-- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - Y OUR NIGUT FOR.. FUN and FROLIC Rotary » Lions CARNI VAL Merry-Go-Round Magician Games Stage Show Super Prizes SATURDAY, AUG. lst CENTRAL SCHOOL GROUNDS --OAK VILLE- MON 01DISTRICTCOOUPERATIVE : ---WE HAVE - WOVEN WIRE FENCE on ancd netlael yeer'spree. (etyoue erderin chile lbe aupply latat --PHONE 127 VI- ~a.M 'I I I M i 'It Pays To- Deal At Days" Kerol, Creolin, Zenoleum and TzaI Farm Disinf'ectants. Cooper's Dri-Kil and Dr. Hess Louse Killer Brooder Stoves made by Beatty Bros. Wat PHONIE 28 er Fonts - Feed Troughs. C. T. DAY & SON MILTON Quick te kindh e .Slow t.Ie uu.4- -' ' ea: : te, sa our t Save! coal ever mined-Old Compsny's Amn thracitc. It kindies quicliy. The fur. nace needs lmss attention-this super-. bard coal burna slowly. Yo're sure of Ssavings--because yon use fsweoe tonis. Prompt, dean deliver l g rrnteed-justepiliouruiuhe. PHONE 48 R. S. ADAMS National Soap Chips............b ILcron 37e Cote Keta Salmon .................1IL tic 19e Sirar Coffee, treehly groucd ...........lb. 43e Claremon t Tomatos ...............eage in 1 te Puddlngn, Gead Medal. chocole, vacilla, enion and boiter eoe............5pbgs. 25ec Grapefruit, Lilleet eienit............ 3 tee 10e Government Appiesauce ...........,Li bie Chieken Sred, Aunt Marbba..... 2 ics 19c Ay 1mer Grapo Jules........... 13 oz. bt. 18e Certo...................pnr batîbe 25e Quaker ux osa.............2 pkgs. 25e Kleenex Tissue ............... 00 seeb pkg. 29e Lady Godiva Toilet Soap ........ cakes 26e Pamolive Tolet Soap.: .........2 cake, ilc Iv05'y Soap, sedinn, ite .... ....3 bar 20e Ivory Snow .......................... pkg. 24e Reekïett'. Blue ....................... pkg. oe Foeno' Ppepas'ed bMustard ...... nso. jar toc Buniat Valenela Oranges............ dc.Elle Juiey Leneons, Clitorcie, arge uchao...I for I9e Fpesh Ceieîey Hearta ............ per unedle 14e Cooklng Onionh, Atneiegone, No. 1 qnlity. ... IL.5c TIM BUTTE hAVES MEM OWNMEx 5EVs nuatHC orasillWhaha bosMsita.1. THEATRE sdte, . Md mm - AVD! the"aWo lateyocyh.lped soa WS,. 0cm.., Bd. Loancd lbe tisme et thair fis; "aise@lb. listi "FLYIMGCAET" dotaeblaet of100 vl sc a RSe, Rager. adcal Ohty Scaui 5aadcLïar.isct th th.e ..., Senot.' mentefr &WUn osk.e tai. "Ss.set On TiseDesse'" tsg et at»t.eep. 'Tboa eu sd., 0.0ae.Mel .. the.e le th. ceaeetd of Majorc L. M.etrte. TUESOAX - DNSDt M-s Acdy Etleionedsa hîslait Hasepese eecelea Lnere Mia.Shi"ey. e ndnepetbrl. HUmh-ya. rta..C .. daste-Fard.1 Ad,.- ced Met., Den. Vsaatluca .rgsswe.ldriess yr M. 'ALL THRW THE! NIGQI" R z ttTnoe.ssnryi oabue teck Ptsoteg t'cade-Wn.auels the sapent teuspend Chaote eashait Colete ret etn-f,àldy Cet The cdl..f et b.Miltn [ Lcm 1S. 1neîg Ol inh batt at 25ôte n coufflao1t 1Wad ..dcy octg. Jair 29ti, et 7.90 lPet andSBlt., Jcty SI &A Ag. 1n UýI i eldec:cd 1localwsoe L'het.Ctct;. threcoh, atm.to «.moniteurs CHAS. CHAPLIN FESTIVAL prneased.ta ho giron te htd o.as Rtlph Byrd acd Mccl.. Doet lpuerehcn jean fer vocise. Me.U. Datetliste, 974 Qc..saattisai "S. O. S. COASTGUARD" Fthe Otarc itot.ep , rot.acr - trail na mesralltisioc n gus. Set. f Show ccoace.et 7.451 m b Coret etTayter'a oran.s la SNs.. -ery pletnro cight. g es ows ic.U ..tsoa scalpecuns.. Ton h, beeepct ofttheer ,seied mincs e bassoccB.d eutc.-Acte Fr.. rs. êA4'O*ê5**45ê54s*~ W. t. Din.K.tO., bonss hi. lblrty' elshlh enteas A. eonAttetyfr LOCAL NEW S -o ltobil s o ci S.îhIM Ths Publie Llhecsy ritlltebc..od laorJ R.OCrwrght. Lebu ns »r~end sh lcst t.sc s'sekofetjny. cedr 1h, Hesserahie Aetorssy.t. blond ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. p1.he ss.cltl. rt Jche tfihses .P. Whlls.ey. J. J. (lc lpmahsstriuct. nai Fe P, 1. B. Lue-,W, . . sy.W. . for heries n Ci. istrct. 4Nie.W. H. Priem. A. W. Rtehseh. miss N.tlie tCniamttkuaha..pouantLodencc sdGoerdoc 0. Unet. clatlsg friande tlln k.teoe. Helontsuleprctte t. lts1892 ln Ciele H.ld>,Acecstd3rd,.oiu B.. e.,cacsl.g te MitotacU big dcy'sMauainn ea We wacted the wac,.sommer ,ech PO I C ratd oeve tsb eau gte tcnsrc. P LI E COURT Dr. F. g. %bceannces.nsChut Frack Beaste, Wicdso, wuve se.lfle oitt tbc..dires, taillSeb mni!a ccdsd fosah n tece&ctt.,hs oAux. nrd. 2e. plecded gedlty ltpotlice curtbsrs an Mstt.dece.eraste J=liitllH,teunchttasathesttch te liiig ttho.a,,e . fum osc f P as.llgc iîtIes h hie lersror.l dey., ne Joeolti. esan s on .ts, WIAeTHER tINSURs.Ee-Phe... WUZ te . s mohe, ac oosc, ote, ht R.9 Gisale, District Agent a atr. . l ate. ar ad TruckîAcd.etea. 1 Robert Todd, w emed a vluk .ai..rlasr,, peroste timt Ch hc . tel,. Digtonaiber .P.R. true muoi bd o.n-etc le atesgeaosr t7snetottcltt. hpProvicncilCoc. neel hcddes.-Aens ese rc. stble M. R. Hacitton. NSicice.-D,. Il. A. King weolthuan Matre. F. (i. Mcel cta au anaurn hiâthbu illteer wyIramCuldtvaiJeh.Riacrdea, cf Hamiten, si cille. front Angeslttu te ,241h. l c&it tr eu e ys tnr drtcg aca Hîlen Centy CeUncslt W11 'las ..ht ist.atd. HaeSwucrs.t. --et udoy nersise hy atabeirat.r 1 le.erl heno, ne,. ai .l'e.,. Dee,,eh eelen 0 s slss. a ttinOak. UIy 201h, et I0Si30... ill.. Th. Ïe-tes, tc, c dece Mr tsd lr.Wo. Moeyeand tuen. htof oetsrlinthsecr &si o. boit !l, cf t'eterhnboruhcere tkhe t toitulleoe teoitnt. Oc the s.eod chare àdf. and Mm.Fed Moe i ethe nfhbstliqîtr aucaucctcofctple. .ek-e.d. eatrcry a.th. L. (). hsiewuflos. 8t0 ced S8.76 ense.. Hi.ecrmaw. Yea mu hîl cetlutliet -s8tesrte, derd impacoed' taChf e h, .b il l.es, ah, Wccintm rie,.Pced e.ilt.sdemtsaneh1.ha ccedsc *ades Hetd. gasa hi. eecpationeuMa asuhlics AtTENTION 1 LedIes' cedil e. hedTrse.ti Ho ben ,neta cen. etethine cltatione ceptirpe .,halt aires a rld. )E. Wilinîso,e ractaîlelCtlle,.P. era. Chuchilt and Constt Wcir tStreet,South. cppeed tncas., tute .chuageto la andt otlt erccs.cdeaeitah. T'h.eetete h. tried officet .ngc, Ia. cecdcîts trasrne, hyHi We,.ahlp aad ssrs cqulttsd. nre, eoreChoa purpose onfittbg t Meî C Bcrtalckehey. o etîraenu. c peeilvocter. Tratatgar etownship, swu eheempltcls. tir. cedl Mr.. Oerge Atharrr ced à-' iru yeenit gesdse, Mter ilMly oet StceeY Wcesthes cargeai oith 7.ic.rs«bslt.tytiebr ereteàr» setl.eeialolte rat.c:y th. L.0 A~ rhuco MeJanettKing treet &bdth. scglreCchill b. tIev. O. L. Peote. aefoter Unield carrtce magstrles.d lb. wu eeurch mialste, et Atnas t estd cossancd dlsmtalssditheacre. rmthe mIin.try. Hesamateese. ______ gte Ridg.scy charg.e meetl.MARE Mr.. Fed Johnson. o etodergetcowna. -E aiu Ml. Mujarle Fry, etMiltoe,ris. od theje esel. .ce coat. tMr. ced OOULTER-LYNN i.J. rots ietngsu ramspton. oc 0. Jcty 9eh . 81.Ads,'oFrs.hby- Pumday. le.nCicaurOcchWe!lcd , wuth. sot' H-red ibsmpln, fee n glseteîaerlie tt rly wddang bosMnei.. n th Wymin brnai, o th ILLîttianLyse, dcnehater nf M.cd 1h, Wrsie ,ce heBe Mr. i.rct Lyte. et Weltla. ccd Torhonotattl.ea lecain h e,.-,d. o ee an fMr.candUMs. A. W. Coce, et Miltlao ,. cUntein.dt,, arrièg hy DANTE.-Unear th. cuspic..et ofRn. A. D. Sutherlcnd. Thstcattend. ulars juniorInsttesancediJueior ato ,,,Mr.csndltMm. redRetais». %mrsi"The Mcpt,on FridayofaeWolcand. blies eu i ,tarlto hy .bly 24. Benetot'. Orehs.,c.. Dne' hr tcthe. 1h, brild acha hrs,,g cgtroai .30t .. Admissin %c. lne ceeoftbIc, che.. Ber white A.e-utî...nbile mesh.n futet l hnrd îeid, a '1.mait. ueîceh. 1 hefi. ofe clncet.m ae .td.h.ei olýee-gye ocIth.rPeupte ir., te [Va n nota asrty l ta Lrtl rcanin v , ehbiti. ter MILrON PAIRane Prids'y ad Saînrd. R EPT. 251h ccd 201h. Thii ..î.ast.liIea h.e dl.erreIug etrecmmitIeffoRrt, ette, --neite9 t llcacacclic.yocrs. CAbDOF nTsuee..-Jd,. &d Mrc. Harold Lrsaeî oish e tnkalst hieiride,. sstrdle hss, drtee Hsrd.aaeesl lie.. aLnn -n t ta.dîes Mr. 0t...rg. E. Rllale. et IMilton. sa Di.tri.î Ommîsl of e an7,8S...tt, . Mr. 0«"R. Masan. of Ace., chote cpp.i.t...t came res, Pra.iieittHeadqtecers, .reeely. . cseroy.%, a.r i Anltkas e h.ees ltecesîla hoy»' cecI, Harold Caels.nsaid FkCshClIds hce- ticit-aiced di,.l, te, Mille,, brigadetan eh. pr..rljetat irs. crs.Onceln talbe IsI la Th-, cIA en Sclcday, Angaelot, end Mu. îtae(Ci,!e Hlîderl. Aneesa . O011. 8leer ad GOsa. tde. echacre lite mcsbcrs oilli&a.seattend. Coan on T.uccce.-Tle tcmliy of th. iI, ts ..ThescnWilsî..a ,ish te tleehbeictfrirede and veeîthlo tfo idass.aîud y.pathy Xe»eded te th. desth oethoie s,alhst elle te, MIr. sed Mes. Wîttrsd OSea,, Eqite lutebhr. rs,îlcd as llta ra Oteos td.i..üg ti.et ltr sa. cîrilt . 50. Ssash.entttehlymIci-e ,ci, resesrtet abrasoste.,darltg tir as io.mrrsé .Jifi131h. W. .1l Jaisnoitb Mre. ced Mr. M...tin bapîse ita Lhsl, sne ha. a sd, » ThoY-yath e.ssret«atsec.t. leste h.,, mie. ettar Ihsy gsIsMae- .-led set.y er ata t.Ihalateshl« tl.Y ers oeeceod. Mal, .@o, eetp lisA hard tl ait,als lheaesctheo. pînîro ha se emse oit hi.. ..sl she. .n- Meg t Tcttsmc MIr . Rolns ico eîter .thab brde.,.%Irs btitstcrsd bheur., ed. Icls t. yl.cihth1bit.pîeaht ..ilescsfer.d rse . Fnttetg th. ea.ay th, tssate tcttt.. cte.edth- ls.e.plies sd apmr heid e B, e,. sTe. Re..11. later th. brde ced rld.grnoc tlot soa l'.lOnDethoir rn taey .011 retids te 11.0cod. TOWN COUNCIL The régutler meetisg et ths temc e.naeîtwu bsid .a Tcody .csc.g. ja.1y 21.t. ah. f.ltînstemomili. n e- eta pressaI :iMcyor DcvroeeRnue. Hfsap. oenitcîlnrs Armes ucas 0e,,. lsed, Sy.r. Commuication.s orrs rst trams P. W. lla., J. F. Rbinsonand E. Y-t.I . epplec.te.n fer Amassr acd uueacte,. R. E. Yae.swu. rn'îppeiated-ter y.e 1r0i2. 'P . Fent.nce tciate e cemmsl' 8drcys,,aot cenecets cseciall te rsM. E. nls'rcqu.t tas tI»rs eteiinfr'itcbr proeaprte ns' q ilsTecsctip ce grat.d Re Oec«. Vsteranes Parae.-L. J. Monade1. 7 e.earsfa&go. notlO4ald l.d te. dge te, 561 esc,.. sel3. DiED Wttsc-At tkesr.sid.olehr dagh lac, Me. Ma Nncis.Breate Stre Miloe,,on as tlrdsy, Jcly tl, 1i42. Jcs..OcHtta. cdc,, ef h, Ltc Thacta F. Wilttes, la ot ss93h ysc,. Feclhete-AI hi. hume, ersosu. cilla Roed, ni, a2t, 1.942, John Ksne ettt clea.e, ,.etaslhbue haud et FIesc.s Thai to e ald f.ther nt J.eph. J.en adlitth, te hi. 701h yscr. Fuesrat srvces ent ridcy ttersea,,. Famlty sei. et -lh, reoidsuetce2.90 Pas., Ibruee ta Sîreateelîsnieds cI1lleOemsiarp. IN MEMORIAM ehysat.Il ,sestcScitde;Stplssns- iiet e mry of EIhsi .o oiseee.DUnl ter0s lepre. Tmn diear Irsi e en eder sttle Iecrs yn ihenetIhe Icay drew AIaiseârte a,, eaels 1eor h. Qîitl ced t7in .hte Oeses rcsi,, D hs clte daledC Wttcalesud etMlick o autermck. am@thone, tgt .usdHiht. el sn.45paentofutd8h-y-1h.d te il e ba mlteau tuIhe RUMas Sie me etstcatesh'drse hl1l' nttoef lhe bsc W,Rnlset Funtu le h.r alals.iéeN haam St ch attensaneshlp tghttg fer euer 1aîoe u b SWal et , oue.s «u»sscdldemee,,y. Teketsmgiehpte hr yhaao rscpm.mber i th, -Lacîingyrerssssteesly docghto oris a 1.seha8ftee 3. Isael, cusa se.sudclfamlly. ! 7f Bab Goatlhc,.solacer.an Seycths. ssttt.d te, Ara, Gerrise ta1, tccîe c _n taray.cTlaetc anPîdy,' .a :J. LCUUrE la 5 t e t i e t à sta r ra c h i . d u . e F lo: -t a c bs ptyedat- ceeIo' FLO3R LIVING SNoceNG sseassdblcstp-ncelîea SeU~RACING FINI SHiNG atisaslelhsectledln hch, bi C WE ePECIOLIL INl M det, Jats c d tcd îte * Gnnd Weekeecsleip t, o.. . a TI nu e0 OcLîb.ORles h s s t. nul ot yrm a s . r . s i c e ~ k T e a hic .."- Ret.. aed ene .... aêninceet Bear Visits Hem Honte Notice te Creditors asd0iheb St..lt, d018 - Bts.r, Mc. leu, ic.E Il » )fMATItLDA BROOKS DemIa thacshlh. hed aeb.. îilae iibbk-llnil' abli, lb,, lii hy a cot, te hi. ehlhiie-p .lcs eaad stîhe »Il ue. a fcigt etit d- ci .Ail th. e.ar et hl*sbume. l w« e ele t l, .îsiil i hinii bc. att etehe. Me ontt sia bclhck e .h e SM1 ?lMteildc liBîîke, nIe s.ctp @ist c l t, tyts5ta hech a ibhe V illage iii lbibido,,m 11%,I bic I. l esîmalmécped. ' cIedied lie A ne o Srtet.h taeorcontaate tht d....t. lebIcyo îîî.1 b tlag e.ths raidi ose uc Rostock, oci.. tIb e teb. cIl lie1U.t11L0ý taiean sd aabsr .ramcas Ins"., ciîboltregaeli., bb,',iîiia ths "essite lnt.cste" allels e,0e, malsyWi t ab los.lthe tent T. A. HUbIlhIN.N tai t ca mc crlss&v. Thase. Cu Mlt, lOnario. Pcshrer cudldhtspeuplsectlt ha.. Miîn niiil.c fe-bteeiîi wot h.bsmseatoy dae-traike. mi lo I, 1101". Fre sh From the Garde ns FRUITS and VEGETABLES SUNKIST CALIFORNiA VALENCIA UK A G E C d v ti DO Z . 2 9 c CALO M IA SEEDLESS CIIfpEFBUIT 5 olO LOCAL GROWN TE . 7 TOUATOSeli pORte. CRISPr1 LARGESAE lori vuv EALH NEW TIME LIMITS ON RUS RUD CROI111 NOTES KNOX PREEDYTERiAN CBUiRCNl r. s ~ bI.ol Waeshtp lb. Lard te the sprittet eseasgJosic.servite@ 5,05e.lcc.tPaul's, eceeî sissilTmik pseu.ofc eat ai co...sthemon. fJuy.tirl ee I 1a mhtaufi"tfile u. et amiles p. m. lasaismoisisr f 1te Oale Thit.o esur,- eri, lcnt. le G RACE ANGLICAN ClEURCSI fat. anl usat lrlpLsgs aresulretht. nîtl UadtebTinlly-July 2Lh. i Alitat.asueterdesdddens.1 2 eti acftet. stcelé-s .ide- Is..-idtyibîl 8 Ail...namarin e...t h.[eebî tl 4i Sale Ibiseclend Iteror ipnne MILTON IGOSPEL TABERNACLE catit Jeur ectainer i.tlid. Ibeelein. ore ah-itdhsiehspt teeàenetrplertu R.A eî rbeis.,bT iî.ll press ft Itam heemieg racid. ,bew n()Iiiid-.neeellreC iL t4ibeTciîee Wb* Whc eetc,o,.s.tittl taleeee or îeîîcie 'l'hî ziîîie. uncd lttt Araotd'. Ftsh ..ed Chir lîehp ecicl le s.liaîe îîeîieîýy îeîea as MainStrets. l1ksy bev, hîndlc îîîîcîb,d la Hgacre.tbey iti i. lm0111 eSs«u.tdithceadte ietr theHed dalle neno.lîcea dace nîdibîî,, Dras'a. ifttstInconvénoentforenoute ieIe,,,bhould la b. ceiL.ei tehs conainersse. yasttphonss 72 ced all. Ahil icm,. a ticcrrageot la cs thas, alt.d______________ WàNTza-Ncau et hIeSucd girls wbowil mlt ieet..,leelp n. le Ibis Vrrb«»Dulct effort. Phonee72. piscm.. andllut asuac .01 eip. flAIRDRESINt Il lbbîbb Sb3l I.O.D.E. NOTES Neneel Mel)Iî in Pemaentlî The nesds fte bsmenthetfJnîln thé mis.et1 cppse C ptlge clii b. AI I l.iîee cil lllîily Cu('îe.. FUR WAR Wese, ELLIOTTS IEAUTY SnOPPE 1.0.ij R. They cre hiyaellle»R Le..t e. gftt..csed hy th. sstlt trris A.RBFLIT et Osi..s hct hy Noseaher7, H A RORESSIERS bus ls l. eat1h. ostir. mm tle asrataon wr wrk ....Jio. tmagne. wsctse cep eoneftee6 rhiket atare.. Inte o.et. 5à25.05 D A N CIN G !1 aboiceft-t fu ae..en.tek. e eatieniet5.. tle afortorwhit Araia ,la...ssutm tîî.,.,... H uttonvîlle Park Ebi'1 tesple tshd cI tWedsesslcy ccd Scicroay Nghis seaýtbcl cs meSte salch...ss .cs tacnt.....SuJuseh ocaice 6IBSON-BOYO ORCHESTRA Ko" HI«4q p's.7r Bliste ebîIbLAîl AtMIbtîbllON COMMUTATION TICKETS ,iVeliiMij-Weetl. i ... .1 i ldsatlofthete.id f 1eas tZTee Tichels - t0 Dace eclc lc.... . 25 Tie Tcket. - 20lOnys vel In Off-Peak Heur. ý1ýr, 2 -'Yeleis 1ie ccl...tnii.beî îîbîlc, ai pelid eeecy ..eeilsblesscî y..nandlthepclll Irte. tooik.atee .,-1d îbea c tracter eeaeiîb. itlî'. , e ly hul iii l 1cc - . fitier -icb, ieiiiîiiiib - W. t. BARNARD - PHONE 14 VE OUR ---I Garden Party Bis -PRINTED AT- The CHAMPION OFFICE HAYWARD TRANSPORT Datiy Direct Service TOHONTO MILTON -HAMILTON Loaland Long DietanceeGneege endbNliii. TOlRONTOHA8898 MlIILTON 318 HANI'itl N H Advertise in The Champion PîRST GRADE DRAESIDE DBUTTER lb38C GRAPEFRIJUI0 2 l:23C BRE'AD WbnsdWbh.: Las ASPARAGUS currmcGs14 SERVeE INYîGORATING ICED RICHMELLO COFFEE lb.39C TOMATO IJICE 3ins.25C KELLOGG'S OR QUAKER CORNR FLAKLES 2 tkg 15C MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DESN ~49C DEPENDABLI iDOMNOI JEEL IMOTOR QIL SHORTENING o ALL GRADES T-t QaIyawjshiaher thait the price", riflE .CDINNOMAM DEEN Inl T t, -teb %Opole IV. &P M qim