Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1942, p. 2

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lieCandia Ciipj'4 HORNBY GRÂCE ANGLICAN CHURCH MiLTo. . iian25, îleu. IGQodoen "ations oattendaith.1on.Oh Oondzy Aftoo Tinity-Jone 28 ___________________IOn hundreâ ..d 10h onniynsny 10» .00n..-8onday SohoI. I .nolu St-int8. *pha'u Anglino. 11.00 &.n.-Mornng PrOynanMd Ser. %1 3w swn.le aIinu. Chovoh lbu Bonday. iilptul .nn.la on.onn cl.vairoduoiod oOv. W*. . . 700p..-E.niug Pr n sdl -Thompsoo, o ott owota t 1 h.aSrmn.o.We il nonoobo.i.y mno aOsPull a l aiuIsmo.nn vaaning and billon.Cannri1). Rus- in io.aerhe omen 050 hae .niiid lateujohnboa, lut Fndny oeil Smith, aifai. Jadê'. Ohonoh, front 00.. oharh. Ail relis nd ni :011.gni. .b1Mtou and dil. Onk.illa inh aaoning. i '.de IoOod nviait ta Osjoin ooi nlon nn o Mita ora.A nnohmonom ttin nilit, attend.- oi0h 7tcrd'l Goragie B, Dwson,nha odoitcao.- d tha Opf Ononviooon pvh"If oallii;you did yatnrdny s... ioIyovg&nnasd he tohnsinue Vic. Ilut nday noaninganod nv ilmipsa0onoLO-doy,, Yoo Il oreoln bo Lnn sooigni. wulectod rnaid Ilyann saapionnliy -hî too.no.hO-d.y ,loi.na. Ollonoff. n-.T.A. aoO Y VaY Ro. Pt, . ., Bilto,hisoon. , fono roo 1> h. Me5tfopolits COSseS lToonto,, and ho. Voolono, liait;i, lioqono11-1 ol5O 'l ,dSIh ma. Edwin Haooov, OokolIl. Th sommooloteicharg cioel MN. t Ooîody o5otg00ao l lVsoloth Lioluth.nspirit of = cert,,ificat-ale :R. MeAkoinodl ,on'nosaoso-111ll h hld in th aoao ahnin ; B . W. Piotr. fovrnchoolén;UUitead ohsoohsi08 o',ook. The o- se,. o-otionloon.v Chate@oClar, for marchnt@. Vis:.00on il ho opoonUi fon aildeno and o11-t00 Sody ,ool tory Loon ohioino, D. C.A. Mar- the omusic ia oiehafurninhnd ly Onhiid- IlaisV.-%i aSsooday Sohi. tin ; salnn como.itonohinnnn, H. R. vnu'n choir. The oongathmla1215 Siononci. Mlli0aon bi ohooo oonitteoa.hlou-teqooaio O hingfower, ta Odnovoa .7.00 ,oia snhip. Soie MOoU, Willi o ran.a.nDr.. CA. thn ohuvoh furnthe ... ice. C 0, l, Failli nf Our 7.,,..' Mortn!,u onhin.n.. Wonondnv if ny othnvonolochuoh Unionnnnil L. . Ama., aounOy oaniserv aon@quai h.recoron at 0 oOahnoî .non Cuhonh.00ifnt Ssadny la doly .Ooad Ol h dnrivenwu forthe uous 05 huroh for don. he , yv&. l'o..,end oi cotionedoooug th. 000000. of inanno.g h. sale a,a n. oig bhaooiaiol ddios. hoe,, bauo h.id on cerifiit«oOand .@tempsObvoogh ovnîy 8t. êtSl rom0n,.100ah tOsJung possblePutit 2th.To miteifnorenonique n0ill, ST. PAIJL'S UJNITED CIICE voi.ihlo ooOloO.th, ohoaomiog bride@ von. il fot LEllER I VR osoin, dosohion. ai th.n..no.. n ooolhs saa o FO OVRES Thnn nana Mini.. Mrlo,y Noland., '«ndHeabOs av0doinonIm - hOojsy Solos,,enod Bnooy Rnoan.estue- T-C.A.T.S., Miosn detachionnt , lieR.nS.R Clahoobn offisioO .0 no-odyNhs Tohapyite ci ft.d 42.1! Ohl[ to nnwddng.. I0-00 s.o.-SnySi ool. fovlosnglavtternfons.vOArthur o. Ohsll.sotnueomore and Osah, OP.n.-Aoosol o,înlauBoonno' Sutpis nerof.00., ini vOhayW'..nnd vopilo aefois ion he l onont-Chso'h, ssdoosfd ly ifc,. A. 0. W. May 4, 1 942 mrvcto Dloseon ..Oowinoo -.oaioODseOio 1 t 700 t.o.-Penoinwosohip. Sbh 10 o..nonoa vio.noOs~ n.smrs! ofh.entrmi aooo. n, ail bt jasa, "Sitting ashe..TO.,. Sat. too our ai hl aaoÏ and lamies that naiho ossddot000 h-sanat0.LadiesAid tnta elitoo arlevoosil yoo sntome0. 1aiaiOaon ty thirown tlan. inhslo,,o. hnwoO a,nsoiog as ni nooha, sdoY, Jsly 5ah Jciso.oieh. hail noioOnd m neofo iern.lotions.. POM WEDDING TO tOOCUS lit. nuEsan a,caylocioo Chsash. IlOW..n osn hs 00Iwnu ao 55 noah in nansor and I hio no w ýnrr.ecrlnne inclsi aYna d al yuoOtu d the.Oso ma les- -9o1.1eos sth. os, î.avso Ail SainI', Millon Nliihon . th..l ya miillion tmeOorn sit 10,b~s aoyoo agi ____ Ihonh. rsanii oyaa IutMentila he Oin esitia sdofio. The - U0050.NE28h ..a1Ian goOing sind teloia pninso- *lgs a 0O 'syBoloum anso aoaay ONA,.ON 0 ,ioi.nnnna hsnow. qoîno o n- sOs]it.a JI,,butwnt healios h pressuoaorea300 .o.-ooahAois sevicei. haieondi..nhaynanohiscmoî oIcobaosn 5,00 lis, ,theo asi end 15ioil panio,. ah, Va.A.shd.oso Thins. onre nttot. hemnn, ithougl Of lit n,,lssoo s sl, 1o.v.0 F sl.M. A.. O. D., sf 8. h Rnd CL-on food pnesaioarenî RThi, su imesaastîo aoaout ýc 'O,aa'o (lo.,l,is,lph. Ail pisnnno n.aslor. Weilin.nouenhoînoaillotitll 5017 ,im.o asld lDonneathosudlo,, enofood f,inad li 00.0 000fo, h, htn t0 ha enod and leclsa csuille i 10 atom aobnilesn, Ail S&ItLo nos ,>odoily îsitad t ta on1 bat e @ahll counbc otof ithis c. ns, 00tOinsitsolo iglo 000042 stu 1nlavoi'n od hhgiiog ts AI-' Thanh. naior oioopanoolnd the crcaîl a raflcdager. aeshou lohyiiod fors ondns nd but of luc i ouoanod woanb. iodiflad or dilintiued. The, Oaigigudaonedurigoteoa h00fst foy yao.. Yous t.Only, brie00abotit5iiot bc snt ay OlfO0a A. W. 80010grai.o rle lu 0,loieOr, ya. Any slaies. Th.olahtn-- on, th.îlauo,îoc h.o- Arthr,,couo Mr. nd mn.: . Oitýoi-.ss h,5,,i isoad tospsueahaatlsnforth-Alaskhliohoo, 0,00fin- Of0 M000.0, hing Oh, anly vi.onnn of copPio l ,,0,1,osisi 5, isirm i5 n âIlY asuhac5000000ouatanWnnhinaos. wa0lntit ohm nnniOî. w"00iopte d os 500, the ity olto 0000 otoian. Canadieoo ,oineoa., ohho no, int,. hy the C.A.T.S. tact 8,ptenhv, .iooa, ces. Ottou lo rbtlois soilosnlsaslusB C. iooonth.ty 'os.d,.alv saon. Osa anntoi r.-ginr zutral.. Ourso 0 testtit ofaLlite Ooeynoioilan tfood,ot.,soflog. Tlooy as, . o.0 0.00 Oelohngo ololo tho cog.-te .nOnOs" ioiatle al lya, t old sd 00.1, 005t lotm ,, Arthur and .ah prionhof ai n. LETTER FROM ENGLAND ________________ L,ce Sso.0000slomnt, A N.1 an. lieOn. RinfIrI,,not Conaodien Ar.y Con..... Thn Edits,, Th. CanodienoChanpion. IQUEENL.AND Milasa, Onitario.I 1 .0haL . ti.pt.iatyso n P413 naOhnit la5 sl. y ndo, O.. he ind an tunnd Othn Chnoo1i.n 501 tu niO1noticin thelies.dAt h 2 fl 3 ont1Oam etaianed in theaslOy os!ot hny bho. . gothf., ay .11 ci... lnn,d Aoirt.hsnig homioog.httoh y 0..., * nndo. have bad ta vut 010 niol. Tho .v irit - sf000e pospi svnr bore i. 1001 po lsont. 11 1P 'odin vofsstosud .nau,.tht th. ce iJ l BISCUIT 0 jonld JOJO o.oi.g fosr th.dny 0.000-y pck sp .hoI linid.d "hI.om g a'y.Ilnd "ad oh.,, honeta --neo.Chus, -lh - bte. ho. 0,0,anod O EE Gond COOnIi' k. AgD t h . n y .Io 7 0 n n gnl on , n ._.«. PUFFED W HEAT package Aour anl, PUkhnW EAnh 7 B51700 Pt.. A. E. Cosoer. JELLY !M ER 2 pk..25 LOWVILLE Wh-n Yn @.y Col i..- .,o ýk2 2 an Os sa0. FahrscCl'sling ROMAR COFFER l.11lb. h.g39» .00aleyarriostMoiolosg. FOR FLAVOKIR STANDARD Nif,. ass MrM,Wni. Auckilad, Bur- ,g. U Sif,.., sslottI, 00ny VU Mx. ad rsaI ucl"M n . Raid 0000Miot K TC U P A I. MIPhe,..,of 5Nsoi. 10 Sa,0,sy ostol M.. ssnd M'.. F. W. Hal-.9 Sise. 10-n bouOle.Rode3 tcs l A P-1.1loinsoly osos,, ." hei Inosso ato1010.. .H.Benne, of Zosoias- th. 00 ddm.. GINGER ALE 2?I kml. ,bonui.. 23e .Ir, Oh..aBoi. of St..aisi,is, Libb'. Foabt lroto slo iolo . od o GREN TOMATO PICIUE le.-. je. 19e Mr. asd Mon Shatffn, S,., o!fiio.. JOOOi lt.s, nIlna 0foids lut 100 osl SALA»DRESSIO @ 7c, 32-- autO Mx. adMa. tlo,ltfn. . Wh C.. WOn27,ojr'39 Mor. old M,nA . 5Bol[.s!of scJS po E t 7,01 e t day 0witfr. nd SUREDDIES "Fnn.ni UB» 2 pt 3 M rs. W. H. HarosOl. Libby!.m Mrfad. ssi MoH. Caltoadfois. SWEET GERMInPCKLES 2aJo25 Yi, s. OIail,o'oad, alonlOd te s lo S.ond ,Foon itoipo ohi 1ilORe- ssid M-to E. . Rlddslilo M JaS fo.dck Anson.,,sfs! OWN COmERsTRUF 15lh. th,53C T. 1 .oo. pna1theoo eck-end oith ONIIngoosd Lino..AN. Te. OTbMJ Mo. sol Mr. S T. Cchin.s. ATLNER MARPMALADE 0noJ, M - ad ifoo Tocslrofi .aKilo.16- 1 ,le,.iotd Snay oith Ms,. ad tn3 EP.DAL Ms Ossy11. ai iTsstlîss. ossa th, ,-kndwihMr adM-El- CuaIiN CLASSIC eslis.FLAKCES CLEANSER A Comdenied Advertiggnta vlnz. 7o ti.n 50 AARNT a TansO EN-Apply Mi- Fip,, 0.0. DepartntOSosre. l FOon SALE IN vion.a.Alinîto, Mia. a'wNI OAuw :2 2%. f in. 210 P aid H.y. Se...A. D MO f.hOoia. Tno.0.dI nnitod Wh.t-i'n.Glo.sone RF POU SAL-A ossil. il an28 Appiy H.W. Riohardon, pluesn..Ï. i NwotFu e1-i.2 01- POUSA LEIon 0 0 à- ony trucak 0, . n o. Seodoinloc nthy ad .linifo. Appiy Jo, Si.,,,a 0-. n thIosssnin. 1a. SPREA.D a%-s..ar o.. i..-r39 CTIfFRSon.a-CoOtof a! 005f. K-.. FI- .1.n. gO WlnOý- Rdain pstn~ Haw .s' ax 250, -"45C te. 2M,21.Teilai T.. ST o." D-kgry2 - y..-sId W HITE SW AN 32 natta25e V nonI,,Il poaosr, ltO9,sou 4, N...____________ ngo,.Asoono- bnoong oa ie o884r12. lnnvho ls Oao. SAP4-I U UFr Tni o u a lIse 0,29e nla16, oosld liOnhooosh Ano, S.iloI oo.kly. Son.nvoneion. Appof *et S Rendl., .0 Cnn«nnOnCoPq chonvisot CR Hos.,. sd Catt. ATLUMRJELLIE jîzo lo.a lse I fanfr ink Ps n. Pha,, Mlt-n210 1AfE.-adH,..ni h.O Puha Fntchae.Fooi in, Y.ng.nO»MORT lth . CI.odenoing, 0.10., OC-M-O ý1 2L77 Mounet,,, Mn.nl ...- HOME GROWN1 LARGE, JUICY FiRM, RIPE 1 peosun ..net ni, uan oligation.,. I uporuntyur.Det,00m-. CELERY Gaer i TOMATOES 1 nnd .bnimn, nlaniy deoannod,1 2 banchsh 17:4 fo 5c Poîîoad 16( bao nd sool a ivinrflno ,to- 100 mette -malpmaolnholler1~. Apply Fritnnd ,âV..n.hl-i- 000.Ga.0 TSI Snnond.r Shot . baih Tnilf, 3B.a.hnoiod A., . _n-n. .0.0hcl. Ve.t ii o n~obi.noaon Hamiltons. 01 75 WAIRING1! If it is flot already on its way to 1{atiotiing Headquarters you should MAIL YOUR APPLICATION CARD -FOR COUPON RATIONING AT ONCE!l Af ter JuIy lst no onc will be able to pur-,,..is.<Iiii- Just drop the card chase sugar for regular donoestic use asithout in the nearesi mail turning in a ration coupon. box or post office. It Application cards for coupon rationing for .~osGneeds no forward. sugar have now been mailed to every house- igades hold in Canada. But, in an undertaking so ,00igades vast, some homes rnay hiave becto missed, or some cards may have gone astray. So, no mnatter wbere you live, whether it is in areas served by letter carrier or flot, if your appli- cation card is flot already on its way to j Rationing Headejuarters, yaou should wait no longer. Af ter filling in the card, according to the Instructions on the pamphfllet which was à l1 delivered with it, just droîp the card in the nearest nmait box or post1 office. It needs no forwarding address. ans . IF YOU HAVE Nt)T RECEIVED AN " i a:Ocahv euvd.I atutoat APPLICATION t:ARi) > siiotilolget one ArlnshtkOffce an trpd f listructionn s ot ut the nearest losat)Office at once. naaîcU Wartime Prie, an.d Trade Board Offie,. _____________wàr hnry wi ta'i mmediate attention and the cro.Oon ration cards anléd right back ta Yom. The ration cards being istîed for use Joîly lot announit of sugar as Bt present-/2 lb. per person are for sugar onIy, and gond for 10 weî ks. At per week. The saine provision as ait present for tbe end of thiat period a coupon additional quantîties for pro- ration book gootl for 6 nmonths C UP Nsevnng and jam and jelly mak- will be issued. 'Iicle: aiîe niew C U O lng will be contlnued. Speclal aystem of coupon ratiomnirag, RATION ING voucher forme for this purpose you are allosved the saine meons no thange in are being suppllsd aUl retallers. your ALLOWANCE 0F SUGAR OMAGH Kno Choroh W. M. S. FatT D:Hi ns f orin OATE:h. .Ini.h holildaon. Th. H.IOsniod Osf.,th Aooili.,y and and Mission Band L T 'I 1 ' Ahaolt.17 th. hnhoR.0.t 0 dpi.. tha W. A. sf Onogh Prsbyî,IooliF00, Odon Mllte 4rIOau.litB llohur hld tor Jonm eetn tt h, tK.- t oV.fiM ..-l0o0 -isF, i M l 143.rPoddy. Wilsan 322oa i,,sfoNsi..o. Hndo.... .T oo, l. htOo,,,, il,,.O .,l. .0 D A C IN G Iti, oises .no, .42 Doarinne oo ,do thin it.00,dooiaghW ..1fl.0oto.otttoOtt 0..05,5 ..d M.R. Moinl1P.i,ods .'t. oo1,îotIoooing Iiattonville Park Rsd sns durillt W.M.00. -nsans,o, oot...,00 .001.o.t..o _____ O)..ati ... 1amhd .osduictil hy Mf.. A-n,,',11 '"" ,il IL R LL N MsdmoA. l inih C, .Jt,aim, kt. Yioo , oo,Ii o.,,, 1 , 0, . t Wednndy and atrday Nights E L D I IN M.,Ooiland Sosni.. 1"' 1 O i. si,,t,,,it , , .Foah, I. .. 0nnsj.a aooosoo .lt..o, lin ofontanoo M..Jo. Fta.ha otooaO .,,, t0ooo,,. 5,'o IDSDN-BOYD ORCHESTRA RTS RAO AL o ueomn30. Pnn.nnndloals, Aat4 ,,ýktt,- ,o .,,, liar,, _ _ _ _ _ _ ridgooii t ýl.nd M ioHassT,,, ooo li o,.i..o9 I l',ote,,,,AoMIN EDWARD A. CORE Tmnh.d1rg lc.ti bd eMo,. br iroos oiol st i, t 00.000 Iot, in h, RIiLAO O IOOMILTON. ONT T.iý ioIso i sslnnn os Oo Mil-. toIl t, d 0 i, 0 lt io.d, .t .d- nn 1 a l " oo, 0000., ,.aooot o _____________ dM d. M .h n..ah, iitioni%O,0,0 1,1oo, att -vi~t, ass1 A..12 1M.obelitýf NI i, a,..,a,..,,î.ts HAJRDRESSING! S. A. FiAY onisthe Poogiam s.o.aano., Mr.. c il.itfoooo.,iiitt.ti, o,,, i '.5 ii -->, clik ak.gth cai. wll r.* Uýy -, Ifid.Ilgý*ý'ý1.;i M tl.,ý . erannt Plum bîog, an9ýrrýd., iamani M nr ,oOP.- s,. i .iooo t I, ,s.osi i ian... Ioh ',MoC.o l...i0,b.lo.t. i,..i .i, ît iiaii.HeatiIug and o' . .oo i.. iinLy Mnbso.li .,lOsto, i.l od .,1-a hi,, ls Al Unesof aI~ uly Culturev. rldgooand hp Mr. 1l...dn',inoi, o,. 1,t.]o., ,i.. pino. Ms..C. Pottayoo ,,a.s too ..oy.it t oo LLOT 0UTbHFo Tinsmitbing ,,sOadu Il~n. ioosoa .t ,a -so il 1.l'ho.. ojtoo.riAptointoment. M-. IFd,,foo 1,.Q,, ,st 5 s,, '1ittt, 0 ., , 0 MISS M. HtND5RSON AND PHONE 2M0 - oof tIndin. o..LtllonmoAso1,,tl ac t1 , ,,t . ,.ot .. A. R. ELLIOTT fi- o,, Miltosnhoag h disoOo t,.,i.to,,, , v,ý, ohti , , M A RO E S R AIN ST., MILTON, ONT iOo,î0i . dloolsf vnntIl ohîo-isdt.RoILS So.tt o MoI, Rsnnlind Oof.rth, ,oio. 0 oo ii n ohio, loto,, 4,0 '.M. osoi loyo.1. ooOo oosLssmmnth. saiio.al on I R HC cfOon , Ito .h.s,, o e p tpue y Iiool, y-o5 d,fOao., i h-siolooiI-,o fullis.ooS 0h, o.Os the Trick! J.iCOKEW.OMOODMA&H STATION RO n R. R. 1 MIL0O jFloor Contractor i nsyo rdJ. O O ELIEv. R.R. n.MILO EI nEUFAcINO PNIoSiN 3 NEW ST. PHONOE Baa IWoIVIDUALLY WRA4PPED CLYORSOAI.R STALLION Woodband Lad No. 27147 En,rluimao Nsu276 Wit staond iotoores. oOhis-n table L.Ol2Et s..5. E.oio T.r.smh. A11, acdents si;Ousner'. .Inb. A. N. STARK. OLTORSDALE STALLI -N Craigie Red Tape Ns. 293.118 looI nant N. 4299 Dnnh hoy, dnuln bht.,antd logo. WliI tosnd nt hOi.o...hl. .n To,.- day. and Saoodoy. nt ltoS4 .nd a, . ,.qou'elle, Tnnm- 8l1.008100asooti .. .1 ,,,. ISAAC HcORADY & SONS, Plin. 15,22. 1CR. 3. MlO. IMPORTEO Clydeodale Hallion TORRS PREMIER vFenai 1P if,,0l0A Ennslmnan N..28Mg TbI. otnd vpriaeni..ersud st- hi ndng.in'.ool.stand 0f- serviceat h. o. .Oshioo Volai C .. ore,nI, 1 enjle abat fPnl,,os ..0theNs, S honhooy. C...anod sas th.. g-os .ok hsnnnd hnsa . Monr,-Fis $18.0t), P.YOfnWoum .a.p- . Os.h... O(.ai. VALLEY CREST FARMS, LTD. OAR VILLE BERT BERRY. Mo, B. .ot. 9 ,oS PERCHERON 'TALLI. King De La Motte N.a. 151914 Fa,00S. Soyn, 00,5- .0f100 OIii.. t S h. C oat .i. 4y42 limts, Po,,P.oline !.»fV,-sma2f11 Dam ti Danm, .14of, 9Ma. asî a..O-tnO vnimeoltoon.' .NE. noud KINGa DE LA MOTEi. n davoe cro.n7Iles--ah, n-!eh, 19M D ion. aiI s.s tuso_11.ofrsl0ra.s. ahle distance. TERMS-8i100 ut t.im. fnaI. 810.01) oh..nesolota 2 dos.sl, 1. 1043. *ALPH ANDERSON paie MIc& Mos. k È -mmaw

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