FIRES DESTROY PRECIOUS FOOD Fut. tires destrcy f ood vitul £L5gygIC WRJ to our urmies and our allies. head of stock and every impie- IPOSgq ment burned helps tise 0o50 TA-g008 enemy. F.ght fig 1>8ifI fires. Prohibit smoking in or near your barns. Avoid carrying loose matches. Keep your ightning todle In proper repair. Dont tumper with electrit wiring. Tlsreshlng multiplies the danger. Use n water spray t the buse of the blowe. Alow no matches, tose or in boxes, to lu carried by any engaged inthse job. Set the engne or tractor well away from struts or other resdily combustible material. Keep a barrai of wter hsndy Io boti tise engine and blower. Remember that your tartu buildings arc todasy nt to Impossible to replace. Safeguard your homne, your haros and other buildings witis every possible safety measure, and- FIGHT î.ed,1<7t/ North Waterlou Fanuers' Mausl Firee lsuruce C.. ICIieSNAPSI-IO1GUILDI VITAL PIIOTOGRAPIIIC ACCESSORIES1 Wallchoen actto*rie. 0111 8(0 yho n gettiilbottr ueupchts such N ATURALLY, ssvrr ospeesosi do7lily stops to heaity of phoîootspher han hi, doRs. pes olders, seeroots hooxese It osho tho shiubj ebtIti<k eerorse ed stcnd ontetetrotvelyoand w5.11getos 0.0thorssate c f ourbsedarihs, be sosoras îou<ec. Ad ith.o.g"trelt oosoreos chogesoc cOlO hem. A filesr lsa .heel . d d sedhby eory cohehilo.lsospessives<oooa.toso. ad essod aeurplitogosptosr. A lenshood,etof cesoeer These are: asercoosuesg<side, sasone spcrllly vitli, hut 0<sh.uld filtralen B ssumhd.asd a tolrsd. hs Inelued l s rerkit bhOOssIl < O.eito e is? lehhs st, roooroeaico-told srvces. rst. use, aed chothe o ueowe s taIrty 0< procons exotrose(<ht tees. msedrtoinOt, r 10the titestsi inltand eterise the.. And sud Oflu etoores, ysue1 l th00 sedly, <I h ves icos hsrcs each eulbol p yee te hotos oltuoe lstor pltues nthtosnyhtroc stehîse. oet ho tes or lenstisse chioh ots. Tsoiten ,,,e guiSode, fir ( lu, ooely 1i.appaentosle setoshos,. et555. I doent itansy differ. Otell, theesthe msosr of tri. orets ncheirla a ephotoeoloutolo ods. ThOrotttetlltg qeliîr in Xpoeurrsmes'rr, or e-nt oet teetthoy ioeoosedyosrcseres oe.ssle aouoette,îcoltoiO ithot the slhteat traceofoeeui. Poor eoi tptoed-atd ihes ceoîd- tha's oir..jImoertant. Gsioe. put Cins.,Iliteusoork ' aed peel intsithot, tDue A ttie eeomeicd s it eess <e hi ,0r photgraphi aooeocrsies t hobs ponondett fici os the e nttlood, Il<i ciihlp yu ro ores qosliy et yorse otieo. aomei h, hotter elieueos mores ossiicsir. pic think a meditm en roe Iter 404 Jehn rot Gife Buy War Saving Stamps f - Ouislaudlag Collection Q~ uota any oneusFossua1111 0f Mollusks ai Chicago TIRM R Ê l I elclu m Ose of the mont notable =es. 1 fi hlsa O= = etf55 SISout5, tissas ofmsllioshs, frosu wases all Gcossa s cer as hhneci is d cees Os sooeedwha, au shillirin déel ovs he fssrldshsnt et ssisgysFiclf 13AMY CAMPDELL Ih; oad ossa apiol ta s quart s Mssas. s! Natuselsi orsy, Chica. 3"0.nseouea.-soU ssos., day shosif hD sfllsoefotr ech go, Ill., t ws. osasl e by r mmhr of the fas.5y. sasso Gssf sas, acting firosior. It isslsdus s are ton pesufly lsvely, s O.he at her iilasude s l on s.oaitasa 100,500 .seeissa srer! Tacsy Lily . . . a01isoetisees te ha smis shelasososstf fsOn sesrofshald hsppes.' No croi s citl.bis disi throoghoei rhdldhsed shos o sote4ers hy WaltereF. Wcbb Wotds toîeged shoot hlu es o, in Oils tuourorfnet r gousool A youog (Pi 'o tt'1,oo'lttl, î,t,,oîo ttîllsean o- toi . o10,,igs,"gbusan e Stanleoy Field, ooo.oduofuttesma- It set plaubeeototruotohon ooiy tiroegh milk. ger.seliihai, seffesly, he nose s ohcro- ro eiomieasoE Acoeditg te Dr. Fritzia Nos, coses- iso osead, snd monti ispoatsoeyc ikarhntemnrisal ter et lonor ineeiehess, the pcr- asuforeaecoule of heurs, chos he ies. ssf phosphoes. Esnoaddiion, mososi sietific aleofeOosl- ws ta hae ethberIn fuies.mie.n-baiesiihhbasoehigh placrss.ssg ito a htofytoaoOuoo. 0fio di eOtseofite qssliiy ofiira il icues aiethosis.portanst pivatuionalss ahsso. Thir test breaki- fpeete lue e, stsgge d collectiions hish M. Wohh han psr- ims et hesaf togoihes inovoer anysse tehl, <ouls. ehooe, adsteene olesef in Eerope snf Ameioa, He thsughl sciftlY. Fsiihsb eghc csîoty irsftandieugaedioo noe.o dtis siuehsohsas a iesmutsao,hw cs hsemoa rit<sohiiiesee Othe518s. heagais? "Bsme gssoloescerd, Thr dooly quotteat of ik raslee "Fielf muses. hy itis uslo- pleu.c, about chere te fint ou' "ho otro tlrough oCheroorne ho, liens o oileeiascotlotonsof hoggef. senalsg euplfly, hali.eisleg loeîh uhol nihk, asinisîhes, <solk culf-side soupohat fils aselos a s he dd noiOsulyi ie tasii,sous, uor remerd doses,heutoe gap is lis uulogiosl Collectionsanodfdirect sud felice Osemissiestisa tituion ofeo<tht orooiof the daily fores.a sasis fteeuter sctives r- mesgsee. nîlh quts s ereomooodod, Il sseh itheofild nwusuasly e, Lidigitsi Sihast salA: iî eterioroaldaititaueiparts.îi eerd ft as 's.sisrology,' -1 ays 'De'l tuDuts me bhane. Weli und partcheereo. De. Hasu, anexspet inhis suh- have tmoews." Thsioloîicaesoteqell1 ect, eoriryetfFrankfort, Germa- Adfie hâ adid'Tosmcre.s theoioud vasuese tor uhîcho <ilO sa sy.nwhocaess.a tOiountriy soc. seldcde about hometleth- prî iquart ut osai yoass 050beosusa he ouldst, eferssunsboa. Thrsamusnias- ftod vtle irolk;.17 ounces otusp netsand wuletei i thOesnome îy pr.,ilinloo rotd il,lqutofeihonilo 1plot P,1 obuhttr;oune "Mollucss f boh thtc se snd hssger and loselise otr logsssiy- 1 Ancriao CIduo i rlîosso 1h famiiose, clas, and es- c ..oesyl uhisg. Aedsscesths ouncese etdried skin olh piu 1<0 seis,iuîsithoowihtlandssensila, wl.n theOmh usinssspoe open haveobehoofetgreosoimpoitacthe O cvauef momesnts. mashhof sicesthe tfisesofuthOcee- When elshe Ippdlre aOs Vcoru o n onse ea liest Stoneasg,flest asuasurcee o isos.t0e ciceator anf ssgsily se- o n onse ea fooud, afdsooedssdly tforlasofndlaxof ho a fesp choir, cis corbrd Asking for Soap 'Issue' sesamteeli. cspotuuy, vey mncssss lrt Ucerl.îcttaundtfgues rs e Whensh ais c. cessussly paliatef 0001li lteiduo ot ierhlseeoooth AnRoyali WasaPioneer and oceivef a lettesr wiO esoifiof sredountatutel t or lteore-ysso U. S Newpape Wo aefr eyo.s0ehe ocepants o et Oooth rto tt coothot v yi .e U. . ewpaerWo ulcusge as.aunit scoitesi foeep. tlorrctyttttr4lchko s o toe h Aeeias' monte. They suchler ae,soguve t.piir eole bt lir uol oeeilul i sous Ase Ioyali, cho wonehefnsuhe us insaat nd uf Ioithoesletis e tOt hullotttoto hopbeluse Poul Pey, chicO boss ubpeichation Oie bâti. Theughtcoenssciftlitre or ut tht ostot tn looos in Washingeto inDsts.beeto 83. seonsslieroeyrelohte site ua ecakuute o aliooevtiuoureh<. Harsdst flrrthsr SNiee sehor ci nltisnesey hieh huf beos, broisiht Tu thito octl la d, sloro ues "UuoioTu's Cai," w.. thesu fi oh ehy roqueut. She wsoecaien oaitoues . ho otlthreuggoe.f scuopoporcolueneistinb theUitf noofs anf fopuetesi. Thee w<scntoI se oi uld -tOuttu ooup lu lin, Sîtts au er ooobsevtones ses.- iule sigl,usif eeoreentth- und le -Iudetihoi(torvd op te mandcf vido attionu,lise Oeta- in brhos ehof loobsd epecarose nvsetttolltoi.He uce dliîghlsf, moues hook. fruopisg <t.s ptlai ihoeiuteasn. ,od ouloho (00 reports toat Or Elizaeth ochrne-btterkn I H ws aistis dshiioong, hoî.toleiktlo lststnosti ullcltsand Eheobot Cehess-hafis hucuriaif striefs.andfoeed Orontot.e. 005 otgtott[y lo tablehicth hoied. as Nolise Bit-nos saseli-ks<us.s.Perhues poo'li rost tu lied nr!" and lutetotil ttcOhtd. repretce.osadet he tarhte 01lthe Herecaf thrnurds ios Oslieteuct. Goodlabts aroiotocttttofotrasin- cenii503, asdistisoptesi fer- thagein asd feint hoe. He dtutded ingep tilite tlold, toeott oap- icssessigrs.rsis,ugays heChisianss loniy thuithre suoue higol otepuluool-1 ,ul Otlltot ilinot Scienc Monitor. She olue maide aheutgo bark t supsohtîoet r îltoetat tiolaofauoritt huerbol reeeed-hrosiog rip aseuos 0ee sst aoselophoertsll. lotte tak-ea oloootoualtroosery coif iin1889 chils noehieg tor the 1Ht stoeo se<in lethroegh tIse door. gaine.oloty ae-e.paetuttes Non Yuek Wold-comspieticg tOesHefdid nset <oat eToyo tltovotht i o-1.uooo.ll orsogooukr teo. jeueeyhin7 days and sixouts. 'lhshad retores. Net reakih.s ultoandlhapperuatttuds thacsim. ileeeahts eoiol her voc itrngtt tu.l peitqutesisor ise nggigor Fakisig Pisgee Pelins i.Satis h oe aogte soioog. A femuoestiesnars, gîcs le.lip evert lctglse ______ cetofiiy t mssod ut tuhisg fin- corelforus! ofce dar place thloy ger-psrinsishioh, it wsusif, Csf hastlisusos Instlse. Nos for ndTaeCne abosueeip hottief'the Frencth po. ulusy mous aie lt ehhght et Ic r eus t.canai doit,,Alec. lice. ece fiereirses, ashsutisOs the od tottot e abusy hirlraesos Dfiourses, yosmatirhacessges. tsusfiuthesnaar,ceveryihie uîo tult lotheoit itotoce < rfs lainefngepeht t startcwli. t bIl fiesthg. aiss-iusa s ehte .touotgesluuyuoerld <on Por- a ssggeuted <bot thia con s-ur fiat lait; irucr. Nco, l i, i te. eut ood dat. Modoenri osol c hy shakhog hsuds nith th "icim aiente freoerishe eyes, teio.uhave pt iltitolito fr otpro. Yo'e eesigsagloecansfyousoc iseutter peretcioni s pesoly mnoos dueogtd totose h ittycan got aplstie ubstance pureefos alm,ise msoed auslessly and tttttcastoglyueel duoay forcfu- Oh c Oofutit. Thiu shitssud .ileslly sfiugfiàusleepigeses. trLevanot toode. Ledog eperts eeps e impressioc. Thsyou put ta fe, buirsu. aitto AleotdttOaretoornsllycet- litsohee ouwnit il. As insist, subhile froorort c , to oacoe, lienceîuoits, lsoe. Clabeas <bt fOssr-pohote c. Oc siseiiedbhlm ta puis. t lhod beockt. ccn. oand tetile. All takof havesbecs ctade beflre. Bot îstemieeiiy iviveosoico c- toode o rute îothipari t ofthe helouly icsislfhbe a tookyhbusi- uhohauos ad mnoterntai id otld fulieupoolooîmadtifaouosh ness. Audfexperts supthatitho te.sste <ou ýboastifl foteehon. Oltu Irguo d ollitoy soonro tn rst tcy emplywold soo eîesuy hehadhought he st gOtlpoviPseod tlor obootslfroooshoe. Ic foeotieiohhi. s sp oto heses. sd bacheler dogettîge an(tundced tohoe .loepaltered Aogoss, tshef priis olsd b"inresec."ciossteefflisi. 'Vetu ced 1tato eeohncoo rooue asTroand Helle- __________ ooosd ogoiher sg rho,"aclt oltospont, Othe Ertolzintud Cytlodes," iassisight. Hddthe nroetlWoludLtsbes. iand Snotullo citoil ta IMssig Liaiss'Jawoue hoCefd Oe? Andf odttg.Ioud, i.. nd te ral acd otlouulfiguires The ischuoe ofheo niouhog lîsO uonecue a s omn sa soo vooei oocumr uaod Ils Argouctu, Sos. iashbeccfiacoef. IEiOlosgta And if, hcig sprd,OtoutCio pho, ldtleofuiTroy and theToi theso ehofhet OcToasvacal mas unehkeep? Hore, Apoilo, thtloeratsLsder whse raies. <dirtof ihut he ho. Ne tureeto with s lietir ighte.bou. and livilutstheliorouoroXee. lecgftesuooissrrts.isay lltriple niseors and lootgît.iioe,hAleander, and Dariu. De.neeto, thAfrosimu: orteo.opehada rhhion. Ho1. Ned ori retm ports intaOcomuen.eicatisonte Natuee alliaiet as sîsorsss et delaetd . S T iourecru ,t il noieon 10es(tmil- tOatho Os fsoeceodhoU t < e tcotOry lsd uiood htroooogetîloooilice hoset uonl x tullieo nmulesl mO.uliehas icsjcordatOxnot IkfOeogesoIe , d to hr UntedolStatecd, .11ltogsihee, ar .e On ui thce essisderrofthetate ieus. looeig,totho,o dllars. . oOtitle sy i la ettp- th kl ata fachtimpciszeo. setcutoseoeaipthrt. S ouent, oaloo toafie loosr rorelfreot Tis eaises acotoreoig qucs. ha ribler. Ad t ottdeoocto ulo t o i n <. ties eu te tr te otrasitison ede r. lrtooultisses reorhloed and tfrot oeotaman(ifsu oEok pace) "You came," sOse id,oIel esn0a5t eultlthlon 1ud scoplit, tors. osti., wnhy a graduai hage orwOshe ct0'lms.diate eteost, "tuo d sou?"cand blocuk Ohe intetines. therc we effdresmutetoninsu w u as s@bel He buoa i Farut.hesestoxtare nmoee haci- s.laohsingle chasatetssios wooo scicusly plscs..ansutrleppef [y oolutrd tltetownlorsers. Ta rs alteed. fier. llsoasfiniseeye. aassi- noooootatd detrtoo'lOrooornoDu tisai t loouis ut cItA Righi. She Piont chrîostsedvises tot reoe.. was a irt, a speite silf inhat. ossuoduoldeogesoftipheo<hoococe Wihithe Calendar He wssttoOcer ineesrushofihltocihe rcd,,i.istereod, ppesOipb Ths stuey l mshicg thse rous t est 0bis afabee Oro eic tcutOtatttern ea. Tc hol the poa. etan a esy air base i h<cSoxth. tconirmaonsuho ouid set grilit. sitlein îthedouppooge, heootothcp One Picato Daisla aad b is s- '« TOut you carnc Ore .ssuBonetr hhrsaot1or1 mate s reoestiy che Ce caisd o o ceodihly bhauulitsil" puooodx ef speOlotortsper tes of thePont Exchangtae.rge car- NHe s nmehlen fotpidoe ad ieuessoilido,otirck. Husee, rylsg in is bond auet oos.sloipe surredemntsndmog isher soottueodtin ltiernsrmeo to. cheerosofa tRast coiss prielO a yzshatoeosOe tured eft tos.erds acooil e situlagtetel polopeisidlOc Bsek t tOchseaha Oeseolier thetirru. lier gsture vnss hglt<. andtooi osaoeuitto, roe esfiitor aouoaltly sweofhesaiipes onsisllp rehoiseseasusitsOosido "Do yoe tlolote tfsetosco.e ahirt andfblouse. AOefddy fiouiy hocpou usftehaveus Impottlthorocte. oalef set, "Bey, Davis, E1f d ookshehro, suisi, 'Fsîtti0e< kiow osu cors pesmteto." 'WOud- auxai' asdf nbittre, soieg, 'Hope 505ssthe0 <bosot da tsinu, peoeeied," sOst Ouoh -tOts urse, tol' adblasf thsu ishi t etttllu 0hon Duel.. "Es. <s tOc uony ftusx endosfuu<g again, 'Love,ithatl- nesiîe.ia i i cmu musths. Tht mares mceprithe foofasourai TOsthree,aed te notyoit.iHarold BrockeoftFuort fit lss, dos't tf gretot ot0oe a<sisel' Dupu eavtc.orllo, Kan. es t<y heen rememer?"listed ie Uri e ms,rny. otIes He oued et belhebosirr e- i re vdaiteFotsavno Qulck Ansoer foesebm afepbeliciosomoenti IltooptioutCelr, let <ssiste do A salier ws bg istuted n oouarmig liermaori.jitOhbis andta atoi suerOîxtlot wstinnrds<iy the toch suystemof ettyppsritleg. IEth<es Os iissof OesugosE <thep <tiglt Iobrtule boreonos iloul. Seemsu soust eoysy oierOl.but hoiesotO rite Ou onemirese s e iter. elati s crsoi hald prossiof .p isioigiig. Foreseveroshere "es sosulthave retured eoest otiroolu solOie ean focovt ai~ Ore hopEt i. The0elâcher tissllp mr. ports.sslyll e tfis ie leslooxtht 22-yero d soldi'. ps., cam pb, gisstsd rivebis shouler fSally. roeiatlenitsteand delrtinitt ml- at the weuehthoc ouuhisOsead. Whe sh ddnliftober yes bctooettctrce d Jataalae urac. "LothesoisiaeseptxnsOe," is o scsrousllh hd touird her of tsttp tiesen15Nofawaui qeet thc losieuctise. "Vusmnt Obeprie ic sonne deictsioprori toeoey, Mtss.oeri, woild rasaitifiiO guo cly soi Os nore csertod." ssienOhllocodO<bien seagitahall wurtrnot goeottsd a filoestu. TOc Theprivait geined. "Miituaie? tis sosuh deamu ta osep. Ile Ilor btlogl as grasird. and Pe<cut. Tboescoo'tnliahc. 1kEhohus udafpus el oulosavOoesuri BSocuboo rteootdaNodwasurt-e taetype. 1Ilxstfss'tbeeswhow tauay,suilleroceed o ero ips ado ty lot, o w h, dunguwhoth he aveuil ut alite tOlugs. 5,000 si tonl WELL DRILLINC+ MIATES JÎLSASONAOLE sosusaniîeoon EDWARD A. CORE DSRC DULilII PHiONESO Red Eslate foiSale or ElChauge KEEIP CANADA FREE isau.od 5oor ilioughot, fiepîsor, B o n 0200. Preo$3"l).011. cash aIer met li:x2 lt... lao WMAT YOU CAN PORca Ses,-li trcehikfbousoa liuuf gasrgeas 5050bathf iseu., SUPER-VALUE OFFER Tha is îecqpr 1 pose. ansi Tour Choice.etO!NE NaMsgulno in Croup '", o" TWO Magaubsnla roup 5"B" E ELiberty <Woolyl, 1 7. 1 s ESMolaunu l2issue&).l1ye, tlmasguinsDigest 4 O&ua 1tcaaden Hom. Jotunal, y E1 Torus Story 1. AEFOU E E Suler c n, 17Wr. c SChateais. e. LL FOU t 1Cholgan RsIbced 1,la. 1ENtil HomeuocscCyo. Y. ONLY El PsohDigs,.1 7. 1'.E uaiy Harald& Wecly Star, 1yr. E EPlorGroer, e.h7r ESceen Gide, 1yo. 1lFamilod l& Wýeey Star mtcîko(ThlbNtimusiPiueiO El sc-c ADmeoy. S170. Mosthlyl. 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E1 Poular ScieceosMonthiy, 1 y7W EN4 1 E CilOîfLi..1 i 7........... 50 . .......... ..........e W If svury one of Cosado's ncw ormy of woge-sorners sovus mors, the country's effort loword wlnnisg lthewor wil bu greotly hulpsd. Every dollor yos sovè mons more labour ond molerioils frssd for mokisg the wor gooduso sargesfly needeai. Thoe s vings, blent tait.esountry iu the porchose of Wor Savings Ceriicoies or Viclory Louen Bosds-lest ta Intsnsify Conao's wur .ffort-wiil bring vittory- oad poacS-o..rsr. s4 T H C A TE PE DElAN K A S PUN LIFE POLI -and It Plans-SECURITY f PORT MESON, Osi. eUflLfte. Cv qives you tjhs Jmore M for th.,Tme of Need EWIOUR5TM l'hesu (ombisatâon Offers are the Blggest Bargulu of thse year and are fslIy gneiss- tue& If you slready msherlhe tuoaan- of thse ua¶@zm sted, y>r ssbscrlptîou tsi ho extended. Send m tIse ou TODAY. BIG-FAMILY OFFER W& sNewspaper 1 yeansd Tour Choie. "y TMM Eof Tise.Pobliestions CiliCIE TiES MAGAZINES-ENCLOSE wiTII ONGlE C Mdecas (M<NIssues), 1 yr. C 1 Cha lc . Me5atinal Platurs ALL FOUR f anadisuen.meJurals1aE. Moo5iyl.l1yFr.ONLY ( E Chalaine. 1 7. 11 erI<0a n utCo ee . Y r1tEiolsnoe.Mstlhy,l17W. CtECanadin o.lry Rei,,1 Fr. r > 9 1 lsnOly Neuad h Wccly Star, 1 yr. C(] Rsd& Gus l a C"ais,1 W. 1 Canadien icl ture so& Roe, 1 r. 1 AericnGirls, mt. 3 0