~U. - *Im 1.lestlso W lmW WI MTau s -6 îD mmm iu !aiapiou MILT.T5,TOUR00DAY, DEC. 11, t941. (JÂNÂDIÂN CHAMPION1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE.'Lot Indien Tanue, Thiainin Neeaaary for Mexican Jungle Trent African Native Adopta dV4t RUPR»-D7XONlG, Ai Tain Bc o #unvd ies) Again Are Seing Studied Ke.ping Neeve Healthy Yield Gum Ingredient Strange Method of Reat iVat T15,OAXoIoNSfO, AttTctt, st ttttdtd int Per ttlti ,tsoullreTeasGon od Ce24.ttss of iteetta Aitffp'y yrth et peope tf the Mtty othe dtrsihttd tnatest .PA2OADLAs PoAoss¶oO AILWAT Iihes, thet Spantah ttpltrrttoncte d Seir tunit cott in tathe wUited Sttes, pstd $5000,000 ot of ctratl and ttothtt Arttt knes MAI BT.. t- MIdtTON.ONT. -.042. aWe- duhhsd, wnedrtng ttd tttb ttht are: es.crle c tiaory), 2ss0hwntg att. e. s tttpartPttusthote tt tttt ups bfore tmetfrott MAI ST»..MILON.ON . otItdieta," hve attaincd t Pttttshd i e-tuth sit ; haut grsns, 21.- fSt.aretc tqtttttcd pth tht dtt. Euorpe caett ts2 eirlaed.ISe ..~.B.ct.tttî7.36 t.a~ a. ulI a. mrof 2 ttiffl is mttt'flify. Et O pr tap; brttlt, 17,000 Ptartmalte ftcy behted thttauftutretos tedo htss, thcy tsed dtgtg- g.Tlomm so. 5.Ap.0 .'-Deiliy eh5t8l ry hnn ctap oSthit dtmd! lac. tsp o estiacdl';trntip gees, Il,- OSf ti tit ttttt sub'stanttc. sttcks. Nootedayt thsp arepsotd- »M 1 8.6 p -Dttfexemp- t Sn*? oghnas beau stgthtte td a ~o00ar ctp; pittth, 8B400 psr cap;a The SaptdiUt2or Sapotate c thet td ntth httt ttthicthsp havectb- 9Ihalttt.A.~tEt. 5S GwaT- meilscsietifit publitation yDr. 2ertz,700iontclarget .tred yldathe cthicletamrs it Tooettt taitcd hp' taet nth the nhitest #= en, .27 .- its e. Jthtn0B. Swantoetfth es Brsetutoftcrrt;: lSmhqutesc, 1,000 partSe. hut f ttht Mttcali jutgle. Tht BeltattCttgt ta tretg ctyvt- . wtimslas. unqu, at-83.0. 12.8 xemt eo ylagAretr atEthStltso.. cap paray, 5.000 pr *pris; Tht thicle ta ohftasd hp. gthtt- stcd ntth ftretstt, he etaret _______-ttNt- Theic spsech, vhith tn hsttttmtes green pstu,,10osas t 5o tble- ag tht ltex,tattittty stnettttstchtt of gaetlatd. Wht Shes stuatoiRM BtU (iota S501.-7.00 &m.., tès. 2.07 P.M. apat ofthe Secrtd oSftcompltes: *p mterai; swct pftftesa, 4,200tanttone htch format thecthiefS tretgcofctt ttt522ldtry, it ttahoarrît ad the tt,.tte.tlte-tce.,Itutt SOpa 0.. tlitottipt oAtnticitt. tu5tt2221psled; Purnithittt 9200 t tin S th cth tag getoi.. attttd tJhthsok p ntth htct. Wa-et0.es a00,.s.A p.Là Indettgroupe,.la ccnrachhy dtx- tap; wntfccsquasht, 7000 parcatp; Tht thttleres, orc htchtcdrttSottjtttail the Sentatd ttutt W«"27 it BA 6;n. -tntt, tne Siiet>. nntheallihez. Ut- eprictf,,8,000intourschaSves.; tom& th-e tarey c senty ttllcdOretf a ttthctirepuTt tt tletting tht ..... ..ootL - familerIreulsfmodem Aosritun tts. 200t asott one; bhtsSlittc, rcteitfrnt mtt0 the ps.tetulatd. Ths thtcfttropts tct and ...o..tchAo2.o..t.td-.t.ONAS NATIONAL RAILWAY cageestsCthi tet h 4,0 ats tcf ptt;~ for thteshba opulaftitt ta ct.uid. tcfPOttt QtOîgttt..lh.81ttt ,tpel2Keceenkw,. Tauemlipecattto.and 2,700inon; iute. ,810pectable- tred ttfifta te edursehe adthipe Whtt tht tttpttare gotng, thit. lae be.fi - -Y noTUJesenhriano. AUS ver. Serly .ptet; Amttscinhtet»ht., MOIPst tf Ith fcclos lit,. Tht tapote detttd te goetd, tnd ttc cx- une ,.tt .0..,. I 7.16 .li . ornait, ted prthehfy qutfprmtee, lests; Roquecfrtchatse,50O PscrIt rear ta grs.f hctghta. Ilpsptd f Ç5ttesaep' tttttttt thith ..oth.t.t - died ut or wer men-eintiles. w _______________fcisthihdidstercrnonee. .tdIoeil cp' ryher ttdedhce lte t0ht do dage..Thsp' fhrttt ttsu nItum. -elai- -4 ài i atreicotat wth wlfthifteto- AsWthleatnn rttfamtaael D.latasedy nganiniitotatoes, o ththsticks. aihehttte. U- --o0ets - ts,.1ct. POLLOCK( & INGIIAM qtcmr. RuselltOM. Widr, shtilctof thet tanat bra cthestttd hlointhe and attltpest Shieon ea thtewhtocttuotftlhet t2eetnaat&00. Mtttcal otn hlth Dr. Swnteot Food and Nutrtio o <su..iftteo terntof theSe ectgrtctlette,. Thtt Tht hppopoteteos t.anther t OLuST WOS0 MO UM NT sp~eh .tth sobdouents se t .id aedeqette stppJOt. of 50s tit.-quitta gret aili Tht thicîtro ut. eptottUp' ef ight. Ttsavetht PcGI T&WHTE100. Dug185.. hp' tnt tryo js 2 orsmaemi re tttestttyformtainltang lthstill the lieutr metteitteode optstt fr htthisst,, Sttct2are PuLema. Dei« nKqm y tcesuritors of Sl e'&ls. th et tnatio a il.' Bettuof sitht nilhp' Otîd itabohndattt qOlttp,'dt.Ahpoeatsfth 2tp GAL. hy. sa 00T ut. Thct.sstme, hcothtct. letd ratle ta heeptag ststtt. httthy tnd dependtag te htn thittotlp' hs han- bottdowellesftut hoe hc etttea MREDICAL _________iv_____ af 1 lehur tlt. . a Soc a ortftgtctstdltand.10dti>]etttt.Mtstt h Se 2ttpee tft lts __________________ledcr's dctth tan100, ettiltSecy hubhaue tanai! tht nmoralet ti- muett ta etagile ttat.hsr minetht Attthttsorc otooutt td lt huttg. Dit. ~ ~ ~ wr SIVNO aapHNIRt'turtped bh panpttarde aed mn." t'taietgod Sec taggntaucSets ar5e sllp'20itfo 30 tSo l ites thtdtpesd attent elp' orSE ENSNd HUM; ER , .R TURNER tht ecul treit e Spestisi> hip tppstiftead ithSec spritttt0 tbov theStgctstd. ot thteettt fthsp' itt. Thett teep- laDI.. .U£. C .«T RN yaFrecth frsa. Aeotehr ttey dettacrs ht ete t S tttpltaceethctldt on,22 tttdt cluhs, apera,,htttt td. Phjtaet. Sugna I Ft.ct Dltttc ottdtntet.hsec' e 50 nrt. t S. ed pctg aftt. hAlter te ittta cilict. Tht pt , throwng htlee ad phtt 2w - X-RAT ntt made in 1720 at e at nt 5Tht enitttttnuommade Sfranctc. ofthe hal-teklednitn.s tatda a- 7-9l.sftttottt.m. aniesd 0.l.., r taetcietific heoltdg e tltl disoot- 1.51 nthgrtt,1(000 tlst) frsenSt- ntlcdsilght and itauieht'-cllaWhe ghtitg gisthrrbe Oitse.-er.tOl.s. r __cd aimnstgFrecth archiets 4ronet edte- h» ~,~ ~ hl.2ttt thtiso thesgttt sf Thettlr CAEPBRLLVILLEfercDae'@ Potîcai Osig.. 1919. 1.8 main. (M u0 sforSac otd.c- eitins otaeSecnal.tOnceut'te Ppot isot t tsiattpttTh Pnausîce MILTONI. Te nd can ordr egin . e nilhfo e atie mari of la next>,d.,. Pour2îf ecStnto depec hIda t tnptc o Jto ot Di-HNE dSTEVENSON.________1-_____ ttsc Indl tatgetrecorde thS el.nght. Oeteflp', tetta n hrctit epldlp'Suntott tîi, t2t.lttttptt. 39t-Mtt2-1-3.. _________________ h'tntc nrdt epee.ses, tettnt sousttt ttp n thes bocks. Eeth oS thcît hocla er fitot unesttl lphn Ont.ieor-9-ltoe.m.. 1-3 p.o.,7-8 p. F. W. B. FITZGERtALD Yucnt onttt 2Std ta Smedthrefi. mis. Elîrouheatd ueop'tutltcy s.deyt hy AppointaietelrI. IsraemdRm saeX-Ray in Buines Savez tht gardaie,butftSetricthentfsppliets _i__are____ tureOgd tntett httforethtp' 00.0. E. SandReal E2tattea e i. HotteseotStht Bgteit SYRThousandt of Dollars com XI>.thebtahtr shottahd pse ot llwedfteet theflash Phoct.,, tcoî Attl it...tommerttes. Tr.«ted, Tht X-rep' tat gees iota bustatss. gocry stoet. Duraloility of Canvas of ctttthott thtp' blît, tt thcp'usoti - sca ndSrenThtettacedveltptd pintrdp' Maket Luggage Lightec 2ittrading utttothu thtrie. t. . .. tPar.tesud T-no.ptetl) ttdt ittsa et l",No Mirror lase . Dldftnt ttggegt oet made ottlp l't taa 2f .tl ten net. a ptoieg pan jevmo.tsi rnl]et ro tt;hde.Thi a.MrcePatcl su,.n Il.t..-, " a 9,-t »uLIQ ... 59a.oe. odrtta, Itasercetattions, tnd lI More Than Century etel hht.,,p' thtt nurdobel Mrcenldtcl Ce ... r3Mt . H.Mf1.'t25ietadtttt tageelte, etyt cotttcth Whtt Smetd GecteteChtrnttbhgatmaetofSthtt tated e tttttimet Perfect for Curtaint aise tlt2tprcision and aeurecI onytlustcj vonLtebignmadehth butIl gve tt hbg excesivtecIagn s e utes wch teALidttstry. 50 e tctirât modtetictet 105 p'es a, ntighf. A heg ftt test, ofthe tpep Wiu2tt Mtitanc e opteDto t lepued hsnwsle gsltinkw alenth et "Gladston."et i> th '1c thile ocsack. tcres rot, Edion omany t bconthesaent aetatacto oee nape trasad xr poe 2ervee ddtttoe are the uost httotttpcol DICK& - . COO KE aiWAL ; dr, uodtnecld te ccpetd of5aises, tees hsmtstetpthe comysfte nteghsd 25 ptttde ors o rsatutatd of eftexture W. 1. PICK, OC. 4 nty pst nh ccnemd ta ht luth et htelÎ if htditvr had.HtieeP . Yeulovtoto huch. Booedstotutgood (tussiCE.MENTmndCINDER rtttigtaghflatter pceesd tteePaie lt f ormulte li hbU. S. Todor. about 75 pr ttt oft al]tttto hc tue. hotut oee cth th h ce KEBEiTIIv. mco, u. S otysd. aiheurt. Httw at X tmanufactuera sc.ed.liffît chataigt.fusacs e2e nttred ttolwngiratcleot modernu ottotttp thioh ENTi... I.22 .. BLOCKS r: tt acietttt te on tsrckhteto ttt in$5000,O onrth a ttdjttttr diffttctttonstrtonhvehog,0,us eoottth,0gteasny- - -u«. 9peio ta tht puIes. hcc ere hy of ntcors fSec Seesaseeof sez .ptatlpl-theftentehtth tht atr-.lon stoohîegs teddluette fttettopt, anaot0.2 Ototl12 BRICK and TILE s tand, dettcttet ettyr condition, fromiroscpe2s ta tocktail bac. plae t iflttees bholi. Stltees abc tt ouethis ttttopatiettforshotocc natd ilumaet the cfl eti n ya.Therltieuxttabout 193,whethe asroplstphtetme a utans. MANUFACTIJBED of pltedtaltft ep. the tdstr wns.See ti e 052todttlat toeioft!pescst totratt Ths i ot a octsd ot rttlfait TAUTl CHINSON as ý«,mahie Ctliforeie ted Arzotea ttrea fruit 1bare thi. mtal.ea shbtatatth aesit 2rre ts iebut ho eaepastie, tittiltt to the Dhrolr Olcio, i. Att et... - nyAnt2itty gwerstucet 1t0 2-cep'ntacns ta i.Pr.ve:on LiebiLthg&terthtd. fStctd ta edept ltsait to theurget gleeo hi>., totpendestnd eets ohtoh Barime, Slictor Et. 93 EW540ST PHONE>88st morf thctc trtp. Wthth fhtn.alilertIn otfth es5000 U. S. pltnts,. dmntdeorlt.i huti>. Oi tetth sni the ttrelurataorig ticut.-..t 2trCheoiottt00t. onet sec rc Scct, Califtctta .suctaoretn iSe portetit pihtcsAepltt.ttar ttilusdstoettd teol eti7c. The t O2tt2tt'll ette Mîiz-.t Udote hamion ffie. BURIc oeo ,A.ttt t Ststc ttel'ht-ptsccd Shes ltqstd Sen tet aia, hnhsttestchtd ttghtty îlot slighttp'iS pAltid, het thecor-c Talphoc 0. *,,.,.,ee*eeeeeee4 chh ntld hav ee hcctt tened 5., platsfae, htd te a nift àoeca ftstecoS lighf noti or te tt itesyt tttet f0 to tortint _______________5__.__ y ordtnattp'etsods. Tht me- hl-hucor2moefoSothSec solutta ion fsstelni, duraetho ttht. thtpe. Tht octetetedon pottaiest to 6EOOE tthines hâdtif e t$250.000; tht or-. tdetcamotentiumtettocetd RO- wntfh e2tecroustthtr cdos.ttes, mtchttht thowet., ootttîtsto that EREE.ELLIOTI anesth. eysptaeed ot mktesclcthdlc Epstm moite) ta dcpostl$ an ed qoittc tserellp' Mtodp" tog. thet hofrcu mtcp' bt esthltd. totcrte .. , oty Pobltc. I N S U R A N C E boutght$7.500.000. tt1Scpshagmilvesc. gaai TsstcTi, ge t Scltccd teit eand thtetc wtypep _____ Pemt_______tuthe__________triniTngeinePl.,_nebsect e i2lyl howntas etoplnet Faret i e.,s'Buiding. Maie plentt hctag viSe tht- pbbles arted dsy ttioth s,îenmy Ssed, bld. langagt. Clctpeitra sNcdl.' tirat.c. Mltlho,. lame of i rt. NliSer ctsttnetag Philadelphie ehbetat t eed IStite thItrScoedutotof eestsA plaqueiit g ew tchitothal Tatachoca 70. Lis, Flst, AtomoblIt, Brgary theeitc s ttuld detett ecoWillom Pttttth. He tta et hfilasea coeenett presettdastoit- stois ehot "Cltoptta'tNtsdlt," IPlatBita$,Acidn, I.Htlth. .11, but tSec 2-toptpot.scte. Meh- t§rattvctif ot In 10 yti2s and lht catta te nt te.poS thit smart tht irtt eplaeetotp' eoticethfrt hcs 1 estbPttg ai n, tsSd and tc- gued hhbd i15cott te ahîn f etisvrbe tahdt h bls DENTISTRY -bettt tnwtas it ttatUarlp' ta dt- For c its u st holidtp'i Cbteta chotttt i 0ysinOtNewhYork, --ftttSorttgttsbstance. Pasttthed tcitdftouetdstoffor. hdoiepOttt0Ocd n t et fac OR.. A. Kilo F. 1D. DEWAR m_____ uest to decolt ith ieispc- .Bii.avOuDotCrtps o he eht otth outnCen- Ph... 72 Remid-e Mill t-et.. ss,tale âtidfinllpaetttsded. Ththo titittdtisonetoOurtral ph. DENTAL SUR0GEON t2 lsidtosIit hst Wt Pante, et Pari. neSots he 1,51 hi, ttt.statp Cotonaltfetfand totittîf httds, onep 200 Maeyoottoott hut i tqotttd of peci Daai s oail iding, Mittat. ~Plane foSPerisa.bhsaeotsit. Sheabrat'2onPhiladtelhiet'$Maita oac.ly .es hovertig dciotitp' hsSoy attendants, aof t!tht. dpttet T.I.Ph... 197 oethe wectttr lgelsthelow. Lit.tlipceuws.in i n.,tau..ta loatteastthtips nectt. Bot hp'aluantt etltphts, chatftht 0-9 le .îertls elfctr etastc. Dr. big tinrtplatt d bthan viettte àostbstntet portotnofhts diet telt thaîttotftoestptct.t i th DRA si. .E.. tasC.C b A.eLoretsJohnt Bteyttt. s ofMithi- . otoret deyp pttngag s 5211lntgrconstii.ta of.pldtc-ittet etetip'astEgpptîce hittoglp'pht a ccord ge t Otescatisct semde tu25sefts ntrctc 2m> sttcp' drom door. big ts hc sa. Tht. ta uet oStht idsi,,gtp', tht poci dettpent e tiged DENTAL 80100EN 4tells frs thehtoise cotet sthcrixtthtntueet. Aloguastoriaosootyhd,ctitbroe :LisenseAS Aucttanoor :oft tliids14. Bttks of patertof Puieeut ai IFit. thtp' efay ottht lob tet et. Othtandcoi ththcostt ctcettp. If OU. .- sPrt.ia-Th-It. *t. .tli.. atitt..scatd Pari.s thit ofs atft-e taiaea oetiattt.b ht rtc Orcop nldera 5 Pott.iPr box 2 ec te ed Th ntfc etîl og «ns aiddlc..gsd pesansut ta thtect.tdpspkets, cho aedeton e Clopttc's Ncsdic. This chtiti . .....O£&tte.theÂurface. TeOt.ttBrtht i e tt,î,et G& XTACI H aeo. :0 MLTO e tc htrtsst 5 Bsrbara Jta tesaof25Ntrsh, uctti-ft h iecintrtt55; Ccdct caset ut.,d 0tirt iHthopotit, Hor1 R-tsNe 3 ILTN Ctytp esp arcetn Ifnile pes t taxWetnrg end theSt.digo BoetengEgypt tn 16000 B. C. It ccu ctm.veod ans. 0a bureblohsh. Masturts cm heur. Ftc BarbarasmetverSfastthst desftp' tttttytt, dsst cater. ltoAlxandrit te 122B. C. hp' tht N ILS N..-' _________________ rtknib rc tta WnhesSt teefh Setgh otdp fiv es ac ud. plieactand gcasshtppecu; thtCuar- Romat.s. Preettd hy thteOhtdive surfaidce, netath cia fhatse, Bebtcet s by tctfr tsesttndd tat e t httlote fa large gopiotEgp'pt to tht CtyofNtw Yotrk. Thae Chis.oi i fca eitstaet. BDpbuthesa . ctabrhdly desp'cd. Thsy u id Sa rpdcecssb' o p.tg sto thot 2 28thtYeutotpt...s uttrtofpatebocks.a>.ît etpk: stdcctnnletthr heatS et12sf iSh-e8 sttainte" f wcser cttscttp':I l t8,ttttoogh tSes gstroe.ty otf0Wil- j . . HSHLM ttieaasccrnuttt uetfSte, tlittcoutiltt e. A anddtSec Jsure dgttt.gs thattestliam H. Vnebl. : Liconas Tu AuotTonX.R&Ye. h.isHtend. patet nfstlott. Itasteiset a, we ses 2 Sa5- .0tas,.3usoett.. . 5yh otiresofllesa___d __geterla otptceeteop'ttW,5u A ttei. S Sto vnt Ph.. 0«. 6 h.& 9h,.1 t&sp'. ttiSesuzerin faSl etIs u ht h h ea sedll 2201f tI mtre t 0 eeisButoS tht uti." 00 n Ctttsylvi, utet l 0pes udhep oild.>Efrer-tBarbaratlitouS2me de t w~therffiint tettinta fr yo221>.Whnelier secod ttet gonout hcta c Stiv nwotersanttdtt one rtIWO oS Pte intepiets tottcgc,- PIANO 1> VIOLIN etnd whlt..Tht ytth.arese a-teal dtecd lhtr plaestatltt. nw ptcesrslptt g e r ttofn toar ortsdof uctthe 940 cte. tp' rith iltnt etf m inteaitheti _____- aisctc taeedtl. tec lstt e ecp'Mors peoptp tutotog tht hi5 ttllet GUITAR G ALT hetps t te oci ctI ltod ces>..Thty yea ehttoce-t1030 tni 1940 eppertet arettn Imepotattsoutrc of pst- SE . wbetiatcod Ths etitlte aedinttatsuvy hoveP ttlinoosait ttownsfhct ca.la imethefrmineta] ttltely . S. Sctsttzad wate of theSlbf wend probîet nte tt ttty lbea frr fimm Tlrm.ing amd Repiring Monument - h. teb. lu,, itn atp'dits. Kgsteare firstttetnhtps oS RcdSoar Lnec, W. . BellouthSec&ttesdcpstmntt stop'h.etSnc. PHON 24- MLTO 6266 .t. Si, Nrth G.t as a ichbouepofuSphitphtrs stttabbthd in 1873. Ndtttetd tnd oS tgriculturc ead Dr W. W This shifttio populationt tetp'haet PHONE tu - MILTN OS Oit Wetar 2, Nocth, andIt e a s s orc.eSfrihoflootn a ttfrctd tesco tt to hipi hoillfRabinh hleStUnivestyfoSCellitcer ppt 'sto.otpts - titeteta G). Fer gotd nettues. p' lon,esanhiahcd by CteetA. neatolcge cf agrculotture. hbusinescontionos chiph pteoiltd - Monmem, Mrker mmd a s nepi ay.prenanttGrion. J. D. PalS, tend Wiliame O. Botne.25,000,000 act oS Cslitopels dormit tht istoit. Cocc.>ttindus- Monumnt$,Markrs an - vtami Atad D eîrplet inWare,otiPbilsdclphis. Shipttarecettclatda. ..p'.tSe. eouty are ttial otity tmculated hy tht dc- âm ta~ eta ettdpstdit utn haf thtnetSlitdtant18Ntailaetaat-eep.o omidttetd bp' tort. ,02ts fce Ppogatoutetp'ht.tg atep. Cemete c e tt1e880flm hto hsd f2 csf. Modern poellcp'- pattc âtp' ha sbritS csctcc. Built tehipi> h ave csptscd mnofh e! Sc-y rotntht tt-t.d. Pdot Mtodeat-Wock GOoacttd mentcta lth fSat tSesîtlhensanetcne1073,th Ste lt, rme. timntivle eset,it,. The popolto.eot thte tote os e ltbectllp spplsed wtlevitamietA a 1r tin c 2 S tec Vtserd.,80,00 ________ iolei ttoctu olp'28pprcet ii IN WltO H c00 D. ~>R. EBITCHEON. Ptoplaisc and D. toadtthe Ndtctstd, 3.000 iota. tht ptet10 yp't n ot. e tOeiî thl -MOt R .0lS. ______ Thtp'o.rrc tbta paegcts fut Atding Lifa L84Betndbsî 1. o h 013 ttd ________________________________--__$100godetandttscraet.OSSt uc Tht defene resarch p.,oc.,pt -an- E~vry Mm eftt trpp O-hips tirat plisdtwehsn s eeotpdeatethod oftrtttg 'SeccMy ttthl *,t 5fttt'5 .t ttS tt oS Laet.attd brigtatsdvelpmntt Antrp. Bstiun. ted Philael.otdhgstufhatt Secy w ett more2ttttPt toLoodot. shap cîiocs u COUNTrY 0F HALTOCN intercsltaary wtrld laa eth-t-Pill;.st, Anetsp antd NewYor. ttsttocp',est.vice - m licPy O ttcreltt oyhbomhfragmnPts ad ptussct!restauratttainNs. Yorh. ______ tilîse. Prepttcdnetat, to.Oodehopae ppOttilYdetoyepro.P Ilttgtfhetteretrnt ae itsfoc hug eg.tsctos tupplits ric.,tott vescth eh cothtt inde, 1941 LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR1941 pr- p ontaoa Sebsiautlp and *eppsttat. 0015>1. Body totttre ngatgeZd in cOPtale r.,otetog orignal posters to poteînn ______________________________ hltllp tqsipp.d ithtt ,httt the Rtdtn-apltiot ced cedios sn aet utpchuedptds ottetitiosofp.tandthotr ottopt ftopNaeutraods. A cotete cn hi henEO2o aenbin sietitetefid utwht . totttttet cittt lie n pst, lnonelage dtLhged stoe et0 ct Ictoos 0sofletlhoteeth e hthr of stsrs inhiphscalutortirttrcacm .sheltottltiutt'otthtoinhtBerlin:" ~~doitgttnta -shes atea (tht tettaut SAMn......cOs97ec7.rtprtttdes clottc-ppso. Thc5 a-ioduinei,,r.hthtoeiuh autte., gs. .. a .s , s 'ler a Sl ttrtIîtf t tftUlctt !Cali!2ctta, ecegirl. ihcorse re ntightt ae t e 22'.fttmnt oftS Se AtthrSe d it.tOc2t.'1 Éib P bo505î2. at i hitand wcilcolpus>din, told dtis bp' ets subttanet.fo Wa Sai e net.r Sfmt eit a tty tauai>ttn rot e st.y pitt of t.t.c. thc pre K ie ge fo W r avng ........ Be.aocofea-.t.et2tte:otsht . tenhct thty geltentc252lttou'duto flO raS~dio2ative sbta2Pe I-, .Co Lt; . , iT. Tbef ,02;2. . t.0. to hae e Stt escrtapopstethat it oed oS rttststable atonaePItesu old ht to ed tof t1t o oer leoS the uftttsltimtnce, tndr G stlÉ ... or n.e-...d ittto .,tljstr . 1 hanis,y I AIlatce offeat fhteet.mtgnoA D - I Ails.Me t e h. mlat0es.. _ _ T1-; IHRIfi la today on the arch tII Shtst>gh Cae. ..titt lité. In industcp', tinthe office, onthe far-t, -,t-i. thanchetd.,fII is sving fortills.nu..1.irc-e..t. An accontethshBnk iflb mst uefullin YOUR THRIFT PROGRAM. IE THRIFTY. Suy Wr Sv tgs Ced ifts TheRAINK of NOVA SCOTIA Et-D Bit3-OVRR1 A tiItURt 00 ABttItEP5ttsfCE Quiok te kindio ~* Slow t. br... Itseasy t tatyonr to Save! fr ihtehardest coal ever mnined-Old Company's An- thracite. It kindies quoclely. The fur- nace needs lesa attention-this super- hard cool burus çldwly. You're sure of ,.,, saVings-beca>sse you use fewer tons. Prompt, ~n delivery in 4C$ graranteed-justc ournumber. PHONE 48 R. S. ADAMS CýIeSNAPS=lT CUILD INFORHu4L PORTRAITS T AKNEd ot. or ut, thest tttpartatt prt of ,,y ttepthp pt.tttte laagui Itkpttt.t Thet puy 2o'd ,tpt,t.tt teu.. t lktttt,,. but tfiale, tttgges aP rya .hic 1 . nturel sud stio a..t thins ,of tthe tttttttî ohtetyand0 lutt. testttts.. T 'btet. .h pt...ty ttuoa tlotn,. u tmttt do ttto thttgs.0 -mai) a tttturequtthty .,, iILtt a lot o 2fsandti.thtspttg. Outttd,P Pt yout iîbhct aies. i Prext mpl,, gtt. tttttt the tuhttt thte. Tht phottt itht .sW., tt ttW t teBieof t l the hairtt, htttJef Wsus ah.o,ted 1. atbohkth.Wtpt attetionhtag ottrte td fotan. t] Ment;se tttd ..th.t to tht h .1...d. l. laSttht, type 2f ,ttt th88 t nbtt ytu tattestttt, Do't dttstd op2 en on .hbt. 2fI entae. t8ttt tne et-ut.p t1. orthl a bombter of pitttttt.hotg veut.p eue «Presstion.andPosas.. t'- aet teg. of tttttttt duitt. thg ine tot. ht to to or tttot y.t il, te, .tttt n.fAh',ot.- lott iio No. t hod e n.t O ttlttt 1 sttltthis ut-to-p ot- Ptlt ttt ,,,, teapti posi tt o " . tht etatp td aIo tî i t.t lt-t. .etgt. huteti o ,t,,p 2:t td ht 2.tt Ittt dt Ilto , o P1. t-oo .tîpuoood laott, o No. et.atnoda Na t2-11 ,tdp 2 ttetr.. l,'r.. they N Oi.oh,,It-.uo tooStt tOt he t.d an t&Mll t.th- 1.1toy ptoult h tOpathetttyottp mi OS. h S mjt Joh VpffuoGo-do VOLUME 82, -9 W>.. TeurS BasB Tasi> nil CAIBDY Ttac WtadsoTtBh Bey BAIP5AEIO