th. îrsi.gri t.ba nia 'jACÉkYss MAIL"- urlrireir- darg,girec aief,. 5 i.js .fIc.. eru rrey epli, rr cf Nehisr Tricsip. osi 'MELDY La.rS'r riersrusum cra, Rie. J. 0.. Irtea, ut --MEODY ANF" Ilreriy. ofiiItieg. Tb. brides -. gr ere ouay rfber fatbe, abhies orme liinutCc. Jaohn Currie, Miirus. firr.et rapir. lbbride ca. hdriredire,,,riruiîwhaa SLOCAL NEWS oOebrre mfi:a. f ~ ~ ~ - Tu .r.sr abfsrh.eeodea.. Cs. Robt. Ardronerpirrrstcrsf.b ilaek andsebrs acar,emseoi mu liuRck.-dTh.r eSsaIusdae d i h tias Juha Cruosmis vialîrd lcrierdîS nard ci.rysateasoe. Ms.Ooua.ul M Cidland ons Lil.lcsessDay. 2 Q reet.r at. Mso. lsyîd ahi Tbee asb da, cirîî r roal eddirtmatch. Alsesrtecemcmy n faeheteswhnwrcilahebidef couplee Irisnsuàa atar trip. gond sId cb..l days fîofrde. _____ Me. .iudMe.W. il i.pucuripeut tlhrfsoe cith lî cftrýeccj "rrrf OBITUARY 1I.hu y ...ay useorrsrrd fier.dr a Very Huepe sed lo r'sNrc Yea.-Pred Miffl.iSIO. JAMEr A. HAMILTO7t. Mie.m.Cajueie Psy srr5 'rima l-er fa.-A. Haîrîifru, retired aet buuo..f Me. .ui MouP. r, fi. Peri-4 rrsiriere, did etBrant. lat rin, u gfe.fD lOcer.h. 2rd. fedýi uttfY fr, Oripaerucasrcmet Delhi ad rrdfgrerfyserafeSeLynrddrrofs-.rNurfefk Cuursy. Laser yusreffsn rfesr uere1Tuslire lad ofrsrgra ss Lusdeebuc i TUEoCoosrr'îurci.erirsrmrrrr' isrersu-irirrsfrIh lirsi r-eed te pereuta 1i-ou3.i.su rdomfer bîeb abooulsat Edward.Sig;r,corf rireltiOi'd,fO. O efefreu, and MitonSu. Wbite lutThreday. MSS. FRANCES CROSS. Mr. and Ce- John fardefll fue So-Mr., Po.-usois mdfed saddssly et eredwoued thus iheir sorr. Stanley, a one dlaSt.. MiSP, ia.t 'Wl Put Your Wartime Travel On A 4-DAY WEEK Monclay to Thursday Ca rff ,f'rrrg vrefrfor fo srerrch rfr reste lu h Ld elf;î.lrs -rwho crrt ru tahr fripa s neci-eroi-but yýu" '.Uii, -sýi flo njestiorr. I' fist f. f,rri' droruneceary travelling just row - and, f. yudota-'go 'm oarrirf-wcek dfv if popihfc. Thuir th - i ) r iri;frr'-ofborscatrroch fufllffme. Yeu'lruaer ceaI- forr n iiiftif, ad for mur 'koierusotîruthe rrsfy feoIlý " ral . This hods good for rush houris ou plee boho f . .m. an ood grl iuformarion, and fickets weff jin ad f0 e, o voif deoy toydfrfprure tunr. For tfohoîr and information consuloI W. T. BARNARD, Phone 14- r- W4OTal the gursîs urbu 0 y he pptiiirg Roue ,the irîish Arrorican Hrriat Krrgrrr . rf ire rhrt tirry a"rrdrarg in the ost, hotdrin( <nada.one rrhatbas shrirrrrd rroy notaoble pet. sons, includirrg Sir Johrn A. Mac Donal anod C.h aries Mc,. Lrggrrr, eifr of the ownr,pecsonroliy eperelses the dirrirg ra. Herr (.fsrc Luaf Rails arcra freauerand ir eir fam as hgcrronaend geo cn raril rom sfocy are on of tcr .p1cattoractions ofebhe *'Whait's th Secret?" "Wa's threeretf rchunr- usaiyeicrrailsf' i askrd. 't' te rfour,.'l Mrs. Lrgri replied. "Id nrrrr,,hja uof usrganay lfar but Robrin Hrd for say rula. Anrd 1 use Robin, Hoad for alithe pies,cakrerad otheraking danc inthe haterl" Me,. Legett addo;d crjh m phasis: '*No ,hrflsar, cirer, i trula sch siiiry.bse îratare ,ritendere,golden ceuse. "I have bersusing ie foreuer tre years and amasatisfied ahat 1aeer useuy oher flou.» Order a bug of Rubin Hood Floue - miied frein washed whert-fromryour dealeer trufy. You are eunningno risk bc- cause Rubin Hoori Fiour is un- couiiitionuiiy guraeuueed lu gire yoa brirer rula, cokes or pies. laevery bg is ageens crrificate muir guarautees ryuemoney bac plus 109b if 1you do eut find dus: Rubis Hood Floue giveà pou beteer satisfaction thur, any yos have eer used. Robin Hood Fleur MdU4 * '. */ i «wi /A. Mrs. M ry sIrDnrîfe .rd dsrugSer Crrly aad Msecmcescirrfrr M, u-d Cea. Eutt, Acros, duertir the cist. Tire, SuerSi.recei, rL. fulý, .i.resasresd frîrerluforcruine hfid pssers...esrd tir ruicd iri5f brge.sftre tir e.cmYen,-. J. W. Cs.ehcl, cf tlie oaW r4 Oh Albrtaiavufersity, Edmontonr, r if J. Calfvin Ffeaiig. recortlypp.ntis. ed tîuerro f sire Saiwnîr,,u. tv Gasu. Mio. bcrar hîeuoffioialiioutîn las Tilseay. Der. 2-isi. SCe .»tirm. ...osy îcuirfo sOu b.ec pisrc.d uR auîift os, hi C i.enr, ithes ..ilr -11ssd isirif iii t wthy thie.fa.fririi rnîfr pruride f Y.-og-eos uss rnucfAil. m.to .5 Pic. Fesd Slersgeeres,, uce Park iliftaey Hspitalf s Ou rr ir I ilefSas Iofas e i. fiL0-Pl Mr.. Fred Srnrunr'nlnnfor ua. C oseTcorKssMe. Prauk Crromt and fumflysu-hrnrrhu.nrrtuerrretrnd pasybywiuulducusctire lif n-ea sd ...d. dir ail hf Mr. uC- Giond aitbrnfu ik lurcrra ruiy disarisu.it r rediiot.fre ni. i ecua.iisonrcnb.-rrasdrriroOc e pportuniis foeruerrnut if y.u sit tu getiîhrrî-ofri breesrsa fe,ruc . frruanccii thre b...e for il rusprorfit ..i dsssats r ui 5Miifte The eel..Iignîa ,efcnf tire Jnor Ciltur Cirapte, irir F., ui e 1 ..Tirsday. lesosry 7fuir . tOo1-kr t.5 ihem.erof Mr. . E.E. fir,,, MarinS itreet. Thia nethe sorsrrnatiro P. L., Whfte ned o, 1)f... d 1, euîs ýt in .@ ea, rth.r bne .f1fOr focreaiSrankcmS R.. r, .,.r'f Dr...Id ar.s pndi»g hb. hfdeyr t C...erI.tur. h,. gLt ibe.. iet-irmete or ..ert r serýresI d.i f0 nudero us«.irirci sIos.t-day, TDnrrday, Ii. h.st ir frenda lous -th T sc ous inr bipitgbociii hace -- erme snfod i ipisterireey. Pb.. Jehn Spire.. ub,, rs, bicsaeeceur.ouss urn, u,.d ac reneuly. Slcinti-ifsae 0-esd, leuaiiig hi p.rre..,,Se_.d Cea.AbrtlStephrenso. @.1s nmu tfuds bepc ire sIli sous ha-r pilotsreroycr. Pte. Cir.. MAcrrue, mfuo le.cai th. tcuup.eltureed lr 5rrli'Cola., tsae.rîrtcd hifsparenrrro-îrer fi,'mo dey.Pt. M.1elitrlt. in1y. refu,, sirtire sa..r eecfusrut w..I.sfrr cati, Ce. sud MCee. Sru'tror. uf Oe err Puosiry,Itle utiere te1îru, theUivcefWerbolfeayoe eh. id b.b..Jer"d ireh.Sire ..crrr-fCni Tir. cccsceice sis Dobeid o n ierrsengo e hcrisfg eslpn u dmry, Ja. 5rh. su S. Paire . 4 re.sihR-S,.S. A. Rîrk i-r 0, RLh, ts K... PFe..iyfeiarir silice Rv. J. B.O. ur, unIrprý- Tbo.day, Jsrrruî-y, fuirinu Aualio. M Ciurroth.iur oc Sidde'Il sithe.prbe.Eerry. urtcd tu .k.pei ciaWrStosirun CAOarNI-Oe Merdereerig e SI. Cae iudee, A.F AA.M,n,, tire -1sy ifi'ted -cffr1e1f3,ii WeOer'iio. Cnscayspraf, . H. SVirl uset .dul, - ur.P' jas. E. lirI Cifualgirm, W. T. 0serarýd, f Tseaiesad P. eL. Cessrucdft,.rn, Tiey saitfies . 1. M, w-r.. V.te re'ts r W.M.. B-Sire. 6cr, Wbfiel. n 5BW.. B-o.R.C. Cr ira.iJ., r.S esr Bro. W lie is iere . O.. W. T. icadel; . ut C,- Wa.e- *e,,J. e. e .rmlrut ,n BrA. &T, Weodiy, fhcd i . cssOrSy Y-.aesite h niiuig irride ber O,iraad mre 1Vri.s,rofmM.1t.n,, urd Ed.&id. rf 5,n u ecfi ci ee Suday îff.ru ,rî,,eocsducSedbire Er. S. A. Ki isk. lnrcmnt un Evereen Ceîm r tri f. RED CROSS NOTES ica._1. Peeitceu ofth. elondi Mfosoc i sic - r1tu mu .lut cei n -,u-the date of i irtilii bi pub- fiefîrd isr, OVe surîsi rîeefreof ire Red _orrr ,,.nctry nu bu hr ld atirsh feariruir,11,, Tiroeeday, Ja. fsb.1943. f, r1,rr fisPeak,Mr. Artur if,,,. PeciriersOnîf&ci,. Diisîsa Sed -lîfilroTuaor.--Aiat a qacSec feu n. foeu..srat.iloearca. i f nerf,, . -ss"uSearous romplet. ire irisru1 routre. Romt. Bereyyhsded ,111i1 lerotYpa ec anmdiea.hed fts su cuaf4-cosU.P.R. rrtbttraiuait tsdic rr.jnîced, ard fWs car woseduaai. ri.M,. B- e lrer tissr.h. «- s pa d~ rdf -mirou.Seinjurie. ~o itr.Y.PU.-rIl.dts ent th uff Dr ualota ihgsec b, mori-luy.i- idru.Ht.,th. y L.. iiiashi5J iorrer preeideds rdisc wuassi. rd Oc Je..__criisesî, Chmri.. ihuuspuur,.d rdaylub.r. Mucuorm Mmreflrs sng anas urpiatn srlo. lIer. f . lM.r0c eSdoeued theha. ui f offcre. ard ther, rulsingiat rfeoed fclue iraPreesfdess, Heary Ceicîna , Ve1.eniea.cru uia iiercg, Buri0ld egma.Roy Turncer. Thracac cFfre Ver. Nucrei;Ctiuea..hi, Ce CiP'lrrsfCuitrec. Fracro fipp.; Rcearr,SRuthirMeel. Aslats FfretrrPm r as ., iRutes. mer. Jes5itirî.l're. De 'llIoroul bý19111y iefllîd mathe ., sesi,rhicbsilfrbatbcthe fo.tfi __1 imfnnertathe partnagae un TtrSday, ju...ary il. tilts IN MEMORIAMI dePar ff1 hrr, JauseHamefiuo, sb. pueed -y Deue 0dl 141. 1lriînuslrruscy and pleum acse, Arr .fatrerscaf. Il-rh.aski.ludc-derrr Anidîrhd hfurî ed c. 14--,rduc r rpe tu m. bue. Sirir,' dure), hune ut s.s, ,o -Fuhi- Dmhrd fa.rire bruce land Mailly u-Sd by ... aud daa1iltei HORNIY INOX PRESBYTERIAN CMIJRCU 9 cou* Ohrd ssus Dad a, ehssced Wcelpdîhe Lord la he spiritloet =1f a p aai . u. eusa. ,w15u tlaeomiid sjcl 110 a.m.- ewuaur servicbr. deauInpd cas au sbei~f1,5 .m.-ilesior Rendait Osho, cems a i 11uuss. .5 r..Sriireccmi,.Si fer ua. 7-0pf m-ErnKER hi. .bSTORES ssndaym"vcdfrai eaamoa laentc, "Tie 14 d aeNew.' th iati aegAcs la tomiureassc 1a Mes. âames Siiy arisa(1hcrsua f ANGILICAN CIHRCII LIMfTED tonuaetbbereofhdaursrer, Mr.1Securd S,"dy 'l"e, Ba- .,!i, ýý -WIFINGY(A 1 ( )M VY Nir .Pset.l ,e i l . i. - I- i thWISAHI"". 1, 1)f rtesftîi - .k gi î ,fi O . 10ik . i. ii, r era ra l i va eryon 100 5.,5.iCmmuionsu burch for li th, r . rrda'o,,l Lt.1j7;0fOp.m. cecris sdff'coî .A .. pIbnt .lsaaiithius ithe pp"uà Pnyre.sard creooarrifs. tasniy srr a rie dasi1Er mire f e eri11 c. m 11. aleaî1 ad t.sh_ "mid Merday,, aI- fseirg Aiii.re sy ucda.faciiaiehiada tepraf ld et .(p-m. ua1 ma, m1nu Weaeius clebemlcd Hi. bfth. S AISINTOCIII day, ao Mi seraUlmfAtsaHmi.4 th. avons teees. 'ueiittry c-y rontso "rerord W alkçe Stores, Lim ited; A Nec Vese le a;es op rtaciiy. tet aaolru Fim ; rdli he rirsfierr totuce. T Aas îs ...sco.y. NiW VEAI SUNISAN'. M LO hn Taha christ cith yen A. oude, 1.0fuu-sru uîu ,rol. Capy______ vice ..drrctedf y SR-. J . erer. LOWVILLE 7 pa-Re 'rsScior.lO, rrs The hritma cocer etId Mies.11Arir Ocerrar iff beaur ir, rfusrenuiursahufd osMSsdscdutfcsu'rsrg.istsudicrilafc eve ues an. Agcoud programmeu vsur ebur h R dC risMs ar s ueul nofî cs ceie t ire h.Freirg Anîsliary i, R dC oss Annual -Meeting Sue Cd Sonuia se chrnaMrsr,. *brf.Su. P.er DuS rlr Afif Ga.Hserand ufcr a eaRoss.Mer. sbece saec ssdobcdSlingt fheir ri WILL BE HELD IN THE LEGION HALL aaslad clsh rire programme. Tnnedy,idp.. A --r1mf rse f Tirr Citrais cuoncerct of ar. Gao,c. tbîW.. et theSine.uerfMr. F THURSDAY, IANUARY 7th, at 3 p. m. gore cisarir Osedar, ceborI wse hld Meca-. CMrhre arceasbrd sur surs T1esDyiri ileeR. WrB. l'aire 1hrrbisa e eyuof usecrîr ey usLunchGouas «acd. Pue ree oersdsy, nSp.us Uirraaf W.eb 0- Gueat Speaker-MRS. ARTHUR ELLI S TO, Utefd rhsreh Susdaysyiorufer, Sec SS.A.Kirs'. fSec. 4J5';" 5r. certeansd irrer'm"hrfsonWed- dril adRe.J.iB. Mooee,fiuît. iicedcSleelofitheOntrioDisinofheCorofnrifbRedCoss nsday reeeirg. lie, . E . G.ufddrlfu Wedl. S prîs. Wr' rb .'croSec. oei hSaramn. Seaulmuniîe ua, er1crruChrecîrEVERYBODY INVITED. procddbyu.SN.1oltelra , tue.srs Tbu.r cp.. Wrr.rf Pi'rscrei- cer Mfsem Sulrfeouisuc. ilceffaf-vic lu tîrsci nni,1i __________________________________ long,efuplan.sd drooae dieuus Srarfî11%N-e-rigceift fymf'd rSlSyod. nfrcuoda e e rnd oC rhe, log Cfrurch us Sîîrrfm,. ______________________________ M. and Mesi. P. W. SHrff te ______________________ srosdfeiras rrmduas-Ofasrrs mls GOSPEL TABERNACLE Rer. and CcMm . .V. Kell y.Lakir1dO .a mîoceal NS eTac sd 2oums 30 np.u- -9,iday Sfrrr. saes Sericewilt e hld n te nitd Sec alFarm Mechanics Course rc neSuua ndayusorerrre. dOurdîsic srud rmitingis ,ti fiee Tir epciai seriea ODih S Steaserice..Dlcrudc er srTO DE sIELD AT irehabit on usday rcellrng wreWie . là.iar tr Irvn M.R_).H.,_.D._I ILI O Nm JANUARY 7 and 8 radiuSsts.ti. . i, ,e ins f f ~ ~ ~ ~ n: a 0.30 n.ri o n , i.uuiirdse i f ZIMMERMAN Hi.be bit rfil te ilîufi 4n1)-.f000 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., DS.T. isri. i'fise Pcrgrrt-erMuniof 'hr t ArchieMeto sShow Ruoin in 0Forniro' fildg.) rMissaes a Psr Bennettf. Torntomes' if yurr eih A -rorr4o nrf ý Bo5ly Berrettr iau arse s u'd e rac e n, D ire :snrî t, Jouri Ild efse(IaOuti"'ureCai,; Oa2.r R O VIL J AN. 18 & 20 Gecsld Oeldgr,atfof HSthmonu. Raprdc, Michigau. R O V L E epSr, th. lrOildayu as shul ne lieOrr..0O0O u .to 4.00 p.m., D.S.T. 'Pre. WfffurdBrifdgmun, ofStanrley(TwshpHal Bracse.Torrnt. wsmu e unure FOR SALE Twsîpfat Chrs.. 1 .eer. -f S 'i po ri ilic ie ieia j.Lurij ptiig t usD555 srrcrica rs ous placeon us ria,o o nthe l reh cornrecr o f irnfd thfre r-r rin ds5 miadjurfiifng f iirîers, Moif roý, Iloisu sOi , Ifrfr fuffumfsgc ofarchspmrSîe. urnd resif (fstrtclSrt'rc. auu lghtf ,,ror,î,d 0,,: Pfifiriig ; fr îSacisg Dùiffs ;Triioror M,irloriiî'; Piiif ed a. s fo 'i, s Supt., user Campelf l; bric oae inra m 1r1 or er- n'Ilrr .î, iIcs s.seîoc. Housard Gollus e,rcF- uhe Iifrcricifrrpprynfrnriii andso tr trendî, Mis Joy Bennett. par,fsed.eo ewltneqinet arsilesnia h Cee. Lloyd Ouofan s .'set,, Miss,e --- re fisrqilipint bcputfisforii,1,o airîîoo. DforteHaerirsnslnd Glorir, Oruref,. FARM FOR SALE Everyono Wefcomo lNeCHRG eadl osffee'y. Mr.A. Ptsfru;NOCAG libration, Mes. E. Pattfron; feos-h e ci.1. D. S. Benret,i S.. O 5r 101)fara , n arsrmf et. W. E. M.cedfiDh. Rrc E.0G'urid- 75 .11 csure. "ir, in "n ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE dors. . . is ,d.Lou Luciroer.22 seep-- îfef frfno sud Edtar Campbrell;rclur, Il. Mf rý. ~ rr ir ii.,..Onrif r .M EAJ. E. WHITELOCK, A. lia it. Mcs,J .C. Errer,, closse CuepsbefeiliS cs ifîrlrîf, uns . Mi,sse. Agrciesrl eR reerratir MaerionGaflbit. fil C-ssn ilb éff.' O. 1 Compliments of .The Season. Elliotts Beaîty Shopprr PISONE 61J - MILTON JUDICIAL SALE 0F FARM J PROPERTY IN TOWVNSHIIP il,)f110N00 C5'..îof l iloo. la the Soprene Couart of inluer GUNBY VS. flfNflY DcA,.. e red-e Ire le .cde iu tfr sre, 1ric . rîr Dr.off-rd Cor ..leiry rrrfcarr- o e jro, usoneparcl. uir hr yh rruf tar, cf th. rr.desir,d Westr. r o '1' tF. Cbjsfrrrf, .r0rccr. eprcr n a u. urTHUIINIAY, rhe u[ir day s of ruer,19430, fr O,, o lus. d lpcre.-uef. Ali una o sregsf, rfcrre creloincrn , rnt Sfti..d. -I pneorcckrrrrraud de. d 8-0-d rU .... iocNe ofeyuC 1tise Twr.brr, erNesonin 5th, 'osry of H afiSur, rorfrrorr, Frro drdd ou r RuasIHall uf Irs Nttrrrrrclrf,ucrrrin th.aa-drrcîcrcoof lhellm g Fuid townshipeý,toitarnu hfy asnfU rascect Frf.y teh. ., u la srre Se.,le"*.fo Theprcc iullir4nof -d lrc-1, .dMs-The 5rofs.rpf dror, tu the rrcrrfrrr.nrr- fr, dac of aie Te. P.-, C-ors rnrrirnfrnr eh- f ,rrcoy.. hsc nonce orý: .o.s di scef p-,1-- shallseeoh tS ire thi. br..rru. Pense.î h . )l5e -Lrfe h,-sf Su D.nrorr d..d "ider nibistpisorrtrheorru..[ uPohrfr cecr sa Ocrnrditrions :al: ore hm.surnding -ecrlrrrrrr, es Cnrrrcûet ssmrrdlled hDrtS. OObecerrscsccurfole 'r crehiirup ri r.uri. toril rrsrfe -0. ilfme ufer, iiOosrnrr frrrrdatioir mu ni eîrrrs r; i drru foc mshed 2t . 30 ,-tuser feue r .o isilirgsperr.grip.d tu tire irrrr.rd g -cri -li sfed -Irrfured r suifta..fue fuser 131acre- rlirîr, 4o sse-.bosr, ia..-Fmtu nFuerbîr parsierrises -d eudisusr e&I.fsey b hd leur, Mtesira SirO W. N. MNR W Pi Nil CORA PERRY'S GROCERY WISHES HER MANT PATRONS AND FRIENDS -AVERY-- t HAPPY NEW YEAR WR DELIVER - PHONE 6 We wish our many Friends and Patrons " e A . e Happy New Year R. S. ADAMS PHONO AS M M M M M M M M M M 1115 NIGHT f6 Wp wisli our inany Friends- and Patrons A HAPPY NEW YEAR PIOE C. T. DAY & SON MLO Msrrled Me% W'th Children To B Drafted Asnoutrîamt cea maeDacr. lesir, rbat areid c.,l19 tr 26 ynraitf, inlsebad b..ia.derIrirl. for reillup,ibuitcwaserp..I.d tmcelf as aceried usen liîhly cruldsont gr S.eiier 8 ...iciea s veis -i, md chî aise cellirsgs.p nrtearied use, eore rupulorry uslflry servicei h cona rpetativie,.11ii er se Sire Rmdle.. otchesher uhey bavecelidre Arrrediig tSu oaî,sres.nsf mrlîd maen are irasta odfsf.srrai egaac.ail ahi .lace usud snli b. ruî.Lus. culd hi precmrred Dp &ec ahs, hau by eumehrroildrn. Applicatinsfre. te pepsret ire men, cti re f acilitensSrsrd Dli deaci ir isatr. It i. ehrerted a uotS,'a rrerc- inmuttheerotaiosiroue of der bourda clllieire .ued lu tise ses, ft ses, PacIiiaeera-111imara usJarasey 27. Tbc leader cuthabe iior,.rtiie Party cilo imeshable tuufrtair a.sd maratlla i, Thomci cii tberfoe ee this coatimuit«reof a hru.. ranad front Otawaca rusthe rerpathat BrsR. B. Elam...i,.cire hmm diserecd the dutie.ofethai uinrecesiare tira dctîm t ofHur,. Dr. & ..... in 1940. d-ren.. foc hemitil reanos, tu etire. I l sa. oprn diîg .su th, muume. etioed Dy tbe Casadiapriua. asbitscei a Howcedlj. Gion, raberferfo Vas' renvie Ssouh i Johna), i. fs'tshmhe,. inviatintfre takenCentr. Saskr., and Gordua rydea. laembereorPeel. Tise rau.. rosuid deida ron tie ai Heu,. Lradeu aonesltaton sfh Me Broc, siru 1.eperaed ir toi@ns, bis re.ldemrs in Otaa eahuetfy. Ppeef' mehrceetelaly oerupled a lesdfr,1 place ir the rouis f ut ba sy. MiltonOntario, Deraher 29thr 1942. To the Citizena off the Town off Milton: It is miithoa"nofrrespoihifily as e mll us pfcuuure Ihat 1 vfr'rrrffo pouthsfic jîero.of Milon,rthe hest possihle focsa Iiolrlîy sud Viciarjouse 1943. A1ffîorîgfî tfeycor 1942 bu hsd mury riieppairlmcrf an rrrlrand rsurred eoryusacifice onutbepari of al f.Misianr (i iocîr,, heere, csigrnumhieh soc irdieaie ha u forî.,dousreand commuriiy saucrifice,earlike the lite and frfrr,,frs(rcà,fr'rrlhrre wloserve in orAreies, Nacier and Air Forces, mill sol h rir, vain. Inerejuhiflion, urer the fuel iirf oirtîiry aofrfrcr'lu e lowfy hut eleafify comisg lis use Affird Forcer, wr muet rrl llow any haft or refaxatiuon lu coikîs otr(srccer u tffai mur-freuworid. Let eachard off rfî trr5ie athomeohbuild afbeter eunamurityand uhroad fo fîcsî ffîte i me rrheu iheee iiibe PeaceonouBarthr and ifîîod-Wjfll> oAIltfbira. GEORGE H. DAWSON, Mayor. ist 1