I~L,~..___________________ -- I Wlase Ton Sueit TueS iui~ kA 0*1001 I *UEY Ye.w Ubisma 1555 un. ___________________________________________________________s (auttbiau êanrpiou i WIn ton SuaiS TuB - I I~~r~L VOLUME 83. MILTON. THURSBDAY. NOV. 19, 1942 CAINÂDIAAN ULtAMPION 'UKAVtEL.LERS' (lUILt>1 Nimble Fingera Obtaîn RJIrAND VEGEtrABLE - fl h rreCopo0'oetro ROREOTdeotorsc tace o 10000 ctilits h ieCmato eto --Attractive Wardrohes - cýO RPOTcii date bath hbttforthe aver- So That Tbey Ca Save MOBt ltR XÂ 1NNG 1%3A7AD1AS IbAUPIU.LW Womaa, W08000. Bave thsho e Onaro rui ad ogitble age personl. Ifr outesct chllj ad ieOe eerc o obrtrs aA. raas.-4100e Bo.- cloniez; repaie ah.eOmes OrM; prt RIiez th. cndtonsor the try coter. I inaot pobably doiteas ofera h cvilila ioncered, MA&IN ST., - MILTON. ONT. , . J,-Ibati ikey 10b ne ing - cas COMMtarlait antd regetabla rutoe ua argond. vote, ar Bod coterare acarcer. - m~~" n-Daii.fore Yucm buy more. la rtetProvinceofr Ontarto, on c-croeotttpcaict Bo ut thegrat rubhcrfactcries of e. ore..ooee-O05 &46s dOP in-Delly etept Sesd&a, Thon are suggestionsetCeon Edith O Cooon EaoSutitem dar. Thet in, igitrthe Untelîd States arce afi intentiott- ,u- B Uoo ., er, cithlingspeclRst, Oio ALIOi-TOnoippe top!inlWe. cool, but oot cdcli oob c tacuseofly detroyiog a sinonl qeottity of -19 1 .ooooea- BrurclOa OIcaDai te iearsruty, cho sai comen amOtriDo ll oocrslcatdotaab.o ort Oaetatitar Ol.cofort. roberlontircsaoach otbasu cceh .laau sO Ar WOS .,- 50OS _~wth amlsooi Rger. con havo tteao- 0,00icrsi heeterRroue slas peoro. A ,pont005 OOlo.4t. &8.Op..-Uoy. figures, te Et approaltoately 406oe ENERCY AND INTELLIGENCE grAeraotfrticwrcor css.ol.ea teosS tato.0.1112 r-olyeoep8soyh ire wrdrohes clthout bylag nom atresc.oTt.bpeerdsevait.v. . Mc. th. v Uis- Suffl-3.0. . - unisgarmsoat. due larzly te eacertloai .l.lag in TO. deolorraoo f a bstns de- Thetory lanain,acccrdlcg tatire pIsu 01 a 15.s- 73?M. 2.07oc 2 , The prtnet question teo agitMot districts f ail loto rail and pendo e rgelîro wthi. saer yeogharrrs: corsOlste 00,0AT7. 109.4P M-SAS.gc onliderieg the rcmedelilogofR Doter rarlttos, esOlalîr -Badwin.ad inteligen. The poopie r WocTo fodit the crret techcicol 10- a"pein .. M f in 00 o15.8005GlgWna-9.22 1M.fine 6.8 . . tesare chether the seamtren lan 1941 thepreoducto f arrîn 10n hav orsnoiC or noou ns atereriaeo formation ta moike possible ftore *oOaoeee._hnsthe tna ond dsil, how noch West~en Ontario aoooted to 77.708 are lmooa teartahiyer oetlce Pr- hamrovemro10 in tire design adi OA5Soarnsssa...ed bOr OSet - the rençaellig wllcl e nt aold .0000 Oare»U S bsnaurraot Bnos. Tsy ceor affaaiofradChrd contruction,crrecnt aiotel tres IcaîrccerltsdRaer rt-raCorabee ock. Thor ceeo abtitos or Mrat.-u cnt etetd. Cp" ýo ANADIAN NATIONAL iAiLWA? chther the coin~ erm ient watt coand'ltlooo cîletO ua Cfair crot er rmoun. Thsy unsd Iolr trainsThat mroou hcy must bc virtoally ser=nal b-#M, las c s 0 Bo.coc gSe UU.b atW0atory.Most comne ii Oroooh CIoaod procss.10g nolsos. And wcon mstotlr. oobrrt 10ditcs aad c1esoocgeh oe scslsu Faut -9 -7 -ddOtOS 0. P 7.0e. 0e cotent cth rhangiog the mnar and hocry atoes oCbotr qanit, carsf tC Orld onte 5oods aaenodede "Bot -pur.SsorSosa,5.arndetalo garnetst Sivatheni Ca roit.Althoh m«onccîscrYoddnlreaoortheopeuple,.andtryloOg tuncl kowosegrohr, err .adraooSeOnSS.fresheed appeorace. ctrhards aeront traincsctoe" cât là0T0lo0 cot carsbe, hwee OloSnaastrSh coon..na dsa.NecCelirS, eoOtoecIaeutarY' a etosîderohie volume la ai. li. lz=. - nua- New ollars, ecut neklineulfeitidoad will -esttcly theItier t alotokn oargr Addintell- For,the 100pouvas of coriasrb- js. rw io.l.O. Sao eSe.POLLOCK £INGIAM cride oechliiacs Oued cwith lace sorr. Os. ucarhoted throogh sSOgence tuoband 0 otr Loguetco.and ber hat go lointohle tiresItot 0.a0055,eOIS0Ort541 Scanee Osi oer A Woorh for frille, refitted sboulder r tu eccossloo o-hacoola. Paît -arbu er 0. rhumn Ierloor cfooî o ood santhiy moy restoit in oaeicg 1,70 saa.cE siroa . .,~ 000500Sarmacyez, hanging calstlioes, condtim ons ere rr faromable cOLîlin«. Irr eeare tn tlred tu, cerh totsmoa00ly Ioroogh a chonge in .s.aonu m g m ateaoOse~ ~sreomnoîg sirt, adreobopln oacrecot damage, atotob 'er or hontmo 1000dorlocot. their desg, inthe typefcomrpound bw LIGkiOT t&WHITE. M ONU MENTSu ai eeres arens hin th1e oiltl cttds coseiloe dop laEBolto, tocas clîl 001 PrObîr î90atad usedor tinter fecors. PesLdg0 e o SLto f mont come. The cuiteof Ioeoe Peut and Nrfok Oootes. verr tant. Toco. go Attend choR The corh 10 brieg rorrird ce in- GL.Im 58OT cange@ cmn ha Orptcdowna te 00 e saiTOihl. ,aso'aPeck c rer, Iosrt lligaet Peple adptmdentenîieîydin aswtthpr MEDIAL _________ %DIS___ONT__remcd.oed garmnt cdll hae a dstins adeorsefactorbnera rot ldoco.and croîdo the Intitto il ot iveedoat the p vra _______________________change! ted pleasing appaaraoce. îInfestation, ced labor and package Bon aclîtios.and tcrroerots mtie 0eococ c0erP _______________ hortage. totalted 7U,.00000nete,.be- Pogesivecc oalntin arfise lolo- an 0f robber posibeira ey soys. DeStpea.m WgneRenodehang job tht loroire rip- teE o 4 pr cnt. Incnurieroe le ag. O h ufci ih pe Ds.e mn n anrplgo ut the aid grmet leaelog scioi!cro» of 19d1. Nerir 100.000 nitottireegnerers caste t-tbbr M .; L.O00 et.; oAÉ.O.e. i. R. T UR N E R the latre, and reuttlog the cloth trbssereeported froct the Nag- MEOSIANICAL OPPORTUNITY dOe thry go abot drttroytog PIo.itca silingmalrequroe e n parlece in sewleg. ara dstr-ict and Esexo Comty ta O tire, for trot perpooco, Gray de- theclaand - -BAT I Feràl Drete The corh ecoomeS more dfficult Ilpitsetin0the Uited Brtal&t,. For caar reuxthe ldea hOn heau citres,.eveer, ehet nee cotsid- 0.OecS-.89so. 1- r.;t-S thIoiBbe.,e fabricle 10 on Inspots o n an- Pars-Nochae in Prtoxtducton a 0papoter&ai oysbe.Litat tiserhoid ersanithIeepreditureecf a triviel (JrS.. iP 1-8adp...; 7-9>aees boratatb.nads fo tlolsne-iedcted for ithsirait froutthe Sep- 1ter 10 gel a bsins Job. Ther anctnt fcr trotieg cor tore tont me.O.PIi..dGItJdg"tlace haventele a efo. i cntro-eretea ceiPrenmt thoeoht Oat If the bal a tclrcai for the onatiotochpiir, t% eeffort Agen fo Daln Pnira Deign@ diion n rcuttng.itat-e, f 1941o r aPPrcobateiY r ses oiaStio in B0oreOiec Or CAIIPBELLVILLE : 31f3Dos000ai05105 _____ llObseis. Horetieg aditrto, ther ha a botter ebanccof la anoimptortott Z atcftecr Mio s ILTON. i ons vere exceolent for o al ottlo,, daocnt 0th" iftolr putotncefflort. Dr . Wager -ad Stephiono Gardunes Slsould Net De ci shoced excepttosalir Bond sis.- orerali ndced ot to cork cIth their ______ Pho-thaw2O-e-IItO ctOvrola rit ettealyrour00 roc a-. anedoasom cal. aidiacto Attr lit0 p.. Mitoo 2dDiscouraged hy Leaf Losset ".i toaoo, daiage. Whiia the hareOatt nId that tcoor roeYoungFiret Quarternater Carpe Otenber.-OIO c... i- pc.,-O Pc:ee* 8~~~: If vil, ba, or nectasIpbailkeof Keifrs mtvecf thrugh ro- Clowwrs coritg fCccLat kiO talc osae fOI o sadayt'yappointaientnly. or eremoe of theloe& ma rertabsoraeietho faressh fttc oa h. r aatened e ___________________ * rgetabie ropa at thi season. rvi eke htblalre tnir Tdr0rctednd- Tt aoJuee6,ti775-morrithon a f J. A Crgadreneoodctbd1 thon for ,ersraisoones pus. cood for hilodcachaoîclceorkers. erbfr h inn fteDc tor gaderersshold ot e ds- rpz-Oape ae nOea petlc- Grtntue ofCth-c on cahitcg earben forne0eigicgfce-iete- on. 6. E. SUR CEMENT aandCINDER conragel. oiir ati hatrstol. The Rptecoes- verre Ogopar. NoC cer1000 ,bt Conatincentlcf ledessoiccoi occotir Physicien &ail surgeon SUnder favrarble condtons, theLimaces hae en00Icrmssd 10 par tOechaners aller the car sorit, bt- Coirticcertoihec lc UaO.-JecO. trat. BO KS tiocoari plateaU il rd a cnttith totl pdctin noc nt u--teertho tose ocrtheareno cmmi tcbliihmrct o a qooieeoboctcr No. ") 4> Bod crop ad t 1,000 tons as coctorel alth oreebe.Theo vend 1a otne tos Iparrtit. hrcdri by Maj. Gec. ffinooe.e..-.t55e....fsS.5022, 00OOtontiye ro. .Bluervoiettes greatîr itorooed production oC civit- OTihoasMifltc. Ai tatici ce the Ceeaor NOe. BRICK and TILE Strms are hasard chOmarket _______ howed the heovesot Incruetse. ro- Ite soue. Those coo Are skitioi -oeps conoctted oci 000men, eoGc Coroner.CTaS.H.gsrdeoen ccotetnaliy faceeand in- tloirad oeeotncondtions vore t thir bande have an Important rai Mfflij accioOee eputy. Z W00ap-o-asSpOee cobts aet bre a e OilnIr con-0. emllr oiroeathmgh ,t- os si. SSrom thot hubotle begoocico, the LEALtî "dtîe pe uîhetp r0, le aldeot. The reorrych nbomce dlar du o t csctheand The chaces ofl nain tics tu 1utertetrecorps, eocc iicded LI&GA AilSien - Am quatlty plane aare abe tu airoe frain appar- hortego orfcotaners. 1n addiin obtaie trcain tng hlil cechoice )yMaj.Ge. EdmcondB.Gregly. SNEW ST PHONE 838 ent rui inresoarhable, andli omoe toheact-oeotettudomanorsti f r todess oii no eholightir mota.et -reae oi.erlhud cases tteraeemta10be beeted byad reoootttlmrkts, acosder-tsolde. oscoroideecmnastWesila ierodt rielhcde 01K&DICK OaqLINGTON bard usgo. achic xort deceioped tate asUnited 1t0e iteu feitece. hotiot tccept cootool cficert adoei air d cis W. 1 I. K .t. 4-11. Y iaoRcp0c. t etsm-States,.chierie for iclcro atPses. thea. borged t oe of cthce 0001 cocm- YuctadloioaleIn ests o-rot dame waa st!im cant ad a icaetd tatccf the eecoed ccoi. ur.. --y daereeaii 1939anrd gcninTeOM). ord quaitbr croitW voshrestel. PLAN COtNTY-WIDE HUNT Primariy the ftncotion (ithe cicr- KtttTd Y. MOaI, B.. -- gttaly ---t he oe.Vegtobiro -Goolcodtonsfoct-FOR SALVAGE ermoter corpso ota teeci, lîcle. gae.c.oiafc oror ee oste-bcofthe leav reowtctocndihrtteatof pcicaiir ce qocp the oicy. Accccccil, Couar înteOt -TON-c-1INSURANCE o hepatswrerme u ititn ltcroeetabo.icrreoileidthoagh- Àcciaty-wieolccto oe f aceap loiet ocignrd the qccoo,icccot'r 'ricmpaoàc 4 thegrowng sssan Dr.Blon poit ntthe metth. oth fradanc frnt moali cliibaieathe cooh et Noeec- or«poare ocpplicg thc eccy cit 'oaroa.euot. Il c hnnieaert eny sronscefrotCdamae roc S:ber 22uete ladership ofr d- ii rcitr ciceiccc.cccci nnmored, the yld cas 307 lonhelo otobe- th ta 0Octobererathand e oJhnt iafir. OOeingttit The led,-eile;oeato flaidis O T, A. HUTCHINSON LIUt,,PAre, Automobie, D.rgliry par cre. Whe a,.ne-tof the thitI eceeoîrdoagoit roct 50te 75 ton cO recth.d ai a jont eetngof c eilt potooicccc -Plat, UlmsaAcihsnt, nth. loueves cere pcel off 0onhMa 30, pet- eeator thefc turios atii o the "on ce cor ceii 0andtae00- ip.opiicf gatccice andlbieccing inerister, sollitr r I. th1e yeid cas 269 lonhels. but wecO tns. ete e crt-figuresare ceci lacue- rlo« coomttee. hou ai the Forer.o-c)is;pocueremet o-tci cici-dci uep.OM@ -forho tepie wr e ots, bt I a edecttret Ir the rîlBuiding, Miton, ta cooh sRc. Mecn- not; oepratcci o o lcwe- - UeocoNaaacortio.opiatlfli. - oe.foetb R 1e iere pcer rare .ctcietocorecthon 176oetub. beesof the crOsevcees oointitte orcerthotn 70 diclerenctrceseo Majblse-icouv . ertl froc oaller plots o ne elta athogh somte Itcet oan Onenooraod the pian. offrta euc-ocere :ocgct; deigof cf oooci, cicciott MainpoStr. . D DEWAR "il 1, i.lds were329 ad 3latait- cet-y cou lnosose ored ara.e. &Ate ItO the ccnecl cr nco 010cr 0- and iignico; tioracandooi cicicc T.eh. 4 .D EV R aerespecCleciy. With the match laraee &cieng nisaOticIllcatieooct-op. ion orosuppies ro ecuenient candc ______________________ Pen 2. iccdenrMiI Srant. LOas.oRfoanage oloouOnhait ptest- dwurertol tat a cer subanotial j. . o. pavincial oftot- istribcticietofci c th coloct r, c ard 'oe tonaoeroby Dr. stot le pacorcorntecca ie 00 put ha1tas sge.etdercarme rioi lr d-inlad .vd. enet _______._________ nocase bas the reductiooOinyld Y"'-c. tadecr.cethr conditions pot. Hiolned t000 ressai. tht .ec iiccocoicicicc'cc beso gret as thelots ofileore. dee ntctaiai faoroable and ocnomacu ainls taued cite ecceu- c-Ptis;t-ct. ccccgcccipc,,rcc Barisr. Solicitotr bre heePublc.-didanotdeeooceatto avrez. Many 0proilaeotergeotaties. ctiterii; suervoofcccccccanac miens the plants hae bin to eus o re shrt aed ma oreoPour- . . oC. ooaperltendontt. Nation-tonlcitac ee.t Oretca-ia PonaraBuildisg &ntai, Mola rmoe yflelan bsctdw h il lslvg iso,éttdtetmlfo h urematrcrsh, rirnt ilo.J. A. ELLIOTT 0h5 eaiaet rmoe rttealedteOt rot on h11a .ieo iromp c. m oraldu eccl ret addcoserb fte n T.Lephme 70 r Seternibr Uthdld nt a n rnHecebcd lfurers tolook in thc fcnce Leate orok icthc prescrtocci Teohc.Lîoecaod A51t10550P latuer sOeddIsgu vhteclaoupropeetr cotoed.butycanrrcoeraor ce teresfor ocraitriou For thse oatîcaC Htotandtai Or rattlor oheds is .00in. etcoratrainae10tcovwes sayadlats il tuoa dePOt poTSTYlnt titces duiog the nommer seaon froc the pone ceterilr or crtins ccor e ad a a Oit tosof aC , ose. Oacoîer Orrot ______________________ phen lel aed lis oIydan tsgerous lorlog WUdmneltthrrtenttthat I10have, busecoiectod tOocauh the Pottccg thebciccoe itc ts ioceooce thm hdiamdr.Il1 od aterel 'cent- ittr oCtet- Liat date..,escil, InteHaltott. L L Ohoce 70S .a RuiraliRotae No. 3 MILTON 0ethohoi, tc pnotcorerr cii i. otilldhea O loortod &0 Oer rethOaotocoot bero oneof thilie on.ceers6.epA.td lopîn tspeoohir 0 e oct more IO" a tot ccldIOR OlatotIs ,chtoio ccid again e-. most icocou ctiotiet lice theco.c DR 0 AilN ve * ision. Througltot thle perlod il la c hall. apure. cncho tlikot pride in bec hicce DENTAL SURGONos ery r ritablc and in lhkeiy ta triko Rcccet of the diffonctt otoeiciVlltii- Thc bright cretonnies nchicnic c aiat ph1g-eeooa ing reed. tU. . FtRBT LADtITN ENIOLAN oncexcpresco therai acotion dtth oC the nommer drapereiestacci p 05lDo p oai Builiding, Miloa. Ir F HM Le.Aotier gecerai belieR in that thethcoucdcstognisations h0i0 ad tnconesthe co l fecthcecc oi gecic lu a 0nue. CIanaO Tt HSH L otleseob alay givesthe warn- Mrs ranklin D.Rooevet la ber-clctig emeeP, lnth ont, utfit mt andfalluthoe fiecpocot Z-cA sera. sea,..ar noaeSicg Sond Ofre etrlOleg. Whle comaehaOie cotiots trip to Englotiteleerc tiii re"ot htrh Ood lirt~c t ha~~~~~~~kowcota luit outcitho000arnag. contr actessagoof sreytm aaiotcoertadocia.rmteeahaOcarct Far the tloaaar aCHotea Londo-ile on the oabJectof the ecoreraciet. TOc people of RetInLote ortCths drives.Moto r rrerThisprYemetced cheeiolhoute, 68. F.E. IASCOCK 0-l~ irei for tootho deacontatetfrainthetOc îofr cfrap mcorleued holeoratiocoreemore thonime Phoas 9 :r21 refie, no0one rsally attds its Puroteinf dcahaihncothe hbuvons &bave. hraecoc hon, sppie. t10crertoire dotan porai eoro, for they wdO DENTAL SURGEON Rourci Route Ne. i MILTON :pos. Ceelaioiy ila in001ot eded ta maer f thrtoprt OiEt, leoundet-. ta brtOor thete van efforts. hbsa if lt ceespirits chil u men Ota aee 0050 Oastes aaaaaaaaaaa.. rrotpre of fais pronatics beansegroundlahnteraaeeratcmiionsO oC The ciItee chocitecottolted of folk ares ghtiog ced morkicg for pris ê*., tat eoulti place i ai s deedeldis their bcruieg, dore Struor tt-tare- W. OE.Orchon.rhimat o-an 0e- rctere. Wr muet cotinue tc moke rîts a .eotac'5 000m" te id dvantaRe 10 foeogi0g fr fod.et . d, nd. m ttetthoted, lotantthervice co ccmlttse. the c'ccoa. 7Norma o dhms ln oeatatv zAoscaIO. OAS IXTRATOriu.j as heo oggeted that perbapa itli ec. Yet het-Oet hit- torce. cedOGihbert. Trafclgar; LrliirKma hoodmes , ete lohmen ttofthie SOC so .L U5lat ce od duincg the Imaties perod ta ceot ahotut di olrkoth dcetur. Nlroa; Aie. INeat-. Nasagaccrc beamesmheare o ithemfonts1or _________ AIT eote oeirhled.Whiie00e>.hureThrr dffereo chatocer cord, .f Hooward Mon . Ecaet J. M. Camp-fm> r ofgto ecuo G . oae ter kandrar hthry hcoave po.lios Lit-s t Lady otar have sutil o.Od ilo o.i .Hqip si hether 10ey are mohtcg tieirco- "'tathea 0te-;cHarol Clecie. tGeorgeton; rbuion o tactry la their icm, N ELSEN-Mou ntW rs tal ieur and pobaby bai beau, She ii brîtE home a siere OC and Meoonal. Actoe.Twsi oetws NIELSECMonret 10can f elteeibratin chat Bitisarcenctarcr0doteg. .lbrchoioco oC thescorar rviceu doin-1 Tho ChlPopaOt,, R2-M iW&a.eSc., NortO. Cala ______ iiico te omreO00 oces 00v they utilise, M.TieNab. Esqttritg: l a ulig 1010 7oe ol peetice. ___________codo cmeere aodcaoce th e yOC Mon Noi,e.Nuaawar WA 01Pr ullg Dceoo.aas Tf orectie. XltcRleOAgali 'icitorr. and brioR homc oee heieverd rochon. Neason. aod W. H. igr. Ueder fam conditioco todep. o 211005- 7.W1) 100.30 p.. 1 Momuets, Markess mmd Tbry're orock It ricb sgata ta boysOsacert-Iroc.te" houCl oe. *TrECoilrr. otitO .P.sottaririgo tiiptp Cliforela. This aIke i onsracro,. Whiteioch and Rues Porco. andin10por condition aight botter Ct.oSEc amatIeTeemnoO Y5a thoe alrp front,1teegoldfilelds of NATURESNWAN BORa _____ehotomo doco satdtthe moterioi toi- Oce D.oeoc i.ce..e tnsoe.yi Uil C ~- A 0000 TOWN rogel fr use i0n epiritgor cn ecrDmiinSore.GROR19TONe..e.....teing nd It icide, eot eoggets, bua Tioro tace actenttfahle tht - itrutclcrallber buidings. Ph0,one il c. Prie« Mc5rat*-WorO tIoauteeci tonneS. , cain.hfrce r leui etO dil i ehg a If pce heuae rople taiking abotiRazcg of a oc.eut fura ilid- _____________________Uutvesiaty et Californilotsoteît te icctî cardnlious sota. Oc Mayr tOepc es otOohave uIood Inorce isit ing eOinates aelrer hocord.tredcresc D. R. HRTCIREON Prolrtetor h.borne caroSs ant acet rrer or NatiOtr ec,. hefore sitoldtog A. h01 viliotro ttr that ,ocit e an al rprpto rp ic ___________________bcdedbere thosteds of prelstorle teir foie fr rrthe itro tsloep, . soOacplace 1 - s dtto pîceutand utaxbe Ropetod Nelcctautne anim__________ acle eenirsdlinqueksocd crotaIntgca acscette 1r As tc iooruaynrtîcertanpae r u h .mtaNcsay, S.____A.___FA___Y___ ancd perlabel Raliifled ted tilte thoir luetari taor ohiliiet rreow ot 5n o oo.pirs taouserad buildings cocn and on elge b>. tome ltetr conrulsiol f et- t-il. tcpti- acî o odltcon ch,bhoid be mode aoc mice Ihere c, 1,.IV. 1., ITZGRRPlALD resaure, the0estndhg sandoaee etc Iftla ike c iod oC gand recorOs erecatc.d hee-1ac ai ctorso. ciOent gratll contructiont ccd repaice streoitonee&eSS-doemorteo. ar occtro dltittd 10aceottohich are hbuiesscttotpeiot-. tend aroaiable, ou ordinary mairite- Dmuac mm uiEtt OeRo-iec ,,lbOlictmeaieeottfoaiO illeBe cte t- cett0-cr ides.titino ace aed repair mot-k cecir to Imuanc an Ral stae ivefooMd "vin, ad i bengof power and eautyaersrece 100hiEh tandardsof smittenaccie.Tite reture struicture ta o oicc crk- Heating and ÂO.an.R ~ os mI. inter!t astuthe Argonaut cloel toitforhbercwittrrtet. utthe dore god tcwdonsecci ik If taiec rpassof coldon oC chan o Ai ln«o IsuaceT gaitd.old-heueoog quartz. cf tomtot i otage. the arth ocnsoicd hy capatiez: citic.ethcIr IL ls 10 esglathîlce ctool onshcrvcil Tinsmithiig_ P_ _> The tanimal reman ire prehablr trasformait te t sysphonyo f otat-. eoce ero lcpeocttett ittlccct on dee L ne wihepýit VHN ~ i-erra a onPropert ;ýncureteofRmmmasinth 1e unal . i tscaoc tirthc icfr choruso OC hoa achartecatd tYIL tout. IL Ode turas forhbuiding conscctoncair PEION M5or smuse. nec, reritys conueum of paleotelogy. verdure. the idca ai O ptucttedii. utrl ccc ergelateot. AIR r.. MILTN OT. P tin: 5 MITONTHE COLOD ATER eATH ispe oitie. and croate a. lte .oco. ro .o. e. -e~e Comie books, mer rend by milins Saime pot-os Ithprude tentOSeIlsta ciRoIr paYieR aO-teociciotco"Biais Nightso at Fort tiîci.Oki., lmentehabit of olouit- col halOth i hocrotae the retAtiaOn hAtaOPlce ut t ire gtclog soidierro ochance ta bhi-g of AmeriaR childre, hpsere- h hei.tter. Thor eoice la 10e gown"ec. abotut their home fumatoancci co COU NTrY Ofer -ALTON verveluloisis on eYoung ores, u- pOrsicai elgor chicO eocietim tthc 0___1e bome t1000 peope o chaoce ta ordirait oa n atcle 0 inte Sight- lmpîotat uttoc ti îoinvta dter 1942.-LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR 1942 Envroncg Relr. The ltterag "0làeoce c houiytrathe cotd eeorle RameInter New@ Items arr cot O- l0cr OP tcthe braggccg. At hre - Ccmnip por adof rasmoi sle. If thcp sier adlbireattoathe ahock asd. .elscl..cal Us font eie 0erby oocici. cl- _____________________________________ Th plols edpainong orri f the chili. tOm coejoice a , 00cr ot lp abciti- lih te efrtaio oet ridtchue DursOaOIa s. a. a-oi.s.ee JO Troher qat.l dt outronCtmtho dat-ci occLatspreadt sttotbebo 0aeaeerarmttthp-cicib thrdeslaiqaiise irt hocghtir cmhoo sHaUMPIONicao triiov esna.heaoxfacilitiead thefraliaobckbhome Amie ""'a i:::: i o a terig citrasSesses a olored boc ck. I ho buailRiht ndaci0e frtalm seadssP SendRgiflaCfrlieistriution. s oecsssero - coanear-t00 se o I roucd ctitredco 10e contrant___________ ase§"seà.1. àsOo-and 0ereore, Orther reduces the 12 14t 2 0eittMag eno>.Ntereaty Expert Mo- oo sdesosaS au it rn O ta ,clacah., cfdobüio "te t tett au M*I. f&.In m "Y uaMantle B. Egiestoe, Atirga. garigraitsiand en Roiipage.ocrIoaoc1cnîl OoeÀt0aD.ee Mu : or acoI gine SoOitoX. job.<Ouitbte. .Colonsconclebooaka cao be grrotiy c ernlty case. Dorincil er log ce- aLa0. l'. -. G-s w. i. &7. eor . 6 .0 urvdtantevepito a eM.Egetnhsiae o Gnéra B...of th0. P- " .-t a.. srnitor. Ith iSor ictébooo. ber7 90ty acd eead"Mhld, thep shoould tomoh. heeretRradcieetn --Le@ ave o mocaiaR te. A.& fOSit.- ticO. eeA«.oS..NO IJanuyArr. Vt. 1 i. 46bOnt-- oun. Mlilsry sxpertos, n selO sBUPPERERS of Bleeiing ce Pro- ba,rla ..c. orne mistbcusa OcaSutreding PILER shoii knowc oukhct- Br oer W t.DCK Witea posel ta D5Semomye iP5te.ai lnai Herbe] Pitse.Trent the case atitf -pecer-cO. cOip-h of oCpouble epia-.otc sshr Cetst.R. 5IuP don.I-endal UL M . A Ot r.g Stan. No. 28 M ..l g4Vi E I #e T Irt,7l 49E E a R'Fne words and truc vue CAN YOU ALSO SAY? "Yeu have me behind you working end saving-Buying Victory Bonds ta the limit of my abllity - and ke.ping them." Buy -ieyournrosn~syrocessao. If yo .hosc yo. onst orcant eit. As.y of soBank's brnches wlil gladIy sere 708. 'ihe BANK of NOVA SCOTIA C/aur telephoei.mm$esfor ALLOUT PRODUCTION Yoser tetephaae la part of a coî t orong ey.- lem oreeorrylag analoormolrcottime oad.Donot let neeedles oela>. hl up nessagesonac aiich tpro dotctboa rfficlecy May, iepet i AVOII -WASTAGE when you make tea 1 'Yeu wUge uaiouts b.th in quafltv edquelty if y.. caefullyfIb ths simple directions s L ScuId out thse teapot te sdn.l IL 2 ue a level t upollelsFmc iCh, cap aof t uuurd 3. Un tis exact emmet 0F FRESH roflireueepsI »dnuit It to UROSYbelote Yom pour t tata ti0 pot. FIVE 1