Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Dec 1942, p. 1

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YO Wk.mVo, Sw.7 oe8h IIDI - IARDB ME VOLo7ME 8:3. Whui Tomr we.4 T"h 2212 Te,, 0@d2722Tooth Sa"s MILTONg, THU7tSDAY, DEC. 31.21942 CANADIAN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Caucatue, Amazon Land, -- IIAILIVA- Now Facing Nazi Soldierà 77772727JR..7.1 72227.UU777777 .7777... face a bitter 2770777772ln7the7Ca7. MAIN 87.. - MILTON. ONT. 277.3&.2.-Dally, casus2, accord70g teoa7bulletin77777 172.7 th-D777 7e Natioal 0077772777770 777777. 722727722027777~77772227 2.77 8.40 p7as'Da77y 2277717227723. E77l7e27 70272277770772 7772777777i ..mi7227 pou.7.-Pl7M70. pW29.22-gag. o 77w avalanches, w7er ail w777 7272277222 A2222727272777 7.2&.m.-J.77yexeptu77, lg ee agerous for 07777 7muscles or l7302771if- ?3772.2 the07 co0ud77ready te 07777. j 0g ll27 7 .3G a m, 2.0? ,7 ., 0Sonne eacly 7historiens 7777777777 2722722277.72722277T277722,7.772 7p m. ag.22 077 the A2777.07, 7the hard.7777777g .-.1-d 277 7ed hedouble 772777-27700and77777777 27.7227222728772.7. STIO 222L2222=2 7 Therochy 7770772 7and 07777 77777 .74077727227. 02272277777 8.09277 a. . 7.%1 .27. 70077777077the 777777777 777777in Eu 22.2022 777~ POLLOCK & INGIIAM 7,77o777 7777777770 77777 7777777777 GAL. Pan 478 NT 2mise,7lie2777, w7707 777777t777 IUEDOCAL 7707 7777 70077,oo 777 Dm..Stephenson and Waner th forests on boar liants, bred,77 m A1...77. 70.;7.......C. R. TURNER herses72nd0training7077777for7c,77771 p7,77o ans7s-dIurgeTns F2ne2rti DIrete adol it 0777 bail7,77 77777a7mon7in 7272i 77-2.7277 p2.2.;7- p.2. 27and Emba2.. 7777 CAMPBELLVILLE: fr ales ýag ige.Batalak on Caucatus Edge, Dr.. Wagner and Stephemn 770680 MILTO.N. EnguIfed by Nazi Swarmîb P 392-a777 77.77. B2aaisk, 727707177in t7e. Nazi Wl ..57l~ J. COO KE acr777th0 rier"2 77777, tov Physoba. Oorgo. ~ CEMENTandCINDER 777 72a777777777r7port7777077 77,77 7, .si . 727770777.-«.BLOCKS ý=. adt. .dr oto t- a 1--7.2-777.2. -.772, BRICK adTm E ud 7027777o7o777077777 o77 o C0777. 71..0.72. theriver bank é7777777777777777Ros- _____________________ MANU77ACTURED 7tov. They h777 t0 777777 ,o7la77 on LEGAL W. 1. 017:7, 7.. 771707477771 Y. 717:7, B.A. 07777777- -71MILTON 17 A.PHTIIN 4. larfr solcir, 227877172Puble. 7777777-7707Fermer.'77Building, 0Main BER. E.E. ELIOT office7in'.'121777Buil'ding77, Mlton. DENTAL 70007707 OR-1-. F. . BACO NI1ELSEN..*é- 777 e hl0praotOPe 02772.2eOS 77777772. X.RAg OVe,7 0027,070 Store. 00722,7772. S._A. FAY Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing 7707777 207 MAIN ST., MILTON ONT. Ai I «@ - A.y 072777277 N7r07 Cauca2772 777707 country. 3 NEW ST, >HONE 98 7 ,re te oitwa dnid h BURLINGTON o.tv ateem70ng port 7the 7787 of ____________________ maire77777 or 07the obstaclee 77 river t772777 7777077r77by the Don7 2772277, 077277277becameio rtant7770 INSURANCE ast rsrasoralln. i 6 17777 71 Kharkov077and 7the o07er y Lite, lire, Atomobile, 7.rginry i7fy of Vôr0e77. The r77777777 Plute (UhaSs.Ac4Ident. 5221h.1k. in777777777 27707772777777 7777Sta77- ingrad7t77 777 the7pr77 ctie707777f7777 -boit th 7e North C777777772 70the port7 of Azov on the7Don7gl7ti passes F. D. DEWAR 0777777777the77o. Phone0772. 777277727o2, 177Street7 J F777722 Fr,77t 7107227 7gar A h7ose.wiee conkeep lier7777a so772 fruits in a77freezer1777777, se- J. A. EW OTT rit Reoonal7Researh077boWatar oftej ermnoff77 agriculture777777777. ILtoenaieel Auctioneop Ai07ough fruit for 777777707 70 7777 P'.el 77770, 77 77777 frezecc 77e..707777 7 5,77777Route No.73 MILTON 77777777 o7eY. Hg,, 777777 *cr sy pz02707, 07ose 77g nb 77e7,e 06" are7777777077 27777777. 07777777 *Olb*boleoo ,o,,o*6 ee.*,, 77777 277772, 77077777 7777 7e 72777 7 *~iv th777 fruit7777 7707777and7high T. F. CIH L is ihu oaigi vrwe 1to thetse 77. 07777 077777777 77707 Lîeoense<7Autloneer combin7077 w777 wit77fruit7in 77777777, Rural Route N 0. 3 ith no dded 277777ening. AU7 the ~~ pot p7in the7i2eez7r loc7777777 o777t, ________ corn.00777777, 7777777or 7 777777 GAL.T Monument Work8 62-80 Water et., North, 0.77 Monuments, Markers and Cemetery Leteri.gt 77,772 Moer7277-Work GOiara.7.2d . R. DlUT7:SEON, Preprîler F. W. B. FITZGERALD lisurance aud Real Estate AU fias. ola272ae. 7r.,s.77077 727272..d7722 772770777 [j for.mieor7722. PH7)NE M : . 7.2MILTON7 fo dssr 77'77. 277722 2the 7fa-777 lias learnd to njyeating fr777ut "as l." 772222277277Le22 77772 Pr0da772e q United77 777t77, 7777777777777777 777077777 777ns, 777777777777777about 475,OCO tons of777777 777 77777 7777 77777727 00out of2lis rriv777777 70an a77 impor7a7a2 th ate 7of nabout 504,5235 tons per 2707777. On 7the bonis7 of 077. 77777c7e77 rate of 0low. our annuel sug77 spp77 77777total 6054,M10tons7.. This2la7 about354,- 204 tons more0 thon777 are7777777 in7a7772. 7This 7,7a 07777770 77 2777777, 777e777 7077777777777777777 ment0 of 7722707777077 007 77bc 7put into 0 777777 en7th7777 aries270777. Amer77a, 7777777777777777700777, in 7077707707g only s7ghtly 77777 777n 0077rate of 7700777,71production7 and Many factors 7707777hav7e 70 7be 707277777777 77gice 2a77700710 77777- ment77 77727777777the 727g727 777777777 27777772in ibis country, .7777 as777e7 77777777, 77227777777 770707, 707777 en- tering terminal, e. O the basi of 7772777777 treille, the 777oo077777777 777277Grand Central 2stations7in 077 of0the largest. 4Among77 77777 large staonsooare7the 0077770777770on inBos ton,. t772Un77on St77ti0n7in0S0. Loui,7 Salle Street station in Chiago, the7 the~ Ka7nss7City7Termina7 in7Kan- sas City, 3007 0St7eet2station in 777,77 7f7771718 and North 2777t02n7in0Bos ton. 777772272e272277 077727 07777777 7g sttions il citr 0the cou7ntry. 0777FF727507of7Bl2277777g or7777 tradin7 PILEMao .777747777Bunkers.77 Harhai Pi7le, 7r7.7 1he7caus22st77. Mon «7. 170.22, if.077 .727122772 . At hbut Drus Blore. Greenhouse Supervisor Givs Toupie Twistera If 7007 777777707tangles on2.07h daily usia cmmuniquez72 0772 Rya77727777Voroneza nd,2777Borlaglo. 772277. 7r7 77707702777077the 2772277777 names o2f plants inthe e207y22272 07777 70ollage 7oany garden, gays Albert F. 1-0772777227, c070277'ira77Il bouse superinten7dent. Fo7 a starter, 7237 Cochisarle 227070777, horsera7778h in oe7770ry American and7 7770777a.078r the Greek g777777772of 1love, 71777.rant 277777277. 40077777 7in7S270727702mi.1 07777777 a Juloy morsel 07.7 rabbits 77d o7 d0i777707077 in 77.777up de.1 277777 777 77707.1 SO277d lst yer77t72 272ty e.1 tifle need77, the boany gardon 7cou. tains more t0772 50 familles of plants. Among the plant groupa art B2777077 70077778, 7Indigo plant for.- 077777 02777 7in0the2manufacture et1 77Ye, and77Ca72272 0277127777772,or7.j 770777 2777712 7727 and 7772=. The77e 72-7772777excuse&2for217w. ing 77707.7777027277772717,2ar77277277 27777007 7777 and7a717un sativum. Vis72777072w70< have'7Kentucky colo- nels in 07777 f2077022s2727 2watt71te 777770 hov 7ta7777702272 Mel77,ocf. fina7i7, a hgIly scented mint. C If a 7777 p7r2027 have 20777777777 the, articu7atio7 test, 0ey 22777 77 7707777 7777777 7077o7es Soanum cap- 777707777, 7the 3777271707 cherry;% 77777077707 7077770. f7772" t77t072 777777777 0loooco 07772277777. 27t Frozen Egga Wrapped in Cellophane Saving Met&] Frozen egg. 2are 77027being pack. 777777in0cellophane,7. 77777 an7 7077777 7777777077of 7777770277, 7as2a17777777 contrihbution 70 the 072727 7777777 program. Th average 4077777277 houswife cellophane 77 out-hut 2777 hoo servait many a cake and 7quantit772 of777es 777eam 7ou7l22 2277 7t777 7777782m27777f24772 77770222777laid fr7270227 'ffas77227777277 y 07777. 70g. & Egg-fc.ezicg la an Impor077777fac. tor in07 the usinesof fîoing 7the na7t0on an77 lis Alitez. E7l77o77es for 1742 ru772 7 2a22777pcsât h7777 15,0,O.70 77777, or 3,430,W0007 sus7. 02772ries, restaurants7and7 70777 700qptic,70consumera27272j77 the egg eflher 2771 in the fr77272 7777,7or aller 07ey 7have7 7ee7de« 177777777 and 777e7. Leo7-es7e hip- m2ets are In dried fo2, and are 70072277277 7227777717 7more impor. tant, becaas of the h7gh nutrtionai value In proportion77 70weig777 and 777177 lieretofore, 2272s2277770707727 from the abolis.2 77722277int77tin cana., holding 30 77777775each, 2277 0722 0777272 22d7stored, 0777077 ' f the metal eMortagle, more 0722 2a score of 7777'72777277have 7777777 In a 277770707702777 77n7aine7 170e7 77707 molsture.proof cellophane. The7 lin7 Cano 772777727817 2277requlred 7777 2277772of 277al ea22h. Artificial Ligbt Brings Greater Egg Production 0,77772of 7777 770 70277777777777777 a Year of egg production will be77707 s777777777t7 7777, 7770 C. S. 7Plait, 00777770 7777777777. This w77,77 777 777777 70777777777, 777777 777777 777707 ly 77777777777 production0 777777De- 777777 77o7or ae, 777 7777. 7777777777 777777777in71942 7777 777 777778777077 the use7of7077707777777777 if777777have777 n in oduction7777 for7 a 77777777of7four7ta7six777777," 77777 777777777. "Il777777777777t77us A777077777 ight in 77777777 777727 la 77777777777ta 077777777 777th 777777 in th7e 277700n7of7the 777e 777770 7the long enoug ta meet th- rs e 90777077770 in h7o7respect. 7777. niiog the fa777 0777t anj0n7777777 7777777 77 7777777 sbo 77ctei! ta7777777 conditions bc77in go77 heaIOh 7an p77772707777able7 l0 77777077 tu the best 77777777777. "W777 lighting 72 77777 77'7i.7d7 77277777 t7 277 thot 77777777770have77a full 13 777777 of 777777, 77777777777 777 7777777 and7arti70cial," ,p777777770 70 plait7. 777777 mure777 777727, the,________ 777777 "27u7." Railroad in Middle East Univeriity Students Tell Strengthens British Climbing Lofty Peak& What Thy Lik, Diglike G7777 0777777 7777777777 7as Ifyou want tunail the boyfre277 77770777777077777position7onothe la Dangerous Sport 772777277 i77no 07.7you're the de- e7727777 0777777777077777777 7y 7the 07777277 7770777707-7772 2777770, pendable1, rendent27type, 077.yo72rar07extensio of7the 7770777 7777777 thiso tet 7. 777777 m77ajor 70277- 77077à"goId-digger," 2277 7o'I 2une 7777777777Palestine07 7077Lebano7o en- comins heaspct7 oe777 o77777f the excessivemak-p. 27777077trains, 7777770777777and7777 777777777 77777 777077770027777exact. In2a7test1joint7222p127277, men227- rail, t77777077777777777777707777777t 7777 sns nadeeo7 77777777777ped77 27770g7177.77gg2g 7.nd7ex2c722277e7make-up 777777772 072777777. Thec 7777rail 0777777777777and tyliieon 0 the77 7teu3eIY dilike1. tine wi the Lebanon port cty of globe7. "Men date the pop777ar girl but Tripoli, 777777777 7supplies0 777777a L7777 777777,77 are77a7challenge te 22777 07th e"pendable O7e77 7772 7722707777 ra7777y bsbe ûtcý venturesorne men, and beca7ue of mrkd true" by a 7vaut majority by Axis777pltes. Thiscoast wo7 thetes o 77777hsical7stamina and of theMO me. The 264co-e77s, afford te777707777077707part7l7s courage,7nd 77e7a7s2 aise there in77777772, were net se mur. one of the montdirect rout, S tu th a.distinct777707777770aide7t77mutin. Men atudentae.eeed tha no ne 7où7felds2of Iaq7te0theEast. 7777 7777777777, techniques bave7. e 217<77177 22727 77.0777ho veau 25; 7772ee777 citiez, o777 Beyrouth 77777777out777 7777 the experts0772 717 27072270772272 772geeed. Co-eds OBerut) het77een, 77777 7777777777 77777777 777772 Peul717 7e777072i77 elieved 07at UnneMlgent people 77777h777by rail0777 0777777777 .7777777 77 7of 77777777777777 72 277007777 The2girl& hllevd 07a7 good-look70g 7777777777 the7 70777 07777 miles7in- [o77show77777077777777777777777in: indivduls have. le.. menue7 0777land7',The7ew orail7oa77la only'500 A,77,77, 7777 07777777777 2 7777727.7717g persna;7 he8 m Mie s long77 777, 777 72777770777777 i7 m7 777 7or77n77; crevasse, a77deep772ow777277agreed 072h gila who me20thon 300 miles. 0777777 lis 77777717 777...7c7in . glacie; gliss7,e, slid77 p77d772and7rougepro&7727lare777722tien7, 77a777777 77777777777770n77777 1-o a 77777777777; 77777,777777 227dstthan the 7aveegirl, 0dent777777. 77lles2777rail7777777777a7route 77777 Io 777 7777777in7rock77or7 777tepeuple 7of.777.1, 777027727 7277722077 7072 the. 777777"E,"' a trip of 452 77?7777d.a7,7o77777777traverse,7the777777faillis ahould net marry, and 0777 0miles. 777.7777or7diagonal7777777777o . grls wh077date27177aevy ______ar__e and7777 s.7777 o..777 modest. Ari77ui7, are77777.7777777777 _te__ai_ 527eTies, T7eand Tru<cks 77717777777777777,77777 ts777unies,7 Lst Dfte77Defmms. 777777dout by a group of farmer .1. or17paiiions.7ad777777thon777777 IlThe Suez can7al, vital.77p72g l7k In0the777.777777777777777777777777j lie,77noll,77777777707and7condition hetw777the177eâ7terrae227a and th 7Oldham,. S. D., 77777,77777707777on 777An ab77-e7.1177î7y u77o777o777Red se&, May sere2aulat-777ch te7ormera777in7ot parts7of7the 777777777 Ire 777p7777 77fens177psitn ifthe Britsh are2country. 7The0Oldham77 7777h7as .77.7g.77777777,7707pmena7o:fored teretire esltward rom the 77777777a7transportation7association 'ea7. Nil del.1,and 77y 77777777774777777777 77 haut- 777717077 77272 damage hy 70mb70g 2and 2777770f, 7707777uted 5ù7cents7e77 77 7 loci on the7 bloc-,777 7. 77lowwae 77ses. 7This 2207777277 hy 777772g defenders. the77777777772laite 777777 on7 the 77ul- I77777i7770s..ciatcd777777the777777777 Damag07thtcouldhbe 0indi!on 7777777477777. This -keep 'emi ov Warepter07777K7og 077, dough. 07772281 770727 e7 of7the de7en77r77k77f" 77077. possible7the e0777 77777 ter of a mandarin,70 77777777 ber fa.deoUtblo forcd e cf 0 t7 ee 772. 7of777 7777777 of7777777 777 77trips777 77,777. opposition7777770is77777777 , tru77i72 of terminal 7777777777772 77ar77t. Il 7777 7777777il 7possible7 7777777 77777777775 777770 humine, o po r 7 stopa772.77 21t0"Foo7for77 o7 7 7777277777" 7pro7 i 777777, 777 7o7o 77e bang 772. navigation b77the07. .7n7g of 2ni77les 77777777. 7777777trips777077 a 077777 777777777Chang. Aoalarm 777fied rerypin7thecan7re tenirba on0777777777777 n,0777e7777.777 7777 brid77ge, 7but 7love 7777777phedand7 Althooa77 Eyptian 127777777 7ex-7777. thec pair277enered 7a7ba,772721777 tends 720 miles7227777777 lire. the shown in the design7,27and0077777malle- can-l.the Suez 77277777777f0777772 o ords iletSpt ty on the77opposite7 sho0e. Their hp ha7 e 72naturel 2ge 77077777 ph27727 b717'2 717slipe- 7777777 777 77777777777by a former 272 en A 77 c 77andAmie, 7777777 77770777 7941 flow of 777 777777 7777077 77777777 7770 7777overed 7their serons the low-l770g I0207070 of bout0249,00,000 7777777, 77777707 abode and set fire te<il, 177ling0theSuez , 0the2770. 0land7bridge 7bc. the77707777777777the7United7States the forenof two doves, who are7777' a7bulletin0tr72207the2National 77. 77777statio." Between 07and785 per q77777777 070777 777777 e he 777777 graphi c 077. cent of il 777777777 7have7777 Banale Hom22. Ieh2g E.m 27secret. Once 97 7777770cent 7oful G0171.Silver M27t72f. 7The living rnmof aranc7h homm, T72877777770077'a7il777777777777n 777777 7777777770 7e7p7e7.when 227eg01g a es222a7y -Baku fields, but d777777077777777777 7777707symbole;7777 77777777 ret painting 2cquired 7a simple but d77s2-0Soviet 77777777777777of77 7777 77777 077777777on7articles7of777777and7mil. ti277778777777ration t2maU7 ost. 777777777777t bas7made7the7Cauca- ver77777the G77777777777' 70777707777 The7alla and pitched7, open aft772777sus7output7a7777777777777777777 et Goldiths Hall in0 77London as 7777 7770277 2rt painnted oft'white-even 7777777totl. Cau 7,7777 7777,val 7707770of7the7777777 of th7e matai, te Laitier are 277d. 7177777a7a 7777for7the777îî'7777777777î,7,70of 7777777 the7 ue of7 e i~ 7hy manuel 777edium 770e 72, Wnd7, 77r2per772 iis777777777 7and7for 7t7e 7o77icantt whchan dalrinaniqe ver o77 1277702,27777770t77777077mate-7i77certains. 77as. Oddiy 77777777 7777o 7marks, rial, 77w77 e esofa 2and072777 _________ 777777 07 7777777777 77777 71. chairs are slip covered in a figured7 777777re7se7777 fl te 7odern ol- 2227077721comhhding 70 l,777 S7777217 Ramper S7ippng the age of English silverware77, w, e ye7770on an.off-whit7770777. For A7777ber of777777700777770777777. 07o7777777te77nd777e the0erlinî7g pleuantantrant22,2a large 7777777 770077777777and777777,777777777.77 As erly as 300. "ites D7orah he07menue. 707222col0ed mpits, 77aft. 7The70777777777.h77777' la7 P 7777707777e7Richmond77777s07 . -blesu7in 27ghtethctr t ylne7727777 27777 077 7o77 7777 777777777777777, 777777, 7a7777 77777 7727ed in th0e 077. .mingIe charminglieilli07the. Illich'.7777771-77sale77777777777777or77777777, 77777777777777p77777777777~ 7 le7'2 choir@77, painfied bac771 s laces-7770 777 Mos77 t of7the 7777 777,7777 solid s77777 by the 77777770770. are 777777777andod 777777 7777surf77- House N2227722for F2rmi The totalbheght of thegsatue of 777a7777 are77777777777777777777777a 0.7777777for7f77077homes22 Christ77the Ree72er in 38meters. 777777of7more7thon 12 or 13 fe77 77777 7 . .77ai oo citifie72 7707the ber of 7the rrillan embassy. IL pla len27772277 O7egOas a o 772 wu. 772 2707170ter77theFrench scuOp- 77777771778<777722277 707777777777777 hre are about 7ON t7, Paul Lanowskhi 27and 307il&,7,p7 77con-G777 miesofpublic r7onds2on wh77e77e,_2structio02and 27107777on2the 2urnmit composer7, made77 7777777777770 and 777 77707he 72a number The no .0OfMount Coreovado overlmh7ng 7Rio 777077777777 777777777about77the777777 bers no7 only lodicate the hg77..ys, 7de Jane1ro, 022211. 227 22777712777 Mozart. Mozart, w77777 7777 7 har' but distance07and77d7777tion2 07022the. y>the Brinofflen 2227122027 Dr. 7Silva 15, 77777707777a7 77777777770777777 777777077, 77 07217777 ~rn~Costm. IL Censt .ppro7.mt.ly $M, for the7ed7777777of77Ar77,7777e 7Ferdi- courthomi72tAU 77d7ere lronSi h7w «rm" pule77con-.7127 nand7077 and77 the07Princess Carolin of are t7777772 077 in1a777re2t27227727 tri07ti2n. The sta.tue1wu@ eomplet- 4087777 in 1777. 7Hess. rote77an aise7777777277 77the 11227 l 77 2 Oe yae.227 07 7721 opera77, '0u7g777,"7for7the saine7oc ber~ of acre in7thefa7277,Th7sdi. 777 0717 service7 wu02258772177 IL7on amion10. Wie o zart77's 777770p77ito 7777777 la77777 7227777for b7777272 obe It 19 1 Thestatu7e on-.17777777777 0777 the 077777. 771-s: 77ut7the ad7antages of7the plan *2222 2 atru77 ea àframnework 7f struc.- gave777072707777 7777777tu77the7by, te outweigh 7777 77l277777ng7. tural4S"1and 00on77r272.fa727w07 7val2and77made7the7777777777777777 dos7277777 h27 77 787022i2777722 7007... a77h.142*87707 '707euld 77i feel i1 werete gi77 1 22m,7the riverB7 it Ma0nu2facture. Le dae. Fou baeee2775477l2787 7Layad g.Oover IL." 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