Supplement to. Canactian Champion Breaks Rl,. MIt DJtFflRiWIIITF 00 OObud about Kent Stewart." = Jint Wtkies firhed the salhes from ,hie npesee igar eutlyleto the receptacie o the glsstopped "Sure la." the mriuopposite hhee eedded lne eyeputby. "Kenw the tuniyprettyu'ni,den'tyou?" Sud- den, dint recefleetions that Dure Bolden hsd retusedWutiStu Ie yersgo to art brought a lght tub ten tee speataer'uface. But Jien anoetecbrsu "t've kseens theembuts s it. b. repied brlefly. "lWettl,1thee tiser brugged bis elseulderu. "Kent ubeutd b. cheer- fi abeut se@ telng, et teaut, There Sau't aurh aise huppesit inie. Ee's b.d abeut a' tee b.d tuuk theee Te manecres the desk moved uotuamuucle. But hw enethoknen test Kent Stewnat ores t fiulsbtd witheuru to fbed breukut At oeetimeyeurgStewart bat!bud a otuene le butik tocks. BNowbe was habit usessed prepecttsnutetp. "«Id hh bd't been se dsmmed eta- test, the visiter conueented. 'Tht neus ores. ft eut eaty. Att neay watt te lbe se seruputousu hn ouve gt s bundred teeusend bcblnd yeu -but its being s ittie toe boitent ut the expanue oethi&u nue, 1 telsk" Agi Jhe Wtinz' tasec rtustned tsepusslne. It hsd talion im eatiy tercesaab. and sinuet theetirait et bitsupply et imeruenul tiendllu te moute Dra etes t pint, nitb' out ausig ber susepicion& au te bis appaantiy siteuistia metive. "Seetchody uid bc'd drepped the leeerau'c eenisajustsaecuple w«eshe hatre theauccidenet, te." cWtins noddad flhiehads leny. ' Hn. le dide't rane, t this per." Ha tried te autebihs cuira e'tctnd ye-puate. Kant Sud nota. rai>t lytttgt hue Jttt-t uldfi te budv ltt,a. He . hd beguc tha ehbt lthvhrt pla, tttpttg te, e tt Ttttct' !!,att h.d tral. a ' te , l e k , t t,ý anit, ted hd d, qttt e h2t Set, dttet,!t.ithtlgh hlrttt iltteettttttetli,teat tt aîlihe T,-etmJ,t ht ,.,.t1-h-t,,hlans a sai h'. h t. e ld tt evtn Kc7,e - 1 ile]ha, 'tthc etdetr sl tchttd her a pede- rth iyll a btegr . Sat-,, tt. tu belttau. ttttewart'waugattteeretelie t. e 'cldt t h ehdt his ebusinesra dtg f t . tttw. k.,, he c, aler De, sH tttce ttdivoretpeople. t,. 1. vt -t h, , ta e.etddteffet 't.11, d tha,,., Ladee. Wth ratic' Hy tgted ntertptetctt u Bt .teirect t ten lttdar esi d" ýuak do tauhave.h Set etcacc ddhn t i letpaaW dnl 1 nha 'au w u hcette r ra Knt uscar tente. t ,tl "t l ut ie hyeur. t'-.hac-ai tene.Shabut. ih ae ree, sucd ear e d noWt terus. "Heet acra thaadadenulta su e da thdeut rusle."Antire u se dartadi r ag bci.cbrd-dtaaa i The eddcsyascuhehe aaut u-1 rierpon he train.ynth ne sudhnt teSe hutrbauunre netg tadyhe dscmei gss "en er htt ee'eha tretad he aua t. teckdirt.'tcrelye hit-tface eaut ut nU, Se lutee deelec. nl Htloed ttt w.eatoudy ithbnts horacd owa ut.thecd ace, iniethcebtterrilteusheedn Sbhieuettuheyaced srersely sulookbt.etlhet Sgc utc n 'rtb ofailp.dtet uc cdrsae of rece. Hi nus-ell. Hnteg henteit nie lte cruinbl-e b iit thecd t srh.Ie, sudnttteerdotonriy Sue tse ai ait tee bd sarbut" wat sud. soereiftl, bcep tete. ae cabn It ganuelieHe t sprtg b reses sact the tintbeau lute st, sute ti biseLie, and elsei sd ttsga te, *puane e fls e ta tetirekse stuesd Dutenins.Paent sernb.celeta ulbnie ntueandu cerendisureectoteu Nqgiseptn inltb betes. If srit hiets ae niecceertstrusno esigo fitndfor bisenss nt ts and pttge nue girattyes tesnfortagitc'fnac dafzele ndictie Fos suit s.algik ou 'r.sescins buiat t e misHo ties te uutst, d! uI- f- Me cr*vltion of s a n ud devracoteelCusOF eaandsdeep, but, ntti dic ir ppbdueds" Hpdcu, snesY haur bugtes a u»W dey. Hémeises LigisiF houeisu, ispttis mand luctetus-Icutfou biet Iueucsu" ta Csua it sint.ysuc hume- uecgay ta tvmtu lceu. oftuaimo tfauc trlcs, mises., ulipyaedu-tisIo thie nazis ai pss Hpdaa. Hyde@lIsislp tatsisutert thsentur.C Onu1,000,000 Hpdroe'esctis isuepuner te et wr ns.lta mc uacll Lot us llbetisctbylot mssue ofHyde. Newnnu plumb mus e u useuntandi ezisticu plans ure cue. ftsstly bi1 isuesettetite wsc effort. Lot nue J ' I AN APPEAL TO THE HOMEI Yuando mse ese ss-uuelireit. Dm'lot th.e tz untbuil. Wcnb b.heseitebus on yeusselu .s mne-asmuts sulllebu uhes et ned. usolve as soesmm*. scuetesr c m &dt tu Asir Ors's us, Ieduci.s PCUEAT RIGHT SHOWS A t' " HYDRO CONTROL ROOM W.*rthbd.. .-run.. tEer heur uthr. dur ued ighr ueere du e- bh. Y-"er, nutebtelsaneduan onerb.studeirsekereesin rn.,d. h. feu.uof Hdr uuntczrsuesirsurmt,'"' THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Mosey lu the bueis ginea you a camfadting sesse af secsrty. THE HARTRED ANK 24 ROURS A DAHY SUPPORT THE HID (ROS Behind the Green Curtain IT WASutueahicuule bueuuat the henutitei country hocmeaoutthu Fueun iniy, 'abu ere bren about charitabte nituire. TSry cara tan' ercutbeaeuicunduschened te turer utne treTntthe eut.ay ricb tue' phiunthropie ppure. Su ai th teonrtd o ct ety 'tue ther, amsng thent Suri Mercer, une et try, .ndse of euthea bnt Eveare'buty tiked hi, and mny schemnttg mtte eau teeugbt t itas s dasiraubi nub u a oryuung daueuteru. Buyd bsd met a teeussed girls, sud eut snes bsd tosaidmere teon u thrltt et admirsion ite bu teeS heurt. Boyd nas brs toispet thes Fsrb.s-11s'rizbubss, ands uuu b. tes nandsring srousd, fuDdinlg frlendssandua eumoreatesrytra. Re euiait surts ut ahances aed hbsd phs e eat tueb, and teon, suddeu- buacDi b. nsndered uff by ien' sait te sec tant beie ulad the se ritou treub violets. Witein teis tant s pst.l green aurtiteepsrsted tee eystal gazer frem ber cients. Buyd aloid teer In teeoutsattast, gsing dou at a bunt ut violets, sud hearisg tee sounnd stfsasenie voieine eerbi, fsddenty bne ws snretest it mueut b. tee nire et thee rystat fuser.' andb.olstened cugeate, ftualhe nus tauelnstcd by tee saetmestu utthee toe. ite tis ourassiensitilt. The* thesnire e aeudsand lbe heurd & giat. seftt tugbter, sdsamerrut gsud-by, te en utter iideses. At tutl & slm ne ulatte girl le unuthinfu ut Estern draperies glided tonirdhi and setsannd. Thsasseta trnight" eed hersel,she .nepteeami in, tain. Boyd ftid hlnttetinthe prusnue ut à nn, a su nigt, ltnituuact ctsd In a tenugutedieal gfun n5 jade fre n ith the loerart oftht tace heddein u snuthieg ociwnite. The wnte tted eech wnadartul crues te ituyd Merceet thut tee the tient timntlitsucarifrca bu'tSatr, huc, i, bu t aitnpecetien agtatoniut the e rgoecfutheue tdld itt"i lie tcld het'i cetegeli, "the r'tn cfierbat.c'r eeen ltbcl't eyhedecuu., Eyru urerde'tet,.cg! Au uhe pelîrde'tt.yeteel bhuIt te- wued ht.ton the rege'tc' ta- bIt.. ehe le,.bed eucdand cght hen intecse guze. eth tlthct nae'fci er ucuualet es. TlIteN e dae'tped theant ctctltt and etecc,.'ttd, to,u I cl gae n t,. taeheert ofthefe' tuerand 't'td futes uite tee "Wuil doet." ityd wue fVr wel dune.1i eolteeli leute kn' htgir." "Deep en the nuit et silencerlie mtheefanec'trts. Tbecb nt-eue- cerautuunnoacieg-teftuenniW.,. buercvanird," caeth ee oceofutthe erystut fuser. itcyd iust huctelfit etugbtn ut' whsr &ho nus dene, usueuf drap, darp nte thue r,.tc's beset. Ha Baur tenuaiy trytef tu theub sbcut ectheg-e difficuit teeuhforaunntma- tact.. Then caune the .uece ugain, trage, tauner, unsi ber ninde nue nn theefuture and lire eynpathyt nete t. "Yce beae eltb-uU the nrstte ut the ncrld ceeti euttrate yee ateber elttcu nere t tee peur- eut mnn cethe t,.rld!t Vue have nt thr tove ut sny inirina eth nont rrlutad te yee-yetehaee cced i cuntleserye-nd lcckduay. AI- neysye ue cll bhale r rceededi by friendnnbeu retfond ofyou. Yeur face le ereuinhe'teyutel bei yeu aure eietuye lcar. Faetyeentey ihav.eryurtulntrd. Goeteth andserek tae lvc o.oautuecn for nu fortune teller ec al te tetleut Neenaleunly Bcyd ttrcr'ttcrsead theaeeg and teci un the thar aede ut the tabler. Ha, tue, launai v bher ryntul gfers reaeai bll ud theerfaces ceea refa'ttrd tegether in the dsab surfuce. "Who suye thutt Iceceet ltee, eh, 1 gar oethberryntulut Tell ne uthu ueauerinu rani hia,charapyuehaves brenal ycce dues teui i Saeruever. met ycu bera! " At thee cund cfithe rtenn isi subdued voce,the'tcielgazera segbed deeply, thec unt','ed ligt- ty. 't huver uhunhu l,,.d inCaei. ternae. Wrc ccy bpeplet tubutrip seente h ie c,îld thet 'tftc eni ith yeuccuin. Mru Hlto,, Ite Nue -y gtdctttthe-e! t1eamG,. 'tAll'e. Yeeattrc %v,'t ,ee't,c't iAct11ere dollertfot ,t,, et ttttt tt,,e l- h c - .i ,ait-11,, , c red ncly le:eI. at.hrd ed' lui hurtc.ta- dherelet t erandl nuanhu.d. Audubanre guret an Nu Agacbctuecut fnde stct tair Ants uBriece i Al.e lenuscame prurn eu t suinnlu te eiany ta-y, rie huied enty suld upun sin tea ut thof er tre' wuirm adAd hy unerdeefe t paNteAgeementhon grentupsan Teretaanougceem ent ae, n utreatesbaicena effpetie ntuicd in tes country et uc ho ltet bre bth ed at oftad UniteupStatpt