Coaudc ISmo&'-Déia mmuauSd Miiltawb» -LuAtby C.oaetiaI Blat Mau Fouud inRaeMs ut ofbingorroieumlu Oni th e.=mut unique oen, Cno es -."Ceob Nsbo. lento- Pslsg. len noe.rérussiSon "I tvly a bous idntifid ao.tlesde- contnent vas mode le Ouleher, brio Sot by o itanie celsotiar supir- 1932, lete Pedro muuuaile a siotht atvSs bsesved by homos- obolof.0thb. Bokies, abaut Wsagieu lothles yenx 1064.sootbwsut of Cuse, iyn., b7 tvu Loto Oindlogu eegoedlsg îby blots g»3d peonpstoes, Frant Garr and sd bsboslor of O a esty of reaA Cecil M. Mole. TA... mn, vs. starsbae bossnespoesed le the batlsg viii.dysamile le a glcb Atooical Soiety othe Palf3 oet tbefoot ofonesof the salsuof byfDe. PaulW. MuoiliofuMtWil- m3005003u 7ompeiilg o eogged son3 3h777530337, LoAngeles-3In rang3. The explosion3 7370732OP3a 2gh3333.33327733ldhoes777373333 6376327dee. Up33733oer,7»»5f- mon 33on a3,307 320. Shoyo to»663u5330. 33M" 3233337roed, aftr ceawl- peesonsuS7eed theuend0ofth53e332 ldigonOhitshbandeaudAouesiiorough W&*aothood. The "p303303char- thuoooorr»opeoios.ansoe*eolugl»oi acereean3d oueres,32e0i2epansion5 Sekintheiurm ofuamummisied of the Crab Neboa' Dr. Meee323 miniture mmsîqsottleg on s 0u03350, "a3ggSt t36t filmoy bluhe oh. 0337 3dgs vile armmofolded, baud 773m 05000oftheumporoy ohlet e. o- 3dlikiolghyd legsInae&nmi- oordud by th7 e intol obees70/' bouinost3ur0e. Comsooisthsmîtualeoolo7tric Therlire pygmy meoîureaê lomp, the Mt. Wlson serooomeoc 37,hoinifs uqustting poition, op- cacueos stteey minuetesuoite 637 63 33083673 file20 lohos le dlises $6O,060O,066 vrtof l5 3g235stndinog positios, vsbotbre- and hast o thse eart. f3oefh of a Poud, but inlou&ht "Figureup a moOl'ohilif y3o tuhsh ohav b osluh eeeInlifs. 727e e 66and »3e577753thot thu The s»t3,3sob3 fsutu. esaesh 507h703058ei u53605333733one33- br7onze 036»,33vwfoehead, Rat noue, h,331oo636 part of h. sO's t3503 out- flotit, 3353if,330 heod vile o lielg put,mntaof05v3i73taeoutn33the of hoclo and grayboir. The asxof obysmor depthn oSf 3336770373303 the7 0373kw» is pioiu3y masculins, sao7. Mosttarsumo3»fsî,3aoper- 362ita 3etrm3orog organe vel fr7337 7003307 oblere p,v67033357e373773777773. Irohsafn etiuofteue 323237777 077v377. and32ils eyeu. lhough gaed, &P- "OS coue i3 lu posiblefo3635 er37 77dlufi»et3y. It laenteamtod leat 5733 7373,ents in homeusr3 33363230, 0thepys 337 vou opsreuamatsly 65 givi3g ri0e t6 fluctations3in3he yeoeu o332eoldeole. TAre r. 36eg36tess of 3337303330. Ths bc-ootiebe taesof es ry finehale 3637337 s 330573032 367c7er6033 st3a7s o» t36ebody. As X-uoy jicturs 5230»change335ei336 7 633236333 336a353e momny reeeale humas ver- 7733303, 377333237 33033337.Tho-6336707 332nd oUlothe, identifiable sa0d32of3562306variables3have 7en b33ories of te body aven le les 32307377373. muscles. The lit csaisOs bons l__ _ _ e shouafracture and markaonte 363327 ldicoos Cul deole undoobtet- Prorjous Vitamina Loat iy esrltudfroo vousis. Abo dis- cerbe» 633y X-ray lu lhes tuo lelee Witlu Improper Cuoking 063333073, whvhalsesinhle s 03332-367, v723333303eu» e o asat. OTh e eeeinle. 03337 the, drain3 6377go, carry front oSf63e moule or. posled ont ing50733y5ait36537rp773335270het ofth voresty. 03332 36733y737s3e33o-A 537733,3 __________ D for body2 3333, O for 32i7estion. Couvert Wats of Ciris have 737733,h732033330 33333733,773in7 Orcluardo loto Dry Feed 7772333. Th7y put6,333337363.-te, Foidlesoououg lisoteeme.-. 3773327302337,7333k t323733333377g dou ceop of gropefrouitad oranges 3and 33377 337733th36liq3u33325 0737632 37732077mir, buttere sd sher 01 t33-7330703dd2soda03733773 73323037373d635. t han.bee dn-j 733.773373) tu3 367lie,3 336ed 37726 th03e plp of olruaseits whi3 anber33anh3a337703723333.317 kd7iedsnd goodspltamok 36 733k732 3in03an337 37363 aO 33671,03os d voro obr o5032foc To gef73 3237333732337333,3373733 3313736733300332ndbetooatoie. o233337330377 3in7373637g 3and2323733F33i32o7rates tleuTeaasao Save73the3332377f577633333. 7333-7063I7e-3i0333f section. Aeoood Elu- 633323333333773323333or3put3fr3its33ihOaodfeailleroomowideansdfer-I hot. 337 076005 tet, il Oas re730e73 Excellent3 63373e6 3f573333337 !\ky673ie3t33tP. T.D1x0Arnold,ODr. are'scý3'3po'33370, eggy3k,373r, .3 B. B.37eer5ad Dr.WM.Neo3 green32and773333777'3730233733377ouStheoru732sStte Agriculture]3 673326. 0632330e 0600si0732, the deied ri-3 73337337 BI3 3 337733233 in3 3333rus700303330juil au hi35kin0nutritive y, Vi.,iODi 762-33777 3ils. for m33007 773 in7lue eteions5 ___________ of the country. -Tboy tsu5z2333273 3130330 f732 on thegopdorio and or- SuezuCanal0 angef7677323237and3found t0360063eir The Suez0canal 330the733733077733 mile 37323760»cti rdn p boee- n 3333233333 6333336 333323he,7 333fiel7323 33 5000oy 0032 sulilty. the Ea33st3d2ler3rientai3o3ss33 Moe thaosr800Otonb ofdrisd of wa337735333733.33one3of37the 7..sfieO7oedIOst yeuebyyplantsin cen- 6773767ofW77332W03H. tralIpart ofPlo3of. A doessnes T3333327750073Egyp'opt 3 posto rproCes lant2sshave goeup thl. the237 en 3700330, 7330must 0337773 yeoe na o 3373 30320007 îemrs tu 037 lier 7730333603633 v362 Eof3o73 k, ons le330. Modern77Efypf wsiaop3036of T37 , in3 1914. Thiso70337732in»1r22, 377 Animale lai. the7333,3377 3306mod nd 3333733 Animains70330 ho for thele shors British37influence03e32 333,3337 g.of oddnes: InoNevfampshree The Egyptia o33 g37733333s 3333th3e 3333037of os animal Jsm oiez fies337 3336237333f77033773'33h0333 5an0373230336 ledo hiu pfoviog. Ib 33 337 323333063333333277 3the233n333 c77 hove reered feom a vistee 23327733327 07,337of51336. This» 3pro7cations o3223hele 1,500 soarmu of 7332es3332332035073033070037003333 367,3. The733sesgothr36 07n bar3u- 7gyp3u323lplac7e0a63he32ds'33o33 7730f0rang0 lsuonmfoey in the Britisuh3lie3ou3o36s,23o23770333F3o,32o. A sosoroflut figurens6the oH3303 uea s f3communication. Tho" 5 b5f k3230ao nu. vorthioauout 037 323e Efyp33o3, has.36776 323e7$40 0 a7707to o frmer boooae o C 3633. A pifeon lunOKanan vos Hatut ops 'Eu 'middiy sopoa, vhes oa3he» ld 3215 Hagen, Edmontous, Aloa,, r9 enegg inilns U RO. But5 113pigeot 377736732 $3,60 in o teos bt s0337 ontoe. 20 pottliy' katcked 23377632733233036723333 tu orote t3 he efgaod lomf.32 foot frSe 66 via3th 2336723 2332route. roPi323y 370v15g 3363733Bof.,03673 "r'77 3633723 23336,32 over th623,th, 72337k 7e50532 lefollis n7333 provinc7e and 3033Saskoatchewoo,' 3333300 squob ile yleg, the pigeon f13333333303323 dj3stlsf 2330 steoo gose 3 lu digtand0332kikhedfil bonnet3, "and f'vo ers7d 3'3 3336feu e 63e s. 323e 7730 of 333337i60, Losyeoe 31 é3 33377332033236330ueut33323603673323 VIOlet uap. fer Hale 7733333 3707f. Thut to0633372'a733 Hir 700 3e 375oR os "This Unme ibs goisg lu 36623 mrt ffetieirhys eebeosiuloey 23at,"e griss,2. "Loobaime., ore7032630005tieousm esovirio ufro 1oo 373k30e o thog? TouIr 03770 violet 7073, 5570732335 toapatnt 323o0 1 look6 2k7 osylhleg butolf 3733 ued in leth. U.S. A. 03237,3the mutoits c733330 367 osof53560m, 7303r1icy, ont hemaue, 077 uhof fbey 636mb lua0 a 3Sap ,13it myroesd 367 0he7ev> 3eod 5f an6703336at,63607330't he,30000ht(oosleg. iluo3olimed, 337h me 3. Oety Of 00t073oh 7The procossuissolses cosmhleg les ooold 33736 03 3636u3-hk7s buhaie viok osn ultra iolet 307 comh 52e3"re7 oh>o33 hy mlght ho piuk for S le 10 mints ite lnguaal robbee oreomething." Ouaidlupethe clofoteskolr - . e____ 0037e. Atm r is treaeunt and Occupies isle eseu7leus0ae tCaoopussd GeuoSFres,. hessonssniorlhotir-ving luidu The pres0e oded eritoyo0 rouppliduan te.Aalele wvsd. 00763677» France uoiode osI3 eoouoe tCeseuoreîs aesopsd tles fsve o F7007'0 32970 n-.Aewvskg fidu resdiiy punesous es dusses, Asne, No37323Somme, Pou hairfle 6377, Ailef sald, nkfig d,-C3ous-os32 Port O oS o se- for o bote vs. Meuse70and Mre-htoepeosî, one uSf6the mot lmpo atstofeooicu ' 6u7o3 577ct3360 of tle, 7003367, se OSmart Like o Fox 3033235 to tef36 ic3e osfoeigs oal Foueushow remerkahre rosslsg 7ul3ura3 relations of 0the U. .S. dopet 'ouvoobuftrapu sot, vhese leoy 337331f ageiculture. areebrosedby hon, forltemath. In 1938 hes, oseo nproias oode, '»2hfry aopO inleaueng tlio. 32337735,000 630000.sor osof gýof s3775avenebyIleoplguonfth 237t,0.or 0777 huit the letal Fres7f hbacs o et 36l'liTAmes=ooleoy production;s, 06000 hoauhele 3>o. do u g1 e5 7332 f 5aa@lein olhes 332370or-370 3-fourle 50 oaU 33370eoomp0e, Tokluug is A.moutl hs7esed;ond 320,000-buhes30 tulftoooo5or pacecd.Svsa Rso, or7os.friduof QUFrench pro foxuvllo33odofdmo tan isteajuin dution. aopond, Repledge for War, Savings' Our Want Ada. Bring R.sultt. 33,73373. e33.73733732030233333 33low 3733 323 o33.s though reg- them-ahmId3eo2373233o theh r73ci33uit s7bo2e, oif the7 77303s3076333n0a-. oS theo pipes 707733337"Id037irfr h mont 3 33 330 37333 both, ctoss .sction3770 73f33the333733air pi ses 6,,73 -u33o333 p7obabIy 36 7330'-a, 0r d7oftson to 63337,. fHot air 737303370 are s3oays = in sd 23 de oo6o, This 10 tant7050. 033o37 air 00750 03a 336732732333373,'hsee 0 f3lusoh o3223 the f>3337s0d3permit6tho 70332air7tu flowt3737uh at37h dote6î2303o he323o573337for73. 36atno3g. Ir7te3ce,3o3f s pipeloso fume-7,'33,777 33 73337one ho» air73cg0.t.r, t233333070,3676ylo- cat6d in the 70e00 233733in50336 33003337 033t3 737337 32303373373 the0h306732air02373306336306l3the tourne0ofthe72bouse. War33a0air633733303 6aboulé!2 36 30333>3333.s303323737,377 erof the 360070076100s330032337 0732fo- 737333 t37e332 t 732of3th.3 3703,. Th3is s dnc leeqoofios e073airuli>tribution33333 03300373. aiod3in023.s,ohr700rmoair docte arc36333332,333,3 rndoOooecu am5 plu.c773in3thd3tand t363u ce.605333733337736732 ou Ihos j 0sth, jRht meurt f 3367olu 60703323032t3 u3362theoos, CoI32' oir3-tara7t 2330hoord 700,33303,3333636base0of the fur- na07elo3323bolo groto lese3, In the living q5037337,fur- ploo.32 3»&,eh aposion so thot frpleoly se psotly 003307 the opesiogo f 3neum3or30132 3ir refglatorn, oas to iOl 37307373iý ciltonlloof iersand 7330.7a 3506,32 op consdtion 03623333 the rot Md 00i00fact007lieot. Po,0extoaesmufort, mote ur7e tke 00337 pan on the f07»037 o3- ospu centaisevole, This 330337 for0hum vao>ien et3 o03,3 fobvd4iatiss, af shis 3pan gens dey or ocuuatoo dut, oofleussasoUg islu 33oh3,t6 cau se agnealpsopisst 3d77 cosoithon. CAmAk blo 00337 7033 oosissslly. Toouvil 5s32 36t oddî 50b0ii7 ta c0Rf076»snd ft00707 of opeation. In the case f foreor g30750 o7aor psoleu limuudiote y liok for es le soemusud vhh e application o0f03306,«77333336 but iftrey pmssîof a moresc- eux nature1oeuuourpe ler7 W'il oieut liussryos63ux 5033377 ourd orheti»g 36332te ch onmstgiaz 030les ose33. iulg sleaisau ea330732 ati. lowu7b, humdiiera and32 03, mrek5 tmom531706 inler 0373con' ditloolos oiti, 233 DOCfMNTARY PHOTflRAPHY 1 A 73u5r3331... of 733373-35333353, rhe sod -virtu o okS glslo»rhem asl of le..., '7773337n37y Pht3gr'shy" thu detairs,,but t res 60703'bhsu h73 33s,33337 3And32te3ni."3p-ypl"33I3r-and32hs7 se 33333 hie-ssy k-73333333333.g hac. 0mu'. 3330337 thsu 7337033,ln3a uhie s1,s373337 3337 3333 333hla73 3r caner&,70 3»35733377233377'73th3. r.6.3,rthsroo.0m7h h3233o 'bht33333577337333band632373c3m36- bhm lil2 susset yen353373333533l 6077 ph733333373y 33ndh33333 3e3 t.0 o hme principal333e3 p577 333333 .,a33333 h3707'07.753330 hsvaythy deel, .333 33gh3 7.,33t73337 733773 Utps, 733'32 537k, and he g00330 33 i,y7.37 have oa33733.323333373»3357 of lsol That'» ao hmoed s33 hs3-ss7 333,3. h3333sry. 7cha5ng e se, fuahiuns 5in 323 Theo'. ne73363333h77367033n'6 fer 300tance. 2. s3333633333 3-333i3f733 Mabe tht arru'» eoordes, 3f3373 .,art7 r in 73733333 337 37323 73 a et 50633 souooeoohy. Po,'hoo3 0 73 once. Thh'37 77033 63333333333' 773 h3o inkOu3.semary te 7h663»7sp33 pio W333 hsie7333237333333333 we.s32 hl.g, drmastt eu Wall, 733'7 sithes w3373373, 33h33 33332.oS-c.esd sroh bhouans 333373f3 hou"' 17 33'drI3, 3h33a'lMuis thot soua s terstin tse î36 3nd3 03t33e 33h3! 33h. 33h33 323333of h03 60303e typu of 033,073 h33 3ii cars 32di-ov, 33333 33th 333737306 3630omtnoeroo3sd. peoplo 07773and333333 hely 0333 3673 John van 33333237 Quickitokindl. a..Slswieh un..s, .3saa It's eusy to tsrt 7000 te Sae! - fire with fhe hnrdesf rorsi ruer eired-Old Company'a Ar thrarite. It kindien quicly. The Lu- Bure needo leos attention--toims speS- bard roui bsirns slowLy. Yon'rs surs of 8aovng-hbernuos 700 use foirer tons. Prompts dean dclivcry ia \< W Igo urntred-justcpllouritfliih nINOR5TO PHON~E 49 R. S. ADAMS '3O'%3 LCAL m Tiore Cohatou Offres are thes Blggsst Bargen uf the yese sud ases toy gurasi- fred. If you atreaoty subseribo tu ouy of ths magazines listed, youe subsureption v liho exteuded. Bond us the Coupon TODAY. BIG-FAMILY OFFER Tils Newspaper i yesr, sud Voue Choies Auy TISEME of These Publications rM37k33r63(24 1 3r. [O1Click3(T. et! ...s1Pdsu ALL FOUR rrC me.3.3o H3s,3123eoo3,yr Mos1 y lyONLY 13Fann3y H-raid ,& Wly St. 1yr1Rod & Gu lnCanadal r 3 .00 SUPER-VALUE OFFER Tis Neossooore i yesr, sud Voue Choice of ONE Magazins ou Group "A and TWO Magauinesu lu GOeup "B" GRour 'A» GROUC 33 1 Liberty377½ky 1.r. [Molsa's (24 Issues),1 ye. frT-77377y,177. f j [Chatelaines.1ye. ALFU rrch33..371.333.6st 1 ifNatioalfHomesMrsthly,r1yr. ONLY r ac r 3 Mest3 3 1 . i]y3 t] l He 0,332 & i e kySar t Gr' 1yi. S ren uie,1Oz rrs&733337373777. 1r p. Montr33r', $ r.3 .50 r rr3--Girl,1 r3.. 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BRAMPTON Esemy Wednlsodoy Estu ng OIBSON-BUYU URCHESTRA Men of 30, 409-50 3335V, 13.13202, Sboussît 5083, ..N0.~50- How to cut the coat of S Heatinq Your Home Closusug HeueojrI'170035 (If End 1 nSruoon - Rose ToPrutolfcI"roueu Roua 3237,33633,3336' o n 33.337 ,, he 373, This 3dons, t. le.- dont,367 37733737 3 t37333733 ll36 th3e3,73233 eh7. 'Theu3 Au(Ai "'nu3733- the.. 0f 733 t»533f0e-33330 sy 003r sof0e6e»husRoland su e3 ---32'thel.. . n f<the Radioactive Cheunica 0May Locale Caucer Spot setles ehemicas u vy bolp medîcal sciesos ta ocale3o 3332e7cances, 16w,,Uniesity of Caliornie e»- peimester eo3ed. T36,y foosd trau» setost hms. typen of cancoe obsoob phopAsros 70313237 Sro fre hody'î food iOp' ply 3032esleti long3er 1230» sor- mol tisuoes. Radioac3t63,e 323s323-7uo, aom33 Theth3237773633320f5 7357e-hreu carcinome3, 3733323300and iym- pho3sro70970. 33730670003335552nto ,677733367 23,o332y 3337e. Those 3223337303 3733t23u, the r.- 0t27723370 5ou333, tuuh 333 phoopho- mal l3707, 37332,77»aod sml Os- rtestine.57733333337 th7ethr67e or. f03303377770072t36 3673erfitoteea But 32377» 330333a3ignlcontdis- S77ene, the770773333ot7e3rpor- 732, 3in3233int,7the l7, hk2eyansd 333333 int3stine0 70333237posî,32os rthe body2, 3323337the cancers eld osto 32 3for7733037037 335fong t. Thi3s 73703s, 32377 solit, hot if eodio 323363233733 douosoeeod taE 00333 t3,773 l3n37rthos osuol, Il uS12th7e2body. * Find Diuoaaur Teacloa of Telaunlo Ago Mouator A fuutprisf inlsdOfoeofaopre- hi3003,i7 03336377o366he7T73oss3,3 05e, 150,000,0003y77070 03,,la0ose of about6135 6707307,0 oS disosue 6737236 633332in3 773377636feoydl- 23360 hy AI! 3and2W33333, 07230333u- 32736ts 3 33370333333, ColiS. Ath3ufh hi02335 t3335,3,370751su beoot fib ot 6l3337 Stpinsas0tles 6737e7record of 2s 76300733,30 and hnh as e23 ot 333 e2370330373, 0i. 2eh77732 hy 6737337630 thot 32 and 333,771of3the3777p333'a, 037 33770de- 13777732 hy lmt333 3033333, 32dly 302333337s of 323cr7doy, ohi7h 203s32. e32 337330a0732ie3theh7 d3o3s3e7ffu. Thot, 73333732 u3323the375emeo00 t3370, 0307 36o 3233723 733303333032as mu as 20 3tons O doy, 03732732 ex- tinction3 637 t233muott7b. Af uu f't30603 3yl7ostoIofy con' 70733333io 37n 323ri3ps , 333 n fm too 73075 033, 323733323333 3t3e western 033670, Ire333330733236357333g upeohý OaUtafh, Wyomingf, rdaoouoth Do- k3oaoad M3oaa.,- Busi,2ethe23715 vmlI-370e7e32 3233373037 6707h 3in 60332333300siaks, AU 33and323,33 3333327,3 60o h332ave ou od an,3 to3223lu3345 3337733370etuftout- priais0of uth337an33m303, ddotig hoak as oras0,00033330031 asf0g. Typbssid 'Ohols' Atolset Dr. 3333,773H. 733337, 32377633o! the3Marlan77333732 ep6t3073230 t000of 237023,,h, s3732 O 3a3message33070. trips 033327 7373 3home, lu boss Dr. Riluy »337t3 "rf6y333 have n3th7eesno77inet 73322333363,7heoforce37773307e yeoru, 033777 67 3337 63777 ht tho s vi "The 33377032333633e 5371» oS lu- te770357of0a377k3ap073, Aalttsbo ho7r 773e 63r376e30rotection7t51oie bfo7e ozi s37on3333 acaion This 032737,, 07. 323377 007, 8»P- plies0et1337333y7ta Bey and Girl Scouts, Cu33p377 0Girls, hifisg clubs0, 7003730 ood 6703377 tooriose hut it3is 3363 3237776732ao»asl tbhe 0233are70 s33ro3733776732sf000y- yhuid a033320233377333373sfousord t3a333333237 7337773733770out«-eSon. 0032 Sol Prefemondeosto Pouim bathi33 ou3306s for hiondes 03332 3332,73320 and2 77770333g salle 07Dr .harlesP. Pab3st, skinsnps- 33302303 aO 03773333300hoopitofle Brooklyn, N. Y., is o nories of ton F37 the blo3de32r 37 73223032 Ormed o"36e3i3,hob," 07. Pohst orgsd 0737larehbto and 23330 parosols. Hee 33077732 03030» sl7eping3, esd- 6333, d323333233s plig 3407 ca30733 roda The brunett6e, un tho ailier kood, ih77 3307. aOhlop330i3307 he lt ety, 3,332Dr. Pobst uoid 6the moubes 0333332 233s large0 ou t2e roo pue- iqulceelli Appoi.e il loba sIightIy 3more thon 233 33333326of food2 t00suppotuasqoleo.I Sue a 7307 . 37ut, 7306e07y tb ges. crionon733, Little the gray .qofr' telo33eist1oest00a03305. .for lie 3,a0 03 330063-roihobito ond le kush douty 03332 32373ty .. .lie As. consume05a 3the 0ment., .5033 1imeo ho digo 3if333 30677, bot moreo otos lie f37et otf0» i>2 2 . and millis om Setteeelhavesapeung 5romo 0330 050337030have psstod le SÂLESW0hShb WAOTEO y-o 32557. 577vo,,.omP. 333 070.3332332 3370033i olylog ohn 9 2m)33u3p03,3733-id ui Iuo ,rgea e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b 77e673003.73363h P -m tainuoossl shob3,heuFý) t 7370 5and t,- 733c '33723 M L.oe 3, Bnelt. o . Mul, 5707,St.323ty, W3stu 332 """ """, 63' 70,47a 3,eor y ~ o2T~ot d ..e orShclte o 1